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I know know hoe logistic works
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The game is shit and i'm tired of pretending it is not
And i don't mean the logistic system, that is actually pretty good
Well yeah, it's much more fun as an SP or co-op game
>I know know hoe
Excuse me, what?
I fucked up the post. Sorry.
why is building bus station one tile from road better than on a road?
Just got into the game and it is great. Can't wait for my authoritarian regime to crumble as my people starve because i have 0 energy production, no arrable land and no fuel
>no arrable land
no domes?
They need energy. I spawned on a scrap point which provided fuel and energy sufficient for early game so I didn't pay much attention, focusing on metal and IP. Little did I know, that those run out, so now I am in this pickle with dwindling energy and no fuel production to make any.
I will probably find a way to fix it, but I find it surprisingly enjoyable to learn from my mistakes in SE, unlike other games where it gets frustrating
sounds like your just bad at the game ,have you tried reading the manual?
>what is solar
Yep, that's what I'm working on now. And a ton of other shit too
You can decrease the operations of your assets or even straight up monthball them.
That will save you some energy until you stabilize the situation.
Refocusing penalty.
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Changelist 1.25i(#204)
-25 New Fate Stratagems added, including rare and very rare ones. Leading to: 10 New Fate-Strat-only Techs, 5 New Leader Feats, 4 New GR Models and 6 “red” Fate Stratagems.*
-Fate Packs for level increases nerfed upwards. Now Beginner: Fate Pack on Admin,Culture,Tech level rise. Regular: Admin + Tech level rise, Hard+higher: only on Tech level rise *
-Fixed issue with Private Economy building Surveillance Asset
-Made some changes to better support super long linguistics lists (mod support)
-Fixed an issue with some mods + PBEM games, where in some cases the mod data kept being added **
-Fixed issue with some Regime Feat Zone benefits not being used for the first capital zone in the game.
-Fixed combat preview odds calculations with the use of certain Stratagems like All Out of Offensive.
-Ringmail Fate Stratagem cost increased*
-GR Optics Fate Strat cost increased*
-GR Combat Drugs Fate Strat cost decreased*
-Fixed a combat detail report logging glitch that could hide a modifier from being logged (combat calculations themselves were okay)
-Peripheral Mining Stratagem has been finetuned. It will cause some more Ease of Mining Degradation when played on Mines with really high ease of mining levels (chance for extra level loss: 90% at level 9, 75% at lvl 8, 50% at lvl7, 25% at lvl 6). Also overall extra resources found is lowered a bit with -33%.

*=needs new game start
**=adding in running games will be stopped, but the bloated stringlists causing slowness will remain, however I also improved the speed of the linguistics algorithms in case of huge stringlists.
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Here's the stats for the new tank
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>New fate strategems
>Still no OHQ formations for walkers (or really any tech above APCs), the coolest shit in the game
>Still no OHQ formations for walkers (or really any tech above APCs), the coolest shit in the game
Yeah :/
>staff council
>customize formation
>add walkers
>set formation non-walkers to lower quality in design panel
>raise formation
>exclude low quality designs
>enjoy pure walker OHQ
What is refocusing even trying to address, it doesn't make sense to me in a real way, just feels like a way to add difficulty for no reason.
People would build more truck stations instead of resupply bases so it's meant to make supply bases more appealing and prevent just spamming a whole road of truck stations.
>fertility FP card can give you negative fertility
uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I won't be playing that one
>still no naval combat
>still no submarines
>still no battleships
>still no aircraft carriers
>still no specialized infantry
>still no difference between QOF factors
>still passive af AI
>still busted AI that cheats

game's a mess, a proof of concept at best

instead of fixing this shit, he should just make a new one from scratch
that is just creating problem to cover dumb design choice
the whole OHQ formations system is one of the most stiff rigid and dumb I seen
Sounds like overcomplicated bullshit in an already overcomplicated game.
Just give me walker formations. Hell just give me formations for the other things in the tech tree. Instead we have 813717 types of the most basic shit nobody uses.
the whole formation system is really badly designed, its like dev is trying to do in the worst overcomplicated way possible
>still no specialized infantry
What do you mean?
not just normal infantry, but pioneer infantry that gets bonus to entrenchment or gives a bonus to other units in a stack when attacking across a river

or flamethrower infantry that gets a malus on open field but massive bonus when attacking urban entrechments

or just commando infantry that is limited or takes a lot longer to train, but can move past enemy hexes

just variety when it comes to infantr yunits
i just read about it
Once your Logistical Points spreading out from a Logistical Asset reach
another active Logistical Asset in a different Hex they’ll be Refocused.
Refocusing means that they’ll start at their original full distance potential
again but lose part of their Logistical Points equivalent to the percentage of
its distance potential already used.
With the first Refocusing a further penalty of -25% onLogistical Points is
applied. With the second Refocusing a penalty of -50% is applied and with
the third Refocusing a penalty of -75% is applied. A fourth Refocusing is
not possible

how does building 1 tile away from road avoid it, you still need to connect it to main road
You put down a traffic sign so the LP on the road can't get to the new truck station.
The point of refocusing is to allow points to keep providing their benefit at higher distances instead of just having a hard limit to how far a given asset's LP can travel. But the penalty for refocusing is so high you're better off avoiding refocusing when possible.
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>kill me
looks better than the new AI generated shit, some mustaches and glasses look retarded like they were added on potatohead , idk what vic is thinking
What AI generated shit?
he updated leader portraits in one of the recent patches, now they all look like AI generated soulless mutts.
that's what real word leaders look like
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Its not all bad but some portraits (like the very bottom one) looks ridiculous
Much better than the daz3d shit desu

Is he fixing the UI any time soon?
I was complaining about UI too but recently played Distant Worlds Universe and i changed my opinion, SE UI is great has everything you would ever need its just in random locations so you need to learn hotkeys and get used to it, while DWU universe UI is irredeemable dogshit and no amount of mods is going to fix it.
I mean I play neither so not sure how that changes anything
after Blueprint designer got added i can say that the UI is good enough, some QoL would be nice (more tool tips, or making every menu scroll-able with mouse) but its mostly minor inconveniences.
>just give me a big shiny button to press so i win!11
It's a matter of principle. Low IQ dev that can't figure out how to make a game in 2020s doesn't deserve my money.
If you are a heterosexual Shadow Empire deserves your money
Overall they're an improvement but some are terrible.
How the fuck is that a win button, retard?
>accidentally unlock more of the tree before discovering power banks
Power banks, the most important technology in the game.
>Sounds like overcomplicated bullshit in an already overcomplicated game.
yes im the retard because your too dumb to learn how to move a slider and click a button holy shit dude kys
thats why you give research a bias over discovery that way your researching what you discovered rather than discovering what you could research.

And its better to produce lots of power than store lots of power.
>you give research a bias over discovery that way your researching what you discovered rather than discovering what you could research
Terrible plan, researching what you've unlocked instead of what you want is how you unlock half the tree without discovering critical early techs like heavy industry or power banks. Better to bias toward discovery so you discover what you've unlocked.
>And its better to produce lots of power than store lots of power.
Total consumption per turn is limited to total storage; it doesn't matter how much you produce if you don't have enough storage and if you don't have power banks you don't have enough storage.
If my goal is to maximize artifacts recovered from ruins, do I need to play the archaeology card a lot before scavenging or will artifact sites reveal themselves upon scavenging?
From the manual:
Without bonuses, your chance per turn to discover an Archaeological Find
will be about 2.5% per Hex with Scavenge Points, if there is something to
be found; only a small number of Hexes actually contain buried artefacts.
This chance is modified based on the size (if any) of the Archaeological
It is modified upwards a lot by the presence of a Scavenging Asset.
If the amount of Scavenge Points drops below 1,000, the chance to find
something reduces rapidly

So it's generally worth it to build recycling facilites on all ruin hexes but discovering artifact sites can still take a long time so if you have a lot of ruin hexes in one zone then it can be a good idea to play the archeology card so that you don't have to wait so long and it can save you a lot of IP as well.
I'm pretty happy with the newest versions, changes to solar plants forced me to build my first ever power plant in a recent game. That forced me to care about oil when I normally don't worry about it.
I don't like the huge drop in demetalization productivity but I do like the new mine extension cards. I'm still concerned that if I progress to the "late game" I'm going to be out of metal even when I control 30% of the globe, whether I spam low-level demetalization or push a few up to a very high level by merge-maxing. Even a thousand metal per turn isn't much when high level industry and energy construction consumes that much or more.
I also like the new zone assets, I wish there was one that gives food like "independent farmer" or something, to go along with the ones that give water and metal.
Does the planetary statistic about "minerals dissolved in water" or something, have a purpose? I assume the one about minerals in soil influences the demetalization productivity but is there some way to extract minerals from water? Or maybe a higher value just makes purification more difficult.
> Better to bias toward discovery so you discover what you've unlocked.
Except thats not how it works. You dont discover what you unlocked, your BP's go to X in researching new techs based off of what you have discovered already (you cant research something you have yet to discover) and Y Bp's for discovering new techs to research.

