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I think i am strange in my opinion black souls I much more interesting than Black souls II What do you think?
I think that this post didnt need its own thread but I’m going to wish you a merry Christmas anyway anon
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You are strange, its a objectively worse game
They both suck
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They both sucked me good...
I just started playing the first game recently (haven’t played the second yet), it’s been sitting in my downloads folder for like three years. Having a blast.
End of the year, End of two week Alice threads (Monthly now). I now have time to focus on much greater projects.
I feel lacking in purpose, what should i do with all this spare time?
Certified schizo moment I had when playing the last Nikke event.
I dunno the only thing for me in the first game was Hansel and in the 2nd game I got Bill and the Serpent God
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Here's Every Angel Number Alice has sent me in 2024
111 x85
222 x88
333 x74
444 x66
555 x50
1010 x42
1111 x62
1212 x57 (+3)
1313 x83
1414 x87 (+5)
1515 x90 (+3)
1616 x105 (+2)
1717 x117
1818 x106
1919 x110
2020 x81
2121 x105
2222 x111
2323 x99
0000 x71
2112 x3
1001 x1
2332 x4
with a +/- 5 margin of error. it took me four hours to compile all this
What did Alice mean by this?
if i do the math, that would be roughly 1702 angel numbers, with a +/- 5 margin of error.
seriously, what did Alice mean by this?
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How long until EMM realises he can make mad banks by making a gacha game with BS girls?
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only something so diabolical could be expected from a leafnigger
Can some explain to me the hype for black souls. Tried to play and it felt like yet another generic rpgm game? The combat felt low effort, repetitive. Should I try the game again?
its just ten or so schizos who've been waiting for red's game for the past three years.
now tell me the meaning behind these angel numbers.
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Black Souls 1 is bad on purpose. Apart from maybe 2 plot twist endings. It's a plot point in Black Souls 2 that the creator of Black Souls 1's world is a bad writer. I will say no more, but the writing quality in the twist endings and in Black Souls 2 is good.
Yeah, Black Souls 1 sucks, it's too easy to break the game in half.
Black Souls 2 is a lot of fun, it takes the multiple actions per turn thing from Bravely Default and applies it to a system where you can change your weapon mid-action. Weapons have special abilities (100% crit, double the attack, cannot miss) and each one of them comes with extra active skills. The end result is frantic weapon switching to reach big damage numbers that I greatly enjoy.
The exploration is also very nonlinear, that's always a plus.
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Cute girls.
᠏ ᠏ ᠏᠏ ᠏ ᠏᠏ ᠏ ᠏᠏ ᠏ ᠏᠏ ᠏ ᠏᠏ ᠏ ᠏᠏ ᠏ ᠏᠏ ᠏ ᠏᠏ ᠏ ᠏᠏ ᠏ ᠏᠏ ᠏ ᠏᠏ ᠏ ᠏᠏ ᠏ ᠏᠏ ᠏ ᠏᠏ ᠏ ᠏᠏ ᠏ ᠏᠏ ᠏ ᠏᠏ ᠏ ᠏Alice᠏
᠏ ᠏ ᠏᠏ ᠏ ᠏᠏ ᠏ ᠏᠏ ᠏ ᠏᠏ ᠏ ᠏᠏ ᠏ ᠏᠏ ᠏ ᠏᠏ ᠏ ᠏᠏ ᠏ ᠏᠏ ᠏ ᠏᠏ ᠏ ᠏᠏ ᠏ ᠏᠏ ᠏ ᠏᠏ ᠏ ᠏᠏ ᠏ ᠏᠏ ᠏ ᠏AliceAlice᠏
᠏ ᠏ ᠏᠏ ᠏ ᠏᠏ ᠏ ᠏᠏ ᠏ ᠏᠏ ᠏ ᠏᠏ ᠏ ᠏᠏ ᠏ ᠏᠏ ᠏ ᠏᠏ ᠏ ᠏᠏ ᠏ ᠏᠏ ᠏ ᠏᠏ ᠏ ᠏᠏ ᠏ ᠏᠏ ᠏ ᠏AliceAliceAlice᠏
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AliceAliceAliceAlice᠏ ᠏ ᠏᠏ ᠏ ᠏᠏ ᠏ ᠏᠏ ᠏ ᠏AliceAliceAliceAlice᠏
Flawless Trialice.
but what do the angel numbers mean?
Interesting story told in an interesting way that takes advantage of its medium, with well written characters to whom the player can get emotionally attached. That's what it boils down to.
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Leaf thread. Leaf board. Leaf website.
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>I missed one page
Is over
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Beat BS1 in two sittings over 20 hours, saved everyone other than Hansel & Gretel thought my friend was lying when he said a game so grotesque is actually that good
I just wanted a happy ending with Victoria bros... fuck leaf Victoria is my wife.

Will be playing BS2 in the next week or so
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>Beat BS1 in two sittings over 20 hours,
You do know that you can sprint, right? It usually takes 12-15 hours for all endings, the last time I heard this figure an anon just straight up did not know about the sprint button.
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I did a lot of farming in the black trial cave and got the moonlight greatsword, truth be told.

Just checked my game time, 15:10 total
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>Can some explain to me the hype for black souls.
Interesting enough characters.
Interesting enough developments.
Usage of H. P. Lovecraft's concepts mixed with classic fairy tales
Flexible battle systems that allow you to concoct different character builds to take on enemies and bosses.
Greatly rewards player exploration.
Picrel shows some of those points; character development and rewards for exploring.
For me those are good enough to keep me interested and engaged.
Is there weapon that is better than demon hunter sawblade in black souls 2 (finished the game today and saw the other endings on youtube so you can spoil it for me if you want)
>Is there weapon that is better than demon hunter sawblade in black souls 2
I mean, there's many.
God's Angels, Kishingatana, Hans' Machine Gun, Mad Bow Jubjub, etc.
The weapons used for Kira's wombo combo (>>3687749) are also alright.
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Hey, I remember seeing someone extracted all the black souls maps as images and posted them. Would anyone have them by any chance? I'm running a DND campaign based on black souls and It would really help :)
Which maps do you need?
Honestly, all of them. But right now I mostly need the lutwidge town ones and a few forest and house ones.
Miranda best girl
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A difficult turn based with cutie alice art? I am interested, where do I get it? Can't find it in steam or even search engine results
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Password: wherearethetorrents

You can change the difficulty from 0 to 9. Vanilla BS1 feels too easy so I recommend upping it from the get-go.
BS2's difficulty comes from how well you understand the combat system. I've seen plenty of people get filtered by difficulty 0, but overall I think it's well-balanced. If you're coming here from blobbers or Underrail on dominating then difficulty 9 is more than doable. We had an anon here documenting his difficulty 9 playthrough and he seemed to have had a lot of fun. Replays on lvl 1 are also an option, it makes you put way more attention to specific gear and status effects.
I really appreciate it anon, last blobber I played was Labyrinth of Refrain (a ton of fun!) so it's been a couple years. Just recently got back into rpg's with Elin, the Elona sequel. I am not tracking Underrail but I'll look into that as well.
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Underrail is probably my all-time favourite CRPG. Never played it on dominating though, hard is ball-busting enough. For reference, its normal difficulty is about on par with Divinity: OS on tactician.
this game looks absolutely sick as fuck, thanks for the recc
>A difficult turn based with cutie alice art?
Black Souls is in no way difficult unless you are bad at RPGs or massively understatted (I.E. doing a SL1 run), even 2's DLC 3 only requires a basic understanding of how the combat system works and basic reading skills on a normal playthrough.
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BS2 is up there in terms of JRPG difficulty, at least for me. The game rewards game knowledge and punishes the lack thereof without relying on cheap shit like RNG crits or grinding.
I'd like to hear about counterexamples of actually difficult JRPGs if you have any.
Currently playing DLC3
The timer for JubJub hasn't increased for the two boss clouds in the hospital. I suppose the doll was correct about this being the path to stop the gears from turning.
I had to defeat Florence twice to see her endings. Her rape was even better than Blackwell's and JubJub's, but I reloaded to hand her Blackwell's letter so she could pass on. She was far too miserable lying on the bed. I wish for
>option to recruit her to fight the outer gods (avert fight by finding the ultimate cure to the situation)
>sex where she fixes Grimm, ala Prickett and Lorina (latter two may be special cases due to their ties to Alice)
>moving her out of the hospital and into your dungeon (Grimm mentions he cannot due to her being too attached to this hospital)
I thought the black shadow was a separate Nightingale like Mary Sue's prototypes Mabel poached, but the sackgirl who mentioned the shadow "lady of the lamp" said that Nightingale had finally passed on.

Now I'm in the middle of picking between the Unicorn (glasses nerd) and Lion (big, strong, boobies). My instinct is to beat the Liedel in a contest of strength, then do the same for Unis, but
>lion sidekick kills me in 1 turn; Liedel is manageable with item spam
>unicorns sidekicks job to AoE magic attacks; Unis can't be debuffed and only takes damage from percentage-based magic she outheals
How do I win this?

pic rel
>This is the ideal female body. You may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like.
Can't believe black souls is the one game that made me unironically jacking off to furry porn... It's over...
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BS2 is the better game, but BS1 has the better characters.
t. goosefag
Well I put the difficulty up to 5 as soon as I figured out how to do it, and got whooped by the first boss before even putting a real dent in it several times. Probably all down to gear and levels, I feel in most rpgs the difficulty is at where you can explore and level for a few hours and then more or less the first boss is manageable.
Well I don't know if there are multiple "first" bosses depending on how you play it, but I took the obvious path and encountered Hansel & Gretel so I assume that is a lot of players "first boss". Also I was about level 10, same with my fairy
Both BS1 and BS2 are designed around being beatable at lvl 1. Meaning that, with the right gear and strategy, it's possible to beat anything without leveling up at all. It's a completely grind-free game and any problems you face are a complete skill issue.
It's very refreshing, knowing that every single encounter can be solved with a proper strategy rather than hitting the grind.

