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hopes? dream? if they pull it off it could be one of the defining features of 3
they're gonna mess it up aren't they?
of course they are, it will be half baked and broken
>click on map
>get spammed by the same 10 whacky travel events
>accumulate landowning mana for 20 years until it lets you spend it and become a count
Well, what would you want? No meme answers
whenever i think of ck3 i just become tired. it's just an empty game with broken mechanics and the slowest development out of any paradox game.
why would i wait for any of this when i can just play ck2 and have fun?
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they are just gonna drop that whole kingdom management thing and embrace sims medieval
i would be lying if i said im not interested but this is a worrying direction
I don't want a landless dlc at all. The scope of landless gameplay is way too wide to be implemented in a single DLC in a satisfying way. It's like when they wanted to introduce internal mechanics into eu4 with the estates in one DLC and of course it turned out to be shallow slop. If they wanted landless gameplay they should have designed the entire core game around simulating the lives of minor nobles. Now that they have missed that they should focus on things that can actually be improved by dlc.
>Personally go on artifact adventures like Indiana Jones
>Be any of the court positions and have events tied to them.(Comfy farming sim court gardener in Baghdad, stealth visual novel gameplay as a court assassin)
>Be a mercenary captain. Become landed after supporting a country repeatedly like Griffith.
>Become a socialite in different courts trying to secure land diplomatically like that one Swedish queen
>Join the church. Go on missions to convert heathen kings. Become a university lecturer. Work your way up and become the pope. Start a Crusade and give the land to your heir.
>Be a merchant exploring the map while making money. Become Marco Polo. (sounds like this is what the DLC will be).

These are ideas I had at the top of my head. The scope is limitless. The execution will probably be bare bones. I hope the mod framework will be good.
Should've just made a fucking Crusader Kings MMORPG.
>eu4 with the estates in one DLC and of course it turned out to be shallow slop
Except the reason was the very fucking design philosophy of both EU4 and its DLCs, so it's hardly a surprise that DLC features are shit

Other than that, agreed on everything else
>I hope the mod framework will be good.
This is literally all my hope for the DLC. I don't care about official contnet, it's going to be the same barren 5 looped events. But if the framework is going to be solid, then we are up for some serious modding
I have a hard time imagining what landless gameplay would actually look like in practice. It will just be event text box spam, right?
>I have a hard time imagining what landless gameplay would actually look like in practice. It will just be event text box spam, right?
You will have ck2 republics style estate(in superposition between void and your ui) and ability to be hired in that useless list of jobs(physician, bodyguard etc) for meager wage
And obviously text spam simulator as traveler/adventurer
Maybe if we are lucky you'll be able to manage mercs without controlling them on field (because they sure as hell won't change op/shitty mercs in this dlc)
>DTR is probably dead forever
>Sinews of war is definitely dead forever
Is there anything else out there? Vanilla seems so shallow.
Ability to murder rob and cuck everything and anyone
I wonder how will succession look like for unladen characters. For this reason I think they won't allow to play complete nobodies instead focus on unlanded titles. Maybe based on claims.
I'm excited for Byzantine mechanics. Apparently they have their own unique way to upgrade their landless holding and I'm wondering how it will work. Will my house share it? If I fill the empire with my dynasty will we just get huge bonuses from max upgraded manors?
Sounds like the private manor from CK2's merchant republic. Might be cool. Except that one gave free troops, levies and stats. nvm
My concern is that the whole "landless" period will be very unsubstantial, and just serve as a long prologue before you become a random count and suddenly you are just playing CK3 as usual.

I am one of those that dreamed about playing as a landless adventurer in the past, and let's be honest, on paper it really sounds cool. Yet in practice the game and everything in it is built around the idea of being a landowning ruler, and nothing short of a complete rework of government and provinces would make landless play a full viable alternative instead of just a temporal diversion before you are yet again map-painting.

That said, I hope (with flimsy hopes, yet they still linger) that I may be wrong.
>that will be 30 dollars, goy
Why would it be viable long term? Did a lot of houses become great without acquiring land?
>they're panicking
They could have just made a game with more depth than CK2 instead of releasing something that's much more shallow.
>even through the generations
i wonder if you could marry your kids still and do that whole eugenics thing
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releasing something shallow was and is the point. depth is alienating to normies.
this really bamboozles my brain. ck3 is already the easiest paradox game by far. how can they make it less intimidating? will the game start and end with a single pop up saying that "you did it. you are the crusader king!"?
Imagine if instead of needing to be a random single-title Count in the middle of a major empire, you could just have a family estate in actual constantinople or whatever, and then still do all the normal intrigue/diplomacy/dynasty play, building tall, and wheeling and deeling and fucking around as a vassal, but without needing to also manage your one shitty little county and lose the game if it gets conquered.

That's the appeal. Being able to go whole hog on traveling around and fucking/fighting/killing/kidnapping people and such, leading armies as a mercenary, etc, without single-province-count being the lowest level of rulership.
Bro they are charging $30 for a shitty mod that was free in CK2, albeit really shit and glitchy in CK2.
If they had run the game better, the modding scene in CK3 wouldn't be fucking dead and this content would be freely available.
How much more slack can you even give them? They put fucking dynasty icons into their own DLC. They sold ebooks as DLC. There is literally not an element of their games that they have failed to monetize.
It's not even about shallow, retard. They nakedly stripped key gameplay mechanics from CK2, like wards, and put them behind a paywall.
It's as bad as when they put lend-lease behind a paywall. Shitty, basic, essential game mechanics are kept out of base game in order to profiteer.
If the game was at least extremely approachable, that would be good enough. The fact is that CK3 is just as much of a fucking disaster as CK2. CK1 is ironically still the simplest game in the franchise.
I expect that a "central noble" playthrough will be plenty viable. Being a wealthy landowner with political capital and influence in Rome or Constantiniple will make you more powerful than some provincial ruler with a single county in the boonies. That's how things were in imperial china and some parts of japanese history
Doesn't Stellaris have buttons to automate literally every task you will ever need to do?
I am convinced CK3 development team is led by a retard who didn't understand the appeal of GSG in the first place. Most of update only added distraction to the map, the main feature of a GSG. The one good original/not CK2 rehash update they did was to implement traveling aka improved interactivity to the map.
Agreed, and they do deserve credit that traveling is very sick and adds a lot to the game.
Maybe people hated on Conclave too much when that came out and now PDX is afraid to release DLCs that don't explicitly add flavor for at least one region.
I really hate tourney even more than the useless throne room. You spend months of in game time distracted by a fucking event chains in a basically shittier throne room. That shit is just the shining example of everything that's wrong with CK3 gameplay design.
I hated the popup spam from events too but honestly thought it was just me lol. Still pretty cool going on an actual pilgrimage though.
Yeah, it's fun the first few times but wish there was an option to have it just happening in the background.
Probably more like it's development by committee, and that committee has a lot diversity hires with pretentions of making the game appeal to sims players and without the ability to properly realise even that.
no only planet management because doing it in the late game is hell
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hehe so true
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bros ck3 is a disaster and nobody plays it
it stole those players from CK2
Maybe it's time that Paradox fully embrace the RPG genre and turn CK3 in a M&B: Bannerlord-Kenshi-map painting simulator.
honest question. if someone made a HIP like mod for ck3 would it actually be better? or are the problems something that mods cant fix?
Would it be better? Yes. Would it be fixed? No. There are way too many core mechanics that are just straight up bad for it to be fixed with mods.
I honestly don't know how people find this game confusing. You really have to have 2 IQ. The only initially confusing thing may be succession. But that's about it.
You need to understand that most people don't play video games beyond something on their phones. From the people playing more involved video games most are also playing sports, FPS, 3PS games or adventure style games. Paradox style strategy games are very obscure if you account for all types if video games. Every popular genre generally also has a more generational introduction style. Older siblings or family members introducing the game to a younger member just by watching them play or even teaching them the basics. A young kid isn't going to watch their cousin stare at a map for 6 hours a day. Basic literacy and understanding is needed to enjoy/understand what is happening. This makes the entry age for games like this older but it also means it's unfamiliar to the majority of people familiar with video games.

