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I haven't played Enemy Within since like 2015 and I wanted to try out Long War for the first time. Can we have a thread about the nu-com games please?
That's a bit of a steep jump having not played EW in almost 10 years. If you really want to jump headfirst into Long War I wouldn't recommend Rebalance as it makes it even harder.

Also, if Fraxis wasn't retarded we would have gotten XCOM 3, but they ruined it all with Marvel Suns and now most of the important people are gone.
Honestly I don't mind if it's a bit of a deep end moment, but my brain is a lot bigger then it was back then, considering I was still in highschool at the time. I'm not playing Ironman or anything and I'm not afraid to restart a playthrough with lessons learned. Also I didn't know that Marvel Suns game was made by the same company, is it bad? I heard decent enough things about it, though that just be capesloppers having shit taste as usual.
Long War is so ass. I don't know how it got popular. It's just tedium.
It's worse and shallow version of XCOM in terms of its tactical gameplay. The other half of the game is making friends with the Marvel Heroes like a Fire Emblem or Persona game but with no romance.
You have to really be into Marvel capeshit to enjoy it and the money is better spent to other XCOM likes.
Long War Rebalance is as good as it gets for EU/EW. Long War Original got fucked up and un-fun in later versions.
The same thing kept happening to LWR though. It kept getting bullshit gamey updates.
Enhanced Realism and Tactics is a good alternative to Rebalance. Could always try that out.
Probably because aside from the tedium there are genuine improvements to the game. More equipment with a lot more variation, better class design, better enemy design, and a generally more interesting tactical and strategic layer where you make harder choices.

It's just that all of that is also filtered through making the game 20x the length and making the air game absolute fucking cancer.
I like long war because the aliens actually have resources of their own with the UFO missions.
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Any major mechanic that should be changed in nu-com or nu-com 2 besides air combat and pod activation mechanic?
Having actual ballistics physics for your weapons would be nice.
Simultanous turn resolution a la Froze Synapse.
You can save yourself all the install time and space with a pair of six sided dice. The goal of Long War is to roll one hundred consecutive times without getting doubles. If you do throw doubles you have to start over. If you throw snake eyes you have to buy new dice and start over. If you want the real Long War experience you can draw different colors on some of the different faces to represent the different meaningless upgrade paths, or you can hire someone to come by occasionally and pick one of the dice up and set it back down so that even though you didn't throw doubles you still lost and have to start over anyway. These are called random Thin Men crits.
That's a long paragraph to say you don't like XCOM games at all, not just LW. Even Xenonauts has those problems.
Why are you here?
kinda weird how good players can consistently beat it, isn't it? luck was a skill the whole time, i guess
Yur. Main reason why I only play X-COM and Xenonauts instead of nucom. Time units makes close quarters fighting fun.
Why? Just shooting multiple times? Or taking small steps?
The class system is bs. The difference between low level soldiers and high level soldiers is too high. If you lose a few good soldiers you can't recover by sending rookies since the game was balanced with the expectation of you having high-level dudes by late game. If they can't revamp it properly, they should just scrap it
Phoenix Point tried cone aiming. It slows things down and makes overwatch janky and unreliable.
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The tactical game is feast or famine with all or nothing hit rolls. While their are reliable damage mods that convert to always damage system.

The strategy layer is snack or famine. While you can make small gains or lose a unit or base forever.
The class system is not the problem, the problem is not having the ability to have your men grow outside of battle.
If you could unlock some passive called "Improved training techniques" that made rookies have +10 aim on year 2 or something, we wouldn't be having this conversation.
It's not even that much, enemies have dodge and health pools are huge so that +10 aim is just a QOL change to make a long save salvageable, not a cheat.
>Long War
No thanks.
Fuck moders.
Fuck mod 'scene'.
Fuck mod-dependent sluts.
Fuck long war.
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You just killed my urge to play Long War
Midnight suns >>>>> xcom
Amirite guys
how do i make my game look like this? my has this weird blue hue and stupid fog
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t. filtered
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just don't set up like a retard?
simex nucom is just ITB. which is a good game, i suppose.
He's an idiot doing OW spam vs Thinmen. Literally one of two enemies that has LR, along with red football players.
Take the initiative and this won't happen to you.
Small steps
Free aim
More choices between accuracy and amount of shots
TUs are great for the granularity of action. In a single turn I can sprint up to an enemy, melee him twice for the kill, run to a second nearby enemy, melee him, and then use a pistol to shoot a third enemy. in EU/EW this is some advanced assault/ranger gameplay with multiple abilitys used. in open xcom this is just normal gameplay, every unit can do this.
I like this post.
Xenonauts also has TUs and the tactical game is very versatile, I like it a lot.
The downside is things are make or break with overwatch.