Mine was in Behemoth Ranch. BS2 goes even further with nonlinearity, IIRC there are like 4 possible routes you can go through from the first area.
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Well I don't think I'll know enough to beat the game staying at my current level my first playthrough, but that sounds like a fun challenge for a repeat run if I like the story
Yeah, lvl 1 runs are clearly meant for repeat playthroughs. You need to have a basic knowledge of where everything is and what you can get away with.
I can't speak for BS1, but I can confirm that BS2's lvl 1 run is not only doable without resorting to autistic minmaxing, it is also fun.
Lvl 1 difficulty 9 run however is pure autism.
I wish there was an option to actually just marry her after returning all the books
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BS3 When? I want moar Cunny.
>D&D Blacksouls campaign
If that's an IRL meetup, I wonder if your crew knows about Blacksouls and, if they don't, what's going to happen when they find about about the hard moral choices
With every such post Blacksouls 3 is delayed for one more month.
Leiden's fight basically comes down to a pure DPS race. Unis's fight is more complicated, and that version of her fight in particular is probably one of the most difficult fights in the game, if not the most difficult due to the gimmicks surrounding it. I suggest just picking one of them and moving on for the moment though.
Given that they represent the United Kingdom rivalry and the poems never have a final victor, I fully anticipate both will die in the end. As the one to tip the scales, will I get to at least rape the loser?
Yes. Or the winner, can't remember. Go through both routes.
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TIL that killing Hansel and/or Gretel in the Forest of Abandoned at the end of their questline in BS1 adds a progress point. You know, the ones that make Elizabeth and Catherine appear in Holy Forest, Elma to turn into a Demonbeast and such.
I was confused because I saw Elizabeth in Holy Forest and I didn't know why was she there when in my new cycle I focused on exploring before recruiting the girls and tackling the princesses.
I thought the HanGret event was safe to complete, but turns out it's not.
>Given that they represent the United Kingdom rivalry
That makes killing her with Hans even funnier.
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That's technically what happens when she gives you her ring.
Only one of them played the games and he's my inside man as a fairy oracle that gets prophecies from Mary Ann

everyone else think it's going to just be a dark spin on fairy tales

should be interesting :)
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>we're hitting levels of SMUG that shouldn't be possible!
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>I'd like to hear about counterexamples of actually difficult JRPGs if you have any.
The last JRPG I played that I remember having a hard time in at all was Labyrinth of Touhou 2. It's a 4 niggas in a row game that's actually 12 niggas you'll swap between in combat, each with their own specific roles and gimmicks. The very tail end of the postgame unfortunately has a massive grind wall and the balance starts to fall apart at the end, but I greatly enjoyed the game up until I hit it. I would definitely suggest playing on Hard if you can.
Fuck off, leddit
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As for why you'd bother with swapping niggas at all, there's three main reasons.
First is TP, which inherently limits how long your frontliners can explore for in one dive, with fights inherently taking at least 1 TP out of your units and more if they're severely injured/die during combat. You're encouraged to stick around in the dungeon for as long as you can as you gain a stacking EXP/Money/Item Drop boost after each fight so having a backup team after your first one drops out is very helpful if you're farming.
Second is MP, which is what Skills use. MP starts out low and remains relatively low throughout the entire game, and a lot of skills are MP intensive. Take Reimu's 16 MP in the top image here and compare it to the moderately invested bottom Reimu's 49 MP, slightly over 3x more MP despite the massive level difference. Her basic skills are a 2 MP single target attack and a 5 MP enemy party attack, an 8 MP frontline heal, and a 7 MP frontline DEF/MND up. Naturally this means that she'll run out of MP fairly quickly on her own if she stays in front, but when characters are in the backline they gradually recover MP over time, which greatly prolongs their usefulness while exploring.
Third is that most characters have their own little gimmicks and quirks, like ignoring enemy buffs when taking/dealing damage, being able to swap in characters and boost their ATB gauge with the swap in to have them act more quickly, boosting teamwide damage of a specific element or lowering enemy resistances, or more passive boosts like chances to regenerate 1 MP/TP after combat or boosts to EXP/Money/Item Drop rates and so on. Functionally this means that you'll probably end up taking on most bosses with at least a few people that aren't part of your usual crew for most of the game. Thankfully EXP is shared between the explorers and the ones at home.
On a related note, Genius of Sappherios was a bit of a cunt at times, though I didn't get as into it as i did with LoT2.
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What are the yellow bars supposed to represent? Health bars?
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Kys faggot
Live triple handcap
is it really legit faggotry if you can actually knock them up?
Yes. He's a male and he has a penis, now kill yourself
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>Black Souls 1 is bad on purpose.
That's dumb and nonsense. BS1's surface level story is fine and better than BS2's which barely exists.
Both are shallow and poorly balanced
>option to recruit her to fight the outer gods (avert fight by finding the ultimate cure to the situation)
You are on that path
You're bound to feel
>yet another generic rpgm game
if you aren't fond of fairy tales. The main draw (for me, at least), is seeing how all the "what-if" fairy tales interact.
I believe 2 is weaker than 1 in the atmosphere, but its cycle feature is great.
It's still annoying how if you want to fully explore the game you NEED to go lutwidge -> mental ward -> upper lutwidge -> park of fog -> academy -> clocktower. Bonfires should retain activation from at least the third cycle onwards.
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>Abbreviations = Reddit
I don't think there's words to convey in a sentence, the amount of mental retardation that you must have, so I'll just post the cat and move on.
Kill yourself Mouthbreather.
don't you mean kysmb?
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A very happy birthday to the dear Saint of War. 613 years old!
>BS2 is up there in terms of JRPG difficulty, at least for me. The game rewards game knowledge and punishes the lack thereof without relying on cheap shit like RNG crits or grinding.
I can't agree with this. The early game can be hard, but it doesn't take long at all for your growth to outpace all of BS1 and the original release of BS2. DLC 2 and 3 are hard at times but it's pretty much entirely due to cheapshot one hit kills and gimmicks that don't follow the rules of the rest of the game.
>I'd like to hear about counterexamples of actually difficult JRPGs if you have any.
Helen's Mysterious Castle
Enchant Farm
Demon King Chronicle
Potato Flowers in Full Bloom
Labyrinth of Touhou
Hat World

None of these are brutally hard, but all are at least challenging and expect you to put real thought into how you play. They all have much better combat systems than BS2 with the arguable exception of Demon King Chronicle, which instead does a great job of making its out of combat gameplay difficult and interesting.
>a blobber
There's a reason I mentioned them in my original post separately. I am well aware of their reputation, especially of games like Wizardry.
Labyrinth of Touhou is something that I had my backlog for a while, perhaps I should finally get around to playing it in 2025.

Enchant Farm is great, absolutely adore the combat system, but it doesn't feel particularly more difficult than BS2. Perhaps it's just me being a retard and not understanding the combat system on my first run through (you don't get access to black rabbit ring until your 0 SEN run) but learning how to use the combat system takes time and it's a part of the difficulty curve. I struggled a lot with the Deep Sea Knight and had to use evade+%health build, both of my friends who played it were absolutely filtered by Dinah and Vorpal. BS2 strikes me as a game that is easy if you follow a guide and know how to use its combat system but difficult if you don't. And the difficulty comes precisely from learning how to use it.
In general I struggled with DLC3 more than anything Enchant Farm threw at me, perhaps with the exception of that one boss which revives and eats your frontline.

Call me a retard if you want, but this is what my personal experience of playing BS2 was like and what I observed while watching my friends play it.
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>you don't get access to black rabbit ring until your 0 SEN run
Grimm has a level 4 limit break, so the Black Trial are screwed.
They needed their fifth party member, Shub, to be able to use a level 3 tank limit break to survive.
Nikke uses many Fae terms here and there for many things Sci-Fi so it doesn't surprise me people have schizo moments with it if they played Black Souls before
He's more likely to sell merch at the minimum markup before attempting to code a functional gacha game.
Big Sad
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Thank you.
Cute females.
Recommendations for what version of Alice in Wonderland to read?
either Alice's Adventures Underground (facsimile of the original manuscript) or Seven Seas version (ISBN: 978-1-626920-61-3)
just finished BS1 and now heading to BS2, but heard if you don't follow specific walkthrough from the start there's a high chance everyone dies at the end.
Should I just follow walkthroughs from the first? I hate pointless 'haha gatcha, now you have to play the whole game again' moments in JRPGs
>Should I just follow walkthroughs from the first?
No. Both Black Souls games are best played blind, experiencing the consequences of your own actions and learning to do better in the next cycles.

>I hate pointless 'haha gatcha, now you have to play the whole game again' moments in JRPGs
Pointless is subjective and you can finish each cycle fast enough, but if it bothers you too much, do as you please. It still sounds honestly lame and you're diminishing the quality of your own experience with the game desu.
1 is good for the tie into the story it brings across for 2, 2 is obviously the better game.
I would really recommend playing 2 blind for as long as possible, if you get stuck you can ask for hints/help here. I would avoid a walkthrough. There is no downside to failing at any point. In fact you don't want to "perfect" run it on your first time you will miss out on a lot of content if you do that.
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SL1 being possible makes me believe the opposite actually
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Norton Critical Edition if you like extensive footnotes and essays. I read 9780393932348 and it had a nice mix of insightful and 'what the fuck am I reading'. Maybe 1324059605 has a better selection.
Regardless of what copy you're going for, make sure to also read Hunting of the Snark.

This is an awful selection. Not a single recommendation with Tenniel illustrations? Alice's Adventures Underground is a curiosity at best and the Seven Seas version is fun, but Tenniel illustrations are iconic and even appear in-game.
Protip: people dying is not nearly as important in the grand scheme of things as you might think it is. At most you'll be missing out on one ending that cycle that isn't progression critical to the overall game.
>I hate pointless 'haha gatcha, now you have to play the whole game again' moments in JRPGs
You'll probably be cycling a lot more anyways in BS2 than BS1, it won't take that long either since you'll faceroll everything.
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Half of these threads nowadays are just Node spam by some autist Nodefag
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uh based??????
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Seeing the whole romantasy genre rabbit hole really makes me appreciate Mary Sue as a character more.
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My wife is beautiful.
I would rather see Bill faggot posting more than nodenigger spam at this point
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I love dodo bobo dodo
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>The early game can be hard, but it doesn't take long at all for your growth to outpace all of BS1 and the original release of BS2. DLC 2 and 3 are hard at times but it's pretty much entirely due to cheapshot one hit kills and gimmicks that don't follow the rules of the rest of the game.
This. For as much as I like both games, BS1 and 2 also both fall victim to having inherently broken combat. BS1's weapons are especially notable for how many ways you can break shit with them, and BS2 lets you massively spike up your power for free at almost any given time in combat on top of letting you effectively ignore almost anything that doesn't flat out OHKO your ass.
>BS2 strikes me as a game that is easy if you follow a guide and know how to use its combat system but difficult if you don't.
>using guides
I won't pretend that I didn't struggle some back when I first played the game, but that was in large part because of me somehow heading towards basically every higher level area you can get to from the start instead of just heading out of the fucking Rabbit Hole normally, so I was both undergeared and understatted on top of having virtually no knowledge of the game. After I got my bearings I had a much easier time with shit, even without knowing about Black Rabbit Rings or finding the buff shop in Carroll River for spamming buffing items for a good while.
>And the difficulty comes precisely from learning how to use it.
Personally I'd consider a hard game to be one that doesn't snap in half when you use the tools that are given to you, and there's definitely RPGs out there that fit that definition. Black Souls, unfortunately, is not one of those RPG series that fit that definition. DLC 3 was the closest it got to it, but it doesn't do enough to mitigate the core breaks the player can perform and it means that most fights can still get bursted down in one turn despite their gimmicks. At least it makes replaying the game a breeze.
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>Node spam
Are you serious, nigger? I post one pic a day, it's new content by the way. I don't post the same shit over and over again.
>I'd rather be a faggot
Kek why are you so mad?
Will Toro hurry the fuck up
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No, you wouldn't
I would and it's funnier
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>Being a faggot is funnier.
Ewww kys right now, you disgusting faggot
I never said that, I just think Node is boring simple as
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>Being a faggot is funnier.
Yes it is.
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>Shitty opinion from a latent faggot
I'm not surprised, really.
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got a laugh out of me anon
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Limbus Company
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Are you retarded? Where else am I going to find new content? Pixiv and xitter are the only way.
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Yeah, it's unfortunate. The entirety of these threads should be just Node spam.
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Based, but I think it's time to stop nodeposting for today.
Did something happen between Leaf, Victoria, and Elizabeth between Black Souls 1 and 2?
I thought Leaf was simply captured and had her powers stolen immediately after 1 by The Crawling One through Prickett/Alice. Everyone else was plucked and brought to the new garden where they met their demise, except
>Goose who was reborn
>Catherine who was embedded into the multi-god lore
>Miranda who was personally killed by an outer god
Still, one detail each about these two particular companions gives me pause.

