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this is more fun than Starcraft and AoE combined. Is it doomed by the rts genre alone, or is it niche because of it's still early development? BAR succeeded where Supreme Commander failed, so I hope to see it grow further beyond it's current scope. It feels way more approachable than it's predecessors, especially with the more reasonable scale, QoL controls, visual readibility.. and it being FREE.
Is the community still mostly on discord tho ?
>or is it niche because of it's still early development
Zero meaningful promotion besides some shilling, they need to get on fucking steam ASAP or it will never take off.
What are advantages and flaws compare to SupCom FAF?
It's been years since I played SCFA, so I remember it vaguely.

BAR is free and open-source, meaning active development and growing community which participates in it's creation and balancing. Possibly the best control scheme I've seen in an RTS. Unit scaling is also better, meaning you see more of the models and less of the little icons. Terrain greatly influances not only unit movement depending on it's type, but the actually simulated velocity and trajectory of their weapons (given it's not a laser, in which case it's damage changes with distance). There's also terrain deformation, especially with something like a nuke.

As for flaws, it's third faction is still in development. As mentioned, the units are more readable from a distance, but they lost the rule of cool due to their somewhat cartoonish design. The UI, lobby and matchmaking is still rough around the edges. My biggest gripe would be shit pathfinding for something like constructors, which is weird becuase other units, be they land, air or navy handle very well.

I'd say just go visit their site and see for yourself if you like what you see. They present it all very well, whether the command scheme, roster or behind the scenes of the engine.

i tried it but everything felt off compared to supcom/ta, build too fast, move too fast, cartoony units, sound was alright but definitely needs improvement. commander death should be deafening through a 200w subwoofer but i didn't even hear it go off
It can go on Steam with a cost and would buy it in a second. It is really fucking good.
I think the only thing that it is holding it back is the devs, and the fact that they can't receive donations at the moment. It just needs Legion and some QoL at the lobby
I'll play it when it's on Steam. Which is probably still 5 years away if ever.
It's doomed because it's made by and for multiplayer autists and I refuse to join any gay community just to play a game.
>early release
there is probably an entire person's lifespan worth of cumulative development behind BAR, but even only counting BAR specific development that's several years worth of being released in an immediately accessible way (downloadable binaries).
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>plasticky cartoony units
came here to post this
>Enter an RTS
>Refuse to play MP (the only logical mode to be played)
>Get mad

I mean nobody will miss you but begs the question of why enter /vst/ at all, in the first place
I liked the cool units in supcom too much, I have no need for a replacement that turns them into plastic toys
>the only logical mode to be played
Yeah, that's like, your opinion, faggot.
And even if it wasn't, you'd still have to join the fucking discord or anything. Give me a proper tutorial and a campaign to learn the mechanics. That's all I'm asking for. Faggot.
I hope you're not one of the people who thinks Stormgate is a bad idea (and rightly so), because I warn you that you don't even know how ironic it is that you're doing the same thing as the defenders of said game.
>Give me a proper tutorial and a campaign to learn the mechanics. That's all I'm asking for. Faggot.
If you weren't such a faggot and actually played videogames, you would noticed already has tutorials, challenges, AI modes, party modes, shitter modes and custom lobbies

But you didn't because you're a secondary and a faggy faggot and wouldn't learn anything anyways
So I tried it after dropping it years ago and the multiplayer is an immediate rush + the menus remain less intuitive than suppcom.
Not sure if I like it or not.
>you would noticed already has tutorials, challenges, AI modes, party modes, shitter modes and custom lobbies
The "tutorial" is laughable (and doesn't teach anything you wouldn't already know if you have ever touched a strategy game before) and nothing you mentioned is even close to a campaign. But you do you, keep on sweating.
i want to spam human infantry with rifles and bazookas with some artillery support. this game has none of it.
Does BAR even have commander upgrades ?
Where the fuck are they in the menus ?
10 minutes between starting up the game and playing the game (after updating, that is)?
Fuck right off
No, commanders do not get upgrades playing "vanilla"
There's an option tho, called Unbalanced Commanders or UnbaCom i think where they level up and do get stupid powerful
Why would I be interested in this when Zero-K exists?
Because ZK sucks lmao
Played a few matches. Seems stable. mechanics are mostly suppcom, but with less races.
Some of the t3 units feel bad to play though. Underwhelming for their price.

It's not bad. It has a living community, it just needs more stuff.
Unfortunately 80% of people who like RTS games disagree with you and ask for the opposite.
The RTS genre died, was revived, and looks to be dying again because of your belief that the opinion of the majority of RTS fans doesn't matter.
(((Citation needed)))
Source was a blizzard employee for StarCraft 2.
Just look at the number of people who got the "play first multiplayer game" success in rts games, people enjoy campaigns and solo more than autistic pvp.
MP doesn't work unless you have a lot players of all skill levels.
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(((Starcraft 2)))

You will never get another campaign
You will never get to play
You will never learn
You will never have fun
You will never be a woman
You will never be a man
You will only cope and post on a basket weaving forum about imaginary enemies
You will never accept you wouldn't play anyway
You will never get accepted in a community
It's the same for all RTS on steam, you can check achievements yourself.
Here is a video discussing this topic: https://youtu.be/XehNK7UpZsc&t=236

Get back in your steed multifaggotnigger >>1646263, another round of big singlechad cocks is ready to rail your gaping asshole
Don't even try, that retard will go out of his way to demand you to go and find those 2.5 post-humans who still play mp that one old RTS you like if you say that this is the only game you play, he will deny the fact that C&C community to this day still lives solely because of all the mods and fan campaigns, he is the worst kind of subhuman that plays video games, a goymer
>singlechad cocks is ready to rail you
but they don't play multiplayer? all the "singlechads" just masturbate in their own little corner, lol.
>singleplayer chads don't need anyone but themselves to have fun
>multiplayer sissies need to organize vetted circlejerks for the same effect
so if it's not teaching you anything new then perhaps you don't need to learn anything new? It's not like the game's groundbreaking. You're just a whiny little faggot.
>quadrillions of flies must be right about shit
and you not joining is not helping to diversify those skill levels either.
>masturbation is superior to socialization
Yeah, figures, you're a pussy who's convinced himself that he's a lone wolf or something
Make it available on steam with fun campaign, good map editor and full workshop support and i just might.
It's an MP game first and foremost and that's a good thing. Don't pretend otherwise. Don't act as if putting some toys for you will change that.
Then have fun with your 1000 autists for playerbase, if even that.
I'm having fun in MP in a sub-100 community of an RTS older than you and we're still getting newbies. And they still comeback even after getting buttfucked.
Because they know that if somebody can be better, they can be too.
You just suck and want an excuse.
I am way past age of giving enough shit to get better. I play games to have fun, not to compete with retards.
Thing is that BAR is really fun anyways
I wonder if you fags do anything other than clicking through the first menu buttons that appear in game.
This game has insane singleplayer potential, it's just not fleshed out yet because it's a volunteer project and for a really long time the playerbase was really just the devs and a few other guys. When the Steam release happens I'm hoping that the devs advertise more the potential for singleplayer, and with the increased playerbase there will be a lot of interest so it's likely that people will join and will develop better tools for things
not interested in exploiting lobotomized AI, sorry, real men play multiplayer.
You might have actual brain damage if that is what you got from my post
He's an MP fag, please understand.
I am the type of shitter that enjoys fucking around in a 16 man lobby.
If the game is below 4v4 I refuse to play, because it feels like the expectations are higher.
For me the biggest is the optimization.
Supcom has an ancient single threaded engine.
One thing Supcom has for sure over BAR is cooler looking naval units.
>>masturbation is superior to aids-inducing gay orgies
I don't play MP in any RTS, so this game has been real fun for me since it has a lot to do by yourself.
My only issue is map space for when things get real fun. Units get stuck on everything and you need a perfectly flat area/map to prevent that. They should add a way at T3 to "upgrade" your factories to auto-build on their own to get rid of endgame clutter. Something like a costly buildpower increase each time you buy it, and you can buy it infinitely for each factory. Also a game option for allied units to phase into each other for pathfinding purposes again at endgame when the screen gets cluttered. They will still try to avoid each other, but once they get stuck they will simply phase into each other and without friendly-fire issues.
Beyond all ass
Honestly I disagree.
Hyper-clean pathfinding is what got us to SC2, where army deathballs move to easily. SC1 clunky pathfinding added to the game.
It makes you actually maneuver your units, compared to attack move.
That's why I said it should be an option in the game settings, I fully understand the game is already near-perfect for competitive shitters. More upgrades in general would be fun though. Like T1 upgrading to becoming faster/more range to help them be somewhat relevant at T3.
I just watched a youtube video and isn't this just the original total annihilation?
Originally its was called Balanced Annihilation Reloaded, and indeed it was a TA remake

The project got big enough and thats why they changed it to Beyond All Reason. Its based on Spring Engine, now called Recoil
Good thing is that you can scrpit with LUA whatever you want into the game, its open. I get that T1 are balanced around being cheap, but a T3 vastly outperforms any T1 stuff head on, yes... on 8v8. It's fine in 5v5 or less. In fact, Tick and Grunt spam on 8v8 is super opressive even though it seems like its a stream of wasted metal, one distraction and that grey goo can fuck you up.

