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This game kinda sucks ass so far. Is the remaster an improvement? Should I skip it?
As someone who paid for it at release and played it many hours, it really isn't that great, but it has a cult following who fiercely love it. Not everything has to appeal to you, move on.
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>Kawazu filters another from the kinopool
So long, faggot
Is there something special I'm missing about it? I wanted to play all the SaGa games but this one is crusty.
It's not the difficulty that's bothering me.
SaGa Frontier 2 is even worse.
No, I'm saying don't ask me, I didn't really like it, I only played it because I was a huge Square fanboy at the time and back then you had to play games you bought regardless. I think it's overrated.
It's a game with a lot of secrets, grinding, trial and error, and mostly short stories, that ends up being the only drive to complete it. If you don't find any of the stories interesting, you probably won't find the game very fun. The remastered version adds some qol features and a new character.
>Is there something special I'm missing about it?
If you don't care for it's fine. The story in these games is old-fashioned video game presentation from the 80s-90s rather than cinematics today. The gameplay can also be dull in the beginning because you need to glimmer techs to really get the combat rolling.
Also there's not very much direction in the game. You'll stumble on a lot of different areas that have nothing to do with your character, and the fights can get very difficult if you go somewhere you shouldn't be.
If you're a die-hard SaGa fan then it's a must play. If you just enjoy JRPGs in general and you're not already in love after an hour or two of playing Frontier? It doesn't get better.
Yep. Yep. What this anon said. Honestly if you want a game that does the whole short story thing better that Square made back in the day, check out Legend of Mana.
Why is there so little relevant information about RS3 outside of that one autistic fansite? No one's discussing builds anywhere in English communities. Is the game really that obscure in the west? Virtually no player engagement at all.
I can't stand SaGa Frontier, it just feels so fucking empty, barren, and unfinished.
It's one of my favorite games, but it doesn't click with everybody. Which character did you start with? You might enjoy starting with Red more than Lute, for example. But the game won't change completely with a different character, so maybe it's not for you.

Give it a chance and play a bit longer, see if you like it more. What about it specifically bothers you?
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>because you need to glimmer techs
Is this seriously what they're calling 閃く for this? I've seen everything from spark, to flash, and now glimmer, and each one of them sounds retarded as fuck.
I like spark. It fits well, both with the lightbulb flashing and in the sense of "it sparked a new idea."

I can't think of a better term for a lightbulb going off in your head when you think of a new tech.
"Sounding retarded as fuck" sounds like your specialty.
>The story in these games is old-fashioned video game presentation from the 80s-90s rather than cinematics today.
The old school presentation isn't my issue, I had no problem playing RS1 (not Minstrel Song). It's what's being presented, and the weird structure. I picked Red and so far it's
>wander around the Cygnus, talk to everyone, click everything, nothing happens
>get sent to the casino
>wander around, talk to everyone, click everything, nothing happens
>talk to the ninja guys and get put into one forced battle as Alkaiser so I can't get stat growth
>back to the Cygnus, wander around, talk to everyone, click everything, nothing happens
>get sent to some town
>wander around, this time there's something new but they're all enemies that are way above my potential right now because i haven't had a chance for stat growth, obviously something for later, move on
>find a cutscene, get one forced battle as Alkaiser, back to the Cygnus
>repeat two more times
I loved the first two FF Legends and RS2, I was glad to see that the FF Legends races are back since I was missing those from RS. I'll probably keep going because I want to play all the SaGas, but I'm just bitching.
It's been so hard to find anything about any of these games outside of the FF Legends. All the information is barebones or half-finished.
I picked Red, it just feels weirdly structured, I tried to describe it above. I might try another starting character, maybe the monster since I liked those in FF Legend.
This is the easiest and most streamlined SaGa game. Don't bother with the rest, play braindead stuff like Tales of or Kiseki.
>Red's quest
... yeah, that's SaGa Frontier. And he has one of the better quests to do in terms of direction and structure. I don't blame you for talking to everyone and trying to press on everything, and how else are you supposed to figure things out on your own? However, yeah, the Cygnus is pretty bare bones until Nomad commandeers it and until then it's largely just picking up your paycheck and talking to the captain to get to the next region.