Nucom was made around the two actions system, to push aggressive play (can't shoot, then retreat). And break turns up so one can't do too much without letting enemy react.

And long war rebalance changed overwatch to stop tiny moves+overwatch spamming.
the art style(yes it matters) is so boring i prefer to play openxcom
>long war rebalance changed overwatch
How so? I am not able to look at change notes now.

Acceptable opinion.
Your soldiers can no longer overwatch unless they have a targetable enemy, and then their overwatch fire will only apply to those enemies that they could target when they started their overwatch. This removes the tactic of overwatch creeping from the game. While this is a big disadvantage for your squad, this rule also applies to the aliens.

Overwatching has also been buffed in a few ways."

"Using overwatch will overwatch all units currently in Line of Sight. Overwatching units will fire a reaction shot against any unit that was overwatched and that acts (unless the action is a move of only 1 tile). "

It also changed Pods a bit.

"Enemy pods will now activate when they see an active pod or a corpse. This can lead to a chain of activations, and a more dangerous situation. This is intended and mitigated by other new game mechanics that will sometimes cancel the scamper movement of pods when they activate in this way, leaving them out in the open and more vulnerable. Sometimes they will also have their weapons start with no ammo which buys your squad a turn to prepare.

Any XCOM soldiers with 0AP remaining will gain a single move only scamper action when an alien pod is revealed"
That enemy is specifically designed to counter overwatch spam. Don't position yourself near them in such a way that allows them to flank you like that. You can't even call it unfair game design when your own scouts can do the same shit, in such a way that is way more abusable by the player.
>Any XCOM soldiers with 0AP remaining will gain a single move only scamper action when an alien pod is revealed
I like this.
Saves you from the 'my last guy saw a pod from a funny angle and everyone is in the open' situation if I'm reading it right
as much as i love TUs for their granularity, the two-action move-and-shoot system of EU/EW and beyond is so much more intuitive and fluid to play.
the overwatch gameplay in LWR is actually quite solid, and i prefer it to vanilla EW. overwatch only covering against units known to the shooter encourages you to play aggressive, which is the most fun playstyle. it also encourages you to use overwatch on a reaction fire build as another tool in your squad.
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>Git gud
>you should've known about buggy transport ships and thin men able to jump through sloped ceilings
Nigger, did you even watch the webm?
there's no bug, you're just retarded
Yeah, lets you double move as a scout and then move back into cover with a third free move if you hit a pod. Speeds everything up.