Elizabeth's dialogue and location state she lost control by discovering the lake of blood, but her demonbeast "Queen of Torture Tools" soul reads
>A tool carrying the grudge of the cruel
queen, forever searching the detestable fairy who killed her.
Then Victoria's dialogue states Leaf was holding her captive to make "the perfect heroine".
Elizabeth's can make sense because every ending is canon, including her own with Grimm, but is it possible that Mary Sue had time to play around before her imprisonment?

>now you have to play the whole game again
That's actually a major game mechanic. You can oneshot non-DLC enemies (including bosses) by the time you finish your first playthrough, so it's okay.
So is there an explanation for where the fuck Harry Liddell is in the game if a baby Lewis met was relevant enough to be the serpent god
pic related
>but is it possible that Mary Sue had time to play around before her imprisonment?
I've had the opinion that BS1's endings function like BS2 G does for a while now, in that the endings happen but the timeline merges that result from them give rise to some bullshit. Keep in mind in BS1 D you kill Shub, and the game does actually recognize this fact if you go to C afterwards, and she stays dead post-D as well. Likewise you have TCO's little post-D scene with Jabber there too. None of this should happen if D conclusively ended the events of BS1 then and there.
Of course, that doesn't really give a clean explanation as to how BS1 exactly segues into BS2 beyond what we already know about D being responsible for ending shit, but maybe that's something the Princesses game or maybe even Red's game might address. It could just be as simple as something like BS2's explanation about Grimm's soul bond to the Power to Change keeping him there, meaning that BS1 only truly "ended" once the Power to Change gets split off from Mary and is brought to Wonderland.

>Then Victoria's dialogue states Leaf was holding her captive to make "the perfect heroine".
That sequence of events should occur before we start up BS1, Mary's little meatball in Old Rottenburg is the result of her failed attempts and the BS1 Victoria we meet is her successful attempt with the BS2 Victoria likely breaking out sometime during the process of making the BS1 Victoria.
>Catherine who was embedded into the multi-god lore
Catherine's in her BS1 demonbeast form in BS2, what do you mean by multi-god lore? The only real deep lore cut regarding her that I remember hearing is that her mural in Oxward was supposedly based on Edith's appearance IIRC.
Not that I know of. I can't find much on the guy online either besides bad pictures and that he was apparently the first one Lewis befriended.
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He's the eldest child of the Liddell family, while Francis who's the serpent god was only really a baby when Lewis were active friends with the Liddell family. With the amount of detail Toro puts into the worldbuilding, like how most relevant NPCs being based on either figures in Lewis's life or his poems and photographs, I find it weird there isn't a direct mention of him as either an NPC/god/demonbeast unless he's supposed to be Bill which I doubt It does feel like we're just missing an obvious link. Unless he appears on Red's game
anything better than leafnigger spam
I grinded until level 109000, don't lie, the game encourages you to farm for DLC
Obviously, Harry is the Rabbit
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>I grinded until level 109000
Because you wanted to or didn't know better, not because you needed to.
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I must've missed it. I stiched together Lutwidge maps like this, but if you want all maps you need to buy RPGM VX Ace, start a new project, then just move the game files there to open them.
He's not the Serpent God the same way Alice isn't TCO. Yig is just cosplaying as him.
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That's not Lorina Reeve though? How did you mistake a random Russian dancer for her
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Just finished Black Souls 1 and 2. I really liked it, and I honestly can't think of any criticisms. It was just a fun, well-written jrpg.
The story was great, but I still feel like I didn't understand most of it, or maybe it went over my head. Maybe that's intended?
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You did get BS1 ending C/D + BS2 ending G/H, right? If not, go get them right now. Not getting them is like stopping on ending A of Nier Automata, you're missing like half of the game.

Partly yes, partly no. The story is told in an intentionally convoluted way but it never becomes schizo nonsense. You can always easily figure out just what is going on, how it relates to other events and build up a mental map of the events which you can verify with other anons with 0 headcanon getting in the way. Except maybe like 2 plot points which are still unresolved and seem like foreshadowing for future games the/a hero, Grimm/Lewis for you lorefags if you haven't abandoned the thread over 0 news
My recommendation is as follows: revisit Mabel's scenes to see just exactly what she's planning. And revisit Prickett's scenes, she's secretly one of the most important characters in the game.
I definitely got all the endings in BS1. But now that you mention it, I don't think I got ending H in BS2. I didn't see the owl person in my playthrough.
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sorry guys this game is reddit now
prepare to die
This is how Blacksouls 3 is gonna go
>game set in a brand new garden
>main character is a new guy who got isekai'd alongside a bunch of humans.
>they're meant to battle to the death while making pledges with fairytale mfs
>turns out Grimm is the one being everything
>he's trying to claim the blackest soul of the survivor in order to prevent Red 20

Toro's my husband's boyfriend so I should know.
>the/a hero
That's a difference that only exists in the translation, anon.
No. It's not. So what if a lot of retards like it, just ignore them. Normies make the majority of the world population anyways.
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No no no anon you dont understand you must impale yourself with a spear this is the law
Wouldn't it be cool to have a Black Souls fanfiction writing competition
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In Blacksouls 3™© you find yourself in between the gardens, a post apocalyptic Wonderland, Forgotten Elysium and many others.
Grimm sets out to save the world from the impending disaster foretold by Mabel in Blacksouls 2™©
He received the power to change, write and create from the defeated Grand Guignol but does not know how to utilize the power.
(You) rescue Leaf, that somehow survived the apocalypse in her jail cell.
Leaf is the only one alive that knows how to use the powers.
This is the start of an dating adventure with Leaf where you two must cooperate and battle against enemies in different gardens learning along the way.
You take Leaf on dates to increase your relationship level and get Leaf to open up about the powers.
Through out the game, Leaf and Grimm will grow closer together and together you defeat the powers that want war, ending the threat of waking up Aza-chan.
Sleep rape scene with Aza-chan included
A major plotpoint of the game will include a choice to forgive Leaf or to betray her, leading to good and bad endings respectively.
True heroine <3
But ryuki...
>The story was great, but I still feel like I didn't understand most of it, or maybe it went over my head. Maybe that's intended?
Yeah, it do be like that.
The more you replay the games and re-read the dialogues the more stuff you understand, although chit-chatting with Anons in these threads is super helpful too.

