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I tought new Kingdom Come supposed to be realistic and white/trad, now this leaked...
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>tought new Kingdom Come supposed to be realistic
what made you think that, retard?
Are you from India?
he's a polish gypsy. so basically, yeah.
Is it a recurring troll or did you spot a specific Polish tell?
I bet $5 he's gonna be a romance option.
Im giving 6 there gonna be gay option
Umm Varva was consulting game with actual historians...?
Kek nice projection saaaar
Wait a second, that's actually KCD2, all this talk of poles got me thinking Witcher 4.
SO how Mimbiktu knows Czech language?
They are owned by embracer and Vavro while tweeting about how games fail because of DEI and praising others for refusing to refuses to acknowledge any of the multitudes of people tweeting at him.
Figurehead sellout exposed. Remember, he has Jewish ancestry.
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How much Soros gave him to become sellout?
€42.8 million was the price Koch Media paid for Warhorse
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Well i had bad feelings about this game, it was too good to be true. Maybe ill pirate one day out of curiousity
Why fucking Mali. Just why. They could make him Aztec just as well. Could make him Armenian or something since they are christian
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Because why pick a place that would make sense and be historically accurate like north africa if you want to piss people off pick a region that wouldn't make sense
You think they are aiming at outrage money? I dont think they need any promotion, first game was quite popular
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i played the game and watched developer material about making it, unlike you
every single fucking time, all publicly traded companies are the same
>played the game
the game isn't out, so you must mean the first game. do you not realize they got bought in the intervening years? a name is just a name, are you going to fall for bait and switches your whole life?
This is victim blaming
good, victims should be blamed. you only control yourself, people manipulate you because you let them.
your idea of a society is barbarism
I'm pretty sure most of these posts are fake. I can't find them anywhere.
your idea of morality is ignorance.
caveat emptor
how can you even read that shit? it's such a poorly made image, pure tardwork.
Based anon saved the mobile image
>I can't find them anywhere
people are so dumb frfr
you cant find them anywhere but 4chan because reviewers signed a nda and they are breaking it by uploading shit they arent allowed to, which is a crime, thats why they are doing it on an anonymous website such as 4chan.
This didnt stop a big corporation such as rockstar but warhorse will probably not do anything about that.
can't think of anything more realistic than gayniggers from outer space
You "tought" what, you absolute fucking moron? Hahahahaha.

Do you understand that portraits of a historical figure aren't realistic but aspirational, and that the character is white in the two pictures you picked for this image, is completely irrelevant to the argument that this game portraying the character as black is inaccurate? I mean, are you retarded?

I know you think you're the center of the universe, but in reality, history doesn't care about your fantasies and projections and identifications and other defensive mechanisms.

It's obvious you didn't know about Moors? And so never mind knowing anything about history or world geopolitics, you must never have read Shakespeare either. So much for "western trad"!

You're just a child with childish fantasies -- fantasies you didn't even come up with, you were sold these! You think others are brainwashed by a Soros. Couldn't be you, though, right!

I mean this literally, not to be rude: you're obviously retarded.
great argumentation, totally sane
just call him a racist next time and save your blood pressure
defund the police, acab
My point in replying beyond just calling this moron a racist is to expose how his racism is another defensive mechanism. It's not primary, it's a secondary process involving projection and identification and fantasy. Making the structural contradictions in his life into rival fantasies that were sold to him. It's pathetic! But these morons always double down to project the image that they're not the brainwashed and pathetic ones, and the defense they fall on to maintain their identifications is racist or misogynist or whatever they're selling these days to these little men.
making moors/othello sub-saharan is kinda weird though and a modern anachronism. the fact is that it's soft racism to throw black people these representative bones from on high, because westerners use civilization as a litmus test for value as a human being due to their egos.
word salad.
Hope he's not an essential NPC
lmao, u dumb
Seriously, that's a no from me. I liked kcd, but kcd2 lost it's appeal rn.
>we wuz
Kingdoem cum.
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kek he mad
long live CHAZ
No, I mean the posts discussing the leak appear to be fake too.
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If any reviewers lurking here want to check out the negro, it is in Sigismunds camp at Kuttensbergs map(if you don’t have the perk that removes fog of war, the camp is in the middle of the map just a north east from starting place), to get inside the camp just pay the guard 500 groschen to let you in and you will find it just straight line from the first entrance (coming from south-west). If you are dumb enough to leak pictures from denuvo tracemark protected game, don’t post full pictures, just crop it or shoot it on your phone.
Image proof that I have the game