I mean that the cool thing is that you can try whatever you like ingame and suggest it
>play 8v8
>leak some
>*shitty front lmao*
>get dogpiled by 3 players
>the guy who was supposed to help me started asking the front on the other side for help
>they say *not my problem*
>get dogpiled
>*omg NOOB play with bots first*
>we lose
>next game
>playing back line
>front leaks badly multiple times, forced to help them rather than tech up
>eventually our whole side loses
>lmao you guys are noobs
How is such a niche game already filled with tryhards and obnoxious people.
Sounds like the usual dual gap subhumans from FAF jumped to BAR after the constant DDoS issues.
It won't get better unless you become a host yourself and keep a blacklist, those maps attracts the worst of the worst.
remember to pull 500 metal out of your ass for the T2 builder anon :)
these drongobrained backliners are the bane of my existence
I've had good games too. It's not all bad, but without the mute option I am forced to have a sperg not just shittalk all the time, but spam messages on the map at me.
I don't get the fixation on roles at all.
Why is 1 spot the designated air when any corner can do it ?
Why is 1 spot the designated commander seller ?
Why is 1 spot designated sea when 2 spots can do it ?
Happens in all games
I think it's a sign that the game has potential to be awesomely good, when these people start appearing around
I just look for my friends to play against them, it's the ultimate test of an RTS
>Why is 1 spot the designated air when any corner can do it ?
>Why is 1 spot the designated commander seller ?
>Why is 1 spot designated sea when 2 spots can do it ?
Usually there are actual good strategic reasons for that. I guess you're talking about supreme isthmus, and before the meta got too rigid it wouldn't matter which one of the 2 backlines would be air/tech. I'd say it's actually better if the air spot was the tech spot there. I'm not sure what you mean by 1 spot sea when 2 spots can do it, I guess you're talking about short beach and pond? Well, pond doesn't have an economical advantage, so it's retarded to try to sea from there, so the useful sea things pond can do is double sea/help sea or build sea lab for the sea player that will switch with you with his bot lab
just picked this game up, and it seems like it tries really hard to force the idea of building everything out of one production building, but surely it's still better to have two in parallel so you can constantly push out more workers while having another free to build military? I'm having trouble wrapping my head around how you're supposed to balance economic vs military production in this
>so you can constantly push out more workers
You only need 3 or 4 builders outside the map, everything about buildpower is done by placing Building Turrets

BTs are needed to be spammed in an area. The more the better. They automatically help with anything in their radius, so the workers are mostly needed just to drop the blueprint on the ground, then the BTs take care of the rest

So don't spam builders, just get the minimum necessary
ok that makes sense, it seemed so awkward to chain build buildings but with turrets that should be way easier
Tryhards are always a sign that people consider the game worth giving a fuck about.
The game is not complicated and is very similar mechanically to Total Annihilation. It was ought to happen.
git gud fag
Have you played with the "supreme lobster" people in discord or otherwise before? They are the most obnoxious people i have ever met in a video game. Literally incapable of civilized communication and only convey information (mostly demands) through talking about you in the third person.
> I gave him metal ten minutes ago and he still hasnt given me my con
> He couldve stopped that cloaked comm walking into his base
Its something along those lines
playing only 1 map is the most degenerate thing ever in this game and the fucking 5v5 tourney killed the map rotation lobby :- (
Just dont play on the phallic map, simple as.
Tryhards in a non-competitive game in noob lobbies are obnoxious as fuck.
>you have to buy transport and move to the middle of the map and then attack here

BAR also has no mute option so getting spammed with map markers is unavoidable making it a worse experience than MOBAs

I get it, but sucks the fun out of it for me. Fixed strategies are just not fun and speak kind of badly on the strategic side.
>people complaining ITT about gap/astro when there's a handful of mapgen lobbies at any given time
It is autism or masochism
There's roles because the map is complicated and various things must be accounted for or your team just loses the long game. Having designated spots takes out the hassle of organizing that stuff separately for each match. People like the map because of that tunnel vision rigidity, I personally don't so I play other maps and game modes.
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lel, nice one, fag
It's just planetary annihilation with less planet-cracking and more autism. That's not to say there's anything to like about it, but that itch has been scratched by plenty of other games.
Anyone here run Cortex? How hard do you have to scale eco to get reliable t2 tank production? Every time I try to do it I stall out and end up with a meager amount of units compared to my lane opponent
Get a fusion reactor and upgrade at least 4 mexes before tryin to mass produce T2 tanks, would be a good rule of thumb imo. In the meantime you can make a couple artillery pieces (quaker), they're way cheaper than tanks and trade very well with enemy T1. Setting up a bunch of static defenses (i.e. pop-up flamethrower turrets) is a good idea if you're wanting to go T2 but aren't confident that you can get production going in a timely manner.
>make a "discord community" game
>allow no discord among the players, only gay accord
I am Warrior of Discording right now over this retarded shit.
I'm a mostly MP player but not having campaigns is a huge miss
Cortex vehicles suck balls. Only their arty is sort of decent.
Armada has those plasma tanks that demolish from 900 range.

Armada seems to have better options overall with the exception of that one ranged bot Cortex has.
Oh okay I was making the mistake of going straight into tigers off of 3 upgraded mexes and winds.
Parashit games run this board. Maybe you're thinking of DOTA.
/v/ is that way
U cray cray
Cortex Veh are pretty good
Quaker and Tiger are awesome, the Tiger being even cheaper than Armada and deadly as fuck

If you want constant pumping you should always go for AFU asap, maybe two, or make 4 regular Fusion Reactors then your first AFU, it's my baseline to make the jump
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It's a free game all about gameplay
I actually don't even get what would a "campaign" would be in this game

There are some challenges with a bit of backstory, and the challenges are interesting if that fills the niche of playing alone against a scenario

I mean people that ask for a campaign mean that you want to get invested in the characters and motivations? I actually don't get it, because its like asking a full fledged story mode in a fighting game, where the gameplay is just fighting 2 out of 3 rounds. It would just be a movie, just like STRIVE did already. IF you want something like Starcraft 1, which was pretty nice, it was built and developed around characters and worldbuilding, but that's a lot of resources and development focus that, done the wrong way, just leaves with a lame ass overbudgeted story (Starcraft 2), and that's not even the meat of the game (developing the game in the first place)

Also these games are pretty basic in backstory but just good enough. Factions hate each other. YOU are the commander. Go find resources and annihilate the other player because you hate it so much. Anything else in that kind of backstory would 90% possible be a detriment of faggy, nu-written kind of characters for nu audiences.

What i'm saying is that, although I do enjoy a great story, there should be a great storyteller behind it, and a story so good that must be told. Otherwise, it's just a waste, and the people that ask for campaigns do not really play RTS or the game for that long. Also it's a free game (in this case)

Maybe a Risk kind of campaign? that would work, with minimal background story. Maybe sprinkle a a challenging faction turf right there. But at that point, you're just playing against AI in skirmishes, which can already be done.

I mean, i'm getting a bit autist here, but would actually want to know what people mean with "no campaign no play" because the game is already there, a "campaign" is just a coat of nothingburger over it
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Sure but everyone has arty.
Meanwhile they have no answer to this:
this weak game is shilled here at least once in a month. Stop it.
Played. Graphics & animation kinda not optimized, and feels kinda plastic all around (FPS is fine though). Need to fix pathfinding issues, which is crucial for a game of this size. Also hard to distinguish which unit is from which beyond the basic bot, hovercraft, etc.

Besides those early development shit, it plays pretty okay, but not that different from Supreme Commander and feels like generic brand copy (especially the music). Hopeful for future improvements, but not gonna put much time in it now.
it's quite fun, late game does get very chaotic with the mecha units & nukes but i really enjoy early-mid game. 8v8 is where it shines
Yeah there's actually no hard counter for those fags. Banisher is the closest thing to it, but even then it's not an exact copy. Be noted that Starlights are volatile and any shot they receive makes them blow up and even trigger chain reactions.

Still Cortex Vehicles are in a nice spot right now IMO, certainly you're gonna use them much more than Cortex T3 unless its Jugg spam time already

Jelly answers, discarded
the people who say that they want a campaign are actual NPCs less active than the bots in the game. Easy AI turtling for 2 hours into deathball is their best.
The game is better off without them.
Just like fighting games are not for everyone, neither should be RTS.
I took a break for a few days and when I come back I see the highest rated player got banned for smurfing. This shit is hilarious. Now I know why the smurf was playing at a constant state of incomprehensible and genius. As always, mods are fags
>Just like fighting games are not for everyone, neither should be RTS.
So you want the genre to die.
if that's what makes it die, then it's already dead. been so for a very long time.
Stop catering to people who'd never play that to begin with. It's really that simple. Games for everyone are games for no one and even the veterans won't bother.
I want you to die
Or at least git gud enough to concede
Fuck off. Supcomm and total annihilation were never for everyone. It's a specific niche within the RTS genre.
this is why no one talks to you in real life
Yes, you really suck at selling genres like RTS believing that the majority are attracted to Red Alert 2.
It's no surprise that the only hope left is what EA is going to do with C&C.
The salt of not being a CEO of EA is quite high.
C&C was never good
Not a bait, it is the complete truth, they play like shit and are balanced like shit, all flash no substance

Global Conflagration is an indie game that does C&C better than it ever was

Nobody likes you either
>Global Conflagration is an indie game that does C&C better than it ever was
What shitty indie game now?
Typical skill issue of lack of modern combat logic.
More like it was "destroyed" by the most shitty community ever concede, the Americans.
>most shitty community ever concede, the Americans
based, true, approved, confirm
>C&C was never good
>muh balance
Thank god making games wasn't up to you, else we'd be stuck with the most watered down , *balanced* games.
I dunno anon a game is meant to be fun. I was a top 300 player in ra2 days and made it to #12 for ra3. Had loads of fun at higher levels because it is very much chess with better graphics. If ea wasnt the publisher it may have gotten better, who knows?
Retard take

True. Firestorm was pretty good for its time. If we had more development in the same vein who knows.

