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Is it actually worth picking up now? I'm wary of it because it's still in Early Access but there is an upcoming "1.0 patch". How much content is there in it right now?
no, hold the line.
performance is janky as its not optimized but the gameplay makes it worth waiting for
>but the gameplay makes it worth waiting for
That's precisely it: I love what I see, but the problem is that at the moment, it feels like a glorified demo or a beta build, which I guess isn't too far off. I don't even know if the main quest is complete at the moment.
>King Arthur but... LE SUBVERTED !
File: titoria.png (909 KB, 1002x762)
909 KB
909 KB PNG
>King Arthur but... LE SUBVERTED !
I much prefer King Arthur but... Le girl with big tits!
>no, hold the line.
Every ea title
don't even pirate this trash

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