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What makes the Ys series special compared to other Action RPGs?
Retarded bump combat, and then it became generic. The Naphistim games are just top down Kingdom Hearts, but with way worse combat. Party Ys is for Trails faggots and coomer retards and they're fucking terrible.
They're self contained adventures
How is that different from every other ARPG?
3 things
The unique combat
>R.I.P. since V
The brevity and pacing
>R.I.P. since VII
The music
>R.I.P. since IX
I don't know, I thought x had some pretty solid tracks
I would take the piss out of you for posting 3 songs out of a 60 track OST, but I don't actually think those are good to begin with. Actually, I think the only outstanding OSTs were for the first 4 games and their remakes anyways, I just pushed forward to VIII because everyone wanks off to Sunshine Coastline.
Only the bump games are anything unique. Modern Ys is the shittiest ARPG series on the market.
lol do you want me to just spam links to the soundtrack you fucking sperg? I just selected a few of the tracks I enjoyed the most, I'm not saying the soundtrack is as good as earlier soundtracks but it isn't a net negative that killed the reputation of ys soundtracks like you're making it out to be
The question was what makes Ys special, not what makes it acceptable. Most ARPGs have good soundtracks. Do you think it's just a coincidence everyone only ever posts the same 2-4 songs from VIII-X and no one ever posts songs from V-VII?
No, because that doesn't fucking happen.
Then you should lurk more.
>but I don't actually think those are good to begin with
To be Free and Through the North Wind are mid, but Young Swordsman in the Eyes is genuinely peak. It's like classic Ys music.
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Should I check out the series from the beginning or cherry pick more recent titles?
Once you really get into it, the beginning means the PC-88 version in particular. Chronicles is a really good starting point.
What other action rpgs are we talking about here?
Kingdom Hearts, Tales, Star Ocean, Mana, FF7R, and some others I'm forgetting.
literally all of those have better gameplay than ys
Not having disney characters in it and having more than 2 worthwhile games
Having fully 3D action and no random encounters
Not being a turn based/action hybrid
And for Mana idk, never bothered.
Haven't played Star Ocean, but Tales and Mana sure don't. KH has a couple games worse than the whole Ys series as well.
Each Tales combat system is different and they're all more in-depth and fun than combat in any Ys game. That includes Arise, which is presumably the only game you've played, if any. Ys is a really weak Action RPG offering.
Seven, Memories of Caca, 8, 9 and 10 are the only YS games worth playing
other Falcom slop worth playing is Xanadu Next and maybe the action RPG Trails games
Compelling argument. Classic Falcom player.
Tales is everything that the modern Ys games wish they were.
As if your buzzwords in your post meant anything to warrant arguing with you beyond stating my disagreement.
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I love Ys
There are none in my posts. You're already conceding. Typical Falcom fan behavior. What exactly is it that causes such severe mental disorders in Falcom fans? Do they have to be mentally ill to play the games, or do they become mentally ill after playing them?
I've played Vesperia, Graces f, and Berseria and they were all mashy skillspam in barebones circular arenas and have no source of depth besides combo optimization. They literally have auto-battle like a gacha. The Ys party games are the only ones they could possibly be better than simply because flash dodge/guard are shit mechanics, but Ys still has fundamentally more going on through the intersection of platforming and enemy design with movement, crowd control, weaknesses, etc. This is before getting into how viscerally unpleasant the linear motion system was in the earlier Tales games. I can tell from every post ITT since that you're just here to shitpost though so I'm not sure why I even bothered responding.
My guy, one era of Ys is just bumping into enemy sprites, the second is a shitty sidescroller, the third is a low budget isometric Kingdom Hearts and now we're at an extemely mid party-style series of games where you just have infinite invincibility windows with minimal effort. You literally do not possess critical thinking or analytical skills if you arrive at absolutely ridiculous conclusions like you're doing.
Case in point, someone who obviously hasn't played the games.
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Are you referring to yourself not playing anything other than Falcom games?
Let's see those playtimes.
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>playing 102 hours of a 5 hour game you supposedly think is shit
Yeah that's very believable.
>low budget Kingdom Hearts
It is. I can play video games without becoming the kind of mindless cultist all Falcomfags are.
the party based YS games are the only good ones
you are just a contrarian pseud
Jumping into any Falcom thread you see just to cause drama is pretty mindless behavior. Just saying
Are you referring to Falcomfags on /v/ invading every JRPG-related thread and derailing them with Falcom shitposting?
>why is falcom *hyperbolic positive statement* and why does everything else *hyperbolic negative statement*
I wonder why you attract loathing.
>bait exists
>nooooooooooo why has this backfired>
>why does everyone hate me reeeeeeeeeeee
This is you.
>come to mongolian basket-weaving website where you can say whatever dumb shit you want
>people say whatever dumb shit they want
>say absolutely retarded shit and make an effort to become known for this
>act completely surprised when there comes a time where you're not actively disliked on all vidya related boards
Wow. Shocking.
Ys? More like Pyss.
Why did you play 102 hours of what you think is low budget Kingdom Hearts?
Why do you lack the ability to play games without droning out?
Did you like the game at least?
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>I award your life... 100 points.
All you did was call the thing you like fun, me a falcom fan as an insult and then mentally retarded. You can't argue to save your life. Save your breath.
You using muh (nonexistent) buzzwords as an argument has already disqualified you from this conversation. You're shrugging off virtually every other JRPG franchise in existence, and your message is effectively this:
>ys good
>everything else bad
I'm sure you follow the same line of thinking for Trails.
Falsified history now.
>all of those have better gameplay than ys
>not really
>oh yeah they are more complex and fun, you only played Arise anyway. Ys is a weak action RPG
>typical falcom retard fan blah blah