Thing is that it never happened. It's a shame.
Intelligent take
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You are in a thread about BAR, a descendant of Suppcom, which is a descendant of Total Annihilation.
A type of game, where a single nuke or artillery can and will end you from the other side of the map. Where an armed commander teleport will end you within seconds by the time your commander manages to turn around. A type of game where a few bombers will end you.
3 basic missile silo rockets are enough to instagib your commander from outside basic artillery range in suppcom.
And you are complaining about *muh terrible balance*.

You are in the wrong neighborhood, balancefag.

Fuck off.
I don't really like it. I love Total Annihilation, Supreme Commander and Zero-K.
BAR looks great, but the look doesn't translate to how it feels playing it... Units are not fun and their AI is stupid, artillery is boring, it's not fun to build defences. Last, most of the time you can only play those awful 8vs8 games and this is extra retardery.
>single nuke or artillery can and will end you
A nuke is easily countered and it'sa game ender but not easy to land
>Where an armed commander teleport will end you within seconds by the time your commander man
No teleports here
>A type of game where a few bombers will end you.
Bombers are pretty shit or you're a really shit player if you get bombed to death without AA
>3 basic missile silo rockets are enough to instagib your commander from outside basic artillery range in suppcom.
If you get spotted long enough to lose your Comm that way you deserve it, also doesn't mean defeat

I mean I know you haven't played these games, haven't played BAR, haven't done your homework, don't know anything about balance, finesse, women or fun

You fuck off a thread you don't know anything
And posts like this are the real reason why most people still want to play RTS games against the CPU.
2024, and nothing has changed (in fact, it got worse).
lmao just go away shitter
Like jesus christ
Force me.

Oh sorry, you have neither intelligence nor patience for such an action.
Not even mad
Not even seething
And the best thing is that your ironic comment is a fact.
Feeling old yet boomer?
>Nobody answers this
if someone masses Starlights the answer is the same as with Snipers - t1 bot spam
How do you play as Legion in singleplayer? (participating in a match with it as an option didn't unlock it)
How do you fight the bugs that can even be checked on the site unlike the Legion without joining a relevant lobby?
How is the work on the Legion is coming along?

All the discussion about the lack of campaigns is kind of mute since adding them is already part of the goal map for the game coming to Steam.
Nevermind those first 2 questions, I found them.
This, Starlights shit the bed with so many targets they can't decide what's important and get swarmed and die. People either need to think outside the box or just play more games until they realize that T1 spam is an actually op tactic and game ender with enough resources
>And posts like this
what's wrong with it? it gives clear, objective retorts to slightly dumb statements
sure he misunderstands tactical "commanders die easy so time to kill is low in theory, let's rush" with strategical "commanders die easy so protecting mine is important, i'll defend a bit" but ultimately he isn't wrong. There is balance to be had in an unbalanced game with instakill nukes and other cheap tricks. Especially when antinuke silos exist.
>had in an unbalanced game with instakill nukes
The thing is that it isn't unbalanced. A tool that is powerful doesn't mean it's unbalanced. It's a nuke. And it's pretty easy to counter them, and the gameplay around Nukes is the deterrence of having them, and without proper defense it could -posibly- mean death. Even though in high level it's not always defeat or not even used.

As a BAR player and avid RTS player, i read these posts about balance and realize people don't really know what they're talking about or what they want. I actually think these people in RTS threads don't really play anything, and i mean ANYTHING
It's not a legit answer, since only starlight use is rare. I run them with t2 tanks and jammers. Can easily have basic lightnings in front and not have issues with bot spam, other than being forced to select targets for the Starlights..
All of these are examples of kills I have made in FAF.
Those strats having counters does not make invalid, especially with missle silos - you need to just stand still for a few seconds on the frontline for them to get you.
Bombers work in all games.

Honestly it seems like you haven't played enough to not have seen these in FAF or BAR.
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>compare Banisher's stats
Jesus Christ
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downloaded it yesterday and played a few quick skirmishes, and basically most of the ground units boil down to
>fact but weak
>slow but strong
>slow and weakish, but good range
it's better for planes, except they bunch up like retards, and way worse for ships, which are literallly
>a ship
>a better ship
>a much better ship
there are some good ideas, but there's also a lot of bad ones
Interpreter speaking, ESL friend:

The post you are quoting is answering to a previous post that says the cited strategies are unbalanced and refutes them, stating that they are, in fact, not unbalanced. The post doesn't demerit or states the legitimacy of said techniques or strats as valid or unvalid.

Also take note that BAR and FAF, although similar, they have their own balance and rulesets that only apply to them, and not between each other, and citing an experience on one doesn't translate to the other.
I don't really feel the Banisher is a good counterpart of the Starlight, they are two different tools
Starlight is a big ass fuck you to anything, small or big in focused DPS. The Banisher is AoE, and although it does quite alot of damage, it's not as scary to single armored units. It fucks up clumped units beautifully alright, but it's a swarm counter, not a big unit counter, or at least doesn't feel like it does this the best it could. Also those costs, dayum

I still play Cortex because big explosions are more fun
i watched this on youtube and apparently its just supcom but "new" and with shittier unit design? id rather just play supcom
You're not gonna play neither
it's not soupcom, it's Total Annihilation.
and we both know you're not gonna play either of the three
>a shit
>a better ship
Just wait till you see what subs do to ships.
First he posted like a fag, then he pretended gaming happens in a vaccum, where you get to anticipate everything.
Even antinuke is not a complete guarantee, since suppcom has supernukes and general nuke spam.
Yeah but I think there's a matrix bridge.
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"NUKE RUSHERS could be here" he thought, "I've never played in this lobby before. There could be NUKE RUSHERS anywhere." The 4.5 wind strength felt good against his plating. "I HATE NUKE RUSHERS" he thought. Dark Champion by Ryan Krause reverberated his entire base, making it pulsate even as the 65 energy income circulated through his powerful thick circuits and washed away his (merited) fear of nuke rushers after the 12 minute mark. "With an air transport, you can go anywhere you want" he said to himself, out loud.
ya wot m8
I got my supcom fix late last year, but surely I'll return to crab and nuke warfare some time in the future to scratch that itch. BAR just looks really bland and like it offers nothing above what supcom already offers
As an avid SupCom player back in the day, BAR is just straight up better if not different
I mean I should say they're "different" but, being real here, not gonna touch SupCom anymore. It's just too old. It's outdated and FAF isn't enough of QoL. The engine of SupCom doesn't even support multi threaded processors, it runs bad on big matches and its slow, both in performance and ingame.

Now, the Spring engine was made for RTS. The very first thing that people did was to try and port TA to it. First it was called Balance Annihilation Reloaded, then, when the project got big it was renamed as Beyond All Reason. The other fork to this game was Zero K, which is also on Steam. Both are pretty good, but BAR is much more refined now.

As for SupCom and BAR/ZK comparisons, it should be noted that they're two different games, but if i'm gonna keep playing one that is fun, looks great, and runs well it's gonna be anything but SupCom today.

Industrial Annihilation is also coming soon, as well as Sanctuary Shattered Sun which is more of a SupCom successor than any other.
>Industrial Annihilation
This is going to be shit just like PA was if not worse.
>Sanctuary Shattered Sun
I'm cautiously watching this too!
Ships actually have an interesting dynamic to them, corvettes/gunboats (a ship) are the best firepower for your buck. Frigates (a better ship) get great value against them but only if they have space to kite. Destoyers (a much better ship) are a siege and anti-sub weapon that eats shit in a direct engagement.
It's similar for ground units, with most of them having a role to play in the dynamics of unit-to-unit fights, vs. static defenses, as well as the ultimate goal of killing your opponent's eco/commander. From your post I'm genuinely having a hard time understanding what you think the ground units are lacking. Active abilities or other gimmicks?
lmao this is amazing though missed an opportunity to make the price display thing a radar or llt or something

>I actually think these people in RTS threads don't really play anything, and i mean ANYTHING
absolutely, I'm not saying the game is beyond criticism or anything, but this thread has a crazy amount of one-off posters that will seemingly come up with any excuse to not actually play an RTS
>this thread has a crazy amount of one-off posters that will seemingly come up with any excuse to not actually play an RTS
Anxiety is real
Realer than any other genre. At least Fighting Games filter shitters fast. RTS seem to overlap with city builder people and they don't seem to understand that base building is a function, a layer to the strategy, speed and layout, to push and outsmart other player.

They will keep saying they want something like campaigns, but never specify what would they want. Any developer shrugs these people away all the time, as they don't play and most important they don't buy.
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>started to play frontline in 8v8 games
>it's actually super fun
>as long as you can show early pressure and avoid getting fucked by rushes
>your backline bros tend to help out if you were decent
>reclaiming your and enemy troops is fun
>the only risk is T3 suddenly ramming into your line
>comm cloak and d-gun for rushes
>dog arty or sheldon dance once you get to t2
>rotating lines to defend allies
>first claim on most mexes and reclaim material
This sure beats playing simcity in the backline. The only bane is vehicle bumrushes from the backliners or vehicle arty spam.
Just got a match yesterday and they left me the water spot which i hate, then realized the water gameplay changes are already in and we have new units and balance and it was a fun micro managing fight that i actually won

The Brimstone is a flamethrower boat and it seems pretty good against spam.

