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Lands of Lords thread

How goes your fiefs m'lords? I'm trying to make the highest quality wax and soap around just for the sake of it but it's not coming together well.
How about >(You)?
You must be somewhere warm, because the north is a frozen hellscape right now and making anything of quality is difficult.
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Made this a while back
Don't have much going on in LoL right now
Just waiting for Endor to sink I guess
*sips* For me? It's the pisswater in the Grug's Glug and Chug pub in Greggswick.
I'm waiting for the next temperate continent to start over. Should be mid-April, right?
new player in insulae australis here
can someone give a rundown on the current state of ingerland?
New continents come out on the solstices and equinoxes so mid March.
Did they change temperature mechanics? I thought sub-zero is perfect for making things.
I like farming and farm products.
>create a new account
>groomers arrive within an hour
They work fast these days, don't they?
there's a new newb alert system lol
>the Federation of Basado
>boorg too busy ERPing in trooncord to even check on his domains
Ingerland died on Nessos when Greggswick's keep fell. You can't change my mind.
And now the proud Tileans (they don't like being called that, but now they can't be called Archeotypes either, because the empire fell, so who cares) are shitting tikets about their greatness and proud retribution. But they close comments because they're afraid they'll be made to cry
We used to despise such things lmao
Folks, let's just destroy Tilea. I'd rather be anything than a Tileans
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What's he thinking about?
The state of the game.
Any memorable / funny tickets from the last 2 years, russian or otherwise?
I don't keep track of them anymore
New /vst/ faction when?
Yesterday, Tilea and her opponents began their mutual excommunication and then put rewards on each other's heads. The tiket turned into a thread
>zombies now attack groups of units inside buildings
dead game
how long has it been in the game?
>tech tree
The Beacons of Mantolas! The Beacons are lit! Eressea will sink in 36 days. Shadow leader of the Tileans calls Skychicken for help...
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Australia is all the rage now, I doubt they'll even have a token fight on Endor
Just saw this and was curious so made a new account. Have no idea what I'm doing but I appear to be harvesting eggs and coconuts
Is kinross tilea? All I know is that they are on discord and I am being groomed by them.
Tilea has a lot of sub-factions and Kinross is one of them, but it's not accurate to say they are "Tilea".
oof you are in the tropics then
Can you 'uneducate' your peasants in this game?
Not really. You can just retrain them as usual, but you can't turn them back into settlers. Another option is to delete/kill them and wait for new settlers to arrive, if you really want them for some reason.
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H-Hey, I'm still relevant too! You didn't forget about me right? Right? Hehe..
game has been dead since godwin left
Sex offender registry
Who? Hawkwood or Trisfer?
Also, did anyone figure out how much time units need to rest? I know that happiness of the unit helps, but anything else?
Aside from happiness, it's influenced by unit's constitution, but I have no idea how to calculate the exact time.
So, what is happening on the religious side? I see there is a matriarch in Mantolas, from house Augis, and then Kast that is the pope? Can someone explain me? Also, how the hell did Tilea and Archeotype fracture the game is in a mess right now.
Yo, nice to find a spot I can ask some questions that aren't the in game forums. :> Google search coming in clutch, didn't even think to check 4chan.
I'll try and keep it short as I can but if you guys don't mind me asking some as a new player, as I don't wanna ask in the in game forums. :>

- How does military units capture lords work?(I keep seeing something about players needing something call 'offense' before you can do this)

- Can you still loot lords that aren't offensive? Like inactives or lords who aren't around or is it limited to specifically lords with past transgressions?

- What are brigands and zombies and are they something I should be concerned about?

- Do wooden walls actively prevent units from intruding into things like wooden castles or some such? Say I make a enclosed area with wooden walls and put a wooden castle inside, do units need to get past the outer walls first before being allowed access to the castle on the inside? How about if a unit is using intrusion?
I don't usually play the military side of the game but I'll try to answer anyway.
The military units can capture only lords with one "!" Nark on their portraits. The characters with two "!!" can also be executed. I don't remember what you had to do tobget offense, iirc if your units attack someone you will get it, even if it's just an automatic response, or at least it was like this back in the days. When you loot an unit (even a lord) you can only loot the money they have on then feon their daily pay, but you can loot everyone. Back in the days it used to be that looting structures let you rob people pf their goods, so it was profitable to go around sacking inactives, but nowadays this can't happen anymore as admin doesn't want us to have fun. Btw looting is an aggressive action and you will get the offense status. Speaking of looting this is mostly what brigants will do. They will arrive in big groups and mug your units. They can be just killed but their stats and equipment are not something a newbie can deal with. They won't try to intrude but they can really sink the happiness of your units stealing their money, especially since admin decided units will usually go around wirh all the money they ever got in their pockets. Zombies are a fucking pain in the ass, they spawn during Halloween and can infect units that will turn into zombies when they die. Zombies shouldn't get back to live if you have an undertaker putting to rest the bodies od the death, but admin decided to postpone their introduction in the game because lol lmao. Zombies are especially dangerous because they will attack every unit standing alone in the open and go for the kill. Lastly, yes, a ring of walls whill cuck units out of the inner area, of course only if they can't occupy a gate tile.
Ty sm for this response, I'll make sure to stay weary of brigands. Hopefully I'll be mostly fine but I'll try and get a couple military units together in the off chance any do pop up. :>
Free counties in the far north of Ursalia:
One day I will put some actual effort into designing my cities.
For me, designing is the fun part.
Microing every single builder team is such a chore in this game.
How does guilds work? Do I keed a city to make one? Once I make one then what? How does it makes me make money?
>How does guilds work?
They can use trading ships and barges to form trade routes between distant domains which can improve supply/demand and item quality between the connected domains.
>Do I keed a city to make one?
You need LOL+, a domain with 5k or more population, a city hall, and no existing guild in the city.
>Once I make one then what?
Build trade ships/trade barges using the territorial domain then send your guild master to it to buy it so the guild owns it. The domain that you're going to connect using trade ships needs to build a lighthouse, then the domain owning character goes to the trade ship and requests a trade route that the guild master approves. Trade barges work on rivers while ships are intercontinental.
>How does it makes me make money?
You get a portion of the trade tax for all transactions that made use of trade ships/trade barges that your guild owns.

