What the fuck is going on with this game?
>>3692664Outlandishly boring. You need the patience of a saint to get through this game where nothing ever happens.
Still waiting for an actual cultivation game.
>>3692669beta tester?demo seemed okay, you're saying it's bad?
>>3692664>theres absolutely no good cogs upcoming this year>even current WIPs are lackllusterhas CoG peaked bros?
>>3692675>maybe PoMA and AC>wouldn't be surprised if the next OrcCHAD game got finished, considering his pace>tea and scones? Surely?
>>3692677Onlly a handful of WIPs, the planned releases with actual dates for 2025 is ass
Leave the yokai women to me.
i fucking love the ww2 game the tin star guy put up on the forums but i know its going to go the exact same way as the orc game. game thats high quality in almost all regards but it doesnt appeal to women and has little to no romance so no one will care. then theyll sit there and wonder why people only talk about the same 5 games over and over. its tiring.
>>3692686>orc game>no pillaging or mass rapesit's shitthe ww2 is good though>but i know its going to go the exact same way as the orc game.the orc game was popular, and tin star is referenced to this day among cogitesit'll be popular
I would like to understand why an archon thinks like this, clearly I must be missing some context becauseBITCH. the reason you are floating in the air, the reason people are shaking due to your mere presence and more importantly, the reason you CAN pass judgement.. is because of your power. If seeking it is a waste or 'it doesn't matter' you wouldn't be where you are today. Fucking hypocrite.
>>3692708They probably want them alive for some purpose.
>>3692716not my problem
so is it true that....that it's implied that the MC in Degrees of lewdity is underage?
>>3692722>>3692723oof well any games similar to that one? without the controversy?i've played course of temptation but it gets boring after awhile
>>3692720cant believe they made them 17 years and 11 months old those sick fucks>>3692724your best bet is letting course of temptation cook for a year and coming back to it
>>3692724all twine smut games suck
>>3692664Not rpgs.
>>3692731Only trannies play these "games"
>>3692732i really don't want to argue and cause dramabut i will anywaysrpgs have always been a safe space and getaway for autists, mongoloids, trannies and other mentally ill people
>>3692720i have no idea how anyone could look at it and come away thinking otherwise
>>3692728>game where you play a role>somehow not a role playing gamedo you hear yourself
>>3692720>attends school >lives in orphanage Probably yes. Although it is possible to be an 18 and fit criteria so it is up to your headcanon. >>3692737Obviously it needs RTwP combat
despite the troon press play is a pretty good gamei like how it starts off with an interview and it's your character and their band mates telling the story
>>3692741ROs>Stevie McLaughlin, bassist (f) >Paul/Paulette Zima, lead singer & saxophonist (f/m selectable, trans) >Angel Monsanto, guitarist (m) >Lincoln Saunders, groupie?? (f/m selectable) Thanks, I hate it. Would romance either Stevie or Lincoln, but their names fucking ruin it for me.
What's some edgekino?
>>3692746Fallen HeroWerewolves series
>>3692746samurai of hyuga
>>3692753More like jobber of hyuga
>>3692746Mecha Ace with Warrior MC, early Samurai of Hyuga games (don't play past b2 if you hate angst), Whiskey-4 (not by your own volition, MC is just like that), high Corruption The Golden Rose run, both Deathless games. First Fallen Hero could also count, but certainly not second.
>>3692744Lincoln stalks MC and probably wants to Misery them, Stevie can have an unrequited crush either from you, from her or both. The obvious route was one of the few times I've ever enjoyed such things, even if both are absolute dumbasses.
>>3692758I'm sorry, but in my mind, Stevie & Lincoln are masculine names. Shall not romance a female with a masculine name.
>>3692759I vaguely remember something about Stevie being a nickname for Stephanie or something like that. Lincoln is pretty much implied to be a man, though, women stalk differently.
>>3692685Literally me...
Hey, one of the friends got a portrait. Claudia, though... I don't remember her much in the grown-up part.
>>3692720It was pretty clearly intended to be that way, but the discord clique that grew around the game can't read and deluded themselves with >uhhh it's just a stylized chibi spriteand the dev ultimately folded to them and rewrote all references to being underage.
>>3692764>another no-tits womanWhy?
Where are all the futa cyoa games at
ur mom ate them
What a bitch
Do you get any special interactivity with the cursed sword as an akakiru Oni?
>Scratch a little bit at an Elf, and you might find yourself looking at a long-living chink’s view of a White Man or a Japanese.what did he mean by this
>>3692780You get it as akakiru not as an Oni specifically.
>>3692790Brownoid cope or kike kvetching. Take your pick.
>>3692790Jesus Christ. It's on the same level as the 'did you know Hitler drank water!?' argument but with more words.
>>3692790>OrcsAh yes, this retarded cope. Orks from 40k were based on Football Hooligans. Uruk from Tolkien are inspired by Mongols. This 'orcs are le black people!' is some shit that only even became a thing when the "Orcs dindu nuffin, they were good bois" wave started to pick up.
>>3692856Ummm, chud, it's literally called BLACK Speech not YELLOW
>>3692675>has CoG peaked bros?It has...a decade ago...
>>3692790this is dumb
>>3692756>The Golden RoseAh yes, 1 million words of nothing happening.
any cyoas with magic gender bending?
>>3692912there's that one mermaid one where some aussie lad magically turns into a girl
>>3692910More like 1 million words of Alessa being cute. I love kuuderes so much it's unreal.
>>3692939>1 million words of Alessa being cuteI wish
>>3692939that obsessive dagger bitch isn't a kuudere
>>3692910Joke's on you, I like all the fluff, filler, and seemingly-pointless interactions that only serve to fill out my character and set up the next book when things actually happen rather than move the story forward. Too many CYOAs are railroads along the author's boring failed VN, with their annoying "quirky" love interests. Even as platonic relationships only, the characters in the Golden Rose hold up, and the world that is built is interesting enough for me to wait eagerly for the next book.If I wanted to play a railroad where everything happens too fast with mid characters, I'd play Samurai of Hyuga.
>>3692948>implying Golden Rose isn't a boring railroad when you look behind all the pointless bloat
>>3692948>when things actually happenlollmao even
>>3692956There is a difference between "having certain story events that will happen to progress the story" and being on rails, yes. The very fact that the Golden Rose lets you choose from various different areas to investigate prevents it from being a railroad, categorically. Yes, it will always come to the same conclusion from whatever combination of information you gathered, but that's not the same as an actual railroad. It's just a story with a starting point and an end point. And even at its most linear, GR still allows you more character freedom than actual railroading shit like Samurai of Hyuga, where you have to act "in character" after you created your character three books ago, or you are mechanically punished.
>>3692965>mechanically punished>by having a bar that does nothing not go upThe first game had a bad ending for low attunement, but that's about it.
>>3692965The "free roam" part of the game is such a bad joke because that whole investigative aspect is irrelevant to the extent that you're actually allowed to do every single area on a single run, yet it won't impact anything beyond some token fluff like>Wow, you found Rafael at the Church>You figured out the Pirate King is...a pirateto trick the naive into thinking their choices actually might have an impact. But they don't, because the actual narrative of the game is completely on rails.The character freedom? You mean the thousand iterations of *grunt*, *quip*, *insert personality answer here*? And the actual character stats getting so little use they might as well not be there? Like every single female writer produce out there? Wow, you're spoiling us. Maybe play Tin Star for a chance to see how it's actually done, eh?
>>3692978Are there any fantasy games that do it well and don't suck?
>>3692976>had a bad ending for low attunementNot even, it's just a matter of if you end up having to rely on your crazy batshit serial killer mode to stop the baddie of that book vs keeping your cool
>>3692976That, and basically calling you a retard idiot loser for having low attunement or acting against your "nature" repeatedly through the books. The only reason you actually succeed anyway after not acting in character is because the games are so railroaded.>>3692978Ah, the old /v/ adage of "because a game did something and it was fantastic, anything that ever does something similar but not as well is 0/10 shit", I almost forgot i was on a board that split from it. Tin Star is an enduring classic, yes. That doesn't take away from Golden Rose being what it is, anon. Unless the mere existence of something better means you can't appreciate average-to-good things anymore.
I can't decide between being a ninja, a swordsman or a sorcerer in AC. I'm leaning most towards ninja, but I worry that it doesn't let you do enough cool stuff to be worth taking the nerf to your weapons. Sorcerer on the other hand has a shitty color associated to it.
>>3692994You can change your color to your element's color in the cultivation page. It's practically a mandatory feature.
>>3692996Okay, good, but which style lets you do more esoteric and magical things? If I'm going the ninja way I want to be able to mind control people, make clones or bind them with curses, and if I can't do that I'd rather go sorcerer.
>>3692999>esoteric and magical thingsthat's kiikahai>mind control people, make clones or bind them with cursesNot sure about mind control, that's more of an aoyusumu thing but the clones and curses are ninja skills
>>3693002I think I'll go Ninja first, thanks for giving me an overview.
>mfw LunarEMPEROR KiihiKAIO.
Those new hosted games any good?
MidoriGODS rule these threads cucks.
>>3693013I wonder about the popularity of each race in Aura Clash, it may be one of the few games where regular humans don't dominate the pick. I also get the distinct feeling that either Reptile Yokai and Male Bovines are the least popular.
>>3693033That's right.
>>3693036Well, the Cogfag thread just did a poll and I believe it was like, 40% Kitsunes, followed by 20% humans, slightly less Lunargoths and then everything else.Of course, I doubt that these stats would be the same for THIS thread.
>>3693033>MidoriGODS rulese these thre-ACK
>>3693036I bet it's kitsune.
>>3693040I'm a human right down to the bone
>>3693043In AC humans are asian though, lunargoths are white people
>>3693044I am Asian though (spiritually Japanese) so it's fine.
>>3693044it says human, on the tin, lun*rg*ths are abominations
Jade foundation is so boring, there's no fun in getting a high aura pressure if you get it without putting in some effort.
>>3693047>effort>look inside>alchemy spam
>>3693048I got my 2k aura pressure with Handseals thank you very much. Even Alchemy spam is more effort than what Jade Foundation gives you.
>>3693051I still think that other training methods should get buffed. I'm not saying that going full Jack Hanma and snorting all the chinese dick pills is a bad thing, I just wish i could get strong through normal training too, but as it stands it's barely even worth it.
>>3693052Alchemy's getting whacked. There'll be a rework to how it works. Athletics got a buff with the most recent update and while focusing on it is a bit weaker than handseals, it can actually compete.
>>3693056>it can actually competelol. you get like 100 AP extra.
>>3693057No, you get hundreds over the course of the game.My first attempt at throwing together an athletics reliant build was roughly 500-600 AP behind my go to handseals build, difference being that I played a handseals merchant so many times I can run it to perfection. I could likely squeeze out another 200 if I didn't skip a fight at sea and picked a few different options in Nanhou.
>>3693046>lunargods are abominationsThat's right
>>3693060But that's the thing anon, your literal entire build is built solely to athleticsmaxx and even then it's pretty 'meh', while stuff like alchemy can be slapped on just about anything and give giga-results.
>>3693062Yeah, and alchemy won't be around for long in its current form where as the actual main competition: handsealsmaxxxing requires you to sweat over every single penny and autistically keeping track of your action order. Athletics build in comparison just called for being a midokek, having high athletics and having weighted clothing.
>>3693066Anon, restricting someone to a single style and, let's be real here, race if you still want to get numbers, is pretty bad. Handsealsmaxxing also requires you to be a merchant. I mean what, is everyone else just supposed to stick with low numbers?
>>3693072No, retard, getting the absolute most out of those methods restricts you to specific choices. You don't need to get the absolute most.
>>3693073With the way skills work, anything other than the absolute most will give you mediocre results at best. Good luck getting past 1.1k AP.
>>3693075No, retard. There's a whole swathe of numbers between 1k and 3k freely available to people who don't minmax but also don't play like shit.But since we are at the stage where you are just seething that minmaxing is possible in the first place, all you'll get from me from now on is "ok retard".
>>3693077>No, retard. There's a whole swathe of numbers between 1k and 3k freely available to people who don't minmax but also don't play like shit.Yeah, I'm sorry, but unless you're using the soul treasures there is no way a non-minmaxxed gameplay is getting 2k or even 3k.
>>3693078ok retard
>>3693078Funny, the other day I figured someone may make such a retarded argument so I set up a "fair" run within the skill cap of 5>used weighted clothin>used cycling>no wyrm soul treasure>no lightbringer soul treasure>even if I used them, it would just bump the AP by about 200 total at most
>>3693089What do you need lore, perception and insight so high for?
>>3693090Nothing beyond having a place to dump skill books into, since the whole point was to not break past 5.
>>3693092How do you get that many skill books? Is the trick to just go merchant? And since you seem to be experienced with Aura Clash builds, is there anything interesting I can do with Kuronkuton when it comes to powergaming? Does it buff handseals or alchemy? And how do I get the factotum mask in Nanhou? Finally, why the hell do the Onis get such a shitty power they're a cool race but it's hard to justify taking them when they seem to actively harm you with the opportunity cost. I'll still probably pick one but what the hell.
>>3693100>How do you get that many skill books?You can steal 1 from the sectYou get one if you keep the book from chapter 2You can buy 3 in chapter 3There's also 1 in Nanhou if you use the Writ from saving Gong and ask him to teach you everything he knows.Kuronkuton is my least played build so I can't help you much beyond knowing that it gives you several extra skills when other styles don't, like with picking up kunai in ch5 gives you athletics on top of a weapon or advancing your style in ch6 gives you perception>spoilerThey are actually better tuned to minmaxing than kitsune because they have a bunch of racial events that give you AP for free. Racial technique that raises insight having to be focused is clunky but otherwise they get the same skill ups Kitsune get + bonus to cycling.
>>3693089Isn't this just getting Handseal to 5 and cycling everything?I don't care about if people do that but the whole argument was about using anything other than Handseal cycling as a way to increase AP. As of now Handseal is so incredibly versatile that that any run where you don't get it to at least 3 you are gimping yourself hard.