60 bucks kek
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>"I-its fake i swear!"
>"Its only 60 dollars just give it a try!"
Holy fucking shit LMAO reddit is fuming
anti woke fatigue is so real
now i cant discuss kc2 because some retards are seething at the possibility of a single, 1 african travelling to europe
he isnt even a king, neither a village
its just a single traveller
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KC:D is not trad, it is somewhat realistic. Having a merchant from far away is fine diversity. It is explained and reasonable. Unlike modern fantasy.
the moors were north african arabs tho, but by making him rly subsaharan african the game actually shows a decent commitment to accuracy.
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U oh bros ..... Is there a correlation? KEK
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Hes not only smarter than whitey but also respects women, unlike whitey ofc
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the trannies are really working overtime lmao
Interesting things about how overhyped Mali is. Let's explore what Mali was. Mali was a kingdom that only existed for the lifetime of one man. Yes. Only one man. Unlike European kingdoms or Asian kingdoms, the only king of Mali failed to understand that he needed to clearly elaborate succession laws. So when he died, the kingdom immediately collapsed into civil war as the king's sons fought over the crown. Jokes on them, they all got killed off so some other warlord took over and made new kingdom which was quite distinct in terms of its territorial borders and laws. This new kingdom of course collapsed as the prior one did and another kingdom arose, much weaker and quite different from the one before eventually leading to the Songhai empire. Then the Kingdom of Morocco hired a Portuguese mercenary who then traveled across the Sahara and defeated the Songhai army in one decisive battle which lead to the dissolution of the Songhai empire.

The idea of an explorer coming from there is ludicrous even if you take the stories about Timbuktu seriously as Timbuktu was an Island within a state filled with people who didn't like Timbuktu and thought the books that they collected and purchased from arab traders were dumb. In fact, one of the kings who took over after the collapse of Mali literally destroyed Timbuktu. At best you have Mansu Musa traveling to Mecca for a pilgrimage and he's the only written case about it. Exploration really wasn't something you'd ever think about the Songhai, Mali, or whichever era you're talking about actually doing themselves.
read bottom right dialogue in OP and try repeating that its still fine.
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vavra said he wanted to add them in the first game, feeling sorry for the peaceful 109 dindus, but he couldnt decide how to do it
I was going to buy preorders for full price, send 1,500,000 in cash to the dev, and tell my 800 friends to buy this game.. but I guess I'm going to have to take my business elsewhere. It's a shame the devs decided to cross me.. no one crosses me without getting their game pirated...
I can't wait to play the game though
Sure you were fag
I haven't even played the first game, lmao, because it's an awful FP melee game. Laughing my ass off at all the retards crying that their "based" developer jumped on the DEI train.
Is this real?
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The webm looks real enough to me. I'll still play it because I don't care about a token black guy in a game that isn't even historical. Henry never existed, anyway.
Im pretty sure he was sarcastic
Yup, varva is a sellout to soros
Never said I was paying for it
Ok im taking that back
60$ kek
Looks fake to me.
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Stupid Czechs don't know what medieval arabs looked like
>The article goes on to say it will include Poles, Germans, it*lians, and Gypsy scum.
lmao, I'm a psychotherapist, I taught critical studies in the past at uni level as a master's, and you're misusing the term ego. It's a technical term. Besides that, the statement "westerners use civilization as a litmus test for value as a human being" is ill-defined enough to be meaningless and trivially true. Pro-tip: use only those words that you know; and when you make generalizing sweeping statements, define the terms you're using more narrowly. Otherwise it's worthless phonemes and diphthongs, brother. Aw! And thanks for playing schizophrenics-pretending-to-be-cultural-theorists! Better luck posturing next time.
Rather be mad and acknowledge it than retarded and coping. The only thing humans genuinely feel today is rage. If you're denying that, you're denying your only remaining humanity. Anyway, keep pissing and shitting your pants about a video game developer making creative decisions that you don't like, and remember to cope with deep breaths and seethe appropriately, use those DBT skills your therapist is disappointed you still can't seem to apply, buddy!
lmao, sure buddy. because psychotherapists diagnose people from one off the cuff post and can't interpret layman usage in verbiage. just don't reply if you can't argue back.
Thats not even real studies, psychiatry is real education. Not even to mention you sound like awfully pretentious faggot
Youre about to have nasty surprise kek
Don't confuse my pejorative use of a stigmatized diagnostic category -- addressed at an anonymous interlocutor -- as a diagnosis, retard.
What's funny about your comment is that in my professional life I'm also an analyst. I instruct psychiatrists and residents in psychoanalytic material. You're way out of your depth here!
oh, so i'm held to a rigorous standard and you aren't. how very fair, quack-kun. yeah, looks like you just don't have anything pertinent to say and came here to vent. bad week?
In what way have I held you to a standard that I am not holding myself to? Really curious what you were thinking about when writing this.
This. All of the controversy does nothing but create buzz around the game, too. Chuds will never accept that the leak is real and normalfags won't see a problem with a foreign black doctor in a mercenary camp from a historical standpoint.
who cares about buzz? people are entertaining themselves at all times. you guys obsess about other people too much.
Well, the devs care which is why they aren't confirming or denying this guy being in the game.
and? who cares if it's even real or not or what the devs think or what marketing tricks are used or what sales come about or what profits flow? doesn't affect anything at all, people are just doing what they want. this extreme self-consciousness and desire to categorize is fucking with you.
The entire thread is about whether it's real or not you fucking dummy. These threads have been spammed on /v/ and I'm pointing out that you're being used for marketing purposes.
anon, how dense are you that you don't understand any posts i'm making? are you going to tiptoe around everything that gets posted, wondering how someone is manipulating you into having a reaction, pointing and laughing, or posting an opinion? who gives a shit? it's a minuscule imageboard with people making posts to entertain themselves, this isn't high level politics.
The entire steam forum is spammed with threads about it and Reddit banned everyone for spamming threads (under the guise of racism). Youtube review videos are spammed with theories. People are aware and it's creating buzz outside of 4chan. Just say that you're fine with being a tool instead of being angry at me.
i'm not angry at you whatsoever, i don't even know you, i'm bemused.

