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File: capsule_231x87.jpg (19 KB, 231x87)
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It's alright.
the island festival questline was legitimately fantastic.
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> Get to a new island.
> There's a nice village here. What a strange sight after all the horror.
> Almost every line of dialogue is about how quaint and peaceful this place is.
> There's a festival soon.
Poor villagers never stood a chance...
Is is this game legitimately good? I heard about it for a week when people were being paid to play it/post videos about it then nothing since then. That makes me suspicious.
You take at face value people posting about shills here?
I uninstalled after some old dude gave me the stink eye in the intro, I ignored him and then was told I was supposed to know him and it made him sad.
Don't make RPGs if you can't write.
When in doubt, check the codex.
+ Basic of combat are very good.
- But there's almost no encounter design...
+ Very SOVLful. That's the main selling point.
- Slight drop in quality after 70% of the game. Things don't get multiple solutions etc. You can feel some cut corner, but it's not bad.
~ Don't play it if you don't like lovecraftian nightmare and lovecraftian endings.
~ Mages SUCK ass, except for the late game.

Get it on sale.
it doesn't suck but it also doesn't excel anywhere really. One of the games of all time.
>Very SOVLful.
SOVL is just jank + nostalgia
Well, people were paid to stream it and say positive things about it. They literally had "AD" as a hashtag.

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