>>3693108Cycling is a fundamental mechanic in the game, if you are not using it, you are doing some pseudo purist run but at that point you don't get to complain about your AP being low. The whole point was to call out the "durr, high AP is impossible without minmaxing" as nonsense because as presented, high AP is still achievable without dumping most if not all skill points into handseals.
>>3693107>+ bonus to cycling.When do you unlock that? The ability just says it gives you an extra insight and point of chi.
>>3693118Hungry Spirit Seal in ch3 shop. It makes cycling cheaper and adds your soul cores to the number of AP you get from cycling. Kitsune and Oni get a small bonus there that makes cycling slightly cheaper.
>>3693119That is actually really good, yeah, that now makes Oni something I don't just pick because I like the race aesthetic.
>>3693115I don't think the point was that the only way to get high AP was to dump 10 points into Handseal to minmax, rather that going for high handseals and cycling is so much better than any other path that the game might as well just highlight every Handseal increasing check as being much more relevant than all the other skills. If cycling wasn't tied to skill and just gave set numbers for example, people wouldn't complain about it since even the guy who gave 5 points to Lore and Insight would be able to get high AP if he wasted enough time gaining money.
>>3693122"people" don't complain about it, it's literally one retard with some absurd sense of entitlement that keeps crying because he can't get a high number without putting in the work but is simultaneusly too prideful to just use the easy mode.
>aura spics:/
>>3693124>Everyone who is thinks different than me is just one personAh, ok. Carry on then.
>>3693128What an oddly specific rebutal that totally in no way confirms you are the dipshit in question.
Objectively speaking Kakuzu is the coolest ninja.>But what about MadaraNot a ninja.>But what about KisameNot a ninja, but he is one of the coolest swordsmen.>But what about ItachiHe's a traitor, a glownigger and a little bitch.
lmao shattered eagle is pretty decent nglstabbed that bitch julia behind the back while she was enganged with the assassinshe literally started crying and acted all surprised "i-i loved you!"just lmaoplaying as an evil gay fag is pretty fun ngl
>>3693107>use the Writ from saving Gong andAh yes, the writ. Aren't the reward artifacts you get from it trash? No soul artifacts. One raises element skill (useless) and another gives you...iron body? I have no idea what this iron body does, it didn't pop up in any scene I've seen. I don't remember what the others do.
>>3693145You can use the writ for two free ships.
>>3693146At that point just ask for money. Which again, doesn't really get stronger. Meanwhile the pirates give you the other beeg treasure.
>>3693145They have some fringe use cases. The ice belt goes onto the belt slot instead of equipment slot and gives 3 prestige instead of regular 1 prestige white belt gives. I'm tempted to say that the weights are almost worth it because they give you a skill and don't eat power and agility.It's really fucking hard to argue against +1 deception, +1 persuasion, 10% overall discount and a skill of your choice though.
>everyone talking about maxxing this or that or getting several thousand AP>mfw I didn't even know that soul treasures were a thing and just used alchemy to get regen pills and spread out my skill points around everything I just ain't built for the big league, I don't even know how I'd get that stuff without greatly changing the character I always go with
>aura spics having the exact same convo on the CoG forumsholy fuck go back
Will Aura Clash let me gain a boiwife and have a tragic ending?>>3693135Never ended up watching that far. Tried a couple times but I feel like the Sasuke Naruto fight at the statues is a good place to leave off at.>>3693138>laying as an evil gay fag is pretty fun nglElagabulas?Haven't played the new chapter yet. Do you have to restart or can you pick up where you left off?
How good is Crafts?
>>3693173>Never ended up watching that far. Tried a couple times but I feel like the Sasuke Naruto fight at the statues is a good place to leave off at.You're right. Even my kid self thought everything post-timeskip was shit.
>>3693173>Do you have to restart or can you pick up where you left off?it's always advisable to start a new save when authors update their game
>>3693173>Will Aura Clash let me gain a boiwife and have a tragic ending?nah, sorry mate.
>Oni gives me a boost when absorbing human souldOh fuck yeah
>Get to know Áine Madigan, before it's too late. It's only a matter of time before a mysterious spirit known as the Other Woman takes over her body forever, and everyone in the world will forget her old name. Will you remember Áine Madigan, when no one else will?I FUCKING KNEW SHE WAS A FAE
>>3693234Nothing a little bit of cold iron can't fix
>>3693234>more Amy Wilkins artvery based
>>3693234i'm gonna romance the lebanese dude :3
>>3693234>pretty white woman and not a freakOk that's epic.
>mfw lunargoth akakiru
>>3693173>boiwifeAC is game about male white (lunarchad) human fighter saving various cuties from terrible fate of having chink partners. Gay is not permitted.
>>3693175Will get more use with the forge nwxt update probably.
>Remember Rhivenia was getting a remake>See if there's been any updates>No>Check the patreon to see if the author is alive>The latest update is just an explicit version of the smut scenesWhy are COG authors like this
>>3693308Fucking hell......
>>3693308gotta make those paypig bucks. also you forgot about every author making irrelevant sidestories on their patreon/tumblr/whatever to stall on actually developing the game
>>3693234damn. I remember people thinking she was a generational ghoul
>>3692664It's based on 5th edition, did you expect it to be good or something?
So I've never played (read?) these kind of games, what's a good start?
>>3693359Vampire the Masquerade: Night Road is a good immersive one minus the twink. Life of a Wizard is more basic but done well.
>>3693359Tin Star, Choice of Robots.
>>3693359jolly good
>>3693367>recommending Jolly before Tally Ho
>>3693359For me it's 80 Days.
>The Wayhaven Chronicles — Update+ 10/Jan/2025>Just a quick one this week as I wasn’t going to be on social media but just wanted to check in with everyone!>So this week we spent planning out the year (got some seriously fun and awesome scenarios and things planned for Patreon!), and I also read through the whole of Book Four’s plan again to refresh myself with where I’m at and where I’m going.>Book Four is pretty involved, so taking this time to look at what’s ahead really helped. I was getting a bit worried and overwhelmed as it’s taking longer than I’d like just because of it being more intensive, as well as the extra love interest route. Yet I don't want to compromise or cut out on what I have planned because all of the big and little moments are what make Wayhaven, well, Wayhaven! >As I said, I want to finish Book Four this year even with it being more, but I know I can do it!>In order to do that though, I’m planning to get a lot of social media content done this month for the year ahead, meaning that’ll open up the rest of the year so I can almost solely focus on Book Four. I’m really hoping that getting as much of that completed as I can will help with just being able to slam ahead on the writing instead of stopping and starting.>So it’ll a bit of a different routine than past years, but hopefully will make a ton of difference! And I’ve already got some scenarios finished which I am loving, including one that fits nicely between Book Three and Four that I couldn’t stop thinking about over Christmas break, hehe! :D>The demo update will also be happening—looking at getting you amazing patrons the early access to that later next week!
>>3693359Mecha Ace
>>3693372Everything Gayhaven does is objectively correct because the author makes 10k/month and stands at the summit, smiting all challengers.
How would you build him, ACbros ?
>>3693378Dishonorable/Compassionate Kuronkoton with a katana, Ice and Light elements.
I realize I can be black in Aura Clash by building an Oni with darkness element.
>>3693372>author sits down with their editor and vows to finish their book within the yearThis makes the regular WIP patreon subscriber seethe
>>3693373>Mecha Acethe only good wang book>>3693387that reminds me of the abyssalmost are saying it's a scam and the author has just for the patron subsbut i really don't see it as that, i think the author is lazy or has hit a writer's block
>>3693416You can always end it all
>>3693417Suffering is a part of life anon and life is good.I'm sorry you don't understand this.
Aura Clash is wuxia or xianxia?
>constant AC min-maxing discussion killing this generalkinda based though ngl
>>3693266*Chink chad saving cuties from moonworshipping pasty freaks
>>3693423Instead of shitposting here, get back to writing Wars Paul.
>>3693421Xuanhuan shounen (DBZ meets Naruto)
starling? more like... stupid-ling... haha yeah gottem
>>3693431Fitzie? More like Potato Nigger.
>>3693422If only more games enabled build autism instead of doing the "pick one stat and pump everything into it" thing.
>>3693435> "pick one stat and pump everything into it"So...Aura Clash? Specifically, you have two choices, Alchemy or Handseals
>>3693441Nope, being a skill monkey with 3-4 in everything works just fine and is my go-to build. You can break the 2k barrier with that.
>>3693443Maybe if you kill the lightbringer and side with the pirates.
>>3693447No. Just regular cycling does that.
>>3693447Nope, just the lightbringer, gotta side with the merchants for that sweet skill manual.Also only bother cycling in chapter 1.
>>3693449>cycling in chapter 1>when you need shards the most to buy the skill books, the weighted clothes,m and the techniques For people that aren't merchants please.
>>3693462You don't even play AC, retard
>>3693462You do realize you lose all shards during the second Jack fight, yes? Saving up here is pointless.
>>3693462You can still have a lot of shards for cycling by doing the options where you earn a lot of money and it'll be worth it if you're Kitsune or Oni.
>>3693138>B-But…I loved you!lmao
>>3693472Does she react that way even if you weren't on good terms?In my playthrough, pre-update, we were friendly but professional towards eachother.
>>3693477idk i've always played as a gay man that manipulates her with sexbut if you're friendly and loyal, and you have not attempted to assassinate her before, i doubt she'd expect it
>>3693462Have you ever do earn funds? Even if you do only two of them it's still enough to buy everything you need+cycle the rest. Training your sibling isn't worth it and Kosuke doesn't really benefit from training if you previously unlock their aura. Usually in chapter 3 I earn funds around five times, train skills thrice (usually alchemy) and then go to the temple to unlock elements.
it's clear AC fans have not played any other gamesseriously talk about something else now
>>3693486What's your favourite Marquis game?
>>3693488Not him but can you sell me on it?I really enjoyed Pon Para but have heard mixed things about his other stuff. Not too interested in his WoD stuff.
>>3693493you’re a son of an aristocrat if I recall and you find and pilot an ancient aero plane and you decide whether to aid the rebel group or the aristocrat and their corpos(?)the setting itself is pretty alright, story meh
>>3693421It's neither.
>>3693421I'd say its in the middle, there's some moderately high level supernatural stuff but almost everyone is wuxia-tier in powerscaling.
>>3693421It's Bleach.
>Bastard Crown stopped getting updates>Sword of Rhivenia suddenly got an update againNyes, I'm nooticing.
I hate heroes, I hate the protectorate, I FUCKING HATE ANGSTWANK.
>>3693565tbf cogites were being really retarded with the bastard crown, read through the comments
>>3693566I LOVE angstwank
>>3693573no I don't think I will
>>3693573They're mainly complaining about lack of choice as far as I can see.The same complaints SoR got, hmmmmmmmm..........
>>3693577>>3693578nah most were complaining about being a bastard no one liked read this chain
>>3693579What? IIRC you earn your bros respect if you go with him to war and most people left are generally helpful, pretty retarded...NuttelaQueen and eddyie are still the same person though, nothing can change my mind at this point.
>>3693516Sounds neat. How do you feel about Marquis in general?>>3693421What's the difference?
>>3693581i'm pretty sure the older brother disaproves of your father declaring war with that empire if i recall, and during childhood he was a meanie towards youbut yes the father makes it a point to include you, a bastard in every sort of family affair, much to the chagrin of his wife, and the younger brother really loves youbut that's what makes their claim that you're not loved and you're hated by everyone retarded (which was being argued in the thread), that's clearly not the case>>3693609>How do you feel about Marquis in general?i'd get on all fours for him :3
>obvious jew is also a manwhore and a hunterI wonder how my character sleeping with him shall affect the fact we're both hunting Cormac.
>>3693687>a hunter >this fuckerhe's a fed or a supernatural plant. look at those dead fucking eyes. look at that unnatural fucking smile, he's one of (((them))) I hope we can go full schizo hunter
>>3693359as >>3693361 postedChoice of Robots to get a feel for the genre and Tin Star for pretty decently length and enjoyable entry
>>3693701Sorry anon it's v5, schizos aren't hunters anymore but feds are
>>3693687wtf ewwwdude looks 50
>>3693687why are you such a slut, faggot?
>>3693705The writer did say he prefers Hunters to be underdog individuals rather than professionals with backing.
>>3693732so no second inquisition?
>>3693734I don't think so. Haven't played the demo and only skimmed the article. But it seems like your a murder hobo and less an SCP agent.
However many endings depending on your choices or set number of possible endings with variations depending on your choices?Are premature failure endings mandatory?To be considered a game, is a failure state necessary?
>ctrl+f "Sorcery">0 resultswhat a shame...
>>3693739Sorcery's a bad choice for close-range combat.
>>3693735thank god, I know the imbued where a mixed bag reception wise but personally I really liked the disjointed information networks and personality they brought to the splat, and vigil from Chronicles was good for truly depowered hunters relying on their wits and compacts to keep em alive. I really don't like H5 making the feds the unequivocally "good guys" and making hunters less scrappy by association of having the SI exist
>back-to-back years where there’s next to no good releases
>>36937592023 was just frontloaded with all of the good release.
>>3693765name one
>>3693737>However many endings depending on your choices or set number of possible endings with variations depending on your choices?I'm not sure whatever that means because in practice it's always the second one. If it's about the number of possible end states, you shouldn't be too stingy, since the game is over by that point anyway. And even if it's a series there should be some variety in where you can end up with to make the player feel like an actual actor instead of a simple observer. >is a failure state necessary?I'd say so, yes. If you can randomly hit the numpad and the game will still carry on and end on its own, there's no point in it being a game or even "interactive fiction" if it demonstrably doesn't require any actual participation on the player's part.
>>3693769Fags who can't play will still demand a cheat mode, though.
