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English translation of Rebirth came out a month ago

Graces F Remastered is coming out in a few days. 2 days left for Japs
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Xillia is all but confirmed as the next remaster, but what then? Will Xillia 2 be separate or as a combo duology with 1? Abyss? The 2D games? Destiny and Eternia with actual skits?
Doubt they will announce xillia shortly after graces. Wait until ToF at least.
I meant 'all but confirmed' in that it's obviously going to be the next remastered project regardless of when they announce it. Although idk man they better remaster more than one game per year or we'll be at it until fucking 2030
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If you could choose one game to get a direct sequel which one would it be and why?
As much as I don't like the game, probably Zestiria. Direct sequel to that would mean direct sequel to Berseria and all the stuff about the Seraphim and the EX-Dungeon, and that fucking Fox dude that survives both Zestiria's main game and the Alisha DLC in an obvious cliffhanger that was never resolved
Legendia has a whole rest of world they could do stuff with. It is important to remember the whole thing takes place on a boat.
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>Casually hides a super strong weapon for Forest not too far from the final town
Tempest is such a weird game at times.
Map kinda looks like a fish
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So Rubia and Arria learn Sacred Shine/Tempest respectively after this event. They're hideously expensive at 103 TP per cast.
I still only have one Faerie Ring...
My man in the middle looks like a Eskimo
They're in a snowy land in the far far north, so it makes sense he'd be dressed for the cold.
I kneel, Tempest devs
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>Ladies Man
>Cool voice
Tilkis is a pretty cool guy.
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Meanwhile, Caius fails the romance check again. At least he's smart enough to figure out that he messed it up.
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Man this game is short, its about 20 hours and I'm already at the final dungeon. Just a little push and it'll be all over.
>he's not gonna do the ""NG+ dungeon"" that you can access in NG
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I don't know how you even got 20 hours out of it
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I was playing on Hard and did the sidequests which meant a lot of backtracking.
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Rate my terrible sponsorship decisions.
I made it to Nia Khera, explored the place and then checked out the Spiritway a bit (killed some monsters, grabbed treasures, completed a villager's quest, the usual.)
So far, Xillia 1 feels much comfier than Symphonia.
We're in the first month of the year.
It'd be weird if we didn't get another remaster ready before it ended desu.
Anon that's been playing Zestiria here:
>just finish the water dungeon
>Maltran is actually evil
>have a golden chance to confront her right then and there
>wuss out because reasons

Is this where the story turns bad?
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Onward to the final boss. I have a lot of escapes because of those sections where I didn't really want to fight anything but couldn't afford holy bottles.
Sorry anon but I barely remember Zestiria's plot. You met Rose yet?
Yeah, I've met Rose. On the way to the final elemental dungeon, I think?
Well the moment Rose joins and Alisha leaves permanently is when the plot starts dancing around several different beats and seems to lose its direction
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Rubia pretty much carries you through the final boss by spamming Sacred Shine. Caius is there to occasionally stagger the boss and Arria's job is to be the team healer.
The most dangerous aspect of the boss is the fact that he casts all of these high level spells with 0 cast time, so you're constantly eating Final Embrace/Sacred Shine/Meteor Swarm and if that wasn't enough, he loves to teleport and spam an aoe physical move that can inflict status ailments.
Really obnoxious fight with a couple close calls. I'm disappointed that he doesn't have a second form yet Rommy does. What the hell was that about?
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Good for you Caius. Your girlfriend is the one running the relationship though.
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Now that I've finished Tales of the Tempest, I think the game is better than I was lead to believe from all of the stuff that people were saying about it over the years. Its shame that they never got around to making Tales of the Tempest R because I think the game would have really benefited from smoothing out the kinks such as the clunkier aspects of the battle system as well as an expanded plot in certain areas. I didn't have any problems with the cast although Tilkis x Arria is something that they kind of shoehorned in during the last act.

I think you should consider giving a go just to experience it for yourself instead of just assuming that its offensively bad. You'll be pleasantly surprised at what they managed to accomplish for a game this short.
It was fun reading through your posts anon, thank you
Now go watch Tilkis and Arria almost get married.
At least they got to that point. Arria was going to make Tilkis play the long game if it wasn't for the rest of the world conspiring to say otherwise.
Yeah, it has been a bit scattershot so far. Something funny:
>get to the shrines at the beginning
>get absolutely trounced
>go back to the shrines I skipped over
>almost a cakewalk

Was it as simple as leveling up this whole time?
I started my second run of Legendia and it sure is a clunky ass game. I understand why it was the black sheep of the series for a long time.
Rubia is more of the bitchy dom in the relationship than I ever imagined considering her design and voice are basically moeblob incarnate. Goes to show what I know, holy crap.
It's a stat check because of equipment shenanigans with how Zestiria is designed. If you go by its "rules" then they're doable on the first try.
>Mithos's vitriol against Yuan
Jesus christ.
I dont think anyone expected her to be like this considering everything else suggests that she'd be the nicest girl that ever lived. I'm pretty sure 2/3rds of her dialogue is about Caius and a lot of it has to do with teasing him.
What a loss for the world. Her subversion over the cutesy(-looking) romantic interest and the other aspects for the other characters.
What's the stupidest looking weapon in the franchise?
Norma's straw.
Casters are allowed to have dumb weapons.
The chainblade was top.
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What did Innocence R do to the plot/cast of Innocence? I remember it being kind of lackluster and only getting a pass because shitting on Tempest/DoTNW was the in thing at the time.
I remember pirate lady with eyepatch wasn't in the original? But maybe i am wrong my memory is shit.
It's fucking ass bro why you lying.