anon, people like to gossip, they aren't being "used" they are being entertained. everyone who keeps up with this stuff who was going to buy this shit is going to, everyone who wasn't isn't, and buzz spreading to the oblivious isn't taking anything from anyone. if a marketing firm entertains me about a game i'm not even interested in, because of the funny hypocrisy at play, then i'm the one who's gained something. you guys get so self-conscious about being tricked and trolled and labeling the groups at play. it's just ennui, man.
It wouldn't be a big deal if you idiots kept it to the "minuscule imageboard with people making posts to entertain themselves" but you don't because you're stupid. You spread your dumb schizo theories everywhere.
i don't post elsewhere, so you seem confused to me now. but... i'm talking about the whole internet, the whole world here, man. people entertaining themselves, seeking entertainment. that's modernity. you are stuck in this categorization mode, forming frameworks to allow you to feel superior. i pity you.
So you're fine with being a tool. Glad we're in agreement then.
i'm not afraid of saying what i think in fear of being used in someone's agenda, no. dude cries about putting black people in his bohemian landscape years ago and now he does it after being bought out. that's fucking funny as hell. very amusing stuff.
Was Musa a real life person? People say in his day he was richer than Elon is today!
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Friendly reminder gor white pipo
We could learn thing or two
>richer than Elon
WHOA just wait till twitter hear about this
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There was no contact of sub saharan africans with europe until the portuguese sailed around africa around the late 1400's.
States like Mali were partially muslim from camel caravans through the deserts.
Mansa Musa lived a hundred years prior the events of KCD2 and here is his recorded pilgrimage path (pic rel).
So that leaves us with a character that doesn't fit in the setting, which is either pandering to wokefags OR taking the piss at them. I'm more inclined to believe the later.
>There was no contact of sub saharan africans with europe until the portuguese sailed around africa around the late 1400's.
fucking aritotle writes about the pygmies
>which is either pandering to wokefags OR taking the piss at them
Without this whole culture war happening outside the game itself, it would be neither.
What happened to all his money?
Lost in crypto
Yakub Come: Welfere Deliverence 2
Doesn't this make sense in the context that he's working for Sigisumund?
Sigismund got a bunch of foreign mercs right? I doubt his own countrymen would be too willing to work for him.
Not merchant, a doctor in Sigismund's retinue hired from the universities as a way to show off his influence.