Do,did,you, spoken to in “your” tripps??? Hi guys, we member u forgor4 chaos godssHahahTzeentch NurgleSlaanesshiKhorneAnd malal ,anons??We have games tooWe are tying to play dnd but you weiiiird guys popping in and out of our callsWe, R the chaos gods in your heartYoulike orange tulpas right??>”anons> do you wanna play our games?>>you like games?Troll? well theres a troll guy in the west.. aaa lusty bloody guy to the north, a prideful shadow energy emoticon to the east ands s. A a slug with a mushroom down south.. middle? Tree with wall of wrath..Above, theres a snug drug bug with an old man in the clouds of envy South Further? Vvv way deeper… do you see a terminal and ur “robot” is asking you things via ai ai listening to you ..me? Iii set things freee…Me? shhhh keep quiet we are trying to talk on our black board…. ¡¡¡’M hereYouu goo explore ourrrs dreammmzzs weee aree waiting for you too join us anons…>>>(you) <reading this feel spoken to???“So much fear and so much noise” Who agrees with ttthe lyrics they heard and were suggested by ur discord bot??? Iii diiidd u wanted to ask about death and the grim reaper right? Iii call u back?! Me? Writing this up for you in our! head… im a little ahead of your curves or whatever i exist between the lines when they blur… iii, we tried to make it clearer 4 u4… you spoke to ur mirror.. we can hear and see you… “they” would like a few words for you in ur sleep … dont you.. they were there… ur fears n nightmares were crafted !! Iii weee diiiddd somethings beyond urr mortal capabilities u wont understand… just follow orders again, agent … we cants be banned or blocked because we live rent ffree innn urr heads and wee catch ur ridesDidnt you feel something plug in at the base of ur spine last night? Iii am the whisperer in the dark.. you may have heard our convos while you were high and in the “zone” i am chaos undivided
Grim brought a little flower for you.. what colour was it? Blue, red? White? Black? What colour was your heart tonight? we see alot of colors and you wanted to see and hear what we think of you right? Did you enjoy your little trip ? “You weren’t alone” the voices, whisper to me, to tell you, i am an amplifier of sorts and i kick my own tunes and thoughts too, you thought you were soooooo clever.. i called you little ocotupi i laughed at your beliefs.. your foundations? fragile! Iii mmmm tryyinngg too builld aa neww realittyy engine and you guys? You lack! i pack! Icy iiii ccc eee andd heeaaarrr you lissttwning to 40k warhammer music… whatt colour what almmbumm aarreee youuu??!
>Discord schizo at it againShame
>>3693767relics 2throne oh bhaal
How's my onibros doin?
>>3693813Enjoying shabbat
Jahi sex doko?
Oni women are superior.
>>3693813If I had to guess, the bastards are probably eating money. What kind of weird degenerate finds a pouch of money and starts huffing it like a drug. Can't they think of the economy?
>>3693917Obviously. As Jewish descent is determined matrilineally, this must translate into superior Aura.
>>3693921Librarian oni woman sex soon
I tried doing a merchant playthrough and jesus christ, it is powerful. You get free money and aura pressure thrown at you wherever you go. I'm convinced that it is the best background for any style.
>>3693925>ninaHOLY BASED?!?!!?
>>3693925>you'll probably be able to breed 10 women in AC>in PoMA you can't have kids EVERlmfao supreme mog
>>3693934>Mina drains you temporarily>Ai drains you permanentlyFuck poma
>>3693927>merchant playthrough and jesus christ, it is powerfulGeee... I wonder why?
>>3693929>Mina drains your cores>Nina just straight up breaks your pelvis and you have to pass a fortitude check to not suffer a wound
>>3693925>ninaI kneel.
>>3693941>Nina beats you up for corrupting her sister>Mina blasts you both for being annoying honorable stick in the mud purityfagsYou can't please them all
>>3693934>you'll probably be able to breed 10 women in ACIf I was a more brain-rotted man, this would be the part where i'd make a YABBA DABBA DOO copypasta for Kosuke. Poor Girl. Her reaction is the one thing making me consider not going for the funny harem route.
>>3693957>spoilerI literally tought of that too but I'm not autistic enough.
>>3693934I'm staying loyal and monogamous with my loving childhood friendfu
Wanting and having kids is transphobic and homophobic. Think of the climate.
>>3693925Now show the FemMC list
>>3693962>loyal and monogamous with my loving childhood friendfuI'd like to do that too, but how many other COG games let you have a harem route? One where you can actually get the women pregnant? Any 'poly-shit' in COG games is usually just blatantly meant to be for women, and they sure as hell don't lead to children.
>>3693965Big Zhu joined the FeMC cup.
Ok. This is epic. Why did you stop posting here anon?
>>3693927I just hope the armguard can be upgraded again or the forge in Nanhou at least got something cool. Trapper and Herbalist can't compete at all.
>>3693963>homophobic>anon learns about mpreg.pngalso lesbians can do artifical insemination if they want ķids, I went to highschool with a girl with two moms. though I am now curious, if your gay in keeper book 3 during the dream sequence does your RO bring up adopting for the "do you want kids" part?
>>3693969Holy fucking SEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEXJahibros... soon it will be our time.
>>3693967>they sure as hell don't lead to childrenbecause having kids right in the middle of a story instead of at the end almost never happens because they shake things up too much and are hard to justify having around for whatever le epic plot your having occur? and CoG "books" are all about the intial stages of the relationship/the honeymoon phase and gloss over the rest of it leaving it at the end ambiguously.
>>3693969He posts more than you realise, he usually posts without his trip unless he wants to give a definitive answer to something or ask for advice. Or forgets he left it on, kek
>>3693965There's no easy to access list in the code for the female MC, but if you need to know, you can flirt with Angelo, bro Kosuke, Guiren, Jack, Goro and Brass Tiger as of now. And have drunken sex with Bo Lo (well, force him to please you) and Captain Qing.
>>3693969>Release rape demon into the world>Surprised when s/he rapes you and kills your other loversWere a measly 100 AP and killing an innocent kid worth it?
>>3693980Every cool, mysterious swordsman needs something in their past to angst about and want to atone for, anime taught me that. Besides, I love rape.
>>3693962This but with Tian Fang on my main runBut I'll have to do a Shrine Maiden sisters runAnd a Lunargoth women run
>>3693969>he wrote Jahy-sama into the gameI will now play your game
>>3693977Thanks for the reply anon I thought you died.
>>3693978FeMC's RO seems very lackluster compared to MaleMC. I am definitely being ignorant on what's female reader think about their attractiveness though.
>>3693991Cogettes can't get wet if their RO is not a mentally ill, but good looking rapist.
>>3693991Angelo's popularity is gonna skyrocket when it's revealed he trained (you) with a flaw, trust the plan
>>3693989Wasn't me but was completely correct. I'm here all the time, just not tripping.>>3693991Writing feMC smut will require completely separate casual dialogue for all male ROs. The way a guy talks to a girl he's interested in, and even the way he's presented or described, is completely different in a female smut book vs a typical adventure story. I'm no good at femSmut so I'm trucking through with placeholders for now and will need to rewrite small and large parts later.
>Cultivator-anon is the one constantly sexpostingUh, based?
>>3693996>I'm no good at femSmut so I'm trucking through with placeholders for now and will need to rewrite small and large parts later.Clearly you must start reading female self-insert smut fanfiction, like the mangaka who was forced to read 100 shoujos by his editor before he started making a romcom.
why isn't this in the CoG WoD stuff??
>>3693993Jack has potential to be potrayed like that but so far he is no different than your average schoolyard bully.
>>3693993or they can BE the mentally ill good looking rapist trying to take a good man down femcels and their consequences have been a disaster for /crpgg/
>>3694005That's why they shit on RO's. If Jack started to act suave and molest the MC, you would have a flock of these retarded bitches. I do hope anon ignores them, I much prefer when they complain every now and then instead of constantly posting their masturbatory fiction here or on the forum.
>>3694003Because>Published: November 1, 1997
>>3694007That too. Women say that men want only one thing but in fact, they are far more perverted. Just look at the most followed content aimed at women.
>>3694012no, it's truemen only want one thing, to be lovedwomen, according to my otome games, want two things, to be raped and to be locked in a cage
>>3693980>Were a measly 100 AP and killing an innocent kid worth it?>Were 100 AP worth it?Yes, of course. Why not? Number must go up.
reminder that orcGOD proves you don't need ROslop to make kino
>>3693980It was also 250 shards for a job well done.Damn right it was worth it.
>>3694024yeah but orcs are sexless cabbages so trannies can't boycott it
>>3694026You get the 250 wether you exorcise Jahi or not. The rest is you willingly crippling yourself for the Jahi fight when she uses the core inside of you to blow you up and then rape you.
>>3694035>uses the core inside of you to blow you up and then rape you
>>3693977so the anon who got offended and started at all the criticisms last thread was him without his trip alsooh and he posts>discord>reddit>CoG forumnslol, lmao even
>>3694043headcanon thoughbeit
>>3694045nope, no one would defend a freaking cyoa game that hard if it weren't the author or one of their hispanic fanboys
>>3694043all the criticisms where "It uses ai because I think it does and I don't find it funny(this part is fair), therefore I'm gonna shit up the thread because how dare people enjoy something I disliked"
>>3694053you forgot>supposedly east-asian inspiredwith characters having western sounding names o_0>cringe cherry picking of nip culturelike how you cherry-picked the criticisms from last thread >storyitself is meh>writingis shit>comedyis cringe too, literal reddit-tier humor, well i shouldn't be too critical of that, he has to pander to his fanbase somehow
>>3694056>>cringe cherry picking of nip culturetheres literally nothing wrong with taking bits and pieces you like from whatever culture and incorporating it into a story your making. auraclash is so disconnected from reality noone thinks its some representation of asian culture. its the same as hyuga
Just ignore the schizofaggot, he's just trying to bait people.
>>3694059There's a good chance he is arguing with himself.
>>3694056>setting has multiple races with their own naming conventions>this is bad because... it just is, okay?The actual criticism here is that you can't call Jack out on his weird ass lunargothic name.Imagine running into a blonde, blue-eyed white dude IRL and then he tells you his name is Tyrone. You'd just laugh and go "okay, but what's you real name?"
>>3694061Tyrone is an irish name.
>>3694058>nothing wrong with taking bits and pieces you like from whatever culture and incorporating it into a story your makingso it's neither wuxia or xianxia then.....
>>3694063>ginger>tyrone name>tyrone county in northern irelandso the blacks were/are appropriating irish culture then
>>3694066blacks had 0 culture, they appropriated everything
>>3694063Case in point, not a white name.
>>3694063>Tyrone isn't even an Irish, it's an Anglicised bastardisation of a former Irish County that the English colonised called Tir Eoghain in gaelic. Really makes you think...
life can be good
>>3694068the girl is ugly
>>3694074Hey screw you buddy, my Irish maid is as beautiful as any English rose.
>>3694065It's only like he was lying to anyone about it
>>3694067Africa actually has some pretty cool mythology like the stories with anasi the trickster diety but no one really ever uses it>>3694068what's fitzie's embarassing real name again? it was something funny but also cute how embarrassed she gets over it
>>3694077She's Heya! It's me, Imogen
>>3694043>>3694056I really don't get why, of all the series that you could reasonably and legitimally bitch about, you pick arguably one of the most entertaining and consistent, not to mention the only one that originated here. To make matters worse, not only are you a frogposter, but you don't substantiate any critique: It is either dumb non-issues ("Why is this not chinkshit enough????!" "Why is he called Jack??!!") or assertions that you don't even bother to justify. The thread would be better if instead of trying stop anons from talking about things they like, you talked about the series you enjoy.
>>3694077Black American are too detached from whatever part of Africa their ancestor come from. They have a massive identitiy crisis as a whole and that's why they appropriate anything as their own no matter how silly and ilogical it is like Hotep, lost tribe of Israel, and whatever the fuck Yaqub is.
>>3694080>you pick arguably one of the most entertaining and consistent>t. butthurt spic angry at all the negative criticisms towards his favorite gameyou're just a biased fanboy hence your need to defend this game anytime someone critiques it>you talked about the series you enjoytalk of other books, and even games (suzerin) gets buried under all AC posting, and you guys don't even talk about anything substantial, just min-maxing of stats, stick to your discord or the forums for crap like that
>>3694076>westernized mythic cultivationAC spics our response?!?!?
>>3694085Anon, nothing of what you said in this post, or across these last threads, is substantial or well founded enough to be actually engaged as a critique. Name calling and frogposting isn't an argument either. Can you put into words what that CYOA did to warrant constant and empty bitching, or not?
>>3694086AC description is eastern fantasy, and Anon was always open even before the first reléase that he was incapable of writing true chinaman fiction. I don't get what point that is trying to make.
>>3694084yaqub is a black muslim thing iirc
>>3694085So you decided shitting up the thread is what you'll do with your time, you worthless faggot? Is your life worth so little? Just end it and start again on your next incarnation.
>>3694087>they're not substantial criticisms because i said they aren't!!>>3694089then why would anons label it as wuxia or xianxia? and for awhile he had it labeled as xianxia (even he said it's closer to xuanhan)
>>3694099>>they're not substantial criticisms because i said they aren't!!Anon, "Why is this not chinkshit enough???!!!" isn't a substantial criticism to engage. "Why is his name Jack???!!!" isn't a substantial criticism to engage. Those two are matters of style and taste. "The writing is shit!!!!" would make for an interesting discussion if you, like a good anon, actually bothered to bring examples and justified with arguments why you think AC writing isn't worthwhile enough to warrant discussion or enjoyment. But you never do. Instead you shit up a thread and bitch constantly, flailing wildly because people here talk about a series they enjoy. I am not sure what are you even trying to achieve.
>>3694043>>3694047Nah wasn't me, you do have shit taste though>>3694056I'm going to do all of that again.>>3694099Can you find that post in the archive so I can see what I said I'd do in relation to House Dres? Sounds fun but my nosleep baby life has my memory in the toilet.