Yeah it's easy to understand after a few hours of playing but unless a person is interested in history they're starting at a huge disadvantage of understanding.
>A young kid isn't going to watch their cousin stare at a map for 6 hours a day
I used to sit behind my dad and watch him play civ3.
civ is mainstream and easier to understand than autist map games
>A young kid isn't going to watch their cousin stare at a map for 6 hours a day.
I watched my dad play starcraft as a kid and started warcraft 3 myself when I was like 12, grand strategies are even more braindead than most rts so I don't really agree. in CK3 it's really not hard to understand "play tribal, host feasts and hunts, conquer neighbors with men at arms"
>Basic literacy and understanding is needed to enjoy/understand what is happening.
The increasing amount of functional illiteracy is probably a big part of why they're dumbing everything down so much.
Why did they make Constantinople the worst county? Sure it starts with high dev but it can get outpaced so fast since it only has one holding.
another shit dlc probably
I didn't have any siblings who played strategy games, yet I have zero problems understanding them
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I want to play like this guy
You make some good points. I guess I'm biased because my parents put me on games and Strat games at a young age.
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plebbit being based for once bröthers
if paradox really just wanted to make a rpg game with strategy elements why didn't they copy the KOEI Romance of the three kingdoms games? That type of game in medieval europe would be kino
Is "Died under mysterious circumstances" always mean you're assassinated?
Safe and effective.
paradox fucked up so badly even their dicksuckers aren't happy
When are we getting dev diaries?
I wish we got roads to power first instead of legends of the dead.
Taking some elements of Koei's games that contain a officer play is a great idea imo. I hope RTP dlc will overhaul the lifestyle/perk to be somewhat similar to the RoTK 13 Prestige but I know it's a pipe dream. Lifestyle being closer to your Player Character achievment/life goal instead of their hobbies is a massive improvement.
At this point I wish we could get proper diplomacy in this game. Finding a wife for your heir should not be a "press a button" type of a deal, you need to be able to send people from your court with some gifts to another country in hopes for an alliance and a marriage between your children. You should be able not to just vassalize neighboring counts because you de jure own their title, but also negotiate with some fucker from Norway to offer him protection in exchange for yearly tribute. Even with all the recent additions once you become an emperor the game's over, you just click buttons to make numbers bigger.
The whole problem with paradox games is borderline omniscience on the player's part. Medieval rulers had portraits of prospective suitors delivered to them and relied on hearsay or spies. Few would have any direct contact with these people. So merely obfuscating character profiles would be a great step forward.
That’s absolutely retarded, what ck3 needs is to be a better game, not a more immersive medieval roleplay
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>do a holy war for a duchy
>give all the conquered counties to one of my sons
>notice I didn't get the actual duchy title
>usurp it and try to give it to the son that holds all its counties
>retarded partition mechanic blocks my path
>randomly assigns the duchy title to be inherited by another son who holds lands on the other side of the country and has nothing to do with said duchy
>get pissed off
>reload, switch over to the duchyless son, cheat in 400 gold, usurp the title for him and switch over back to me
The game is fucking unplayable without primogeniture. This is the last time I played anything over than Byzantium.
>you need to be able to send people from your court with some gifts to another country
Last thing this retarded sims gsg mod needs is another useless event/textspam generator
My take is that they're doing landless characters as a prelude to nomads, because it will work better for migrations if they have a system in place to allow landless tribal movements.
Skill issue
Remember, you’re not allowed to complain about a game if you suck at it.
How is it a skill issue if I have no say in how the game handles inheritance? Let me give the fucking title to its owner for fucks sake.
>holy fuck, I love getting the same ten events over and over!
>reload, switch over to the duchyless son, cheat in 400 gold, usurp the title for him and switch over back to me

Last time I played this game I had to

>close - enable debuge mode - restart - cheat - close - disable debuge - restart

Atleast three different times to fix bugs and general retardation. Like that time my 3yo son and heir was living alone at the other end of europe with some random rulers. I could not invite him back normally, because he was too far away to interact His mother had lost her foreign holdings and getting expelled randomly spread her and our children over the map.
>your wife farts on her lover and it stinks the villa!
>leave (+4000 stress)
>fart as well (fart lover +10 opinion)
A reasonable game would let you assign lands your sons inherit before your death. Something like:
>okay you've got 8 titles and 2 sons, you have to assign 2 titles your second son would inherit once you die
But no, the game just chooses them randomly for you. They also keep changing literally every time you look at the succession tab.
I guess we'd need another $30 DLC for a basic feature like that.
>/pol/ losing influence
You love to see it
antisemitism is at an all-time high, even normies are openly engaging in it
you lost
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For fuck sake. The community wants more complexity and paradox go around and dumb it down even more. Ck3 will never be good.
>The community wants more complexity
The community of cynical pirates on 4chan want more complexity, the community of Redditors who buy the games and dlc want less complexity and more memes.
The community doesn't know what it wants.
>le 4chan pirate maymay
plebbitors probably pirate 10% of the time, and 4chan probably pirates 20%, it's overstated how much 4chan pirates.
CK3 will never have any complexity, it is MADE to be the dumbed down game.
At this point, you'd just need a completely different game set in the same time period. No CK4, just start with a clean slate because whatever CK2 was supposed to be didn't work out and CK3 went the entirely wrong direction.
I'm still waiting for a proper succession update. Public wills, secret wills, duels and wars being fought over disputes. The one thing that we might get with the landless update is the ability for landless potential heirs to wage war for what they believe is rightfully theirs.
it's funny how the "pet projects" of the Black Forge Jam included Death and Succession Dynamics like it was something they hadn't thought about updating
>making the death and succession process more interesting and giving players more choice in who they continue as, addressing scenarios where a player’s favorite character is not their heir.
There is a mod for this. It's pretty tedious.
Feel like the current antisemitism is coming from the other side, not pol.
>literally the focal mechanic in the game is relegated to a side project of one dev.
>Just want to have a comfy angevin kings game
>Capets always fucking die and France explodes
Aquitaine should just be de jure France ffs.
I went back to playing civ6 after playing ck3 for a while and while they really aren't the same type of game it's crazy how much more cohesive civ6 feels. All the features flow together really nicely while with ck3 so many of the features feel stapled on and overall janky. And civ6 only had 3 big dlcs so it's not like paradox had less time to develop.

Also the price points are much more forgiving, I was able to get civ5 on Christmas with all the dlcs for $12.50 and it was probably the best video game purchase I ever made. I've never seen ck2 with all the dlcs drop below $200.
It's mostly because of the direction involved with the game development imo. Paradox never has a clear vision in making their game and it only got worse nowadays. Just look at Stellaris they change the entire gameplay like three time.
nah not anymore
>destroying your game franchise to own le chuds
How do I deal with legitimacy without the DLC?
Great ideas honestly. I was thinking today how nice it would be if marrying off a son to a landed woman would remove them from wanting a piece of the succession. Outright or at least add weight to their decisions on how much they want themselves. Also the ability to give them something nice as an alternative to land. Weapons, armour and a horse before sending them off as an unlanded knight. The parting gifts could scale with your rank. So a counts extra sons might be happy with chainmail and a horse while a kings son would want a small retinue of soldiers to leave alongside them. Personality traits should also influence what a son wants in regards to succession. Greedy characters might be happy with gold and humble characters might just be happy with a county or no land at all. I also want sons to push for early inheritance as well. Something similar to Henry II of Englands sons trying to force the issue.