Overall it's not worth the slots and you're better off finding someone else who has a guild to help you connect since 1 guild can own as many trade ships and connect as many domains as its owner wants.
That was a really good explanation. I'm still not sure I'll make it, I was thinking of making a guild just for RP reasons, and for the population boost to my town. I don't really want to make a city, they just cost money.
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Wagner bros...
It's over... By the way, did admin remove the Ukraine flag in the end?
Does this game follow strictly western European medieval aesthetics and structures or does it also cover others like Byzantium and Muslims?
If not are there plans for them in the future?
there are muslim and russian style titles and soldiers too
No Byzantines?
No. I also heard admin was going to add middle-eastern style for buildings but a year passed and we saw nothing. As we saw nothing about the clergy rework and much more stuff. Who knows.
Nevermind, let the showdown begin
Be sure to post pictures here
What do you do in this game?
Is there any scope for player interaction, ie trade and war?
Is it an 'actions per day' kind of deal?
Does progress depend on anything more than the age of your account and activity?

What cool shit can you do?
Any memorable moments?
What's it like to actually play this game and engage with its community?
it's an entirely player driven game, very open in what you want to do. pretty much anything cool requires cooperation. no limit to actions, but they all take time. building a large lordship takes months, even with help.
What do you do with that large lordship once it's built? Simply look at it on the map as a monument for others to admire?
I'm thinking I might like to get into the game if it has a meaningful PVP element, even if it's only political.

What's with the map, too, is it not bounded? It seems there're endless islands full of random factions.
New continent dropped
verdantian depopulation speedrun any%
Tiny ass "continent". Another admin deubachery.
So I figure building my city from better quality materials will make my people happier, and .. work faster?

From what I can tell the game seems mostly about autoselling stuff on the market to make gold to buy stuff to make more stuff to autosell .. somewhere along the line you must start training an army or something. For what purpose other than to take land to build more to sell?

I'm finding most of the armorial content to be quite boring - full of detail that doesn't appear to have any meaning within the game mechanics.The most recent Armorial entry is case in point - a writeup about how crowns can effect the wearers health, including a recipe for some medical concoction intended to treat it https://www.landsoflords.com/arm/org/12227/939724
Compared to entries like this, which actually explains elements of the market via roleplay - https://www.landsoflords.com/arm/lord/11696/197369

I'll stick with it for a bit longer, maybe try to put out my own newbie armorial about the first week of my hamelt, but prospects aren't looking good.
If you're getting bored of this pay to win garbage maybe consider trying out Ymir
>If you're getting bored of this pay to win garbage maybe consider trying out that pay to play garbage
I wish the game would do another full wipe again. Everything back to ground zero on one massive continent.
One can be wishful at least.
I'm halfway sure that the current blobs would just blob again and we would be back to the same cocksuckery
Ymir looks awesome but I can't justify paying £30~ for a game that's been updated only four times in the last 12 months, the two most recent being 5 months apart.
A particular review sounds daunting though it is 4 years old.
I'll keep an eye on it but it doesn't look promising.

At this rate I'll probably drop Lords and try Nation States again.

>pay to win / Pay to play
Single time purchase compared to how many months worth of recurring payments to stay relevant on the other game?
Actually, let's see; €23.75 full access alpha game or 142 days (a little under 5 months) of subscription for the same price.
Not so cut and dry but Ymir looks nicer and appears to have decent social mechanics rather than pure RP, desu.
>pay to play
lmao typical land of trannies cope
>Ymir looks awesome but I can't justify paying £30~ for a game that's been updated only four times in the last 12 months
The reason there hasn't been many updates recently is because the dev is working on a massive update that is being nicknamed "Ymir 2.0" which will upgrade the graphics from 2D to 3D
The game is janky right now but I do dread how the 3d is going to turn out. Like are the maps going to be hexagons instead of squares as well?
>Like are the maps going to be hexagons instead of squares as well?
unfortunately yes
but the update will also vastly improve loading times which many people complain about constantly on the current version
>Russian alts have already taken over the new continent
Its over.
I'd be suprised if all the migrants from Verdantia weren't going to utterly dwarf the 5 people coming from Endor + the couple russian génocidaires permawarring for fun
Every day I pray to our god emperor Blackwood to cleanse the land of russian blight.
>remove artifact raids from the game
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>relics now bond to houses
holy fucking shit
Russian hands typed this post
How much time it will take for Verdantia and Endor to sink? Also, won't this kinda fuck the movements between continents?
Verdantia will start sinking 20 days before the autumn equinox (+7 days before it's actually gone I think).
I assume the summer continent will be way north and not close to Australia.
So Australia might be unreachable until the autumn continent spawns which I assume will be where Endor is now.
Or they might decide to spawn it a bit earlier.

On a different note, if you still have cash in Paradisa you might want to move it now. When Endor is gone it'll all have to go through Australia to get to Verdantia, Mantolas etc. and so it'll get a +/- 70% transfer penalty.
Dragon Egg owners. Totally random btw.
tilean fags are old and tired and can't keep up with the energy of the russians who now outnumber them
Wow some amazing luck there lmao
Fuck off with your facebook-tier trash 'game' you fucking fannies
What the fuck you can't move the market square anymore?
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Can I automate farms and selling produce so I can just log in every few days or when I remember the game exists? Or do I have to log every day to sow my fields?
You can automate units to plough and harvest fields.
Bros? I reeeally really need to move the market square, but if I try to destroy it it will eat the tokens and do nothing.
try making a ticket on the forum
>District of Basado
How do I get good plantations? My surveyors can only make 20% shit.
I tried to play, gor used to ui, but this game is so excruciatingly fucking boring.
The quality drops and eventually goes ogre even if you till, no?
No, the field becomes a fallow field when you harvest and an automated ploughman will come along and turn it into a new ploughed field which resets the quality.
I found all my shit decayed to nothingness after logging in.
I moved to the new continent. Is there Ingerlish presence there already?
Also please give tips if Abbey is a good goal because this time I want something small to manage, I got burned out by managing lordship, town and 3 or four villages.
Ingerland is dead.
Abbeys aren't particularly useful and are usually considered to be vanity projects, but if you're okay with that - go for it.
What type of holding would you recommend to someone who doesn't want to involve himself with big dudes plays (counts etc) but still holds some local relevancy?
just lordships and villages bro. they can't possibly be hard to manage, just make the folks quarry stone and harvest wood automatically (and settle in a place where there is lots of wood and stone), and do some farming in the lordship
How do I turn my village into a monastery? Do I need to turn it into a parish first?
One lordship , one town, two villages. With a parish on the lordship and the town, that is 15 slots which leaves 10 more for whatever you like.
I had such setup and it's so much clicking
The only way you're going to avoid that in this game is by writing a script
Though you can still minimize it somewhat by avoiding agriculture (the most clicking), large towns/lordships and anything requiring you to build a ton of roads.