You sound extremely challenged my dude.
Nope. You're responding to a list of games with
>falcom better
Even your understanding of the games you claim to have played is extremely limited based on your posts, so I imagine by "played" you mean booted the game up, hit new game and quit after 90 minutes, which would be 30% of pre-Ys Seven's total playtime per playthrough. You're also responding to multiple statements with one word answer, and getting very angry about being called a retard for it. You are a retard.
YOU are the one that claimed that every one of those games is better than Ys. Get your story straight idiot. Guess what, they aren't. They do key things differently like those i mentioned in my previous post, thus people are allowed to think Ys is special compared to them. Just because you're a rage baiting idiot doesn't mean you have to project your mental state onto others.
You're saying they're not, I'm say they are. Your post is the root of this entire interaction here. You're making surface level remarks about games you don't understand, which you've accused me of doing, to which I've posted play time by request. This how you idiots always operate and why you're disliked. You're a plague on all video game related boards on this website.
I'm not convinced the anon you're arguing with likes anything yet. I've already asked if he liked Oath and didn't get a response >>3687225
First off, you're a retard that is arguing with many people at the same time. I wasn't the anon that asked you for screenshots.
Secondly, OP asked why is Ys special compared to other action rpgs and i answered that. Which of my "surface level" remarks hurt you? I don't even dislike Tales but you seem to only be capable of arguing by shitting on Falcom games like it's some kind of dogma. You really think it's impossible for people to prefer Ys gameplay compared to Tales or Star Ocean or whatever? Get your meds, Ys does a lot of stuff better in my opinion.
its worse. the writing is unbearable. made for toddlers. 8 is fun for stretches but Ys is inferior to Trails series
>they were all mashy skillspam in barebones circular arenas and have no source of depth
that is literally what ys is
You're literally calling Tales "mashy skillspam" in defense of Ys, which you find more complex. That's hilarious. Again, try actually playing non-Falcom games for more than 10 minutes. It'll be revelatory.
>n-n-no that's not me!
Holy cope.
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Happy new year Ysbros
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Happy new year Ys bro
I somehow knew your argument would break down into being confused about who replied to you. You're even self aware enough about it to preemptively accuse me for coping (with what? telling you the facts?). Hint, when you get 2 replies for a single post you made it's rarely the same person.
Back on your idiotic opinion. Just saying Tales is more complex or more fun means nothing. At the very least you should explain what you find complex about it. I don't like Tales as an action rpg as much because of the random encounters doing the usual scene transition into a battle area with invisible walls, lack of platforming scenarios in their encounters etc. Completely different design from Ys, with combos being long attack and skill strings you have to chain together while restrited by enemy hitstun, inspired by 2D fighters.
It's 2025 is Proud nodicks out yet?
Ys isn't unique or special. It is however very fast paced and fun in the gameplay department. With ideally great music. Which is why it's worth playing.
>I somehow knew your argument would break down into being confused about who replied to you.
Don't you find that ironic when you're claiming to be someone else pushing the same nonsense as someone you claim not to be? It's not preemptive when you've literally done just that one post prior. On an anonymous image board, by the way. Are you mentally deficient, or just oblivious?
>At the very least you should explain what you find complex about it.
They have depth and complexity. Compared to Ys, which is what you're comparing the games to. You claim you're barely involved in this conversation at all, and yet you can't even keep track of the argument at all. Tales games are traditional JRPGs with an action combat system that varies in mechanics and complexity between titles, whereas Ys is an action series with RPG elements tacked on, particularly the pre-Seven games. None of that is "special." What about a JRPG with a combat system designed like a fighting game, one of which was even made by the devs of Tekken? That is special, as a direct response to OP. You're all over the place.
>Don't you find that ironic when you're claiming to be someone else pushing the same nonsense as someone you claim not to be?
I won't even read past this. You are on some high end copium. I can't argue with a lunatic imagining things. Just imagine you're right and move on.
You're piling on the irony, aren't you. Tales is "complex" and "deep" compared to Ys. Tales is "more special" than Ys for its fighting game combat system, one developed by Tekken devs. I accept your concession, mentally deficient-kun.
NTA, I posted that. I see I touched a nerve, which explains why you dived into insincere reductions and insults immediately. Phrased less pejoratively, the combat almost entirely consists of juggling enemies with combos, which are almost exclusively made up of special moves, thus its form of depth is in deckbuilding, memorizing inputs, and execution. Of course, Tales Studio did attempt to incorporate countermeasures to this with degrading hitstun and teching out of combos, but they can be bypassed all the same with tech like restands for a guaranteed combo reset and Over Limit, which is as busted if not moreso than any Ys super mode. You sometimes see a similar problem with KH2's revenge values when the counter is punishable or you use the negative combo exploit at endgame, but I digress. Once you figure out combos, all the game is is combos. Not once was there an incentive to even switch characters except in Berseria whereas it's integral in Ys's party system games. The conclusion of this is that situations are far less dynamic than they could be if they instead focused on the areas I highlighted. I don't think I need to explain what happens in a bump game when there's a diagonal wall and/or two enemies in a narrow corridor, for example, or how silly the KH comparison was for any number of reasons, starting with how KH has a vulnerable floaty jump, dodge rolls and generous parries for defense, infinite heals, a party to draw aggro, and replaced platforming with an Awesome Button after the first game. Of course, Ys has its weak entries too, especially V and IX, but based on my exposure to both series, I would argue that even if we account for taste, Ys is, on average and divorced from genre labels, deeper than Tales.