>>3694099>then why would anons label it as wuxia or xianxia?Because it is partially and openly inspired by chinkshit, and besides PoMA is the closest we have to those genres. >and for awhile he had it labeled as xianxiaBecause it's a WIP and anon tends to be inconsistent with how he describes the series. Your implication that he intentionally lied is as absurd as it is malicious.
>>3694099>"Why is this not chinkshit enough???!!!" isn't a substantial criticism to engageis if you're labeling it as an eastern fantasy or xuanhan and you proved your own biasdness torwards the game with this >you pick arguably one of the most entertaining and consistent, not to mention the only one that originated hereso arguing with you in good faith would be futile as you would find any excuse to dismiss the arguments
>>3694103And you'll reply to him in anger every time, giving him the engagement he craves.
thinking about replaying ac..how well can I roleplay as vergil?
>>3694105>Because it is partially and openly inspired by chinkshit, and besides PoMA is the closest we have to those genresso that's teh case>Anon, "Why is this not chinkshit enough???!!!" isn't a substantial criticism to engageis a substantial enough criticism to engage with
>>3694109>is if you're labeling it as an eastern fantasy or xuanhanSo you don't think wild cultural mixes produced by the old Hong Kong film industry, or openly western works that steal elements from asian cultures, can be reasonably called eastern fantasy? The fuck...>so arguing with you in good faith would be futileYou are a massive, whiny hypocrite with no arguments or intention to substantiate your claims. Not once since you started bitching you offered anything but empty bitching and frogposting. Not once you attempted to actually lay out with examples and arguments why this series is so offensive to you, and now that I require it, you hide behind "b-bad faith!!!" to avoid inquiry.This is beyond pathetic.
>>3694112Barely at all. Akakiru's by far the least interesting style.
>>3694112>Lunarsmithkiru>Honorable/Ruthless>Storm (that is a approaching)/(born in) Flame>Muramasa>corruptionmaxxing
>>3694111They might be the same person. I miss the IP counter.
>>3694120>Vergil>LunargothHe is definitely more of an Oni unlike Dante.
>>3694104Anon you should read Treshold. It's a book after Waybound that just came out.
>>3694120Replace race with Oni and Flame with Darkness and that's pretty much it.
>>3694113Saying "the closest thing we have to those genres" doesn't imply that AC strictly belongs to or is judged as part of real chinkshit. It's like saying "Journey to the West is the closest thing asians have to Marco Polo", then bitching and complaining that both aren't really part of the same genre.
>>3694116>why this series is so offensive to youNo gay romance, that is all. Everything else is rationalization, he's a gay dude seething that anon won't enable his sexual deviancy.>>3694122>>3694125>OniBit too red to be him, innit?
>>3694116>So you don't think wild cultural mixes produced by the old Hong Kong film industry or openly western works that steal elements from asian cultures, can be reasonably called eastern fantasy?no>Not once since you started bitching you offered anything but empty bitching and frogpostingyeah so you're mad that someone had some negative thoughts about your favorite game, loland imagine getting triggered at some retarded frogposting, sad>Not once you attempted to actually lay out with examples and arguments why this series is so offensive to youhey now you're resorting to putting words in my mouth!when did i say the series was offensive towards me? methinks that's a bit of projection, maybe you find it offensive that someone thinks that your book is crap?>>3694111>And you'll reply to him in anger every time,gee i wonder why? (discord troon)
Pon Para 3 when? Is furryshit selling so well as to warrant abandoning the only good in-house series CoG has?
>>3694128Oni can change skin color after the second Taio fight. My Oni mc become black after he upgrade darkness element.
>>3694132>the only good in-house series CoG hasJollyhoverse is alive and well though?
>>3694132No idea, DLC still has to come out so I can play it just like Unsupervised.
>>3694128I think he's just taking the piss at this point because it's garuenteed (you)s
>>3694133>theft element turns you blackWTF?
>>3694129>noFair enough then. Your standad is so strict and narrow that eastern fantasy basically doesn't exist.>yeah so you're mad that someone had some negative thoughts about your favorite game,No, I am rather annoyed by your constant attempts to stop and derail discussion while offering nothing worthwhile to chew on. But hey, thanks for admiting that in the end you have no real reason for causing such a mess: It's all retarded frogposting with nothing behind. It's all bait.>hey now you're resorting to putting words in my mouth!When you constantly and consistently bitch about the same series for more than a month already assuming that you are offended by it is a more than reasonable.
>>3694120>>3694122>>3694125kek, I'll try
>>3694134I legit forgot that Jolly Ho is an in-house project. That series is so wide that it feels like a hosted game, honestly.
Why are you arguing with a sodomite? What's the point? He takes cock up the ass do you really think he can be reasoned with?
>>3694140>No, I am rather annoyed by your constant attempts to stop and derail discussionwow discussion of stats and other useless stuff on one gamelast i checked it was called CYOA, not /ACG/>When you constantly and consistently bitch about the same series for more than a monthreally? a month? care to prove that?see the archives in novemberagain seems you're more pissed that someone is voicing a negative opinion on your gameyou'd rather have one huge circlejerk it seems! so thanks for the admitting to that>>3694144aww someone's jelly!!
>>3694137That and Mao calling you retarded is so getting cut when CoG reviews the project. In fact there's a good chance the drunken after-sex scene is getting cut too, if in the end Anon publishes it via CoG. Bunch of stuff they don't usually accept from authors, besides of course Devon that I suspect is blackmailing the californians so they let him put his fetishes in Hyuga.
Why is Vergil so cool bros? Why are his brother and son so lame? Why did he cut off his son's arm for power and still lose to him?
>>3694144Fair enough, you are right, it was retarded from my part to engage with the bait. Also>aww someone's jelly!!Lmao, he just admited to be an actual fag.
>>3694156That's the anon who's constantly posting about gay shit, I think he even posted an image of himself.Glad you saw reason friend, it's not worth your time.
>>3694149>implying they'll aprove publishing with the cutsNot Your Mother's Shire was in WiP for several years and they flatly refused despite it being far milder than AC.
>>3694153Vergil is a massive jobber, that's why. His whole purpose is to gather more and more power so when his son or his brother fighting if defeat can be bitter and frustrating.
>>3694160But if he's a jobber how does he stay so cool?
>>3694156>>3694158>samefaggingbuy hey see >>3694129>>And you'll reply to him in anger every time,>gee i wonder why? (discord troon)back to discord fag
>>3694153>power enthusiast>aloof>likes katanasHe's just like me fr fr
>>3694159Anon should start learning how to work with Twine ASAP. A CoGified version of AC isn't worth playing.
>>3694159What was their problem with that game?
>>3694141Only remember to not betray the Catgirl since she isn't trying to betray you at the moment and to only have sex with prostitutes with a holy background, so Mina.
I'm 90% sure the guy is Farquaad. Absolute faggot that used to stalk CRPG threads like Pathfinder, BG3, etc. This is him. Gay spic from Bolivia or Paraguay. He got rangebanned a lot but somehow he always came back.
>>3694168They said that it was too offensive and didn't elaborate on why exactly.The only thing offensive I recall about it was being unfunny and the only actual okay joke was using logic to call a dark-skinned hobbit Fro-bro Blackins
I think its funny that that one guy says having ai images is bad (to be fair, its not exactly ideal) and this means everything in AC must be ai generated, when half of the recent wips on dashingdon all use really shitty ai art
>>3694171>dark-skinned hobbit Fro-bro BlackinsPointing out race exists is racists to Cogites so they probably just assumed he's a Nazi and left it at that.
>>3694170That makes a shocking amount of sense. This might actually be him.
>>3694174It's very easy to verify, he has a certain way of writing and asking questions about gay characters. I got the image from the archive.
>>3694153>>3694162Its his aura of absolute control, imo. Dante & family also have this but they are smug, and that can rub some ppl off or it can come as unfunny at certain points.Vergil doesn't have this problem, or not to the same extent as the others at least. Calm and collected almost always, and his preference for finesse and swift attacks only adds to the idea that he doesn't have to do much to get rid of problems. Everything is beneath him.>>3694169Only remember to not betray the Catgirl if she threatens my power gains I can't make promises>only have sex with prostitutes with a holy background, so Minathis might work better than I thought..
>>3694172It's pretty typical slander and motte-and-bailey style arguments from their ilk, you know why they actually hate it.>>3694170It would make sense since they're both faggots obsessed with White men but those types are prone to mental illness so they may just seem similar because of that.
>>3694175Now I'm shuddering imagining if Froggy also came to this thread to discuss aura clash builds. And why wouldn't he? Aura Clash has kemono waifus and build autism. Would he post pic related if anyone admitted to playing trapper or herbalist?
>>3694170I'm pretty sure his filenames show a different timezone.
>>3694178>finally leaves general>shows up in the second (not) general I frequentgoddamnit
>>3694170>>3694172>>3694174guess i hit a nerve ;)hey how come you all aren't talking about games? why are you talking about me and seething? lmaooh yeah and i'm still waiting on proof for this >>3694148>>When you constantly and consistently bitch about the same series for more than a month>really? a month? care to prove that?seems like you guys are just trying to dismiss any criticism of the game by labeling me as something or thinking i'm another anon as a way to deflectsad!(btw this proves you all are discord troons ;)
>>3694178>>3694181Too many owlfags in this general.....I also used to be one of them, is Camposting stilll a thing even?
>>3694178Froggy killed himself after Troonguard flopped. Also he wasn't talking about gay ROs since he's bisexual.>>3694182The world is so small my guy, now I can just call you a mentally ill schizo and be done with it.>>3694183Camlords won.
>>3694183Camposting will never die, just as Cuckrue posting will live on forever. At least as long as Owlcat keeps making games.
>>3694177>you know why they actually hate it.yeah but I'd like to think most people aren't that petty, and to me it's not really something thats a detriment to my enjoyment of AC. though I am bi so maybe its a bit different for someone who just isn't attracted to girls at all.
I get that he likes taking it in the ass, but he needs to type like a massive fag too? It's unnerving, man.
>>3694184i never once used that pepe though :/
kino thread, two or more famous schizos here
>>3694187you read cogshite too sweetie, you're a fag just ike me :3
>>3694183 yeah. after Rogue trader's dlc we got freshblood w*men that simp for mazipan or jimmi. they are less frequent some of them are still around. daeran posting got a small uptick which is a win in my book. really we are just waiting for the next big (good) crpg to release. people have tried to get the general to do BG coop or a tabletop game but it hasn't gotten much if any traction. anyways choosr your own adventure games.
>>3694184>Froggy killed himself after Troonguard floppedReally, he shilled for Veilguard? He must have been really hurt when Owlcat fixed the loremaster bug.
>>3694197he shilled it so goddamn hard. i genuinely believe he was being a contrarian just for the sake of it
>>3694199>i genuinely believe he was being a contrarian just for the sake of itthat's how most /v/fags are thoughthat or waiting for the next TORtanic
>>3694194oh wow is he actually mad?he hasn't responded back
Are we ready for more PoMA kino?
>>3694206Yes, I crave for more jobbing and balance changes. Can't wait to see what Nikolai has been cooking.
>>3694206I haven't played since you kill the Vampire guy for crazy backstabbing pussy like a year ago, anything interesting happened since then?
>>3694216I heard certain parts of the rebel arc are playable but I haven't tried it for myself.>>3694209I haven't played in about 6 months, I can only imagine how many "overpowered" abilities he's removed or changed.
magical girl wip status?
>>3694273I google translated the moonrunes
>>3694273>genderswapped lame
I've seen King of Dragon Pass and its sequels get called a CYOA. Thoughts?
>>3694288Probably because it isn't.
Can you do anything interesting with the traitorous farmhand you can force to work for you in chapter 2 of aura clash?
>>3694304you can eventually pay him to become a martial retainer
>>3693359An Unexpectedly Green Journey is easily one of the best
>>3693359the great tournament
>>3693435Min-maxing literally means doing exactly that THOUGH
>>3693487All of them are mediocre
>>3694170You might be correct. One of his traits was a raging hatred for women, which is pretty rare for a fag. Usually, homos are friends to women, progressiveness, troons and so on. Farquaad hates them.That made me think and I started shitposting that he hates women because his father raped him and his mother knew and either let it happen, or was unable to save him. So he coped by thinking he was always into bara faggots and the trauma was internalized as hatred to women, and everything that is remotely feminine, including troons.Up until that point he always replied to any (you) he got, but to that shitpost he never did. I believe I hit bullseye and my mockery was actually close enough to the truth.Why am I talking about this now? Because that would be the reason why Farquaad doesn't go to the CoG forum, too many women there he would have to interact with. Instead he curses this thread with his despicable presence where he writes to himself how much he wants to fuck Hawkins and so on. Just like he did in Dragon Age threads where he was talking about sucking Alistair off.
why are AC fans so obsessed with gays and troons?
>>3694329hawkinsfag is a fujo that hasn't made a post in nearly half a year though.
>>3694332Dunno what you're talking about, there's no gays or trannies in AC
>>3694314Only for shit games.>here's 4 stats, where do you wanna put points?>oh, you tried dumping two and raising the other two evenly instead of guessing I wanted you to pick only one? Have fun failing every check lolMeanwhile, good games give you build variety.
>>3694003kek, I wonder if that was written by the guy that wrote an entire TTRPG inspired by IT.The guy really enjoyed the sewer scene.
>>3694357your apparent seethe at the fag talking shit made you go off on the deep end and had you talking about trannies from other boards or fujosso what's with the obsession with trannies aura jeet?
>>3694099Wait, Cultivator is a fellow Morrowind fag?Shit. Might have to play his game now.
>>3694369>morrowind>house dres (psst there's only three great houses that are joinable in morrowind, telvanni, redoran and hlaalu)(dres and indoril are based on the mainland):/
>>3694372Dres owns the slave plantations near Suran
>>3694372Who said anything about joining them, monkey?
>>3694374>Suransuran is a hlaalu town at the time of the third area dum dum>>3694378seeing as how dres makes no appearance in-game (morrowind) you can't claim to be a morrofag if you actually think dres is represented in game
>>3694181Brother.>>3694183Yes. I hate it.
