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What do you consider to be the greatest JRPG ever made and why?

Even though Skies of Arcadia is a pretty easy game I still think it has the best story in JRPG history, and the airship exploration is really fun.
Gee Vyss, how come they let you have two girlfriends?
why is he holding his sword like that?
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i am playing through the original dreamcast version right now
Innovative ninja

Whats the story
he's using it like a tonfa because the character designers were retarded. note the eyepatch goggle.
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I think Skies of Arcadia is the best, simply because of its atmosphere, story, characters, and overall sense of adventure. The game does a great job building its world and making every part of your adventure feel amazing and improbable, even though the game is completely linear and everything is scripted to happen the same way every time. When you first break into the Grand Fortress and back out again, it's all fairly easy-peasy since it happens so early on, but the game makes it feel like a huge, near-impossible undertaking. Every town is dripping with style and all the various people of the world have very authentic and unique cultures/societies/architecture/mythology and it's all further fleshed out by flavor text and various discoveries. The atmosphere in general is off-the-charts amazing, with every area feeling immersive and spectacular while still being anchored in the game's world.

The gameplay is basic as hell and the battle system is nothing special even by 90s standards, but the real charm of this game is all in the presentation and the hype. It WILL hype you up for an adventure. It will make you care about the polygons you get to know along the way. And the more you get invested in them, the more exciting the end game will be when shit starts to get real, friends are lost, enemies become allies, and the world stands on the edge of oblivion.

Overall, it's just a great time. The game is rarely hard (with the exception of some bonus bosses in the Legends version), but the joy is all in the presentation. As much as I dislike "movie games", the best way I could describe SoA is like watching an amazing movie. Or really, more of a long-running adventure series. I generally don't champion games where the gameplay feels like an excuse to string together plot, but when it's this joyously entertaining, I can't help but love it.

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