Things that require the least amount of clicking:
If you settle near large forests, hunters, woodcutters, leatherworkers gathering tannin (with some trees) and fruitgrowers (if those trees bear fruit, so no building orchards) only requires training
Hunter shelters don't require roads and you need only one per hunter (unlike the billion of hives you need for a beekeeper for example)
Craftsmen working in in workshops, forges or especially streets are fine too but not all of them are profitable

This all requires housing so you still need to spam streets
Buying construction materials in bulk helps somewhat
Thank you
Redpill me on scripts, does the game have an api?
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I don't remember but usually abbeys start as religious foundations. You can turn an hamlet into one too, but they are not compatible with steets (just with huts) so most of your village housing will become useless. You will retain your villagers anyway so you could just uae them while you build the abbey and slowly turn them into monks too.
Hamlets can only be upgraded into villages and lordships. If you want an abbey/priory you have to start with religious foundation. You can check the in-game wiki to see which organizations turn into what:https://www.landsoflords.com/help/org/land:hamlet
If I set a resource to be automatically bought, will it be bought just to satisfy automatic production orders or will it also be bought to be sold to units?(like butter to guys that want to consume butter)
The resources will be bought for automatic production. Units automatically buy whatever they need with their money if they have enough on hand so you don't need to worry about them so long as you pay them enough.
>If I upgrade my hamlet to a lordship I lose my limestone mines
>after spending two days building the roads to them
This is gay
Plan nigga, plan.
>thinking you will find a spot to put one lordship, one town and two villages next to each other
>implying every continent isn't already crowded
My fellow noblemen, it is with heavy heart that I must announce the death of Ingerland. It did not fell due to the heathen army of the eastern principalities, nor were they conquered by the Franks of Gaul.
It instead died from old age, and a minor case of diarrhoea. May god have mercy on the poor and tortured soul of this once great nation. Their saga shall not be soon forgotten.
How many times has Ingerland canonically died already
I guess we might see another Ingerland on the summer continent, but if so I doubt it'd be as cohesive as it once was in the past
wow this thread is still alive
lech has returned, the prophecy has been fulfilled
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Reminder that this is where Ingerland actually died.
Remember what the Hyperion Russians took from you.
I shall pray for the return of Ingerland with the next continent. Still wish I could get lucky with metal deposits though.
I want to get into this game but I get bored after a few days
>another day another forum post complaining about how admin is repelling and offending the Russian community
How long until a Russian rip of the game pops up?
what did the admin do
Formerly Jutes' Glutes & Chutes
I made my heir found a parish and now he has a parish but no buildings, no money and can't even train clerics in the church (it is property of my lordship). What is he even supposed to do then?
>buy some gold in the town then eject it and store it in the parish
>sell gold
>send parish owner and lord who owns the temple to the temple
>have the parish owner purchase the church in the two shields menu
>send a unit to the temple to be trained into a priest once the parish owns the temple
>have the priest then a sculptor/stone mason then a painter/potter/armourer consecrate the temple to a deity
>set the priest to automate prayer including automatic purchase of any needed items for the prayer
>enjoy prayer benefits
is this game actually multiplayer? or am I just playing solo and comparing stats on the leaderboard?
2 more weeks
If the russians were to fork it, then instead of it being the mediocre game it is now, it'd be a mediocre game in russian.
It'd probably be better to start from scratch (especially regarding combat/war mechanics).
Yes it's definitely multiplayer, the only way to achieve many titles is through cooperation. The problem is the game is also an autist magnet so people insist on playing solo.
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guys kast is totally neutral, she's totally not a tilean puppet !!!
we murdered Jozette Johanningsmeier for trying to stop her from building Hawkwood's fortress that was later used to destroy Ingerland?
umm sweatie that's good actually.
rent free dear porter
How would you go about coding maneuverable columns of men in a 2D grid like what we have?
I'd really like to implement stuff such as constraining army movement by topography and/or local food supply.
I think this would slow wars a bit and make operations more sane/interesting.
Right now terrain doesn't matter much.

Plus, this would make village players actually matter somewhat to military mains (for securing local supplies) instead of only being vassalised for map painting / RP reasons.
Besides, (solo) village players have gotten away for too long. Even friendly armies ""foraging"" in their area should bring hardship on villagers. Hostile armies would be much worse.

I'd also like to make population a limited resource instead of settlers arriving automagically so that there would be conflict over population centers instead of wars happening only because of RP feuds / OOC grudges.

To answer your question, this would all be rather difficult to implement with how individual units work now so I'd probably chicken out and abstract away some aspects of those units.
I know it's kinda the point of this game that little is abstracted away, but the unit AI is braindead anyway and they don't add much in RP value for me (except for the physical manifestations of lords).

I guess you could keep those units as they are now, but glue them together into armies for operations.

Some low hanging fruit would be to make it easier to coordinate vassal troops (no friendly fire and maybe marshals being able to command more units).

I say this all while having zero combat experience — I'm basically a village player at this point — so (you) might have more practical suggestions.

