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Alright fellas give me genuinely bad JRPGS.
And for genuinely bad I don't mean shit you don't like or weak mainstream entries like Pokémon Sword/Shield or FFXIII, I'm actively looking for wretched forgotten poorly made kusoges and memorably bad hidden gems.
What do I begin with?
Final fantasy
Hoshi wo Miru Hito (星をみるひと)
TAO (道 -TAO-)
Maka Maka (摩訶摩訶)
Light Fantasy (ライトファンタジー) and Light Fantasy II (ライトファンタジーII)
Cross Hunter (クロスハンター)
Ancient Roman: Power of Dark Side (アンシャントロマン 〜Power of Dark Side〜)
Beyond the Beyond (ビヨンド・ザ・ビヨンド 遙かなるカナーンへ)
Tasogare no Ode: Ode to the Sunset Era (黄昏のオード ‐ODE TO THE SUNSET ERA‐)
The Mystic Dragoons (ミスティックドラグーン)
Spectral Tower (スペクトラルタワー), Spectral Blade (スペクトラルブレイド), and the entire Spectral series in general
Tenshou Gakuen Gensouroku (転生學園幻蒼録) and Tenshou Gakuen Gekkouroku (転生學園月光録)
Kamiyori Gakuen Genkouroku Kurnugia (神代學園幻光録 クル・ヌ・ギ・ア)
Elvandia Story (エルヴァンディアストーリー)
Last Rebellion (ラストリベリオン)
Time and Eternity (時と永遠 〜トキトワ〜)
Ougon no Kizuna (黄金の絆)
Lunar: Dragon Song (LUNAR -ジェネシス-)
Langrisser Re:Incarnation -TENSEI- (ラングリッサー リインカーネーション -転生-)

I got almost all of these from Japanese websites documenting kusoge or from watching Japanese youtubers suffer through playing them.

Bonus one I actually played myself:
Alnam no Kiba (アルナムの牙 獣族十二神徒伝説) as a game it's awful and it's so buggy there's a dozen ways to crash the game or brick your save file, but the story is great.
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Related: write-up about Hoshi wo Miru Htio, one of the most famous of these games in Japan.
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Red Riding Woods is objectively awful
Demons Roots is the single worst game I've ever played by my subjective standards. But it has fans for whatever reason, so it doesn't fit your standards, OP
Akiba's Trip (Vita)

Counts as an ARPG I think. Premise is you're a not-vampire otaku forced to fight other not-vampires and rip each other's clothes off (exposing them to sunlight).
Unfortunately the game is really bad:
>any difficulty other than the hardest removes a core mechanic to the combat
>switching targets is jank and barely works, yet you are often fighting multiple opponents in cramped alleys and streets. No AoE attacks afaik
>character art for the VN-style dialogue is mostly really bad, and if they need to show a character from the left, they just flip the artwork. This makes asymmetric hairstyles and outfits very funny.
>humor is painfully unfunny
>in-universe advertisements for real world games just remind me I could be playing something presumably better
>shitloads of DLC but all of it is just outfits from better games
Played a couple hours and have no desire to go back
Breath of Fire Dragon Quarter.

The only Breath of Fire game where transforming into a dragon actively fucks you over because if you use it too much, you have to do NG+ to get the game's only ending
OP asked for a bad game and I gave one.

Or are you one of those bots that sees someone rightfully shit on BoF:DQ and say "RETARD/FILTERED" and not refute any criticism?
Witch and Hero
Sands of Destruction.
NTA, but I'll refute it. It's an intentional mechanic that puts a price on power in a way that forces you to approach obstacles intelligently. It also compliments the harsh setting. I understand it's a subversion of the previous games but that doesn't make it bad.

Hell your first post didn't even explain why it was bad in the first place. You just described the mechanic itself.
Maka Maka is a rare case of actual so bad it's good. Sure it barely works but the batshit insanity always keeps you interested in seeing what comes next.
I remember it being shit but in an interesting way
Game is like a surreal fever dream, even Black Souls fans say it's only worth it as a mild curiosity.
Star Ocean 3
ugly, poorly written, terrible characters, awful gameplay
the only redeeming quality is the music
Black Souls
Inindo: Way of the Ninja. A gigantic piece of shit from my childhood. som1 here identified it for me a while back.
Megami Tensei 1
>10+ hours of pure grinding required
>enemies can level you down
>no map with confusing labyrinthian dungeons
>one save point in the entire game
>about in the middle of the game you have to place three gems in a mask in a specific order with no hints, and if you fail you get sent back to the start of the game, and you're permanently barred from doing the puzzle (and completing the game as a result) if you go back
Sounds sovlfvl
Beyond the Beyond.
Is this a joke post?
Super paper mario

Ocean Voice

It's like Seraphic Blue and Kanon's child affected by thalidomide
You dropped the word "Legend"
Also Quest 64
I avoid RPGMaker garbage so that's the worst you'll get from me
Rhapsody: A Musical Adventure is pure cancer, but soulful cancer.
The only issues I have with the game are the 5 variations of dungeon and the piss easy difficulty. The former was just a thing JRPGs did shamelessly when they were given 8 month dev times on a shoestring budget (see Phantasy Star 3), and the latter is because I presume the target audience for the game was 7 year olds. It's mediocre, but not the worst of the worst that OP is looking for
>current pokemon not allowed to be considered a bad game
Beyond the Beyond is legit seen as okay in the west and kusoge in Japan.
Demons Roots is definitely surface level, but it's by no measure terribly made. If you somehow don't figure out how busted TP gain equipment is, then you have a pretty basic battle system with only the story backing it up (which, as a fan, is overhyped beyond belief. h-games with a story focus are doomed to be disappointments if all you sell it on is the story. going in with low expectations is really the only way)
"Okay" is exactly how I'd describe BtB. Not the nightmare people make it out to be, just a very by-the-books plot, setting, and gameplay with a questionable game design decision here and there.
Tales of the Tempest was a vely ungood game from when I whas small child in Japan!