Sometimes I feel like this game is so close to being great. Obviously paradox will never do something like this so I just hope for mods.
So I played CK3 a bunch and have become bored of reading the same things over and over again. What are some good mods to spice things up right now? I do know that there's more to do in the middle east but frankly I am not interested in any place other than Europe.

P.S.- tried the GoT mod, didn't "click" for me in CK2 nor in CK3.
Fallen eagle and Elder kings 2
There were mod about diadochi states but it seems to be dead now
I tried "after the end" but it was really barebones compared to ck2 one then, not sure about now
is there any doubt?
>expose pope as a homo because im tired of his shit
>nothing happens to him at all
>eventually get excommunicated because he hates me
Yeah that sounds right. Why would something bad happen to him just for being gay? But it makes sense you were excommunicated because you were being evil (homophobic).
To be fair that sounds like something a real pope would do.
Have you tried VIET?
>whenever i think of ck3 i just become tired. it's just an empty game with broken mechanics and the slowest development
this but also bannerlord
>Also the ability to give them something nice as an alternative to land. Weapons, armour and a horse before sending them off as an unlanded knight
nothing is an alternative to land.
no sane medieval man would ever accept this.
His vassals lowered their opinions of him. Maybe you could have used it to recruit them in a plot against him
Always murder you rivals first
Or you can befriend them i guess and hope they will forgive you, whichever is easier
Nope, and I don't think I can until someone uploads it on skymods.
I don't have a wishlist for landless content, I'll just let how its executed be a surprise. I just want to see how they rework the boredom out of a Byzantine playthrough.
I feel like being able to just raise your entire army literally anywhere makes the game too easy. What's that? You've got a massive empire spanning the entire Mediterranean, your capital is in Rome, and you're being invaded in Britain? No worries, just spawn your entire army right where the enemy is. Maybe raise embark costs too, naval invasions should be expensive.
>Maybe raise embark costs too, naval invasions should be expensive.
i cannot get over the game not having ships.
the 4th crusade was a failure BECAUSE OF SHIPS
They should definitely at least cost more. Invading Britain with 10000 men? Just 100 gold lmao. Have cultural embark discounts (if they don't already) for the Norse but otherwise things should be expensive if you're going over water. Should take more time too. William of Normandy took almost 2 months to naval invade England because of the weather.
It's definitely retarded especially when mercenaries can just spawn anywhere at any time. I mean shit at least force them to spawn at their headquarters.
Eh, the ship mechanic of CKII was too cumbersome. I feel that its one of the places I actually prefer CKIII
June or July maybe.
But CK3 is already so easy. I play this game near blackout drunk and still manage to conquer my way through Europe.
I'm pretty sure they are talking about their DLC/content structure being intimidating, not the game.
The only reason I'm still playing CK3 is the Vampire the Masquerade mod
All the official DLC have been shit and I have no hope left anymore
I always tell myself I'm going to try new content and then just play Mummy again
For everyone else who started a new campaign with a stable big ass modlist and doesn't want to lose it to updates:

Ok so here's my current (not easy) solution for paradox games anyhow:
>crack game (I ran cream api to unlock dlc, so that was my crack) [check cs rin ru]
>dl Irony Mod Manager, merge your modset to a new local megamod, apply megamod to game
>tell steam to only update game when launched
>only launch game through crack exe from now on, use beta shit to rollback if you accidentally update at some point

workshop is the worst thing to ever happen to modding
CK2 mogs this trash game and Rise To Power mod probably mogs this dlc
I don't want the map and the "map data" to be more watered down. It's because all of those wars and conflicts that are happening everywhere, that me playing a bumfuck count in the middle of Spain, that could possibly already be a duke, but is liked by everyone around him, including the three Spanish kings (more interested in fighting in wars between french duchies), and the Umayyad sultan (who had a dude with two Duchies rebelling, but just let him go, and other than that is the undisputed strongest and stablest power in Iberia) and instead is busy on diligently making his piece of shit land, the best piece of land in all of Iberia, as well as having feasts with his friends and neighbouring nobles feels so fun.
Well, that and making the exiled "prince" of Brittany convert to Adoptionism, letting him marry my second daughter (they had similiar personality traits, that's how I pick arranged marriages), and winning the Brittany for him twice to have an adoptionist Brittany sit there and spite England and France (first war was getting him Brittany, which was easy, the second came immedietaly after the first: fortunately or intentionally before my troops and mercs moved back(I dawdled and with good reason), where he revoked a vassal, having the whole country but the capital rise against him, because the throne of brittany was just that weak, after which the AI went almost NK mode, but Brittany was super strong from then on.)
None of that was a prescripted adventure, except the monk that messed around around my court getting either boastful or humbled, half the reason I converted was because I was attached to the bastard, but the other half was because he was the oldest character in my court and I wanted to see how long he would live (He proceeded to outlive my count, who became Duke of "Africa"(tunis), because he wanted to help his Sultan friend and helped one of the families vying for the Byzantine throne get it after converting one of the princesses)
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>I'll just let how its executed be a surprise
It's going to be overpriced and barely have any content.
Why is it negative? I thought the content was fine.
Probably because the dlc is super overpriced.
Just e rambling about my last playthrough.
tldr: small choices are more fun, when you can compare to the world around you, and see how being an angel, or a fuck to your neighbour, reverberates through the world in small waves, possibly tipping things over somewhere else
Legends are just forced roleplay and stat bonuses for gold. Poorly implemented as well. They should have just reworked bloodlines but made the bonuses similar to genetic bonuses you see in mods like the LoTR one or elf destiny. Complete a bloodline, your ruler gets an inheritiable trait/bloodline as the founder, his descendants get a lesser tier of that bonus dependent on their traits/prestige/piety/culture/religion etc. A character with a less powerful tier of a bloodline can potentially increase that level at the cost of some mana associated with whatever founded the bloodline. Something like how EK2 allows you to use magic to increase how long-lived you can be as an elf.
Hereditary superiority is problematic in the current year chud. Shouldn't be in the game more than it already is
Having been playing it a fair bit recently, it's because the content sucks. Legends are powerful, but they feel very artificial and suck from a fluff perspective. They're also a solution to a problem they just added with legitimacy.

And plagues... fuck plagues. You can barely go 5 seconds without a fucking popup related to another fucking plague spawning. And they're the same fucking popups. New plague, lose legitimacy. Call the physician, lose money. Dice roll, whoops he fucked it up, more plague. You're sick now, popup. Wife is sick, popup. Children are sick, popup. More popups for random plague events. Oh there go all your vassals dying of smallpox. What's that? Been 12 months already? Time for another plague then. It's fucking miserable to play.
How do you think they should fix plagues? Share some ideas, modders do lurk here.
Get this mod and set plagues to very rare.
It's really just frequency. The worst part is you get all these popups and you can't really do anything, it's just endless messages about how much things suck. Realistic. Yes. Fun? No.

Automation tools wouldn't go astray either. I mean fuck they don't even have build queues in this game. But then the fact your kids are dying would get lost in the million other pointless messages the game dumps on you.