I suggest you read the manual for further clarification if your still confused.
>; it doesn't matter how much you produce if you don't have enough storage and if you don't have power banks you don't have enough storage.
It doesnt matter how much you have stored if your only using 25-50% of total energy produced lmfao. You need storage when you have alot of something and energy is hard to come by the first 50+ turns.

Im not sure if your just trolling or if your genuinely retarded. Like honestly dude go read the manual and stop being such a insufferable midwit.
That is exactly how it works.
You need to discover the techs in unlocked tech blocks in order to research them. It is critical that you discover the important techs in a given set of unlocked blocks before you unlock new blocks, thereby reducing the chance of discovering any one specific critical technology. It's better to discover all the techs via a bias toward discovery and research what you want, vs bias toward research and constantly be researching techs you don't want (methane synthesis or whatever) while unlocking deeper tech blocks which keep you from discovering Heavy Industry or whatever earlier critical tech you desperately need but haven't discovered.
You can't use more energy per turn than total energy stockage (technically this applies to every resource but energy is the only one where it's ever noticeable). You can have a power plant making 6000 energy per turn but if your total empire storage capacity is only 4000 then your total energy consumption is limited to 4000 due to the produce-store-consume resource management construct in this game. You have to get more storage in order to consume more energy; the only ways to get more storage are more population (around 200 population per 1 energy storage, not very effective) and power banks. This makes power banks the foundation of a high technology (high power consumption) industrial empire, if you accidentally skip past them you're screwed.
It's been like this every turn for a long time, is there some way to expend food that doesn't show up in this list of ins and outs? I'm losing about 2k per turn when the income vs expenditure only shows a loss of a few hundred per turn.
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I'm a dummy and forgot to attach the file.
spawn without any metal deposits.
40 turns in i finally get things going, epoch of corruption.
all leaders leave and start revolutions
entire map is dead due to mobs takign roads.
entire day wasted
From my experience the only resources you're really limited by in the late game at least in multiplayer is credits, because a large army costs several thousands of credits in wages every turn, and radioactives because atomic missiles are very powerful but use up a lot of radioactives to fire.

