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Anyone else think the whole JRPG=Churches Bad Kill God thing is completely overblown? I'm not religious but i have friends that are and we talked about how we its not nearly ubiquitous as ppl make it out to be. Yeah theres a few critical like FFX, Grandia 2, a few of the Tales games SMT etc but most ive played seem to take a neutral or positive stance on it with the church healing you and God being the final boss isn't really that common, moreso its just A god or some really powerful dude or demon. I also feel if Japan thought it was really that bad it wouldnt be just churches but temples, mosques, synagogues etc all the time but just church which makes me feel its just exotic set dressings using something popular, yeah ik theres some history behind japan's relations with Christianity back then but again it seems like most either dont care that much or just find it interesting to use today

TLDR: I think the whole JRPGS are anti christian thing is overblown, its there yes but mostly just Japanese following tropes and exotic foreign things and its just Reddit neckbeards projecting their wet dreams
(((Freemasonry))) and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race.
Really churning out the shit threads today
Freemasonry is and always has been glorified social club for dorky old men, any claim they ever made to having power and authority was a pure LARP. Please stop letting this niche and rapidly dying social movement live rent-free in your head.
>Anyone else think the whole JRPG=Churches Bad Kill God thing is completely overblown?
yes. The majority of RPGs are neutral or pro Christianity in the form of positive depictions of the church. Its a completely false notion but its so prevalent on this site that im convinced theres some Trump like figure telling people whats to think.
Its all over reddit too, its absolute atheist circlejerk cringe every time its brought up but then again why should I expect anything else on there
>Anyone else think (religious/moral/satanic panic of current year) is overblown?
Obviously. But the sentiment will always exist because christcucks are the most fragile human beings in existence. They want to think that they have a personal monopoly on the entire concept of "being a good person". It's not enough for them that people uphold similar ideals of love and brotherhood--it has to be via THEIR personal headcanon fairy tales, and nobody elses. And heaven forbid if you should ever imply any corruption exist within their religious institution. And this is where they will show their true colors, because they know that they themselves are morally bankrupt and only have their faith to fall back on, so if you imply that said faith is not 100% just, moral, and true, they get offended because they feel called out, and are incapable of defending themselves.

The real reason westerners get triggered by Japanese depictions of our faith, however, is because to them, our faith is exactly what it is; just fairy tales. Colorful mythology and imagery around which to build a story and measure concepts of morality. But Christcucks have deluded themselves so hard they think it's actually real. They're ultimately no better than flat-earthers or people who think professional wrestling is real. It's just that their particular obsession came to them from a bible instead of TV or the internet.

Although, really, have you seen a megachurch or your average Christian these days? They shovel this shit like it's going out of style just for the sake of profit like any other bullshit American institution. God bless, you stupid faggots.
Well I think they dislike christianity because of the Dutch coming to their lands to spread it.

Overall I think the trope continues because when you talk about society from a top down perspective intellectuals will often view (correctly) religion as a powerful tool to control people's actions. Thus the symbolism of killing god is more of a commentary on morality and how it can be bent to those in power. You don't even have to be a faggot atheist to know that people do take advantage with this method.
It's overblown in part because detractors want it to be true, so they stretch the definition of God so much that it can be almost any kind of powerful entity, even when those entities are completely unlike one another. And a lot of JRPG villain that are obviously not God will call themselves God, or want to become a God, or have divine symbolism (i.e. angel wings) or that kind of thing, and idiots who take things at face value and consider them God, but the whole point is that the villain is a false God, or seem himself as God, etc. not that they are literally God. A prime example of this is FF7; Sephiroth is just a regular human being, he is trying to absorb the lifestream so he can "become God" which just means becoming a really powerful mage, and when you fight him he grows an angel wing, so people think it counts as a god. Get real.

Complete schizo post, the "JRPG boss is God" complaints started in the early 2000s from gamers who didn't like Japanese games at all and would take any reason to shit on them, it has nothing to do with them being religious, they'd equally complain about anime artstyle or characters screaming their attacks' names.
It's a misunderstanding of Japanese stuff anyway. Since Christianity is basically non-existent in Japan. The whole Christian population is like 400k people.
It's a general anti-establishment, populist thing that exists back through a lot of Japanese history, but when they borrow western fantasy visuals the medieval Church comes along.
People would use Kefka or Sephiroth as examples of "JPRGs where you kill God" when neither are connected to religion in any way, they just see themselves as deities
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did they even finish those games? those two, but especially kefka, are more like the antichrist. it's even more obvious when you reach his final form.
They had their own run with two warring buddhist monasteries back in medieval (something like thirteenth century, been few years since I read that). Their emperor couldn't do shit about it because monks had so much money they could just get more mercenaries than court could muster footmen. Also, they have perspective on the shit that catholic church did in the medieval and early modern period.
>any claim they ever made to having power and authority was a pure LARP
Movement on it's own, no, but those people were usually local richmen and community leaders. It's more about people who were in and still they probably used it to rape kids in orphanages.
RPGs killing gods - rarely as you said actually supposed to be capital G "God" - is a natural consequence of RPGs focusing on leveling up and getting stronger. If it's fun to go from fighting rats and slimes to fighting the most powerful things in existence.

The evil religion/church thing does show up in games quite a bit, but I agree it's not quite as common as people think.
You’re talking about the 2nd and 3rd levels. I’m talking about the (((33rd))) level.
Its just a writers crutch, but you do realize most of the times it is to subvert expectations, ie. the reverse of what it actually is

May the winds blow you
>Freemasonry is and always has been glorified social club for dorky old men,
who do you think runs the world, retarded faggot

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