Awesome that you're also having fun, I do love BAR and would hope more people realize how good this is so it can be used as example of what to do
Spring engine has the 1944 game or whatever it's called. Is free. I'm not playing it.
Not that anon, but I checked this out because I'm also interested in a non-scifi setting for this engine, but dangit, I can't get it to work... namely I can't download the files from the spring lobby.
bots exist and are close enough to infantry
just remember to t2 fast enough to get your long range arty online
if you play supreme or glitters, fuck you, hahahahh lol lmao lmfao kek
It also has some types of logistics
rec some maps, and they better be good or I'll curse you to a month of playing only on soup battlefield
I love that any map can be played just fine and there's no bias towards any unit being "superior" in all scenarios since it's balanced around needs and utility rather than "spam tanks"
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>why enter /vst/ at all, in the first place
You are aware you're on the strategy video games board not the multiplayer video games board, right?
Oh i'm sorry we should open a Videogame Strategy But Not Shitters Allowed Board as well because it gets confusing
You know you want to discuss videogames but some people are shitters and just faux post
I think anything bigger than 5v5 is retarded and that's already pushing it. In a 8v8 you barely have any effect on half of you team, it's like as if they were playing in a different match than you.
While it has it's novelty, I think it doesn't really make good gameplay to get a windfall or setback just because some retard you didn't even interact with in the last 10 mins did something on their half of the map. The only way I could see it work if it's only truly big maps and teams had options to do side objectives on the maps to gain benefits, but that wouldn't be TA/SupCom/BAR/ZK/whatever anymore.
I enjoy them.

I enjoy huge, focused battles with 8v8 players.

I live for big battles. 1v1 is uninteresting to me in suppcom styled games, 2v2 is the minimum.

It takes 1 side to crumble for the whole match to go to shit. But in an 8v8 maybe the second liner can cover for the failure of the front.
In a 4v4 scenario the game is over.
>teams had options to do side objectives on the maps to gain benefits, but that wouldn't be TA/SupCom/BAR/ZK/whatever anymore
They're supporting custom map rule sets and the map editor is on the horizon

Would like secondary objectives as well
>I enjoy huge, focused battles with 8v8 players.
>I live for big battles. 1v1 is uninteresting to me in suppcom styled games
What a weird thing to say. You get the same if not more sweat from a good intense 1v1 duel.
The action is a lot less.
untrue unless you're ADHD zoomer brained and you need 100 big booms per second for it to register as "action"
I think that's kinda the point. 16vs16 in ZeroK are fun but a casual kind of fun, not a competitive "i outsmarted you with a proper scouting that helped me make an informed decision on building units X Y and Z instead of A B and C and that gave me an advantage on the frontline which is currently helping me hold more mexes and expand faster", but more of a "i can build only the shieldbots because my neighbor to the left is building the sniperbots and the neighbor on the right is flying with radar planes, these three units go together well even if I'd never use them in a comp myself. Time to drop the tacnuke silo for them sweet EMPs to break this not-quite-stalemate"
Yes I am an APMlet and an attentionlet, fight me (in a big team match where i only need to do one or two things to make a good contribution to the team effort)

side objectives KotH style would be fun though. I said it before and I'll say it again, C&C Rivals had some good ideas with the control points that fire a big missile at the enemy base if you control them long enough or steal the control at the last second. The MTX and unit leveling are the only bad things about Rivals but they are bad enough to ruin everything fun about the core controllan and fightan and hill-sittin of the games' matches.
Yeah, but do you need 16v16 or 8v8 for that? Wouldn't even just 4v4 or 5v5 be enough? I think at some point it just becomes a senseless grinder where individual actions matters so little most of the time.
>you are a zoomer if you like big battles
Go back to 90 limit warcraft and 200 limit starcraft.
Yes that sounds neat. I could imagine things like a satellite control that you can control for huge vision in an area. Perhaps you could even have a building against it, but it would cost a lot to get and operate, so it's a decision if you want to push for the control or get the building and so on.
Or I'll go further, I WANT dynamic campaign game modes in multiplayer games where each match is a fight to control regions on a big map like DoW singleplayer and you can get effects that persist between matches, and different regions could have modifiers on the matches, like a snow region with decreased movement but faster laser weapon fire rate...

Ah, well, things that will never happen. I'll just consoom my next C&C or SC clone.
sp campaign scenarios are puzzle games, not strategy. so yes, when we're talking about multiplayer, we're discussing strategy, unlike you.
8v8 is still individual enough
An Air or Sea player win can turn the game within a very short period of time.
A nuke rusher, a tech rusher, a frontline support. There is enough individual player influence to be gamebreaking.
Now 16v16 is probably pointless but suppcom styled games have enough in them to make an 8v8 meaningful.
4v4 and less devolves into "you go here i go there and we don't interact ever" because players always optimize the fun out of the game if given the option.
but honestly just play the game and enjoy it however you do, I don't care
it's just not the same, man.
Why would I play this when I could play SupCom?
So, which game has more players, Zero K or BAR?
BAR obviously.. both games have their playeur count public
It's new and shiny and MP doesn't get shutdown by butthurt russians
Why is Legion never coming out, and the Steam release is bound to happen even later
people work when they want to nigga
Because BAR is better :^)
how dare you not spit on me for my personal preferences
>wind farms
>solar panels
>a golden calf trophy for the match results
It's a fun game but why does it have to be so satanic?
why don't you just play it now? it's free, who cares? the game has robust ai to play against, too.
Do the devs even care if it takes off yet? it's a f2p game with no monetization in it. its just running on hopes and dreams rn
I'm not gonna lie i heard about the game thru here, went and downloaded it, tried a couple missions and now i get it. I can / did fight and beat medium AI already. I'm not sure why you fags need like campaign or tutorial to learn. you dont' even need discord. just open the game and figure it out.
congrats on having triple-digit iq, anon, a rare occurrence on /vst/.
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I've played a single mission, since I played a lot of TA and Supreme Commander. After that I joined a noob lobby, told the people, hey I'm new, first game, and everyone was super friendly and supportive and I had fun
Because the engine can handle more than 4 players on a big map without slowing to a crawl 15 minutes into the game.
potato pc? there are people that hold 60+ fps while playing 8v8s on a metal map
the game runs surprisingly well for its open source nature and battle scale
He's talking about SupCom you dumbass
Played few matches today with a dude who was always going economy, he was quite good at the role, but also tilted easily, autistically raged when his team resigned and constantly talked about trannies.
You faggots should be locked out from this game.
Can you play 1v1 in this game? All the videos I can find seem to be huge team battles which I'm not that interested in
>After that I joined a noob lobby, told the people, hey I'm new, first game, and everyone was super friendly and supportive and I had fun

Hol up

Like right away?
Didn't you made a thread where you asked what you should think and feel first? did you even looked for validation on the board? you just straight up joined the fun? How?
you are looking for validation on the board right now
Mind = Ctrl+D (that's self destruct)
>they made it so ctrl-a, ctrl-d resigns you instead of blowing all your units
>why even live
>download game
>try to join 4v4
>get kicked instantly for being new
>try to join 8v8
>spend 10 minutes in the lobby as people keep refusing to ready up
>give up and uninstall game
This is why team games are shit
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Just switch lobbies nigger, baka...game is populated enough, especially on evenings.

Don't make this out as a game that is noob unfriendly, I haven't played a RTS that is MORE noob friendly. Wherever I'm in, I tell people I'm new, they give tips, share resources, units, paint the fucking map to give me tips without backseating.

Stop being a faggot.
I don't know what you are talking about, it takes me AT MOST ten minutes to start playing and that's rare.
i hate how all the units look like toys, so fucking stupid, it really ruins the game for me. why the fuck would you do this?
Do you think suppcom units look like toys ?
If anything these are much better than the plannetary annihilation ones. Those have a genuine plastic look.
>supreme commander
>planetary annihilation
Please. Those are shit and undeserving to be mentioned in the same thread as original TA. Only Spring carried the torch.
>supreme commander
>Download BAR with zero experience in SupCom or TA, figured I'd give it a go.
>Fight the simple AI, giant flamethrower gunship flies straight to my base and burns the entire thing to the ground as I struggle to find an AA platform that can survive its onslaught
>Try again, this time rush the AI with a horde of cheap bots, eventually manage to drown him in Brutes, but the win feels kind of disappointing
>Read up on the website for each unit, try to piece together how they're supposed to function in a combined arms army
>Try forming mixed squads with AA units, tanks, and artillery, the battlegroup preforms poorly against most things because the frontline gets demolished
>Keep experimenting, try T2 bots this time
>Find the Sumo, nothing can fucking kill them as they waddle towards the enemy
>Find the Mammoth, which is like a fatter, slower version with vast range
>Use them in place of defense turrets because they can crawl their way forward and the enemy can't seem to deal with a small group of them, all the while laying down actual defenses and fortifications behind them to hold the ground I take

What other units are easy to use for someone new? I tried Fiends, they're pretty great because you just smash them in to enemy bases and watch as they torch the entire thing. I'm still mostly winning by spamming nuke silos and deleting entire parts of the map every few minutes.
For any build you should know your cheapest unit, your tanky unit and your long ranged unit.
At T2 radars and jammers are similar across all factions for all builds except water and air.