Also demetalization productivity is affected by heavy metals, for example on a planet with 90% heavy metals they will get almost double their base productivity and on a planet with 200% heavy metals their productivity is tripled.
>entire day wasted
That's why I don't play T3 starts.
Is there a recently captured city feeding themselves with emergency food?
Also nonsensical RNG based "profiles" system
Isn't that what "sent to zones" is? The only other reason to send food to zones would be biofuel.
The only thing that bothers me about profiles is when there's a choice to make some idiot into a sniper or a dog and neither of them fits my profiles and profile increases scale in inversely with how much profile you already have and there's no "just ignore it" option so you instantly lose a bunch of the desired profile by adding +15 of an undesirable one.
My biggest issue with Profiles is that
a) they are unbalanced as fuck, government is almost always better than commence for example due to directly boosting your BP production and public asset production for example
b) to gain profile points you need to pray to RNG gods or roll scrap cards (pray to RNG gods)
I wouldnt mind the profile mechanics if getting rid of leaders wasnt such a hassle, it requires so much micromanagement and clicking i always end up with suboptimal retards in positions they dont belong.
What's the best way to creditmax aside from dumping materials on the market? I have yet to figure this out.
Yeah you’re right. I have no clue why you’re losing that food then.
This is why I exclusively play autocracy
Play democracy and it doesn't matter who is in what position because cabinet retreat makes everybody get V-tier experience.
sorry i believe only in meritocracy
Have your shitty leaders command a light infantry battalion and deliberately put the command unit in harm's way. gg ez
Based dispute posters but mind and democracy are objectively the best.
Selling rarecoin, yeah.
I think the Democracy leader retardation malus is just not worth it compared to Meritocracy spamming Cap III and IV leaders at you
Heart is pretty dumb and I'm not very impressed with Commerce
>I think the Democracy leader retardation malus
>Fonzy Uranus
50% chance that your leader loses a capability level on generation
Meritocracy is 50% to gain on generation.
Meritocracy leads to significantly more chimpouts from unhappy leaders though, almost never happens under Democracy
Democracy gives Cabinet Retreat which pretty much just turns all your cabinet leaders into IV equivalents.
Is it Government that gives Governor Retreat? I think with Cabinet Retreat and Governor Retreat you can basically just ignore leader quality.
i get meritocracy as starter then go democracy for bonuses
Is recruit special ops any good?
And how do you niggers keep your profiles up?
I can never max out any profiles I want to max but I feel like I'm either missing something or there's supposed to be synergy that would make it easier I ignore.
I like meritocracy, commerce, and fist, but the synergies seem to be:
Meritocracy, commerce, mind
Democracy, government, heart
Autocracy, enforcement, fist
Is that all there is to it? Could I bump up my shit if I went hard on the synergy? idk what else to do, it seems so fucking random
I know you can make cards which boost certain profiles but those are generated randomly too
Most frustrating part of the game for me I think
Government gives Grand Convention which gives all your directors and governors xp I think, except Gov't seems to be the most obnoxious profile to raise.
I prefer Meritocracy for the diplomacy bonus and not having to spend PP on Cab Retreat to compensate for my leaders being stupid.
>Is recruit special ops any good?
It will give you a leader that starts good skills for your Secret Service council but that's it. The only time I played it I got a Cap I leader. There's other/better ways to get that: internal promotions, scrap cards, liberating village event etc
Democracy has the "extra" bonus of being the easiest profile to raise, the empire constantly spams minor worker strike = 90+ profile without even thinking about it.
can you rename characters?
can confirm
was producing tons of energy and my units were never supplied until i get some batteries to store it
since when?
and how?
Pretty new
I started a game and did about 5 turns and saw the rename button, I think in the Asset tab under leaders or on the leader's profile itself
yeah, no ability to rename or add nicknames or titles was pain in the ass
>Naval logistics and building a makeshift port are two separate cards
What was Vic smoking when he came up with this shit
Changelist 1.26(#205)
-Added “Low Resources” History Class which blocks you starting with initial Water Mines and assured deposits around you. Best played on lower Tech level with minimal or no starting armies.
-Fixed Propose Peace Stratagems (major + minor) effect with critical failure. *
-Fixed Mass Driver is now compatible with AT-Gun Models. * (crashes in earlier betas)
-Wind Traps can now also produce at water scarcity level 4. *
-Wind Traps can now also be constructed in non-mountain areas, but they get a -50% penalty when used in “lowland” areas. *
-Fixed Breakthrough Stratagem to not be playable if nothing discoverable left *
-Fixed Guardians Decision to not trigger if not enough discoverable left to exclude finishing last discovery same turn *
-Nudged Guardians downwards (more tradition stat, less often trigger of tech sale, fast higher price after first sale) *
-Reduced max recruitment base level from 5% of Population/Worker to 2.5%.
-Fixed color of Rdn + Supply in Unit Tab to white if the variable is actually unknown due to lack of recon.
-Gr Mass Driver Fate Stratagem only appears at higher tech level above 5 now. *
-Fixed crash with Air Recon on certain sea Hexes.
-Fixed Wind Speed and Temperature Delta on Mountains for some Colossus Planets *
-Lowest Tech MG now also benefits from the Chaingun Tech *
-Increase some GR Tech Fate Stratagem costs and decreased GR Equipment Fate Stratagem costs.*
-Air Models now also have their Air attack values divided for having multiple attacks *
What is "Guardians"? Context suggests an event with an option to buy tech, but I've never seen it. DLC only?
A standing army needs a constant supply. Hoes are itinerant creatures that can be trained to carry items (mules) or generate income (pimping). OP mastered hoe logistics so he can constantly supply and pay his soldiers.
>A subculture of the Farmer Culture Group. These are similar to Farmers but have happened to find themselves with a treasure chest of still functioning GR technology. Note that these Guardians use some GR Tech, but do not understand this Tech, nor can they reproduce it. Their Militia Infantry will be slightly weaker than that of regular Farmers, but will be reinforced with some GR Tech and will get stronger faster over time.
They'll sell you tech discoveries if you border them
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This guy gets it.
you cant build your own trading capacity or shipping shipyard have to play cards and use political points.
why the fuck wouldnt he just add naval ships to the game
just flip the rules of normal units that u can only walk on water and not on land.
add special conditions that if unit is next to shore adjacent hexes gets combat modifier representing bombardment
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dont sleep on the first bonuses at 40
getting 50% pop happiness 30% research
40% morale is super OP.
its better to stay in the middle and just unlock the trait benefits than minmaxxing to 80 of a single one
lmao. LMAFO
What's harder? Low pop or high pop planets?
And I'm assuming slowest tech is easier because the AI can't catch up?
Laughing my ass fucking off?
In general, low pop or any situation where you struggle for manpower, the first game I won on a harder difficulty had me spawn fairly isolated on the edge of a tundra with few minors around, the AI never wanted for population.
Slower tech makes the AI struggle more if there's more difficult alien life or lots of raiders, but slower tech also makes Staff and Model design obnoxious for you.
Look Ma, Ammonium Fuel Oil!
It does make that stuff slower but the few times I tried extreme with fast tech, I got steamrolled by combat armored troops with gauss weapons and tanks while I was finishing research on automatics and padded suits
What would you say the hardest settings are as a whole?
>What would you say the hardest settings are as a whole?
It depends. If you do an Tech3 militia only start on a slower speed, you can be far more clever than the AI on managing tech discovery and research. Dangerous aliens/raiders compound this for the AI. Starting with two armies will give you a light tank regiment, which will steamroll minors as long as you can maintain early game fuel and logistics. AI will be able to do the same.
Starting with all councils can put a burden on your earlier game PP production.
Waterless and nearly waterless planets force you to address water demands and relevant techs. Low metals used to be a problem but the Peripheral Mining card has changed that.
Medusa planets are weighted towards nastier alien life. I have not played with the new Colossus planets yet but you will have to control more territory to win.
I always start on tech 3 with no councils or armies cause that feels rightest to me.
Would a low population, low resources medusa world with minimal water be rough then? I don't know if you can medua worlds to be minimally
I'd like to play on a Colossus planet but I think the turn times would be too long for me.
Do you think nemesis and low resources make things harder or easier?
What about severe violence?
Also what's your thoughts on insidious atmospheres, I think starting your troops off in envirosuits is kind of a buff, isn't it?
>I always start on tech 3 with no councils or armies cause that feels rightest to me.
I used to do this, I like starting from scratch, but the last game I did on t3 slowest/extreme I won before getting far into late game techs
>Would a low population, low resources medusa world with minimal water be rough then? I don't know if you can medua worlds to be minimally
Medusa planets usually have water, you want to gen for 18m+ top predators. You can mitigate this somewhat by taking a planet with extreme salinity/pH
>I'd like to play on a Colossus planet but I think the turn times would be too long for me.
Probably, but gravity can be a nerf to aircraft. It can also be a buff if you have a thick atmosphere to compensate.
>Do you think nemesis and low resources make things harder or easier?
I've never actually done a nemesis game but it should make it somewhat more difficult especially if you don't really know what you're doing yet.
>What about severe violence?
T3 AI majors struggle with the raiders and it also weakens them because diplo-annexing minors becomes very difficult for them. In my last Severe Violence game I managed to annex two raider minors but it took a ton of wasted PP on failures. Since major/minor diplomacy is shallow and arbitrary at the moment, the biggest difference this makes is the ability for the AI to expand via diploannex, which they seem to prioritize. I now usually limit myself to protection agreements with my neighbor minors without annexing to preempt this kind of expansion, because once a minor is a vassal it's permanent.
>Also what's your thoughts on insidious atmospheres, I think starting your troops off in envirosuits is kind of a buff, isn't it?
Sort of. This is where slow speeds on model design sucks. The recent patches made enviromental hazards fact into unit casualties though, if they're hit they're more likely to die than retreat.
Is the meritocracy recruit talent card broken in the openbeta?
Its like the reason to pick to meritocracy and yet my interior council only seems to generate juniors, mercs, and military men.
Albeit I keep losing 30-40 turns into the game, does it only show up past a certain point?
Also any advice for beating a nemesis?
I was thinking I should play against one but I think the game spawns me next to one every time and I just end up getting my ass beat.
I'm searching everywhere for resources and struggling with manpower while they out-tech and attrit me.
I know you're supposed to be decisive in fighting AI instead of trying to attrit them back but I never manage to manufacture any linebreakers on time, hell, I usually barely have industry out bye the time it's wartime.
That's probably a skill issue on my end, I have no idea what you're supposed to do for opening moves really, I'll probably check youtube, I just build the offices usually.
>Is the meritocracy recruit talent card broken in the openbeta?
This generates a Cap III leader, I'm not sure if it's affected by the Merit/Democracy modifier.
>Its like the reason to pick to meritocracy and yet my interior council only seems to generate juniors, mercs, and military men.
Recruit junior is your best leadership card imo because it's cheap and can give you IVs and Vs
>Albeit I keep losing 30-40 turns into the game, does it only show up past a certain point?
It shouldn't
>Also any advice for beating a nemesis?
>I was thinking I should play against one but I think the game spawns me next to one every time and I just end up getting my ass beat.
>I'm searching everywhere for resources and struggling with manpower while they out-tech and attrit me.
>I know you're supposed to be decisive in fighting AI instead of trying to attrit them back but I never manage to manufacture any linebreakers on time, hell, I usually barely have industry out bye the time it's wartime.
>That's probably a skill issue on my end, I have no idea what you're supposed to do for opening moves really, I'll probably check youtube, I just build the offices usually.
Don't play nemesis yet if you're struggling this much, prioritize metals ASAP if you have deposits, then build around whatever it takes to upgrade the mine to max level for your zone. Once you've maxed your mine, go for power plant and whatever infrastructure to keep it fueled and industry. If you have metals+IP stockpiled and your power can handle it, try to start upgrading your Command HQ on the second turn of either mine or power plant production. Don't overextend logistics, use MG regiments to defend your starting zone.
and depending how hostile your start is you will probably have to sneak the ammo factory into your build order after your first levels of mine upgrade
>Talent card
Its supposed to be unlocked at tier 1 of merit but I never get it still.
I have seen good juniors but it sucks having to retire crappy ones which outnumber them, expensive.
I've stopped playing on Nemesis for now it is too much for me.
>Opening builds and metal
I do build the office everytime now. I can never find metals in my area though. My capital always seems to be near a major that declares war on me even without nemesis so I feel like I can't afford to pull units off the front to explore free zones.
>Ammo factory
I did like it, it almost saved one of my games where we were expending wayyy too much ammo per turn.
Changelist 1.26a(#206)
-Fixed issues with AI Model Design choices. Should avoid loops with impossible air designs now.
-Made improvements to AI tech research selection, among others making it easier for the AI to find a path to atomic weapons, this however is not guaranteed to happen. But I feel more confident with the new algorithm.
-Planetary Spin a bit (or a lot) lower on Colossus Planets, further reducing Wind Speeds a bit on them *
-Fixed a gitch with Wind Speed calculations (planetary spin did not have the correct effect, it should have now) *
-AI will get random access to the new Fate GR Techs (Beginner: once every 40 rounds, Regular: every 30 rounds, hard every 20 rounds, extreme every 10 rounds). This should act as a general difficulty boost at higher difficulty levels.
-Removed the Metrics question when first playing game, as no matter if its yes or no, i am not collecting at the moment.
-Fixed glitch with lowlands penalty being applied to agriculture as well.
-Made a low level unit moving algorithm change to how the AI perceives its chances of getting encircled. Made it a bit less scared in most cases.
-Made AI bit more consistent in diplomatics once it doesn’t want to waltz with you anymore. After it starts canceling treaties it will be harder to make them accept a new one again (cooldown timer running in background) *
-Added some code to prevent MTH ship losses against 0 ship enemy fleet.
Im new to this, should I be spamming 1000 guys Grunts? now I am trying to find out how to pack them all up into a brigade.
Infantry is a god-tier defensive unit, but any serious offensive against another faction will need tanks. Use infantry to hold the front line while your tanks and artillery rout the enemy.

