What the fuck is going on with this game?
>>3692664Outlandishly boring. You need the patience of a saint to get through this game where nothing ever happens.
Still waiting for an actual cultivation game.
>>3692669beta tester?demo seemed okay, you're saying it's bad?
>>3692664>theres absolutely no good cogs upcoming this year>even current WIPs are lackllusterhas CoG peaked bros?
>>3692675>maybe PoMA and AC>wouldn't be surprised if the next OrcCHAD game got finished, considering his pace>tea and scones? Surely?
>>3692677Onlly a handful of WIPs, the planned releases with actual dates for 2025 is ass
Leave the yokai women to me.
i fucking love the ww2 game the tin star guy put up on the forums but i know its going to go the exact same way as the orc game. game thats high quality in almost all regards but it doesnt appeal to women and has little to no romance so no one will care. then theyll sit there and wonder why people only talk about the same 5 games over and over. its tiring.
>>3692686>orc game>no pillaging or mass rapesit's shitthe ww2 is good though>but i know its going to go the exact same way as the orc game.the orc game was popular, and tin star is referenced to this day among cogitesit'll be popular
I would like to understand why an archon thinks like this, clearly I must be missing some context becauseBITCH. the reason you are floating in the air, the reason people are shaking due to your mere presence and more importantly, the reason you CAN pass judgement.. is because of your power. If seeking it is a waste or 'it doesn't matter' you wouldn't be where you are today. Fucking hypocrite.
>>3692708They probably want them alive for some purpose.
>>3692716not my problem
so is it true that....that it's implied that the MC in Degrees of lewdity is underage?
>>3692722>>3692723oof well any games similar to that one? without the controversy?i've played course of temptation but it gets boring after awhile
>>3692720cant believe they made them 17 years and 11 months old those sick fucks>>3692724your best bet is letting course of temptation cook for a year and coming back to it
>>3692724all twine smut games suck
>>3692664Not rpgs.
>>3692731Only trannies play these "games"
>>3692732i really don't want to argue and cause dramabut i will anywaysrpgs have always been a safe space and getaway for autists, mongoloids, trannies and other mentally ill people
>>3692720i have no idea how anyone could look at it and come away thinking otherwise
>>3692728>game where you play a role>somehow not a role playing gamedo you hear yourself
>>3692720>attends school >lives in orphanage Probably yes. Although it is possible to be an 18 and fit criteria so it is up to your headcanon. >>3692737Obviously it needs RTwP combat
despite the troon press play is a pretty good gamei like how it starts off with an interview and it's your character and their band mates telling the story
>>3692741ROs>Stevie McLaughlin, bassist (f) >Paul/Paulette Zima, lead singer & saxophonist (f/m selectable, trans) >Angel Monsanto, guitarist (m) >Lincoln Saunders, groupie?? (f/m selectable) Thanks, I hate it. Would romance either Stevie or Lincoln, but their names fucking ruin it for me.
What's some edgekino?
>>3692746Fallen HeroWerewolves series
>>3692746samurai of hyuga
>>3692753More like jobber of hyuga
>>3692746Mecha Ace with Warrior MC, early Samurai of Hyuga games (don't play past b2 if you hate angst), Whiskey-4 (not by your own volition, MC is just like that), high Corruption The Golden Rose run, both Deathless games. First Fallen Hero could also count, but certainly not second.
>>3692744Lincoln stalks MC and probably wants to Misery them, Stevie can have an unrequited crush either from you, from her or both. The obvious route was one of the few times I've ever enjoyed such things, even if both are absolute dumbasses.
>>3692758I'm sorry, but in my mind, Stevie & Lincoln are masculine names. Shall not romance a female with a masculine name.
>>3692759I vaguely remember something about Stevie being a nickname for Stephanie or something like that. Lincoln is pretty much implied to be a man, though, women stalk differently.
>>3692685Literally me...
Hey, one of the friends got a portrait. Claudia, though... I don't remember her much in the grown-up part.
>>3692720It was pretty clearly intended to be that way, but the discord clique that grew around the game can't read and deluded themselves with >uhhh it's just a stylized chibi spriteand the dev ultimately folded to them and rewrote all references to being underage.
>>3692764>another no-tits womanWhy?
Where are all the futa cyoa games at
ur mom ate them
What a bitch
Do you get any special interactivity with the cursed sword as an akakiru Oni?
>Scratch a little bit at an Elf, and you might find yourself looking at a long-living chink’s view of a White Man or a Japanese.what did he mean by this
>>3692780You get it as akakiru not as an Oni specifically.
>>3692790Brownoid cope or kike kvetching. Take your pick.
>>3692790Jesus Christ. It's on the same level as the 'did you know Hitler drank water!?' argument but with more words.