Eventually Red gets off the Cygnus and is allowed to just roam wherever, but really what opens SaGa Frontier up is the experience because as you play questlines you'll think of new insights to exploit when you play as other characters.

For example, when you were in Shrike there was an opportunity to recruit a monster named Cotton in the Bio Research Lab. Good luck having any clue he was there without prior knowledge. By having Cotton on your team you can get him to fight the Sphinx that Red is required to fight and get him to absorb Sphinx's Riddle which then makes the early game so much easier.

But the Bio Research Lab is no joke. It's battle rank is well above average, and while it's easy to dodge the scientists with some practice, you'd have to be pretty strong to just cut a swath through it to eventually find Cotton and then know where to go to recruit him thereafter in everyone else's quest. Some of the best loot and best ways to beef up characters in the game, but you'd need to experience SaGa Frontier some to know it.
nta's, but Red was my favorite character as a kid, followed by Blue, Emelia and Asellus. The others are boring, imo. If you can't click with any of those characters, just give up and play something else.
I like SaGa Frontier but it's also my least played SaGa game. Unlike the others it feels less like an adventure and more like a theme park, even compared to the GB SaGa games, so I don't blame you for not being hooked on it. I think Emerald Beyond is a much better successor to the GB games than Frontier though even that is pretty divisive.
What were they smoking when they designed the enemies in this game? Most of them seem completely random.
Red's victory pose is the highlight of the series. Dude is completely unhinged.
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That's kinda the point, it was supposed to be a crazy mish mash world that was colliding genres and aesthetics together, magic and technology. Very similar to how the original SaGa game was
Yeah, they were just throwing shit at the wall. It's just a sequence of "wouldn't that be cool" ideas with no oversight or direction. Late 90s Square, basically.
It's just a really unpleasant game to play. The upscaled art in the remaster is ugly as sin and the game aesthetically hideous already. The controls feel like shit. It's floaty. Sprinting's too fast, the nav mesh is complete dogshit and you bump into things that stop you dead in your tracks and don't at all align with the presented artwork. There areas are tiny and repetitive. The monsters move fast and respawn immediately upon entering and exiting a room, making it worse than standard random encounters as 5+ stack on top of you in doorways.

There's an insane amount of tech and equipment bloat. Progressing the story and locking yourself out of things can be as easy as simply walking up to an NPC, initiating the automatic dialogue on contact, and then being warped to the next scene/location.

The mechanics are easy to follow due to in-game tutorials, but the game is a total mess compared to RS2 and 3. This is a game that's likely to make people drop the series forever unless they were 7 years old when they played it and got maybe 2 games a year.
>game is a few hours long per playthrough
>almost no side content
>no weapon skill levels
>only martial arts, sword and gun weapons
>"story" consists of 5 - 10 cutscenes and a unique final boss
When play say SaGa is bad, they've played SaGa Frontier and dropped the series, because it truly is bad. This is what happens experimentation goes wrong.
>When play say SaGa is bad, they've played SaGa Frontier and dropped the series
This is cope.
RS1 - 3 are good games. SF1 is a bad game and players who play it will think the other games are bad.
Just because you think a game is good, doesn't mean everyone else does. People don't start with Frontier anyway.
>Just because you think a game is good, doesn't mean everyone else does.
Chudette discovers subjectivity.
>People don't start with Frontier anyway.
Sure they do.
>Sure they do.
Every single person who dislikes SaGa played Frontier? lmao
You're dangerously close to veering into schizo territory. I suggest you take some time to assess the situation here.
Anon, you're the one creating pet theories to explain why people don't like a series you like. The "schizo" is coming from within the house.

lmao, fanboys...
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And that what make is better than Xenoshit.
Completely wrong, hence the schizo comment. Apply yourself and try again.
I accept your concession.
You're mentally ill. You're arguing against your own imaginary narratives. Sad.
Do you find yourself interpreting most human behaviour as mental illness? Is that your Get Out of an Actual Argument Free card™?
>When play say SaGa is bad, they've played SaGa Frontier and dropped the series, because it truly is bad. This is what happens experimentation goes wrong.
lmao, what a nutjob, just look at that poor grammar!
It's hyperbole to shit on an awful game, and also absolute fact that it drives people away by being so fucking awful. I definitely interpret your behavior as mental illness. Do you disagree? How would you define your role in this thread? I mean, if you were to disassociate yourself with the contents of the last however man posts since this interaction began and assess each objectively. How would you describe this behavior?
Oh, so you get the Grace of Hyperbole whilst others are judged Mentally Unsound. Very rational.