Vehicle artillery is unfairly longer ranged than bot ranged, but also more expensive.
Hovers are extremely weak and specific in use.
Frontliners are either bots or vehicles.
Observe some multiplayer games then play them.
Don't trust sweaty assholes telling you you have to watch billion videos or follow specific autistic meta.
This applies to every RTS game ever.
and yet almost nobody on this board seems to understand that.
game needs better early game defenses, an economy rework or cheap units nerf
it's too easy to win by rushing with bots and light vehicles
not fun when every game has to be the same or you automatically lose
The game has great balance. If you get fucked by early raids you need to just git gud. Make own raiders, predict where they will raid, take commander to front faster. Or place one light laser tower.
>If you get fucked by early raids you need to just git gud. Make own raiders
thanks for proving my point
>The game has great balance
every "competitive" game so far of BAR has been groups of light infantry and vehicles running around all over the map trying to snipe resources out of the other player
If you allow them to pass through the frontline, perhaps.
News universally seem to hate being raided and overrely on static defenses, so your bitching isn't very surprising to me.
It depends on the map, but generally the first actions in the game are:
1. Estabilish basic economy and one factory
2. Make 2 or 3 raider units to either raid or respond to raid. Some units are very good at countering raiders, like Core vehicle plant's light tank.
3. Move commander in the direction of middle of the map, try to estabilish presence with light laser towers, capture metal spots.

Once this happens if your economy got raided someone fucked up at the frontline.
why can't I start with 3 air units instead? because the opponent goes 3 infantry as usual and destroys my entire base while my units get one shotted by 1 anti air turret
there's no room for alternative playstyles, there's one build order that is stronger than all the others in early game
bad balancing
i'm talking 1v1 btw
because air has a specific support role in this game, iirc you can't really open with air in any of TA derivative games when playing 1v1
the build order is mostly the same because honestly making the most generally optimal one is the best but it deviates based on many variables such as the map, the enemy and your faction, your chosen factory(which mostly depends on the map and you starting position which you choose) etc
however there are still cheese strats which can either work or not
also early game defenses are strong, a light turret rapes most light raiders, and not even mention your comm
the problem starts with tanks or heavier bots but by that time you shouldn't rely on just turrets, you should have you own force capable of responding to attacks which you also scout or just see coming through radar
Air is probably the worst choice for 1vs1. It's for precision strikes, not holding the front. And it makes sense, every unit type has its place in some situation instead of everything being boring slop of stat comparison.
Play some team games, they are funnier and way less sweaty than 1vs1.
If the air lab had a unit that can hold ground as effectively as ground labs units can, it would be hilariously op. All the labs fill a specific role, people tend to start bots because they're cheaper, so most economical to expand with and lets you get map control early. The game doesn't really have "build orders" in the same sense that most other RTS do. Your early game strategic decisions are mostly about balancing expanding and army production. A "build" really only starts forming once you put down your second lab, and when to do it/which lab is something you decide on the spot based on the way the game is going, not before the match. So not really a "build" at all.

If your games tend to end before anyone goes into thugs/rocket bots/med tanks, then you (or your opponent) are having some skill issues. Just build the radar and catch the raids if you're not interested in trying to snipe your opponent's resources. The reclaim being in your base even helps you make up for the map control you're giving up.
any interest in a /vst/ lobby?
What would be the purpose?
playing funny strategy game together
>what would be the purpose of playing multiplayer with... multiple... players... who also aren't 100% randoms, only like 80% ones (an actual difference)
>implying I want to play with people visiting 4chan
You need to play more to have an opinion worth the time
If you get rushed and fucked its always your fault. Always. Everytime. Forever will be your fault.
you're retarded and can't read.
>IF you get rushed
you always get rushed. that's the problem. not the outcome that comes from it. it doesn't matter if i lose or win against it.
the problem is that you always get rushed. every single game. because the balancing is really bad and early game oriented.
I'm talking 1v1, team games are irrelevant.
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Everytime it will be your fault
Every day you lose to it, will consume your every waking thought, every second, on how you got rushed and there was "nothing i could do", literally nothing. You will take this to bed, sleep on it, wake on your cold sweat and realize "maybe i not got gud" and realize it's because early pressure breaks the buck. And you're the buck. Everyone on the street knows it. You'll go on your day to day routine and people will look at you, and you know they're thinking "lmao that guy loses to rushes" and "lol he says there's no other strategies but it's because he's the buck and always gets broken early" and "obviously so" and even Zun Tzu will write another chapter in his diary talking about you, and people like you, that never got good, titled

>People that talks about balancing are the people that didn't read the fucking book

Next to his
>How to Proton Cannon rush in medieval times

So it is written
enjoy your dead on arrival shit balanced game lol
>nooo there's an actual early game in place of rote execution of a memorized build and I don't like it
It's ok to get filtered, as long as you own it instead of coping by blaming it on "bad balancing"
Furious casual hands typed this post
I feel like his problem is the opposite actually. He's coming into the game with preconceived notions about how it should be played. He has a bunch of experience in more traditional RTS games, so when BAR works with a very different logic he has trouble handling the transition. BUT he's a hardcore rts gamer, after all, so it must be the game's fault, not his. So casual isn't quite right, but he's a textbook example of what fighting game players call a "scrub"
>so it must be the game's fault
It is his fault. I was never interested in any other multiplayer RTS, spring engine games are good for me as they require more tactical/strategic thinking and execution than issuing billion clicks per minute.
>issuing billion clicks per minute
that's BAR btw
atleast for now until flanking damage and fast/cheap units get nerfed
In very early game maybe but the longer the game lasts, the less important APM becomes
bro just don't have a flank
hold the line from map edge to other map edge
control the territory, control the resources, control the flow of the battle
and learn hotkeys to save you these extra few precious clicks that you're so worried about
you've never played 1v1
just like the majority of /vst/.
This isn't a board for strategy, just rename it to "puzzle games" already.
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is the new season good?
does Asuka reappear?
8v8 is simply more fun and also I'm an APMlet who doesn't like 1v1 in any RTS
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>Hold my Beer..
shut the fuck up redditfaggot
Because Zero-K has idiotic devs and admins who ban you if you play off-meta and even dare to win against them with it.
And then they go on, gather their brownnosers and try to have some sort of tribunal with you.
Not sure if I am still banned, but I honestly don't care anymore. What the fuck is this unprofessional retardation?
the RTS genre died because the devs and pubs couldn't find a way to monetise it.
Some tried, but they ended up fucking with the balance horribly so they stopped developing altogether.
Also ZK is ugly as FUCK
Like Cruelty Squad levels
>More fun than AoE
>That econ
It has the best economy I've seen in rts
as a mainly starcraft player the aoe economy completely filters me.
It's easy
Instead of paying upfront, it draws the total cost over time, since they're "printing" units

Its that way to leave you out of spamming clicks on what to build and make them automatically
no he said AoE economy (the 4 different resources) and not TA/SupCom economy (flow lof only two resoures over time)

AoE econ is actually simple. Wood and Stone are primarily used for buildings, sometimes Gold is used on specific buildings. Meat is used for all living units, and wood/gold as well (because they gotta use something to fight). In that way, early on when you're making workers and planning on making 2 age1 buildings, your main concernsa re a lot of food and a bit of tree, and later once you've made all your workers you scale food production down and scale up in gold and stone and trees, to get either towers to defend/attack/control, siege units to break through, or whatever it is AoE players get.
So in essence, Gold is like Vespene and Stone is like vespene for buildings, and then food and trees are like minerals for units and buildings respectively. Takes a bit of time to get used to, and requires planning ahead if you wanna succeed.
>Meat is used for all living units
Archers confirmed not living beings
fuck, knew i'd get something wrong
>(the only logical mode to be played)
I play MP 99% of the time, but the vast majority of RTS players are single-player/co-op/customs players and never touch ladder-type MP. You wouldn't know this because every (failed) RTS to come out since SC2 mistakenly believed multiplayer people were the majority.
>You wouldn't know this because every (failed) RTS to come out since SC2 mistakenly believed multiplayer people were the majority.
Every successful RTS had both and they were good to begin with