Modern day equivalent is buying the service of some expensive private doctor from a famous medical school to run your war hospital
That's a good point. I don't see any stickied post on Reddit about "potential leaks and spoilers" or even any post from the mods concerning it at all. The more that I look into this, the more that I start to believe it's bullshit.
>That mental gymnastics
Game was sold out to DEI, its woke trash now for cheap bucks. Only a cuckold would pay for it
Actually, disregard this I found it. I don't use Reddit so I'm not used to their layout.
I think you are mixing mytholohical creatures with actual tribes that took name from them
shut up racist ever heard about silk root trade? (actual argument libroids use btw)
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your based man
Fucking LMAO
Copebros.... Not like this
oh shit, he's already going senile
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i made this pic in 2k 2 days ago from this and some other leaked screenshots
i hoped it was feke untill i found out more about (((Vavra)))
>How to say you didn't followed the story of the last game without saying you did
The nigger came from one the Universities in Prague which would have been frequented by scholars in the medieval world to either share knowledge or to study.
You guys think we will be able to get our own house can serve as a base in KCD2?
Mali is the fucking southern part of West Africa dipshit this is not a region that makes sense
A prosperous empire with a religion and navy that encourages it's scholars to leave the fucking empire to study/do medicine elsewhere. What a big fucking surprise for a duchy that was part of the holy Roman empire
what the fuck are you talking about
This shit is literally no more woke than Ridley Scott putting 1 black crusader into Kingdom of Heaven and chuds love that movie. Especially since he’s obviously part of the King of Hungary’s baggage train.

Sadly though, the pendulum always keeps swinging in the most radical direction, so anti wokes are bound to become as irrational, annoying, and retarded as wokes and don’t even realize it’s going to alienate people from their cause.
>Muslim studying at Prague
At least Pentiment had an Orthodox Ethiopian.
Resetera and GCJ is so desperate to crash this game they’ve actually started LARPing as chuds lmao
vavra actually hates that movie
>"kingdom of heaven is my favorite example the story of the movie is absolutely different from what actually happened and anyone who read who knows what actually happened would probably say that the actual events were much more interesting than what's shown in the movie"
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>people of color
>turkic people
I'll fucking kill you.
Chuds are saying it's a good thing actually like on say kiwifarms
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SO have pajeets been deployed to spam "the gaem is not woke saaar go and buy it" yet?
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Holy shit its him kek its Alberto Barbarossa
I can't believe my savior would be the dick sucking saudis, but here they are.
jews have unlimited money, they can buy anything and anyone as long it helps to destroy white mans society
my wallet appreciates that I won't spend money on this crap
>People asking about the leak for days
>refuse to respond
>person with Nazi avatar calls you a Jew
>finally respond and say you don't talk to Nazis
Well leak is 100% true because a tried and true tactic is to pick the worst person in a group to respond to and equate everyone to them
if it would be fake Varva would debunk it straight away for very simple reason - it makes company lose potential buyer and lose money.
SO fellow cuckolds get ready for Mimbuktu from black heart of Afrika telling you how to respect women and how to do science n shit since crown of Holy Roman Empire is not progressive, white, European peasants. That and mandatory gay romance, since medieval central-eastern Euros might be dipshits that count on their fingers but they sure as hell are total queer raibow faggots.
Holy shit and i liked the first game, RIP. we cant have nice things. Have pajeets started force spamming the game yet?
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yea this is totally about a videogame now
>Saaaar please delete hurtful coment yes. Saar this is indianphobia racist redeem 60 dolars rupee thank
thank you for your letter
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There's a balance, on this bank account, that'll go to a Thai restaurant, rather than woke devs.
why is Sigisumund working with non-whites, I thought he was /ourguy/ who wanted to Make the Holy Rome Empire Great Again. did he betray the MHREGA cause??
Varvabros what the FUCK happened
He was a pretty bad guy from the start, hiring christianized tengrians who uneducated libroids called muslims
Praise tengri
>Ummm...but what if BBC breeding?

These people.
This screenshot is obviously fake, you guys are retarded if you fall for it.
I dont know how to tell you this buy they never made a disclaimer that screenshots are fake to not hurt their pre-order sales. If it would be fake they would say it straight away. Keep coping cucky and get ready to get TOLD how to do scienz by nigger from africa
My money is fake, too.
It sure is Ranjesh
+5 rupee buy toilet paper

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