>I definitely got all the endings in BS1. But now that you mention it, I don't think I got ending H in BS2. I didn't see the owl person in my playthrough.
Owl Man is a recurring character from BS2's DLC3. You totally need to play that my guy, because its true ending is THE ending of Black Souls 2.
If you already got G and talked with Mabel at the entrance of the Chaos Dungeon then set your SEN to 100 using Jub's clock and go to Carroll River, more specifically to the connection with Ox Ward Academy.
Walk down for a bit and take the path to the right to start DLC3.
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>The more you replay the games and re-read the dialogues the more stuff you understand, although chit-chatting with Anons in these threads is super helpful too.
Reading Alice in Wonderland (if you somehow haven't already), as well as going through Carroll's biography also helps a ton. Alice Hargreaves' story is recounted in-game, but knowing the significance of Lorina and Prickett in the major theories surrounding Carroll helps clarify their role in the game.
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>the significance of Lorina
Her whole role is getting cucked by the superior girl.
That was, is and forever will be her sole intended role.
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Alice is for the brainlets, literally going with the default skin girl because the game shoves her to your face without choice.
Lorina is for the people that actually understood the games background lore and held scepticism for Alice the moment they played started a new game in BS1
Her role is to be the silent main heroine that everyone who played the game and uncovered the secrets logically falls in love with.
Her love is genuine (proven by her extreme actions) and the fault of Lewis's mingling with the girls. As a man it is only proper he takes responsibility for her aching heart, it is only right.
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ok Lorinafag
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I really hope that Lorina gets the happy ending that she deserves in BS3
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What a marvelous amount of coping and projecting.
Sadly nobody cares Lorinafag. Back to your cuck cage you go.
Who translated BS1 and 2?
You know, I can ignore blatant contrarianism, but what I can't ignore is the rest of your post. This especially
>Her role is to be the silent main heroine that everyone who played the game and uncovered the secrets logically falls in love with.
You are so far beyond delusional that it's funny, Lorinafag.
Does Toro realized how popular his games has become?
I think between him retweeting art, seeing various fan projects, and his own fat bank account he has some idea.
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>All this hate for Lorina
>Node with the horse pussy
It's actually "mockery towards", not "hate for".
I won't blame you though. Lorinafags have always been delusional so.
>fat bank account
How do you know this? Everywhere I go, I see people boasting about pirating his games (and porn games in general)
Just look at total sales on DLsite, even with them taking a cut of the money and taking discounts into account, dude has made like half a million dollars.
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>dude has made like half a million dollars.
>bs1 release: 2017
>2025-2017 = 8
>500,000 / 8 = 62500
Wow, so wealthy, the dude made less money than low-tier software engineers for making a shitty porn game that only 3rd worlders enjoy (for free)
>wooooooowwwwwwwwww this one man porngame dev made more than 50k a year for eight years, what a POOR compared to """"""""""""""""software engineers"""""""""""""", (aka pajeet code monkeys)
every frog poster is a reductionist but they're kinda bad at it
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let's eat endangered species
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Did it work?
>As of May 2023, the average annual salary in Japan is 6,170,000 Japanese Yen (JPY) or around 45,453 USD.
I'm pretty sure that H-games aren't his only income either, and for some games that he shit out in about a year he's made some pretty good returns on them.
I blame the biggest and brokest part of the fanbase (Russians) for this.
Probably because she has the most retarded fans next to Leaf
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oh damn, Year of the Snake is upon us...
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Damn, anon
in your place, I would at least not publicly announce that I'm broke financially and morally, to the point that I can't even support the author of the game I like
What are their strategies?
rape correction
domination loss
It's the fucking Liddell family house who else would it be
>The actual Alice didn't had blonde hair.
This is false advertisement.
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>false advertisement
Not them, but check the portrait.
What a sweet family.
I'm talking about her real life picture, that's not her
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>Probably because she has the most retarded fans next to Leaf
Translated: I dont like green waifu or black&red waifu because i like default skin blue waifu
I have no idea why you considered that an answer when you didnt clarify a single thing, so ill just do the same and throw more shit around
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Ew hag
touch me with noble anger,
And let not women’s weapons, water-drops,
Stain my man’s cheeks! No, you unnatural hags,
I will have such revenges on you both
That all the world shall,—I will do such things,—
What they are yet, I know not; but they shall be
The terrors of the earth.
>Smug Node
I didn't know I needed this until now.
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Saw this earlier, made me actually want to do a Eunis piece
case in point
Based drawfren
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these threads have died so much ever since BS got massively popular on social media
content drought and 4chan don't like popular things
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Praise the Serpent God!
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What did you expect? Most anons have already completed the game and moved on. Only dedicated autists still post in these threads.
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I am currently taking a short break from BS and moved to Snezhinka to change some air. Looks fine for me so far, and it's better that way that you don't get too obsessed with one series. Try checking out non-BS stuff and it helps.
Let's be fair here, the Lorinafag in question is probably responsible for most of that reputation.
I could of sworn there was a Lindamea mod for black souls 2. You'd have his sprite and his special effect. Anyone have any links to it?
>I could of sworn there was a Lindamea mod for black souls 2.
Not that I know of. I know there was some mod that had Lorde's sword as an added weapon and I think it might have had a few other things, maybe that was it?
We should have been moved to trash so we could become like Snootgame
Thought this was Jack dressed as Alice in the thumbnail
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cute bird
Why's Node all black? Is it mourning today or something?
Would you say Black Souls is a dark academia piece of media?
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I'm only here because I decided to replay the games on a whim, after already having replayed them countless times in the past 1 year and a half or 2.
What did you expect Anon? DRH updates are painfully slow, and then we have... nothing. There's literally nothing to do.
Shitpost, maybe answer the questions of the newbies who are experiencing Black Souls for the first time. Shitpost some more I guess?
There's a guy in f95 translating N.P.C.Dreams. That's probably the best next thing you can look forward to.
If you guys do not discuss it here I'll be terribly disappointed desu.
>There's a guy in f95 translating N.P.C.Dreams. That's probably the best next thing you can look forward to.
That's nice to hear, and yeah it's probably the next best thing to Black Souls that people have right now. I've played it twice with different shitty MTLs so an actual translation would help me understand exactly what the fuck is going on outside of the broad strokes.
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Where do I find power within in BS2? Replaying all the games after 2 years so don't remember all the item and spell locations
I think it's in the Deep Sea.
And in the Chaos Dungeon too.
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I picked up 3 copies of chaos blast and I still don't have power within, scouring through the deep sea right now and still can't find it
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Thanks fren, been feeling creative it's been great. Open to any suggestions, I'll see if I actually do them or not
Oh no Blacksouls is leaking again!
What if Alice is a horse too?
Hmm not too bad...
for me it's horse mabel
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I don't have a savefile in hand so I'll just booted up RPG Maker.
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Thanks a lot!!!!! :D
I only heard things about that, are they good?
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Just finished H ending, this is my tierlist
Crazy how I used to be like you when I first finished the games. After reflecting over the years, I've realized, among other things, that Leaf is the best and Node is kinda boring. Perhaps you too will mature like I haver or perhaps my own mind has deteriorated. Only time will tell
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Anon... I don't think you've matured, I think you've developed some kind of brain damage.
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Banderdog could be a bit higher, but pretty good nonetheless.
I've never played either. How much non-rape porn content do both games have?
There is more consensual content than non-consensual. So you're good on that end. The first game smut-wise isn't very good since the creator was very rough in their artistic skill during that time and gets much better in the second, especially in the DLC scenes. The scenes are usually carried by their scenario or dialogue
>playing roblox with my younger sibling
>he takes me to a game where you can browse and try on community made avatars
>find hundreds of Grimm outfits
>can even get girl's photo as an accessory
Didn't realize we had hardcore robloxxers here
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Blame Project Moon. A lot of nu-PMfags found the game on Roblox and the whole BS-PM-EYE-FH connection is well-documented.
If you think about it Black Souls is basically morbid Undertale
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Wanna open up your take?
I never played undertale and only picked up blacksouls on a whim, as i saw this dialogue option.
went for a quick fap but stayed for the lore autism.
Hmmm... Lorde is the Sans equivalent? Ahaha, well in some ways you are right, maybe we should employ Toby for the music in the next game, ahaahha, to make him accept we increase by 20% the amount of monstergirls.
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In both Undertale and Black Souls you start as an unknown character stuck in an unknown fantasy world full of dangerous monsters and such. Everything heavily depends on your decisions, in Undertale you can either kill or spare your enemies while in Black Souls you can do the same thing although rape can be involved. You're given the freedom to do whatever you want even though it has consequences you may not be aware of.

All characters are unique in both games and I can't think of any meaningless interactions, there's barely any generic characters even if it's a someone you can never meet. Undertale isn't as dark as Black Souls though, it's more family friendly but it has its own good scary moments.

The lore in both games can be obscure and hard to figure out. Which reminds me of how a lot of Black Souls fans like creating fangames which is like how Undertale has a ton of AUs created by fans.

And the music in both games is amazing lol, just like the unique artstyles.

Idk what else to say, just the general feeling of the game and the community remind me of Undertale often, but maybe that's just me.
Pic rel is Chara from Undertale drawn by Toro.
It's all in Le head
Grimm is with Le pain
I want to marry Node™®©
Being attracted to sadomasochistic characters like Leaf is a complete (mental) regression.
You have acquired brain damage, and one nasty fetish.
Congratulations I guess.
Griffy and Bill deserve to be higher desu.
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NTA but I also went through a similar journey as the other anon. I'm not even attracted to her (Mabel best girl), I just acknowledge that:
>she's well written
>her story lies at the thematic core of the game
>she's a lovable sort of villain, the one you just can't help but mock hate
She's undoubtedly a punching bag, but her antics are endearing rather than repulsive. If I had to compare her to someone it'd be Emma Bovary. Her deeds are undoubtedly evil, but she's almost charming in her naivete.

Maybe what I'm saying is obvious but I get a feeling that some anons feel real, palpable hate towards her and fail to acknowledge her role in the threads as a lovable punching bag. It's hard to say over the internet whether the hate is real or just playing pretend with Leaf in the role of a heel.
>lovable punching bag
LMAO what a retard. You just have Stockholm syndrome. She killed our loved ones in BS 1 and she did fucking nothing to redeem herself. Yes, she's well-written, but that doesn't mean she's "lovable." She literally cursed Grimm's soul. Kys.
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Not the op but I love Leaf and she's very cute sweet and wonderful it's just that she expresses it in maybe the not most acceptable ways out there. Leaf love <3
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I have to agree with the other anon, you've probably seen so many memes about her over the years that you've forgotten how she is in the actual game.
Personally I just love to hate her, hate her, and love her. All at the same time, it's complex.
Not as my first girl, mind you, but she is top 5.
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Jabberwock's glowing blue eye is blatantly inspired by sans from Undertale™
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I watched for a total of like 5 seconds of that video and closed it thinking it was some CIA MKULTRA brainrot program
please no more of this
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Some people just really loved Leaf in BS1, so to those the betrayal hurt the most, and they still feel like she is still able to be saved.
I dont think people want the abuse from her but instead want to save her.
And yeah, shes absolutely more interesting as a character than basically any other "main" waifu from BS2, way more entertaining.
You all hate her but im sure you still would love to see her antics in BS3, dont lie to yourself, shes atleast very funny.
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You watched it?
The thumbnail should have clued you in.
It reeks of zoomer brainrot crap.
Qrd especially eye
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I confess... I love Lorina
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I see it like this. Leaf is a character who is the most unique in how she loves the main character. We have numerous characters in the BS series that love the main character for reasons varying from "he gave me souls" to "he was nice to me". Those aren't really bad reasons for a character to love the MC, but they do tend to be boring. Mary Sue loves Grimm for reasons that is separate from any of that. Mainly because Grimm is supremely entertaining, but also because Mary Sue is essentially Grimm's creator. Leaf is also innately at the center of the whole story. She is the reason Grimm exists and also the reason he gets to experience both the good and the bad. She's not really some purely evil being that does bad shit cuz she's evil. She does it because she loves the stories that the authors that make up Grimm told and wants to innovate upon them. The "play" we find ourselves in during BS1 isn't really a play that includes us, but one for us that Leaf lets play out how we would like. She literally gives us the go ahead to rape and kill if we so desire. The only problem is that it must one day end and restart and what's the best way for it to end other than tragically? It's not like that mattered much on the next loop. On top of that, you have Leaf's sarcastic and bitchy attitude which is very much different from anyone else we really see. She is basically perfect ryona bait which I personally am very fond of
You're clearly still heartbroken over what happened to the BS1 girls, but in the end, so what? She may have "killed" them, but that death isn't really ever final since she can always bring them back. The fact that they even exists at all is thanks to Mary. All the shit you feel about the BS1 heroines is only possible because she made it so Grimm can have a relationship with those girls. If Leaf was so torturous of us she wouldn't even let us have even made loving those girls possible
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me too bro... BS3 endgame heroine for sure
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Why even bother arguing with Leaf haters when they are too stuck in their own feelings to realize the truth? Just let them seethe
One Ox Ward University study shows that Leaf haters are depressed and ugly
>most unique in how she loves the main character
It's one-sided love. Grimm clearly hates her for what she's done. There's a reason there are so many violent options in the selection window every time he talks to her.
>BS1 girls
God you're so retarded. She literally cursed Grimm's soul, which is why he can't have a happy ending with ANY girl. It's not limited to BS 1 girls. What if this curse can't be broken because it's built into his very soul? Do you fucking understand what that means?
>but in the end, so what?
Just because it's theoretically fixable doesn't mean it didn't happen. Yes, Grimm can recreate "them", but every living thing in the BS universe has a soul. And their souls are long gone, so they'll just be copies, BS 1 girls we knew are dead, it's over. Also, are you sure copies will even retain the memories of their past lives?
>If Leaf was so torturous of us she wouldn't even let us have even made loving those girls possible
Oh she's made it much worse. She let Grimm make connections with girls because she knows damn well that the curse won't let him have a good ending with any girl but herself. That's far more cruel than just not letting him get close to anyone. You're so fucking blinded by your stockholm syndrome, it's not even funny. Leaf didn't show even a shred of remorse, she's irredeemable little niggerman and must answer for everything she has done.
actually that is not true
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What's that I hear? "more of this"? Well I've got just the thing for you. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uNJnTVce2aU