When you say "1000 guys Grunts", I assume that you're talking about an independent infantry group. To turn those them into an actual brigade with a leader, you'll need to disband them and form another unit. Go into unit management and click "disband", this will send those dudes back to the SHQ so they can be retasked.

Once they're back in the SHQ, go to Raise Formation and create a new brigade. Make sure "Use SHQ troops" and "Use OHQ" are selected.
Sat them on a low hill overlooking a choke into my base, I assume they have an advantage there. I realize i made a mistake by not starting with an industry plant, I'm all dependent on private IPs at turtles pace.
>but any serious offensive against another faction will need tanks
or good leaders, good rifles/armor and postures
motorbikes also can serve as good offensive tool early
how do you win on extreme?
I just death spiral for dozens of turns
>do whatever it takes to survive while building up your metal and IP production, pace the development with upgrades to your energy production/power banks. don't be afraid to turtle if you have to
>don't neglect to upgrade your rail/truck stations because ammo alone will crush your logistics now
>you can leverage your air force much harder than the AI can (if your planet atmosphere supports it)
>probably "optimal" to mass recruit from conquered/annexed zones and dump them in your capital for growth
Is there a rule of thumb for how you should build truck stations? I place them every six tiles, but that takes up a shitload of oil, and I'm wondering if it can be done more efficiently
You should learn how the mechanics work by yourself instead of cargo-culting stuff you read in passing but don't actually remember well enough to execute which leads you to do retarded stuff like build truck stations six tiles apart. I'll spoonfeed you.
A level one truck station generates LP with 100 AP. Dirt roads cost 10 AP and sealed roads cost 7. There is no reduction in LP until the AP are exhausted, so 10 tiles apart is the minimum distance you would want on dirt roads. 14 tiles on sealed roads. You might prefer to space them at double that distance which would result in the produced LP propagating all the way through (the "full strength" LP would meet in the middle).
On the other hand, 28 tiles is pretty far apart and you might prefer to have cities closer together than that and you should always have a truck station in a city so the civvies can't ruin your network with their shitty private truck station, so maybe there's no optimal way to place truck stations and you should build and upgrade them where you need it.
>You should learn how the mechanics work by yourself instead of cargo-culting stuff you read in passing but don't actually remember well enough to execute which leads you to do retarded stuff like build truck stations six tiles apart.
You say this like SE isn't one of the most autistically complex games ever, and like the game doesn't give you a ton of leeway to play as a based retard. Either way, thanks for the explanation I guess
>You say this like SE isn't one of the most autistically complex games ever
It's not. People say things like this because they want their niche game to have a reputation as being difficult, not because it is difficult. Dwarf Fortress would be an example of a game in a similar situation. All of SE's mechanics are simple and all the important information that you need on a turn-to-turn basis is right in front of you.
But both are ridiculously inaccessible due to dev being both autistic and incompetent. It's not that it's difficult, it's wasting a lot of your time. More to the point they just aren't particularly fun. At least DF is free. I really hope that there will be a Rimworld to Shadow Empire.
It depends on the terrain. If you need to transport a lot of logistic over great distances you should start using trains. In fact you should use trains in between your cities because they generate and need a shitload of resorces that are easy to transport via train.
And if you lack oil you should try and rush the technology that lets you extract oil from the athmosphere, I always forget what is it called. But be aware this is a mid game asset.
Should I buy the DLC?
It's terrible, don't even bother
Is it possible to have a high-AU planet that doesn't have a defunct atmosphere? Around 10+ onwards it seems impossible to support life
If only there was some way to get life on a planet that shouldn't normally support it.
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yeah and it skews certain world generation variables in order to produce that effect smart guy, so the question is about which worldgen variables create life at 25+ AU
shit game because I can't generate a Seth world with giant sand worms
Vic should give us the option to customize shit to our liking
>motorbikes also can serve as good offensive tool
are they ? i always thought they are just another form of infantry with great scout and range stat, a decent buggy design on other hand is just cheap version of light tank i use very often.
they dont suffer normal offensive penalties like other inf
Apparently it's so bad the developer of Shadow Empire has decided to stop doing DLC and just focus on developing the main game for quite some time. So quite a rare ocurrence in the video game industry.
I don't it was that terrible, but it was definitely bad.
Bros this game doesn't make sense to me
I can into Dominions and other "complex" wargames/4x's but for some reason I can't get my head around Shadow Empire. Is there an intuitive way to learn the game, or do I need to resort to watch le DazzaTacticool man waffle on for 2 hours per video in a series of 10 videos just to get the basics
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>hype up ocean content
>literally called Oceania
>no naval units
>barely adds anything
>Apparently it's so bad the developer of Shadow Empire has decided to stop doing DLC
lol? Naval units are going to be added last, oceania was just a "buy me a coffee" since i been updating the game with 200 updates. He also laid out a roadmap for all planned potential dlc. Wherever you got your info from is bad.
have you tried reading the manual? You know the thing that tells you everything you need to know about the game?
>shit game because I can't generate a Seth world with giant sand worms
False, great game and you can have desert worlds with sand worms.
>But both are ridiculously inaccessible due to dev being both autistic and incompetent
Nah it just filters smooth brains like no other.
>"buy me a coffee"
he clearly put a lot effort into the dlc its just annoying bloat mechanics most people hated, also no naval units
what do you need to know?
just read manual and play it
watch this boomer play match its honestly only way cause all tutorials are either shit or outdated
1.5x speed is your friend
You don't even need to read the manual, just turn on bottleneck overlay and play the game. It's not hard unless you select hard planets or hard difficulty.
Is it really a good idea to upgrade your metal mines in this game? Nodes have a limited reserve anyway, wouldn't that just mean you'll be burning through it faster? Not to mention the upgrade itself costs metal...
There are more advanced assets down the tech tree to get metals in exchange for energy.
Depends how early/late in game you are and how big the node is. Also how many nodes you have. If all you have is one medium node, best to scoop it out faster and conquer earlier.
If it's a huge deposit that will take like 100 turns to deplete, there's no reason not to
There used to be a bonus to high-level mines on low-accessibility deposits but that's gone. On the other hand, with the new mine extension card each deposit has a massive total amount of metal far and away exceeding the puny cost of upgrading the mine, and having metal in your SHQ is far more valuable than metal in the ground.
If you can handle the admin strain or it's close enough to not cause any, I would upgrade metal mines as high as possible.
Did Vic ever explain why he didn't add player navies to Oceania? There must've been a technical reason, right?
has there been a single game where AI plays well on water maps? it was probably too much work for one guy to make all assets and program competent AI to not shit itself.
Does anyone know what GR Optics do? I unlocked it with a fate stratagem and it shows up on the model info for my infantry but isn't bright white like other techs are. Is it only for a certain tier of weapon?