Yeah that looks good. I like doing achievement runs because it gives you a goal, but fucking hell.
Also I recommend this mod so you get better fps. The table graphics they added in 1.12 lag the game.
Plagues should be far less frequent but hit like a truck when they do turn up. It's less realistic but I think it'd be better for gameplay to have something more impactful that happens less often than something irritating that happens constantly. As it is, they're just as annoying as they were in CK2, maybe even more so. To the point where I'm tempted to turn them off entirely.
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1.12.5 update coming on May 8th (next Wednesday)
>Event spam reduced (Alms) and events reduced to your domain and a distance from your capital
>Fewer plagues overall (30-50% total), but more major/apocalyptic rather than the spam of minor plagues (specifically reduced by 20%)
>Made plagues not override previous epidemic cool downs
>AI is more likely to isolate/seclude from plagues
>Plague resistance is by barony instead of county wide
>Improved color palette
>Relative inaction based on varying opinion
>Doing balance passes on Prestige debt and unused Cultural Traditions
>"Ripping out and replacing" much of the Royal Court event pool
>Every 3 weeks is a bugfixing week
>Message settings
>Conqueror AIs will added for more aggressive AI personalities, with optional buffs
>Historical events for Rags to Riches bookmark characters
>About 66% less hunting activities, and the AI will consider the plague when attending activities
Road to Power previews
>will focus more on paid than free features
>Can choose to inherit as a new dynasty/character rather than heir
>1178 Start Date
>Estate building window
I like all the changes honestly
The legends are still crap but I'm looking forward to seeing more about Roads to Power
looks good
>Truth be told though, I think the problem with Legends lies less in the feature itself and more in how we communicated them in Dev Diaries and similar - we weren’t clear enough what they were going to be.
Translation: Legends suck, we tricked you into thinking they won't but I promise we won't trick you next time (*wink-wink*) but we're not going to anything about Legends now. I also like the part where he tries to give some feeble excuse for why Legends are better than CK2 Bloodlines (something about being more "true to life", whatever that means, pointless busywork and dying on a shitter is also true to life, why don't you add more of that next).
kek, I saw that line and thought the exact same thing
I could feel his slight seethe as well mentioning that he was also the designer of the bloodlines from CK2

Honestly Legends could be goo, to me it felt like it was built the wrong way around
They should start from something "epic" (something fun and memorable to the player, winning a huge battle / Legendary hunt / Killing someone during an activity), these can then form into legends that are built based on what the player actually does/did.
Much more fun building a legend that way, where your characters actions get embellished and become "legendary".

Right now it feels like you just slam some gold down on the table and tell some ghost-writer to write a book about you and get it sold across your domain.

At least the feature is super easy to ignore, and diseases are actually nice as a game mechanic.
I am looking forward to the AI conquerers (aka cheaters) as well, great way to spice up a game by giving some AI Rulers a boost to get the ball rolling.
I hope there's more than 4 levels and a handful of buildings for estates
>four building chains per estate
>one estate per family
>only house head controls the estate
>probably only one estate per province
>nothing about urbanized or city based family holdings
It's basically just the patrician mansion from ck2 but I guess we'll see if there's more to it in the future dev diaries
What you are talking about already happens, for example if you complete a legendary hunt you get a seed for a legend that you can then pay to spread
The problem is that they all feel incredibly generic and they have very little variance so after doing it a couple of times you lose all interest in doing them again since the rewards are not even that great
Not to mention the pitiful "monuments" they reward you with when thay have been done 10 times better in ck2 and imperator rome
I really hope there is more to it. A conflict of interests between the urban, centralizing aristocracy and the rural, more independent families at minimum.
>For now Estates are limited to Administrative Noble Families
So no buildings for adventurers?
Does that means we are left with just text spam?
>You will travel a lot, and accumulate resources to improve your standing. It won’t be easy to gain land depending on the goals you set for yourself - gaining a small plot of land will naturally not be as difficult as doing something epic like invading a kingdom
Yeah it's just temporary bump until you buy/receive/invade county or whole kingdom
>four building chains per estate
I think there is a fifth building, but it is obscured by the storehouse menu
New mechanics are doomed to be half-baked and every mechanic they try to improve with DLC has already been done better by mods. CK3 will never be good and people would be better off forgetting about the game and doing something else with their time.
>still not touching warfare
>adding cheat traits instead of trying to improve the AI
>add billions of modifiers and mechanics that bloat the game
Disappointing. I was most excited to play landless but I'm sure they're going to fuck it up.
nigga they haven't even posted the first diary of the update yet just a preview with 1 image how can you already be dissapointed
I dropped ck3 a month after release and haven’t touched it. I don’t think I’m missing much
Paradrones actually believe this btw
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>I thought the content was fine
I hope they're making the framework for having this connected to a province, or a location in-game.
By this I mean a window with variables, that can be targeted with events, have upgrades and can be visited.
Because if so, even when there's only one type of noble estate, I'm gonna install enough mods to have a tavern, whorehouse and tax office on every street corner
You are a retard if you think landless will be anything but a spam of ten events that fills up some mana bars.
I did a few playthroughs when it was first released (and I still thought it might end up being good) and literally the biggest challenge I faced was trying to not be elected emperor of the HRE. I wanted to just chill, play tall, but every character I played, by the time he hit 40, would have +100 opinion with half of the HRE and get elected emperor. I would’ve murdered some elector’s brother and he would still support me, “yeah he killed my brother but he just talks so swell and he’s so brave, so I’ll overlook it”. It was maddening how difficult it was to impose difficulty on myself. At least CK2 had enough randomness that you could face challenges that way, where suddenly a plague hits and half your family is wiped out, leaving you as a 6 year old girl in a regency.
>announce new DLC
>"get hype get hype"
>cut corners and half-ass everything
>"just wait, you're gonna love this, our most expansive DLC yet"
>it's shit
>players bitch
>Reviews: Overwhelmingly Negative
>"A message from the Game Director"
>"we promise we'll do better next time and actually listen to feedback before we release"
>announce new DLC
>"get hype get hype"
And the cycle continues.
looks barebones and frankly, boring.
Can't help that you radiate competence
btw, first Emperor of HRE was also coronated against his will
No dev diary today?
Patch is being released tomorrow
Isn't that the whole game though? How can they fix that?
Initial CK3 was quite good for a chill Duke/Count game due to the bonuses you'd get from your liege's council. Now being a Duke/Count stops you from throwing court, and I know it shouldn't bother me because RC is lame but it really grinds my autism gears so I cant chill no more. Not to mention the bazillion hunt invitations and plaques.
just get the Ducal royal court mod
1.12.5 Patch Today before free-to-play weekend starting tomorrow
The Plague and Legends section of >>1744241 was implemented
The only Balancing changes were the
>Historical events for Rags to Riches bookmark characters
>About 66% less hunting activities, and the AI will consider the plague when attending activities
>Pastures income boosted
>400 gold
why the fuck does it cost the same to create a castle and make a single granary larger?
So it seems all the mods that add pops are dead. Sinews of War, Dynamic Trade Routes and Weight of Crown. So I guess ck3 modding is dead.
The game isn't designed for us or the type of person who makes mods like that or HIP or whatever.
What are some good mods for CK3
Ask again in a decade
>make legends apply to a dynasty instead of a character, a dynasty can have more than one legend and the more it spreads the more bonuses it has
>legends are linked to legitimacy and is important to keep it up
>more serious legends that apply to the players actions, less meme text, short and each different type of legend has different and unique useful bonuses.
>legend always spread no matter what it just depends on how powerful your character is and the influence he has for it to defeat other legends in your realm and in others
>there can he two legends at once
>a legend has to be active on the map for it to apply the buffs which makes the player want to keep spreading it.