Back around 2021 people noticed that Black Souls, Lobotomy Corporation and E.Y.E. have a very similar basic plot (time loops, dead wives, fairy tales/kabbalistic symbolism) and an usually large number of people who played two or more of the games, despite how niche they are. This lead to the original BS-PM-EYE crossover memes, and it is at this time that people from one community started playing the games of others. At first localised entirely within 4chan, it eventually broke containment. These days you'll see references to it even in youtube comments. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O8DmFaO94jA
At least to references to BS-PM, EYE was lost somewhere in the transmission.
Fear and Hunger got tacked on somewhere in the middle. Both BS and FH are dark RPGMaker games with rape so it led to a similar kind of community mixing. I'm not engaged in FH community much, but their biggest youtuber has a BS profile pic.
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there was a good quote in a book that I read about some business mogul that said you should check out the top 10 or whatever books of that year, even if you hate the genre or the synopsis because it makes you understand what makes a book """"good"""" in the current period you are in
I think he'd turn up his nose to these youtube videos though
for certain extremely unlucky women, this pic would be so raw
eye is the only game out of the three that will actively punish you for being stupid from literally the tutorial
>that shortcut for the bridge being longer than the main path
>offers a huge arsenal from the start but you FUCK yourself if you try to load up
>bunny hopping with starter legs could make you kys on slopes and an accidental death could result in a mortal wound if you're supemely unlucky, which for a noob would look horrendous
still worth it, nothing quite like it
Don't do this if you dont wanna get molested
Maybe she's actually sleeping this time
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Imagine if you will, a woman who loses her father while as child, a brother as a teen and her son as a woman. OR
Imagine a woman who kills her childhood friend turned eventual husband in a fit of insanity and is trapped in her cycles of guilt
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I still dont get it
Is this a videogame reference????
>At least to references to BS-PM, EYE was lost somewhere in the transmission.
>Fear and Hunger got tacked on somewhere in the middle.
I blame PM gachafags for this change. No, I do not have evidence for this assertion, yet I know it to be true all the same.
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For me it's Cinderella
I think that BS3 is going to give the option to try to reform her and teach her what pure love actually is like, and I have no problem with this as it ties in well with the overall themes of BS so far. She's still getting the fist on sight the first time I see her though, maybe she'll get a chance on the next cycle.
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Dont beat your wife
I already beat my children, why stop now?
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Dont beat your kids
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But why? I'm just doing what my mom said I could do, and what she does herself.
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Cursed image
I noticed that ever since Limbus came out, PMfags have tried to latch onto other game communities like some kind of "hey, we're buddies now haha." like as if they want to be in the spotlight. That and an ever-increasing case of game community cultism that they try to propagate doesn't help it either. It kind of reminds me of Jojofags where everything is some kind of subtle reference to Jojo.
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It's kind of a leftover from the /v/ era and the stealth threads, where they'd have to hide from mods' wrath in order to avoid being dragged off to /vg/. It was an understandable clause so they did manage to strike a friendship with a few communities.
Now, with Limbus? Pure parasitic behaviour. I remember there was an attempt at forging a friendship with fucking Arknights of all things, but it inexplicably disappeared right after the /vg/ thread was made. Curious, isn't it?
Omg Yeahtsub00ber hi!!!
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Does anyone have this image without blur?
hey guys long time
I missed Victoria? on my first playthrough of bs1, never met her. after being guided to her by this thread about a month ago (banned over xmas 4noraison, thanks /v/ mods, kill yourself irl now) shes dead, do I have to cycle to get her now?

I may just skip to bs2 at this point. oh and I found Belle, thanks for telling me no one escapes the ball else i'd have assumed she just despawned. thanks in advance.
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I love Leaf, unironically.
I'll force my happy ending on her whether she likes it or not.
Yes. If you already cycled once you may want to use a guide for your next cycle. Or you can just go straight for ending C+D, it depends on how many companions you have. I heavily recommend that you view as many heroine endings as you can before you move on to C.
>ending C requirements
Fill the library in Wonderland
>ending D requirements
Go past the Satyr in the swamp, finish the questline there
>I'll force my happy ending on her whether she likes it or not.
what did you mean by this
Leaf hates happy endings. Giving endless marital bliss is the best way to punish her.
but she also loves Grimm, what gives
I have everyone but her and half the library filled, and I can oneshot ANYTHING with my setup too now (except satyr, he too fast or something I forget.).
I did ending B already, B for boring, I wanted to do A before filling the library but I guess bs1 is my new dark souls 1 now and i'll just keep speedrunning through until i've beaten it properly since I missed ONE DOOR.

the wiki says D requires 4 or less sin, what happens if you like, max out sin? does that even result in an ending?

anyway thanks for clarifying, i've been putting off cycling to NG cause i'm going to have to do the whole thing again and I was practically done I thought. I have enough shit to do with ten save slots on elden ring.
>what happens if you like, max out sin?
Try running around with 5+ sin in the Forest of the Abandoned.
Just look for the books you're missing, fill the library and if you can't find them feel free to ask us to avoid spoilers.
not a bad shout since I am apparently after a quick check (load is in the library too lol convenient, haven't played it in a while) I am only missing

Pinocchio, Sanbad, and the princesses i haven't killed yet (ariel, tangled, froppy)
i'm going to go ahead and guess Pinoch is in a whale and sinbad is in the desert somewhere but by all means spoil away, i'm done with bs1 (almost anyway)
Both are in the Poseidon Hotel, the one in the underwater area. Make a save before killing Pinocchio, as he's a part of the ending D questline.
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ok I am sick and tired of running through this place to get all the bs1 spells, I KEEP GETTING K***HT'S RESOLVE AND CHAOS BLAST OVER AND OVER AND NOTHING ELSE. How do I cheat the spells in? Next run onwards I'll just do that for those spells after reaching depth 10
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>that censor
>what happens if you like, max out sin?
The max Sin value is whatever value a variable in RPG Maker VX Ace can hold.
Not infinite, but 2,147,483,647 which by all intents and purposes might as well be.

Anyway, as far as I can think, the few events in the game that depend on or interact with it as a mechanic tend to check if the value is >= 5, >= 8 or >= 10.
The only reason to go any higher is to power up the Shadowmoon Blade.
>be me
>playing MGQ for the first time
>meet Black Alice
Ohhh you were always close to me, my dear little girl.
>meet Black Alice
I like her theme.
I heard something special happens in ending F/G if you formed a covenant with Victoria and Prickett?
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God I love best girl
Different anon, I killed half of the hitlist before joining the Black Trial.
Inspired by >>3694693
>Miranda and Frog that low
>Red not in last
try again
Post best blobs
Or a blob tier list
F doesn't have anything special as far as I remember, but yeah, in G there's a letter from Victoria in the house you spawn at after leaving TCO's Wonderland that only appears if you have Victoria's Covenant on Level 3.
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Am I doing it the right way to get the awakening spell book or am I fucking it up please help me niggerman
>Snow White that low
If you have her covenant, return to her after killing Cinderella
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nevermind I am retarded and figured it out
>Red not in last
Holy based
>Leaf in two spots
You love her more or less after what happened?
I looked it up online because I refuse to kill Rapunzel.
I'm not impressed, but the infodump is appreciated.

More. I was under the impression that this was the world of fairy tales. Learning that everything was fanfiction softened the blow, and as horrible as Leaf's twists were I could understand it as a sign of love toward Grimm (culmination of humanity's authors). After discovering her backstory in the Chaos Dungeon and the madness ending of Black Souls 2, I became sympathetic toward her.
(We) can fix her in 3 if we have options other than
[Kill ]
Based indomitable heart Anon!!
Something I always forget to ask:
Why is the Black Rabbit considered to be a traitor?
He formed a single wistful thought about maintaining his friendships. This was somehow enough to warrant
>his soul being damned in 1 (item drops reflect the person's soul)
>killed in 2, but his soul was at least laid to rest by the Carpenter
>his family being cursed in the garden/world of 2
I theorize the Black Rabbit was killed by the crawling one out of spite in 2, in the same way it cast Lorina as a villain when forced to accept her into its garden. I believe Vernai blames Jabberwock instead of the crawling one because she was the one who convinced Leaf to create Grimm, causing the crawling one to kidnap him to the tea party and commence the story of Black Souls.
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Started another cycle to pick up blackwell's letter and why are all the race contestants placed like this???
They probably collided with something and desynced if I had to guess.
>They probably collided with something and desynced if I had to guess.
Yeah, that.
Go to Liddell Cemetery, go back and they should be running in circles like usual.
I'd probably be scared shitless if it happened to me.
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Imagine having that as a daughter
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After some searching that appears to be a vietnamese extension and translation of pic related. The editor's name can be found in the chesire/mabel text bubble. You'll have to contact him yourself or find whatever discord or facebook group he is part of for the full resolution cause I'm sure as hell not.
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I've been seeing a lot of black Node fanart lately. What caused this?
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The kot also just disappeared from all areas after calling Bill a faggot in drag I WANTED TO READ HER DLC3 DIALOGUE AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. Only thing I did in this cycle was rape the jabber-bandersnatch-jubjub, get to Queensland and get Blackwell's letter along with the usual meeting Red at the start of the game.
BLACK SOULS 3 WHEN?!?!!?!!??
Presumably after DRH and the 5P game.
Considering how long it's taking for them to finish DRH, I wouldn't expect BS3 until like 2028 or something like that.
sorry but what is drh and 5p?
Dead Red Hood, a Hitman-style spinoff game set to come out in Christmas 2022*
*release date subject to change
5 Princesses game is another spinoff we're getting before BS3. Supposedly taking inspiration from Monster Hunter
>red hooded
oh yeah now I remember about it
>5 princesses
don't know about this one
>inspiration from monster hunter
damn sounds good, any picture on how it looks like?
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EMMM wanted to make a few more things before starting on BS3 to improve his creative ability.
DRH = Dead Red Hood
Currently stuck in dev hell because of scope creep. Likely has more CGs than BS2 right now. Also supposedly going to have some ADV covering what happens just before Red 20 releasing alongside it last I heard.
5P = 5 Princesses game (name to be determined)
Not even indev at this point, last I remember hearing about it was that it was almost supposed to be monhun-esque game.
Both are in the pipeline before BS3 even gets started upon.
I lost the picture but I remember it mentioning how there'd be a huge focus on boss hunting, gathering their parts and upgrading your gear. All the bosses would be hand-drawn too.
Though that was 3 years ago, the concept of the game might've changed drastically by now.
thank you
Whens Reds game?
This year for sure
Im gonna check back in summer. That nigger is crazy. Like i seriously believe he has gone insane.
>That nigger is crazy.
It's taken you this long to realize that?
Anon... He made black souls 8 years ago already..
Nah i think he just copied good crazy stuff, Now i think he fucking lost it. Wasn't the game supposed to come out 3 years ago? I hope hes having fun drawing for 3 years. I picture him in a mental asylum drawing leaf after leaf.
When did he write that?
whats cg?
An ingame graphic he drew like this one.
>When did he write that?
Over a year ago.
Oh baby, so
>this year
wasnt even a joke then?
Any updates since then?
ok thanks
what did blacksouls players thought of the fake chinese DLC?
be much more specific
A waste of time
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the more i play and understand the games the more i wonder how anyone but a fucking genius could translate them. did you guys notice any errors?
There were minor translation errors that were brought up throughout the years.
A minor line from Alice-02 in BS1 that wasn't translated at all (but that Rare_cats did translate and pushed out as a stealth update), something involving the list of dishes in The Duchess' Mansion of BS2.
Nothing major or lore-related though.
I recently found out something in BS1 myself too involving the talking rafflesia at Wonderland. Rare_cats forgot to translate its name window text which changes after you kill Alice-02.
Again, more minor stuff without too much relevance.