And to be clear, I don't really care if any of these specific things are implemented by a new dev.
I just want someone who cares about making game mechanics fun/interesting instead of only focusing on political drama and on the 37th intrusion overhaul.
>lordships can't automate horticulture or forestry
immersion immediately ruined, game ruined
I did a spreadsheet to figure out what non-extracting business available to my village nets the most amount of difference of price from input to output. I came to the conclusion that if you're buying stuff to refine and then sell the profit margin is a sliver
>the (hay + water) -> cow -> meat and hides pipeline barely makes a proffit
>(wheat + water + wood + salt) -> bread barely makes a profit
>(hay + water) -> horses is a huge net loss
the only refining business that can be reasonably profitable is buying limestone and wood to produce lime. Other businesses require you to own the mines, forestry and farms and to cart stuff manually into the city to produce a sizeable net profit
That's why i stopped building schools in my villages. The villagers' role is to quarry stone, gather wood, hunt. Maybe rarely pick fruit, do vegetables, breed sheep or chicken.
Any thoughts?
That is it, I'm becoming a lime burnermaxxing fruitgrowercel
>Piston engines
We almost Vicy now.
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What does maximum market 50% mean?
It'll buy at most 50q water from market.
it will automatically purchase water needed for tasks as long as the price doesn't go above the median market price for water. if you want to ensure your workers will buy water no matter what the price is, move the slider up to 100%.
>Finally makes a bulk purchase button, but makes it so it uses tokens not cash
great, that's bloody useless
is he running out of money or what
Its cash, not tokens. Give it a try.
Why so many changes now after months of nothing?
yeah you're right, I confused the icon with the one for tokens
Is this game worth getting into casually?
You can walk around, crash parties and make amusing tickets with your player character without ever spending time on building a domain
>crash parties
I recommend the admins erp sessions. Just be mindful to never interact with slavs
Can API data actually be more outdated than what's shown on the website ?
>never interact woth slavs
>Servers are down
At last, we are free.
fix your game lazy frog
>Can't even discuss the downtime anywhere as there is no social media besides fucking facebook which I refuse to use
Theoretically there is the mod discord that is kinda... open in the tavern section, and admin is there too and usually replies. But today he hasn't replied even once, the fucker must be outside touching grass.
servers are back
Is there any way to actually use the forests in my lordship? It seems that you can't automate woodwork and hunting in them
If they are fruit trees you can use fruit growers
frog exit scamming
Do I need to click every tile to find metal deposits? Or is there an easier way?
How do I navigate this god awful UI ?
the quickest way to find out you have a decent metal deposit is to do nothing and wait for one of the discord groups to attack you for no reason
So if I build a lighthouse and get a trade route with one of those gigantic cities with ~10 trade routes, is my market merged with all the cities connected to that city?
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I miss him.
spanish gimping for tilea on bermuda
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How are your domains doing anons? It has been quite some time since I last checked on the game.
just came back myself, surrounded by wogs and tileans thinking of sending a guy to ingerland but they look pretty dead
we are barely hanging on, come join
>for no reason
Having metal is a reason
those hamlets with 10 guys and 150k denaris of cash in hand are being propped up right? Just the 5% independence tax would make it difficult for a small settlement to accumulate that much cash without converting to gold
I'll send a guy up where do you guys hang out these days?
Now that I'm grand master of the order of merit again I can finally buy 420 chickens
still in greggswick https://www.landsoflords.com/map/06638E25299N
I've left greggswick a couple of days ago and am now unable to get back in as our dear mayor seems to be never online when I am.
How unfortunate.
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Been a while since I've seen this many people in a room
only arrowcook was online and I never spoke to him before so I went back to bermuda
We are reviving Ingerland, bros. Just trust the plan.
2 more weeks, this time for sure.
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Is it worth reviving at this point
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It'll never return to its former glory, but at least it's a comfy home for my characters to rot in.
But why is half the text in french?
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Idle games just aren't for me. Nevermind.
Come to Bermuda, white man
>oh my Fauci! Slava Ukraine!
Fair enough, best of luck
>Today you get to see random chat messages
I suppose it is fitting that the french celebrate their own Schizophrenia Day
Apparently some of you are going to make a federation soon
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*rattles back to life*
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Any old faces here? Defson? Ensburry? Brexit?
Anier, Bunyan, Brexit, Benis, and Sternmir are still around.
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Good to see some of the old guys are stll around
Ah fug the nostalgia...
Just made an account and am completely lost. Can I choose where I start? I'm not very fond of the plot of land I was throw into
facebook game
You don't choose your first spawn but after 24 hours you'll be able to make new domains and you can choose different locations. Here's a UI guide in case you need it https://www.landsoflords.com/arm/org/40138/695941.
Thanks, guess I'll have to wait until tomorrow.
even if it's a shit location you can still use it to generate wealth to finance your next move plus you will get a shitlload of tokens for building your first temple and school so it is worth growing
you generate one family member every 24 hours that you can send off to make a new domain until you max out at 5 family members
you can also send your guy out of their domain to make another domain, but then the one they left will rapidly go to shit if they are not happy (basically well paid)
wherever you go don't come to bernuda or you will be surrounded by tilean wogs
I started in Bermuda and was already eyeing a place for my first real settlement there, though. Aren't all the other continents all heavily settled already?
All continents >= 9 months old are basically tutorial spots because no one cares about them. You can settle in Ursalia if you want, no one cares about it and you can send a lord to Greggswick to chat with lords in Ingerland if you want to ask questions in game. There are even a few counties and principalities that are unclaimed if you have a lord old enough to claim them.
I don't know about the ones in the deep south but admeme dropped me in the middle of New Tilea and once the discord trannies started sending me vaguely threatening letters I decided I may as well dig in and die here as any place
Mantolas is Russia, Verdantia is Old Tilea, Ursalia looks like old norf Nessos except this time the buck won and Arborea is at greggs
Pitsaw the fuck out of the forests for coin, or if you have a woodie just be aware if you auto him he might move away and leave valuable lumber on the ground somewhere you forgot the location
Ursalia has one year left and has tons of abandoned domains. The weather up north is ideal this time of year.
>magical token healing
What the fuck.
gotta give whales things to spend their money on
Meh people were making a huge deal of wolves and zombies killing skilled npc with 15/15/15 skills, he found a solution, now everybody is flinging shit at him. Also the game was always p2w, playing without lol+ is a fucking chore.
>12 rounds of sanctions
>yet every russian somehow has lol+
I need to phone the EU right now
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Is this Ingerland's most aesthetic capital to date?
I got a new guy and created a domain where I wanted but then got a 3rd guy to use for extra labour while I wait for more settlers but the only thing I can do with him is performances at the market. Can each house member only work on their own domain?
You can make a new lord every 24 hours and make a new domain every 24 hours so your newest guy will have to wait a while to make his domain probably.
Move him to the spot you want to settle and it should tell you how long you have to wait around like a chump
I already made the domain I want, I got an extra guy to help build stuff until I get more settlers but it doesn't look like he can do anything useful
A worthy monument to autism.
What happens if you take the academy of tomfoolery architecture help offer? Do they straight up helpo you build a part of your settlement? Do they grief you?
So movement between continents is not possible anymore and if I spawn on one I didn't want I am fucked?
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>buck won and Arborea is at greggs
THE buck? The one that tried to Pearl Harbor old Ingerland?
Not the case, but movements are limited to 10000 arpents at once
Scratch that I just found buck on the map and he's living in South Russia now ngl though that logres blob is a fucking eyesore
Athalia was part of it until they said fuck taxes and broke off. Logres did absorb the peninsula kingdom in the aftermath of the great Russian expulsion though.
Can I not harvest fruit from wild trees? Supposedly maples give maple syrup and I have some in my domain but moving my fruit growers there doesn't give me the option to harvest it
It's probably too hot to harvest syrup, the temperature needs to be between 0 and 15 degrees.
Ah, it's 20º right now. Also, looking again through the encyclopedia it seems I need LOL+ to get maple syrup so even if the temperature drops I won't actually be able to get any. I guess I'll just use these trees for hunting and harvesting
that's not buck
look harder
Maple is quite valuable as it is wood you can use for turnery in a nearby town, assuming you harvest it regularly.
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yes we are still making OC for this game in 2024
I see coasts have a bonus to salt making but I can't build a salt farm on them. Can I really only farm salt in marshes? Why do coasts have a bonus to salt making then?