There you go paracucks, I just fixed the entire mechanic and made it actually something players would use. Can't believe no one on the development team came up with this. This would even fit into ck2 easily since there are no stupid side menus you need to go in to like tours and tournaments and royal court.
Is there a mod that makes the game good yet?
>My liege loses against mongols.
>Because I held some lad that wasn't de jure my lieges title, I get booted there and made independent. My entire demensen and everything else lost.
Thank you paradox, very cool.
At least that gives you a cool goal to reconquer your original lands
when is it coming out
Is anyone playing the Princes of Darkness mod? IMO, it's way more enjoyable than the base game. Some features that I enjoy are:
>like a dozen different supernaturals to play, all of which have unique mechanics, and most that don't have to deal with succession bullshit
>vastly expanded scheming and duelling options due to various types of magic
>unique stories and quests for different supernaturals and regions of the world
>several crisis events that include the inquisition targeting everyone, and the rise of the anarchs/camarilla/sabbat, the ideology of which you can define.
With that in mind, how the fuck do you eat the antedeluvians? I tried different ones dozens of times, and I always die to their ridiculously high skill checks.
There are some seggs mods but we don't talk about it here, they are probably broken after the last dlc
then some knight manager mod, I wish it had a filter so all the selected bad personality got drafted
And uhh... Hopefully they update the convert all the court into your religion fast button.
All the other mods needs to update
I tried while looking for an elf mod. It feels lonely when you are the only one of your kind in the whole court.
No elf country mod yet :(
Isn't there a starting scenario with a whole bunch of Fae?
Can't you make your ruler have a spouse of the same splat during character creation?
The mod was raw and it was left unfinished last time I took a look, that was 5 years ago (probably)
They should completely redo schemes to have them be consistent with the travel system.
Have they fixed the game yet? Stopped playing version 1.5 something, any new major mods or content worth returning for?
When will roads to power come out in q3?
>Have they fixed the game yet?
Ask again in 3 years.
I also heard it's essentially pay-to-win
Basically, they introduced Legitimacy, lack of legitimacy makes game harder and more legitimacy easier.
Only issue is that 80% of legitimacy-increasing modifiers come from DLC content.
So, non-DLC owners complain legitimacies make the game too hard and DLC owners complain legitimacies make the game too easy.
That's overblown. I played a run without the DLC recently and was able to ignore legitimacy entirely. Married some lowborn nobody like normal and it didn't cause me any significant trouble.
>Basically, they introduced Legitimacy, lack of legitimacy makes game harder and more legitimacy easier.
>Only issue is that 80% of legitimacy-increasing modifiers come from DLC content.
I just started playing the game with no DLC and I was wondering why legitimacy seemed like such an important mechanic when there was no way of raising it other than spam creating titles or holding hunts but you lose it basically any time something bad happens
sasuga Paradox
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>Join us on CK3 social channels next Monday, June 3 from 6pm CEST for the release date reveal of our biggest update of the year
I'm thinking late September
is a dev diary confirmed for next week?
And military too. Honestly, traveling should be an integral system since the release. Now because they only manage to invent and implement it years after that, it manage to make every older mechanics obsolate.
>actual AIslop
nevermind lol
I think it will come out in july.
While I doubt that I'll enjoy it as much as 2, what is the tutorial island equivalent in ck3?
>Byzantium update not in July or August
This will be the last straw
Every start is easy in 3
At release i started with Cornwall because you could restore their kingdom through decision
Persia and spain have struggles so it's easier there
Ireland is as easy as it was
>Byzantium update not in July or August
>This will be the last straw
The fuck does the CK team do for work 90% of the year? Jerk off?
They are incompetent.
They have 100 whales/troons designing mobile ui, ai slop art and only 3 pajeets writing spaghetti code
Pls understand
Why the fuck do I have to pay for Byzantium DLC when it should have been in the game from the beginning. Everything in CK2 should be the baseline for CK3. Now they are just re-adding all of the same DLCs they did before.
This is why I never pay for paradox DLC
You don't have to pay for anything. Consult your Russian friends.

where best seggs mods at?
I want knights to be heroes like in Total War 3K and Warhammer. I want my knights to kill hundreds of troops
They always stop all development during vacation season.
They already do that
Yeah my knights always slaughter a fuckload of guys
>September 24th
that's it

The accent seemed a bit off to me
>September 24
I expected nothing and yet i am still disappointed
What a bunch of uninspired corporate hacks
Wiz deserves no less than a hanging from Johan
Are you new? Paradox always stop game development for 2 months during vacation season.
They already like that, it just the battle screen is so minimalistic to the point it's practically invisible. The entire art direction of CK3 is so uninspired.
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First dev diary next Tuesday (the 11th)
>Roman mana
>Decisions & Contracts
>Prepare Greek Fire Dromons
>Byzantine abacus menu button
>Food stockpiles for adventurers
>Adventurer camps are movable "holdings"
>Always stop game development
Yeah and that's why i call them uninspired corparate cattle
After that ai slop of a dlc they could've put more effort instead of going on beach to vax their balls
I don't have any confidence in this.

All DLCs have added very trivial bloat mechanics, instead of trying to build on weaker aspects of the game.
Only the travel mechanic and regency rework were good.

The idea of landless adventurers is so ambitious, that to do it any justice would require fundamental rework of the entire game.
How terrible is this narration for Legend of the Dead? https://youtu.be/_3KXin9Zuns?t=4
Like there are literally less monotone AI voices on Eleven Labs
Didn't you see screenshots already? It's just merc camp you move along the map until you get tired of it and conquer one county ai shitter
Mods will make the dlc good like always.
I can't imagine how you can make merc gameplay feasible in ck3
Cheapest company is enough to conquer any one county ai
And just gathering money instead of conquering and rising control of holdings as fast as possible is counterproductive at best
At this point I think the Clausewitz can't support the kind of game they want to develop (a medieval life sim). But instead of reassessing their priority and make a GSG like they should be doing, they keep making a botched attempt at shallow life sims.
You need to get out of the min max arcade game win at all cost mindset. Yes you CAN do that, but you don’t have to, and in fact, shouldn’t. Crusader kings has always been a series for high iq role players, low iq third worlders should stick to arcade games like eu4 and hoi4. You just don’t “get” crusader kings.
This, even with baronies being fairly detailed.
Accurate landless gameplay play would need break baronies even further down.
So does anyone here have any ideas for landless playthroughs when the expansion releases? It doesn't interest me in the base game but I'd like to use it in one of the fantasy overhaul mods to play an adventurer.
The first idea to come to mind for me is to play as a Void, Fel, or Death cultist in Guardians of Azeroth that roams the map working to sabotage and destabilize various realms.
playing a beautiful virile lustful seducer gigachad and wandering across the world seducing women wherever I go
There's lots of possibilities. If they ever reintroduce societies some modder could expand on societies so could play some kind of illuminati organization influencing the world. You could have secret society wars between a good and bad masonic organizations.
Conclave was dogshit for entirely different reasons and all of its mechanics except education (the only good thing it added) were ported to CK3.
It’s most interesting if you are a fan of Iranian history. Pretty much every big dynasty there after the Iranian intermezzo was started by a landless adventurer steppe raider who started with nothing, assembled a raiding party, then just popped the fuck off. Or started with nothing, became a slave soldier to an existing state, then couped them.