>>3692790>OrcsAh yes, this retarded cope. Orks from 40k were based on Football Hooligans. Uruk from Tolkien are inspired by Mongols. This 'orcs are le black people!' is some shit that only even became a thing when the "Orcs dindu nuffin, they were good bois" wave started to pick up.
>>3692856Ummm, chud, it's literally called BLACK Speech not YELLOW
>>3692675>has CoG peaked bros?It has...a decade ago...
>>3692790this is dumb
>>3692756>The Golden RoseAh yes, 1 million words of nothing happening.
any cyoas with magic gender bending?
>>3692912there's that one mermaid one where some aussie lad magically turns into a girl
>>3692910More like 1 million words of Alessa being cute. I love kuuderes so much it's unreal.
>>3692939>1 million words of Alessa being cuteI wish
>>3692939that obsessive dagger bitch isn't a kuudere
>>3692910Joke's on you, I like all the fluff, filler, and seemingly-pointless interactions that only serve to fill out my character and set up the next book when things actually happen rather than move the story forward. Too many CYOAs are railroads along the author's boring failed VN, with their annoying "quirky" love interests. Even as platonic relationships only, the characters in the Golden Rose hold up, and the world that is built is interesting enough for me to wait eagerly for the next book.If I wanted to play a railroad where everything happens too fast with mid characters, I'd play Samurai of Hyuga.
>>3692948>implying Golden Rose isn't a boring railroad when you look behind all the pointless bloat
>>3692948>when things actually happenlollmao even
>>3692956There is a difference between "having certain story events that will happen to progress the story" and being on rails, yes. The very fact that the Golden Rose lets you choose from various different areas to investigate prevents it from being a railroad, categorically. Yes, it will always come to the same conclusion from whatever combination of information you gathered, but that's not the same as an actual railroad. It's just a story with a starting point and an end point. And even at its most linear, GR still allows you more character freedom than actual railroading shit like Samurai of Hyuga, where you have to act "in character" after you created your character three books ago, or you are mechanically punished.
>>3692965>mechanically punished>by having a bar that does nothing not go upThe first game had a bad ending for low attunement, but that's about it.
>>3692965The "free roam" part of the game is such a bad joke because that whole investigative aspect is irrelevant to the extent that you're actually allowed to do every single area on a single run, yet it won't impact anything beyond some token fluff like>Wow, you found Rafael at the Church>You figured out the Pirate King is...a pirateto trick the naive into thinking their choices actually might have an impact. But they don't, because the actual narrative of the game is completely on rails.The character freedom? You mean the thousand iterations of *grunt*, *quip*, *insert personality answer here*? And the actual character stats getting so little use they might as well not be there? Like every single female writer produce out there? Wow, you're spoiling us. Maybe play Tin Star for a chance to see how it's actually done, eh?
>>3692978Are there any fantasy games that do it well and don't suck?
>>3692976>had a bad ending for low attunementNot even, it's just a matter of if you end up having to rely on your crazy batshit serial killer mode to stop the baddie of that book vs keeping your cool
>>3692976That, and basically calling you a retard idiot loser for having low attunement or acting against your "nature" repeatedly through the books. The only reason you actually succeed anyway after not acting in character is because the games are so railroaded.>>3692978Ah, the old /v/ adage of "because a game did something and it was fantastic, anything that ever does something similar but not as well is 0/10 shit", I almost forgot i was on a board that split from it. Tin Star is an enduring classic, yes. That doesn't take away from Golden Rose being what it is, anon. Unless the mere existence of something better means you can't appreciate average-to-good things anymore.
I can't decide between being a ninja, a swordsman or a sorcerer in AC. I'm leaning most towards ninja, but I worry that it doesn't let you do enough cool stuff to be worth taking the nerf to your weapons. Sorcerer on the other hand has a shitty color associated to it.
>>3692994You can change your color to your element's color in the cultivation page. It's practically a mandatory feature.
>>3692996Okay, good, but which style lets you do more esoteric and magical things? If I'm going the ninja way I want to be able to mind control people, make clones or bind them with curses, and if I can't do that I'd rather go sorcerer.
>>3692999>esoteric and magical thingsthat's kiikahai>mind control people, make clones or bind them with cursesNot sure about mind control, that's more of an aoyusumu thing but the clones and curses are ninja skills
>>3693002I think I'll go Ninja first, thanks for giving me an overview.
>mfw LunarEMPEROR KiihiKAIO.
Those new hosted games any good?
MidoriGODS rule these threads cucks.
>>3693013I wonder about the popularity of each race in Aura Clash, it may be one of the few games where regular humans don't dominate the pick. I also get the distinct feeling that either Reptile Yokai and Male Bovines are the least popular.
>>3693033That's right.
>>3693036Well, the Cogfag thread just did a poll and I believe it was like, 40% Kitsunes, followed by 20% humans, slightly less Lunargoths and then everything else.Of course, I doubt that these stats would be the same for THIS thread.