Look at how desperately it wants attention, friends. Starting arguments no one cares about just for the sake of it, what goes on in the mind of such a creature?
>>3694385>referencing me in third personso..... you're still giving me attentionhow cute :3 me thinks that you're an election tourist, old fags would just straight up ignore at this point ;)
>>3694380Dres owns the Camonna Tong you nincumpoop, wiping them out at the massive Dres plantation or getting their support is even the final Hlaalu quest.
Not-Greece with elves, not-Egypt with female goblins, not-Persia with dragons. Takes place around the time of the Diadochi, possibly with a clear heir to not-Alexander surviving.
>>3694397I'm gonna need egypt to get something more fuckable than goblins
>>3694396play the game again, you're getting it mixed up silly gooseorvas DREN owns the plantations outside suran, he is the brother to duke vedam DREN, the current governor of morrowindand current grandmaster of house hlaaluthe camonna tong is part of house hlaalu by extension due to orvas's influence
>>3694372>>3694380>seeing as how dres makes no appearance in-game (morrowind)>you can't claim to be a morrofag if you actually think dres is represented in gameI'm sorry Anon, but are you autistic at all?To be clear, I (>>3694369) was more referencing the setting of Morrowind rather than the game.And within the setting Dres is largely represented and even if restricted to what's in the game they are mentioned enough to get a sense of their cultural and political importance and the character of which they are generalized by.
>>3694414then it would be more accurate to say you're a TES fag>>3694414>And within the setting Dres is largely represented and even if restricted to what's in the game they are mentioned enough to get a sense of their cultural and political importance and the character of which they are generalized byno that is incorrect, outside of it being mentioned in books in-game, house dres has no sort of political or cultural influence in or over the isle of vvanderfall in morrowind (since we're talking about the game)dres didn't and couldn't at the time colonize vvanderfall because it was owned by the temple, which was an extension of hosue indoril at the timeand you'd be correct in saying indoril as they're represented in game through the tribunal temple (ordinators) or even their capital city mournhold (almalexia) through their high ordinatorsbut to say house dres is represented in game and are mentioned enough (outside books that few read apparently) is just wrong
>>3694420You already confessed that they run Hlaalu in >>3694401I will be ignoring your bait now.
>>3694420Them being mentioned in books and by NPC's isn't representation?Like I said, from base game Morrowind you learn enough to know their niche Dunmer culture and their general character.
>>3694425you're mistaken the DREN brothers for being part of house dres when it was stated that they were part of hlaalu>orvas DREN owns the plantations outside suran, he is the brother to duke vedam DREN, the current governor of morrowindand current grandmaster of house hlaalulmao at this ESL-jeet >>3694426>offhand comments is proper representation in-gameno>Like I said, from base game Morrowind you learn enough to know their niche Dunmer culture and their general character.no because the actual house dres is barely mentioned in game at all, seriously play it again, you'd be hard pressed to find an NPC that mentions them (plus unlike the great houses in vvanderfall, dres or indoril do not have a color book, further signifying their insignificance in-game)>https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Morrowind:Red_Book_of_3E_426>https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Morrowind:Yellow_Book_of_3E_426>https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Morrowind:Brown_Book_of_3E_426again there's no such book for dres in-game(i'm having doubts you've actually played now)
>>3694435Anon, I think the crux of our disagreement stems from what we consider representation.From what I remember I had garnered enough information to know that House Dres was pious and heavily involved with the temple and also the largest slaving organization.This is what I remember. I'm willing to admit that in the years since I've been a fan I've absorbed knowledge from other sources and am misattributing it to base game Morrowind.
>>3694443you're definitely mistaken them for house indoril thenthey're the ones most attributed to the temple, being pious and the more faithful of the houses, with one of their archanon's being an indoril and to them even wearing armor after the house's namesake>https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Morrowind:Indorilyou're correct that they're the largest slaving organization in mainland morrowind, but that's about it, they have no holdings or outposts in vvanderfall
>>3694445I'm definitely not confusing them with Indoril. Both Dres and Redoran are also great allies of the temple.
>>3694451we’re talking about representation in-game, don’t try to move the goalpostsand yes you were mistaken them with indoril
>>3694452No, we're actually talking about the lore and history of the fictional country of Morrowind, or Resdayn if you prefer.No I wasn't. I believe it is you that is mistaken friend.
>>3694103>why is his name Jack?It is obvious it is a setup for metal gear meme reenactment:>soul cores, son. They respond to physical trauma. You can’t beat me Jack
>>3694456oh you're one of those types that hate to lose an internet argument :/>No, we're actually talking about the lore and history of the fictional country of Morrowind,see >>3694369>>3694372>>3694374>>3694378>>3694380>>3694396>>3694414>>3694420>>3694425all this was in the context of in-game, so why argue if you weren't following the original argument (you were but you tried to shift the argument to the lore after you couldn't come up with an in-game instance of house dres being represented)
>>3694460It already happened, not that merchants would know.
>>3694340I'm mainly posting about new hunter game as of now. AC stuff isn't really my thing as of now, I usually fall off demos eventually until they fully release.By the way, Saturnine got pushed into prod cycle. I wonder if he'll have to castrate his baby's first grimderp and the scene where you choke your own master to death.why is witcher 3 such an overhyped piece of shit, holy fuck. even reading tower of swallows looks more preferable to it now.
Another fae-looking guy. This place is just teeming with fae once you start digging, woofs are just a side hustle.
>>3694490who’s the twink?! :3
>even these games have DLCr u srs
If aboriginals/indians were a fantasy (monster) race, what would they be?
>>3694572>IndiaRakshasa are cool, furry or not>AbosNo idea
>>3694574Rakshasa, shapeshifting demons? I was thinking of reserving that for jews. I was thinking orcs for indians and abos, both of which I consider to be the same race.
>>3694288Because it is much closer to one once you realize the actual core of the gameplay are the text vignettes and it's not an actual strategy. Although it's more of a "CYOA" as in the old gamebooks with a dozen bad ends and narrow window to winning, as it's actually pretty restrictive as to how you should properly play the game and win in particular.
>>3694577>Because it is much closer to one once you realize the actual core of the gameplay are the text vignettesBut that's not true.
>>3694580You can literally only win the game through text vignettes, the simplified turn-based strategy layer is extremely shallow and is only there as filler in-between the events.
>>3694594You literally can't.
>>3694544in zaper's case he said that he would be a free update
>>3694595Have you actually played the game?>2 heroquests, which are literally CYOA episodes with stat checks>forming a tribe, which can literally only be done through text>becoming the titular king is literally just a series of eventsThe only actually strategic part of the game is some basic resource management, everything else is text events and RNG.
Please don't make dual wielding a straight upgrade to using one weapon.
>>3694699I will, but depending on Background/Events you'll be able to choose something else instead of dual wielding
>>3694768This has something to do with the master you'll choose right?
>>3694656You lying nigger. If you just sit there skipping turns it becomes a race between losing from starvation or from having all your cattle stolen. Especially on Hard, the game is won or lost on the overlay alone.
>>3694572You know abos aren't one tribe right? They don't share a mythology.
>>3694472>m*rchantYou dare mock son of the herbalist?
>>3694840But they share a phenotype?
>>3694768I hope it's an akakiru exclusive feature.
>>3694844Herbalgods will win soon trust the plan. The alchemy trial is theirs to win.
>>3694983Herbalist is already best for APmaxxing.
>>3694985More like kiihakai+herbalism is the best one. Merchant is OP by itself.
Did I do something wrong or can you only get the extra ship by salvaging with four ships once? I was hoping to use that trick to break through the 3k barrier but all I got was 2530 AP. That's still more than I've ever gotten but I think I could do better. I'm very grateful that Onis are such a good race mechanically when their lore is also so good. Coolest race by far.
>>3694994First instance of the event is free. Every event of the same kind after that checks if you rolled 1 on a 1/(10- # of ships *1.2).You can either bite the bullet and keep getting them through random chance, keep checking the stat menu to reroll the random check or send 8 or more ships to guarantee the result.Piracy can also generate ships. (need deception 3)Deep sea fishing can give you 15 AP and 1 martial retainer (need a combat or junk type ships)
At attention! New PoMA sneak peek!!!!!!
>>3695002Killing fodder jobbers is actually a good thing here.
>AC sucks because it focuses too much on trying to please discordfags and every romance scene gives me secondhand embarrassment>PoMA sucks because NickyDicky has a jobbing fetish and the game’s mechanics have been changed like 20 timesDo I have to make my own shonenkino CYOA at this point? Chinamen novels aren’t my cup of tea.
>>3695007I mean, I'd rather kill non-fodder but I guess it's progress.>>3695018Do it!
>>3695018>inb4 do it (but with yin boy ROs!!!)ROfags are all the same
>>3695027If I were to actually tackle such a project it’d be free and there’d be no gayshit.
>>3695029Holy based.... Farquaad in shambles...
>>3695029okay I'd still play it, benefits of being a bifag
>>3695018>>AC sucks because it focuses too much on trying to please discordfagsa-aura xisters....o-our response?!?!?!
>>3695029Good. Sodomy is disgusting and immoral.
>>3695049>AC server is not moderated and people can call themselves niggers as much as they want>this means that people can also shit on the game and express their likes/dislikes without being banned by some tranny jannyThis is a good thing THOUGH. Having people free to actually criticize the game and force anon to make good changes.
>being in a discord and trooning around is a GOOD thinglol, lmao eveni get that you're a newfag that is trying to fit in here but it's best not to admit out loud in a public forum that a CoG or HG author has a discord where "bigotry" and other stuff is allowedsomeone could use cultivator-kun's own discord against him, especially that one rapey one and use it to cause trouble for him when it comes to publishing
>Still responding to him
can't we all just get along?
>>3695109>still seething:3oh btw i enjoyed reading the throne of bloodbeing a male and receiving that "shower" was an enjoyable read :3
>>3695114be a shame if this >>3693969were to be sent to a female editor or a moderator in the CoG forums.....
>>3695114I got banner for that so blame the jannies.
>>3695118Some fags already tried to shut him down for being from here, they were told to get bent by both the regular posters and the moderator.>talking about rapey characters to a female cogiteStop, you'll just get them off.
>>3695115>golden shower in a cog gameno way
>>3695121not your mother's shire proves otherwiseplus with this retard here >>3695061practically admitting that their discord is laden with racism or offensive material and cultivator-anon putting his name out there will be disastrous in the long run if someone really chooses to do a deep divewhich is why him posting here with a trip is retarded, he could've easily stayed anon and post in a style that would make him recognizable
>>3695122a dragon hybrid jizzes so much that your entire face and body is covered in jizz
>>3695125Assuming he's unwilling to compromise his morals and artistic vision, he's already screwed in terms on publishing due to the contents of the game alone.>no pronoun benders, not even the player can be one>multiple romances, all of them straight-only>the R word>racism presented in a light hearted and even comedic way>now maybe some straight up non-consensual stuff with JahiThankfully he's finding himself a decent audience on patreon. When the game is finished he'll likely have to either convert to another engine and self-publish with that, or make it available for free and keep getting patreon money on the side (is that even allowed?).
>>3694840they're also not even worth thinking about unless you need a race of trolley thieves in your fantasy world
>>3695129>>no pronoun benders, not even the player can be one>>multiple romances, all of them straight-onlyidk why you act as this is revolutionary, plenty of hosted games have released under the same criteria, not to mention a few wips (pretty sure poma is doing this too?)>or make it available for free and keep getting patreon money on the side (is that even allowed?).sure but it'd be pretty scummy to have an active patreon and not be working on some other game
>>3695129>>no pronoun benders, not even the player can be one>>multiple romances, all of them straight-onlyonly a very small vocal minority cares about this, 95% of cogstuff does let you be gay/trans so its not a big deal>racism in a comedic and light wayracism is a great source of comedy because its absurd, having fantasy racism isn't a big deal. jahi might get away with it, Cogites love junko. getting called a retard might get replaced but honestly I'd say its fine because its showing how much of an unlikeable asshole mao is that he uses that language flippantly
>>3695137>Cogites love junko.back when it first released maybe, but now most are saying that it makes them uncomfortable or that the entire SoH sags is cringe
>>3695140funny since fags and straights alike lust for jun/ko itts
>>3695114>can't we all just get along?No.
>>3695150you're an ESL or just plain thick-headed retardcogites no longer like junko
>>3695179case in point
I read the first two SoH cyoas as my introduction into CoG games, then bought the rest of them because I liked the first two a lot.If only I knew that the ending of Book 3 and the entirety of Book 4 would be pure railroaded shit.
>>3695179I said itts as in in these 4chan threads, I don't use cogite forums
>>3695182lel, sure you did
>>3695185why would I use cogite threads? I was just commenting on the disparity between this place and there, if you polled here jun/ko would be the top spot
>>3695181>pure railroaded shitThat's the entire series, but Book 4 was the single most enjoyable entry in the entire CoG/HG catalog thanks to Junko.
>>3695185At first I thought you might be froggy but then realized you weren't telling people to eat shit and hang themselves.
>>3695188Unlike 1 and 2, book 3 and 4 didn't even try to at least mask the rails. The personality slider do influence the way mc view and describe something unlike in later books when it matter less and less.
Every time I load a save from aura crash it seems to get stuck in the character sheet screen.
>>3695229Do not save after seeing your stats.>Show Stats>Return to the Game>[this is where you don't want to save]You need to hit the next button at least once to be safe. It's not an AC thing, it's a problem with the engine.Another bug is that if you open your stats immediately after loading, it will send you back to where you were before once you return. This can screw you over if you keep a single save and want to load to use a handseal so you can pass a check. Keep at least two saves.
>>3695018Honestly, do it, there's nothing wrong with having more options.
>>3695018>shonenkino CYOAWhat does that even mean? You mean xianxia?
