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Is the story finished now? What kept me from trying it out was the episodic nature of the plot moving forward one piece every once in a while.
It's over
>Is the story finished?
As finished as it’s getting until the sequel.
Speaking of the story, does anyone else want an manhwa/Korean anime of Troubleshooter? The story has a lot of flaws, but also great characters and some absolute kino moments. I think it could be polished into something really great with a good writer and/or editor.
story is done for the first game, and both it's DLCs so no better time to start then now
The writing is already good compared to 80% of korean media, it's easy to see some people on dandylion were probably writing some fan manwha or fanfics and got better by time, hopefully they'll keep that with carter and the spoonists and hopefully their game design gets better because crimson crow stages and enemies spamming fire support
Were absolute shit
I hope they move away from autohit/autocrit mechanics. By the end of Crimson Crow it feels like half the stats in the game don't matter anymore.
My choice was to stop playing the game
I can't imagine why people like this game so much
Literally bloat on top of bloat to bloat everything, extremely repetitive gameplay and overstretched meh tier manhwa story on top of that
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I've been interested in this; it's an XCOM-like with some additional rpg elements, no?
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The RPG elements are a really big part of the game. The store page mentions the existence of masteries, but it really undersells how important they are. Everything in the game has a mastery board filled with masteries that can do pretty much anything. Some of them give raw stat increases, some of them affect unit behaviour like enabling counterattacks or causing the unit to automatically move towards attackers that damage them every time they get hit, some of them enable active skills (Overwatch is a mastery), pretty much anything that changes a character in some way. The ones on your own units can be filled however you want, barring class-restricted or ESP-restricted masteries, but every enemy has a build as well. As the game progresses it becomes about learning how to deal with each enemy's build safely instead of just abusing terrain or smoke + cover.
If build autism on a grid appeals to you, you'll love this game.
Here is (you) little contrarian

Kinda, the excel spreadsheet to set masteries, drone and pets subsystems and some decisions to change the way you play a stage are the only thing i would call additional rpg element
tfw no qt orange gf
tfw no slightly autistic gf with fire ESP
fuck crabs

total crab death
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Sounds fun-ish, I'll give it a try on the next sale. Thanks for the qrd!
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How the fuck am i supposed to do this, the shielded destron with 113% block and i can't trigger armor break on him, every single white destron adding +50 at making my irene and heixing useless most of the time
what is the best company mastery? I'm torn between expertise or individualism

Also what did you name your company?
Wind Veil and Furious Lightning Gale help a lot to prevent being AT helled too badly. Kylie can also hack most/all of the destrons to shut them down or even take control, even the huge ones. The Schild Destron is especially vulnerable to being AT helled itself since it hasn't got Emergency Drive.
I usually go with Sense of Belonging even though it's probably the most useless company mastery. I'm just too lazy to buy food regularly. Later you get access to a really broken company mastery called Safety First which gives you +5% damage reduction per 10% missing HP or something which is absurd with how damage reduction works in this game (additively)
I have a lot of different companies but right now my main one is called FromTheAshes
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Since the thread's not that dead right now, here's a Magic Knight build I've been running after seeing the discussions on the forums about how to make a really cheesy Albus
>Blessing of Avalon to ignore death as long as he has vigor remaining
>The Last Lunacy to restore vigor when he takes damage
>Sen no Sen + Overpower for potentially a lot of Forestallment kills for free
>all the good parts of Final Resistance (but not the complete set) so his damage taken goes down to tiny digits when he falls below 33% HP
>Blood Absorbing Sword for easy healings
>Joy of Lunacy for spammable Turning Over A New Leaf + Wind Veil
>gave him a Draki's Fancy Scale for instant turns when Impulse Fields activates
Its main weaknesses are reaction fire and extremely tanky bosses, but it's a great trash killer and it's pretty fun to watch. He's like a mini Barbarian.
>SLA Industries
>Lobotomy Corporation
>Library of Ruina
Is this the age of the gookge?
Lightning gale for my attempts are a little overkill as sion was alive until i took down almost every single destron, so i'm gonna try to abuse wind veil, spam smoke grenades and trying to use more the 50% of hacking protocol
Don't forget you can change Kylie's personal mastery for an easy +20% success rate if you don't mind giving up her safety net. I think it's worth it on that map.
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After 6 attempts tweaking masteries i managed to do it, deep sea escape is a bless on this god forsaken stage
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Proud of you, anon. I'm impressed Ray survived.
Did the office flooded again after the earthquake?
korean dev, they're not in japan
Feel like I lucked out, the guy walked into a corner and I could just stun-punch him against some pole.
The fight in the bar was way worse.
I know but if there is a tsunami it could hit also korea, i don't even know where is the point of origin. I am worried about them, japan can go into the abyss for what i care.
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Lots of people in the Asia server right now. I've never seen the town so full.
After 500 hours i have still to understand what are the advantages of online.
PVP vs AI against random player parties is why i play online. It's fun seeing everyone's builds and items.
This game seems less strategic than most SRPG's. I think brute force is too viable considering how forgiving damage is, how much melee is prioritized, and not having freedom in your movement order.
>considering how forgiving damage is
That changes as the game progresses. If you're still in the early game it's just teaching you about game mechanics instead of actually trying to kill you.
Easier way to get wind wall bonus, drills for easier grinding and pvp

>I think brute force is too viable considering how forgiving damage is
That's a reason why both dlcs shove all of that into your ass, specially crimson crow as everyone is just spamming fire support and undodgeable melee attacks
>Easier way to get wind wall bonus,
Uhhh my memory is shit why is easier? The buffs stays for more time?
It increases from everyone's missions on the server and stays active for 3 hours realtime. It's almost always in effect.
Ohhh right. You can't import anything from offline to online right? I would reinstall it for a ng+ but holy shit i am not gonna grind all the masteries again.
If you're online you can just play with good enough masteries until you get to the half of white lion and black witch, when you unlock the drill panel is easier to get info of specific characters to craft masteries
That works offline too. Only the vs player drills are online-only. You can still fight the level 56 story enemies offline.
No i was just saying about re-grinding everything, that's it.
Thinking about Marco just made me remember they recently changed the title of his Joint Drill team to "Vendetta family and the Nine Dragon gang" instead of just "Vendetta and the Nine Dragon gang".
I wonder if Dandy's going to make us fight Vendetta units properly soon? That way the distinction would make sense, since they'd have Marco and Luna in that original team and a separate team made up of whatever new Vendetta units they make.
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How do you people deal with Vigor loss?
Mages have it real easy, but everyone else (especially Hexing) have to go into timeout, often for the whole fight.
Vigor battery Anne. Heixing and Giselle also carry potions. GS Albus uses Enough Rest once it’s available, also new leaf + recover vigor command. Ray should always be Tranced. Irene with her personal ability mastery can use her special vigor restore for free. Kylie I don’t remember any special tricks. Alisa and Leton, and Misty never have vigor issues for me.
Yeah as the other guy said, Anne is the general solution to partywide vigor problems once you get far enough for her to get the masteries that grant a vigor-recovering aura and vigor on heal. There are a bunch of masteries that handle vigor recovery as well, like Enough Rest. Even endgame parties have to stop to refill Giselle and sweeper Heixing once in a while though. Ranger Heixing handles his vigor a lot better since responsive attacks are free.
Y tho. If the thread can't get a reply a week naturally there's no reason to keep it alive.
Trying to get the 100% now, gonna try to get the no 1 troubleshooter using double battlemage frontline, smokes, freezing traps for those brawler destrons, pussy superstar leton also for the freezing and hacking protocol, wish me luck
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Enormous drone buff in today's update. Every drone got 4 more slots and Transporter Drone is no longer mandatory for its frame slots
Is there a reason to bother with Drones now?
I heard they were stronger before, but compared to even suboptimal monsters captured by Gisele, they barely did shit when I checked.
I just started 1st DLC, is there a way to make using Mechanic over Hacker worth it?
The best I have sen is that mechanic skill that shortens your turn when your drone is hit.
Engineer has some masteries that make drones a lot stronger numerically now, as well as one that refunds 20 AT whenever they responsive attack which is amazing later on.
For useful drones, at that point in the game flamethrower drones start to kick major ass and webbing enemies is always useful. Later you'll meet destrons with a lot of strong machine masteries which make the second DLC a lot smoother.
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Oh neat, so that's what those lines in the patch notes meant. Equipment doesn't have mods for specific elements anymore, they got condensed into just generic ESP hit/crit/damage. That's going to make finding good equipment for mages way easier.
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Also new this update, they added small texts about characters from each faction to the Help menu. Lots of typos and some untranslated lines, but still pretty cool I think.
That's actually really useful.
>>A relative of Kylie
Does Korean not have a word for "father"? I realize that he could be an uncle or something, but given the scene he's in and that he feels comfortable directly challenging Aska, father seems the likely relation.
>Does Korean not have a word for "father"?
They hatch all the eggs in a single nest and raise them together.
Probably just a mistranslation. It would hardly be the first.
For what it's worth, I played with the original text in Google translate. Google agrees it's "relative", and translating English "father" to Korean doesn't suggest anything close to the Korean word here.
No reason he can't be her father and her uncle.
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What the fuck, this is the update that keeps on giving
I need to check that old stuff I left in storage if its good for my characters now
>+100% block
Back to tanking with drones it is
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I came here cause I saw an update
I thought they were done? Aside from a possible giga hard map?
They've still been doing tiny monthly updates because they're madmen. I think they're backporting some changes they're making for Banished Children, like the ESP weapon affixes being condensed from specific elements into generic ESP. Wouldn't expect a map for a long time since it took them a month per map during full-scale development, but i know they want to do it.
A great indie game, but the only flaw is the crafting system. It should be simpler. Its complexity and lack of information made me basically ignore it, aside of making some potions and crafting some shoes.

The side quest system should also be fixed for the sequel. I'm not interested in redoing missions I've already done.