I like Xenogears and SaGa Frontier
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SaGa Frontier helped me get into the series
SaGa Frontier hurt my peepee. Xenogears hurt my bumbum.
When people say SaGa is bad, 9 times out of 10 the straw that broke the camel's back is Unlimited SaGa. At least that's how it was back in the day.
>People don't start with Frontier anyway.
... I did.
Therefore you aren't people. Congratulations.
Shit. Does this mean I don't have to pay taxes?
I started with Asellus and loved the game start to finish, it's not for everyone but it was just right up my alley, favorite RPG on PS1 hands down
Same here, I loved the crazy mish-mash world and all the characters. Asellus best girl, ZEKE best mech. Transformers are cool.
>game is a few hours long per playthrough
There's enough unique content per character to actually incentive playing them all, unlike RS3
>almost no side content
There's a ton.
>no weapon skill levels
No big loss.
>only martial arts, sword and gun weapons
That's still good, plus you have the different races to make up for it.
>"story" consists of 5 - 10 cutscenes and a unique final boss
Generally other games in the series don't have much story/cutscenes either.

SaGa Frontier is peak SaGa, surprised how many negative opinions are in this thread. I love most of the series, but Frontier is my favorite by far.
The problem with these games is they don't have Qol improvements and feel old to play good thing I experienced them fresh all those years ago same for Ar Tonelico
>The problem with these games is they don't have Qol improvements and feel old to play
this is the absolute least of its problem
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But we will never have Bahaumut in armor with WarMECHs weapons taking down Tiamat.
And irelevant cause the remake released on steam has a lot of qol improvements.
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I just have Riki and the final Fuse case left and then I'm done with this shit. It's just not a good game. Not even a good SaGa game.
Kept your interest enough for you to finish the whole thing at least. I would've figured somebody who disliked it would stop after the first character or two.
The major advantage the remake has is that it has a NG+ feature, which lets you carry over a bunch of bullshit after you complete one of the main scenarios. So you can glide through the rest of the scenarios and check them out for stuff.
It also lets you cheese the game a bit by starting Asellus' scenario, going through the very start, going into town and then selling her soul repeatedly for powerful gear, saving and then NG+ing off the save.
But the core gameplay doesn't change too drastically.

If you want to get through things easier even before that, look up the Junkstore Glitch or the gold trading money loop.
It's just 'tism. I wouldn't call it a bad game, but it's not a good one. It's aesthetically hideous, each story consists of a handful of cutscenes and a few boss fights. The main meat of the game is basically doing the same grind over again for each character so you can reach one of the few cutscenes and advance the story. Obviously NG+ makes it more tolerable, but it also makes the flaws of the game more obvious.
is the remaster easier? you blew through the game, judging by the hours. i remember it taking a lot longer.
theres a bunch of NG+ stuff you can carry over to cut down on the time a bit. Fuse scenario can be unironically the hardest scenario if you want it to be, its more of a custom difficulty stuff like doing 10 Fatestone Saruin in MS.

I first started with SaGa 1 and 2, got hooked on the setting. Later I got Fronter for my birthday and fell in love. Got Frontier 2 and nearly dropped the series over it because it didn't have the same type of setting. Took me over 20 years to appreciate SF2 and US
Not necessarily easier unless you don't transfer battle rank each time you start NG+, but you can play more efficiently in the remaster by focusing on using characters that are readily available in every scenario without some tedious requirement. I've used Annie, Roufas, Liza, Fuse and Rouge on most playthroughs. Start with Blue's scenario and Rouge will have every spell available on every other playthrough.
beating the game so quickly as a new player certainly makes it sound easier to me.
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such a shame , so many of these ps1 games feel more outdated and shitty to play than even snes games , N64 games doesn't have that problem , probably because they don't have mind numbingly awful load times

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