I brought a character to another continent in the south and have it in unclaimed land but it doesn't give me the option to create a domain. Can I not create a hamlet outside my starting continent?
>Can I really only farm salt in marshes?
Yes, or by refining salt ore from salt mines on salt flats, but that's locked behind a paywall
>doesn't give me the option to create a domain
Can't start a domain on tiles with trees, close to other domains or too far in the fog
Turns out roads count as buildings and I wasn't able to found a new place because of them. Moving 1 tile away was enough
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>autumn ends
>frogs settle down
>into the earth
you gays are still playing this lol
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Please just kill me.
why is a tranny posting larp tickets about periods
Believe it or not, Kast is actually a woman.
Sure he is
>Paradisia is sinking
I was stealing stuff around, but I noticed I can't pick shit from the ground. Is this a bug or a fucking feature? You can drop shit and store it but you can't take it into a character inventory?
based frog stopping the niggers from looting
I think I messed up. I sent a character somewhere to create a new domain and created a religious foundation since all my other ones were hamlets but I can't even build houses there, only huts. I think I was supposed to create a "normal" settlement and later on create a religious foundation on top. Should I just abandon this thing as soon as I can and later on create a hamlet here or can I push through like this and later on unlock proper stuff?
The religious foundation line is completely different from the hamlet line, and you need to get a temple built ASAP then get a bishop or higher to promote you to a priory which will give you dormitories and specialised monks. What you're talking about with creating the foundation on top is the parish organisation which requires a domain with 500 housing capacity and a temple, then you create it at the temple.
Thanks, I got started on building a temple now. Will take me a few days to finish it unless I want to spend literally all my tokens so I guess I'm waiting
I am ready to move to the new northern continent and be the hottest slut of the North
I have 1 day left until I finish building my temple, though i could instantly complete it with tokens now. Does anyone have a bishop in Bermuda to upgrade my foundation to priory or should I ask the forums? Do people usually require payment for this?
>Ask the forums?
It'd be more apt to make an in-game ticket (click your flag, 'write a new ticket' button) or to message the nearest bishop, the forum is for OOC stuff
>Do people usually require payment for this?
I've once send the local primate a humerous message explaining why my town needed a bishopric, who then promptly created it for me for free.
The less generous ones will require you to be their vassal
Nearly every bishop or above will promote foundations so you can click the search magnifying glass, the Find Organisations..., then filter by episcopate organisation type (optionally filter by distance) to find bishops or above to promote you.
Can I give one of my lords a bunch of resources and bring them to another of my domains to drop them off there? I thought I could just bring the stuff to my market and then drag it to my guy to put it in his inventory but nothing happens
Resources have a weight to them so if the resource is too big then the unit can't carry them (depends on skills/equipment which is why carters exist). Also lords need to have been a part of at least 1 organisation at any point to carry items, otherwise their inventory isn't initialised.
looks like I'm building a wheelright shop and giving my butcher a new job then
carting stuff is incredibly inefficient. just sell it in the domain it is produced and buy it in the domain you want it. as long as the two domains are close it is way cheaper that way.
is this because I have no money and had to use 0% quality stuff?
what are you building / which job is it
Possible problems:
Are you using only one worker?
Is the building incompatible with your domain type?
Are you using a heavy stone e.g. basalt instead of bricks?
abbey church foundation in my priory, using lord + monks builders, using sandstone
did not know bricks made construction faster
using your lord to build will bring quality down a lot
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It hurts so much bros, why didn't we save it?
Passau bros...
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Post kino abbeys and priories from around za warudo.
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The abbey of Formerly Chuck's Mount is in the bottom left with a few other towns and villages in the background.
do you need to be rich from the get-go to get into priories and shit or can anyone do it
Building a priory/abbey is somewhat pricey and requires you to have some sort of backbone prepared, otherwise it might take literal months to construct.
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Posted this one a while back
You need to do some setup, what with building a temple and getting a bishop to promote you before you can do anything.
When that's done though your monk builders can work in quarries and your monk farmers can farm / harvest wood / raise animals.
So you can do most of the things a village can except for hunting.
The dormitories are rather expensive, but I've found that having one other village gives enough income to fund construction.
If you're strapped for cash you could always make a temporary domain and send your monks there to cut trees.
The only problem is that abbeys have very restrictive construction rules (Can only build dorms in the historic circle and in a dorms-bunkhouse grid), so it's hard to be creative.
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Here's my other village on Ursalia
I added saltpeter (it requires a very small amount) when plowman worked fallow fields and got improved quality.
But the automation didn't always work as expected as I had very inconsistent results all across the board.
this has to have been the biggest city to date
what does this medal next to my sheep mean?
You produced the second highest quality in the game over the past day. Congrats Mykx.
Thanks. No idea how I did that but I'll continue to let my shepherds work fully automated and not worry about them since they seem to be doing a good job.
maybe build another sheepfold on the rock on the mainland to spam sheep faster,
speed butcher them into skins and fats, build a tannery and make leather
you need anything? I'm on wog island too I can send you a cart
I'm rather low on units right now and building more houses takes a while so more sheepfolds will have to wait. I also want to have the stable and cowshed up and running soon. It is tempting to go hard on sheep now that I know I have some good ones and can build them on top of that big rock, though. Probably my next step after the tannery.
I'm actually fine on resources over here despite most of my domain being water, only thing that would really help would be sending 20 guys over to upgrade all the houses so I could start getting more migrants faster
sheep, cows and horses all compete for hay
you need to turn all those meadows into forage hay fields
farmers, grooms and cowherders will auto collect your hay
turn one of those surveyors into a groom at your stable and use him to speed run forage hay fields with jetons, it costs about 40 jetons a pop and you don't have much meadow so it shouldn't break you
imo you don't really have enough hay area to do cows as well and you'll even be struggling to make enough hay to do horses
I can send you stuff but if you need workers you should talk to the discord niggers they all got five alts each but I need all my guys at home sorry mate
I was planning on turning one of them into either a groom or cowman after the stuff was built, just figured I should train him as something to help first and making him a surveyor is both free and fast. I did not know I'd need a lot more meadow than this so I'll have to think stuff over.
My comment on sending 20 guys over was in jest, I assumed you couldn't even send workers other than carters and military to do stuff outside of your domain
You can use units from another domain as long as they aren't a lord or a settler, you just need to pay a fee to use them. If you have a priory then that's probably the easiest way to build it up without having to wait a month to get a decent population to build everything itself.
you never wondered how all these city states came out of nowhere while you were grinding a village?
welcome to land of discords lmfao
you arrowcook?
I thought maybe you were aimery but he's never online any more
I didn't think much of it and thought they had a massive stash of tokens to instantly finish everything, plus more knowledge on how to do things more efficiently than a clueless noob like me
heh maybe but they also shit out bricklayers and swarm them around from one trannyhive to the next
this is what you should be trying to do on a smaller scale with your lord, but you need to fix your economy first
adfrog just nerfed trees because all the fags were crying so this will not be easy for you
villages should be near lords (or towns) so you can do low jeton wealth transfers with gold or silver by horse
How do you get in contact with discord power players?
I guess go to an amusement park and look for the guy who can't ride the roller coaster because he's not tall enough
Not sure how you'd purposely seek them out but what happened to me was I bordered a guy who turned out to be part of Al-Amethyn. He sent me a message, we chatted, I asked some questions and he eventually sent me a discord link and said I should join. Seemed like a good idea to be friends with who might be the strongest faction on the continent. Maybe send your neighbours some messages and roleplay a bit
holy shit it's raining alts somebody in discord who lurks just realized they needed five to be cool
Reach them out/entertain them enough by tickets and shiet/buy lol+ and become a regalia owner randomly/build something that is hard to ignore
Very kino. You just persuaded me to tear down half my village and make it nicer.
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How important are unit stats and that "this profession is xx% relevant"?
They're only relevant if you're qualitymaxxing a few select units, so if you're a beginner it doesn't matter.
why is frogtard changing all the war rules?
trannys took a beating from the russians?
By the looks of it he wants the entire game to revolve around his favorite cocksuckers. Baffling choice when the player count is at all times low despite it being summer.
main tranny island is running out of death clock pretty obvious they were shitting themselves about getting jumped by russian peasant soldiers lmfao
peasant soldiers nerfed
no capture
no interception
no execution
frog really going above and beyond for his homotileans
guys, I'm starting to think the admin benefits his favorite players
Admin is benefitting those who has the patience to influence him.