Otherwise, a great passionate game with a lot of customization options. Finally seeing a thread about it here is pleasant.
Apart from the leveling system which isn't that complex to begin with, how would you propose to simplify crafting?
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>Destroy Weapon
I don't have any masteries or sets with those names.
Yes, I got distracted from the game for over a month since getting that advice.
The first two are status effects, not masteries. Breakthrough a mastery from a bunch of enemies, most notably mercenary assassins. Wei has it too, and like 5 other enemies.
Well, I can't get either of those status effects to show up by searching in the mastery menu or even in the help menu, so I'm not sure how I'm supposed to get access to them.
I did get Breakthrough though, thanks.
Some statuses are built into attacks, but 90% of debuffs you can put on enemies by augmenting normal attacks will be in attack and support masteries sections.
Drone buffs are nice, but altogether the game is over for most people so at most it's just a good indication they realized how useless drones were, especially compared to Beasts, so we can expect that to be fixed in the sequel.
I think drones' biggest downside is that you need 100% information to receive any modules from enemies. A maxed out drone is incredibly powerful but you need to run violent cases over and over to get the masteries to enable it, compared to a beast which can use 90% of the same masteries as your Human units.
Maybe they'll pace machines better in the sequel.
>drills for easier grinding and pvp
You get stuff from playing PVP?
Yeah, the enemy units drop copies of their equipment with the exact same rolls sometimes. They have a pretty low drop rate though, you get like 1 non-potion item every 3-4 matches without drop rate masteries. Also they drop masteries from the ones they have equipped like any other enemy.
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Now there are two of them
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what the fuck man
Bobby trapped, you need the key.
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How do I make Alisa not complete shit? She can barely manage to hit anything and when she does she hits like a wet noodle, she's easily the worst character in my roster. Bianca's accuracy also sucks but at least she actually damages enemies when she hits them.
I've not yet found a single weapon or weapon recipe for her.
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Easy mode is go barbarian, slap the barbarian item set on her, stack damage reduction, and run the set that turns her "encourage" action into a rage effect (cry of the wrath). She gets auto hits and auto turns, fixes her problems. There are more nuanced builds, but above is a good starting point. Pic related is an old build but it should be semi-functional.
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Filter by greatsword in the crafting menu, or go buy a weapon in town.
Ultimately you'll probably end up in at least 3 pieces of the Berserker set, but until then you can equip a ring for some accuracy
Part of that is not having a proper sword yet, but also she's getting screwed by the lack of Muscle Training or Muscle Burst in that build. If you drop Glorious Scar and Rampage you can remove Social Life by taking out Speak Up and Consideration to free up some more slots.
Thanks anons, hard to grind up the materials but getting the berserker gear on her made a huge difference.
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Found a pretty cool Anne in PVP.
>Stone Throwing + Goddess of Abundance + Awaken for 200% block chance + block reduction whenever she wants
>One Shot One Kill + Catharsis for le ebin chainkills
>Keen Sense so she doesn't die to Exposed penalties on skills
>Archwitch for a damage bonus based on her Earth masteries
>equipped with Golden Feather so she can nuke enemies with Pouring Starlight Arrows without dying the next turn
It's limited a bit by being level 55, but it looks like the sort of build I'd want to try to play around with
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Oh my bad, the tooltip for Earth ESP already takes into account the bonus from Goddess of Abundance, so she's only getting +- 100% instead of 200% with that build. Nothing a Mud Mane charm can't fix.
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Also while I'm posting, the increased slots of drones has the side effect of making property limit on them annoying again. I kind of like it this way though, you can work around property limit unlike pure slot limitations.
Drones are significantly stronger now, yeah. Might actually be worth using them on a replay of the game. I still doubt they'll ever compare to Beasts, though.
I think they come pretty close to beast usefulness these days, at least in the endgame. Individually they aren't as strong as something like a Draki King, but they're still probably in the upper 10% of beast power if built right, and you can have 2 of them out at once. They also have insane base stats at the point you unlock them in the campaign and Engineer masteries give them even more for free.
>you can have 2 of them out at once
Wait, what?
There's a tool you can equip called Multiple Calculating Device which allows Kylie to control 2 drones at once.
Thanks for your advice anons, I finally beat that stage.
It's a bit funny seeing the Weiss Destron achievement still be a thing. They're used as regular enemies towards the end of the second DLC
>The cutscene viewer doesn't include cutscenes tied to stages, you have to play the stage in recollection mode to view those cutscenes
>The game doesn't show where a stage goes in the cutscene order
Damn, that's something that needs a rework.
The new update says it increased the number of module slots for drones across the board but none of my drones have any more slots than they did before.
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My drones are bigger. The update happened on the 15th so if you've been building drones since then you're already using the expanded boards.
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Some madman out there is running an Awaken + Argonaut + Cheat Death build on Sion and I can't decide if it's genius or not.
Good morning sirs, i only play games with romance, how many girls can i fuck in this?
Ah yes hello sir.
Zero fucks. Troubleshooter isn't a sexy game despite the art style.
The protag is an autistic workaholic with no time for sexy times. The best you're going to get is some vaguely implied romantic tension.
Wow... and here i was expecting korean fire emblem
It's not really like FE at all, except for using a party of predefined characters with customisable builds/equipment and having branching class promotions. I guess masteries are a lot like skills as well, except instead of being limited to 6 everyone ends up with like 40 of them at the same time.
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I fucking hate clowns holy shit
*honk honk*
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I wish I could fit Impulse Fields into this so Albus stops getting oneshot. He's extremely strong and if he survives any attack he counters and usually OHKOs the enemy and heals himself and stacks buffs, but if the enemy OHKOs him that's that.
I'm pretty sure that's doable if you have all the board modifying Human masteries and are okay with removing Regular Exercise for the required training points.
Unless there's another human mastery providing attack slots other than Brazenface that I still don't have, I can't without removing something from attack to make room for Speak Up.
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It's called Hysteria. Spoilers for board.
Oh yeah you can also farm up a Glittering Shock Absorber from Starlight Junction (or joint drills, would be faster probably). Twinkle Jack drops it, it's a gear item that gives 3 activations of Impulse Fields per mission
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Well if they need ideas I should run through the forums.
Also since I don't see them, I will post the concept art of the beasts they want for Banished Children. And the tweet that came with it.

>Ummer, a beast that lives around the Kalter Mountains.

>The next game, "Banished Children," will be set in the Kalter Mountains, just place to past the Iron Forest in the eastern part of Valhalla's "Wind Wall" district.

>Have a great weekend!
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>Currently, our team is setting the Kalter Mountains' concepts where a new story start. And It's a strongest beast, called Vag at the Kalter Mountains.

>The clever beasts who hunt in groups, runs away without hesitation when they detect Vag in the distance.

>Have a good day!
Add literally on fire murder bison and bipedal walruses to the list of shit citizens of Valhalla have to deal with on a daily basis.
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What's the problem?
The fortress of suffering has its own set of districts and a population somewhere between 10,000 and 500,000. I was expecting them to set an entire game there.
You will think clowns are fair once play Misty's DLC.
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Got the game back in 2021, but it turns out my laptop at the time could barely run it. Didn't refund the game because it seemed promising enough, I just needed a better rig.
Now I can give it an earnest attempt!
Ganbatte Anon!

In a way you're getting the best experience with a fully completed game right now, instead of having to wait for new content every time you reach the end.
One of these days I'm going to have to sit down and have a real attempt at making an endgame melee Sion. Every time I play through the game I tell myself "This is the run" but then I end up focusing on his ESP because multi target damage. I've seen some people running melee Sions in PVP though, so it makes me curious.
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>Get tired of the last stage of the first DLC with its clowns and destrons and responsive fire asshole riflemen who inflict silence for three turns any time they graze someone
>Drop from cruel to hard difficulty
>Stage starts with 20 less enemies
This feels like cheating.
It should have the same amount of enemies from Cruel -> Hard, just with fewer elites. Don't forget they get reinforcements after you kill any of the bosses.
Valhalla is a incredibely huge City-State now that I look at this map
>town so full
>5 people
what did xir mean by this?
7 people and there were a bunch more over by the information terminals. Pretty unusual in a game where most people only spend 30 seconds in the hub before starting an hour-long mission.
I don't think all the territory is the city, probably the city is named after the nation. I mean there are armies of criminals and it's ok but it can't be this huge.
I think it is that big. One of those river lines is going to be the Ashen River which runs through Wind Wall district, giving a scale of how large each district is, and there are 13 districts in Valhalla.
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Not my build, but here's an absurdly tanky physical Battlemage build I ran into in PVP on the Asia server. I want to make some changes to it, but this is the starting point.
>has Veteran because the guy I ran into was using the Yasha Shell gear item for armour
>Legend Hunter and Mutant are expensive, could probably do a lot better on this build
>Call of Lightning is mostly used to change Flash Kick and Annihilation Kick into physical damage so he can't be silenced or cooldown'd out of them
Its biggest downside is that it does fuck all ESP damage, but my barbarian Alisa was critting him for like 300 damage and I think Legend Hunter -> Muscle Burst would add quite a bit to this build's ESP since it's converting to phys anyway (it has around 3300 HP with my gear, the original user had 3800ish)
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Spent a couple of hours playing around with it's board.
I think it needs a bangle equipped to have any hope of salvaging its ESP damage. Muscle Burst's 300ish added base damage isn't enough to make it not suck. It definitely tanks like crazy, though. Challenge Mode skeleton masks were doing around 160-160 with their doublekick.
So from what we can tell, it should be to the northen side of vallhalla as well right? I doubt we would actually go into the east alliance side for troubleshooter legal reasons.
The place pretty much works with very strong borders within Valhalla itself. You might as well treat each side as its own country, just like how the rest must be divided as well (empire with feuds, union means there's some inner differentiation, and an alliance implies groups).

Also it seems some districts are very heavy on the machine side, meaning little population living there.

