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Anyone have their save corrupted playing this?
Playing this on Switch. I'm up to the Fire Fortress using Sarah as my protag. I've been swapping in and out of the Command Mode. I swapped Sarah back into the party, and now there's a black screen when any battle starts. If I select actions the screen appears again, but it won't let me select actions as Sarah at all. The screen just flickers black when I try.
Continues to work fine in Command Mode tho.
Please, I don't wanna restart the whole game again.
O, can't say I have. Save on a new slot and try it out after loading that slot? Else change locations and try changing modes there.

Those games were budget and it shows. Incredibly janky. Shame, has a killer boss track.
>Save on a new slot and try it out after loading that slot? Else change locations and try changing modes there.
Yeah, tried both. No dice. I guess NG+ is my only option but I suspect the corruption will transfer to that too since it just bases off the same save file.
Okay so I started NG+ and the black screen isn't happening with Sarah in the group.
I'm gonna reload my original file and start removing equipment and changing character slots around to see if that's the problem.
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>swap Khalid out of the center formation slot
>it stops turning black
That shouldn't be the case. Can't you try it out? Restarting isn't too bad, as you start kinda op.

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