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There is no such thing as chaos route in Shin Megami Tensei, there are only routes with different types of law fighting each other.
he's an idiot.
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I assume the reasoning is that Chaos involves the strong ruling the weak, which is why Lucifer is in charge. But that means there's still a form of Law there. And since YHVH is very strong, it's reasonable to say that Law is also the rule of the strongest and Lucifer is just assblasted that he can't beat YHVH without a protagonist's help.

Or something like that
That's the inherent contradiction in anarchy. It never lasts, someone always comes out on top. Whether it's the strongest warlord in the region in case of "pure" anarchy, the most wealthy/influential corporation in an ancap situation, etc. The only theoretical exception is ancom, but that simply doesn't work except on a very small scale (and even then you still naturally get de-facto leaders). Anarchy on a national scale can only exist as a transition phase between two different regimes.

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