I suppose you could assume the wind wall district is one of the most urban ones. Alongside where Giselle came from.
In the help menu there's some info about all the different nations
>Ater Empire
Ruled by the Emperor acting through his Prime Minister for the important stuff, the empire itself is subdivided into lands ruled by smaller lords, appointed by the Emperor himself
>East Alliance
Made up of 29 separate countries that function independently, except for an alliance conference to discuss matters that affect everybody. Each country sends 9 delegates to the conference. Also, despite the Caras Union's association with technology, Bicrons originally came from East Alliance but were limited by how hard it is to make/get fuel for them.
East Alliance is also de-facto ruled by the Nine Dragon gang. It says pretty much everyone in politics is associated with them.
>Caras Union
Made up of a lot of smaller countries that joined forces around 180 years before the war (AE 650, Valhalla was founded in AE 782). In the present day it's made of 16 federal countries with their own governments, constitutions and courts. Presidents are elected through indirect votes for 5 years, and premiers are elected for 4 years.
The Union as a whole is controlled by an organisation called Duna Federal Constitutional Court which is elected from votes cast by each country's judicial branch. It exists only to intervene in conflicts between each internal country.
Their army is mostly mechanised infantry, but they're switching to androids. They're the strongest anti-ESP group in the world, and religion is completely forbidden within the Caras Union because of how many internal wars were started because of it in the past. Technicians and soldiers are the highest regarded members of their society.
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>They are villains, called "Dark Moon," a secret criminal organization in the underworld of the Kalter Mountains. They will be one of the main villain teams of "Banished Children".

>And from today, it's a Lunar New Year holiday in korea! We'll be back in a week!

>Have a good week!
It's weird seeing concept art like this and having no idea what classes they are. The generic in the top middle is probably Archer, but otherwise they could be any kind of new class.
It'll be interesting to see who the new main character will be, I had thought it would be Carter, but based on what we're seeing maybe it will be an entirely new cast and the old characters will simply reappear as foes or allies.
Does someone have the pic of a super early version of troubleshooter where there is the party selection with luna and others? I forgot to save it.
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I have it
>female villains
Looks like they're going all out with new concepts in Banished Children.
I like it.
Where's that map from?
And what's that small nation(?) south of the East Alliance?
There are entries for Crossbows and Longbows in Abandoned Children's localisation files that they never used, so they were probably itching to implement them finally.
Other classes in the localisation that never really got used besides the tier 3 classes:
>Gambler (sort of, Pierto is Gambler class in that one early Tima mission)
>Holy Warrior (actually has a class mastery with flavour text, called Holy War - "Once blood is shed, there is no stopping". No actual effect as far as I can tell from the localisation)
Then there's Assassin and Guardian which are both sort of used but not to any big effect. Plus any other classes Dandylion comes up with during development. Could be pretty neat.
I can understand why they scrapped them, Dancer and Superstar are gimmicky enough.
Though I'm looking forward to anything new. I don't want to be bombarded with Rangers and Snipers again... melee and ESP units are usually more interesting to engage.
Rangers and Snipers got badly overused in Abandoned Children I think. Martial Artists as well, but at least they have good build variety. There are so many different classes they could have used in Crimson Crow and they went for the exact same trio of classes as the Dusk Companions at the end of DLC1 with Sweepers added in. Kind of pisses me off that we didn't get a White Knight + Magic Knight + Battlemage faction or something.
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>Rangers and Snipers got badly overused in Abandoned Children I think
I agree, though Mungos had enough variety in their builds to more than make up for it. That violent case was incredibly fun, and probably the hardest mission in the entirety of the game for me.

Speaking of Crimson Crow, did anyone ever drop the unreleased content from the artbook? There were some pieces of lore hidden in there.
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>The beast is called "Crocas". It is most commonly found near "Starsong" Lake, the largest lake in the Calter Mountains, and is sometimes adapted to areas such as desert and forest.

>We're back from the holidays, We'll do our best to give you more pleasures!

>Have a good day! :D
High block beasts maybe? The retractable spikes makes me think retaliation as well.
They are turtle spiked dinosaurs
So expect
>shell mode
>spike mode
>some menacing bite
Their downside being low mobility. Then again
More than block, nullification/damage reduction. Perhaps debuff protection too. The spike mode means classic retaliation damage, but also probably are rage powered and maybe we will get ways to reduce it and lower their spikes. Same with getting them out of their shells
They're probably not lategame mobs unless Dandylion decides to start Banished Children at like level 30 or something, so I wouldn't expect them to have anything too crazy.
Man they are really going all in on the animal variety in this game. It's safe to assume there will be a pokemon master in Banished Children too.
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I don't often bump the thread when there's no discussion happening, but I found an absolute pain-in-the-ass Barbarian Alisa in PVP on the Asia server and recreated its build for easier sharing.
It has no Anger Strike. Instead it just gigatanks while building up Berserker stacks and relies on Judgment + Berserker + Barbarian's class mastery for damage, and boy does it do damage. It was way harder to deal with than the usual Anger Strike builds where you just dispel them and that's gg.
Itemwise he used the full 5-piece Berserker set (all upgraded to +9) and a Regeneration potion.
I never managed to make a good Alisa build, reardless of which class I tried out. Mostly just use her as a suicide bomb who deals moderately good damage as long as no one retaliates.
Don't worry, I just haven't bumped it even when I have things to reply to. Take it slow.
Also, you niggas really need to follow them on twitter, they literally got the MC reveal and no one posted it
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>Her name is "Aurora" and everyone around her calls her "Ari," her nickname. She is a 19-year-old girl as of A.E. 804 and the main character of "Banished Children". So the story of "Banished Children" will be a her travelogue goes through in the Kalter Mountains for a year!
Huh. Did not see this coming. I guess all the speculation about the MC being Carter and the game being about his journey with the Spoon refugees was wrong and we're getting a completely new MC.
If you could add ONE neutral or enemy NPC from Abandoned Children as a party member in Banished Children, who would you pick?

Hard Mode: No Luna.
I always knew he was never going to be Carter. Guy is too deep to go to that angle. Maybe in the future or something as a party member, but as the MC? No way
Maybe she's a new member who helps them out while they're in the Kalter Mountains? Not every character needs to be a Spoonist if Carter is the MC.
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>tfw didn't read the flavor text
She looks cute. Dandylion has done a good job with female characters so far, I disagree with the faggot on twatter already pestering them about adding a "strong, female MC".
I just think it will be boy scouts but armed.
Meh,looks worse than Ray (the worst female player character in the game)
I don't doubt the gameplay though. Seems like we are going to move from cities hard. Not sure how that will feel
She's a bit boring IMO. Pretty much Alisa except with tanned skin and LARPing as a D&D Ranger. Certainly not bad, just a bit bland. But then, Albus is kind of a bland guy as well and that's not really an issue.
Didn't expect that. Really thought we'd follow Carter. Not that I mind, I don't like Carter that much. And she's cute! She 's not Giselle or Anne but she's cute.
Also, with how much focus beast got recently and that our new MC looks like Hunter/Ranger, it's possible that Beast Taming will be even more fleshed out. Maybe we'll have a Druid/Beastmaster class or something similar
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I like her, but not as a main character. She looks like a generic unit with how simple her outfit is.
Yeah, Hunter class in Abandoned Children has access to Archer masteries so she'll probably the group's tamer instead of locking it behind 40 hours of gameplay. At least that would make her an interesting unit regardless of what sorts of masteries they decide to give Archer or her other promoted class.
Ranger is restricted to pistols / machine pistols only so we don't know her second promoted class. I hope she isn't spirit SP like the white hair implies.
Every Hunter so far has been Spirit SP type, would be pretty wild to see an ESP tamer.
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>AURORA NICKNAMED ARI!? Equipped with a bow? Living in the mountains? Definitely not Carter?
>May I play as her?
>We apologize for our incompetence as developers but making an entire new game is very hard and we do not expect it to be available to play for several year. We will do our best to keep you informed of any future changes.
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At least map creation will be faster in Unreal Engine probably.
I've been playing with this build a bunch and it is extremely powerful, but now I'm more familiar with its weaknesses
>no Frenzied Charge means it relies on its Berserker Seal to not be sent into AT hell, so if you can dispel its Rage it'll be a sitting duck
>no Tough Spirit so it gets fucked up by Contraction
Either of those is fixable by removing Keen Sense and sticking Flexibility in, which is probably worthwhile. Most enemies at this stage of the game have enough crit that Keen Sense doesn't help all that much outside of preventing Exposed damage bonuses, but mostly what kills her is Still Stance damage bonuses instead so it's not even that good for that.
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Picked the game up recently and just finished the base campaign/episode 1, that last mission with the White Tigers was great and had me sweating near the end nearly losing the northern defense point.
This game's really fucking good, looking forward to the DLC stuff now.
I've lost that mission an embarrassing amount of times by failing to save the northern group. Sometimes the White Tigers ignore them completely and I don't know why.
>looking forward to the DLC stuff now
Prepare to get honked. This is when the devs started to specifically counterbuild against the players' units.
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Called it. Carters saga will be one that plays out over the whole series, but he will never be the actual MC. This also makes it highly unlikely any of the old characters will be returning cast members in the new party, at most they'll show up for a mission or two as enemies or temporary allies. I am really going to miss Irene, but Dandylion did a good job with virtually all of their characters, so hopefully this new team will be as engaging and interesting as the first.
Guess i will not live long enough to see the end of Albus' story. Their world building is great and all but i am gonna need a built in encylopedia from the next game forward because i am gonna forget all the info they dumped on me.
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>The fourth new beast is called "Zephygle". It is most commonly found near "Sandrock" desert in the Calter Mountains. This beast soars high into the sky when it spots an enemy and moves swiftly, so it's very important to take it down before it takes flight.

>Have a good weekend!
Yasha 2.0
More like dororis, the flying part probably means more evasion and not literal disappearance
Don't let him pass.
I like all of the new designs. Choosing a beast to tame will be a hard decision, granted we get that option earlier this time when regular beasts are still viable.
Ummers and Vags look the best so far.
I like Aurora and Vags the most.
I'm a huge beastfag so I'll probably end up catching one of every type, even within the same species.
I was thinking about beast builds as I went to bed and it occurred to me that Dandylion probably rolled Singer into Negoori early in development. They have all those different song skills with their own skill classification and a bunch of song-related masteries.
I wonder if base/resource management will be more fleshed out and meaningful in the next game or they'll just throw it out all together. In Abadoned Children it was pretty much meaningless. District didnt matter. You were swimming in cash. Etc
Their recent condensing of ESP item affixes tells me they're probably at the point where they're willing to start cutting down bloat so they can spend more time and effort on maps and masteries, the things people actually care about. Especially with an engine change meaning they'd have to reimplement everything.
>it occurred to me that Dandylion probably rolled Singer into Negoori early in development
True, would've been neat to use some of those 'Song' abilities on a human character. Most of the Legendary Songs are incredibly good and wasted on Negooris...
altough that makes them special and worth training in the first place, so it may be for the best that their skills remain unique.