For Europe I definitely want to play as a landless Norman and establish the Norman presence in Sicily how they did irl, which was as landless adventures who got paid by the pope to BTFO mudslimes.
I think both can coexist
The sims medieval from the kings or duke's perspective does include realm management
Legends of the Dead is a shit dlc that literally worsens the game. There's no reason to use the legends and it's just annoying and soulless chatgpt written popup events that you select the best option for every time because there is no roleplay involved. It's the most low effort dlc they've put out for ck3 yet. The next dlc will probably kill the game.
its not chatgpt because they would have to put a disclaimer for AI generated content. The only AI generated content used in the game was simply storyboarding for art (the art was made by hand, just the general idea for the art was given by AI)
I honestly really really want a republic DLC so I can play a landless noble house in venice that tries to get elected as Doge as much as they can
That would be peak tall gameplay
They are out of ideas for the paid parts of plague mechanics. It's clear they treat legends as afterthought because the devs only care about making plague mechanics. They must release any update with a dlc-exclusive features. Their policy to never gatekeep base mechanics update is good on the surface but years later it's only make their dlc seems barebone and overpriced.
What are you smoking anon, the education system in CK3 is just like Conclave's, and ALL the below features are in Conclave but not in CK3 (but should be):
>Council laws
>powerful vassals get pissed if they're not on the council BUT councilors are guaranteed to stay out of factions except during periods of instability (succession or tyranny)
>Favors (proto-hooks but more versatile and not involved with crime)
>specific and modular crown authority laws instead of a single scale of increasing power
>creating mercenary bands (it was admittedly shit in Conclave but could work similar to 3's Holy Order system and could be good)

Speaking of which, you know what else I miss? Ambitions. Little mini-quests to do. Dopamine hit and rewards for doing them. You can help your vassals and friends and shit fulfill their ambitions to make them like you. Simple system, but it was a good one.
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From a meta perspective it's really good. Getting heroic bloodline to max enabling the creation of legendary watchtowers in all of your holdings is very strong. Even without doing that, the other buildings are still pretty good excluding the shrine.
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Your administrative government, sir
I wonder what those symbols next to the families mean: some kind of specialty?
Faith oriented family, diplomatic and strategic?
>DLC will be disappointing at best
>but we get a new bookmark with the free patch
>all new political starting situations, historical characters, claims, family ties, title histories, etc
>historical Mongol invasion might actually happen early enough that you won't be invincible by the time they reach you
>finally get to play Saladin, picrel and many other actual crusader kings
I don't honestly feel I have anything to complain about. I get good things and I'm not even tempted to spend money
will we get bureaucracy mana?
I've always wanted to play Byzzy vassals with friends, it would be fun to play as the same family with the goal of spreading the family without ever actually ruling the empire yourselves. I hope this expansion provides some fun vassal gameplay that isn't geared towards becoming the top liege ASAP
personally disappointed we didn't get 1204 start date instead
it's so bizarre how CK3's free updates have been consistently better than the dlc
Family attributes
Its just a small stat bonus to every family member which you can change
going to ricimermaxx and kill all competent emperors, force myself as regent or co-emperor, and use my influence to guarantee only the youngest, most retarded relatives become emperor.
>estates won't lose anything if province they are stationed at gets conquered
>You can move them anytime without losing any progress
This is so fucking retarded
>Oh tis time for my yearly move of my 6 buildings from one continent to another
>Oh dear lord Attila don't you mind me packing my houses while city gets pillaged! Have a nice day!
Yeah I liked most of what I saw a lot but that seemed stupid. I get why they're doing it, but it just sounds like easy mode baby shit. You're still avoiding a game over, maybe use your influence to help defend wherever your estate is or just move it to a better place closer within the empire or into Constantinople. Shouldn't get to keep everything if you let the place you're living in get conquered.
Will CK3 get outdated after CK4 release?
Administrative Governments
>Emperor created and assigned Theme governorships
no internal vassal wars, expansion is via unique Political schemes and influence
>governors cannot create/join independence or dissolution factions, but claimants are more volatile
>only Byzantium has Administrative government on start, but feudal and clan rulers can adopt it eventually
Noble Families
>landless nobles are playable with the Noble Family ducal title, held by the House Head. You can't play as a landless noble that doesn't have a Noble Family title.
>due to titles attached to this, its easier to create cadet branches for Admin
three ranks: Normal, Powerful, and Dominant, based on their family's position within the realm. Ranks confer benefits and new schemes
>Admin realms only have "Powerful Vassals" if they are Feudal or Clan vassals, and have a system of top five Powerful Families.
>each admin family has a Family Attribute that gives modifiers to them and their liege
>tiers like other mana, can be gained from being a governor, being on the council, doing governor duties, forming alliances, estate/holding upgrades, etc
>can be spent for council positions, forcing fellow vassals into factions, forming alliances, petitioning liege, bolstering influence
>background menu depends on where the estate has been built
>powerbase for Noble Families, owned only by the House Head
>various building trees with different decisions and upgrades attached, the Mansion has several slots with different options
Allegedly all moddable
Next week: governors: how they work and what they do, and how administrative realms do military
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To be fair you don't even lose buildings after a siege.
after putting 130 hours into this game I've realized that one crucial medieval trope its missing is an event where one of your lowborn soldiers distinguishes himself in battle and you can elevate him to the nobility. It sucks that the game generates a new character for every random knave that bothers you while traveling, but I can't give a knighthood or a barony to the spearman who killed an enemy lord in battle
At least you can fart in public in over 30 different ways (with cultural flavor).
So we can't go from lowborn to noble? Why?
>>estates won't lose anything if province they are stationed at gets conquered
This is fine. Not everything in an entire region gets sacked when a city is attacked, the estate could be out in bumfuck nowhere or just avoid the path of the army.
>>You can move them anytime without losing any progress
This is cringe and gay
I like the part where they say the emperor can get governors to declare wars for them, hopeful for next week's clarification on what governors do.
>Not everything in an entire region gets sacked when a city is attacked
It's not just attacked you autistic tard its conquered and miraculous not a single building for infinite amount of families gets damaged at all(provincial buildings too)
And estate from said conquered province THEN just automatically moves to another province like it's performing circus
It shouldn't be actual buildings but assets and services/corporations. Since moving buildings around different countries makes no sense.
It's clearly stated in dd that it's buildings
Mansion, watchtower, training field, oil mill, guest chambers etc
Mansion is the one you start with and can't remove
That one is certainly weird, if anything if you actually lost progress it would be way more interesting gameplay and story. Being a former well-established courtier somewhere and suddenly starting from 0 again due to some circumstances.
>>Emperor created and assigned Theme governorships
Wow, PDX can't make even the basic Wikipedia research. Themata were not governorships. They were very specifically military organization to more easily defend against the invaders because the Empire was besieged on all sides.
My dream is that I’m able to become a traveling warband able to raid take slaves in their me province and move onto the next
I agree it is undoubtedly going to be a shallow disappointment. I’m just excited for mods to actually make it interesting
they have been doing nothing but release disappointments since hoi3, why would this be any different?
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>playing CK3 GoT mod
the best laid plans of mice and men...
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I miss being able to build everything.
Is there a way to be a mercenary?
They were effectively governorships you sperg
It was too op. After like 100 years you’re making mad gold because your buildings
>after 100 years of investment a province is really valuable
And? You're making mad gold in ck3 too after you build everything(that isn't blocked by current era)
It's just that you need to have separate provinces for your army bonuses
No, they weren't, military and administrative governance are too different things. Themata were specifically military.
>you're not allowed to build tall because that is too overpowered
Get the Extra More Building Slots(16 slots) and More Buildings Reboot mods.
>antisemitism is at an all-time high
>Feel like the current antisemitism is coming from the other side
Even better, retard
What’s the difference then smarty pants.
worst ck3 youtuber?
Well you kind of can if you have lowborn knights and wait until one of them kills a guy in battle and then give him a barony
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Administrative Governments Part 2 (Part 1 >>1744241)
>can only hold one governorship at a time (unless you subsume another), encouraging family networks
>have to be adult, so if you've children heirs you'll become a landless noble again
Appointment Succession
>nobles compete for governorship, investing Influence up to a certain limit--but you can convince others to support your candidacy/candidate too
>political schemes to weaken other candidates/current governors to get them to resign
>scheme changes to be discussed later
>how much taxes and levies provided, pending skills, traits, education, estate, being a eunuch, mentorship scheme
>issues that appear on the map: travel there and do the event for points
Administration Types
>balanced - regular
>civilian - stewardship based, less military
>military - martial based, more military
>frontier - prowess based, can use Duchy Expansion
>imperial - prestige bonused, limit one
>naval - naval duchy expansion (no naval mechanics)
Imperial Troops
>MAA attached to the governorship, can be borrowed/transferred by emperor with influence
>cost is based off of proximity to the conflict
>troops affected by Governor Efficiency
Imperial Bureaucracy
>Crown Authority only managed at Emperor level, not by governorships
State Faith
>can change influence of conversion
>not specifically tied to Administrative Realms, so could be modded across
Adopting Administrative
>75 counties, Illustrious Fame, an Emperor, positive powerful Vassal opinion
Historical Administrative Realms
>rules for Egypt, Arabian Empire, Ghana, Kabulistan, Persia, Maghreb, the Carolingians, Tamilakam, and for All Players
>We are not introducing any new naval mechanic with this release.
That was expected but still sad
>Adopting Administrative
Seems very insignificant to me
You can turn any feudal empire in Siberia into Byzantine empire with just 3k gold? Seems stupid
>no adopting admin as a kingdom
>>can only hold one governorship at a time
into the trash it goes
>There are ways to get a second governorship, even if you already have one, but it will be the exception rather than the rule. You’ll have to rely on your family members getting and holding governorships if you want to extend your family’s influence, and spending your Influence to invest in their candidacy for a given title is the primary way of doing so. You won’t be the only one attempting to contest titles, however. You’ll be competing with the other noble families of the realm, all attempting to secure governorships for themselves.