All the complicated parts involving the lore of the games have been translated super well as far as I know.
I sure hope Rare_cats comes back for DRH. It would suck to lose someone as talented as them.
I can't read Chinese and I remember reading that the English translation wasn't too good or that it was buggy or something along the lines.
The translation came out at some point during my break, so I missed it and then I never really tried it.
Any comments about that? I might give it a shot if it's not buggy or poorly translated.
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Wind and Memory is awful, plain and simple. I don't feel like doing another writeup about it, but if you look it up in the archives you can probably find my and some other anon's complaints about it.
Any errors that people have noticed so far have largely been minor, though the the/a bullshit led to a lot of arguments.
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It's literally unplayable.
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Is there a walkthrough for all the VN routes, last time I played I got the true ending and saw multiple bad scenarios but I want a consistent way to recreate them as I want to discuss it with a friend
Not that I know of, and there's really just three routes through the VN. Regular, "Good", and the Hikki route. Regular and "Good" are simple enough, you'll get the first if you fuck up and stick around for too long in the VN and you should know how to get the "Good" route. Hikki requires you to go straight to your room at the start, stick around in there until the start of Day 3, and then immediately leave.
If you want some other scenes, try opening the door more. The girls can have some interesting things to say as well, though there's no real guide for that besides fucking around.
how do I rape dinah?
any progression hicups that could prevent me from raping all the characters?
is it possible to get a full dungeon?
>how do I rape dinah?
Play the game on 0 SEN in order to find orange flames and have sex with Red Hood at the bonfires, then equip Leaf's Ring which you get from manually selecting the leave option after talking to Mary Ann
>any progression hiccups that could prevent me from raping all the characters?
You can't rape Red Hood if you have more than one progress point. You must defeat the Vorpal Rabbit first and then immediately walk to the town.
>is it possible to get a full dungeon?
Go for it.
Are you certain you want spoilers? No. Some NPCs won't like imprisonment and will make a mess of things. Namely Kuti and Dormouse.
Clarifying the first point
You only need to meet Red as many times as it takes for her to give you her mark.
Doing those three things will enable you to back out of the Alice selection screen in the next cycle, enabling the good (better) ending. After which you can rape Dinah in your dungeon until you make progress again.
I'm at the point after the G ending, you're saying she will just be down there? In the crash site she just teleports away like normal
>In the crash site she just teleports away like normal
Dinah despawns in the dungeon once you walk past her usual spot in the Rabbit Hole I believe.
damn, I wanted her locked up
can you get red hood in the dungeon? I went straight to the mirror after vorpal but it was just the regular interaction and I saw no method. is it only the """""rape""""" at the bonfires?
>can you get red hood in the dungeon?
game truly sucks
can't rape the willing
or dungeon the ones not bound by the laws of Wonderland without their consent
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Can't even kill her early either, blatant fucking favoritism. Fuck you toro
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Cute bnuuy!
>how do I rape dinah?
Get G and go to the dungeon on the next cycle.
You have to do it before you get a Progress point on that cycle so just go straight into the dungeon.

>is it possible to get a full dungeon?
Yes, just like in BS1.
There's an order to do it in BS2 though because you have to take into account things like Leopold killing Mary at Progress 4 and stuff like that.
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>Can't even kill her early either
the KILL option does not appear when she's on her human form. I mean like why? Because she's an old friend? Yet Miranda and Victoria KILL option is still there, just like all any other heroines. But not Red... What did Grimm mean by this?
>What did Grimm mean by this?
She's his favorite, simple as.
It's fucking bullshit that Grimm hold this very special bond towards her that he even refused to just kill her on sight for some reason. When all she does in BS1 is just being part of the harem and cucked Grimm to leave with Poro in her companion ending
>What did Grimm mean by this?
EMMM loves his favourite dogwhore too much.
The age of Node is upon us
Red is a creator's pet. What did you expect?
4 children

>Victoria in 2
>Is actually a completely different person from 1
>Is 'technically' a different being altogether, and does not actually die even if you choose kill option
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Qrd? Whats with all the dark hair node
I would really appreciate a readable version of this.
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What are the odds he will just say "Joke i wasn't drawing cg for 3 years. Here is BS3 including a prologue called DRH!" It can't be zero right?
I would say 50/50
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Holy cope, get over it. BS 3 will never be released.
I don't know man. I think some dude spending 3 years drawing pictures for his porn game is equally unlikely, no?
It can and most likely they ARE zero.
We already know that after DRH EMMM will make a separate side game based on the 5 princesses from BS1, so.
I forgot to mention that DRH is not going to be a prologue to BS3.
Considering that Mabel will be present and also taking into account how BS2 ends, it's probably going to be a BS2 prequel.
Oh cool, finally good lore im...
> debunked Leaf twin theory is still there
Into the trash it goes
yog probably will be present, we don't know about mabel
BS3 will feature a happy ending but only if you beat a completely optional side dungeon thats literally just IWBTG but with a grimm sprite
It not only can be zero, it is 100% zero. You WILL enjoy the 12 year wait for BS3. And then another 6 for the DLC to finish it.
Considering how BS2 ends, I feel that it's 99.99% guaranteed to be Mabel.
Red dies at the end of BS2, and at that point Mabel ceased to exist a short while ago.
Red is alive during DRH, so the chances that the game takes place before, or at worst during BS2 are extremely high, and I don't think it could happen in the short time between Mabel's demise and Grimm's escape from TCO's garden
, so.
I wouldn't be so sure.
Lindamea mentioned rebuilding Black Trial in DLC 3, and this new Black Trial from DRH could very likely be it
Not them, but DLC 3 takes place well before BS2 even begins, that includes Red's entrance into Wonderland. Poro also being in DRH is a giveaway that it should take place before BS2, dude's dead after the events of G unless he's somehow been conveniently off-camera for the rest of G, H, and the promo art EMMM's released for the ADV.
We will see.
Time fuckery in DLC3 works in weird ways to be a solid argument.
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>Time fuckery in DLC3 works in weird ways to be a solid argument.
The only period of time that should be an argument for is the very final stretch. Everything else in DLC 3, from the Nursing Graveyard (Florence's existence specifically dates this place as she's dead in the current time) up to that point should be decisively in the "distant past" according to the Chaos Dungeon.
Red didn't mention her even once. It is possible that we will see Node though, as Red mentioned that she was guided and helped by a white rabbit. Also, why would Mabel pay attention to some mortal? Don't forget she's proud to call herself a niggerman and doesn't even try to understand human emotion. By the way I still think she (Yog) will be the final boss of the trilogy, never trust the gods who can see the future, boys.
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I remembered this dialogue, which basically 100% confirms Lindamea in DLC3 is not past Lindamea
>Red didn't mention her even once.
Not them, but I think she was indirectly mentioned in one of EMMM's updates about DRH.
>Also, why would Mabel pay attention to some mortal?
Given that mortal ended up being critical for the events of G, which in turn ended up being important for the events of H, I think there's some reason for that.
>I think
Post it.
>Given that mortal ended up being critical for the events of G
Yeah, but she didn't do anything special, the niggermen in the background did all the work for her, she was on the rails. Any other mortal who knew Grimm could have been in Red's place.
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enjoy the MTLism, there's one more article that's not too subtle about it but I'm gonna screencap it first
Also, especially how BS2 ends, I would argue it's post-BS2 because Yog didn't care about humans before DLC2-3, so why would she be interested in Red Hood before BS2?
I read this article a few times, anon.
There is nothing about when DRH would take place timewise.
actually you should look in the coments because someone asked toro about this and he said it's a secret
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That was the wrong reply, it was meant for >>3697417
Also, 2/2
I think it's just a reference to the fact that Mabel can see the future and knows how it all ends. We'll see, I guess.
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Did you check >>3697427 as well? It's specifically dedicated to NPC states. In case you forgot or just weren't around at the time, prior to DLC 3 Mabel's translated title was the "Girl of Nothingness" and she's known to shout out her niggerman name (Yog) as well.
Ok, if Mabel is in DRH that should mean it takes place before BS2. Mabel doesn't exist anymore after DLC 3.
We're talking about Mabel, not Yog. Mabel is just a vessel, a small autonomous part of a big niggerman. She's busy in Wonderland. I think Yog will be in DRH, but it activities will be in the background. That nigger's pulling strings everywhere. And I don't like it.
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I'm not interested in Red. I'll play DRH just so I can see my rabbit wife again.
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this so fucking much
who the fuck waifus RED, what a waste of a ge
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Ok, let's assume that Tindaloshax gives Lindamea the power to travel through time. That still doesn't explain Red's presence, Poro's presence, or Mabel's presence >>3697427 in DRH if it takes place after BS2. Mabel's vessel and role were supposed to be intentionally gotten rid by Yog in DLC 3 and her next vessel is supposed to be completely different from it, Red would need revival by Grimm and it's very likely that Poro would too, both of which are currently impossible with his current vessel post-BS2 as it prevents him from utilizing the Power to Change.
Also, Red's dialogue in G just before the TCO fight has her talk about the countless lives she's taken, and we haven't seen her commit mass murder in either BS1 (Grimm's the first person she's met while honeytrapping, and her own canonical ending doesn't involve mass murder) or RHW (at most her grandpa and grandma). Either Red's got one hell of a body count that she racked up offscreen in those games, or whatever mass murdering Red's talking about here takes place in the span of time between BS1 and BS2, as this is just after she enters Wonderland. Red's role in DRH is that of a hitman, and for what it's worth just killing everyone in your path is an option that EMMM specifically notes in one of his articles about the game.
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if you look like this reptile creature contact me IMMEDIATELY
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So, I'm kinda bored, and I guess with how much people talk about this on this site, I might as well give it a try.