>>3693033>MidoriGODS rulese these thre-ACK
>>3693036I bet it's kitsune.
>>3693040I'm a human right down to the bone
>>3693043In AC humans are asian though, lunargoths are white people
>>3693044I am Asian though (spiritually Japanese) so it's fine.
>>3693044it says human, on the tin, lun*rg*ths are abominations
Jade foundation is so boring, there's no fun in getting a high aura pressure if you get it without putting in some effort.
>>3693047>effort>look inside>alchemy spam
>>3693048I got my 2k aura pressure with Handseals thank you very much. Even Alchemy spam is more effort than what Jade Foundation gives you.
>>3693051I still think that other training methods should get buffed. I'm not saying that going full Jack Hanma and snorting all the chinese dick pills is a bad thing, I just wish i could get strong through normal training too, but as it stands it's barely even worth it.
>>3693052Alchemy's getting whacked. There'll be a rework to how it works. Athletics got a buff with the most recent update and while focusing on it is a bit weaker than handseals, it can actually compete.
>>3693056>it can actually competelol. you get like 100 AP extra.
>>3693057No, you get hundreds over the course of the game.My first attempt at throwing together an athletics reliant build was roughly 500-600 AP behind my go to handseals build, difference being that I played a handseals merchant so many times I can run it to perfection. I could likely squeeze out another 200 if I didn't skip a fight at sea and picked a few different options in Nanhou.
>>3693046>lunargods are abominationsThat's right
>>3693060But that's the thing anon, your literal entire build is built solely to athleticsmaxx and even then it's pretty 'meh', while stuff like alchemy can be slapped on just about anything and give giga-results.
>>3693062Yeah, and alchemy won't be around for long in its current form where as the actual main competition: handsealsmaxxxing requires you to sweat over every single penny and autistically keeping track of your action order. Athletics build in comparison just called for being a midokek, having high athletics and having weighted clothing.
>>3693066Anon, restricting someone to a single style and, let's be real here, race if you still want to get numbers, is pretty bad. Handsealsmaxxing also requires you to be a merchant. I mean what, is everyone else just supposed to stick with low numbers?
>>3693072No, retard, getting the absolute most out of those methods restricts you to specific choices. You don't need to get the absolute most.
>>3693073With the way skills work, anything other than the absolute most will give you mediocre results at best. Good luck getting past 1.1k AP.
>>3693075No, retard. There's a whole swathe of numbers between 1k and 3k freely available to people who don't minmax but also don't play like shit.But since we are at the stage where you are just seething that minmaxing is possible in the first place, all you'll get from me from now on is "ok retard".
>>3693077>No, retard. There's a whole swathe of numbers between 1k and 3k freely available to people who don't minmax but also don't play like shit.Yeah, I'm sorry, but unless you're using the soul treasures there is no way a non-minmaxxed gameplay is getting 2k or even 3k.
>>3693078ok retard
>>3693078Funny, the other day I figured someone may make such a retarded argument so I set up a "fair" run within the skill cap of 5>used weighted clothin>used cycling>no wyrm soul treasure>no lightbringer soul treasure>even if I used them, it would just bump the AP by about 200 total at most
>>3693089What do you need lore, perception and insight so high for?
>>3693090Nothing beyond having a place to dump skill books into, since the whole point was to not break past 5.
>>3693092How do you get that many skill books? Is the trick to just go merchant? And since you seem to be experienced with Aura Clash builds, is there anything interesting I can do with Kuronkuton when it comes to powergaming? Does it buff handseals or alchemy? And how do I get the factotum mask in Nanhou? Finally, why the hell do the Onis get such a shitty power they're a cool race but it's hard to justify taking them when they seem to actively harm you with the opportunity cost. I'll still probably pick one but what the hell.
>>3693100>How do you get that many skill books?You can steal 1 from the sectYou get one if you keep the book from chapter 2You can buy 3 in chapter 3There's also 1 in Nanhou if you use the Writ from saving Gong and ask him to teach you everything he knows.Kuronkuton is my least played build so I can't help you much beyond knowing that it gives you several extra skills when other styles don't, like with picking up kunai in ch5 gives you athletics on top of a weapon or advancing your style in ch6 gives you perception>spoilerThey are actually better tuned to minmaxing than kitsune because they have a bunch of racial events that give you AP for free. Racial technique that raises insight having to be focused is clunky but otherwise they get the same skill ups Kitsune get + bonus to cycling.
>>3693089Isn't this just getting Handseal to 5 and cycling everything?I don't care about if people do that but the whole argument was about using anything other than Handseal cycling as a way to increase AP. As of now Handseal is so incredibly versatile that that any run where you don't get it to at least 3 you are gimping yourself hard.
