You are worthless, so anything you do with your time is perfectly fine.
no yes
>>3686112im a 6.4ft white knight, how im worthless?
It's unlikely to be better than the previous remakes, but correct me if I'm wrong. I would certainly pick the original over XVI though.
>>3686121(s)He's projecting
>>3686108There are few games that aren't worth buying over FFXVI.
>>3686108I was bored with FF16 even before completing the prologue.Visions of Mana is a charming action rpg that gets most stuff right and you can tell the devs cared. The main story is just a bit bland and has some awkward pacing here and there.
>>3686108Its a solid 7/10, not too bad.
>>3686272FF XVI its a solid 4/10
It's still mid, just like FFXVI. Get Rebirth instead or something.
>>3686108Yes, ffxvi is terrible while this one seems at least decent(?)I honestly dont know, havent picked this one up, the artstyle is very weird
>>3686137it's honestly better than "Trails of Mana" my only gripe is that everything looks too nice. We aren't getting any really out there freaks like in "Legend of Mana" it's like it was art directed by the koreans of chinese.
>>3686326my sentiments exactly. It's too pretty, it's not "Mana" enough, the monsters are there sure and there are many familiar faces about, but I was expecting dead ass freaks.
>>3686108It's a remake done well.
>>3687995Its the same artist that did Trials Remake. MC is pretty much a bootleg Randy from Secret and his girlfriend is heavily based off Fuji from FFA/Adventures.>>3688011Visions is not a remake
Can anyone redpil me on the mana series pls?Which one should I start from?I was thinking about Secret of Mana, but I heard the remake is worse than the OG, why?
>>3688213The remake looks worse and has a worse OST (that you can iirc swap the the original one) but the gameplay is the same and if anything is slightly better since shortcuts now exist.
>>3688213Start with Final Fantasy Adventure, its the actual first game in the series despite its name. Ignore its GBA remake (Sword of Mana) for now, it is its own beast and makes radical changes to both gameplay and story, you can play it down the line if you want.After FFA you can play them in release order Secret -> Trials -> Legends and then ignore all the slop and jump straight into Visions. The World of Mana games (Children, Dawn and Heroes) are all bad and I wouldn't recommend playing them unless you're extremely curious and bored.
>>3688238Sword is pretty fun and worth playing even if its pretty easy due to everything having way too little HP.
>>3686108Visions was not goodXVI was peak Final FantasyI'd go with peak tbŐ°
>>3688872Dont listen to this huy, ffxvi is barely and RPG and not a good game at all too.The target audience is the same of games like the Last of Us and new good of war, that Mash buttons writing for the next cutscene and story Beats. The game is shallow and wouldve been better as a movie or animePlay the mana thing even though its not perfect too
>i missed the sale fuck is it worth the full pricethe reviews aren't that great
>>368887216 was not peak lmao
>>3686108It's just Genshin Slopact with different graphics and vastly inferior to the Trials remake. That's what happens when you farm shit out to chink companies. That said it's still better than Dixteen.
>>3688224>has a worse OSTIt's the same OST with better instrumentation. The remake one is ostensibly better unless you think lower quality SNES MIDIs is better or something. It's like the people who whine about PSP IS' soundtrack which is a clear upgrade in sound quality/instrumentation/arrangement (as opposed to PSP EP which is a downgrade in arrangement).
>>3688872XVI was peak trash