Every failed RTS failed because it's shit, regardless of your puzzle mode.
Every successful RTS had good multiplayer.
There was not a single RTS which WAS successful and DIDN'T have multiplayer.
They Are Billions is low-key dead today and although wrongly people don't classify tycoons, city builders and GSGs as RTS. That should clarify everything.
Yeah, I feel you man. Don't worry, I'm sure the companies making RTS games will soon contact you for your sales analytics insights and your consultancy on puzzle modes.
this is good advice
but I'd also like to add that you shouldn't be afraid to actively rework your economy. If you're running out of gold but have 1500 wood stockpiled (many such cases), instead of waiting for your town center to spit out 5-7 villagers, you could just pull existing villagers off of your woodline and send them to work gold instead. Also if you do float too many resources the market is good for letting you immediately turn that stockpile into other resources you need more of while your economy shifts gears.
meant to highlight
I main mayans, brain rot is a common affliction among my kind please understand :(
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>the post that killed BAR
easy to figure out where this game is heading towards
already uninstalled
>devs banning people for playing game the wrong way
>and gloating about it
They really do do it for free
>playing the wrong way
yeah the ban definitely didn't have anything to do with him getting reported being racist about niggers, it was because he played wrong.
>noooooo I can't say nigger nigger nigger
>noooooo I can't play in a way to 100% lose front bespite knowing better
Get fuked
>noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo why aren't you playing your designated role on the map???????? now the team is all fucked despite the fact that we can all build the same buildings!!!!! BAN HIM
I despise rigid meta slaves, but you going air + hovers on most frontline position can be considered only as trolling. You knew it and you went with it, depriving your team of chance for victory hence you should get fuked for trolling.
>>noooooo I can't say nigger nigger nigger
lol nigga, let's be real here, you can get banned for saying that someone has cancer or aids
I remember that a guy got banned just because he was memeing andrew tate. I also saw a veteran dude getting insta banned for saying that if you're low OS you're retarded
they take 1 year to fix cancer aids meta like whistlers but if a new thing becomes le bad they'll update the CoC in an instant
i'll bait
despite being able to build same buildings, you still have to spend two crucial resources: apm and mass. if you see that your retarded teammate is building air on frontline, while you yourself are on eco position, you sure can build some tanks and micro them, maybe even set up some defences, but you will lag behing the eco player who didn't, because his full attention and mass went into building more eco. And by the midgame when your opponent will be stomping the frontline you have built yourself with a titan, you would be barely able to shit out a small t2 compo.
Your team has a set pool of resources it can spare, and resources not spent correctly are resources wasted.
sucks 99% of the lobbies are the same shit perma stalemate maps where nothing happens before t3
It's the same reason I quit SupCom. 99% of the playerbase are drooling retards who can only handle astrocrater and, on a good day, seton.
okay retard
i suggest you to watch this replay of people who actually know how to fucking play
both teams players get rushed in a 1v1, recover, and both of them later tech to t3. because they aren't imbeciles (like you)
I really hate the lobby system where it sets a password for you and shit. I wish it was more traditional.
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How 2 get good at this, I'm shit and enjoy playing bots and watching progames.
learn the economy buildings start for every map with wind/without and rush units like everybody else does or lose every single game
just ask for trans and com bomb every game
yeah I used to have trouble making a game to 1v1 my friend
it would create a lobby but actually not or give wrong pass or not give one at all or one of us just couldn't see it
weird as fuck and annoying
Play Zero-K, the economy and units are a lot less rigid and no tech means you don't have people just sitting there doing nothing for 30 minutes.
Link? Runs an linux?
>Play Zero Players
>More like Zero Interest in making it at least look good
>More like Play the same game but shittier
Another successful transacktion!
>rush units
Having an army is not rushing. Rushing would be sending your commander toward the enemy before he can get t2 up and running.
>Attacking the moment you have a strike force? that's rushing
>Attacking before I have a defender force? that's rushing
>Attacking when i'm not looking? that's rushing
>Attacking before 5 mins? that's rushing
>Attacking before 20 mins? that's rushing
>Attacking before i'm ready? that's rushing
>Winning over an engagement? you're rushing
>Nuking me at 30 mins? that's a nuke rush what a tryhard I mean I was making my units man wtf
>matrix bridge
Probably not the right place to ask this, but how does encryption work with those?
>why are rts games dead?
What's the fastest eco built to T3
You can suicide your Commander and eat it, rush a T2 and eat the factory as well, build a T2 con, eat the T2 factory again, all of these awhile building windmills

You should be able to get a AFU in about 12 mins. You're not spending a dime or anything else though, just T2 extractors and generators, that's it. Once you get an AFU it should feed 4 Metal Generators. For T3 production, you should get 3 or 4 AFUs, and this should be rushed in like 20 mins.
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Fastest catalyst is still 17 mins?
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How to find actual noob lobbies
Create your own
Set low MMR score and invite people

>Implying anyone actually knows what they're doing adn not just spamming Mortar Bots until countered and get baffled
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I havn't played in since before they added the new t3 cortex flame mech, is it good? I'm a fiendpilled firemaxxer and would it be viable for me to literally do nothing but spam fiends into demons?
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Anyone wanna do a 25v25 on the next brightworks stream?
It's great vs smaller units. It loses vs single target focused units.
Among walkers it is pretty fast. Overall a useful t3 unit, but if you encounter a thor with it you want to avoid engagement.
>go into another 8v8
>decide to roll Air
>doing good, helping out
>eco growing great
>basically feeding my whole team metal so they can hold the ground battle
>even got 2 juggernauts which is a not what air should be doing
>6 fortress push on the side of the map into the eco of the other team
>destroy 2 bases before losing my fortresses
>production + advanced fusion reactors worth a gorillion
>think I can sit back and win doing nothing now
>team fumbles and we're being pushed back
>give metal to my whole team
>still not winning
>do another fotress push on the other side of the map
>annihilate another 2 bases while my frontliners are moving in
>enemy team surrenders as our frontliners are gaining even more ground
>realize enemy air was rank 1 and didn't even make 100 airplanes
>feel like this victory was empty
>don't feel like playing anymore
How do I cope with this? I like the game a lot, but my requirements for a fun engaging match are a really tough battle and I rarely get that. It's either a onesided win or a onesided loss.

Maybe this is why RTS just can't catch up to normie genres. True fun in it is too specific.

How do I cope ?
At this point it's an IQ test.
You can say everything but nigger.
Whatever you do don't say nigger.
It's amazing how many people fail that simple test.
Pretty generic advice, but
>switch to enjoying experimental, silly things over victory (with the acknowledgement and acceptance of your teammates, or in singleplayer)
>say "fuck it" and learn to revel in crushing those weaker than you, optionally cursing those more skilled as "cheaters"
>say "fuck it" and change games, preferably to one with a sizable and active ranked community
>ignore matchmaking almost entirely and start playing with people you know, or switch to a game they like
>work to be a good and understanding mentor, being aware of beginner traps, and kindly offering advice while stepping away if they decline

Feel free to mix and match to suit your palate.
>You can say everything but nigger.
Whats with this gaslighting, this is literally not true at all.
wat, can you explain why it's a gay community ?
bro thos mfs are made of paper and have a big ass explosion radius when blown up inficting friendly fire, are you retarded ?
Not really that big. Besides if you don't have bot spam on them a quick rush with em and some frontline will fuck up most weaker frontlines.
it literally is
the best thing about it, it keeps the hood rats out, and you people I guess.
never happened to me, what was your user name? all replays are public and I'm curious to see your unconventional wins
Play smaller games where individual playstyle has a bigger impact
like 4v4, or try a 1v1

It's the nature of competitive (competently made) games. Sometimes you're just plain better than the opponent or plainly below the speed and knowledge. But when you're on par with your opponent and the clash happens, there's no other feeling and no other genre that gives that good feel. Winning or losing, it feels just awesome.

Maybe try to mix it up or try to see how much can you get away with stupid or unconventional builds for shits and giggles.
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What's current 1v1 meta?
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Alcohol it is.
I would like to get more 1v1s or 2v2 games going to check this because I play against a friend and everytime i dunk on him with Brutes
And he's a really good SC player and beats me if i open with bots, but seems he just cannot grasp what to do if I go Cortex vehicles
I think it's just medium tanks? You get so much more health than any other t1 unit that your effective dps is through the roof. They're decently fast, universal, fairly cheap and extremely cost effective.
I would agree,vehicles at T1 seem better options for openers unless the map isn't flat, but with good micro you can harass better and the DPS/cost/res bots can give you an edge. A good player can make the most out of Bots because they're just cheaper and the damage is there, also can be repaired fairly fast on the field, unlike tanks.

But i'm a grog and I just amass and push shit in, people never scout so never prepare or harass properly. If the Brute/Stout deathball gets critical it's game over. That could be said of Thugs/Rockets/Res bots tho.
downloaded it because its free
>no customizable hotkeys
wow now i understand why its free, what a piece of garbage, i now get why devs have to work for free. my middle mouse button is broken and i cant rebind it ??
You literally can do all that, look in options lol
>If the Brute/Stout deathball gets critical it's game over.
>shurikens u
>The best RTS in years, free, customizable as fuck, with nice graphics, nice gameplay, nice balance and shitton of content, quality of life everywhere other RTS should have by default

>Lol piece of shit cuz i couldn't rebind my vibrator to pan the camera with my ass

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I love cortex vehicles so much bros.
Banishers have the hottest firing sound effect in the entire game.
Also FUCK 8v8 games, they are not fun.
well how DO you play this game?
Good enough, I'd say. Except for the naval side, where the enemy overpowers me most of the time. First I thought I would be the Cortex guy but now I greatly prefer Armada in many ways and feel like they are more flexible, though Core has pretty cool things too, like armed extractors. Legion has come a long way since I started playing (I did this year) but there's much to be improved yet. What about you?
ive no idea what to build.
>start by building metal exrtractors on mine nodes and either wind turbines (cheap but depend on the windpower that can fluctuate, be shit or nonexistent so check its strength) or a solar panel or two for energy. In building your economy it's important to not go into the red for either metal or energy or it creates a bottleneck and you get stuck building something for A LONG time. No need to be perfect but evading this as much as possible is a great skill. You can ask teammates for help if it's mp and they might help
>you can then set up a laser turret and maybe aa near your main base to protect it from possible nigger run-bys from the enemy + radar to see them coming before they actually arrive.
>next you choose which type of factory to go for (though nothing except your eco stops you from going for two or more). If it's a 1v1 or you are frontline you go either for vehicles or bots (unless it's a water map or something). Vehicles cost way more than bots but trade extremely well against them but if the ground is uneven they can get stuck and get demolished by surrounding bots. The bots are usually more mobile and flexible (like in turning to face the bypassing enemy) and the bot lab gets access to resurrection bots which can either revive still intact wrecks of both your and enemy units or decompose them, heaps of metal and various scenery objects like rocks into metal or sometimes energy at the cost of SOME energy
>hover lab gives you access to stuff that can hover over ground and water but its great mobility is usually compensated by not being quite as good as pure ground units so I haven't played with it much.
>air lab gives you access to flying units BUT those cost a fuckton of energy, the flying workers have the shitties build power in the game and are sitting ducks if the enemy goes for some air too and you didn't build basic aa. Has air transport to quickly haul your commander, workers and do other stuff but again it's vulnerable
>workers can build better stuff that the commander cannot, including better static defences, advanced factories and construction turrets or advanced solar panels (but if the work on something has started anything with build power can join to help the builder finish the project faster)
>construction turrets build and repair stuff as quickly as the commander does but they only help build stuff in the vicinity and can't initiate anything by themselves, still great because with enough buildpower you build stuff faster, including the units in factories so buildpower is the third element of the game's economics but again it needs the other two resources to be operated effectively
i made a simple build order that i copied from a decent player that i watched the replay, he used it in glitters as a front. middle line is what commander build left what constructor 1 and right what constructor 2, i have been decently succesfull with that in noob lobby