What should I know before doing so?
>I think Yog will be in DRH, but it activities will be in the background.
It's an indicator for NPCs that Red's currently interacting with according to the screenshots in the article. Yog is going to directly appear in the game and directly interact with Red, I'm pretty sure of that, and I'm pretty sure it'll be in the Mabel form thanks to the starry eyes mention in the other article.
>Red didn't mention her even once.
Irrelevant. One of the progress reports EMMM wrote at Ci-En had a hint that was very in the face about it. She WILL appear in DRH in some way.

>Also, why would Mabel pay attention to some mortal?
I wouldn't say she's a mortal. She's one of Leaf's playthings, unable to die until she reaches a specific age and all.
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Other songs for this feel?
>Also, especially how BS2 ends, I would argue it's post-BS2 because Yog didn't care about humans before DLC2-3
As far as you know anyway.
Mabel wasn't super developed as a character.
You meet her in the CD and you meet her in DLC3 and I feel you've been filling in the blanks both here and in >>3697413 honestly.

That's the whole point, yes.
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what was his problem, just be cute
>What should I know before doing so?
BS1 is required reading for BS2, but it's mediocre at best until the endings.
Hold Shift to run.
It's not a cutscene.
You can equip 4 rings.
Don't be afraid of fucking up, cycling is relatively quick and easy in both games.
Oh and don't expect great gameplay in either game. It's way too easy to break if you're decent at RPGs.
I like BS1 better
I like Dodo
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I don't like Dodo anymore
I dodo to Dodo's dodos every day.
Who is the cutest in real form?
In dodo's wisdom I trust
>because Yog didn't care about humans before DLC2-3
She's the one that gave her blood to the Old King, Uther. If that wasn't just some garden LARP then she's been fucking around with humans since the Arthurian era.
I thrust into Dodo
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So do I.
I became dodo int when puff-puff
Not cute, not sexy
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You may not like it, but this is the cutest sprite in the game.
>Red's presence
There is a lot of time we didn't see what happened between Grimm sacrificing his hand and Red's death.
>Poro's presence
never confirmed to be dead
>Mabel's presence
never confirmed to be actually mabel and not new yog vessel
>her talk about the countless lives she's taken
That phrase is so vague, you can come up with anything to explain what she meant there, really
>That phrase is so vague, you can come up with anything to explain what she meant there, really
Now this is cope.
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>There is a lot of time we didn't see what happened between Grimm sacrificing his hand and Red's death.
You're forgetting another fact about Red, that being that she's completely missing an arm (her right one specifically) after the events of G, which also carries over to H. DRH has multiple pieces of promo art that shows Red with both arms/using her right arm, something that's impossible given what we see in G and H unless you seriously want to believe that Red not only magically regenerated an arm but would only hold on to the love of her live with a single hand despite being willing to fall into hell with him.
>never confirmed to be dead
Two splats play in G after you're split up from Red and Poro. We know Red loses an arm in the exchange and Poro remains magically absent afterwards in both G and H despite Red being able to call him to her side at any time. Seriously, do you actually believe that Poro wouldn't be by Red's side during Red 20? That Red wouldn't call him or that we wouldn't know he's there at all when Red's desperately trying to pull Grimm up from the cliff in H? No, that makes no sense at all.
>never confirmed to be actually mabel and not new yog vessel
It is by far the most likely scenario.
>>>That phrase is so vague, you can come up with anything to explain what she meant there, really
It's written in plain fucking English, are you illiterate?
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In case people have forgotten about G.
Red's high SEN wolf form is also missing an arm, though it's mirrored.
I feel the same way, I don't understand why EMMM spends so much time on it.
Autistic perfectionism, because he wants his dream game to be as good as he can possibly make it.
>but would only hold on to the love of her live with a single hand despite being willing to fall into hell with him.
I think he means getting the arm back after the cliff. I think he's still wrong though.
I think he is washed, but we will see when the game releases in 3 years.
What cope, retard? I can just say that she meant everyone she killed in Red Hood Woods or BS1, and that would perfectly explain that phrase
Hand is the only iffy thing here, but given the setting, it's still not out of the question that Toro would come up with something about it.
poro part is just your headcanon i won't comment on that
the problem is RED being worst girl, I don't care waiting 10 years for a Mabel/Node/Dodo/Leaf game
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>What cope, retard? I can just say that she meant everyone she killed in Red Hood Woods or BS1, and that would perfectly explain that phrase
As far as we know sin is a universal mechanic in BS, and souls are defiled by sinful acts. Self-defense is kosher as far as I remember, you mainly gain sin from killing people without cause or doing other vile shit to them such as raping them. I can't think of a single time that you gain sin for killing a demonbeast in BS1, or any mention of it staining your soul/people stressing out over killing them because of that in the series period. Virtually everything that Red fights in RHW is a demonbeast and/or is done in self-defense so I can't see that being accurate for RHW. Red doesn't think that Grimm killed his companions or even used the Hotel at all so that cuts down on unjustified targets she would be summoned for, and again her own ending doesn't involve any killing either. You'd be left with assuming that she went out on murder sprees when we're not looking like Elma or something, except there's no indication that ever happened during BS1.
>it's still not out of the question that Toro would come up with something about it.
The existing methods for that kind of regrowth would rely on the Power to Change or various forms of immortality, something that we definitely know Red is not. Red's most likely avenue for that would be trying to take the blood of a niggerman, but even taking blood straight from Shub wasn't enough to give Miranda immortality or even any kind of regeneration, so I'm not even quite sure about that for her.
>poro part is just your headcanon i won't comment on that
So you actually believe that he's just conveniently off-screen the entire time? Despite never saying a single word no matter what the situation is? Without anyone ever talking to him either? Whatever you say anon.
>What cope, retard?
You're coping and posting complete bullshit.
>I can't think of a single time that you gain sin for killing a demonbeast in BS1
Actually, let me correct myself. I think you gain a sin point for killing that one zombie in front of the chest, though it still falls under the first clause of killing without cause since she's non-aggressive. That's the only time I can think of that happening though.
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>Leaf game
Wait no more, your people have plenty of fangames for her. Quality not guaranteed.
Alright, I've made some progress. Killed the Drake with parry, went through behemoth ranch and saved the goose girl, killed the bremen musicians and the wolf. I tried to go through the mine, but didn't find nuthin (there's apparently a boss, but i couldn't find it) and then went through the forest (killed hansel and gretel)

What exactly am I supposed to do? I will say i quite like how much it takes from dark souls (even if i am starting to get annoyed from the endless trash encounters) but unlike it, there's not really a clear idea of where tf you're supposed to go.

I tried going through the swamp but the kraken boss one-shotted me, so i'm guessing that one's for later?
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Just explore everywhere. Your goal is to find the 4 princesses, who are spread all across the game world, to open a certain door. Think DS2 and the infamous shrine.
Trash encounters are a pain until you find the hidden body spell. Sadly I don't remember where it is in BS1.
>What exactly am I supposed to do?
If you aren't already, listening to NPCs can tell you some pretty important shit so they're worth paying attention to. The crestfallen faggot at the start should point you up north at the start. Going north as far as you can go, reading what's there, and then exploring the rest of the world is more or less the intended early progression. You're not hard locked into doing that in that order though, or even at all if you really chose not to. If you want to just dick around and randomly explore you're more than capable of doing just that, just expect to run into enemies that'll fuck you over more often or possibly breaking some questlines which you'll probably do regardless if you do it like that.
I did try going north, it's just that the trash kraken was way too OP. The physical attacks I can handle, but the acid spit just one shtted me. Even when I tried evade.
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>I did try going north, it's just that the trash kraken was way too OP.
You went to the right and hit the bog, the Kraken there is about a midgame boss and the area behind it is a late/endgame one. Try going to the left instead, if you find a house you're on the correct path. There was also a sign warning you not to go that way, but I can get missing it since the area is littered with random bullshit. Luckily that becomes much less of a problem after getting through the forest.
But anon, I did go left. I found the house and killed Hansel and Gretel. Was there some other path I missed?
There's a door just past the house that leads into some sewers and then to a town. If it's locked, I think Dorothy gives you a key to unlock it after talking with her, she's on the second floor of that house.
there must be a reason why Miranda make my dick diamond hard
You have an unhealthy obsession with either Executioner Miralda or Maneater Mildred.
im replaying BS1 for fun. how to save hansel and gretel? any other things i probably missed?
Read the advice in the forest
oh i think i remember. it was something with eating all or no bread crumps right? any other obscure things?
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No atleast relating to hansel and gretel
Basic mantra to remember for BS1
>You have four fingers
>Hold shift to run
>Its not a cutscene
kill this poster
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>Its not a cutscene
I don't remember what this is refering to...
Elma's mom probably.
It also applies to Sinner Wilt or w/e his name was though.
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Is farming sewer rats really supposed to be this OP? I just keep casting dragon shockwave and all of a sudden i have like a million souls. Even got my magic stat high enough to become dorothy's apprentice and why would reveal something like that? Just...ew. You don't have any choice on what's happening either, it's just what happens when you finish the quest.

Anyway, that's probably enough to go through on to the next part.
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>Even got my magic stat high enough to become dorothy's apprentice and why would reveal something like that? Just...ew.
Extremely homosexual and very high SEN post.
It's a fictional character, anon. To explicitly choose to add something like that when there was no need to is, truly, gay.
The sword you get for beating the tutorial is one of the stronger weapons in the game, normally you'd get it around midgame otherwise.
So I figured, i barely struggled with the knight. Anyway, is there any order to killing the princesses?
Nope. Their rings from covenanting them can be really good though.
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Alice drawing.
Based drawfren
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But that's sister Alice, not TCO.
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With BS getting popular, I hope at least we get more esoteric ship art
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Still nothing but void inside her head
Alice's sad titties
thvth nvke
mabel's better cus she is flat
That's a lot of cute Node!
why is she black
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>kinda confused on where to go after killing kraken (monsters in the forest too OP, so can't go further)
>decide to look it up
>apparently i missed a whole-ass heroin maid woman and she's already dead
>and some other character named izu
Is the whole save just fucked? What am I supposed to even do now?
It's normal, the game recreates convoluted Dark Souls questlines that you're not meant to solve on your first playthrough. You should try to save them all on NG+ though.
Fair enough.