It took them almost 2 years to actually cause impact (((they))) wanted on the wargame right now.
is there still a new continent coming on the 21st?
>Tilea losing
I hate this game but I am addicted to it. God why am I accoustic. Also hate the no execution system.
surely gnomes listen to bluegrass
how many dragon eggs ended up in tilean hands?
See >>1718317
what board does this game belong on now that it's blatantly rigged, you can't kill anyone and the only strategic decision you get to make is whether to get groomed on a discord or not
It is june and he still hasn't recovered from this
is four foot nine inches considered big in tilea?
what's the real difference between ruralities & lordships other than military? Is there any real reason not to just promote a village to a lordship?
Lordships can train troops besides peasant soldiers and archers, but they lose the ability to have miners, quarrymen, hunters, fishers, and any raw resource production that isn't crops and fruit. Most of the time, the setup is a lordship with a bunch of village vassals who make money that is taxed by the lordship to fund it.
Admin's design choices look delusional when you see it as a strategy game and seem understandable when you look at it as a rpg
Can a paying player build a building that requires LOL+ on the territory of a non-paying player?
A lordship gets 20k population for four slots while a village with 2.5k population takes three. A good set-up for a low knob is

- 1 lordship with nothing but military
- 1 town
- 1 lordship with nothing but economy units
- 1 (or two) villages

If you can't make something in the town, make it in the lordship. If you can't make something in the lordship, make it in the village.
Thinking of starting fresh in the new continent coming up but I'm fond of a little village I've started building in Bermuda so I'll probably leave a guy behind to take care of it. Should I just ask a nearby lord for vassalage? I can build some barracks and turn 1 or 2 dudes into peasant soldiers but that might not be enough to defend the place if wolves or brigands come around. The first and last time I got a brigand I tried fighting it with my lord and almost got killed.
I don't know if someone would bother microing his troops to defend you from NPCs
I would but I am in Mantolas
I'll send you a stack of soldiers once dadmin releases the patch that makes distance penalty smaller, is that ok? The new continent will not appear until all works in progress are completed anyway btw
Yeah, anything that'll help my not get destroyed would be great. I looked through the encyclopedia and apparently I can get some city guards much later on so hopefully I can at least survive until then
What are you getting attacked by? I'm on Bermuda and so far I've only seen 1 wolf and 6 million letters from tileans
Nothing, I've only been attacked by looters before. I'm just worried that next time it might be more than 1 unit
I'm so fucking poor not even discord trannies want to groom me
sir how dare you he was a jogger
no shit usually they jump on every box maybe you're near some xir who thinks you're a placeholder alt that is going to wash out and he wants to expand over your precious arpents
Why would you call you game Land of Lords.
what else would you call it?
Realms of Faggots 2: Schemes of Discord
Abusive Relationships
It might as well not be.
Nobody does fucking anything.
Random shit nobody asked:
>you don't need to spend money
That's a lie. Tokens are a massive boon even for such a trivial shit as building roads.
I noticed I can sell my low quality leather for quite bit of money. How important will this stuff be later and should I just hoard it for now? My main problem isn't money but how long a lot of stuff takes to build anyway so if I do need lots of leather later it's not a big problem to keep this.
Admeme is now giving free jetons (per minute) to poorfags so they can build the roads
>free jetons (per minute)
if this stupid frog would just implement BUILD QUEUES like literally every one of these persistent web games has, then jetons would be totally unnecessary except for moving your lord around and fighting brigands.
Queue would be nice but it would diminish the achievements greatly. Having 1000+ fields is rather impressive to me and I can respect the autism of those who built them.
I can see that. I think that people assume that adding build queues also means that you need to do some kind of drag-and-drop zoning from the map, but I was thinking that orders could be queued one tile at a time.