He has actually massively improved the AI recently.
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Rarecoin is old news, it's Metalcoin now
yeah, its ridiculous
the whole so called economy is just bad joke desu
>Hiiiii, my name is Naomi Greenwaste? You've probably heard of me.
Why are machines a separate resource? Instead of just metal/rare/industry?
The reason is fuck boatfags, it's supposed to be a game about inhospitable desert planets.
Except that you've always been able to generate lush jungle planets too.
Probably to represent specialized tooling
Vic did a interview and explains quite clearly
Thats cause metal is extremely rare on your planet, I just had a game where metal was selling for around 20-30 and rare was still more valuable.

The economy is actually rather complex and sophiscated compared to honestly any 4X game save for distant worlds universe.
Background "complexity" is irrelevant if the outcome that the player can see is always just "prices so high that money is pointless".
I like it especially when I start dumping machines on the market and they become cheaper to buy than a single unit of metal. Excellent simulation there.
>The economy is actually rather complex and sophiscated compared to honestly any 4X game save for distant worlds universe.
complexity mean nothing if final effect is bad
Those planets weren't nice either. They were dangerous biologically or still didn't have a proper atmosphere.
money IS pointless on a planet where resources are scarce, what are you going to do with that credits lmao
Yeah I mean you could always play other games like Shadow em-...oh wait...
money true function is to speed up QOL in cities and boost morale of armies.
u should always budget as much as u can spare to ur capital and u should have 6-10 credits for soldiers.
If money is pointless why do the workers get so mad when they don't have any?
Pay a million for bread.
Still feel like a millionaire.
Stopped playing when he added ammo factories like everyone asked for, then increased ammo consumption a shitload (which nobody asked for) and also nerfed soil demetalizaion into uselessness.
What has changed since then? Any other major changes to gameplay? Has the AI improved since then?
I tried getting back into it yesterday, but... I can't. It's not really about any of the new changes or whatever. I just can't be arsed to deal with all the random bullshit every turn. In general, the only thing I really liked and wanted to play more of was the OOB system and fighting some wars here and there. But I just can't be arsed to even get there anymore, even after picking T4 start. It's a miserable slog trying to customize your nation the way you like it because everything is decided on a dice roll. This is exemplified by the idiotic planet generation process. You can't just set your desired %s on each screen, you have to keep rolling dice like a retard for hours to get what you want. And the same thing goes for the game itself. All your starting officers are completely random, unanchored even to what major profiles you select on your first turn. That means that unless you want to waste dozens of turns and an untold amount of cash and pp, hiring and rehiring and putting down rebellions, the nation that you have to play with is the nation _the dice_ decided you should play.

tl;dr: I've had enough of this game. I hope someone else can come up with a game that lets you build armies similarly, and fight wars with none of the hassle
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>Has the AI improved since then?
yeah, feel the same
the game have good general idea but all game subsystems are just garbage
I had a couple soil demetalization assets with like a couple mines and had no metal shortages in my ladt run. And I was running quite a good amount of tanks.
The planet gen has a lot of autistic detail. I wonder how much can be stripped out without losing the feel.

It is weird to keep gaining points in autocracy and democracy because leaders are split. And I have no way to filter new leaders on ideology.
I honestly have no gripe about the level of detail in the planet gen. What I hate is simply the way it's implemented. Is it really so hard to just make a dozen linked sliders for each page? If you really want randomization, sure let's keep the button to randomize the stats, but in the end, the players will still have their own idea of what a 'good planet' start is for them, even if it's for the simple reason of trying out some interesting scenarios (like excessively high mountain count, or max danger level hostile fauna), and while it's technically possible to land on such a setup using random dice rolls, it's a ridiculous way to go about it.
>I know know hoe logistic works
It works like shit.
Deadlock II planet gen
Newly generated leaders will have profiles based on regime happiness and how powerful your political factions are (so very happy, many-member political parties will make it more likely to generate new leaders with their profiles.)

The real factor that makes nurturing the parties you want is that there is a limited number of political parties that can form based on how many leaders you have, so what happens is you get a bunch of autocrats and communists when you're going a democracy or oligarchy and you want to be capitalist but your parties absolutely despise the free market.

It depends on planet size. Small planets shrink the map so you don't have to stretch as much but also ensures extremely low gravity due to the low mass of the planet which means maintaining an atmosphere is very hard, and things like the planet being geologically active (so less mountains and volcanoes, and no deep drilling) are much less likely. I always play on medium-sized planets.

>the players will still have their own idea of what a 'good planet' start is for them, even if it's for the simple reason of trying out some interesting scenarios (like excessively high mountain count, or max danger level hostile fauna)

There are planet types for this, there's one that is guaranteed to be extremely mountainous and if you want extremely deadly wildlife, Medusa worlds will always have a retardedly oxygenated atmosphere (to the point that it's unbreathable) which means wildlife that evolves there (and it's guaranteed on Medusa worlds) is retardedly huge and very deadly as a result.
>Newly generated leaders will have profiles based on regime happiness and how powerful your political factions are (so very happy, many-member political parties will make it more likely to generate new leaders with their profiles.)

Oh also I forgot to mention, more zone Education QoL will generate leaders with more skills
where is that info from? i read manual and am pretty sure there was nothing about it.
Why would you have flamethrowers at the operational level
why not autonomous drone swarms/antimissile systems/space layer/actual trade and diplomacy systems
Yeah, those sound great. A flamethrower brigade not so much.
>Governor Skill can increase these maximum QOL sub Scores with
the Investigation Skill for the Security Score, the Oratory Skill for the
Entertainment Score, the Medical Skill for the Health Score and the
Science Skill for the Education Score
It's all in manual.
Why would one (1) assassin bot would make your entire brigade fight 10x better?
Why one syndic priest would make your entire brigade defend better?
Wonder if gameplay could be adapted into a WEGO system?
Would it mean relying on AI to try and get surrounds
That is what attaching those special support cards and strategems are for.
WEGO would be so based for this game
But we are never getting that unfortunately
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I've been looking at WEGO games. Seems like either something like Flashpoint Campaigns that has a zoomed in map and setting default orders with ranged attacks. Or Dominions where groups are moving 1 territory at a time.

Space Empires had simultaneous or separate turns and hotseat. It could divide turns into like 30 subturns and play them out, might be closest parallel to SE.
Don't know if it had SE's concept of binary difference between attack and defend, or just "combat".
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I love the new colossus planets.
How do scavengers make metal? because I need some right now.
DESU I think that whole design of Shadow Empire is flawed to the core. From basic mechanic and design to the top. Everything is too complex mechanically(yet at the same totally shallow in game play) when providing nothing of value for the game.
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Are you unable to store IP? I hit end turn, and I have nothing that seems to be consuming IP, but there's nothing left over at the next turn
There's a maximum amount of IP storage listed on the left with all the resourced when you mouse over
What's so good about them? Large worlds are really fucking big as it is
Is Shadow Empire actually extremely overrated?
Anybody tried this?
Always looked to me like a similar game but inspired in WW2.
Heard its the same but cities are simpler. And there are horses as cheaper trucks, which is cool.
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It depends on what you're playing it for. It tries to do a lot at once, and despite its noblest efforts substance does suffer in certain areas. It shot for being great and I would say it landed on good instead, which is better than some 2deep4u games could claim. The dev also seems like a standup guy.
For me, planet generation is extremely fun as a /tg/ worldbuilding fag and I often launch the game just to generate Unclassified planets. Googling real life information alongside gen parameters is like doing the fun parts of science class again.
The big thing is that it really unleashes the upper cap that normal Unclassified planets have for certain things like planet spin, temperature, gravity, age, etc. If you pick Small/Normal or Normal/Large size planets and then gen a Colossus planet, you can get a playably-sized map with some extremely unique world settings.
>tfw made a 127 degree planet with 5.0 gravity and a windspeed equivalent to an eternal Cat 3 hurricane
>>tfw made a 127 degree planet with 5.0 gravity and a windspeed equivalent to an eternal Cat 3 hurricane
how it affected gameplay?
Hazard exposure level, shown at the Biosphere generation screen, is a combination of all the dangers different elements of the planet poses.
>It is used for quite a number of calculations. But notably to determine what happens when an Asset, vehicle or envirosuit is punctured in battle. At high Hazard Exposure Level death could be immediate. This has consequences for the lethality of battles and damage they might do to civilian infrastructure.
>Also the production/construction costs go up (Hazard Surplus Cost) on Planets with a high Hazard Exposure Level. Summing it up: Its expensive to protect yourself and easy to kill yourself if Hazard Exposure Level is high

High gravity deeply impacts the development of life and greatly increases the requirements for an effective airforce. Also mountains and metal deposits I believe.
High wind speeds also mean that rainclouds will travel farther from bodies of water, meaning that even dry areas get rainfall.
I am not asking about that, I am asking if it played any different than normal more earth like maps
Yes for all the reasons I said. Battles are more decisive because when a unit gets hit, they are potentially instantly killed instead of wounded due to the hazard level. Building shit is a lot more expensive and resource intensive due to the hazard level. Food production requires domes due to the temperature, which are much more costly because of the hazard exposure level, which makes all resources very important. There are a ton of dangerous animals running around because the massive humidity helped them evolve, and moving is difficult due to the sheer quantity of cloud forest and mountain tiles. There is basically no viability for an air force until late game so everything goes into ground combat.