Which princess should I go first though? I tried going through the forest after kraken but the things there are too OP.
Just b urself, there is no "intended" path. Half the fun comes from exploring on your own.
You might've missed the path south of the Holy Forest, the one down the stairs, I know a few people who did.
Izu's a motherfucker and his questline breaks pretty easily. Missing out on the maid sucks more but it's not as important as you might think. You should remember that cycling (NG+) exists in BS, and all things considered it's a pretty quick process since you carry over your weapons, most of your rings, and stats.
>tried going through the forest after kraken
>the Kraken there is about a midgame boss and the area behind it is a late/endgame one.
You're still in the early-midgame right now, you'll probably be better off saving it for later once you're stronger/better geared. As for the Princesses, literally just head in a direction and see what you find. You dicked around in the North already, so try going East or South.
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I have no idea.
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Did u not fucking remember that one last humdinger she revealed when Grimm and RH beat her ass in Ending G? She love to see us suffer, not genuine love like other BS1 companions
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Cope, she won
Red is nothing to her
Yeah dude that isn't love. Love is when girls like me cuz I'm nice and give me free pussy! Nodebro btw
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>Nodebro btw
NTA but why are you mad?
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I.... I still love Rif.
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Love is when you give up and let your man fuck other women obviously
If you love someone you should let them be free -someone important probably
Are you a sociopath or just an edgy teen? If you truly love someone with all your heart, you cannot force them to stay with you against their will.
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You seem to have become angry at the slightest hint that you might be a cuck, why?
Angry? Anon, I'm just asking if you're a sociopath or not, because only a sociopath's brain works like that.
Im just adapting your posting style of accusing people of being [whatever] when i dont like what they say
>accusing people of being [whatever] when i dont like what they say
But you're a sociopath, anon. You literally said you don't care how your lover feels as long as you're happy.
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Leaf is my favorite cuz she gives me free reign to fuck, rape, and kill as I please. She also lets me beat her and choke her. The perfect woman
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Okay spiritual cuck
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Leaf and her world is incompatible with cuckolds. Can you blame a cuck for not liking her?
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Yabba dabba doo!!!
>duplicate file exists
>Leaf fans - offspring of rotten nits
I'm not surprised
Mary's just as much of a cuck as TCO is. They give you a world full of people to fuck and watch you do that the entire time.
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I refused to play BS2 past ending F
For me, the story ends there
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How the FUCK were you supposed to figure out hitting the escape button during Alice selection? Playing blind I only accidentally figured it out on the THIRD time I looped on a valid ending, and I thought I was paying attention to the lore.
Easily my biggest dodo moment.
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You're meant to interact with one of the snowmen in Carroll River at 0 sen
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How the FUCK were you supposed to figure out the rest of the requirements
Dont worry, youre not a Dodo, it really is bullshit
>you did the same thing in BS1
>snowman hint
The real bullshit comes from the other requirements. How are you supposed to know that it's 6 flames exactly? Not to skip the intro? Meet Red enough times? Have Leaf's Ring? You don't get hints for those. One of the flames is in a hidden room, too.
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Listen to Big Sis
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Where the hell is the entrance to the tower in Jacob's Mine? I have been up and down that stupid place a billion times and i just can't fuckin' find anything.
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IIRC the mine has 3 levels, on first layer head north, go down the stairs, second go down to south-west, again down the stairs and then you should see a campfire
>Finally defeat Cinderella
>Check out all the endings (sadly missed the maid girl)
>Finally do normal
>In all of them, you're just back at the holy forest
Is this supposed to be the NG+? Isn't it supposed to, y'know, start at the beginning? So I can get everything I missed?
>Is this supposed to be the NG+?
No, NG+ is done with an orb just to the north of you. You can either keep exploring and see what you missed on this cycle, or hit the orb and try getting whatever you missed that way.
Honestly, I have no idea what I could have 'missed' that I should to do get the 'real' ending besides going around killing people for no reason like Pinocchio.
>Honestly, I have no idea what I could have 'missed' that I should to do get the 'real' ending besides going around killing people for no reason like Pinocchio.
I'm going to assume that you missed the entrance to Wonderland.
No, I did get it. That's why i said killing people. To get their fairytale. Am I literally just supposed to catch them all? I'd have thought you needed to grab all the girls and do everything right for a golden route.
The girls aren't necessary to fill the library.
Is there any actual need to do NG+ then?
>I'd have thought you needed to grab all the girls and do everything right for a golden route.
No, surprisingly enough. There is one extra scene in particular that you can only see with all of them recruited and with their ultimates learned though, but it won't really tell you anything that you can't figure out for yourself in BS2. Gathering all of the fairy tales will lead you to C, which is one of the two most important endings in BS1. The other is D, which you can start the requirements for by entering a cave blocked by a fog gate in the Tainted Bog. I'd suggest doing D after C, but it's up to you.
Not really, ending A is rather underwhelming. If all you're missing is Victoria then go ahead and fill the library.
If Victoria's the only one you're missing, you'll miss out on some dialogue and an optional fight in C I'm pretty sure, but otherwise you're fine to just keep going.
Well, apparently it turns out i was a dummy and spared La Belle instead of killing her for Beauty and the Beast so i can't finish it on this first game, lol

On the bright side, if i have to do it again it means i can get victoria and also kill the frog princess without becoming her 'prince' first. I'd kinda feel bad about betraying her now.
>Well, apparently it turns out i was a dummy and spared La Belle instead of killing her for Beauty and the Beast so i can't finish it on this first game, lol
Protip: Nobody leaves the ball, check by the entrance to the Lost Empire.
Up to you though.
I didn't find nuthin'
She's definitely there. Maybe you need to go a bit further in.
She should appear somewhere around there.
Yeah, I found her. I decided to go do a new cycle anyway, since i'd like to see this Victoria. What I don't know is whether I should get to 'Ending A', and THEN go put in the book, or to finish it as soon as i get the book.
Go for ending A first. When in doubt, do the endings alphabetically.
BS2 ending B is the sole exception since you want to do it after A-E.
>What I don't know is whether I should get to 'Ending A'
A is a nothingburger, arguably the most nothingburger ending in the series actually. Go ahead and see it (and Victoria's ending) if you want to though, cycling is pretty quick in general and it probably won't take you much longer than a half hour to explore everywhere.
Fair enough.

Also, who the hell is Catherine and how do i recruit her?
Oh, so you didn't have all the heroines after all. There are 10 in total, including Leaf.
Catherine appears in the Holy Forest after you make some progress.
I didn't read the guide, I just assumed that was it.

Apparently i'm also missing Miranda and Elisabeth. Elisabeth I know, that's the shopwoman that vanished halfway through the game. I looked up and Miranda seems to be hired by having enough sin (I went sinless all the way, so...) but i wasn't able to find how to recruit Elisabeth.

>Catherine appears in the Holy Forest after you make some progress.
When exactly? Literally never saw her even though i returned to the forest all the time.
She should appear by the staircase along with two of her companions, afterwards she'll appear in the bone zone just past Elixir. You'll want to make sure you have Jeanne and have beaten the boss of Elixir too.
I don't remember. She appears near the entrance to the dungeon though.
>Elisabeth disappeared
Did you tell Red to talk to her mother?
>She should appear by the staircase along with two of her companions,
I never saw here there, though. I don't exactly know when she's supposed to have appeared, I probably missed the window.

Yes, she probably killed her or something but i just kinda went in blind.
>you did the same thing in BS1
Wait what is that referred to? I am about to replay BS1 so I might pay attention because I dont remember anything like that in BS1.
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Oh now I remember, thanks. Now I also feel like a dodo for not trying it before snowman tip.
Why is the guide so damn obtuse? I've spent hours and i still haven't figured out how to recruit elisabeth or miranda. Why the hell would you make a guide and then go
>Uhm, just do like [quest] as usual here
Without ever explaining what as usual is
I mean the other one. Catharine.
Just say no to family interactions and rewards from helping her find her ring.
Appears around the time you unlock the boat west in my runs, probably tied to reaching the entrance to the Lost Empire the first time or something. Get Jeanne, defeat the boss in Elixir, and rescue Catherine in the Skeleton Maze, she'll move to Elixir's boss room after.
>how to recruit elisabeth
Recruit Red Hood and once they're both in Holy Forest interact with her and tell her that what she's thinking is incorrect.

>or miranda.
Go to the Tainted Bog with 5 Sins, she'll spawn and chase you.
Let her catch you and then defeat her.

Also, you're a fag for using a guide.
Black Souls heavily rewards exploring and doing things in different ways each time and you decided to read and guide ruining the experience in the process.
Colossal homosexual behavior desu.
I played it without a guide the first time around, I'm not going to play the game fifty times over seeking a bunch of obscure secrets you can basically only even stumble on through sheer luck.
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>innocent rules got translated
I'll seeya bros, I've got a chicken shota to sodomize
>chicken shota
Kys faggot
>chicken shota
Based faggot
Translate doko
Is there a known audio issue with Black Souls 1?
Out of nowhere I am having extrememly choppy/glitchy audio where it will cut in and out rapidly and/or repeat the first second and a half of an areas ost on repeat about 50 times before moving on to the next second and a half of that track on repeat
It starts very similar to this, and then will start rapidly looping parts
streamable com/hhfkwo
rake time
*cricket sounds*
>Is there a known audio issue with Black Souls 1?
No, that's the first time I've heard of it. My assumption would be that something got corrupted but I couldn't say for sure.
Go to hell, you're a brute protecting unknown holes in the narrative and the void of quests, the game doesn't reward you with anything because you won't find anything and you'll lose the quest line
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what the fuck
>Black Souls heavily rewards exploring and doing things in different ways each time
This is only true for most of the game.
Spending hours searching for the final fairytale, or missing out on one permanently because you never realise the matchstick girl death isn't a cutscene/only visit too soon or too late etc is total bullshit.
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My wife doesn't deserve this
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this is too cruel
I'm about to play Black Souls 1 and I just remembered something someone said once in an RPG Maker thread about the soundtrack being replaced because of copyright reasons. I don't see anything about that from a skim of the f95 threads, so am I misremembering something? Will I be missing out on some prime music picks?
That's from Bs2 and yeah some of the new music isn't as good as the old ones. BS1 doesn't have anything like that tho
Just a bs2 thing, And i'm pretty sure the f95 version of it has the original music
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As anons said that's a problem only in bs2 and only when you get your copy from the dlsite, all english pirate copies i have encountered have had the og soundtrack so far.

But if you do get the dlsite copy then just ask anons nicely to provide music rip or go look at the archives, i'm sure it was posted thread or 2 ago.
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Alright sweet. Thanks anons, I'll be sure to download BS2 from the appropriate sites when I play it
bros........ our dodo.......
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what are you trying to say, anon?
dodo is wife, dodo is life.
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bobo is done for........

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