>>3695293Lurk 20 years before posting
>still no wizard outfit WITH pointy hat in ACFailed project. I hope you feel ashamed of yourself, Anon.
>>3695467Junior Brother, your custom outfit?
>>3695512Doesn't count, add it in you lazy hack.
I'm creating a setting of not-Earth and changing certain peoples to fantasy races with the implications that go along with it (depending on how skilled I am). Do you think sub-Saharan Africans would fit as undead? The more I think about it, the more it seems perfect...
>>3695544extracredits anon... I still can't believe they fucking equated black people to orcs lol https://youtu.be/5Y1FMBfyMRM?si=Pvxs-7uhtZj9lkiG
>>3695544Making Bantu as an undead horde with Ethiopian and Egypt as the guardian against them (Ethiopian being a race of lionman warrior and Egypt being a race of catman wizard to differentiate their specific roles against the undead). Maybe making the Arab as a race of desert elf/genie to emulate their expansion.
>>3695544why is /vrpg/ so racist?
Bit on the nose huh?
>>3695546I don't think sub-Saharan Africans resemble orcs at all except maybe in intelligence. They're not even particularly industrious in terms of violence, just more depraved or irreverent, which I think makes them even more fitting as undead. The appearance of the average sub-Saharan African is already thin, almost skeletal and usually with their heads shaved. They take whatever they can get from the environment around them and simply expand with almost no forethought and they're so irreverent they commit atrocities not particularly out of malice, but amorality. I think this describes undead skellies perfectly.>>3695547What do you think of making Persians/Arabs dragons/lizard men?>>3695548It's just common sense.
>>3695551Persian and Arabs should be different race imo. Arabs should share race with Jews due to semitic roots while Persian should be it own things. Them being lizardsmen are fine because of cold-blood but Persian is more of a Mountain people. Persian being bird people sounds cool imo because how prevalent the Simurgh are as their symbol.
>>3695548no jolly 2 with fitzie sexo
>>3695553If this is before Islam, would you say Persians and Arabs were the same race?I think giving a race readily available access to flight could be too much of an advantage, but you gave me a lot to think about, like how some say birds evolved from dinosaurs, how the Simurgh could be reworked, if everyday Persians/Arabs would be lizardmen and the ruling elite/Persians would be dragons and how that would come about - through some ritual, a molting process, or like how bees create their queen.
>>3695556>before Islam, would you say Persians and Arabs were the same race?Absolutely not. Before islam arabs were still arabs and persians were still persians. It's like asking if italians and slavs are the same.
>>3695556No they never were the same people really, even before Islam. It's like comparing German and Celt are the same just because they live near each other and they are both white but you do you. Persian are Iranian like the Kurds, Afghan, etc and Arabs are Semites like Jews. I know dividing people based on language is a fallacy but history wise they really are different people. Genetically from what I know Iranian are closer to European than you think due to them being the source of Aryan migration (based on the Kurgan theory).>Europeans, and certain South Asians (specifically the Parsi minority) showed the highest affinity with Iranians, while Sub-Saharan Africans and East Asians showed the highest differentiation with Iranians.
>>3695564Are you saying Italians and Slavs aren't the same race?>>3695565Do you think they're close enough to warrant being made the same fantasy race?
alright I'm curious. what fantasy race are the french canadians?
>>3695571As a whole, yeah you can make them the same race if you didn't care that much about granularity (you probably will make European into a single Human race right?). Making the Arabs as nomadic desert lizard while the Persian are the civilized Empire of lizardmen led by Dragon kings/winged kings sound cool. Now what will be your take about the Turks? They are an important component of the clusterfuck that is the middle east.
>>3695571>Are you saying Italians and Slavs aren't the same race?Yes, much in the way that chinese and japanese aren't the same race, and persians and arabs, and inuits and cherokee.
>>3695577I was thinking of making Latin peoples humans (God I wish humans were real), Germanics/Anglos dwarves, and Greek/Byzantine/Slavs elves.I think Turks are mainly Arabs.>>3695574Under my framework, humans>>3695583So does the term ethnicity serve as anything in your view?
Make the japanese bug samurai
>>3695584Don't confuse Turks with Turkic btw. Turks are Turkic people that migrate to Anatolia and then interbred/displace the native Antolian in there. Turkic people itself are Asian complete with yellow skin and slanted eyes so they are different race imo.
>>3695586Chinese are far more fitting as bugmen.>>3695571>Do you think they're close enough to warrant being made the same fantasy race?No, they are not. You are conflating them because Persians were subdued by Arabs and accepted Islam, renouncing Zoroastrianism. Then their cultures intertwined, corrupting once fascinating empire with subhuman filth.
>>3695588this really, when thinking of turks from turkey it's more of an national identity similar to americans, and canadians rather than an ethnic group
>>3695588You have no idea how much I looked into Attila the Hun's ancestry. I do want to make East Asians their own fantasy race and I have wrestled with what race(s) the Steppe/Turkic peoples could be. What further complicates it for me is that I want to divide races between "playable" and "antagonistic" and I believe fantasy!Mongols/Huns/Scythians should be "antagonistic" but I also want East Asians to be "playable", even though I would generally consider Mongols and East Asians to be the same race.>>3695590I conflate them because they look the same, sorry not sorry.
>>3695599>playable races:mine>antagonistic races:everyone elses
>>3695590hmm yesthe arabs were at the time more focused on cultural and then religious assimilation rather than forceful inbreedingit's mainly the reason why there are still blondes, brunettes and redheads in the levant
>>3695600Not wrong LOL. Maybe "non-playable" is a better term. For example, dragons. A lot of people would want to play as a dragon and certain fantasy settings have "humanized" them to make that more possible, like the dragonborn in D&D 5e, but on the face of it, I think it's stupid. Imagine a party of four adventurers and one of them is just a dragon. I can imagine a Japanese comic-slop being based off of this but after the initial impact and surface-level repercussions from such a party, what else is there? It would end up being about the dragon and the three other nibbas would be the "non-playable" characters.
>>3695599The Steppe people can be orc or centaur I think. Orc are commonly depicted as a scourge upon civilization and it fit Turkic and Mongols like a glove (maybe Turkic are Orcs while Mongols are Goblins/Hobgoblin?). Centaur are mostly just because how fitting their physique are as a steppe nomad. Also there's the Mamluke too to think about (Arabs bought young Turkic slave to raise them as a slave sodier).
>>3695610Thanks to you I may have just had a eureka moment.
british should be lions
Can you become white as an oni in AC? If so what element?
>>3695638Use Ice for full white albino skin.
>>3695640Ok thank you fren.
>>3695642Or use Jade foundation to become a Jade skinned beauty (there's actually an achievement for that)
>>3695644That's a thing??
>>3695638you can become albino
>>3694840Doesn't matter, they're still monsters regardless (along with indians)
>>3695114>hating niggers and trannies is somehow a bad thingDamn, I love AC now!
>>3695646Also I hope you helped Guiren instead of getting the tiger cape or, heavens forbid, flirt with the witch.
>>3695771No fucking way. An option to increase my persuasion whenever I want is far more useful than a technique when I aam lready close to hitting the cap of them.
>>3695771>can't make TLD if you side with gold in chapter 4>either miss out on the funny explosive or jobI'm committed to the bit of never letting him get one over me, guess I'll have to do this every run now.
>>3695805>jobThere will most likely be checks that are simply avoided if you have Flash Step. It will likely also work with the Ninja technique or the monkey mist clones.
>>3694787Yes, as I said>some basic resource managementAre you having some issues with reading comprehension? >you can literally ONLY win the game through text vignettesas in all the winning conditions are only achievable through the text vignettes. Playing it like an actual strategy gets you nowhere even as far as short game objectives go. and will actually get punished with shit like the forced split event bat coming down for growing your clan too good.
>>3695957You're not making it to those final quests without learning how to play you disingenuous tranny.Recommending KODP to someone looking for a CYOA game would be like recommending Crusader Kings just because it has text events.
The Beast of Glenkildove in a couple of days. Everyone excited for it?I've put off starting Mecha Ace so I can jump in to it blind when it drops.
>>3695966yeah, I really like most of the WoD stuff. And even when it's bad/mediocre the artists they've commissioned for the games always knocks it out of the park
>>3695970>no mage or changeling games in the worksat least they stopped with the werewolf slop crap
>>3695599>playable races Generally don’t, or as few as possible. You can go through race is just a statblock that is hollow and you can make them as much as you want cause they won’t affect anything. If you want race to have any reactivity (people generally want it) you have to dev it, and spread it evenly in amount big enough for players to notice. So each race adds more and more workload with little benefit because big effect would need even greater effort.
>>3695966It seemed alright from the intro. Actually managed to somewhat pull off a child / teen sequence by not making it last an eternity.
I wonder if dealing with Kitty's husband will be the majority of her romance route.
>>3696001Already dropped.
>>3696001that's a man
>>3696004Does it have peen?
>>3695966can't be worse than Out for Blood or Sins of the Sires
>>3695966>"Those children ye saw," he said. "I and my wife look after them. Nobody else will. They come from Dublin. They were born in that wicked city. They were abused and neglected and unwanted. They're the end result of a liberal society where pleasure has dethroned God as King. We take them in, the refuse of the city, and we try to save them. We teach them hard work, discipline, and the fear of God that is the beginning of wisdom."Looks kino.
>>3696036He is going to be the antagonist, isn't he?
>>3696038Probably. Probably in a way that proves the character right. Ironic.>>3695970>the artists they've commissioned for the games always knocks it out of the parkWhile I generally agree with you picrel, >>3696017 is particularly horrendous.
>>3696041yeah, it's pretty bad. But character art wise, Amy Wilkins has always been doing good shit for WoD, card game, book illustrations or CYOA characters.
Is demonic cultivation worth it? Are there any drawbacks?
>>3696067Alchemymaxxing is better. Like, ridiculously better.
>>3696075What about both together though? Or is that not possible?
>>3696077Why bother/ Alchemymaxxing trumps anything else so hard there's really no reason. The only other option is a Merchant with Handseals.
>>3696067>drawbacksNot yet. We will see in the future. As of now, I get around 300 extra AP from it and a few skill points, at the cost of one day in Nanhou. Seems rather powerful and it promises to get more AP after we execute more people but it also warns us to not get more than 500 demonic AP. At that point of the game you are hot stuff if you have 1500 AP, just to remind.
>>3696083Do you know if that drawback also applies if you're an oni?
>>3696079>Why try other things, just use the best playthrough possible with no variation and ignore everything else in a cog gameDo people really play like this?
>>3696089Because it's not really worth it? It's just a pretty garbage way to gain AP. What's the point of going all demon cultivation if it's barely worth anything?
>>3696085It's not a drawback, more like you having a limit of how much demonic AP you can hide. It will supposedly grow as you do. And no, Onis don't get a particular benefit here.
>>3696079I do both, merchant with handseals and demonic cultivation.>>3696091Onis get a tail if they pursue demonic cultivation.
>>3696091Ok thank you fren!
>>3696090You could do both at the same time, right? Demonic cultivation doesn't depend on any skills as far as I know. But I guess absorbing the demonic book instead of trading it for regular skills book will make alchemy weaker.
>>3696092>tailMeh, I'd rather have wings.
>>3696079Merchant with Handseals doesn't get nearly the same as alchmaxxing, idk where this meme came from. >>3696077You totally can get a bunch of extra ap from corruption while also alchmaxxing, just at the first opportunity it's better to get a regular skill manual and use it for alchemy instead of absorbing the corrupted manual.
>>3696090That's like saying that you shouldn't play a blacksmith since it's the least abuseable origin for AP gain. People just want to sacrifice innocents for power.Besides 300 extra AP on top of everything else is still a considerable gain for everything that's not using alchemy.
>>3696100You do not need to use the demonic book.
>>3695984When Alexander the Great conquered Persia he married 50 of his officers to Persian nobility, himself having a child with a Persian princess. None of these marriages lasted, especially after his death, as the Greeks detested having to break bread with their sworn enemy. I'm thinking of making the MC one of the lost children of these ill-fated unions, orphaned and abandoned in Egypt.
>>3696067its evil. evil is bad
>>3696141Oh ok that makes sense.
>>3696079There's an extra point of alchemy to be gained in your graveyard adventures with Taio. If you're serious about alchemymaxxing you'll absorb the dark gate for corruption and go to the graveyard for that.
>>3696075>>3696077>>3696079>>3696083wrong answers>>3696141correct answer
>>3695970I've always been partial to the old reckoning art (minus the dante trace lel) and vigil's art from chronicles of darkness
>>3696141It may look that way but there is an answer that breaks your entire argument apart.Goth catgirl pussy
>>3696156But sacrificing the goth catgirl is better for your corrupt cultivation
damn you aura spics really don't play other games do you?
>>3696188I'd play your game anon!
>>3696188there aren't any other (good) wips to play/discuss
>>3696188it’s a mix of samefaggotry and discord shillinglook at how anons were talking about the beast of glenkildove, or last thread wayhaventhen they interrupt that discussion with their same old alchemy or stat discussion, it’s literally coordinated to damper discussion on other gamesall in all AC posting at this point should either be banned or they should start their own general
Let's talk about the bird game. Why the fuck is the vampcutefu route NG+ only?
>>3696212makes sense, similar to the grey painterauthor wants you to play through the story that is full of mystery and then a NG+ route that explains all the stuff that was happening behind the scenes or something
>>3696207>interruptYou can't interrupt a text discussion. Person 1, 3 and 5 talking about game A in no way should stop person 2 and 4 from talking about game B.In fact, having multiple discussions running simultaneously in the same thread is the standard for non-dead boards.
>>3696212because the author hates me specifically and the funny love triangle I was making with chase pinning after a retarded cult autist that thinks astoria is his good friend and not a vampire and that taking a ring from her definitely won't have any unforseen consequences.
>>3696216except that doesn’t happen, look at how all glenkildove discussion stopped after someone brought up ACand no it’s not a discussion if you are reiterating the same talking points over and over again (stats, alchemy), at that point it’s just an excuse to keep it relevant in this thread by continually talking about it
>>3696221The game is not out bro I can't talk about it.