It makes for an especially slow playthrough where every action has consequences that last for a very long time, good and bad. Everything matters, mistakes hit hard for you and the AI, and wildlife is a huge menace. The only thing I would say really sucks about it is that freefolk marauders ignore 90% of the challenges because lol lmao
that doesn't sound much different
Give me ideas for what kind of country I should LARP as on a Medusa world
>Normal difficulty is too easy
>Hard difficulty feels unfair, and I can never get enough cards/resources to do anything
pain, suffering even
>normal difficulty
>you get plenty of fate cards from reaching levels and stuff
>hard difficulty - zero extra card making game more boring
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>yfw when no technicals
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>Motorbike infantry
>Recon buggies
Idk what you're on man, I think this game's perfect for Toyota War LARPing
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Same bro
I picture the militia units looking like this
I imagine them looking exactly like 90's Russian infantry in Chechnya, except they're equipped with shitty lever-action rifles and not aks
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When's the next sale going to be? Trying to get my friends to buy for some PBEM. Also if I get the DLC can they use the DLC features in a game with me? I haven't played any MP so I'm not sure how any of it works.
no idea, cant he just play with pirate version till the sale comes? i checked steamdb and price graph increased last year, was that end up EA or its the same jewish putinflation bullshit story fagtorio dev did?
It looks like a steady 40 dollars to me other than sales. Yeah maybe I'll ask him to pirate it.
It's $14 on G2A
Changelist 1.26d(#209)
-The Arachnids Minors have multiple levels now. The higher difficulty level you play the more dangerous they’ll be able to get, spawning special castes as Defendrix, Dominatrix and Exterminatrix, as well as Queens and Champions. *
-Various big fixes to Slavers, Arachnids and Mutants actually “decimating” population & free folk and getting growth of them, as well as them changing zone culture once population levels reach zero. (partially *-ed)
-Fix Fate Stratagem category in Stratagem Encyclopedia crash
-Fixed Geyser turbine mouseover text.*
-Fixed Energy Rebate rule to be actually applied
-Added some protective code to avoid Majors starting on island that is inside a lake (not ocean zone).
-Fixed rare issue with Minor Militia popping up between friendly units (after you conquered their “masked” zone center).
Is the DLC worth it at all? I've heard mixed things, but I never liked how there weren't any oceans.
no unless you really want to support Vic
What's your least favorite thing about the game? For me, it's that you need to invest an ungodly amount of resources into new zones in the late game, and even then it still takes forever to get worker happiness to a reasonable level
Unless I take it really slow the game is basically over by the time there's enough tech for war to be real interesting. This is SP though I bet MP with friends would be better.
no, its absolute dogshit
If you want oceans, yes. People shit on it because they wanted navies but Vic said from the start it is an Ocean focused DLC, not a naval DLC.
I want oceans specifically because I'm tired of the repeating endgame of a few giant blobs with a frontline spanning the south pole to the north pole. I know there's no real navy, but do the mechanics for the merchant navy shits actively detract from the game?
>What's your least favorite thing about the game?
AI's flagrant disregard for manpower and self-preservation, runner up is its knack for tactically obnoxious yet strategically useless decision making (upgrading to laser rifles when you're barely powering your industry because spreadsheet says laser=more, savant tier logisitics cutting that results in losing all their units):
>t5 two city two army start on a thin atmosphere Medusa with hydrogen fluoride life, there's some obnoxious 24m metallic herbivores.
>commit to play passively for increased difficulty.
>Republican AI attacks me over taking a minor a few turns before they did, which turned out to be a massive overextension for it regardless.
>Grind them to their Size V capital and take it, roughly equal tech but it happens just as I start to be able to produce armor worth its cost.
>turns out there's abour 30k people left across all their conquered zones, all cities drop to Size II at most
>ouverture difficulty as they defend their last town from me and the militarist AI (who also immediately warred me after we bordered)? 290+ get fucked nerd
My least favorite thing is players who beg for the focus to be on stupid shit like worthless oceans instead of playing smaller planets.
The coolest models in the game don't have formations because they are late game technology.
The coolest shit like walkers, robotic infantry and shields can't be made into their own formation.
Can't you raise a robotic light infantry formation?
I checked myself, yes you can.
Is there a better way to grind Government than Xeno Diplomat? Because it really sucks. What would I do if no xenos?
>start leaders who like government i dont want (enforcement and autocracy)
>think to myself i will just fire all the shitters and reform into my usual meritocracy, + government)
>all events and decisions are +enforcement or some other shit i dont want
i hate the RNG and how the game doesnt let you play like you want
conquer a crappy zone and leave it in unrest to grind meritocracy via investigations
goverment I still have no clue, you can get +5 from the contact syndic church card but I'm still grinding xeno diplo. maybe i should just let commerce get its way
>do the mechanics for the merchant navy shits actively detract from the game?
No. Dealing with them costs PP and $$ but if you don't need to deal with them they won't bother you too much. You need cards to make deals with them but not to extend their terms, and aside from giving you a logistics line they can give you intelligence (quite useful) and reveal resources (not useful at all.) The most annoying thing they do is spam events about company policy if you buy shares in them. Otherwise it's probably a rare event where you can pay them a shitload of money for a substantial happiness boost in one zone, or refuse for a mild happiness hit.
Game needs to cool it on the event spam.
Does the AI just get free resources? I managed to get their last metal mine and figured I could just starve them of resources and defeat them that way. But then a few turns later they dropped several thousands of metal worth of tanks, industrial upgrades + an ungodly amount of ammo they spend every turn without having access to metal. And that's all on like turn 12. That's kinda bullshit.
welcome in the game
but answer is of course NO, the AI never cheat(it just follow different rule set)
i hate how the dev forces BS propaganda of le fascism bad.
every autocracy card is just lets kill the people.
there is no positive fascism stratagems.
helldivers2 is a good example of positive fascism.
wheres the card to get more morale or fanatisism, wheres the card to boost pop loyalty or happiness via propaganda.
cards for more security or synergy with meritocracy, u should be able to get better leaders wit strength war and will.
its backwards that autocracy drives more egoism and corruption than democracy and inreality we see the reverse that biden doofus gets power with shadow cabals while nuremburg showed all officers in germany had 130+iq
shut up /pol/fag
the funny thing is hd2 is satire of the gulf war era usa combined with whatever references arrowhead thought were cool
starship troopers the movie? throw it in
1984? yeah sure
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manual says no free resources for AI
democracy makes your leaders more retarded and "just give the retards credits" is pretty realistic
don't post again
Is 'Child of the Stars' FP card broken for anyone else?
>play 3 FP
>nothing happens
everything in this game is fucking retarded
nm my next recruit junior gave me a Cap V demigod
Found both a crashed plane that gives 200 research points and another with 100, how good I'm having it? Although i had to do a really long road to claim them. Still new to this.
Also made some espionage and found out the other majors already have an airport on both their zones, might be screwed in the future.
I mean how is a kid going to survive in a star
If you're on a faster tech/later start the AI will start chain nuking you with ICBMs because they don't follow the same recon rules as players and all you can do is build bunkers to prevent asset loss so you better nuke everyone out of existence first. Wide area shields don't do anything either lol.
The more I hear about how the AI in this game works, the more it sounds like dogshit.
>AI invades my land through some mountain pass
>north of the mountains is my land
>south of the mountains is the AI land
>retake the pass while some of the enemy forces are on the north side of the mountains
>push them up against the mountains
>figure I will just starve them for a few turns before attacking
>no lol
>AI just builds a road straight through 5 mountain tiles from the south to their trapped forces
Democrats has a chance to make them more retarded but also gives the card that turns any cabinet retard into a god if you play it enough.
The selected leader didn't get the trait? I think I've only played that card once but it worked as expected.
Now you have a free road through the mountains. It works both ways, Hannibal.
the whole design for this game is dogshit
like building roads for example
you use IP(industry points for it) that you can store without any problems and use to instantly build anything
I didnt want a road through the mountains, I liked having a single mountain pass
>without any problems
There's a storage cap
>which is silly
Could use a "manpower" resource that is displays as X% that is use it or lose it per turn.
Manpower is what the AI is chain nukes with its 1 point of randomly assigned recon
storage cap is based on ur population size so it kind of makes sense
The storage cap is insanely high, which makes sense from a gameplay/management perspective where it wouldn't be fun for the game to force me to build roads two tiles at a time but is completely nonsensical from a realism perspective.
False. your just too smoothbrain to understand abstraction. IP represents the total Net Public industrial power. Meaning how many total factories and industries can be harnessed to produce machines, build roads, maintain buildings, build new buildings ect.