Just wish they wouldn't be so slow and dependent on water tiles to unleash their full potential, since there's basically no water in most of the endgame missions.
Started the DLC in earnest today and I see what you meant, holy shit the clowns are brutal.
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Update day, please more than 2 lines of patch notes Dandylion
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Well I technically got my wish
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Unlike the Pascal and Red Sand team, Dandylion made proper level 60 variants of the enemies in the new teams.
Suebo, Ming and Bouncy are in the Red Mining District team, Jim and Bomy are in the smuggler team
Two useful things in this update: Jim the Dragonslayer can summon his beasts, and the level 60 version of Bouncy Mega has every Spirit mastery that used to be locked behind 60V, so you can get them early if they follow the usual rules for Joint Drill team unlocks.
>Ming Lee
>Bouncy Mega
Why do I like these three so much?
I like Bouncy because his design is aesthetic and what little text he's got shows that he's the only White Knight in the game that's actually a holy warrior.
What does he say, again?
Couldn't be holier than Alisa!
Ex-holy warrior, now that I reread his stuff
His title is Bouncy the Apostate and his lines are "I have no faith" and "I have no regret!"
>random side character is more interesting than the arc's final villain
Holy kino...
They should have made him show up earlier.
Same with Misty.
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I've been playing around with a Rock Crabmit because of an idea I had while falling asleep one night: Using the Fang Covered In Moss held item to trigger Complication / Fatal Disease. Turns out it does work, but the game absolutely hates it and it's glitchy as fuck
>Forestallment triggers the crab's double hit attack
>first hit inflicts Infection, second hit inflicts Decay
>Fatal Disease activates out of order, inflicting 100 flat damage
>Fatal Disease activates again, inflicting another 100 flat damage that the game doesn't properly register: their health doesn't visually deplete, and if they die from this damage their model doesn't play its death animation or anything, they just stand there idling as a ghost
>if the enemy survives this, Complication triggers twice and stacks up 2 random physical debuffs
I'm going to have to make a webm to show off just how badly the game handles it. It's full of animation stalls and sheer glitchiness.
Damn, that sounds awesome. I was pretty sad when the dlc introduced "disease resistant" gear, but never did anything with that mechanic.
I was expecting Gaia to have disease attacks, like the line sniper shot except leaving plague cloud or something. Was very surprising when he showed up and he's just got the same generic high level enemy Sniper moveset like every other scrub on the map.
Iirc that mission took way longer than initially planned, I assume they weren't able to incorporate everything they wanted to in time?
Pasqal was amazing.
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Agreed. His conversations with every team member in that final mission were great; my favorite one has got to be Irene's, since her blind idealism clashes quite well with his cold, brutal realism.
And of course Pascal hitting it off with Kylie as fellow scientists.
I personally liked Heixings the best, his implication that if he could have accepted death the way Heixing has, he would not have betrayed all of his ideals and become everything he stood against (and worse) was quite poignant.
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The only ones that were kind of lackluster were Ray's and Anne's(?), most of the others had an interesting connection with him. Kylie even implies that he could've done a lot worse with the materials provided to him, and deliberately held back with his Destrons.
I wonder if Banished Children will acknowledge the dlc events, considering that only a small part of the playerbase even played it.
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I gave up trying to find an enemy where I could get the flat damage to kill them, but this is how glitchy it is when the masteries activate on a double hit.
Ironically I needed pretty good/bad RNG to not just instagib the enemy. I wasted so many takes where my crab got a crit and just murdered the target.
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Here's the joint drill version of Wei getting shanked for example
Ray's was terrible, it felt like they just have no idea who she is as a character or what she, or Pasqual, should say. It was legitimately just "are you a member of X Troubleshooter team?" And that's it.
I'm going to miss Heixing the most if he doesn't show up in the sequel.
>I wonder if Banished Children will acknowledge the dlc events, considering that only a small part of the playerbase even played it.
Maybe in passing. I really want them to do more with Vendetta now that we know how fucked up they are. They might be leaving them for the third game though.
Honestly they seem to be moving on entirely in this second game and I doubt we'll get significant references to the previous cast as a result. Which is a shame, I loved them all. I'll miss Irene the most, though.
Oh yeah, that looks really bugged. Already tried it out online?
The NA server where I have my crab has been pretty dead recently. I saw one dude with joint drill unlocked but he went straight for the mission control panel. I've played against a bunch of AI-controlled player teams though. This build's biggest weakness is Misty, both because its accuracy is actually pretty bad and because she can bypass block with her overhead slash.
With the bonus from Perfect Pose and Sharpen Pincers it's got around 110% accuracy, so even with Unpredictable's -50% enemy dodge it's really hard to hit her. It's also vulnerable to silence but barely anyone runs Shot of Silence on Heixing so it's not that big of a deal.
Funny, they just made a long post on the forum about exactly this. All in Korean but the gist I get from machine translating is

>The plot begins after Carter has already arrived at the fortress
>Main story is the new protag reacting to the effects of whatever Carter is doing
>First expansion will be about Vendetta, featuring Luna and Anne
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>approximately 5 billion Clowns
>while split up and surrounded
>with randomly swapped bosses blocking the regroup routes
Not a fan
That map's quite a build check, yeah. Anne, Sion and Albus are the only units that spawn in consistent spots each time, and Albus is in the middle of nowhere. You're only a couple of maps from the end of the first DLC so they're trying to push you.
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>The fifth new beast is called "Wag". "Wag" goes together in a group and have a strong appetite. Especially in late summer, when the breeding season begins, they often come down to the residential areas where people live to find food.

>Have a great day!
>5 kinds of beast so far
>Draki <- we are here
The madmen are going to actually make another 100 hour campaign
>only returning playable character is Leton
How would you react
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Here's a Social Life Superstar I ran into in joint training. It was a little bit annoying but I'm sure it can be much better. Builds with Social Life always fascinate me because you're effectively giving up 2 mastery slots for it and I like to see what people consider to be worth it. The dude's items were ESP-focused, with the bangle from 60V
I actually like Leton so I wouldn't mind him coming back, but it would be such a waste to only have him.
>The NA server where I have my crab has been pretty dead recently
EU server was pretty dead too when I was still playing during the dlc era. A shame, the game's pvp is godtier.
I just started this game and while the mechanics are fun the character designs (besides albus) look dumb as fuck. Also when do I get a new party member after sion?
You'll get Anne and Irene before too long. It's a pretty slow-paced game but just keep doing story missions and they'll come.
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Do you have any build examples for this? I've not been looking for references and just been using people largely in the roles they feel intended for which has always worked until basically right now. Even Irene and Albus who usually work as tanks get overwhelmed by how much fucking damage the Clowns do and how many there are at every inch of the map. Giselle and Heixing usually work perfectly as the ranged damaged dealers too, but again there's just so many enemies that can kill them with a breath while they're both stuck with Kylie/Ray who also can't tank for them. Not to mention how Sanson and Wei sometimes just spawn in range of somebody 1st turn and wipe them before they move.
First map in the game that has me just 100% stumped, it's such a difficulty jump. I've avoid grinding thus far because the difficulty without felt good but maybe I just need to at this point.
I've been meaning to get back into this but I'm wondering if the DLC is mandatory or even worth it. Does anyone have any strong opinions on the DLC?
Not doing the DLC is basically like quitting the game halfway
white lion and black witch is the best content in the game
crimson crow has a lot of disappointing missions but it's worth playing if you enjoy the game
I don't know what your mastery situation is, but at this point it's probably worth going back and running 46V, the Magenta Street violent case, once or twice. The bosses on that map have various board-expanding masteries that make a big difference.
That Irene doesn't look too bad, though. If you swap out Cauterize + Phoenix + A Hero Never Gives Up for Blunt Resistance III, Piercing Resistance III and Slashing Resistance III you'll activate the Physical Resistance III set which is really nice. Then you can also swap out Concentration for Close Combatant for some more damage reduction. If you have Veteran it's pretty much required on your melee units at this point. If you don't, that's part of why your units die a lot. White Clowns' doubleswing can stun on each hit, and your units can't dodge or block when stunned so if it triggers on the first hit you're pretty much dead.
You didn't post him, but for Sion if you build damage you can usually get away with it on that map by sitting in the water one tile from the fences and just blasting the clowns. Hanson often spawns on the overlook but there are a lot of tiles where he can't range you, and Anne is there for healing/tanking/damage as well.
All they do is continue the game, so yes they're very worth it.
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What the fuck, this guy unequipped Misty's basic attack
Is this real or are you making this up?
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>some might say it's greedy for a small team to tell such a big story, but we'll prove them wrong with continued development and hard work
Very based.