Played it once and will never play it again. You just enjoy playing shitty games nothinh wrong but it's still shit at the end of the day.
>Noooooo you have to follow the bandwagon
No one is saying that its secretly a top tier game. Just that its a bit better than people claim (Tempest is still subpar).
Lol at me following the bandwagon. If anything you're trying too hard to be different.
>opinion police
Nothing that was said here over the last four days was anything new concerning Tempest.
Playing Destiny PS1 for the first time and I love all of Mary's little interactions in the background during conversations. Getting distracted, running away, reading books or eating ice cream, laughing. I know nothing about her surely super duper serious amnesia plot but damn she's cute
Zutto itsu made mo kawaranai de iyou

Zutto itsu made mo kawaranai de iyou
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Absolute GOAT design. This dress singlehandedly put Arise in hundreds of thousands of normie minds
It’s just Lailah’s outfit but worse
Its just Lailah with Gun
She does look pretty cute. She's like the anti-Velvet lol
>Finally unlock the ship in Rebirth
>Random encounters at sea too
Nobody remembers Lailah

Just like FF1
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I do :)
I remember her.
I masturbated to her.
I desperately need more porn of her.
I will always be mad.
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Lailah x Shionne
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Finally the race war is over
Kinda just feels like if you slapped Tears personality on Lailah's body
What the fuck am I supposed to do against this asshole other than pop an All-Divide? He auto uses his Mystic Arte once he reaches an HP threshold and it instakills my whole party every time even at full health
>Freeze Checks
>Gear for F.Def
>Optional use of Resist Wille for F Def Up
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Eternia. Although I saw what happened to Symphonia...
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Original Ion... had a hard life...
>take on Heldalf
>narrowly win
>get the Alternate Ending
>not sure what to make of it

That was fun, but tough, since he shielded against all of the elements
why can't we have these models or crestorias for remakes?
>not sure what to make of it
Keep playing. It is ominous for a reason
Because there's a lot more assets in a game than just the main party characters.
Eleth burst being automatic, nova shields, accuracy and evasion (hitstun scaling off stats), ironstance being introduced and the shittiest iteration of it, the way titles work and dualizing making it the grindiest Tales game to date, it's tedious slop even compared to other Tales games. Switching titles every time you ma for more damage is annoying as fuck. Berseria improved on everything Graces started and removed some of the shit like eleth burst but Tales fags are stupid enough it got a worse rep
Accuracy/Evasion being disproportinately overpowered was a thing in the franchise long before Graces. Not that it excuses it but still.
>Switching titles every time you ma for more damage is annoying as fuck
Not everyone minmaxes like you.
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Alright somebody leaked the Switch version of the Graces f Remaster and I'm sad to say that it's 30fps on Switch. Which is odd because it's effectively a Wii game.

Something interesting is that the features of the Grade Shop can be toggled on and off. The game does look noticeably better than even an upscaled version of the PS3 port.
They said as much literally on the day it was announced.
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Whoops my bad. If you uncap the FPS on Ryujinx it runs at 120fps just fine btw. It's been stated before but yeah this is a pretty standard remaster, I'm glad they didn't fuck it up like the Symphonia one so far.
Sophie's little butt is a national treasure.
What grade shop items are you buying on your first run?
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I was mainly testing the Switch version just to hold me over until my Steam copy is available, but probably extra CC, Max Speed and Double Critical because you can't unlock Chaos Mode on a first playthrough. Here are the Grade Shop options for NG btw. At least they didnt fuck up and make it so newfags can skip the child section.
>No swimsuit\naked pascal
Another missed chance.
>they didnt add a Pascal smell-o-vision for the upcoming Switch 2
>You can't unlock chaos on your first playthrough
Wait, what?
You could in the original graces f, did they changed it?
Sorry for the misclarification, you can't unlock it right off the bat. I doubt they changed the requirements for unlocking Chaos mode so you should be fine.
>youtube shitters already doing walkthroughs
>before official (global) launch
>for a Wii then PS3 game
Tales is the new hotness now that final fantasy has become gay(er)
Can you skip child arc on the first playthrough?
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Huh, 85 is crazy good for graces. Expected the remaster to get a 70 something honestly
No. There's no option for that.
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Graces is now out in Japan
None of the characters in Berseria are fun to play like the ones in Graces f, cope. Only idiots like the combat of this game, it's pretty clear that it's a bad copy of Team Destiny games.
While I agree that Berseria isn't as enjoyable as Team Destiny games, it did have the godfather of Team Destiny combat working on its combat so it's silly to call it a bad copy.
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The Race War starts now!
I want to lick pascal like cat mom grooms the kitten. Like every inch of her skin.
Top tier waifu and wife material.
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Poor Dezel, at least he went out kinda cool.
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No. He was always a loser.
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So did Zestiria, and that game had one of the weakest combats in the series, which is hilarious considering they used Udo to promote the game.
Its very likely that they didnt have the time to refine anything because of rushed development.
Zestiria's is better than Berseria's tho???
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How many hours left ?
-27 if you just got the switch version, 4 for everyone else
>*autistic screeching*
its out
Apparently you can turn off the stuff you grab from the grade shop so you can just grab anything the shop has to offer and deactivate stuff as you play the game (aside from permanent stuff like extra eleth and hp) so that's cool
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What's the point of being able to equip regular weapons for the Swordian users in Destiny if the Swordians will always be the better choice given they level up alongside you and allow you to use spells?
The NG grade shop has the exact amount for literally everything available.