Brainstorming a hybrid action system where you have 7 action point total but only the first 4 can be used for movement; and shooting costs 5 points.
So you can move/shoot but not shoot/move like EU/EW.
But now movement has 4 segments instead of 2.
And heavy weapons could cost 6ap and SMGs cost 4ap. Meaining 1/4 movement or 3/4 movement and firing.
But normies might freak out at the added complexity.
The funny angles and thin men being able to ignore heights is not new, their first encounters usually have them jump into a bus or a diner’s roof.
It’s features, not bugs, and you’re not being coy, you’re being a bitch.
You can really tell that Terra Invicta was made by the LW devs, same tedious design lol.
>jumping through a covered, solid ceiling
>not a bug
It clearly is
Rather than AP just call it seconds. Six seconds per turn, default is three seconds each to move, shoot, or use an item. Heavier or lighter weapons and armor cost more or less seconds to use and to move. Pack a light armor that brings your movement down to 2 seconds and you can triple-move, add an SMG that brings shooting down to 2 seconds and you can shoot then double-move.
Decent. Maybe allow a 75% 2-second move or 100% 3 second move to fill in gaps.
It would still allow shoot than move; that is what EU/EW was trying to prevent.
Phantom Doctrine split into 2 action points and 1 fire point.
Man... Thin men are super human
>that is what EU/EW was trying to prevent.
And then it gives enemies the ability to do it
Don't think they can shoot then move.
Xcom 2 complete pack is 8 euros on steam, should i?
do it, it's fun. get the expansion if you can
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Yeah it's pretty fun so far
>mfw i see all the mods for it
Mods are cool but can be a pain. Needs alternate mod launcher and even then I needed to find an obscure change to make that was listed only on discord.
Increases loading times a bunch.
Im saving mods for later, im just amazed by the quantity of them
oh god I fucking hate thin men so much. Thanks. I totally forgot they existed but now you've reminded me and I can now go to bed thinking about how much I hate them.
people hyped that shit so much i finally give it a try... Not worth it. The "dev" is the same from Terra invicta, he thinks that boredom and slow progress is fun. I know it have many many improvements but the tedium and stupidity they put together kills it for me. They tried to make LW for xcom 2 and is equalilly shit. Dev thinks "unfair and hard" is fun.
thin men are literal trannies btw
Is the bad end of Chimera Squad where the tolerance of aliens breaks down ultimately a good thing because it was a mistake to not gas all of them?
Like seriously how did XCOM stop the mass riots that should have resulted in every alien being stomped into mush?
Showed everyone the sniddies
skill issue, unironically
Long War vs Long War rebalanced?
meh... I play games to destress not have a literal second job. There's no reason for half of the changes other than padding content
You could, if time allowed, complete a whole save in 2 sittings. That's a bit short, a weekend's worth of fun maybe.
LW is not made for the 'I have an hour a day' audience or the undedicated. It was made for people who like XCOM and want an experience that will match their level of dedication, capacity and expertise.
I won't get into Paradox games because they require an investment of time I'm not willing to make in order to enjoy them.
I hope you realize I'm not insulting your intelligence calling you a casual or something, I'd rather say that TI and LW/LWOTC are for XCOM lifers that play nothing else, and enjoy the pain. Just look at the OpenXCOM general and see for yourself, no one sane would play that shit and yet they love it, they enjoy the suffering.

>Please wait a while before making a post
I post here everyday hiroshimoot, how much longer are you going to do this to me?
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>fight against warlock
>he mind controls my ranger
>he proceeds to crit 2 of my guys instantly killing them
fastest alt f4 i ever did
>not putting a mindshield on anyone with a shotgun
User error
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Sorry, anon, I didn't do it to be mean.
I hope you can succeed in future missions and that your save flourishes.
that's a very costly 1%, them alien tech is seriously important
>not using a grenade after 3 shots missed
>not using a grenade to de-overwatch and reposition into cover
lol scrub
This is why you play the original xcom. Because in the original, you have a very high chance to hit because ballistics actually exist. In this situation, in the og xcom this thin man would be gone.
In original x-com that wall would have 100% blocked the shot. Best case scenario you shoot twice to destroy the cover first, then kill it. Worst case, you miss the first and get fucked by reaction fire...
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I fucking hating XCOM2 but love LW with randomizer slapped on top, I have tried XCOM 2 like 5 separate times once with LW2, and its just nowhere near the quality of EW
What's the randomizer do? Can you meet mutons on Month 1, for example? Or is it for your men's skills?
skill issue
>shoots a ~2 scatter rocket a tile away from the wall hiding half his soldiers from getting flanked
What did he think was going to happen. Although I'll admit the car exploding was a bit much
>dumping aim on your rocketeers