Normally, you have to select a unit to issue a build order. But I would make it so that if you had *no* unit selected, the option to queue the order would appear. What this would mean is that if you wanted to make a bunch of fields, you would go

F (queue field)
Left arrow (move screen by one tile)
F (queue another field)
Left arrow (move screen)

To build a city surrounded by thousands of fields would STILL take the same amount of button presses, but you could press the buttons at your convenience instead of having to wait for your dudes to be off of cooldown.
Scripts, boys.
I don't even need to know any language, as GPT can write something as simple as that by itself.
summer solstice new continent soon bros
the land of smiles where nobody ever dies and admin lives in a bouncy castle!
Its here. Come claim your birth right young ingerlander.
>Come claim your birth
What's the life expectancy on the new landmass?
new continent & dead thread
it's so over lolbros
do you use bs4 and selenium? Or is there a smarter and faster way to do web scrapping/interaction nowdays?
Ok, so if I upgrade my lordship to medium/high nobility I will lose all my capacity to farm/do anything that brings money? What the fuck?
medium/high nobs are temporal titles which are placed on top of territorial ones e.g. lordships
Honestly, from my experience, a mud digging and rock mining shit-villages is hassle-free way of earning some pretty 'okay' bux.
Change my mind. Pro tip - you can't.
The intention is that nobility gets its money from taxes, not its own productions. As per Admin.
>The intention is
That's history with how fake the economy is. Frankly, I'll go as far as to claim that it makes no sense for nobility, as a class, to exist in the first place at this point.
Lemme put it in the form of question:
What's even the point of starting a war in this game?
1. For fun
2. Grudges and feuds
3. Vanity
Not due to any strategic necessity
the ingerland rep just popped over to see if I wanted to join in new borea and casually announced he was the wife of some other guy I remembered from nessos
how do I respond to this without sounding mad?
Well he himself can advise you here on /vst/ on how to respond to him
you ingerland?
I remember there used to be some guys like harry who were deffo gay with the erotic tickets and so forth but when did you start marrying each other lmfao
so you can get instantly dogpilled by a discord group and raped while you are offline
How many pike does a butterlord need these days?
assembling 5 ordinary turnips into 1 very special turnip
Do new player domains that have gone inactive immediately after registering go away quicker or does it take a full month?
I don't think we did, there were like two meme marriages back in the old days, but nothing since. Maybe it's some larper (like Boorg or Diarrhea) trying to use our illustrious name.
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What happened here?
It was darborea I thought he was one of you guys these days? Anyway I've had my first actual talk with him. I'm not much into rp so I had a laugh about him marrying boorg but apart from that we got on much better than I expected, in the thread he usually comes as across like some kind of cartoon villain ngl
how many alts do I need to become emperor?
imagine being so gay you roleplay as a female and marry the twink persona of a guy that has 200 pounds irl
people coming off as cartoon villains adds to the flair of the game
If you want regalias you better be paying for the game and dick-ridding frogmin
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How is distance between two tiles calculated? I thought it was just rounding the distance, but it is off when trying to place mines 8 tiles apart
frogtard thinks I won't spend 3 days to chop down these trees he has vastly underestimated my hatred of nature
>a new political powerhouse emerges
>The leader is a Lord All me
>his right hand is Lord 1#MeToo
>his general is Lord 2#MeToo
>grooming my alts in a discord
>marrying my alts
>calling myself a tranny in the thread for marrying my alts
It's rounded in the UI, but not for the actual calculations, so if the distance is 7.9999 you're out of luck
Another spergout as usual.
got removed from my post of official of the order of the feather and my tickets were shadowbanned
no, I didn't say any gamer word or criticize admin, so no idea what happened
Do you have beef with the League of Wet Noodles aka the mod team?
no I don't even know who is the mod team
maybe I was sacked for getting too far without being in their circle, I was ranked 12 in the order before that and had passed admin a month ago
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transfer tax for hamlets are 25% per 1000 arpents, does that mean if you're more than 4000 arpents away you get absolutely nothing?
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just get yer pick and hammer and START QUARRYIN
why not just call it the bitch tax vassals know what they are
Oh look, free money with no downsides
My orchards are dying, what am I supposed to do? Replant them? They won't regrow alone like normal trees?
the trees you planted are probably not compatible with your biome
They are but temperatures are a pain the ass in summer, so they got damaged.
Hire a fruitier to autoreplant them.
pitsaws are the answer to every problem involving trees
>cider is straight up cheaper than the apples used to produce it
always has been lmao
admeme has never forgiven the normans for their invasion of france
Nothing beats the discord life,
Trooning out with my discord wife.
What does the management skill do?beezoos worship gives a bonus to it, but it seems no task uses it
I have been reading the effects of the worship of different gods
It seems bayghon worship cools the temperature by 3C
If that is true it is actually the best religion for productivity in hot biomes where the efficiency is low because of the heat
It's related to the shit characters and tabellions can do. Establishing a domain, promotion, demotion, appointment, establishing a trade route etc.
District w/ a lordship seat looks OP, you get all the agricultural lordship shit with all of urbanities trading and goods production. That and a district gives you another 2000 pop. Are there any downsides to this?
yeah and it only affects a 16 tile radius. it's basically worthless unless you really want to farm walnuts and turnips in the middle of summer
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>ingerland doesn't even bother settling nu norf
It's over
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it's there waiting for us ingerbros
I miss Leslut, she was the spirit of this game
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>inb4 >she
I have settled on the new continent and aim to live a chill life.
Why repeat the cycle, it is all so tiresome. Let us live on Ursalia until it is no more.
It's hilarious to see even normalfags getting tired of admeme bullshit. Too bad he loves Blackwood too much to think clearly. Someone should write a BL fanfic about it.
Why does admin bother with sinking continents (deleting everyone's two year long progress & meaning there's no real meaningful lore other than larp tickets) when there are so hard penalities on going between continents? let continents be permanent again & harshen the penalities on intercontinental fuckery nuff said
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Good lords of the North: will you answer the call?
>oh boy, let's press the H key another 10000 times
no thanks
Continents were never permanent
They got deleted before every major update
This. The game is built around rebuilding your shit every now and then.
How accessible this game is to a newcomer? Do you need premium to get anywhere ahead? How hard do you need to grind for a respectful demense that does not need to get involved with discord troons?
>How accessible this game is to a newcomer?
Some mechanics are a bit obtuse but the game isn't all that hard
>Do you need premium to get anywhere ahead?
As always with freemium the grind is harder and longer
>How hard do you need to grind for a respectful demense...
For a village? 1-5 weeks. A large town or lordship takes a ton of clicking
>...that does not need to get involved with discord troons?
You dont need them. I never needed them. Outside help isn't THAT useful for domain building, you still need to do the clicking yourself. Unless you make or can get someone to give you a script.
>How accessible this game is to a newcomer?
if you go to Innitsby in Ingerland there are people who'll teach you the ropes.