Whew thanks for this anon. Im just starting new game now i can turn it all on and off them during gameplay
Have fun, anon. I wish it unlocked for my Switch already so I could play it at work later during my breaks.
Good question. Destiny is the only game that really filtered me
No point, that's why they cut weapon changing in Destiny R.
Can you free run in Graces? I don't remember how to play this game at all and I'm not understanding from the game itself, seems like I just got more retarded with age.
You can, but it drains CC. I personally didn't use free run at all when I played it.
You can free run in Graces
its just worthless to use and you move quite fucking slow
you move faster with sidesteps/normal running
Yeah... I think I'm getting the hang of it now, can't wait to get more party members
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password ?
nvm found it its 091210
Anyway to unlock chaos from the get go?
Graces F is one of the games i enjoy more playing on the hardest difficulty
prob best to zoom through childhood
and grind battles in adulthood
hard > evil > chaos
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It's not a proper unlock, but if you're on PC selected difficulty is a static byte address: GameNative.dll+79B122
0 = Easy, 5 = Chaos
>tried a NG low level run on Chaos out of curiosity
>reach the tank boss where Sophie returns
>already dealing single digit damage per hit to where the fight is unwinnable or would take hours of turtling

Dropped it there. Its crazy how something like KH2's innate damage boost for low stats isn't the standard for RPGs both action and turn/atb based. I also tried Tales of the Abyss on Unknown difficulty (hardest setting) and its crazy how much of a grindfest that game is. You do minimum 1 dmg per hit if your STR or MAG is below half of the enemies DEF and MAG DEF. Compound with the fact that mobs/bosses stats are mega inflated on the hardest setting, if you are like 5 to 10 lvls under the enemy lvl its chip central. Enemies just become big stat walls (boring). These games also lacks alot of interesting non direct damage options.(No fractional dmg, DoTs like poison/burn except that broken shit in symphonia) Its a shame too that the devs were so lazy/ incompentant that they just gave you 10x EXP gain as a NG+ perk (that you have to grind for lol) for Unknown and called it a day. Boss behavior in combat, how you fight them compared to other enemies, etc isn’t special or engaging either (and the unavoidable AoE super attacks are pure cancer).
Chaos/Unknown/etc are NG+ oriented difficulties for a reason. They expect you to carry over shit from NG to smooth out the experience.
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I'm supposed to be at the last part of this sidequest and for some reason. It restarted from the beginning and I would have to do the whole thing over again.
Did they changed the sound when the mixer cooks?
Like couldn't care less but for what purpose?
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Holy Kino batman
Warn Life Bottle Productions if you believe it's a bug so they can squash it
Reminder we're only two games away from the entire mainline series being fully playable in English
*English with Jap dub
No we're not. We still have 4-5 left.
If the text/plot can be understood then it's in English

The only ones left are Destiny 2 and Hearts DS. Phantasia Famicom PS1 and GBA, Destiny PS1 and PS2/DC, Eternia, Symphonia, Rebirth, Legendia, Abyss, Tempest, Innocence DS and R, Vesperia, Graces, Xillia, Hearts R, Xillia 2, Zestiria, Berseria and Arise are all available. What's left, mothership titles-wise? You counting Rody's fanfiction stapled on top of PS1 Phantasia as a wholly different game?
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Soul VS Soulless, damn.
Why did they change Chester's hair color to light blue anyway. They didn't change his sister's.
There is no Mothership games anymore. It's been scraped 5 years ago. Now it's Original and there's still at least 5 mainline games missing.
>Berseria improved on everything Graces started
>It's not even LMBS
The arena boss resist fire to the point it deal 1 damage, your punch and kick deal more damage than Dymlos.
That's it.

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