Constructor 1 constructor 2
2 mex
1 wind
------------------(support factory in first
Construction constructor)
turret. 4 wind ------------------
Mex non stop GOESFRONT wind non
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formatting got fucked i will make it in paint and upload
arm or core?
where to watch replays

been playing core and liking the pounder, brute, tremor, but im not good yet, just playing around with the units for now
>where to watch replays
Within the game itself. It's janky.
Did you guys beat the catch those rare comets scenario? I could only beat in on beginner
both have fun units but I like Core units more, at least until Legion is turned on the base gameplay
the AI isnt that strong but i cant really imagine what happens in multiplayer games. you can just turtle against the AI and then send like 50 gunships at their commander and you win, against humans this is probably not gonna happen
It's on Steam just search Zero-K. Pretty sure it runs on Linux. It's free either way so just give it a try.

Nobody ever whinges about roles in Zero-K because they don't matter, it's designed in such a way that players aren't forced to play in specific ways and do specific things.

The way that BAR is designed is pretty rigid and limiting. Tech in general has a lot of problems and it's why I greatly prefer Zero-K, the way everything works leads to very dynamic games with very few (and honestly I'd say zero) dominant strategies. There have been metas in the big lobsterpot games I guess where everyone pools together to rush big Striders but those usually get fixed in some way, or the maps that they're dominant on get played less.
Jesus Christ, SP-only RTS players are bigger snowflake than RPG and VN faggots.
Git gud and learn build-orders
what is this 8v8 meta on glitters, what spot does what
Jokes on you, people do that with bombers in 8v8 games
closer to the front = produce more bots/vics and fight the frontline
further from front = support with air and/or tech up early
From what I have heard it has to do with getting it on steam and a current player number limitation. They basically have as many players as they can support right now.
can i just say im having a lot of fun playing this game
Not after the Legion devs dgunned the Legion commander.
is ZK still alive? I assume BAR's popularity didn't help it's already dwindling playerbase
what units do you spam
Brutes and lashers
Tigers and banishers
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usurbase has increased, brightworks brings in more views and players each week
I love BAR, sometimes I think of trying Zero-K but it's just so fuck ugly its threatening
I would think BAR has more development right now anyways, or is ZK still working on something?
No you should feel bad
It's the best RTS i've played in years and i'm not memeing, i'm really impressed at BAR and how fun this shit is against people and everything on it
I also play AoE4, it's good, until AoM arrives
i like aoe4 too but its harder and im not in the mood often to learn it. its not bad at all though
what is the discrimination against people who have 1 chevron? i see these people who have 3 chevrons arent doing any better than me and they are literal subhumans that i would rather avoid forever.
>Hold my Beer..
Reddit called, they're running out of you.
is legion good/playable
Niggers, same as OS discrimination, though I do often see 1 chevron players fumble around, which makes sense since they are new.

You could try it right now if you wanted. It basically compensates for shit it doesn't currently have by borrowing it from the Cortex roster but it has changed quite a lot since the start of the year. It has pretty much complete bot and air lines and at least developed vehicle, hover (I think) and experimental lines. Plus the majority of the buildings. The one part they have 0 visible progress right now is the naval unit line.
its a good pun because the abbreviation of the games name is bar, thanks to this thread i discovered the game that its fun. you are a nigger faggot
how to play legion? just select faction?
Needs to be enabled in lobby settings, Then it'll be avaliable as a choice at the start of the game
im just trying them out now, i cant tell if theyre any good. but i guess it doesnt matter since theyre not done enough yet to be playable
It's good enough to be playable and well balanced
Legion is about going hard spam or quality stuff, the inbetween isn't there
They have shit yield on metal, but have a 1.5 metal extractor upgrade until tier 2
Bots are the spammiest shit (Goblins and Plasma Bots) or high quality (Striders are insanely good for rushes)

Overall I think it's almost done, just needs naval and some unique units for the niches they're filling with Cortex and that's it
actually this game is full of niggers who cant handle losing lmao no wonder the game is dead
getting the right balance of metal power and buildpower is a pretty delicate art, its pretty difficult to get it right
is forged alliance forever better
Did the devs finally implement the ability to choose your unit's color in single player? Or do I have to wait for this game to be complete for such a simple and obvious feature?
I always go for windmills since it's the most cost efficient energy source, but if you're on the frontline you're gonna need 1 Fusion reactor per 2 Advanced Metal Generators; I always go for 4 Fusions to jump into Advanced ones.
the game is fun and runs nice even on shitty integrated graphics but have some things missing that are so simple like choosing colour or changing hotkeys
they just updated one of the aircraft's model and are popping updates every once in a while
Are you the same cretin who couldn't open settings window before? You can do that already.
>most cost efficient
On retarded straits maybe
I'm asking if the feature of changing unit's color in single player is in NOW, because it was not last time I played. Not in the settings, or even by messing within the config files. A simple yes or no will do.
>Or do I have to wait for this game to be complete for such a simple and obvious feature?
>muh color
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multiplayer color changing already exists, increasing your OS level changes your color, you must make sure your OS is corresponding to the color you want

sounds like a skill issue to me.
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ive already stopped playing
apparently you dont have to be able to read to accumulate hevrons in this game, leading to having to deal with literal mouthbreathers that you cant even really tell anything to besides ctrl+d themselves irl
specialization will the bane of this game. its turning into one of these disgusting MOBAs
does BAR have a single player campaign?
The SP campaign is you ranking over other people and gittin gud (the hardest campaign there is)
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No. I wish it did though, there are some fun missions one can make in this game.

I have this recurring idea of a map where there are no mexes, so you have to reclaim walls/floors (set it on a space station) for metal. Reclaiming floors fucks up passage, reclaiming walls opens up passage and LoS for enemy pulsars, so you have to be careful with that.

Tbdesu I feel like there is enough content in the game to glue together a perfectly varied sci-fi war story campaign. You just gotta roll with the concepts of this game, like humans going digital, and warfare being all fucked up becase teleporters exist and also a comm can 3d print a fusion reactor like 10 minutes after being teleported in.
There's the challenges and they're pretty fun, like puzzles to solve
I remember the one where you can only attack by deploying mines in a tiny map so the trick is to lure mobs into them
>There's the challenges and they're pretty fun, like puzzles to solve
Oh shit, I din't even know. Gotta check it
That was such a boring mission though, easily the worst out of the bunch

I'm currently trying to beat the rare comets scenario on normal but it's pretty freaking difficult

I've completed most of the earlier ones on brutal
Bros, this might be my favorite spectator game ever. I just spent 35 minutes watching an 8v8 go full T3. I've bit my nails down to nothing. I don't even want to play, I just want to spectate.
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binge watch brightworks
Nothing beats seeing it happen live. Having open spectators for all matches is so awesome.
he livestreams + some private game replay casts
I said SINGLE player. Is there a way to change your unit's color in a SINGLE player game?
>I've bit my nails down to nothing
I hope that's a figure of speech Anon. Biting your nails will eventually lead to mouth infections, and overtime into stomach infections all the way to intestine infections. You'll develop chronic health problems.

Though I know from experience that people don't stop with bad habits until hospitalized, just plan for it as an eventuality.
I've been doing it for almost 30 years, I'll be fine.
You've certainly had mouth ulcers already, what you might not know is that you most likely have them on your stomach lining after that many years of exposure. You might even be used to the symptoms of these ulcers, but your body will only get worse at dealing with them. I just wish more people got better.
Someone help me understand map layout and roles before I join an 8v8 and fuck it up and look retarded
Just ask ingame
Generally speaking, backline will be Eco or Air because at the backline spots, there's always few metal spots available and the frontline is too far away to reclaim and keep capping them, so if you're on one of those, you gotta eco you like it or not. Air is energy heavy, so that's why its a very powerful tool when someone is focused on it 100% but too costly to do anything else.

So if you want to go full eco, check a tutorial like Drongo to tier up ASAP and help your teammates with excess energy or T2 constructors to boost up their own Metal Extractors. Eco is a support role that may become a carry with a timed T2 or T3 push. Just keep in mind that frontliners are the true MVPs. Eco is comfy though.
Sure thing buddy, here you go.

Useless retard that puts T1/T2 fighter on repeat build and then keeps telling you to build AA whole game.