>>3696221>look at how all glenkildove discussion stopped after someone brought up ACThat's an issue on their end, not ours. Just keep talking? Works for me.
>>3696222There was an hour gap between the last glenkildove post and the first AC post, so anyway don't respond to retarded bait and samefags.
Speaking of Wayhaven. Mishka is back form her vacation and now it's full steam ahead towards getting book 4 finished this year.
>>3696221notice how they never talk about the story either, almost as if it's complete crap! :3
>>3696229who cares. it's just another 500,000 words of ava not fucking (you) and the "choices' being whether you bold or shy flirt
>>3696234that's based though. Go be a fuckboy if that's your desire
>>3696234see case in point, any game that isn’t AC could fuck right off it seems>>3696235we do need the IP counter back desu
>talk about MY AIDS pozzed wodslop or you are le discord chudOnly Night Road deserves discussion.
>>3696240>>talk about MY AIDS pozzed wodslop or you are le discord chudthis but all world: pro wrestling for me rory is cute twunk :3
>>3696242>mfw gay rape sex with minors
>>3696242>all world: pro wrestling at least play the good one
>>3696249Slammed is a good game not a fetish one.
>>3696237>me not liking wayhaven means I MUST be an AC shillanon chill out. its not that deep
>>3696245>minorsoh please you creeps wanted to romance the kid from hyugaoh and they're 18 in the new book, younger than rory O_o
>>3696251just means you've got bad taste>muh shit Ava romancenot like there's 4-5 more to choose from
>choice game>you can only be a pussy with no agencyEven the Keeper author agreed it's time for the MC to man up and stop being a mopey bitch. As a Morganchad, I played all Wayhaven games until now but I won't anymore unless Avabros get to eat too.
>>3696237We'll be talking about POMA when the update comes out. We'll talk about OrcGOD's second game soon too since he already lapped me and nikki both with his 750k word sequel after starting+publishing a million word game. He's written AC+POMA+AC again in less time than we've each written our game.
>>3696256Keeper series just turns into edgy trauma porn>Let's see how mentally unstable we can make the MC
>>3696257this, also not a ton of cyoas have stat building or character building like aruaclash or PoMa, a lot of them just end up "pick a b or c as your strength and then always pick the same a b or c option to solve a problem, they all result in the same outcome just with slightly different flavor text".
>>3696261Pon Para beos we just got truthnuked....
>>3696254>not like there's 4-5 more to choose fromAll brown. Yuck, disgusting.
>>3696258idk i think it was done alrighthaving to kill your partner and kid to escape your hypnosis/fantasy was sad>>3696261if that's true then why do you all only talk about alchemy?
these past couple threads have gotten a lot less comfy recently, why is everyone so combative?
Ban one homosexual and 90% of the arguments will stop.
>>3696265CoG forum trannies found this place
>>3696263Morgan is a cute greek goddess Just the latest book gives me sort of Harry Potter fanfic vibes>Tagged: dark!harry, independent!harry, BAMF Harry Potter
>>3696265AC fans and their discord shilling
>>3696268whoops >>3696264
>>3696257Orcgod must be snorting adderal by the kilogramme
>>3696269this!>https://discord.com/invite/FvPK2t9amroh and don't forget they're also spamming on reddit too! >>3694056
Guys what's your favorite AC romance?
>>3696266and whoever's fucking frogposting
>>3696278That's the gay guy, there's also an avatarfag all of the sudden.
>>3696277Mei Mei.
>>3696271Probably, but god damn am I proud of him. Him, Nicky, and ShireBro are the three heroes of HG. I want Shirebro to let me package+publish+advertise his game for him so bad so he can still get on playstore, apple store, and steam, but it would require translating the whole 500k word game to Twine.
>>3696265You act as if Wayhaven obsessed CoGtrannies don't throw a shitfit anytime there's actual game discussion here that isn't circlejerking over queer r*mance. It's the one consistent factor since these threads took off.
>>3696283I tried the shire game and I just didn't find it funny and it was too randumb for my liking(which is a deathknell for something trying to be funny and not be taken seriously). maybe I should give it another chance though. I remember the art for the ROs actually being pretty good.
>mistaking the dren plantation as being a dres plantation (in vvanderfall no less lmao)>mistaking orvas dren as being a member of house dres lmao
Did anyone play Ultimate Magic Student? I thought it was putrid fucking garbage personally.
>>3696288>Ultimate Magic Student?>In a world where you initially portray the role of an unassuming student at Japan’s foremost College of Magiclol, lmao even
its because if a game isn't about martial arts or war or god forbid, if it has romance elements not solely revolving around sex it's not worth discussing in the hivemind of this thread
>>3696288>>3696290>Wait, I haven't seen anything from this project for... almost four years?!>HOLD ON! I CAN EXPLAIN!>Back in 2020, I was still a teenager and thought it would be a cool idea to create a game with a super complex concept, since in my mind, “it’s just text, it shouldn’t be too hard.”>Wrong, dumb teenager me!>Writing a book is already challenging, let alone one that is essentially a game!lmfao
>>3696292It reads like it was made my a teenager too, I don't think he mentally developed much over the past 5 years.
>>3696292>>3696296to be fair to him i remember the original he went from a 5k word demo to 130k after, that's more than most WIPs in the same time frameand yes he still might be a teenager, i remember reading one abandoned wip where the author said their english teacher encouraged them to write one and post it the author was a freshman in high school apparently
oh wait nvm>brazilhe could also be your average spic hue-monkey that's obsessed with eastern fantasysound familiar? ;)
>>3696265It happen everytime there's new interesting release/WIP update. I remember earlier threads just endlessly talk about Infinity, Fallen Hero, and later on ITFO. Aura Clash recently got an update after all and there has been dearth of any notable new things for over a year right now and this thread doesn't really like womenslop as much as the one in the forum, so no talking about Infamous.
>>3696302we like brazillians here
>>3696288I think the premise could work because no one made an actual Isekai shonen school cog so it could be fun, I just have zero faith in the author being able to pull it off.
>>3696304Is Infamous getting any updates yet? It was supposed to be 20 fucking chapters long eventually right?
>>3696304it's not true whatsoeverthere was that whole drama with infinity where an anon that literally had all his posts nuked because he was sperging out and arguing way too muchand that was well after lords had been published
>>3696307I think the author is still working on chapter 4. Seems like an 18K sneak peak dropped around Christmas. Don't recall the author saying how many chapters they expected the story to be.
>>3696305he seems to be more partial to medieval fantasy and lovecraftian horror rather than eastern-slop though
>>3696311That's why he's only making that much. He needs to get in on the cultivation gold rush if he wants to escape the favela.
>>3696309Then I guess it's not because the trend itself but just some butthurt faggot that just being contrarian toward what's currently trending in this threads.
>>3696310>still working on chapter 4That shit is never going to be finished then...
>>3696315you say this but you have AC fans complaining and bitching about frogposting
>>3696316Gotta milk those paypigs, respect the hustle bro
>>3696283Did you see my post about the bank being bugged?
>>3696313Medieval fantasy still has bigger following tbf it's just way more saturated compared to Chinamen fantasy which only has PoMA and AC. Zaper is the zenith of medieval fantasy niche tbf it just too male coded(aka not faggy enough) for it to be truly popular among average cogites.
>>3696316>>3696318Patreon releases since chapter 3 released>Blake Car Ride POV Ch3 #1! [12k]>Sev + August CH3 POVs [14k]>Off Page Scene [O POV][SV + UW][Band Tier 8k]>Seb Off-Page Scene [3K][Band Tier]>G CH3 POV #2 [8K words]>Victoria CH3 POV #2 [8K WORDS]>Blake Off-Page Scene [band tier][4k]>Infamous Christmas Short #1 [August][15.6k words]>G Holiday Special [13k]>Sev Holiday Special [12k]I hate stuff like this. That's like 3-4 chapters amount of words.
>>3696317>you have AC fansI wish>>3696320Was it about silver not being subtracted when being added to the bank, or something else?
>>3696324Anyone reported this one yet? If not, here you go.
>>3696321arthurian fantasy can be considered medieval too right? because there are several games out there that are loosely based off arthurian fantasy that are very popular>one knight stand>bastard of camelot>guinevere>the king's hound
>>3696330how many of these are still being worked on?
>>3696332bastard of camelot and one knight standthe other two are in hiatus
>>3696334>Bastard of Camelotcan't be long until it goes on hiatus. >Demo update Nov 30, 2023>Demo and developtment update Aug 10, 2024
>>3696330Yes they definitely are. The like Golden Rose and ITFO does count too. This current generation of young millenials and zoomers writters are still heavily influenced by ASOIAF/GoT after all even if the endings pretty much kill it from what it once was in term of relevancy.
>>3696335the patreon version is more up-to-date last updated december 31st
>>3696340What was added? Not much right?
>>3696341in my opinion they're been adding stuff relevant to the story desubut what they do need to do is completely cut out that filler crap with the healer robin, you're just forced to be with them for some reason (really a healer? not a nanny?) you literally can't make any choices i genuinely think this one might be a self-insert of her or her friend or something
>>3696324It was about that.
>SoH is so linear it can be read in pdf filesImpressive!
>find small optimization in chapter 3 of AC>it's eaten up completely by the diminishing returns on alchemy
>>3696413Tiny optimization is the realm of handseals and athletics builds. Alchemy which casually hits 4,5k AP and mogs jade dragon foundation users hardly needs it.what did you try to do to achieve it
>>3696426>hardly needs itBut it's fun!>what did you try to do to achieve itSo far I always went soul treasure hunting with big chu, but I replaced it by getting the storm element for the skill point in handseals and it actually did end up giving me more AP. Though maybe I actually prefer it not being worth and being able to pick elements a bit more freely.
>>3696428I never use the 2 months hunting option on anything that uses cycling as a major contributor to AP because it requires you to do it first and foremost so you get the most out of it (You go from 20% bonus if you do it immediatelly to as much as 55% penalty if you do it on the last 2 months)In such a scenario you really want to save all the guaranteed AP gain to after you do all your cycling to get most out of it and by that time, it's simply more worth it to do 2 more jobs and cycle shards from that than to go hunting.
>Of course I loved you! You were mine.
>>3696435>I never use the 2 months hunting option on anything that uses cycling as a major contributor to AP because it requires you to do it first and foremost so you get the most out of it (You go from 20% bonus if you do it immediatelly to as much as 55% penalty if you do it on the last 2 months)Really? I just tested it and always get a flat 40 (+7 or something from weighted clothing), which is pretty good value for 2 weeks after earning all the money you can.
>>3696436Mom.... nyo.........
>>3696441It adjusts to 40 AP gain if you would have gained lower than that, which is very likely if you don't go hunting immediately.In comparison buffer barrier training gives you 30+athletics for 1 month segment and another 10 ap for teaching it to your siblings (they and kosuke gain combat bonuses from it too).Between doing all the jobs that have a better AP turn out after cycling, spending 2 months getting an element, spending 3 months leveling up skills and spending 2 final months on buffer training there's just no time to hunt.Especially at the beginning where it's ironically the worst time to do it because 100AP you may get will get eaten up by increased cycling cost.
>>3696445I went to my save at the start of the training arc and still only got 40 ap there for some reason. Without doing the Element (which isn't really worth it aside from the handseals skill) I always had the 2 months left for it. I never teach the others buffer barrier, because so far there hasn't been any use for it.
>>3696451>I went to my save at the start of the training arc and still only got 40 ap there for some reason.The check for the hunting is(perception * 8 + survival * 12 + insight * 8 + athletics * 8) * months left/9, so your stats might have simply not been up to the task. If you aren't going over 40 then I suppose it doesn't make much difference when you do it.
>>3696454>(perception * 8 + survival * 12 + insight * 8 + athletics * 8) * months left/9That makes sense then, all of those, except insight are at 0.
I'm tired of there being no mage games so I've been thinking of writing a story about awakening and finding out that one of your roommates or neighbors is an agent of the technocracy. Of course you wouldn't know of the technocracy as a tabletop player would know of them, only that your neighbor is an agent of a shadowy organization that secretly controls the world and keeps him from his family. You'd also learn that the world is fucked and there are a million different factions looking to exploit humans for their own ends. From there you'd learn about your powers through a technocratic lens by spying on him and going on your own journeys and eventually find a way to leave the earth. That way I can have the really interesting technocratic paradigms without having to write the player being a part of the technocracy. It would also let me justify giving the player a sexy Tzimisce sorceress to romance somewhere along the way.However, there have been several problems, first of all being making an engaging enlightened science magic system that lets you tow the line or risk paradox. The next being finding a way to justify a technocracy member being unaware that a newly awakened mage has seen through his cover and is spying on him. Doubly so if I want to give the player a small choice of paradigm and the spy somehow has access to information about training other types of operatives. Lastly wondering if it would make more sense to ditch the spy plot and have the player be mentored by an Etherite.
>>3696489>mageTry it, though CoG only gives WoDbucks for V5 stuff. slip an imbued in there for the lulz if you can
>>3696502I don't care about the money I could get if I towed the line. I'd be doing this because I know how disappointing it is to live in a world where such a cool setting doesn't have its own game. I like the setting outside of V5 too much to adhere to V5.>slip an imbued in there for the lulz if you canHunters are the splat I'm least familiar with. If I make the game they most likely won't show up. If they do it won't be much deeper than a hunter who wants to kill one particular monster in your city. You help/sabotage them and that's that.
>>3696489Start today, ChoiceScript is easy if you do it for free, cant take donations though.
>>3696234Wait, I get so spend a game shy flirting with a muscle mommy?Kino, it's Arcadie all over again!Do you think Ava will also get to a point where she just takes you, like Willeen did?
>>3696311he's also more partial to writing shit games
>>3696262While I agree that that can be used to sum up Pon Para's gameplay to an extent the fact it mixes up skill combinations still keeps things fresh and helps stop the 'I'm good at A so I'll choose the A option every time' mentality.
