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I've thought about playing this game for a while because it looks very pretty and I've not played a JRPG in years. What's the general opinion on it? JRPG fans, is it any good?
High highs, low lows.

Excellent music
Excellent battle system
Great job system

Bad story
Bad pacing
Boring dungeons
Characters barely interact with each other
8 disjointed stories that have nothing to do with each other
It's mid, it's gameplay isn't particularly good, and it doesn't really do anything unique. It was sold off of its (at the time) unique artstyle and that's about it.
what about II?
I liked it, but >>3680852 is right. The story is nothing to write home about, and the characters barely interact. They're all pretty likeable, but there's not a lot to sell that they're all on a journey together.

Still, the battle system is fun and the music is great. Get it on sale, should be cheap now it's been out a few years.
It's good in the sense that it scratches the old-school JRPG itch, and I enjoyed it for that reason. But it's very, very tedious at times. The battle system is great for bosses (though sometimes they're complete bullshit) but extremely annoying for the constant random encounters. You have to fuck around with weaknesses and boosting just to do decent damage and it makes trash encounters take much longer than they should.
And everything >>3680852 said. Story sounds promising to start with but it's extremely limited, the pacing is bad, the dungeons are bland as fuck and just amount to following a straight line to the end (maybe searching for worthless chests hidden by the perspective).
The characters and the broad strokes of their stories are kind of cool but the translation is annoying, especially for H'aanit.
>Characters barely interact with each other
Game really should've been more like Live A Live with self-contained scenarios.
Its fine. But the dungeons are terrible, its just a bunch of copypasted hallways with the occasional hidden treasure chest.
idk why these devs refuse to put more effort into their dungeons, bravely default had the same issue.
I played dragon quest IV on ds recently. Everyone gives dragon quest shit for being boring and basic as fuck but even that game had more going on in its dungeons and it was a fucking nes game.
Also every chapter is very repetitive. The character arrives in a town, investigates for awhile, using whatever their unique action is. Then they go into a dungeon and fight a boss. It really would have benefitted from mixing the formula up a little sometimes, it starts to feel like a chore..
>it looks very pretty
The dungeons aren't just bland because they're too simple and straightforward, it's also because they're literally all the same shit. Every dungeons in the game is either a forest, a cave or a basement. I am not exaggerating. There are easily 12 different cave dungeons alone, maybe more. Sure old JRPGs had a lot of caves, but they also had other great dungeons and those are the ones that stick to your mind. Octopath doesn't. It's all caves.
What about 2?
2 is a vast improvement in every single way except OST.
It is terrible desu. I dropped it fairly quickly, there's simply nothing of value present. It's very funny that anyone is praising the music in this game
Is easiear and faster than the previous one. I prefer two over one.
Just skip this and go for Live-A-Live and Octopath 2.
I bought ff zodiac age
it's 1000000000x better
NTA but Id say octopath II is better when It comes to story and pacing, as they are much more interconnected
That said, Dungeons still suck. And that is an important part of RPGs. The overworld is great though
>It's better, despite me not knowing what I'm talking about
Yeah, I don't know what he is talking about either. What does Final Fantasy XII have to do with the game engine Octopath Traveller uses?
It's the worst JRPG i have ever played.
I loved Octo two, but the dungeons are like a lot of FF9 type things. They're super short, really direct. In fact, if you just want to roll down the critical path and ignore loot, you'll barey fight two battles - it's literally atmosphere setting before the actual event, the boss.

I can tolerate that though, because randoms in the game are really just there to gate sections of the world map, or at least create risk when you enter places you shouldn't be - there's no particular resource management aspect. However there are a lot of good boss fights, and you can ignore a fair share of randoms, be underlevelled, and still win with a decent setup.
But when they are like that they feel like such a waste of time. It is as If combat is the only gameplay section that really matters.
And team asano, although not the best Dungeon designers, at least know how to make resources drain type Dungeons, as we seen in bravely default and Second, where we even have some Very few instances of quite Nice Dungeons.
I dont know, Dungeons to me are a pretty central part of RPGs, I wish they had put more effort in It, especially because the atmosphere is great in some of these.
I'm playing the 2nd one (supposedly much better than the first) and the plots all feel really simple and often juvenile.
The battle gimmick is decent but it's one gimmick.

