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/vrpg/ - Video Games/RPG

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File: 1716473936941986.jpg (154 KB, 665x800)
154 KB
154 KB JPG
Arcanum is my favorite game of all time
Describe what kind of person you think I am
File: RPG Build.jpg (445 KB, 1197x910)
445 KB
445 KB JPG
I bet you wear a trenchcoat and a monocle.
If I had to guess you're the kind of fat guy who posts things on /vrpg/ that he thinks other fat guys will find amusing and meta
Love this image, we need to use it more
Cool and handsome, kinda mysterious..
a pseudo-intellectual poser faggot and most likely a /pol/tard (Muh gnomes!)
Spot on. You forget to mention that I'm also fat and have a microdick.
you prefer games with number-crunchy mechanics and character customization options; with music, graphics and plot being a nice-to-have but not necessary.

you're also a faggot because all OPs are faggots.
A gentleman and a scholar.
Are you a bad enough dude to craft two robot spiders each the size of a golden retriever?

This is an important question.
A retard.

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