This is a Megaman Legends apreciation thread, please share your thoughts about this top best incarnation of the blue bomber
Not an RPG and not really a great game either outside of the characters.
>>3681138its not an rpg? than what genre it is? /gen
>>3681141It's an adventure game with shooter and dungeon crawler elements>/genWhat does this mean
>>3681143its a tone tag that indicates a genuine question, sorry, i'll go to the general board
>>3681144>its a tone tag that indicates a genuine questionI don't understand how or why this would be used in a conversation.
>>3681145to avoid misunderstandings mostly, there are lots of tone tags such as /s for sarcarsm, or /j for joking, or even /nbr for not being rude
>>3681150I've only ever seen /s and I've been using this hellsite off and on for my entire adult life. Even then I've only seen /s used in text messages with normal meatspace people.
>>3681153ok, and?
>>3681138The box disagrees.
>>3681158And why are you posting it? Would you post emojis if they weren't autofiltered?
The side quests made me feel like a good person.
>>3681163fr, they make the game feel more alive ^v^
>>3681141action adventure
>>3681135i had the biggest crush on roll. i hope she returns as a cute supportive girlfriend
>>3681135Y'know, I love this game to pieces, I want to hug and kiss it and take it out on dates... but this is more like a Zelda-like.
>>3681385So an RPG?
>Free Running RPGwhat did capcom mean by this?
>>3681669It's a highly complex situation:They didn't know what an RPG is.
>>3681135I've never played this game but I want to because everyone always talks about how comfy and charming it is, but does the gameplay actually hold up? It's rarely ever talked about, and when it is, it's mostly negative comments. But I can't tell if that's genuine or just zoomies/retards being filtered.
>>3681858Only a zoomer/retard would ask this instead of just fucking downloading it and trying it.
>>3681858In 1 you need to get used to the controls, it's a relic of the 90's. 2 chsnged a bit for the better. No matter which you play, keep circle strafing while shooting, don't stand there and get hit.
>>3681858It's an early 3d game it's going to feel clunky by modern standards. To me it's like jet set radio or something, the controls are fine as long as you take them being janky as part of the difficulty. So many console games just auto lock on everything now. Playing donkey Kong the original arcade game it's clunky but that's part of what makes it hard.
>>3681143>It's an adventure game with shooter and dungeon crawler elementsSo yes it is an RPG but you are being a jackass about it.
>>3682232It isn't an RPG in any way at all and you know this, but are being a jackass about it.
>>3682254Zelda is an RPG and this is an RPG, deal with it.
>>3682256Have you tried being actually funny or interesting? Like this simplistic irony shit isn't cutting it any more. Evolve. Grow. Level the fuck up.
>>3682257An RPG is an RPG, and Megaman Legends is an RPG this is just a simple statement and not some snide comment. Considering you are shitting out blood and coughing your lungs out over simple facts I don't think you would be able to handle an actual joke.
>>3682260I can handle you just fine. But, please, leave off the fantasies you are having that you can "get" to me in any way with your nonsense. It's literally a decades old troll that you can't go beyond because you are stuck on repeat.
>>3682262Iguana, you are already playing yourself just fine. me calling it as i see it is not, and never will be, a Troll. Such opinions have lasted so long because adventure game is just a failed attempt to label their own genre back in the 90s with Ocarina of Time released.
>>3682265Kinda lost your English skills there, huh? Harder when you off script, isn't it? Keep at it, maybe eventually you'll be able to communicate sincerely.
>>3682231>the controls are fine as long as you take them being janky as part of the difficulty.Yeah, I can dig that. The thing I've found about older games is that "clunky" controls can really filter people even when they still serve the purpose. People just expect precise 3D analog movement in all games, and yeah, while that would make the game easier, that's just not how it's designed.
>>3682296looks pretty fun, as long as there's not some herculean finger gymnastics happening to keep that camera behaving. Clunky controls I can get used to, but if I have to fight a shitty camera for a whole game, it really takes the shine off.
>>3682328I think the only challenging part of that is the dodge roll, if I remember correctly you have to hold left/right on the d-pad while holding L1/R1, then you tap X and you have to do both or else it comes out as a jump.L1 and R1 are how you rotate the camera if I remember correctly.
>>3681135jannies delete my castlevania thread but leave this up? make a thread about battle network or star force dood
>>3682746Or just Command Mission. Which I still can't believe they deliberately misspelled Redips for Rideps on the user manual just so no would notice that Redips=Spider.
>>3682232>So yes it is an RPG but you are being a jackass about it.How is an adventure game like an RPG?>inb4 Disco Elysium which doesn't count because it's an adventure game with RPG mechanics.
>>3682296tried this game tonight. Dunno if I can git this gud. I find it pretty unplayable, frankly. The camera is stiff and that webm makes circle-strafing look WAY easier than it is. It's retarded as hell this game doesn't have analog support. The claw grip I had to do on the controller has me sore after just the first two missions. Couldn't get dodging to work for the life of me, but maybe I don't have it unlocked yet?I find it hard to believe this control scheme was the best they could do. It's no wonder Mario 64 got so much praise back in the day.
>>3687367>no wonder Mario 64 got so much praise back in the day.Yeah, when people praised the shit out of Ocarina of Time or Mario 64 for "revolutionizing" 3D gaming control, garbage like Megaman Legends was exactly the taste they were trying to wash out of their mouths.I actually like the game a lot, but mostly just for its aesthetic. Can't play it worth a shit on a real PS1 controller anymore, though; everyone always says the controls are "clunky", but I don't think that's the case; they're just really poorly laid out, especially for adult-sized hands. The best way to fix the stupid-ass control scheme is to emulate so you can map movement and camera to analog sticks and use the shoulder buttons for firing. It's both more intuitive and more comfortable.The dualshock came out the same year as MML, it's kind of insane to me they didn't include optional support, or at the very least a way to customize the controls.
>>3681163the most tedious thing about this game wasn't the controls, imo; it's the fucking tiny text boxes that can only show you half a sentence at a time.
>>3682256Amazing copium just because the N64 and NGC barely had RPGs. Let me guess, you think Golden Sun and Tales of Symphonia are masterpiece of sorts. Lmao.Play better games.
>>3688061Breath of Fire 3 had it worse because the text boxes were small enough really have issues with how much word they could fit, AND the text speed is one of the most laboriously slow in an RPG.
>>3688285oof, that sucks. Talking to NPCs is one of my favorite things in RPGs, but ya gotta fuckin' let me read fast, especially since I love to check back with them often.I love in games like Chrono Trigger where you can start talking to an NPC and then walk away while still reading the text box.
>>3688491>l i t t l e m o n e y
>>3688060Mario 64 aged like milk and was already dated by the time Banjo Kazooie released. At least Legends had aesthetics and exploration, even if the combat was braindead.
>>3688630>At least Legends had aesthetics and explorationnah, it had neither; the PS1's garbage texture mapping ruins all attempts at "AeStHeTiC", and the "exploration" is just braindead map-filling.