What part of that dont you understand?
anon i know it
it just badly done as whole game
Can America build 1000km railroad over mountains in 2 months?
yes and?
its shit abstraction
>instantly build road
>instantly spawn panzer divisions
Depends on how many tank divisions they raised in the months prior.
smoothbrain opinion completely disregard. You have no understanding of Game design and yet here you are voicing your opinion like its factual, similar to a 12 year old complaining that call of duty isnt realistic.

Its not built instantly, it takes 2 or more months, LP's dont start flowing until the next turn.
Read the manual the Game designer states why and what he had to abstract.

Why arent you complaining about weights? why arent you complaining we dont have to build power lines and piping? Because that would be retarded just like thinking its good game design to have the player weight 10-20 turns just to build a dirt road lmao.
I read the manual and its nothing more than cope
the design is shit and so your opinion you midwit
>I read the manual and its nothing more than cope
Your illiterate, you didnt read shit nigger.
MAD.CUZ.BAD. simple as.
theres a reason why you will never design shit and only critque people who do. Because your a dumb monkey brained nigger who needs to off themselve.
the thing is the game has zero challenge, AI is dumb and its easy to win
its more likely that you are too dumb to grasp how the game work and so you cope with it claiming that its so complex and deep
its not, its shitty designed, bloated and boring
I designed better board games when I was 10 years old using only cardboard and dice
stop projecting anon, that you are talent less loser don't mean everyone is
>has zero challenge
You mean you gave up after get absolutely COMP STOMP'D? LOL
>AI is dumb
Except its not ,it will actively fuck you in many ways and is extremely annoying to deal with especially on hard+ and real logi. So thats how i know you never played the game
>Shitty design, bloat, blah blah
Notice how you cant back up any of those claims and have to pick the lowest hanging fruit. pathetic.
>I designed better board games when I was 10
Failed drop out art school student detected. Nothing you do will ever amount to shit, so in order to cope you attack masterpieces you know you could never dream of making.
Some real weird projection your doing, Honestly man i think its time you just do the world a favor and rope yourself.
>You mean you gave up after get absolutely COMP STOMP'D? LOL
stop projecting loser
>projects that im projecting to his projection
Sorry your tranny game flopped. Turns out people actually prefer to play games with solid design, which clearly is a concept you will never understand. cope, seethe. dilate.
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you really are pathetic you know?
the game isn't hard, I bet if you read manual and use brain you can beat it
then when you understand mechanics you will see that its shallow as a puddle and most its deep and complex shit is just bloat and not only completely unnecessary but also making game worse
like how much of a brainlet you must be to claim that AI is great in here?
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Can you two buzzword-slinging faggots get a room? You're shitting up my favorite autism game thread
This game would be alot better if it skipped tech 3 and 4 and focused on gundams
I like shitty space ww1 though
This dude is talking shit about our GLORIUS second coming of the 4x genre and your just gonna let him shit up the thread like that?
I've never played on a moon. Is it any fun or does the resource scarcity lead to you just sending waves of light infantry all game? Is battle mortality higher than on earth-like planets?
roll one just to see how tiny it is (and how fast it runs)
you can get vacuums and be forced to use rocket engines that give you 33 hex range pretty easy.
> Is battle mortality higher than on earth-like planets?
Yes. Reasoning is that any hit is going to puncture a vac suit and whoever is inside that suit is fucked
I remember hearing something like that. That's pretty cool. Anything similar with poisonous air planets or is it just an increase in IP cost for troops?
It’ll tell you when you’re rolling the planet. There’s a screen that says if the atmosphere causes instant death or just mildly affects humans
Are any of the new fate cards worthwhile? The chainmail one that increases HP from envirosuits/padded suits/combat armor gives a nice HP bonus.
My researchers are taking forever discovering bikes, they just keep asking for more models for current types, have anything to do with funding?
When you mouse over the bikes entry in the models tab it says "this model could be discovered', right? In that case all you can do it put points into discovery and wait. If you're not currently developing a model then all the points in model development get rerouted to discovery which can speed it up.
Is Eternity Movement worth keeping, considering it gives rather brutal decrease to productivity?
solo 4 player hotseat Gaia population bloatmax Farmville is kino
Guardian sentinels have an annoying amount of hp and attack stats for the early game
>why everything [guarded by high level shooter stacks]
If this game had warno style battles it would be the GOAT.
Turns already take long enough as it is. Could you imagine having to fight every battle manually, or leave it to shitty RTS autoresolve?
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>dood what if ck3 was also total war
Changelist 1.26e(#210)
-It is now possible to create “Makeshift” Zones on Hexes without a Zone (“No Zone”). However this is more expensive than regular Zone creation (35PP, 500 Credits, 500 freeFolk/soldiers), but it can start a new Zone closer to an existing city (needs to be only 3 hexes away instead of 5, or even without condition if it concerns a small island of 16 Hex or smaller). This seemingly minor addition will give you more flexibility in special cases and open up a large number of possible new strategies concerning expansion by airlift. Note this new feature uses the same “new Zone” button when a “No Zone” Hex is selected.
-Unit Supply is now prioritizing Food a lot and Oil quite somewhat. This has been done to prevent cases where Ammo uses up all the logistical points and nothing is left for even more vital stuff. Food is vital for obvious reasons (starvation), but oil is also vital because low oil gives actually quite horrible combat penalties.
-Finetuned Farm-/Dome-steads building and now allowing maximum 2 Farmsteads to be build in a Zone, from there on upgrading those (until they reach Farm Community Level) is going to be the rule. We want to avoid cases where Farmsteads just clutter too much map. (partially *-ed)
-Finetuned Private Debt rules : Population can now go into debt as well to buy full Private Farm/Dome Communities. *
-Fixed exploit where reconquering a Zone (after losing it) gives you a Fate Pack again. (partially *-ed)
-Fixed buggy behavior with MTH wants more staff Decision.*
-Fixed some Tech mouseovers *
-Fixed rare issue with disappearing Free Folk through some Decisions like “Demagogue”
-Slight nudge to CAS increase indep of tradition level, very slight though…
-Fixed showing of movement arrow with strategic movement when using roads with more than 9999 logistical points on them
-Fixed miss-focussing map in some map centering cases on hexes that are close to the “map seam” where the map loops (Asset clicking, probably also history replay)
-Fixed a crash causing bug because units were transferred between regimes (like with the new option introduced in subversion D for Arachnids to split off from their core regime) (big thx to Carl)
Damnit that changes some things I was testing in Farmville and I'm just about to have all the initial hi-tech factories setup
I have enjoyed the hilariously aggressive minors (especially Guardians)
>annex guardians
>mass scrap guardian militia
>+124000 population
How’d you get the minor factions to grow their armies that big?
I've been very passive with them and without AI regimes annexing them they're mostly allowed to grow. A few hunter tribes did have to be put down. Also minor cultures usually have some kind of fertility bonus which they lose as they adapt to your culture, so by not annexing them (instead going for client states for testing) Farmville thrives.
Ah that makes sense. I didn’t even know they could grow
overthrowing MTH leaders and supporting the new one lets you grind Government
Farmville notes:
>If a minor is a protectorate/client it can declare war on you without dragging in its Major.
>If you ultra-alliance another major and break it there's a massive hit for doing so.
>Sentinels from Guardians don't give anything after scrapping
>If you want to keep Government as a profile you can never hit Commerce, ever, or you will spend 25 turns fixing what Contact MTH did.
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I unironically think that planet generation is more fun than the game now. Even taking breaks from the game doesn't stop this from feeling like a job. Oh boy leader RNG, oh boy unit design RNG and unit field testing grind, chuddy time for your daily governor skill check which he fails, better do some more leader RNG, oh boy a leader faction that is completely opposed to your profile wants gibs me datz!

