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The ver 2.00 update is coming soon.
Innocent Rules's translation is almost done too.
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Also, an anon translated Erra Saga. It might need editing or an update, but the first release of it is here:

There's also a fullscreen patch for it that lets you resize the window via dragging:
>Download this, rename it to Scripts.rvdata and put it in your Data folder for the game. It lets you drag and make the window bigger just like for Ghost Path.
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She deserves love, hugs and smooches.
And even more hugs when she's having nightmares during her sleep.
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Globosexual sex with Clar
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Those games all occupy completely different sectors of the market though. Who made this? A no-fapper on Reddit?
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It's probably the same guy who made this pic
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Friday soon…
>who made this
most likely a /weg/fag
the funny thing is you can put all the popular /weg/games there and it fits better because they all share same theme where all the girls are turbowhores/almost instantly becomes one with 0 buildup
where the fuck do these niggas get spandex from.
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It's already friday over here

Materialized out of sheer globo energy
I don't think hakika is ever topping this trap design
He has at least 3 scenes on IR right?
gay purple uula.
2 scenes + a repeatable mini-scene where Ino is extra homo.
Is this a result of that infernal cookie jewtube video?
Video was a hit but it barely garnered any attention.
Good enough I guess
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Did Frabi have any competition when the pole he's in started? Hakika has developed his style so much that we now have ample competition for Globo zero. he might even get dethroned if a new pole happens.
There will probably be another poll after Thirst 2.0 drops. That said though, the popularity polls never make much sense. Tirma's been a mainstay of the top 5 despite only appearing in one game and after Frabi the next male character is something like 8th place, think it was Clar at the time. Olivia is the only relatively new girl to break into the top 5. I recall Lestea got pretty close at 7th place as well, strong showing from the Colony cast. Wouldn't be surprised if Outoku or Prim or even Ten make the top 10 for the next poll either given how popular they seem to be for Thirst.
>prim won the thirst pole
>Tirma stood in top 5

Miuress army commits voter fraud?
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The original poll was after only blight came out. Tirma was #1 there, just barely beating Rabi.
1位 ティレマ(670票)Tirma
2位 ラビィ(644票)Rabi
3位 ウーラ(536票)Uula
4位 ニクス(530票)Nyx
5位 偽ラビィ(497票)Fake-Rabi

Then after that, there was a poll after colony. Fake-Rabi was #4, and Clar was completely absent from the top 15.

And then there was the newest poll where Frabi was #4 again, Ino was #8, Kuu was #12 and Clar was #20.
I think the increase in the amount of traps caused Clar to become more popular, just like how Ino and Kuu are popular right now.
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Year of the snek
Extremely cute
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>title screen theme is Lusica's theme
Time for some kino, boys
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That escalated quickly
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I love him so much...
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And that was fast. The first boss doesn't fuck around, you need the blindness immunity passive on
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It's okay since it's Friday...
>being gay is necessary
No, i refuse
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>the small Alice blob on her hat
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Me on the right
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what did he mean by this
Naughty boy
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He's a horny little fucko.
I find it really hard to believe Ino got through his game un plapped but Hakika gonna Hakika, as far as he's concerned he's still a virgin with no sex experience whatsoever just like every other spin off character the ones who did it with randoms before the story began
i'm still lost
can you dumb it down a little?
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Ino sees woman, dick gets hard, semen goes flying
What's this, it looks like Ino's the aggressor here, has our little sheep become a wolf?
pls TL this ge already i can't wait anymore
I just hope there's a smushing scene in there or even under the covers sex
Isn’t it already practically done? You have to get the translation from the github
most of the scenes are still waiting TL from what I've heard
is that actually canon? i can see he never had sex with fiede because he sees her as best best friend but no fuckin way literally nothing happened with at least half of the monster girls
bet the chicken told hakika if she isn't pregnant its not sex this damn beast
There are only 10 scenes left
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With characters from spinoffs appearing into the main series, somehow i'm starting to believe that Hakika saving Ino for MT, or better yet, him becoming the token trap party member for a SEQUEL game might not be a meme anymore
Same place anime fantasy worlds get modern style stretchy panties despite those being impossible to make until the 19th century. God supplies it to everybody for free.
what's the status on the globo scenes?
Zigma too busy beating his meat to them to finish.
I joked about spending time in mgq paradox before finishing the translation, but it's oddly addicting.
Well, I had to stop for other work, though. Maybe there'll be something soon.
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His wife.
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His wifeblob
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The guy he tells her not to worry about.
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You mean Mana Tank's wifeblob (male)
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No news today
Have some Uula
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She won't help you, she'll just join in on the rape
Airline chicken
Andong jjimdak
Arroz con pollo
Bamboo chicken
Barbecue chicken
Barberton chicken
Beggar's chicken
Bon bon chicken
Chicken balls
I know Ino is cute but control your cock man
Ino will be chicken cordon bleu by the time I’m done with him.
oh yeah I mean haha.....
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>this poor, needy, innocent and broken munchkin
Nah, you're thinking of Rabi
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Agreed Lesta would never, she loves you, but pic related sometimes rape is love too.
>Shit something like Kuruha/Sheena would say
Lestea raped you in HER sleep because she masturbates so much to stuff like sitting on your face she already does that in her dreams and grabbed your body when you came to wake her up that one time.
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Lestea was fantastic overall but some of her scenes felt kind of silly because she clearly just wants to sub and Hakika didn't seem to want to commit to that.
>Now I'm assertive!
>No you're not, and that's ok
>No, I'm really not. Can we snuggle? I want to be the little spoon.
It was odd because you had Auris, Rabi and Emela for the usual Hakika femdom experiences, so I dunno why he didn't just commit fully to the bit with Lestea. She was about as subby as he's ever written a character and it would have been nice to see that fully realized.
There’s nothing wrong with Lestea being like that, she’s just a switch. Similar to Maria and Sheila.
heaven forfend the day we get submissive women in a leaf game I'm fine with mushy or more vulnerable moments but men have a pretty clear place in the world and I hope we never break that
now that you mentioned yeah it would've been great if she was more submissive after opening up, just like Maria.
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MT will rise up against the injustices and rape one day, and he will start with Malice
Now I just want more Maria. Which is a shame since there's almost no plot reason for her to ever return.
There was no real reason for Rabi and Frabi to show up in Colony, hold onto hope anon
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>that very end of her route where she is clearly in love but MT doesn't want to tell her at the risk of him sounding conceited
She's great
She's one of the strongest beings in the setting, we will need the help of the vampire of Dea Brion to stop the Calamity.
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>even the wiki confirms that it's actually MT all along
How legit is the information there? Was there any real confirmations aside this? Can MT's cum power up Ino as well
The difference there is that Lestea starts out submissive. She's the only Sequel girl I can think of that says she'd rather be used by Manatank instead of using him during her third scene. Sheila is one of the best switch characters Hakika's written, and Maria becoming more affectionate and subby after she starts seeing Manatank as more than a toy fits with her character. Lestea feels more like she could have easily been written as a straight submissive but for whatever reason Hakika couldn't quite bring himself to do that, so she ends up with scenes that are mostly subby but have odd writing like her bathroom blowjob or her anal scene.