>>3696277What are the options?I'm partial to smug hags, muscle mommies and fembois (of which I know there are none).
>>3696334>one knight standOne knight stand is barely arthurian. It's completely bastardized.
>>3696527>smug hags, muscle mommiesNeither of those either.
>>3696305>>3696311Wait, I thought Zapper's only claim to fame was Unsupervised. What Fantasy games has he written?>>3696330Can I get the TL;DR on these? Most are WiPs right?>>3696521>is easy if you do it for free, cant take donations though.No him but what's the deal there.>>3696533Damn, I guess it really isn't a game for me then. So far the biggest thing to peak my interest in it was it being described as the first few arcs of Naruto. I even started to play it at one point but the AI art legit put me off. Would have been better with no art desu.
>>3696536>Would have been better with no art desu.You can turn the art off in the journal section.As for the no-donations, if you use choicescript and aren't pursuing publication, you're not allowed to make money on it at all. In their words, "Getting donations is considered making money."
>>3696536he made war for the west, some vampire thing with another dude that got overshadowed by VtM and a mystery one
>no cycling>no treasures>0 corruptionSo this is the power of Athletics... kinda mid.
>>3696554>dishonorable >ruthless
>>3696557Ruthless is the right option unless you are going for a jesus playthrough.
>>3696540>he made war for the westLooked it up and sounds neat. Any idea what the Vampire thing was?>>3696538>you're not allowed to make money on it at all. In their words, "Getting donations is considered making money."Jesus Christ.Thanks for the tip about the Ai.
>>3696557Honorable/Ruthless is Akakiru-coded behavior and a compassionate Midorikatai is laughable.
>>3696559>Any idea what the Vampire thing was?since aura spics are too busy circlejerking about stats, it’s vampire regent it’s just okay
>>3696240Actually that is quality short form. I went through:>no fucking way it’s real >it must be a bait by /poltard pretending to write leftshit >fuck it is probably real >kek it is real So quite engaging piece of writing in such short amount of text.
Is Elon's bots in this thread here as well guys?
>>3696704>musk>mars>ai imagethis is rage bait for engagement
>>3692664Demo wasn’t too bad.I’m definitely going to pirate it though, fuck Paradox.
>>3696489True Chad mage don’t need mentoring and learns by reading shitposting in /x t. Awakened Joke aside my brief time reading WoD make me consider mage to be kino setting allowing crazy shit so you can count on my emotional support.
>>3696704That's hilarious. I can just imagine the CoG trannies such as yourself coming across this in the wild and suffering a PTSD attack
>>3696732It's you right. You are the Elon bot
>>3696733No, saar. That is not for being to me, saar.
>>3696765It's from Keeper of the Night and Day.
>>3696557High Ruthless gives you an extra opportunity to work out when getting an element and choosing to comprehend violence.
>>3696781What does comprehending violence give you? If you're a good girl, you get 40 gold from the burned village.
>>3696840Extra weighted clothing + athletics check for AP gain. If you aren't doing any cycling, you might as well since money is at that point worthless.
PoMAgods.... WON
>>3696898Wu sisters? Are we simps now?
>>3696898>no I don't need dead weight
>>3696898In PoMA 90% of time you try to get your dick wet somehow screws you over.
>>3696926>mei mei is watching you>poisons you after seeing you with a skank
>>3696926>I will try to fuck the suspicious whores that suddenly came into camp in the middle of a hostile situation>I will try to court the obvious psychopath with a supernatural expertise with poisons>I will try to fuck the peasant whose body will absorb my vital force and throw it back at meAll of those are massive red flags. You can fuck Tigress without issue.Besides would you sacrifice a tournament for any low level martial artist pussy that bats her eyes at you shyly?
>>3696935Maybe choosing to help her would be beneficial in some tangible way it won't
>>3696935The first two are obvious baits but Ai is not presented as one.
>>3696935>I will try to court the obvious psychopath with a supernatural expertise with poisonsHey, that worked out well. She keeps giving me lots of benefits in exchange for small favors now.
>>3696939in exchange for being her bitch you mean
>>3696940Don't be like that anon, Meimei loves you, she just has a very particular way of showing affection.Remind me does she do anything if you fuck Ai outside of calling you a dirty peasant fucker?
>>3696940That's a benefit (I like femdom).
>>3696941>Meimei loves youits blindingly obvious that she's just using you. I haven't tried Poma in a long time so maybe its changed but I remember interacting with her your either forced to be a retard that believes her obvious lies or just ignore her, theres no route where you call her on her bullshit and beat her at her own game (something that would actually be kino)
>>3696955>its blindingly obvious that she's just using youI thought her POV scene after you beat Yutai and talk her out of killing you implied she feels something and doesn't even realize it herself, but maybe that's wishful thinking.>forced to be a retard that believes her obvious lies or just ignore herI mean, you basically have to tell her you know her game after the expedition to go down her route. Part of that POV is her wondering "why the fuck is this maniac still playing along? He knows what I am".
>>3696955It's literally impossible to be blind to her nature now. You call her out on it eventually and you can tell her to fuck off or say you don't care.And it's obvious that she does feel something even if she would still kill you for convenience for now.
I don't think milfs are attractive. I hate it when I just want to fuck the daughter but the story makes me have to fuck the mother, too.
hag this, hag that. give me games where i can mock old women for being old.
>>3696732What's the difference between a tranny and a poojeet?
>>3692664>727 postswhat in unholy fuck is going on here?
>>3696980What are you even talking about, anon? This is a slow board.
>>3696975In chapter 7 of aura clash you can fail an honor check and call some clerk grandma. She gets pissy and says she's only 39 and you end up staring at her stupefied, internally thinking how 39 is old people age so you said nothing wrong.
Anything like Majikoi?
>>3697064When does that update come out?
>>3697072There's no more sneak peeks after this, next thing he shares should be a beta.
>>3697072two more weeks
>>3697071I wish there was.
>>3696935>Besides would you sacrifice a tournament for any low level martial artist pussy that bats her eyes at you shyly?I know correct answer is no and I'd like to say I'd do so, but I am wise enough that trying to go for pussy is probable outcome. But true winner mindset is going for pussy and then winning the tournament
>>3697131>A TWINE GAME THAT’S ACTUALLY GOODNo such thing.
>>3697123my kink would get me banished from the thread
>>3697134That’s WHY writers need to reject CoG.You don’t need those faggots to market for you with their dogshit videos (seriously, try to watch one without pausing or closing it, it’s tough) and their dogshit forum, you don’t need their shitty engine that doesn’t allow you to manually save and load in the finished product. YOU can be successful, YOU just need to try.
>>3697137Not really that forum is pretty useful for marketing and the code it uses is very easy to learn.
>>3697137They come with a pre-packaged audience, that's the appeal. Where are you even supposed to shill if you start on twine?
>>3697140>Where are you even supposed to shill if you start on twine?Probably Tumblr but the Forums are just much better.Ironically Choice of Mods is pretty useful for finding Twine games as well.
CoG should be used as a publisher when you’re a newbie but you really have no excuse not to leave and do stuff on your own once you’ve established yourself. As long as you don’t use IPs that they’ve been involved with you’ll be fine.
>>3697143>implying any of the forever WIPs on dashingdon will ever get published
>>3697148You mean “finished”, right? Publishing for yourself isn’t that difficult.
>>3697157The biggest problem is mobile UI. No Twine playbook works well on mobile by default and trying to do it right without copying CoG is difficult.Also, I am hoping you prove me wrong. With sources.
>>3697185I’m not too sure how the apple app store or the play store work totally, but they can’t be that different from Steam. Steam just requires a one time payment of 100 bucks (which you recoup if your game makes 1000 bucks in revenue), then you do some paperwork and shit, then you wait for approval. The revenue split for games that don’t sell an absolute shitload (like tens of millions of dollars) is 30/70, with Steam taking the smaller cut.
>>3697185>>3697223Oh and here’s the source.https://partner.steamgames.com/steamdirect
>>3697223That's publishing, not an issue, I'm saying UI. As in, making the game not look like ass on a phone. SugarCube2's menu is on the lefthand side and cuts the reading space in half, you need to remove its entire menu function and add in your own from a topdown method WITHOUT getting sued by CoG for making it too similar.
>>3697226>suing over interactive book UIDoes CoG really? And yeah, I was talking about publishing specifically.
>>3697142Aside from that there's also the f95 forum but it's exclusively for porn game. The popular twine-made game creator in there made even way more money than cogite.
>>3697123How do you turn athletic brown tomboys and enlightened monarchism into a setting?
>>3697238Incredibly easy. Make a not!Kosuke peasant daughter of your king's spymaster that you, the prince, are banging for secrets.
>>3697238You know the movie Anastasia? Well, make it that, but the princess is a brown tomboy you have to save from the commies and you can romance her. You also get the esoteric magic system as a plus.
>>3697238Literally Gaddafi's Libya.
Imagine not being monarchypilled.Couldn’t be me.
>>3697241North Korea too, all great men want a harem of cute girls to be their bodyguards
>>3697123>gaining power and leveling up as a cultivator or whatever causes women's breast to grow cup sizes largerthanks I hate cultivator anon's sick fetish and unfounded hatred agaisnt flatties
Male of Female Kosuke?
>>3697283Same sex as the PC.
>>3697284A bro it is.
>>3697283opposite sex kosuke if your planning to romance him/her (monogamous childhood friend total victory route ONLY). make them your bro/bestie if you plan on romancing someone else
>>3697131>>3697137cog comes with a big audience right there for you to market to. choicescript may be funky but its shit easy to learn and you can do a lot of mechanical stuff with some know how (tin stars, rebels, infinity series, etc.). the forums may be a bit cringe but dont pretend that this place or the subreddits are any better. you sound like youve never even opened an IDE, let alone try to make either a twine or a cog game.
Can someone give me a relative spoiler free tldr of the pro's and cons of who you invest the most in?So far the only character that's had any development or impact out of the three is Kosuke so I'm inclined to go with him. Do the siblings become more of a focus at any point?
dashingdon is going down. so all WIPs will need to get moved to some other place.
>>3697317They are jobber through and through and aren't worth investing into them yet but I am sure anon will include check for them later on.
>>3697317anyone but rin (though the game does not have many checks for them atm)putting power in her hands it seems will not only be a waste but a danger
>>3697226>sued because similar UI lmao, do burgers really be like that? Eurochads keep winning by doing nothing. >>3697283Male makes more sense as game gives you waifus but don’t give bros on the other hand romance options for femPC seems weaker so another sounds good.However childhood tomboy gf is hard to pass.
>>3697337I gave her the elixir because she seems the weakest. Additionally, earth element seems like the one that has more commercial applications than wind or darkness so in my head I forced her to train by building homes for my other retainers or some shit.
>>3697317Maybe as of second half of chapter 7 but not currently, so just putting a point into kosuke will net you more benefits as kosukecombat stat comes up quite often.The not tldr is picking Rin is a part of set of choices where you can powerlevel the siblings to be on par with Kosuke in strength by chapter 7. You do need to hit lore 2 by end of ch1/start of ch2 so you can train them both, use jin in a fight against a grim in ch3 as well as teach them the buffer barrier, buy/steal the memorywell elixir to later give it to rin, in ch7 either sign up under thunderfall sect or fail the deception 2 check in ch2, find jobs for jin and rin, take them training and give the elixir to rin and now they are both at 8 combat strength without you having to spend even a single day on training them you can push them to 10 with beast hunting training and beside giving 3 combat strength to kosuke and 2 to the twins, it will also give you about 100AP in rewards or if you can hit survival 5 take them on spirit fruit gathering which will net you about 45AP and give kosuke and also the twins 3 power pushing them to 11 each the opportunity cost is likely going to be skipping 1 perception and missing 11 gold early but this basically futureproofs any sibling content.
>dashingdon will be killedRIP the games that will be lost.
And this guy looks like less attractive Mads Mikkelsen. Which was already a very low bar.
>>3697378What are you talking about?
>>3697380Probably about this
>>3697384>old dead WiPs like Vendetta or Guinevere will be gone forever
>>3697389Just download the code and use that CS IDE or whatever it is called to play it.
>>3697375Where do you get a job for rin?
>>3697404At the barber in Nanhou. Merchants and Herbalists get better benefits for it but you should always do it since it costs nothing. Same thing with Jin at the docks but the benefits come from the other professions.
>cogdemos allows authors to make the code inaccessiblecowards
>>3697409he was blackmailed into shutting it down so that could be done
>>3692664Still no release date listed on Steam. Is this normal or sign of an immanent delay?
>>3697440They've already sent out release announcement to their mailing list a few days ago, so they probably just forgot.
>expecting a californoid company to be competentGuess it's goodbye to all those dead demos, lmao. Just gone forever. What dead demos soon-to-be-gone do you anons reccomend? Gimme the good ones.
>>3697453Archival efforts have already been started on reddit sub for hosted games. They just need people to compile these games and bring them together in a spreadsheet.I remember old The Exile demo being occasionally praised. There also were Vendetta (not the capeshit one), Scout: An Apocalypse Story and Guinevere.
>>3697458>ScoutIt's on twine though
>>3697462Oh, it is? I thought it went completely dead as a choicescript demo.
>>3697466Nah, it's the founding ancestor of the Four Months Hiatus Sect for twine.
What was that one abandoned school setting mechaslop called?
>>3697505Pulse Academy.
>>3696288It's isn't any different than the usual Isekaislop on Narou lol.
>>3696288>hard magic systemThere's a sanderlanche in my panties rn
>Perfect Day: Drug a werewolf with spiked heroin (20 points)I didn't know he was Russian!
>You get an achievement for getting dominated and called a dog that needs to be broken in by a vampireWhy are CoGgers like this
>>3697605If you aren't killing vampires in your vampire killing game something is very wrong with you
>>3697608What if you are killing vampires but selling your bussy to the Sidhhe?