I describe Ys a tad above, but also, skills didn't even exist until Ys Seven, so consider actually looking at the games before posting.
It's worth pointing out this reply chain in particular started with a question of quality, not depth, complexity, or specialness, although I'm sure that poster just misunderstood the point of the thread. That's why I mentioned how viscerally unpleasant the earlier Tales games' linear motion system was, there are other factors such as how actions feel to perform and of course balance and content. Even if we take quality as synonymous with what you mentioned, your argument is effectively "depth is when RPG mechanics" and "depth is when Tekken." As if depth can't be found in other genres. Tekken isn't a good fighting game btw so there's no ethos to its name. RPG mechanics don't count for much when you're an auto-battler, just as there are plenty of turn-based RPGs with a full host of mechanics but you can get through them by mashing the basic attack button.

Whether you think the argument including multiple people is inconceivable or makes no difference, it not mattering to you explains why you have such a burning hatred for Falcomfags: they're all effectively one person in your mind, so if one says something, it's the same as the collective saying it. This really highlights why spending too much time on anonymous forums is unhealthy. I'm sorry you spent the whole holiday ITT thinking you were in a flame war with me.
"I touched a nerve," he says, as he writes two character limits posts back-to-back in a total of three paragraphs, most certainly pre-written in a text document also, as the two posts come a few minutes apart. Self-awareness level checks out. You see how this looks. You need to work on making your posts more digestible, instead of piling on to your endless tangential word salad with sentence after sentence.