Too bad it'll probably take then 25 years.
That sounds like they're in game 3, not a game 2 expansion
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>we will continue to work hard to address your complaints
Goddamnit i wish dandelion to be the dev of every game in the industry.
Yeah i will play a new game every five years but fuck it it would be worth it.
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Some undocumented changes in the latest patch:
The Serpent Tri-Stars all got raised to level 60 in Joint Training, and Pascal himself summons his drones. Their builds are identical since everyone's at full boards at this point in the game anyway but their items are slightly better.
Very ambitious, I like it. From what we've seen of Dandylion so far, I can't imagine this new expansion to be disappointing, even if it doesn't revolve around Albus and Valhalla.
Did they fix Pascal's gear already or does it still say that it was made by Kylie?
That was fixed recently, I don't think it was this patch but it has proper flavour text now
FINALLY!!! Literally made the case unplayable.
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>When the devs are so batshit insane we already know the name of the 3rd game
Im not even done with the 1st dlc!
No, that's just google translate deciding to translate the name of the 2nd game three different ways. "Expelled Children" "Exiled Children" and "Outcast Children" are all the same game, which is officially called Banished Children.
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>all these flavor texts
Pascal's story is such a tragic one.
Still doesn't excuse the child experimentation, but that just goes to show how hard the world broke him.
I think that's what makes him so compelling to me. Present day Pascal is absolutely a monster, but we know exactly why that is and it's the kind of process that would do the same to anyone unfortunate enough to go through it.
Did you tame every beast in the game or something?
Maybe they just got the idea for it then.
You mean you didn't?
I did, but it was across like 10 different playthroughs and I used exp sets
>One Piece as an example
I knew it. I will be fucking 50 years old before i see the ending of Albus' story.
Awesome. So Anne and Luna will get a proper followup, and either their own game or their own expansion. Very nice. I'm always going to miss Irene, though.
With the way Albus' story was being set up I would not be surprised if he becomes the final boss villain of the series.
No way, it's going to be Edward or Lily Lover or Belladonna or someone.
It's a JRPG. It has to be some kind of God. Albus as a vessel could happen though.
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>It's a JRPG
That's my hope as well, but only time will tell if Dandylion is brave enough for that kind of twist.
>No way
Edward is a politician, I'd be surprised if he even had combat experience. Lily Lover could be a Hacker/Engineer, but those don't really make for engaging enemy units since they're too fragile.
Albus on the other hand is an opportunistic, two-faced soldier, who constantly withheld information from his teammates and might just turn on Valhalla once he finds out the full truth about the incident 10 years ago.
To be fair, Valhalla (or at least its government) fully deserves to be turned on.
Why do characters have jewish surnames? :D
>Lily Lover could be a Hacker/Engineer, but those don't really make for engaging enemy units since they're too fragile.
The current final boss of the game is an engineer. Besides, she's the head of the ESP research institute so she'd probably have some cracked out ESP board or be a god tier mage class or something.
Characters have names of all nationalities.
>oy vey the alley knows!
Bernstein is a normal surname, fellow Valhallan.
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Found a guy who committed to full mage Albus. He did a shitload of damage and tanked decently well but didn't have stun immunity. Maybe he was out of headgear, or just figured he could play defensively enough to not get stunned.
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The same guy also had this cracked support Misty. Yet another person who unequipped her basic attack so she could have Hide + Recovery Jutsu equipped. The AI didn't know how to use it effectively, but it's a cloaked healbot.
>destroy the jammers in that early albus/don mission instead of using the phone in don's office
>joel shows up to help

still finding new lore on the third playthrough, good times
I think Dandy just likes german sounding names. Like how Misty is Jäger. I would be more concerned about a powerful family with a name of Bloodwalker.
Don't look up what german surnames are in asian media
The fucked up part is that MK is at it strongest after a while. The curse of sword buffs make his magic attacks actually hit (after the wind mastery 10% accuracy removal this is big) and his resistances to damage are notoriously better. But for that he needs time that won't have in PVP
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I don't think we're going to be able to Quick Shaving our way out of this one, bros....
Bro, your 300% chance to hit Giselle?
is Hard difficulty gameplay come down to stacking armor/block? Dodge feels really scuffed early without masteries and the early 1v1 quest will just roll you if you are doing it at level
I ended up dropkicking her into next week with Leton
Its a matter of gitting gud
Early early on if you put all difficulty modifiers is a little fucked since you got no tools and 300+ hp actually means buisness
anon I put all the difficulty modifiers on to git gud
Well if its in the beginning it will suck until around Heixing
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Ray is the party member with the weakest relation to the story, and further possible plotlines.
If she wasn't "family" of Alley she would need to force her way in the story while everyone else already is
Yes, it's quite a shame they failed to give her an identity and goals of her own outside of being a member of Carters old group. Even within that framework she feels superfluous and the ones with more developed connections to Carter are Heixing and Leton. They seem to have given up on her as a character, too, as she seems to be going back to her friends in Chaos Brush and that will essentially write her out of the story.
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Something I've noticed in PVP vs AI is that Hellgate witches are way rarer than they used to be. Most people (on NA at least) seem to have switched to Immortality cheesebuilds now that the Red Sand maps exist. It makes the random teams way less annoying to deal with, especially since immortality potions are banned in pvp.
>Ray is the party member with the weakest relation to the story
That's Irene though.
>game has a sprawling, intricate plot
>everyone in the party is connected in multiple ways
>except Irene, the face of the game, who just runs around and yells "VILLAIN!" at people for 200 hours
I'm still not sure if the point of Ray was to be someone ultimately unsuited to being a Troubleshooter I guess we'll find out if the teasing of Ray getting her HGV license is all part of Dandylion's keikaku and she shows up later having quit Albus' company to drive trucks to the Fortress.
>this final map
Holy shit these robots are insane
I was surprised all 4 of the special destrons were kept on lower difficulties. I thought for sure the Meister Destron would be Hard or higher only.
But are they supposed to be taking like 100 damage at a time? Cause I can kill Violet/Pascal then lock them in a delay cycle, but this is just ridiculous. This will take like 100 turns at the current rate.
Yeah. The Schild Destron has like 9000 armour and a whole lot of damage reduction. I've had a few builds that can do reasonable damage to it, mostly an all-lightning Black Mage Sion and a Spirit-based black Negoori, but generally it just gets chipped down.
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>*singlehandedly doubles the completion time of the map*
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It's a really, really shitty build but I made Irene larp as a destron
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Here's her board
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Also I swapped Clenched Fist with Muscle Burst after posting because I know it's going to trigger people otherwise. Like anyone's ever going to actually run this build.
>below 100% block
You will never be a real Destron.
She's got 2500ish HP worth of Final Resistance, she's fine
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Goddamn this game's great.
Looking forward to what comes next from the devs, whenever that is.
Is there a character that plays like a monster collection game? My friend says that there was and that almost singlehandidly sold me on it
Yeah, it's Giselle, your Sniper/Pokemon master
she joins pretty late into the game though
Yeah, Giselle. She can tame almost any beast in the game and they permanently become a member of your team that she can summon from then on. You can customise their builds and items just like any other party member. There are evolution stages as well.
Sold, getting it. Even if you get her late, I was informed there's a lot to do once the game's over, so onwards I go.
Look at Albus' eyes, he's already preparing his genocidal crusade.
do you have to complete the mission to take the masteries earned doing it? I really dont want to have to do the ice park map 7+ times
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>Her name is "Hannah". She is a 19-year-old girl as of A.E. 804 and another main character of "Banished Children". She's a brave, sociable, fair and stubborn.
>Irene if she from the literal Valhalla.
I hope she has an axe throwing attack.
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This is actually the first concept art they posted, missed it lol. It was released along the 128th update (drone update)
Someone asks
>Abandoned Children: Albus
>Banished Children: WUXIA Albus

Which comes with this description
>This time around, we're featuring members of the Gold Dragon, a branch of the Nine Dragons. The person that seem the Wuxia albus on the Top-right is High Commissioner Young-In on Abandoned Children, who is an important character in this story, but will not be on the players. :)
Love me a redhead, always and forever. But what is with the medieval armory? Is civilization dead in the north of the map?
All the choice-based ones, yeah you have to complete the map. Unless you're going for achievements you only really need to do Anne and Irene's routes on that map though. Sion has some very useful masteries from his choices but you can get them from lategame bosses too if you absolutely don't want to run the map another couple of times.
Playable marauder! Probably.
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What's his class?
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The dlc endings made me tear up.
I hope we'll get to see them again one day.
Nice. A chance meeting with Irene would be fun.
My first thought was Martial Artist. He has similar proportions to Hanson.
She looks amazing, I LOVE her design. Absolutely peak, redhead, freckles, green eyes, axe and shield, 20/10.
So with these two both having an outdoors, living in the wilds feel, I assume most of the characters in this are going to be the people who simply left (or, obviously, were banished) from Valhalla outright, so we should get more rebellious and forthright characters than in Abandoned Children, since those characters were still trying to fit into the system to some extent, even if they hated it.
The most likely characters we'll see again from the main team based on the endings and the setting of the new game are Giselle, Alisa, Heixing, and Leton, the latter two simply because they'll likely follow after/rejoin Carter, and Giselle because she is explicitly going to foray into the Iron Forest to find what's driving all the wildlife out of it, and Alisa is taking the mission to hunt down Carter so she'll reappear at some point as well.
Waifu tier design.

I hope she has a feisty tomboy personality.
If we meet Giselle again I doubt she'll be on our team, Ari seems like she fits the Hunter bill already.
Or Dandylions are actual madmen and will let us have 2 beast tamers for quadruple autism
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Imagine the Fire Support -> Pincer Attack With Beast spam of having two Hunters in the same party
Slaughterer/Defender is not a class combo I was expecting. Maybe they'll just create a new class line for her.
Also, SP user or no?
Her hair is kind of shaped like flames in the back drawing. Maybe fire ESP but with a physical focus like how Misty handles her water ESP?
>Maybe fire ESP but with a physical focus
That'd make her too similar to Irene, with the design already kind of looking like her clone.
Although I wouldn't mind personally; a Phoenix Slaughterer would be neat for sure.
More like "penis laughterer", lol
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Don't make me chuckle, idiot.
Oh, I agree, there's virtually no way any of the old team will become main characters again, but aside from possible cameos, I'd say Giselle/Leton/Heixing/Alisa are the only ones with the actual possibility of showing up as antagonists or neutral characters given where they're headed and where Banished Children is set. I suppose Bianca is possible if she follows along with Alisa but Alisa seemed to indicate she wanted to leave Bianca behind since it's going to be an extremely dangerous mission she's taking as a favor to her old boss.
If >>1687603 is anything to go by, most of the old team members are proably planned to get their resolution in the third entry.
He specifically only said Anna and Lunas story would be covered after this next game, though. Albus' story is probably the central pillar to the entire overarching plot so, I doubt we'll see the end of that until the final installation of this series, assuming Dandylion stays solvent and successful enough for us to get to that point, anyway.
How's the story? Is it too shonen?

