ITT give a quick comparison of the Xenoblade games/share which you think are worth it.My only exposure to the series is the original version of XC1 on a Wii emulator. I limped my way through to the end of the main story on a sort of quarter-completionist playthrough, didn't bother with aftergame shit at all. I remember thinking it was a decent JRPG with a cool world to explore and a fun "figure out these distinctive characters" foundation to the combat system, weighed down by side content that was way way on the excessive side... it's been about 15 years, I don't remember all that well.
>>36904901 and 2 good games in the same trilogy X was great for exploration 3 was half assed and future redeemed was better
1 and 2 are good.2 infamously has a slow start that doesn't pick up until you have arts cancelling on at least one character and some rare blades, which I think you'll get around chapter 5, after that it has the best combat in the series. A lot of people dislike the story since it spends more time developing the characters than moving the plot forward or presenting mystery boxes.3 has a strong start after its tutorial, but once you get a full party, the combat becomes an unbalanced clusterfuck. The story is quite silly, dull, and derivative of the first 2 games, and completely falls apart in the final chapter because they ran out of time/money. The graphics are generally improved over 1&2, but some areas look worse than anywhere in those two due to poor lighting. The DLC is a big improvement in all areas even though the member berries were very on-the-nose.X has the best sidequests in the series. Movement is the most fun, and exploration is well-developed, but both are dragged down by the generic biomes and shitty draw distance. What little main plot it has is the stupidest in all of Xeno, and the combat rapidly devolves into soloing everything with Overdrive. Classes, mechs, and party members are all irrelevant. The music is totally different from the rest of the series and a big part of the experience, very love-it-or-hate-it. Get used to the Overdrive and flying themes interrupting the rest of the OST regularly.
>>36904901 has the simplest story and it’s really easy to pick up and play2 is a slow burner that hits really high highsX has the best world to explore out of any of the games3’s party is the most involved in side quests out of all of the games, every side quest has unique dialogue from the party since you never lose the 6 of them at any point
>>3690490Haven't played X yet, all 3 main games are worth it. They have different strong points.>exploration2 > 1 > 3>combat3 > 2 > 1>sidequests2 > 3 > 1>story2 > 1 > 3>character chemistry3 > 2 > 1
>>3690490the biggest flaw with these games is that they don't scale up the difficulty if you try to do everything. I hate that my reward for enjoying the world to its fullest is making the MSQ so easy. XB1 is the best JRPG since chrono trigger
>playing on the 3ds because why not>xord's combat barks are so fucking loud they peak constantly, two play at once at the start of each fight with him, and they basically never stop playing the whole way throughit raised my enjoyment of the game by a great deal, honestly
>>3690490graphics:3 > 2 > X >>> 1environment designs:2 > X > 1 > 3character designs:1 > 3 >> X >> 2mecha designs:3 > 1 > 2 > Xexploration:X >> 2 > 1 >> 3combat:1 > 2 >> 3 >> Xstory:1 > 2 > 3 >>> Xcharacters:2 > 3 > 1 > Xmusic:2 >> 1 > 3 >> X
>>3692894P.S.:overall:1 > 2 > 3 >> X
>share which you think are worth it.all of them
>>36905063's side quests > X's