>>3693108Cycling is a fundamental mechanic in the game, if you are not using it, you are doing some pseudo purist run but at that point you don't get to complain about your AP being low. The whole point was to call out the "durr, high AP is impossible without minmaxing" as nonsense because as presented, high AP is still achievable without dumping most if not all skill points into handseals.
>>3693107>+ bonus to cycling.When do you unlock that? The ability just says it gives you an extra insight and point of chi.
>>3693118Hungry Spirit Seal in ch3 shop. It makes cycling cheaper and adds your soul cores to the number of AP you get from cycling. Kitsune and Oni get a small bonus there that makes cycling slightly cheaper.
>>3693119That is actually really good, yeah, that now makes Oni something I don't just pick because I like the race aesthetic.
>>3693115I don't think the point was that the only way to get high AP was to dump 10 points into Handseal to minmax, rather that going for high handseals and cycling is so much better than any other path that the game might as well just highlight every Handseal increasing check as being much more relevant than all the other skills. If cycling wasn't tied to skill and just gave set numbers for example, people wouldn't complain about it since even the guy who gave 5 points to Lore and Insight would be able to get high AP if he wasted enough time gaining money.
>>3693122"people" don't complain about it, it's literally one retard with some absurd sense of entitlement that keeps crying because he can't get a high number without putting in the work but is simultaneusly too prideful to just use the easy mode.
>aura spics:/
>>3693124>Everyone who is thinks different than me is just one personAh, ok. Carry on then.
>>3693128What an oddly specific rebutal that totally in no way confirms you are the dipshit in question.
Objectively speaking Kakuzu is the coolest ninja.>But what about MadaraNot a ninja.>But what about KisameNot a ninja, but he is one of the coolest swordsmen.>But what about ItachiHe's a traitor, a glownigger and a little bitch.
lmao shattered eagle is pretty decent nglstabbed that bitch julia behind the back while she was enganged with the assassinshe literally started crying and acted all surprised "i-i loved you!"just lmaoplaying as an evil gay fag is pretty fun ngl
>>3693107>use the Writ from saving Gong andAh yes, the writ. Aren't the reward artifacts you get from it trash? No soul artifacts. One raises element skill (useless) and another gives you...iron body? I have no idea what this iron body does, it didn't pop up in any scene I've seen. I don't remember what the others do.
>>3693145You can use the writ for two free ships.
>>3693146At that point just ask for money. Which again, doesn't really get stronger. Meanwhile the pirates give you the other beeg treasure.
>>3693145They have some fringe use cases. The ice belt goes onto the belt slot instead of equipment slot and gives 3 prestige instead of regular 1 prestige white belt gives. I'm tempted to say that the weights are almost worth it because they give you a skill and don't eat power and agility.It's really fucking hard to argue against +1 deception, +1 persuasion, 10% overall discount and a skill of your choice though.
>everyone talking about maxxing this or that or getting several thousand AP>mfw I didn't even know that soul treasures were a thing and just used alchemy to get regen pills and spread out my skill points around everything I just ain't built for the big league, I don't even know how I'd get that stuff without greatly changing the character I always go with
>aura spics having the exact same convo on the CoG forumsholy fuck go back
Will Aura Clash let me gain a boiwife and have a tragic ending?>>3693135Never ended up watching that far. Tried a couple times but I feel like the Sasuke Naruto fight at the statues is a good place to leave off at.>>3693138>laying as an evil gay fag is pretty fun nglElagabulas?Haven't played the new chapter yet. Do you have to restart or can you pick up where you left off?
How good is Crafts?
>>3693173>Never ended up watching that far. Tried a couple times but I feel like the Sasuke Naruto fight at the statues is a good place to leave off at.You're right. Even my kid self thought everything post-timeskip was shit.
>>3693173>Do you have to restart or can you pick up where you left off?it's always advisable to start a new save when authors update their game
>>3693173>Will Aura Clash let me gain a boiwife and have a tragic ending?nah, sorry mate.
>Oni gives me a boost when absorbing human souldOh fuck yeah
>Get to know Áine Madigan, before it's too late. It's only a matter of time before a mysterious spirit known as the Other Woman takes over her body forever, and everyone in the world will forget her old name. Will you remember Áine Madigan, when no one else will?I FUCKING KNEW SHE WAS A FAE
>>3693234Nothing a little bit of cold iron can't fix
>>3693234>more Amy Wilkins artvery based
>>3693234i'm gonna romance the lebanese dude :3
>>3693234>pretty white woman and not a freakOk that's epic.
>mfw lunargoth akakiru
>>3693173>boiwifeAC is game about male white (lunarchad) human fighter saving various cuties from terrible fate of having chink partners. Gay is not permitted.
>>3693175Will get more use with the forge nwxt update probably.
>Remember Rhivenia was getting a remake>See if there's been any updates>No>Check the patreon to see if the author is alive>The latest update is just an explicit version of the smut scenesWhy are COG authors like this