I really wanted to play this because of build autismo but I'm afraid the story and art won't satisfy me.
It's actually grounded as fuck which makes it really disturbing later on. The biggest problem for a long time was how the story just kind of stops, but with the latest DLC they finally managed to make it feel like the game has an end.
It's still about a blackhaired anime swordsman with ESP fighting crime, but despite being the main character he's not really the focus of the game. It's mostly about gang wars and criminal enterprises. He also isn't as generic as he first appears, which goes for pretty much everyone on the team as well.

I wonder where they are going with the low tech tribe. Somekind of eco hippies trying to stay away from the corruption of machine?
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I recently got the last DLC and turns out last time I played was 2 years and half ago, so I'm a bit lost. How's that NG+ thing they added? Might as well restart to pay attention to some story details but I don't want to grind to unlock shit (masteries, info, crafting, etc).
If it's the same NG+ it's always been, it's alright. It carries over your crafting recipes, mastery knowledge, set knowledge and troublemaker info. I've played with it before and you get a lot of power by being able to make optimised boards with good masteries right from the start. It means you can meme around a lot as well, since most of the game doesn't expect you to have such versatile mastery boards.
Is that game any good? No, I haven't played Xcom and I never will, I'm just interested in Troubleshooter for the waifus.
It's good. It's not really a waifu game though.
Almost all the girls are beautiful and have a rich background and story but there is basically no romance except some said-not said.
I mean it's a korean drama you expect to have some juice before at least 3 series and 300 episodes?
> but there is basically no romance except some said-not said.
Speculations, if you want to use another word. There is nothing "canon" or established nor confirmed.
Yeah, as far as the main cast goes, Sion is pretty clearly interested in Irene at the end of the story, that's about it.
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>tfw no cubemancer teammate
Kylie if she ESP
it breaks my heart to see you
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Imagine working for no economic compensation. Won't be me.

Anyways, I recently restarted with parallel world and holy crap, the early game in cruel/challenge is really unforgiving. A couple of mistakes and you're fucking toast. I'm having a blast replaying it.
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why yes, I am about to fail my first mission on hard mode, how could you tell?
That map's always pretty hard. New enemies + lots of them + scattered party members is a really dangerous combination. It even has machines mixed in for an extra fuck you.
I would like to say it was a failure because of overconfidence and for lack of tactics but in all honestly its because Sion is the bigger jobber I have had the displeasure of having on my team. Hopefully one day he will survive a mission.
I remember quite literally losing the first mission with him cause he just died lol
Sounds like he does not have a Nice Build
I'm just lazy and dont want to change his board around to fit impulse field seeing as he only has 3 defense mastery slots
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I finally fought an actual player with my current NA team so now my bullshit strong team is in the system for unlucky players to fight in the AI-controlled joint drills. It's probably got a pretty low % chance though considering how many teams are in it already.
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>The sixth new beast is "Fogri."

>Although Fogri has a cute appearance, they're very aggressive towards strangers, so there are often times when outsiders who do not know this easily approach Fogri and get seriously injured!

>Have a great weekend everyone! :D
Unlimited Beastworks
Stop using Black Mage Sion and go for Battle Mage Sion and he becomes unkillable and actually one of your biggest tanks, while still capable of slaughtering everything. Black Mage is really the weakest class in the game, honestly, it's too glass and the cannon you get as an exchange is just overkill in most cases, so there's really no point to using it for either Sion or Bianca.
Cute, but the Ox and Walrus beasts are still king so far.
I think Superstar is still the worst class in the game. Sion and Bianca as Black Mage at least get carried by Lightning and Wind ESP having good masteries, and BM loves its ESP masteries. Superstar masteries don't benefit from ESP masteries at all, which sucks when you'd otherwise want to put things like Absolute Zero on Leton. A lot of people do anyway, but really you could run the exact same freeze setup in a Martial Artist board and have a lot more stats behind it.
>just overkill in most cases
While you're right I do love my big numbers big and black mage delivers that.

>I think Superstar is still the worst class in the game
Me too. Its gimmick is too much hassle for too little payoff.
Superstar boards can buff the entire team constantly though, plus throw debuffs on the enemy at the same time, if it was as strong individually for Leton there would be no reason to ever use Martial Artist.
worst class in the game is engineer
Counterpoint: Merchant
Engineer is a great class, especially since they massively buffed Drones.
but you need to build drones
And you can't afford the 2-5 minutes to build one because?
>building a drones without all the good masteries
more like 2-5 days
brothers why does Giselle hold the butt of her rifle in her cleavage? I feel as though that would be a 1 way ticket to a broken sternum
I'm gonna need an image to fully answer your question, anon.
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>final boss of the whole game is an engineer
>Dandylion says they'll buff engineers through him
>he gets released
>no new Engineer masteries, just some gimmicky Scholar ones that I've never seen any build use
They did give drones many new masteries, but Hacker can use drones too
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Finally getting around to Crimson Crow after not playing the game for a while, and I was wondering if I could get some pointers regarding defensive masteries. I can output damage just fine, but my characters, including frontline ones, are getting one-shot too much for my liking. Picrel is my current Albus board so you can get an idea of where I am at the moment, and I play on Hard if that matters at all.
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It's been ages since I made a Great Swordsman, but this is my somewhat tanky one. Compared to your build it loses a lot of block and pretty much everything bleed-related, but the lack of block doesn't hurt you that badly in Crimson Crow because the enemies range from "almost impossible to block" to "literally impossible to block".
For more minor changes, I think Defensive Choice probably isn't helping your build very much at this stage, so you might want to break it up and replace Tactical Sense with Tough Spirit and Patience with Body Training or something. Also, when you start to fight Red Sand units you'll probably want to equip Demolisher Wristguards which are craftable. They give you bleed immunity which saves you a lot of pain.
>Banished Children has the characters from Abandoned Children show up as allies in some missions (like the cops)
>If you've beaten Abandoned Children, it reads in their equipped mastery boards from your save data
Hmm, I see what you're talking about. Does seem suboptimal.
>receive minmaxed level 60 Sweeper Heixing as backup
>he singlehandedly blows up the entire map
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Thank you for the advice. Another thing I'm kinda concerned about is my Giselle build. On the one hand it has served me very well so far, but on the other having 6 free TP doesn't strike me as very optimal.
You can free up a couple of slots by activating Keyboard Warrior to take out Lottery and Guilty Conscience
>temporarily remove something from Attack (probably Catharsis, doesn't really matter)
>remove Lottery and swap it with Self-Examination
>add A Strategic Retreat to the new Basic slot, which will activate the Keyboard Warrior set and give you +2 all property limits
>remove Guilty Conscience
>put back whatever you took out of Attack while you were fiddling with property limits
she has augmented breasts for extra softness that reduces recoil
>receive my shitty, unoptimized Albus build for aid instead of a cool new one concocted by the devs
No thank you.
ranger is such a braindead class that it literally plays itself, it's amazing
We need a third tier class that combines Sniper and Ranger so they can have like
>11x Fire Support
>4x Revenge Fire
>3x Punishing Shot
>2x Overwatch
>Resistance Shot
for me it's
>Pincer Attack with Self
Giselle can already do that kinda if you put in the Gunman mastery set that gives you a few more Fire Supports. I haven't worked out all the conditions for it, but sometimes she'll trigger Fire Support off of her beast's Pincer Attack With Beast which triggers more PAWB and more fire supports back and forth until she depletes her Fire Support activations. It's hilariously fair and balanced with a Draki King or something.
Speaking of braindead rangers. They removed or changed the "you auto dodge everything if you have cover" mastery set, right? Last time I played was 3 years ago.

