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>what if we made a MOBA where each round lasts for multiple weeks and the only way to gain materiel advantage is to poopsock from the first minute?
why do RPG devs insist on dying on their garbage pvp ideas hill?
idk what op is on about, but I hear the next update is going to introduce caps on all stats in the game and nerf a bunch of stuff sounds awful
i was pissed off i missed the chance to buy it cheaper before release but the more i read about this game the more i feel better for buying something else
MMOs are always retarded. I get annoyed whenever I see a new game with a cool concept but then it turns out to be yet another MMO survival crafting thing. This could have been a good singleplayer vampire rpg, Conan Exiles could have been a great rpg, and so on, but instead they're forgettable MMOs where everything fun gets nerfed for the sake of pvp balance.
It's decent as a single player game, or with a friend, but I got bored of it long before reaching the end game. Treat it more like Terraria.
I played this with the popular NSFW artist Belka Dog (at least that's what he used to go by idk if he still does) until he chimped out because I got bored of the game and blocked me.
my good buddy Shadman told me in clan chat that you're full of shit
Wasn't Shad in jail?

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