I hope she comes back and gets more scenes at some point though, either in Thirst 2.0 or one of the other games Hakika's doing. She's definitely my favorite Sequel girl.
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>Which is a shame since there's almost no plot reason for her to ever return.
this never mattered, we just need to get lucky
>i'm necessary evil
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Hakika hasn’t posted in days, I hope he’s alright
Thanks for sharing. She looks amazing. If I had to pick one girl it would most definitely be Uula. >>3691747
Funny, I hit send just as you posted this and couldn't figure out why I kept getting a duplicate file error. She looks so good here.
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Need more Uula art
>turned into a domineering gremlin
Manatank can't just catch a break
>if you don't post online every few days then people will think that you are incapacitated or dead
being popular only online must be a chore
It’s just that hakika normally posts every day or at least every 1 to 2 days. And witht h-games devs, you never want to see them not post anything. A lot of devs have health issues and tend to just die randomly. Like Clymenia.
How domineering are we talking about here? Does she just outright destroy him like Auris
he's literally me...........
How bad are hakika's more "out there" fetishes in thirst (stuff like pissing etc)
Feels like he was already very borderline in kludge with Dita's scenes
It’s actually more tame than kludge, if you can believe it.
It's reassuring he's not getting worse about this, at least
Hey, I object, Auris was gentle
I wanna blow a fat nut inside the funi buni
Hakika’s alive
I think he’s practicing his animation skills, he made a gif of Tsue’s butt
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A fully animated sequence of *that* Nazu scene will fucking obliterate my cock, holy shit
There is one animated scene in Innocent Rules, I won’t spoil what it is. But I think he’s been testing the waters with animations since awake, with Sheila’s glory hole scenes.
>ghost path, erra saga and now soon all of innocent rules scene is getting translated while i was gone
I should game soon
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Yes, you should
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A new challenger has arrived
Translation on info and introduction stat
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I don't have a Mr.Smusk account and Nitter is telling me to go fuck myself
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Don’t know why that anon didn’t just post the image. Her name is Zafura Zanbak by the way. Could probably translate her name as Zafra too.
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Oh so we really are going to Not Ancient Egypt for the next game then. Looking forward to the brown anubis girl scenes
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I'm not gay but
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Sounds gay to me. Homosexual, even.
hold your horses, it's not Friday yet
well, maybe in Australia
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COCKS, even.
begone, temptress (male)
he's really cute, im not a faggot though
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It's fucking freezing and I wouldn't have it any other way. I've missed Nosh and the cold.
People who claim they prefer heat over cold sound like fucking aliens to me
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I agree. The heat is just straight up madness-inducing. I'd rather work in subzero temps. Not to mention my sleep being drastically improved.
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I very much agree. It's just easier to get around the cold, meanwhile you don't see many people living in a desert without water around.

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