Also, I don't remember recovery support having charges. I might be misremembering some stuff tho.
Cover Move is still the same. Auto-dodges if concealed, negated by Revealed.
Recovery Support I think used to have charges but they were part of a different set I think, back when it was a White Mage mastery instead of a Priest mastery. Dandylion did a lot of weird stuff pre-Crimson Crow when they hadn't decided to scrap third tier classes yet.
Oh right, somehow I thought it was part of the mastery set, not just the mastery.
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This guy probably has the weirdest team I've ever seen. It's like he's doing a no mastery set challenge or something.
>Albus has no mastery sets of any kind
>Alisa has Iron Man, Macho Man and Undefeated, but absolutely no Barbarian masteries
>Giselle has I Know It All Already, Steady Chain Fire and You're Already Dead
>Bianca has Magic Penetration, Storm Hammer and Second Wind
>Heixing only has Judgment
>Irene only has Revenge
>Anne only has Shukuchi
>Misty has Quick Thief, Shukuchi, Snatch and Venom Sorcerer
That's not an abridged list either, that's all they have for sets. Their boards are otherwise completely full, and yet this guy is not only level 60, he managed to kill somebody else in order to get his team into the Joint Drill roster
Does my head in
>Albus has no mastery sets of any kind
Following the harsh path of a Bladelord, no shortcuts of any kind. Respectable.
I hope in Banished Children the engineer gets more interesting options than different flavor of roombas. Slowly making themselves a cyborg during the game would be fun or at least an exosuit.
I won't be happy until we get full blown mechas
Dandylion knows people want bicrons and destrons but they're illegal as fuck in Valhalla. Hopefully with the sequel being set in the mountains that opens up more types of robot.
what if the breasts are there not to protect Giselle from gun but to protect gun from Giselle
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Random CGs while loading sometimes seem appropriate
Vivi's tragic backstory
a roomba created to brush Kylie's teeth
brushing the arteries of Kylie's enemies forevermore.
And is the Pascal, engineer, mushroom thing some untranslateable korean pun?
>And is the Pascal, engineer, mushroom thing some untranslateable korean pun?
I figured that it's just a Super Mario reference.
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Never noticed this before. Giselle's traps have their own attack type that monkeys can imitate like any other attack.
Does the story ever get better? Any time I try playing this game (because it's apparently PEAK), I find myself nearly falling asleep as I'm struggling to read hours upon hours of poorly-translated slop. So much of this shit doesn't even fucking matter, so much of it is just hyping up a random re-skinned mook just so they can be the miniboss in 3 missions and never matter again. Can I just skip the story and still enjoy the game? Or does the story actually get decent? Last time I stopped was right after the mission with the chainsaw loli I think.
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>Does the story ever get better?
Technically yes, but given your post, I don't think it will ever be something you'll enjoy.
>never matter again.
This happens less than you think. A lot of shit looks random or meaningless and then gets called back later in the game. I mean, yes, a good editor could improve this story, there is fat to cut. But not as much as its critics seem to think.
>Can I skip the story and still enjoy the game?
I suppose it's not absolutely necessary, the gameplay is absolutely top-notch at what it is. But for me the characters and story were just as big a factor in my enjoyment. But the writing clicks for me in way it doesn't for you (and a lot of others), so whatever.
Anne looks so alluring in that outfit...
Your brain can't handle it, just skip
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I got a drone to 13120 HP. I'm not sure if it's possible to get higher than this. It's a useless drone though, the entire board is dedicated to HP
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Got a little bit higher by fitting in one more total reinforcement program by removing Information Confusing Device and sticking in System Restoration Program + System Security Program
The game was boring, the presentation sucked and Korean is a grating language to listen to.
There IS a lot of fat to cut, you got that right.
I love the combat, the character customization, hell even the music. Every other aspect besides the story is great. It's just I hate having to sit through 45 hours of "oh well you know this spoon guy named Nipnop once betrayed Femur and so he had to attack Kim and by the way this cutscene is happening 5 minutes after 30 minutes before 1 hour after Joonkook killed Spoonist Bad Guy #412"
I was able to follow the story of Lobotomy Corporation easier than this crap.
Can anyone give me some pointers for the final mission? The Gold Destron in particular just massacres all of my guys the moment they attempt to do literally anything. It's gotten to the point where my next plan is to load up Kylie with Lightning Reflexes and Second Heart, then rush her in to hack as much shit as possible.
Yeah the gold destron is a real fucker. Lightning Reflexes + Perfect Draki Scale makes you pretty much immune to its Overwatch as long as you don't also trip the Schild Destron's overwatch at the same time. Darkness Hunter and that spirit set that gives you Subconscious also work but are harder to fit into boards.
Lightning Reflexes + Impulse Fields or that Draki scale that gives +90% damage resistance to the first attack are good too. Or a drone with Auto Dodging Response.
All the other destrons can be frozen, and web drones are incredibly useful against the Meister Destron because of web terrain's -75% evasion. Hackerman Kylie can get decent rates with Shutdown as well.
>>1708238 (me)
Forgot to mention, if you have a black mage Sion you can also use Magic Stamp + Furious Lightning Gale to make him immune to responsive attacks for free
Cant wait to see all those beasts get btfo'd hard by Silver
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Good advice all around, even though I ended up cheesing it. Turns out that if you just spam turn skips at the beginning of the mission all the White Destrons will run out of fuel and the gold one will die outright, leaving you with only 3 of the big guys and Pascal himself to deal with. Even then it was a bit tricky, but I managed to steal the dodger with Kylie and locked the Gundam in ice AT hell. Finished the mission without losing a single character.
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>He's "Yuri Leblanc", a 42-year-old man as of A.E. 804 and another main character of "Banished Children".
>He's usually gregarious, generous, but he's actually calm and cynical. He's traveling for meeting Spoonists that have disappeared into the Calter Mt.

>Is he a playable character?
>Yes. He'll be joining Ari's travel. :)
Pretty heavy implications for the plot of the next game. Mechanically it looks like he could be the tamer.
I'm not sure about him being a tamer. He uses bracelets so he's probably like a druid or something.
>He'll be joining Ari's travel
Interesting. I assume this means we''ll get to meet Bianca in the sequel, even if she won't return as a playable character.
I suspect there will be zero in-universe shipping like before
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Holy shit, did not ever expect him as a playable character.
>I suspect there will be zero in-universe shipping like before
Sion is explicitly trying to date Irene in Crimson Crow (even if she's just confused about why they're spending so much time together.) And while it's not explicit, it is exceedingly clear Giselle is a cougar on the hunt for Albus in the base game. Not to mention the more debatable Alisa/Bianc, and Hexing/Kylie/Ryo relationships.
That said, sex/romance are downplayed in Abandoned Children and you're hopefully and probably right that they will be in Banished Children as well.
Thank you for posting it in my abcence and keeping the format, I was busy/sick and I didn't see it in twitter.

Also big deal, but why are there spoonists going to the calter mountains in the first place?

Either way, we got our beastmaster now
The tamer is Ari, she's the beastmaster, those pets of his are just a dog and a cat.
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Hey, I think I last played this game when Misty and those missions with those monkey-like creatures had just been added, what has been added/changed?
>all the missions are in
>element-specific item affixes got condensed into generic ESP affixes
>drones got their boards expanded by a few slots
>irene got her face remodelled
>Magic Knight got buffed
>monkeys got nerfed a bit
I think that's the major stuff
>game basically finished
>still no fat team member
The dream is over, fatbros.
That got me thinking about Hanson and how they'd have to make a new class for his alternate if he were to join the team, since he's a Spirit user that can't get access to Battlemage
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>They are "Frosthorn" Tribe

>They had stopped plundering and warring 20 years ago by the "Kalter Alliance" with the other four tribes of the Kalter Mountains until now, but Olaf, their new leader, decide to break away from that alliance because their tribes' future.
Some of them share uniforms. Promoted and unpromoted variants like White Tiger?
Was about to post this.
A tribe of Barbarian Warriors, Archers etc.?
The other group >>1667365 seem more like ESP users / swordsmen.
Banished Children seems like it'll play very differently from Abandoned Children, where 60% of the early missions had generic thugs and gunmen.
Thanks, I might play again if there's more missions, I can't remember almost anything about masteries and stuff... But I'm not sure if I should restart, maybe it'll all come back to me once I start playing again.
They look cool. I like that the entire feel of this second game is going to be totally different from the urban environment and enemies of the first.
Good morning!
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>She's "Tyra Goldsand", a 26-year-old, a troubleshooter of Vermilion. She took a vacation for visiting her grandmother, the sheriff of "Sandrock" tribe in the Kalter Mt.

>She's diligent, honest, but she's often cynical. So she's misunderstood as a cold person.

>I assume she is a party member as well?
>Yes. One of the ten main characters. :)
Okay design I guess. The pins are bit too much.
Interesting that we get a Vermillon member.
Ranger/Assassin, probably.

>3 backliners
>1 frontliner
I guess Yuri's an ESP class, but I wonder if he's the a healer or an offense-oriented one
Early game's gonna be... interesting
Im more interested in the pure muscle ones.
Irene just kicks and leton biggest single hit damage skills are also kicks
We need so raw punch member
I wonder if they will keep those classes in. Stuff like Magic Knight and Superstar are too specific
Im not sure if their release order of concept art is also the order they join
I kinda like it. Nothing big though. The pistol customization doesn't disappoint
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Neat, I wasn't expecting any of the Crimson Crow stuff to get a follow-up this soon.
I guess that means Marco's not joining this game.
>I wonder if they will keep those classes in. Stuff like Magic Knight and Superstar are too specific
If Yuranxiang shows up again they'll need Magic Knight. He was working with Houcheng in Abandoned Children and they made a point of keeping Houcheng around in Crimson Crow.
Superstar might get dropped if they don't decide to expand it. Leton always appears as Martial Artist as an NPC and Cheche is just some random guy.
Not really a fan of this design, honestly. A guy might pull off that look and style, but it just looks stupid on a girl. Marco, and Marcos teacher, both looked way cooler than this girl does, it's a real shame we finally get a pistol user and she looks like that.
Eh. I think she'd look better if the jacket was black. Hopefully that'll be an alt skin.
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This is a stark reminder that accuracy modifiers are not the same thing as dodge chance, so Prior Planning isn't a complete solution to low accuracy
Take the spider web pill
-75% makes destrons and bitches like that a joke
Given the starting character is an Archer, I wouldn't be surprised if one of the starting 10 is Singer or Musician.
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I was thinking about Hannah yesterday when I realised Guardian class has Fighter and Warrior masteries. Under Abandoned Children rules she's quite messy as a shield/axe user. Warrior can use shields so she might start as a Warrior because of her shield, but Marauder is the one-handed axe base class. Fighter can use shields as well.
Then for her advanced classes she makes sense as Guardian/Slaughterer, except Slaughterer can't use Warrior masteries and Guardian can't use Marauder masteries so they don't share the same base class. She might be a Slaughterer with some custom homebrew alternate class.
Also slightly unrelated, I noticed looking through the classes in the Help menu that Club-wielding Martial Artists are legal. This game has some weird stuff in it.
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Finished the game after restarting mid of first DLC with that parallel world thing. What a ride.