Beyond that I'm not really seeing anything that makes it 'good'
The combat, music and graphics are great. Everything else is mid. The world is completely static and characters don't interact in the narrative. Order of stories don't matter at all. NPCs will repeat the same dialogue from the start of the game until the end of the game.
>The combat, music and graphics are great
Get off this board
I think it's one of the better games I've played in years. It has that old quality JRPG feel, of a grand adventure that is mostly actually playing. Limited cutscenes or angst. Just moment to moment exploration and gameplay.
>Great job system
The job system is nothing special. It's literally just the ability to give any character the secondary skillset of any other character. It's good enough and offers a sense of variety and utility, but I wouldn't call it "great". There's rarely any synergy between abilities, and after a while it becomes clear the only purpose of the job system is to give you access to all skillsets no matter which party you use. In the end, it makes half of the characters just feel redundant. The best part of it is the cute little costumes.
>8 disjointed stories that have nothing to do with each other
Never really understood this complaint because it's not like the devs promised this at any point--it's an expectation everyone just made up. I never really cared much that there was no overlap. If anything, I found it charming that some of the character stories were small and self-contained, instead of each one of them turning into some ridiculous anime bullshit.
It's really strange that they have nothing to do with each other. One does expect this. Never played it BTW.
I remember wanting to play this game badly because I thought it looked cool.
But it's horribly boring. So as Triangle Strategy. The visual style looks okay except the annoying dark vignette, Square failed to develop good games to utilize it properly.
>8 party members
>can't change the class you pick up first until 25/30h in
>which means you can't do 2 teams of 4 and rotate
>every cave, mansion or castle had a purple chest that only the thief class could open
>that meant you had to bring the thief everywhere if he wasn't your main or go through each dungeon twice to get the chest loot
Fuck this shitty design
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>can't change the class you pick up first until 25/30h in
>Limited cutscenes
My memory of the first game is a bit fuzzy because it's been 6 years since I've played it, but Octopath II is absolutely ruined by cutscenes. The game won't fucking let you do a single thing without talking at you for several minutes at a time. The whole gameplay loop of "get to town, find objective, learn about NPC of interest, interact with NPC, go to dungeon" is completely fugged by the fact that there's a laborious cutscene between each of those events with a ton of pointless dialogue that constantly re-treads what you're doing and why you're there, just in case you have the memory span of a mayfly, as most modern gamers do.

I recall the first one having better pacing, but maybe it's just that I was more tolerant when the game was novel to me. I still look back fondly on the first one since it had quite a lot to do and I still think the battle system is fun, but the second seemed to only double down on everything, including the flaws, which made it a much less enjoyable experience, in my opinion.
skill issue
>dialogue that constantly re-treads what you're doing and why you're there, just in case you have the memory span of a mayfly,
The worst part is that progressing typically requires the use of one of your path actions with that NPC, but not only does the game tell you which one, it won't even let you do it yourself; it just automatically happens once you go to the NPC in question, who is always marked with a waypoint and has a huge green speech bubble over their head.

So instead of:
>pay attention to story
>figure out NPC of interest
>decide best path action
>find NPC
>do it

>get told what to do and whom to do it to
>go to place marked on map
>watch cutscene

I don't think a lot of modern game devs quite understand just how damaging this denial of agency is to players with more than room temp IQ. It's not just insulting; it's fucking frustrating. Why are they so afraid to let me play the damn game?
>8 disjointed stories that have nothing to do with each other
The biggest lie ever told.
>8 disjointed stories that have nothing to do with each other
Maybe I'm a faggot, but I've always thought the small, subtle links between the stories and how they tie in to the final boss were way cooler than if they had all been some big, epic crossover.

I like the fact that the stories are each their own thing and some of them are actually really low-stakes, like Alfyn's basically just being him exploring what the Hippocratic oath, or Primrose just wanting to kill this one crooked fuck that ruined her life.
>The biggest lie ever told.
Go five minutes without bringing up the Holocaust challenge, difficulty rating: impossible
This would have been ideal. As long as each character still got all their chapters and their own unique cast, I think the game would elevate from an 8 to a 9, possibly a 10.
Not really. Theres a few great moments but its really, really barebones like an rpg maker game in terms of barebones story and mechanics. Like its not as bad as Bravely Default 2 but honestly if you want a modern turn based jrpg thats not some big 100 hour affair Fantasian is some DA GOOTCH kino i would recommend over this sadly.
you sound very retarded
a scathing rebuke, well thought out and countering every point and not at all sounding like a girl on her first period having a melty after words on the internet hurt her feelings.
Is OKish. Is a good game if you pay 5 euros for it. (each game). Sequel is better than the first one.
Whoever setup this bot needs to go back and do some fine tuning.
Could stand it, characters and stories are so bland.

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