>Although I'll admit the car exploding was a bit much
it was the only way he'd learn
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>mod xcom 2 with better advent, shitload of sitrep and enemy mods, mod that gives nearly every single mission 3 sitreps
i was not prepared to get my ass streched that hard
Can you share sitrep mods?
Making a personal harder rebalance of XCOM 2 takes a crazy amount of trial and error until you get things just right
I ended up hitting like 500 something mods in the end with editing them all before I started playing LWOTC
just subscribe to every highly rated sitrep mod
My biggest problem with Long War is that before you're even half way through the campaign they've quadrupled every enemy health bar and given half of them regen. It's so tedious and it takes away so much of the personality from the different alien types. I get that there's only so much they can do in a mod, but this seems like some of the least interesting, worst thought through difficulty ramping I've ever seen.
go watch the game this dev made. He waste more time nerfing every strategy to make the game enjoyable instead of finishing the game. They seem to be that kinda of people that hard=fun
>long war
oh boy i can't wait to make the game as tedious and annoying as possible!
>quadrupled every enemy health bar and given half of them regen.
This never really bothered me in the slightest because XCOM soldiers are so incredibly overpowered and the weapon tiers just add to that
HP numbers are completely irrelevant to some of the classes like Sniper and even moreso with MECs that any alien type is getting near insta killed with a crit anyway and depending on how a soldier rolls their stats that can start happening by lasers or gauss
This is literally everything i wanted holy shit, its so beautiful... i can play on hard difficulties and not spend hours overwatch crawling. Hopefully it plays as well as it sounds
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>and given half of them regen
Just how little damage are you dealing that regen is a problem?
gigachad exalt
more like SNOOZE issue poorly designed boring slogs
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He's just like me!
It's always fucking something with EXALT
i think they made programmed the AI in such way that it will ignore friendly fire if it can kill you. Amazing balance
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this is why your scout should always wear chameleon suit
I love how shitty the Illuminati are in EW.
>ou have to really be into Marvel capeshit
Now i know why i liked
Any mod that stops armor tiers for changing cosmetics?
Im real tired of the game slapping random shit on my customized soldiers
closest you can get for ew I think
I like how the ai has some semblance of self preservation in long war:rebalanced theres way too much overwatching suicide charges in vanilla

Fuggin kek
forgot to mention for xcom 2, thank you anyways
>xcom 2
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my squad when the chosen shows up
What a nice group, so charming
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Long war rebalanced?
how the hell is slaughterhouse bomb disposal even done.

i get rekt by 3 active pods of thinmen
I just rage unninstalled the game yesterday. How the f do you guys keep your cool playing this game.
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Keep playing for hundreds to thousands of hours until you get used to the bullshit.
>They seem to be that kinda of people that hard=fun
No. "Hard" is when you have a challenge that you can solve. They think beating your head against a wall for hours upon hours = fun. Just watch any let's play, and it invariably involves sequence breaking.
have the squad go inside the butcher shop, turn on motion tracker to know how many pods spawned outside and are closeby

put frontline classes (Gunner, Assault, Scout) Infantry) in the cold storage room, medic and rocketeer should be in the butcher shop by the double doors

If there's a roof pod, just go up and nuke it so long as you know it won't pull a nearby pod if it's a big one in the left/right street
If no pod's on the roof then see if you can kill a pod on the left/right street without pulling the others

If no roof pod + left/right street pod then all pods are on the main street with the truck and slaughterhouse inside + slaughterhouse roof in which case take point on the cold storage doors and use many explosives to alpha strike pods asap, take advantage of assault's DPS, scout to pull awkward overwatch's (like if a disc is doing it), gunner to shut down as per usual, engi + rocket for nuking
also if you can help it, never leave the cold storage area until you only have the slaughterhouse inside pod left
If you need to pull back, just go back to the butcher shop to bait the aliens then push back up

If you only have to take out the roof pod but aliens are camping up there (and you have no scout to pull the overwatch) then go through the left street path to wrap around the slaughterhouse

Either approach the slaughterhouse inside pod by going through the shutter doors on the main entrance or the left door entrance

Focus fire any alien that can do AoE cover destruction like mutons and discs because if they nade your cover in the butcher shop cold storage area early on then the mission can go south very quickly
You are supposed to win some and lose some. I just take the Ls and try and learn something from them.
It’s a video game just don’t take it too seriously.
Is Phoenix Point good?
It's... okay.
I tried it with Terror from the Void recently. Mod helps and having vehicles is cool but a lot of core design is annoying as hell.

Game is slower than Xcom, slow enemy turns, too many loading screens, manual aiming is buggy, overwatch is painful to setup, solider abilities and upgrades aren't that cool, 3 nonsensical factions tries to combine Mad Max and clean glass towers, terrible music.

Couldn't bother finishing it. Look up ending, it is underwhelming as hell.
Phoenix point is a what if take on what if we take worst parts about firaxiscom and ogxcom and put them together. It's a waste of anyone's time.
If you are desperate for xcom but not xcom try the UFO aftermath/shock, it's a different take on the alien invasion and actually a decent one.
Opinion seems to be that it's just underwhelming, then. Not a bad game, but not a great game?
Does it maybe suffer from being judged against XCom too much?
If you have the patience and your own background music you can try with Terror from the Void mod.

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