>One way for characters to slide into this exception is by scheming to Subsume another Governorship. This new Scheme allows Governors to leverage all their intrigue and influence to secure an additional, neighboring governorship appointment. That said, each title will retain its own line of succession and be granted to different governors upon succession.
again, into the trashcan it goes
Would be nice if fallen eagle mod integrated this
Playing roman empire in it is annoying af with constant assignment of governor popup
>>There are ways to get a second governorship, even if you already have one, but it will be the exception rather than the rule
>>also lol you can just scheme for it
The only thing I'm actually excited for.
Annoying disjointed "content" is still annoying. Paradox does not seem to understand this
Nigga the whole point of this dlc is to stop the regarded vassal play where you take over the whole country from within, in the Byzantine empire. It is not a real thing that happened.
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are governorships duchy tier or county tier?
All of the big names.
Proud Bavarian looks like a smug fucking nerd and always overhypes DLCs.
Snap Strategy always does his faggot self imposed challenges then complains that said challenge is difficult because he doesn't understand basic game mechanics.
Laith is "I AM SILLY"- the Youtuber.
Tarkusarkusar is minmax incarnate. "Yeah guys this challenge is actually easy. So first off we'll make a costume character". Fuck off.
Is this summary written by ChatGPT?
land mana
5 levels of land possession with scaling modifiers
once you reach level 5 you click a decision that lets you become landed
Bureaucratic cultural pillar allows it but with a doubled cost.

List of Bureaucratic cultures
>East Bantu
They can be duchy or kingdom tier, but administrative vassals of county tier also exist.
>Bureaucratic cultures
>East Bantu
What's paradox's justification for this? I don't mean that as bait either, I'm genuinely asking. I'm surprised east bantus are even on the map honestly, aren't they a bit too far south?
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>I'm surprised east bantus are even on the map
seems like they aren't
holy shit based paradox
They appear in Basra if the Zanj rebellion wins in 867.
>Bureaucratic cultural pillar allows it but with a doubled cost.
I want to believe but where did you find this info?
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Thank you Anon.
When are they going to show landless stuff?
August IIRC
> my son dies
40 stress
> I farted
20 stress

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Eternally true
Last Dev Diary >>1783399
Release Date: September 24th
Beginning of Swedish Summer vacation: no new dev diaries until August
>1178 Map Features
Byzantine and Levantine Bookmark
Henry II in England while Eleanor's in jail, Louis VII in France while Catharism is in Toulouse
Frederich Barbarossa in a feud with Heinrich the Lion, while the Alfonso/Alfons of Portugal, Castille, and Aragon stand against the Mu'minid threat
The Ghurids have risen against the dwindling Seljuk state and are eyed warily by Prithviraja III Chauhan, while a Mongolian named Temüjin holds the world to all expectations
>Message Settings
Filter groups, fully moddable
>Vassal Directives
A new tool for Feudal and Administrative realms; feudal vassals will follow a directive if they respect you, while Administrative vassals will follow orders
Examples are: Convert Faith, promote Culture, improve Cultural Acceptance, construct fortifications, construct military buildings, construct economic buildings, and Administrative-exclusive Improve Development, Boost MAA, and Recruit MAA
>Choose a new Destiny
Random descendant option with several new options, from random descendant to random adventurer
>Baldwin IV is cited as a major reason for the choice of year
>not a bookmark character, instead we get his sister and two Literal Who counts
Let me die of leprosy if that's what I want dammit. I guess all bookmark starts have to be easy baby mode for the people who haven't discovered the "play as any ruler" button
If you give barony to your lowborn knight he will create new noble house.
My friend bought the base game on steam but pirates all the dlc. He downloads the mods on steam workshop and plays the cracked copy for all the dlc.
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>MOAR systems!
>MOAR gimmicks!
>MOAR art!
>MOAR incremental buffs!
>MOAR poopenfarten events!
>Base gameplay is still broken however so every game will be HRE wrapping its' dick around France and Hungary and the Pope crusades Nestorian Kiev
>MOAR costumes!
Why do swedes get a whole month off?
if you had skill you would know what would happen and not do it. Faggot
Nestorian Kiev sounds actually like an interesting concept. The only thing better is Apostolic Kiev and Georgia that I saw in my run as Elf King.
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>Lithuania/Estonia becomes an unstoppable powerhouse encroaching into Scandinavia, Poland and all the way into the eastern steppes again
I'm going back to CK2. Devs have been fucking around for years. Might play some when the landless DLC comes out, but I have a strong suspicion it's going to be bars, buttons and integrated with the half-baked travel system.
oopsie lol
Really sucks but I already acknowledge that their just gonna keep the base game broken mechanics until some mega patch/rework (as an excuse to not work on DLC).