Reductionism is how you chose to approach Ys vs everything else, using terms that ironically describes Ys itself, and it appears that you've managed to upset yourself when someone decided to "NO U" you. Ys is neither a quality game series, nor a "special" one beyond the initial bump combat titles from several decades ago. Both depth and "quality" are things the series lack. You're effectively claiming party Ys provides more mechanical depth than other games because you have to swap characters to deal with color coded enemies, and because it has *extremely* limited platforming.

Get yourself a tripcode or use a name if you're entirely unable to separate yourself from the herd and repeatedly have to point out that you're not the same person, despite shoveling the same ragebaiting horse crap as the other person you claim not to be. What a source of amusement you are.
For a second, I thought you were sincere so I decided I ought to actually explain how the games work, but I guess I was mistaken. I'll format this like a Reddit post if it helps you, but yesterday's flame war exceeds the length of those two posts, yet you kept up with it posting the whole time, so it seems like you're just using the length as an excuse to disengage when you don't have a real counterargument despite obviously still reading them.

That's the same reason you're ignoring every detail but character switching and platforming. Just because it's simple in concept doesn't mean it's shallow. It's not just targeting weaknesses but entails swapping entire movesets for which every attack has different properties, with the most important ones being speed, range, and area of effect. Again, what sets it apart is how these separate mechanics intersect and affect each other. As for the platforming, that's an arbitrary quantification. Even confined to the party games, I can just point at Cloaca Maxima or the Sanctuary Crypt and call it a day.

At this point, I'm starting to think you haven't played Tales since you won't talk about it outside general terms. Why do you insist Ys lacks quality when you put 102 hours into Oath? Even if you're trying to turn your brain off, don't you have better ways of doing that with your time? What do you get out of falseflagging?
>reddit formatting
Your paragraph contained 1.8k characters of uninterrupted autism. This isn't a "reddit" thing, it's a (You) thing. You're really grasping at straws here.
>but yesterday's flame war exceeds the length of those two posts
You don't appear to be mentally present. You opened your post by making a snide remark about "touching a nerve," and then proceeded to write a two part response containing almost 4k characters. I directly addressed this irony, which continues to go over your head.

You're not breaking down anything. You've played a handful of games in a series containing 20+ games, each with individual combat systems, and are applying Vesperia's mechanics to all of them and are making assumptions at best. That's the level of reductionism we're at here. There's nothing to address. This is hot air.

Furthermore, all your responses are based on you interpreting things in any way that you wish. For instance, I brought up that Tales is a traditional, full length JRPG series with action combat, and Ys is an action series with RPG elements tacked on, and that what makes them individually "special" is the fighting game-inspired and bump combat (ancient history) respectively, with one having had input from fighting game developers to reinforce the point, and how you chose to interpret and respond to that, well, we've seen how that went.

Simplicity is what Ys is known for, and the games are very mechanically shallow, both on paper and in execution. Its RPG elements are irrelevant beyond letting less skilled players brute force certain bosses in the pre-party games. As for the party games, there's ZERO mechanical difference between the playable characters, and even their skills are largely just reskins with said color coding, which lets you bind them in the same slot to make the characters completely interchangeable from a mechanical perspective.
Adol is a legend, inspired series like Rance, yet it was just humble beginnings with bump gameplay
bro Ys had functional gameplay even in bump era when the other games at the time are just panty quest novels. Ys and by extension Trails always introduced new features with each new engine
Ys I came out in December 1989. Zelda 1 came out in February 1986. There's almost 4 years between them, and there's a billion Zelda clones from that era. I don't think you have your gaming history right if you think Ys was some miracle during the high score game days of gaming.
Zelda is NES. Ys 1 released earlier and I can't think of any "action-like" games during its time
>Ys I came out in December 1989
June 21, 1987*
Why do people always want to compare Ys and Zelda? If anything, it should be compared to the likes of Hydlide or Dragon Slayer.
Ys doesn't predate Zelda and Zelda is "action-like". The second one is an action RPG.

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