Dumb motherfucker that doesn't know how to play the game when it's not his T3 vs enemy T1 units. Will not contribute to his team in any manner, still asks you to pay him for T2 constructors. Will take all rocks, geo and reclaim from frontline.

Tunnel vision noob that will sit in his puddle until game ends even if he wins his "lane", still better than having an enemy on your shore.

Only actual players on a team. Will use the long forgotten art of making combat units to deal damage, will disconnect once he realizes everyone beside him is playing simcity with zero damage dealt.
after maybe 5 games i was actually doing well as a front. but honestly the game is full of literal mouthbreathers who have more playtime than brain cells.
Yaknow I've been noticing these exact things happen. Air seems like it would be so useful if it participated on the front, bombers are actually cheap.
Based angry front player. This is why I pretty much stopped playing 8v8
Welcome to MP in any game
Frontline IS the game. It's the brawns of it. Tiny miscalculations and one side can go tits up. It's a constant barrage of bullets and micromanaging while reclaiming any bit the enemy leaves at your doorstep. Any excess metal is either more frontline or teching up, or a killing move and reclaiming the enemy Commander (free T2 boost). Winning at the frontline is the most exhilarating thing, but also the most frustrating when goes against you.

Or you can eco and sit on Sim City until you're so much into Fusion Reactors your glow can be seen from space, then shit Grunts x4 every 2secs accompanied with big bro Demons. Or you can be a piece of shit air support and do nothing but to spam Interceptors and try to bomb someone eating a dick. Shouldn't work, shouldn't even attempt to do a suicide bombing run, but everytime there's someone eating dick in the enemy team not paying attention and that's GG.

I love this game. I love RTS.
i stopped playing period. im enjoying faf instead. im not gonna waste my time playing with retards lording their chevrons over me when they literally cry about losing in a "noob lobby" and dont happen to be good enough to pull their own weight and for that matter anybody else's despite playing for god knows how long
>ChevroLet falseflagging for a deader literal who game
Lmao and cope my dude touch some grass
i dont need to falseflag when its literally what im doing. i like how you didnt even try to refute the other things i said. because you know its true lmao there are some real glue sniffers in this game
What about middle roles between front and eco/air?
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This is how the game was intended to be played.
The whole idea of econ players selling their T2 units is so stupid to me.

They should be ferrying that shit to the front lines and building T2 metal for the frontliners. Keep up the pressure.
why? 500 metal for 1 player isn't all that much but 500 x 7 is a lot
Well, if you're on the backline you're capped at your own metal yield, that is like 6 metal spots tops, and upgrading ASAP to T2 extractors is costly as well, but will make the yield better.

Thing is that 500 per constructor, plus the energy needed, can hinder you a lot. But if the frontliner is doing great at reclaiming the enemy and his own, 500 metal is nothing.
What I mean is helping your teammates economies after upgrading your own. Rather than selling them the T2.

Econ players seem to essentially just be teching up to T3 asap and not really helping within the first 20 minutes of the game. Front line is essentially fighting for their lives while nonparticipants sit in the back and complain about the front line letting things leak through.
The front line SHOULD be fighting for their lives, because that's their job. Tiptoeing a razor's edge is fine and even optimal - any resources you don't have to spend on the generally linear gains of a military are resources you can use for exponential growth.
Yeah well because those are narrowminded shit eco players

In this game T3 doesn't mean instant win as it would be just better economy for everyone. If you're an Eco player, you should ask for people to pay up their initial constructors, but you can't build one for all the other 7 players. Once you're on AFUs though, you can build two T2 cons, tell them to MEX everything on the map and forget about them. They'll go upgrading everything they find on their path, and likely you won't even notice the drain on your resources. Either that or go for a cheeky push, or another AFU, or another AFU, and another AFU, until your base unit are Juggernauts and Demons.

I mean it's an RTS game, you need to pay attention to what's happening and not railroad yourself. If your allies are doing ok but need a boost it's better to help their economy if possible. If they're fucked the best you can do is to tier up and push with them or defend them, or try to carry with somebody else. You're the team bank, spend your money in good investments.
the problem with what you're suggesting is that the eco player has to either butcher his own economy to get more than 1 t2 con so the whole team can get t2 mexes at a reasonable pace or he gets just 1 or 2 cons and it takes half a year to upgrade the whole team's shit for them

the reason selling t2 cons is a thing is because
it doesn't tax any individual player's economy too much while still letting everyone get their t2 mexes relatively quickly
some do that, but even if the front has to pay 500 metal to the econ player they still saved a lot of metal and time paying for a t2 factory AND the constructor
I feel like Air and navy's game plans are too simple and somewhat braindead.
Navy less so but not in a good way, navy is all about getting a very slight edge over the opponent and using it to rush their dock and kick them out of the water, very little micro or back and forth it's always a rock paper scissor into snowball.

Air's problem is that you literally do nothing but spam fighters, if the enemy player also just spams fighters then you'll have less fighters meaning you don't get to use any other air units because you'll fall behind on fighter count. if air players just spam fighters you basically make it impossible for the opposing air player to do anything and you both are just patrolling fighters death staring at eachother waiting for your team to win or lose.

I don't know if this is like an inherent problem or if it's a problem that manifests due to the map design of the current popular maps often played in lobbies (isthmus for example)
a good air player starts to build surikens and helps his team win, plus suicide all your fighters into theirs then mass bombers across. if the opponent isn't prepared you can win by throwing the right move when they don't expect it.
Yeah air is kinda braindead, they're very squishy and the rock/paper/scissors is hard there, but it's an inherent problem with air units in RTS and to balance them. You know, a flying bomber solves almost anything IRL as well.

A good bombing run is GG tho. Use shurikens like other anon said, and support an assault, and that's a bitch to counter
Bombers are SO CHEAP, I feel like Air could do some light bombings on the front constantly to force opposing frontlines to worry about Air and edging out little advantages overall.
>Bombers are SO CHEAP
Not on energy though
Metal yes, but the energy cost is really fucking high, an air factory needs a fuckton of generators to run properly
>make a couple of bombers
>make a couple of cute bomb runs
>enemy air player notices you made bombers, which means he now has a superior fighter count
>pushes with his fighters and kills all your air units
>now he has air superiority and a free pass to rape your entire team while you pitifully struggle to rebuild your fighter count while crying ''BUILD AA'' in teamchat so your team cant blame you when they inevitably get bombed (they will)
build land AA yourself, out eco enemy air player, split push suris when ground forces with AA push enemy airwall'd areas, retake air supremecy + have bigger eco, spam more bombers.

sounds like skill issue.
This sounds correct, however I think air players are actually retarded and would just make fighters for 30 minutes while their front line gets run down.
Zero-K is a better game, it's too bad it's so ugly. Just swap BAR assets onto ZK and you have the best RTS ever made.
But BAR is fucking awesome and ZK players are still jelly mad
If your team can't win after a couple of cute bombing runs it's their fault they lost. You just destroyed at least one 1/16th of enemy's eco. Imagine not seizing that advantage.
Some bombing runs targeting a single side can be enough to make it leak, or even break. Small leaks can be devastating.
zk jannies will run out all their vets and then be stuck with dickriders who'll leave the game after a month. I'm seeing more players leave than enter. Also hate how people are pussies and refuse to join MM.
It was fun to play, but until that Aquaretard stops being an admin it's a dead project.
I wish they'd just focus on actually finishing the game so they can finally release it on steam bros.
I want to have matchmaking and a bigger playerbase so I'm not stuck here waiting for lobbies to free up for 30 minutes whenever I hop on at the wrong time.

I really think making a third faction was such an unnecessary sink of time and should've been something they did after steam release, now I dont think this game will even make it to steam before 2026 at this snail pace.

Don't get me wrong, I think BAR is by far one of the most enjoyable and refreshing RTS out there but man I wish they'd focus more on the basic UI functionalities instead of adding more things that drain dev resources.
Fellow spectator bro.
I am an old veteran to this game and could probably do fantastic nowadays but the social anxiety is strong. Watching games is always fun and awesome. Especially since the explosion graphical revamp.
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>Especially since the explosion graphical revamp.

I love the effects of the game. Game is good, but also the spectacle makes killing a player with a well placed shot so rewarding
Man high OS lobbies are such funny shit shows to watch.
>Clique of high OS players that constantly glaze eachother
>They always play super greedy and rush afus without going front
>If their front loses 2v1 they shit talk them
>If they dont lose then they get to carry and immediately start jerking eachotther off
That artwork reminds me of Cortex Command
Imagine just playing it as everyone being front, shut down their meta and watch them fall apart, game after game.
I played some games where my whole team agreed to just spamming t1 tanks and rushing. Watching some opponents rage afterwards was really funny.
>tfw they cannot grasp how a bunch of 8 men got on the same page and just pushed through
>They must be premade!
Just a nothing of coordination and common sense, and the enemy never scouts or reacts fast enough
>why don't you just play it now? it's free, who cares? the game has robust ai to play against, too.

How do you play? I'm hyped to play it on Steam, right alongside Gates of Pyre. It's still in Beta, but the video looked epic.
It's available outside of steam, just look for the big download button on the official website.
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There's a lot of console refugees on Steam. They don't play anything that isn't on Steam because they think everything is a virus or just can't be bothered. Steam is like the Playstation or Xbox store to them.
I will wait for it to hit steam to, I have several games lined up on steam already, Gates of Pyre and Frost Giant. I can't wait to dig in

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