Also what the fuck is up with these turn times?? Shit is taking forever.
I'm creating a national park system to sustainably grind my field testing
>Have extreme civ in capital
>Try to counter public worker happiness penalties in new city by using cards to build private QOL assets
>Send the city 120 credits a turn and use private investor card
>City gets a decent economy going but private worker salaries are .021
>Oh well it’ll work itself out
>New private metal mine opens
>Private salaries shoot up to .036
>Public workers with .009 salaries happiness drops to 15

I’m pumping 1,200 colonists into the city’s population to sort things out, but damn it’s kinda cool to see a labour shortage in this game get people paid off the charts
Why would you scrap the sentinels you monster
>it’s kinda cool to see a labour shortage in this game get people paid off the charts

Wish this happened in real life too.
>Wish this happened in real life too.
This is a common anti-Semitic trope and this misinformation has been repeatedly debunked
question to anons
largest population you even get? i mean survivors not the civilized era one
Try installing the Zoo Tycoon or Columbo DLCs. That should fix your problem and make the game more fun and dynamic.
and don't forget the Seinfeld mod if you get tired of the card art
There are Columbo and Seinfeld mods!?
You can't be serious.
Don't call me surely.
Is there somebody playing mp battles here? Im noob but anyway would like to try game with real players
Ill play but i refuse to use discord hope its not a dealbreaker
There were a few games organized here around release
I would but I’m too busy playing New Jack Swing DLC.
Good governor can ameliorate the penalty. They are decent, give good event for meritocracy. I always keep them around.
How is the bug update, can you go full starship troopers?
I haven't encountered the arachnids yet in my new game after the update came out, but i got a vidcom event at the start of a turn that told me that one of the hives has evolved.
Why would anyone use a mechanized quad machine gun over a light tank with a howitzer, even with lasers the qmg is inferior to the howitzer tank
MechQMG has multiple attacks per combat round and is meant for anti-infantry
making a custom formation to just have 10 or 20 for defense is nice to have.
ur tank formations are sitting ducks against any inf anti tank
For me, it’s Advanced Tactics: Gold on a 1 city start with costly research, stone age, and no roads
Good to know. I’m about to fight it out with a major that has a 2:1 manpower advantage
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Honestly a WS4 4X game sounds like my dream game. But some things about that game look even worse designed than stuff in Shadow Empire.
I really wish this game would let you generate earth-like planets without all the wildlife bullshit.
You can literally start on higher tech levels during the planet generation.
I did and had a few fun world wars, with lots of air combat. It was really fun, but takes literally MONTHS to reach that point, and most people quit once they feel like they’re losing. This game should really have a map editor / battle scenario creator for this reason. Let us paint a battlefront, set up cities and infrastructure, deploy armies, and create a custom battle that can be played single or multiplayer. That way you can jump into the game and get to fighting instantly if you just want some action and play out an epic set piece battle that’s going to last 10-100 turns with a human opponent. Of course the campaign is still an epic way to play, but it’s just too hard to find people with the dedication and time to commit to that.
Is this game worth the fifty or sixty dollars with dlc? I remember being interested in the past, but some AI things turned me off, like being able to just spam roads everywhere, including through mountain ranges.
Shadowsisters im curious is ai even have logistics and etc? or he just doing Hannibal tactical moves across the mountains just cause?
100% worth it if you like this types of (war)games. Plus there is literally no other games on a market like this
I would get it on a key reseller for $15 and skip the DLC
You can buy it for like 13 dollars right now on GOG.
I really liked the 40 or so hours I sank into it. It very replayable because of the planet types. As far as I know the only game that simulates logistic lines in an interesting way.

The AI follows some kind of simplified logistical system, but not at all similar to the one the player uses.
That is why they make spagetti dirt roads everywhere.
They send logistics along roads, but they dont have to worry about truck stations to move them long distances. If they have a road from their city to their frontline, they are getting supplied. There is a section in the manual that explains exactly what rules the AI uses for every mechanic.
Is there a way to see how many rebels/unruly population I'm up against when I play a card like suppress unrest? I have good staff councilor who rolls a critical success only to be facing a 50,000 strong mob and fail.
>manage to cut off supply road
>ai just spaghettis another one up
you should have enough ip to do the same (and you can air bridge)
How does an air bridge work and how to install it? i have never used this thing
It's based on the population of the city, and it tells you how many people are striking as a percentage
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I couldn't find it. The amount varies and it doesn't seem to be based on the amount of troops I have garrisoned or the skill roll. I'm not even sure what a critical success does versus a regular success,
Need fresh updates or this not-a-general is going to stay dead.
Anyone ever have a major made up of entirely black leaders? I’m fighting a war with the leading major and every leader I see of there is black, the sample size is about 8 (Leader, 3 faction leaders and about 4 OHQ commanders).
majors are monoracial
iirc the democratic one has french names and black faces which is pretty funny
there's a militaristic/theocratic one that's all white faces and german names
the fact that (you)r culture is classed as "mixed" and is a multiethnic clusterfuck that will, over the course of a game, end up absorbing peaceful farming cultures, scavengers, the aforementioned majors and more makes one really think
Haha damn how did I never notice this
>Eugen games are about having a full set of units which all function in very specific ways to hard counter very specific things, but only a subset of those units available at any one time. Also the micromanagement to achieve those circumstances leaves you controlling a few dozen units at an absolute maximum
>Shadow Empire is about using logistics / economy / technology to throw more/better units at your enemy by the tens of thousands
I know this post was a week ago but I cannot think of two tactical/strategic games that would fit together worse. I do not know why people are allowed to just post shit like this without thinking for a second.
imagine the dogshit battle AI, the scale of fights in SE trumps even TW games and those fuckers couldnt create functioning combat AI for 25 years.
The autocrats I end up fighting in the endgame are always black, and the theocrats I end up fighting in the endgame are always white
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>have a pretty good campaign going 15 hours in
>AI turn
>game crashes
Fuck this piece of shit trash
No matter what I do the game always crashes during the AI turn
I literally wasted 15 hours of my life on this garbage game
Reload an autosave
No matter how many times I reload or how much time I give to the AI it crashes all the same.
It's a bug in the AI turn I can't prevent.
Did you try going back more than one turn
Thx, that fixed it for now.
It's basically Shadow Empire 0, but multiple systems are simpler, worldgen somehow still sucks ass but you get naval units and other stuff.
Why wasn't that the first think you tried lol
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Probably the best map i've ever generated. It's an Artica class planet. I kept rerolling until i got the temperature as high as possible which seems to be -10 Celsius for this type of planet.
>"heaven of calm" creates mostly farmer minors
>"more dangerous regimes" creates mostly hunter and raider minors

What's a good way to get a balanced amount of minors?
>no way to share seed
this game is to much junk that be kino jank
both at once
Playing against yourself? Might be fun, actually.
I only play with myself.

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