>Do you need premium to get anywhere ahead?

>How hard do you need to grind for a respectful demense that does not need to get involved with discord troons?
if you tend to your domains daily & keep yourself in a profit then you'll probably be fine.
Thanks. I looked up what the subscription does, and honestly, gatekeeping essential buildings and mechanics is the one thing that takes me away from this game. Shame, I've been lurking here for a bit and wanted to try it out.
By 'discord troons', I meant those situations where domains obviously ran by a singular discord begin to fuck with your domain like a racket, and demand you to join or they'll crush you. This seems to be common here.
it's so fucking over ingerbros
Ingerland is as alive as always, you just need to be sitting in the tile where Ingerland lives.
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Appointed seneschal with lol+ can do lol+ buildings/items/units for you. Also some people are often willing to pay for your subscription if you're good enough. Gatekeeping is in your head.
Ingerland died when Godson stopped trying to purify the state of the discord pests that seem to wrangle us these days. Ingerland is medicated to the point of not doing anything about this.
godson constantly infiltrating the shitshack was fucking hilarious shame he gave up
how many ploughmen are enough to autoplough 350 farm fields?
>Also some people are often willing to pay for your subscription if you're good enough.
not willing to be groomed by a tranny for a subscription lol
You can RMT your way in by selling precious domains. Just need to know people willing to buy those.
I turned my village into a town because I didn't know that would screw me out of all my agriculture and resource gathering. What would be the best way to salvage this without downgrading since I do want to be able to have some military units and the new production jobs? Do I found a hamlet inside my own borders and slowly buy all my farms and orchards from my own town? Can I later expand this hamlet over the rest of my farms? Do I need to send a 2nd lord to take care of this hamlet or is there no downside to keeping it all under 1 guy besides the title slots?
Should sowing and reaping autotasks be divided between different farmers? Or should every farmer be set to sow and reap?
no, just make everyone do everything

farmers:ploughmen:fields I think is 2:1:80
Isn't workers:fields ratio way higher now?
I feel like hunters are a lot worse now, were there some market changes or am I seeing things?
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if a ploughed field takes ~90 minutes after considering rest and movement time
This is 16 fields per day
This is 112 per week.

If it takes 2 hours then at 12 fields per day it is down to 84 per week.
You can use a bunch of units like surveyors to quickly plough an area so farmers can get to work quicker, especially since surveyors are cheap to token actions with. The fields will be low quality but subsequent ploughings will improve the quality.
this is TRUE
but i meant to respond to the autoplough guy
The worst part about hunters is that each wood tile can only be worked by either a lumberjack or a hunter each week, and wood is massively more precious almost everywhere
I use hunter shelters mostly, but it produces different meat than hunters hunting from trees
What's the purpose of dikes?
It is currently 35C in bermuda and my dumbass neighbor is planting hazelnuts
climate change denier <<<< climate denier
Building on surfaces you're not supposed to build on.
It looks like combat gets unlocked in Terra Borealis in a few days, is it worth it to go ahead and train some peasant soldiers? Is there anything I should be doing to prepare?
damn this game looked nice but it's just another "you need to wait real-time hours to build shit"
That's what I find so interesting about it. It forces you to actually plan and stick with it. It also makes for some good long-term storytelling.
It's just another discord tranny clan tyranny episode. If the mods cared about enforcing order it might be interesting. But they just don't care about discord clans.
Dragons are a meme.
>wait real-time hours
Not with tokens you don't.
I do not even know who the kingdom I'm part of is allied to
Visit your king and ask
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The hero Ingerland needs.
>Be me settling a place
>Some sod explores nearby, immediately a new player spawns
>Can't settle, new player never goes online. Fine, I can wait a month
>Waits a month
>Check domain. New player gets cobwebs. Ok, I guess
>Go offline, within an hour the player despawns and gets replaced by another new player
Good grief
The second one uses clichéd gamer words so I know you're from here: Please just fucking develop your domain and make something nice instead of just sitting there. That's all
There's a perfect fishing/granite/meadow spot i want to settle but it's blocked by a newb all new players should be put their own island who actually sticks with their spawn domain anyway
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I did it bros, I finally have a balanced hemp supply
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>russian haxxors exploiting admeme code to make donbass flags
what haxx they using? I fucking wish admin let us just make coat of arms normally instead of this critically retarded rolling system
just made a new account after 2 years, how the fuck does this fog work? Where am I supposed to send my daughter to settle new lands? everything I can see is claimed
Fog exists to prevent good players from sniping all the good spots on a continent and you can remove it by creating a domain or using the Explore action if you have LOL+. There are a bunch of older continents that should have places to settle, Ursalia is where Ingerland is and that has a bunch of open space.
Can you transfer an organization that requires lol+ to create to a non-paid player?
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What does this mean, it doesn't include my whole domain
Does it prevent NPCs from spawning or something?
Translators have the backend IDs (actual numbers, not encrypted set of numbers and letters we see in the image names) of many items in the game, including the blazons. Having the IDs allows you to modify the request the way you want, thus granting you the access to 'impossible' blazons.
enjoy the bliss of ignorance as long as you can, unless you will be actually dragged into conflict or get bored and become the problem yourself
mostly because realpolitik is a clownfest in this game
shakedowns do happen, but the world is mostly polarized shithole of 2 giga factions, one of which is slowly decaying
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Dragonbros... How can we stop being so shit???
Never forget the six gorillion Ingerlish men who lost their lives so Mann could get his 360 no scope in.

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