This honky looks like the Crimson King. He's smiling but his eyes are sad.
The hell? How do you phantom bump a thread?
Bumping to bump is stupid, if there's nothing to talk about, let the thread die. That said, I just noticed something in pic related I hadn't before.
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>He's “Ryo Ryuzaki”, another main character of "Banished Children". He once served Kylie, the leader of the White Dragon Gang, and now he headed to Kalter Mountains alone to fulfill the mission to be recognized as the Carp who represents the White Dragon.
>Have a good weekend!
Ryo and Yuri. Holy shit. Lore bros, we're eating good.
He was already a pretty high level dude in Abandoned Children so he'll probably join quite late. He'll also need a new class for his second advanced class because as a spirit user he's banned from Magic Knight.
think he's mad I stole his sword during Abandonned Children?
Big post about Banished Children just went up
>Ari is an Archer, promotes into Hunter and Bard
>Hannah is a Shielder, promotes into Guardian and Highlander
>Yuri is a Mage, promoting to Black Mage and Red Mage
>Tyra is a Gunslinger and promotes into Desperado and Bodyguard
>Ryo is a Swordsman and promotes into Swordmaster and White Knight
Map seems to confirm that there will be little in the way of urban settings apart from the occasional town. I'm interested in what the Witch's Shrine up there is, looks spooky.
I'm interested in what it means for the structure of the game. In a city it's reasonable to have a homebase and get transported to the crime scenes, but in the mountains it'd be hard to justify the characters hiking back and forth to a home base every mission. Maybe they'll have hubs at each location after they clear them out or something?
If we can assume the map is reliable, there seem to be at least some buildings at every named location.
Not even in early access until winter 2026. Not really surprising, but disappointing nonetheless. At least they seem to want to have an actual major chunk of the game done before they start taking people's money.
Hopefully they add some more maps between now and then. 55-60 is still pretty empty, but I also know that would just delay the sequel even further.
They probably will, prompted or not
I still want nature vs men map where all bests go to attack the city
And also perhaps some prison escape stuff to bring all criminal syndicates in
That's actually cool. It's also cool he's following Kylies advice and taking up the White Dragon mantle since she is abandoning it entirely.
Red Mage should be fun. I knew Yuri wasn't going to be a tamer, those are regular house pets, not beasts, in his profile picture. The only character that I'm not feeling so far in the previews is Tyra, I just don't like her look at all. The rest look fun, and Hannah looks absolutely fantastic, definitely the big winner for me so far.
I really like this choice, it's going to give it a clear and distinct differentiation from the first game with a complete departure from the urban environment. Very nice.
They also mentioned on the forum that you get a Shaman in your party cery early in the game, but they haven't revealed the character yet.
It'll be interesting to see if we get another 12 characters, one for each sign of the Zodiac, just like in the first game, or if we're getting a smaller or bigger roster this time around.
>Bard for Ari
Weird but ok
>Higlander for Hannah
Obviously the offensive solo option, similar to Barbarian perhaps
>Red mage for Yuri
I have no idea what this means.
>Tyra for Bodyguard
Sounds like a giga overwatch class. Cant see much how else you can bodyguard with a pistol
>Ryo just gets classes we know already
Kind off weird
>These 5 characters are the main characters that we made so far. We will reveal the information for other characters as soon as we finish them.
Damn, we really got the hot concept arts

3 females and 2 males so far. Also only 1 confirmed mage and 1 confirmed spirit user.
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>I have no idea what this means.
In other RPGs typically red mages are hybrid support/damage classes. Yuri's probably got a less nuke-focused moveset with some heals or buffs or something.
>>Ryo just gets classes we know already
Swordmaster is new if that's not just a different translation of Great Swordsman, which I'm inclined to think it isn't because Abandoned Children has Swordmaster class from the set of potential third tier classes they added to the localisation files ages ago. Red Mage is in there as well. Since they abandoned that idea they're probably reusing some concepts for the new classes.
Just heard about the new protagonist. I for one am surprised, I really thought it was going to be Carter.
Damn those classes look awesome, too bad we never got them.
>Chaos Brush
Ray got robbed the most brutally of all, a completely unique class just for her, RIP.
Everyone thought it would be Carter, with how the first game set him up, but it looks like he will be the secondary protagonist of a sorts since most of the events that happen in this sequel are a result of everyone trying to stop/catch him and the Spoonists as he leads them to the Forbidden Fortress.
She's not the only one with a unique class.
>Red Panda Master
God damn it we were robbed. Phantom Thief sounds cool as fuck too. Well, hopefully they put all of these class ideas into the new game.
Booted it up after so long since realized I never finished the final DLC, I cannot complete this game.

The mad science asshole's squad of super robots is just too ridiculous.
Its just too high a jump in bullshit even compared to every other one I've faced playing the game, its super destrons but stripped of every inherent vulnerability they usually possess to balance them.

Kind of put me off the idea of getting the sequel honestly.
A lot of the harder DLC missions were designed to fuck with people's cookie cutter meta builds. They're far from unbeatable but you have to be able to think about what you're up against a little bit. They won't really have any reason to do this for the sequel because it'll take time to establish its own meta in the first place.
Even as someone with 2k hours and farmed them on several different files I think the Gold Destron is borderline unfair, if not actually unfair. Automatic double Overwatch + Auto Revenge Fire + Auto Dodging Response is retarded when its stats are as high as they are, and it's the fastest thing on the map as well.
>Violett Destron hurts like fuck but dies pretty easily
>Schild Destron is a phat tank but incredibly vulnerable to AT delay
>Meister Destron's elemental attacks hurt like fuck and it's really dodgy, but other than its extremely long cast delay Overcharge it lacks AOE
I like that there are such powerful enemies but I don't like them being required progression. They're more like the sort of things I was expecting to find in 60V.
I'm actually pretty salty now for having spent so much money buying friends copies (plus the DLC) to support the game back when it seemed like it really needed the word-of-mouth.
>but I don't like them being required progression. They're more like the sort of things I was expecting to find in 60V.
This is like fucking a super hot chick and then just before you nut her vagina grows teeth.
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It's not out of the question that they might end up nerfed or something. The DLC1 destrons got nerfed in a random update that changed a bunch of things about them, and Dandylion posted this back in March (after the latest update).
They know they're bullshit strong.
You guys don't have an ultra tank reinforced drone?
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I just cheese with Barbarian Alisa
Yeah I never use her. Specially since white knight can just obliterate their weapons with Destroyed Weapon.
Yeah its pretty bullshit, I'm in the same boat and it took me a second try to beat them. Just trust in your waifu to carry (Giselle for me).

Now the Mungo King, he's schooling my retarded ass.
It's really not that hard.
lol how did this thread suddenly turn into a bunch of Steam Community crybabies?
>it's too hard it's not fair I wish I never bought this game ;_;
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>its super destrons but stripped of every inherent vulnerability they usually possess to balance them.
Except they aren't? They're still hackable. They still run out of fuel. There are multiple ways to cheese them. I beat them (barely) and I suck, so you don't even have to git gud. Just play.
I straight up beat the mission on my first try only losing Leton because I stopped paying attention and the purple one overcharged him down, on Cruel, like what the fuck are your guys builds? If nothing else you can just cheese them with hacking and freezing, too.
Is there a tie-in webtoon or manhwa or some shit? I want to see if the setting is interesting enough
No but Im sure they would release lorebooks if they had time
No one said that faggot, It as saying for buying extra copies for friends (which could be pretty pricy depending). Hell you probably just pirated in the first place.
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>n-no that's not true y-you didn't buy the game! ;_;
haha oh wow you're even more pathetic than I thought
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>355mb update for a patch with 4 tiny notes
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Looks like you got your wish. Dandylion didn't mention it, but the destrons are weaker now.
I only had the pre-update stats of the Schild Destron screenshotted, but it looks like the Meister Destron went from 175 dodge to 139 and took an armour/res hit as well. I'd guess everything else got nerfed by similar amounts but I hadn't memorised their stats.
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Also I'm not sure if it's a real nerf, but their lasers only scale with pure Attack now so Destroy Weapon will absolutely fuck them up. I'm pretty sure they used to have ESP scaling since all the Destrons have unique weapons that grant them varying amounts of ESP and I've used Destroy Weapon before without making a huge difference. Right now the only one that actually uses ESP scaling is the Meister Destron on its lightning attacks.
God forbid the final mission in a game like this actually be somewhat difficult. I'm actually concerned the second game is going to be much easier than the first one, which will massively decrease the fun.
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Just finished running them post-nerf. Verdict: They're softer now but still powerful. I don't think their lasers got any scaling nerfs: Gold shot my frog for 6k.
>Gold is still a bastard but doesn't one-shot tanks as much
>Meister's armour reduction was noticeable, a lot more of my attacks got around its Special Armour. Sniper Giselle took him down like a chump through Fire Support spam.
>Violett still fucks but was the easiest one anyway
>Schild is still a tanky fucker but its resistance reduction gave my Battlemage Sion another couple hundred damage with his Flash Kick (he could already trigger Damage Absorbing on each hit of Annihilation Kick) Everyone else still tickles it and have difficulties getting through Special Armour even on crits.
So it seems to be a pretty well-balanced nerf. If they were just a bit too strong before then you'll be able to beat them. If they were steamrolling you before they will probably still do that.
I think it's more likely they ramp up the difficulty faster than they did in Abandoned Children. The slow start is a frequent criticism in reviews / forum posts. They also know there are experienced players who will just tear through map after map, and unlike Abandoned Children they can design for that from the start.
Sequel seems too fantasy.
this game has magicians and dragons
How so? It doesn't seem to have any fantasy elements that the original doesn't. It just takes place in a less populated area.

It's like saying Alaska is more fantasy than California.
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Here's that Sion's build while I'm raging about it.
Every day this fucking build taunts me with promises of reclaiming a mastery slot by taking out Honesty, but it just can't be done without also having to use a property limit Human mastery to achieve the same thing, and completing the set gives +1% ESP damage from Sage compared to using one of the Human masteries.
Fuck I wish we had another slot or two.
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And here's a reminder Magic Optimisation is actually overpowered. With 10 stacks of Release Magic and 25 stacks of Concentrated Magical Power it's a 1 point mastery for 55% ESP damage before adding in any other sources of vigor recovery.
The writers at Dandylion really are pretty shit when it comes to trying to write any sort of [Conclusion].
To this day I'm still baffled why Ben is a Hard/Cruel boss in a violent case while the final story map of DLC1 is just a random raid on the Clowns' convoy. Crimson Crow at least ended with a climactic showdown and the VHPD in flames.
Irene owes me sex!
She's never gonna fuck you Sion.
I love irene.
That made me think about how fucked it would be to have a baby with fire ESP. The house wouldn't survive a week.
You think the house would survive a week the first week they move on together?
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My Irene isn't allowed to use fire. Besides, she's probably pretty good at controlling it since she's an adult.
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I finally found someone using a caster Leton MA that looks absolutely disgusting
>mostly a Practical Martial Arts build
>has Lunatic Beast, Please Help Me and Best Condition for AT reduction
>Frost Sword / Absolute Zero for freezing, of course
>cooldown reduction from his bangle + Joy of Lunacy
>Breakthrough because fuck you
The only thing I'm not sold on is Psi Control Training. It only gives him 180 HP and 140 ESP and it forces him to take Delicate Move and Skilled Body Control, both of which are pretty shit masteries
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Recreated it, turns out Delicate Move is for Unbending Will, so only Skilled Body Control is for Psi Control Training. It's also a pretty heavy board so Honesty isn't a wasted slot.
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Wouldn't recommend running it without gearing for it, though. Turns out that guy had a fuckton of speed on his items.

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