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File: Spoiler Image (414 KB, 1280x720)
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Merry late christmas
received from a square insider
said that the game was discarded early but late enough to have missions working
If this is real in any way, why would SE trash it?
Because they're retarded. You already have something like this for the 2 DS games on PC.

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Because they're retarded, and they probably asked how much it cost to develop it to that point and how much it would cost to finish development, and determined that it's not worth it based on some market analysis by a retard. Probably "original game sales (which were low because it was a fucking 3DS game and sucked ass because of it) - 20% remake tax = not worth it. We're talking about the company that took the absolutely 100% guaranteed moneyprinter that was FF7, and turned it into a retarded fanfic-fest with time dilation jannies and homoerotic Sephiroth lusting after Cloud's shlong.
Fake and gay.

this was confirmed fake and mocked up for the melonmix server
it even got deleted once it got called out on reddit
didnt you know??
Do show more.

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