Please forgive disgracefull English, I learn as good as the ability!
suikoden 2 and xenogears
I'd describe it as shit. It's generic, which would be fine, except it takes every mildly annoying problem you saw in JRPGs of the time and cranks it all the way up. Through the roof encounter rate, large winding dungeons, lots of puzzles, a bad attempt at an active system that means combat is prolonged if you don't blindly button mash. None of these are that bad individually but they combine together to be one of the worst slogs I've ever put myself through.
>>you can't press B to go back if you select the wrong thing in battle
this is disgustingly common in JRPGs. Only a tiny handful of them give you the ability to prevent a turn from starting immediately after selecting the last party member's action
Just don’t be retarded??
If this is an option in-game I turn off the check because it saves me so much time/button presses. Legitimately it’s a player skill issue
A game so bad, it was demoted from being mainline to being a spinoff.
its remakes where good but the original is genuinely a kusoge
the pc98 version of white witch.
Aidyn Chronicles: The First Mage. N64's quarter-assed attempt to also have an RPG while PS1 was going sicko mode. It's glacially slow, boring, confusing, looks like ass and often has areas with no music due to space constraints on a cartridge.
Wasted a rental as a kid on this garbage. And on Quest 64. At least N64 had Paper Mario I guess.
phantasy star 2 and 3

only mt1 if it's the famicom version.
last bible special
I'm glad you said Beyond the Beyond sucks. People sometimes defend it. But you're right. I like Kemco JRPGs and BtB is not even that.
Just run your post through a spell check, my friend.
Odd way to spell Trails.
That guy is ironically an anti-DQ schizo who just ignores any and all counters to his shitposts. Been at it for years here and on /v/.
Gig is a funny edgelord especially in DLC crossovers but Soul Nomad sucks
Metaphor ReFantazio is a soulless cashgrab that panders to politics and goes against japanese design dishonest product made to suck cock of investors
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Spectral Tower is probably the most recognizable one due to getting some attention from YT content leeches.
Final Fantasy II. It's a shit game. No, SaGa isn't bad. SaGa's good. FF2 is shit.
It's a theory of mine FF2 was meant to have a 999 HP level cap and far slower defense growth. This would've made a huge impact on its braindead difficulty.
Demon's Roots is the most jrpg jrpg I've played, it felt like a condensed essence of the genre with all its tropes and mechanics. It wasn't exactly to my tastes either but if you're calling it bad then you probably just don't like jrpgs very much in general.
>the most jrpg jrpg I've played, it felt like a condensed essence of the genre with all its tropes and mechanics.
>you probably just don't like jrpgs very much in general.
I don't, actually. I grew up on PC RPGs and strategy games. I do like some of them, mainly the nonlinear ones (SaGa) and the ones with complex combat systems (Bravely Default's job system is so good) but I bounced off pretty hard from the so-called classics, they're usually too simple and poorly written.
Holy shit OP got a real life Brian?
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FUCK Dragon Quest II
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you want to experience pain?
Sansara Naga
It has a good battle theme tho
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Secret of the Stars.
I'm currently playing this. This game has some of the shittiest design decisions I've ever seen in a JRPG and I'm not even talking about the losing HP to run thing. It's objectively retarded, sure, but it's not nearly as big a flaw as the other retarded things in that game. The odd thing is, every design decision in this game feels as if it was meant to bandaid some other shitty aspect of the game. Losing HP to run? Meant to make up for the fact that enemies on the map move slower than your walking speed. Choosing between exp or items? The idea was to put on exp mode for the blue chests, then put on item mode otherwise. Courier quests? A way to make money off of the garbage drops you get in item mode and get money to pay for the occasional gear breaks. And they add a shop which sometimes lets you buy some of those items to make easy money. But I think the most insidious thing no one talks about is the treasure. The regular chests give jack shit. You will get healing items that cost barely anything, or accessories. That's it. Sometimes the accessories are useful at least. There's a small stretch of the game where you actually get money and gear from normal chests, and for once they drop a character that's been leveled instead of dumping a level 1 character on you. It is the most fun stretch of the game, not that it's saying much.

That said, for as shitty as the game is, I somehow find it more tolerable than Pokemon Sword and Shield. It really says something about modern Pokemon when this game made by people with the most ass backwards way of designing a JRPG somehow managed to earn less of my ire than a series I used to care about.
Septerra Core.
>but it wasn't made in Japan
It plays exactly like a JRPG.
And it fucking sucks.
That it came from a series I so loved made it extra painful. Even moreso, because the basic outline of the game is perfectly functional.

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