Only DLC I will actually be hyped for is Trade, Republics, and Steppe/Nomads. Maybe even societies or an HRE rework.
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total bean counter victory
I mean it does take a long time for them to spawn depending on your size. I had a massive empire containing Britain, France, and part of Italy and it took me ages to raise troops. (This might have been changed idk)
Yes CK3 was made for the lowest common denominator of troons and Redditors who think it's hilarious to pretend to be the gay lover of the pope. CK2 on the other hand had a number of deep strategic elements which made playing creatively rewarding and interesting.
Is anyone else having this problem?
>Hyped up game
I laughed
> CK2 on the other hand had a number of deep strategic elements which made playing creatively rewarding and interesting.
Not true. I love ck2 but it’s way too easy. After like 2 generations you have primogeniture and your whole demesne built up and secured forever with your personal 4,000 invincible men at arms who rape any vassals who dare disobey
CK2 was the start of it with le satan worshipper le viking meme, don't delude yourself
people played ck2 before le satan worshiper
I will play as a landless wanderer with a seduction focus and I will impregnate every noblewoman
Best mod?
byzantine might be the first good ck3 dlc, we'll see
That's immediately what I'm doing when this DLC comes out.
How's CK3 much different?
My plan is to wait for the ROA update, start as a European wanderer, and traver east with the goal of impregnating a Chinese empress.
In CK3 you gotta wait for the stupid ai to RNG get primogeniture after 15 hours playing and pretend you're a pro gamer
you think they will add more noble titles with landless?
they could rework champions and have rulers knight characters after tournaments and so on. maybe give you an option to reward long serving courtiers
The strategy is actually getting to that. In CK3 the only reason you can't do that is because the game is piss poor and literally has to softlock the player from getting anywhere or changing their Kingdom/Culture enough.
>why is the game running worse than it used to
Just paradox things, don't worry about it.
mite b cool, will check it out when it's done 5 years from now... seriously, are there any total conversion mods that are even close to complete at this point?
still think about the mod where some guy made highly detailed breast models with high res nipples that got deleted off the workshop after maybe a week
ATE map is playable. The devs are trannies and fags though.
The vampire mod I guess
I thought the reworked culture system being more than a scale of opinion modifiers was an improvement over 2. Struggling to think of much else besides presentation.
what the fuck is the devs problem? Like do they not have a clue what they are doing? How the fuck is this game in such a shitty state.
A modder fixed the meme events.
Elder Kings 3 is pretty good
No it's shit it barely has any content and they update it so slowly. The devs are woke assholes and they are difficult to work with so they won't recruit more people to speed up development unless they fit their little clique. The mod is basically dead.
Think it's really strange decision to make landless playable before the barons.
So, you literally have to go from landless to count, because you still become a baron.
Wouldn't it have been more logical to make barons playable first and then do landless?
annoys me to no end that they broke barons out from a submenu on the county screen and put them on the map only to make them more worthless than ever and freely revokable such that you have 0 reason to give a single shit about barons and barony level titles. How do you turn an easy layup like that into a complete failure?
And this is salt in that wound.
Isn't every mod for CK3 like that? They all disable comments in the workshop and force you to go through their tranny discord servers
There are many mods that aren't like that
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Can't wait to play as african adventurer and eventually have my lineage become Roman emperors and africanize the empire.
wait they aren't bringing in baronies with the landless dlc?!? That's so fucking retarded.
>you have 0 reason to give a single shit about barons
Yeah, they can't even join factions. I remember that when factions were introduced in CK2, barons did join factions, but they decided just optimize by stopping them. Which is stupid, because counts no longer have to deal with them.

Either way I think CK2 multi-holding system had potential it was not thought out.
Like let's say your county has three holdings:
>(capital) castle

You would besiege the holdings in that order. Which is stupid.
Capital castle would likely be inside of a city (called citadel), and because the churches are essentially cathedrals, they would be inside of a city as well.

So, the besiege order should be:

>(capital) castle

If there are multiple non-capital castles those should be besieged before cities.

This matters because many cities were occupied, but their citadels were held for multiple months, and in many cases, the attackers were unable to take the citadel and were forced to abandon the city. E.g. the Mongols in Buda.

Another interesting factor is that, when the army occupied the city but was unable to take the citadel, they were in an awkward position if a relief army showed up. Because the city walls would likely be damaged and no longer provide protection, furthermore the citadel would likely sally. Arguably this put them in a worse position than if they had not occupied the city.

tl;dr multi-holdings had potential, but they fucked it up
>but they fucked it up
You just described my feelings for every system in this game.
right? I could write an essay how every system in CK2/3 is kinda poorly designed.

Take the opinion system for instance, the government modifiers are stacked on top of it.
Thus if you grant a guy with +10 opinion of you, their opinion might actually go down to -20, because despite getting "granted title +10"-modifier, the governement modiers like high taxes, short reign, etc offset it.
It literally makes no sense. No matter how ungrateful a person might, their opinion shouldn't at least go down.
Same shit with faction, faction hate King A because all ruler modifiers, and install guy B because they like him because government modifiers are not applied to him.
But when they install B, the same modifiers are applied to him, so the vassal will hate him too and immediately start a faction to install guy C.
Modifiers for factions in CK3 are especially shit because you have stuff like "Powerful faction +500% chance of joining" applied on top, the overwhelming majority of faction power comes out of people who love their ruler but get forced into joining anyway. This would still be somewhat acceptable if the factions upon winning had a "with us or against us" attitude and raped over those who were loyal, or alternatively those that are loyal had to actually join the civil war, but neither of these are true so there's literally no gain made by joining a faction that you yourself do not personally support and again no loss for not joining it.
Yeah, from vassal's point of view joining factions don't make any sense.
Like you join a faction to lower authority, so the crown authority gets lowered for 10 years.
But if you fail, you get auto-imprisoned, likely lose your lands and might even be executed.

So, the factions are high risk - low reward.

A simple solution would be just give victorious rebels a exemption from taxes and levies. That way the empire would gradually fragment and get conquered by a smaller realm.
Start a thread about flawed game design + a better system. So that others can get involved make it a general /vst/ rant thread instead of only CK.
>Capital castle would likely be inside of a city (called citadel), and because the churches are essentially cathedrals, they would be inside of a city as well.
It's worth noting that individual holdings are (mostly) not supposed to represent one big huge city with different little parts of it represented as baronies. The castle holding represents a castle and its surrounding castle town, the cathedral is a cathedral and the city that sprung up around it, and the city is just a huge city centered around neither a castle or a church.
Then you have counties like Constantinople in CK2, where it really arguably is each barony is different parts of the same city.
Maybe so, but I still don't think they should represent settlements, but "core buildings".

The concept of castle town is kinda messy. Like what even is a castle? William constructed castles in many English towns that had no castle, does that make them castle town?

I don't think there would be enough interest.
Why don't paradox just make a game of thrones game?
Because that would still require for them to do actual research and make a good game systems, neither of which they can do.
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>start steamrolling
>give kids all the duchies
>they start killing each other
>game is set up in a way that it doesn't really impact you that much if your family starts killing each other because Hobbes or whatever
>still steamrolling while kids are too busy killing each other instead of killing heathens because I have the biggest dick in the land
>die bitter and disappointed of old age, kids are all fuck ups
>realm fragments because forgot to name a singular successor to all the kingdoms, too busy killing heathens instead of my kids
>kids keep killing each other instead of heathens
I hope the lewd mods have rape by the time the landless DLC comes out.
that makes the game sound more interesting than it is

why would they? they would have to millions for the licence and even then it might end flopping like their Star Trek game.
They provide special support to AGOT mod, so they don't have pay any licences, but people will still buy the game for the mod.
It's kinda stupid because there stuff that probably wouldn't exist without AGOT team asking for it, like whole "house word" shit, is stupid because it wasn't medieval, only ASOIAF thing.
I have a talent for making boring games interesting or at least seem interesting.
>flopping like their Star Trek game.
it was shovelware crap like most paradox stuff
Does anyone know any mods where I can rape prisoners of any gender? If not, I'm willing to make do with their wives as onaholes and then blind the guys that pissed me off, since women don't tend to be landed and piss me off.
Also if there's really nothing for ck3 can you tell me what there is for ck2 at least?
I haven't been to the site in years but Loverslab probably has what you are looking for. At the very least I know they had rape mods for CK2.
I liked CK2, but for some reason I just can't get into CK3. But I will try later on, after they work on it more, I guess.
>just found out that vassals won’t join your wars
What the FUARK this is retarded, that’s the whole point of vassals IRL
They give you levies
But what about them, their knights and men at arms? Like they did IN REAL FUCKING LIFE
The More Interactive Vassals mod fixes this.
>after they work on it more, I guess
It's been 4 years and they have done a lot of jack and shit.
Thank you for the recommendation anon
Does the AI even know to account for this when they declare war?
watched the dev diary vid about admin realms and governors
it just reminded me of the tedious task of constantly having to pause and manually appoint new people to court position when the old ones die off.
it doesn't look fun to play on top, just a lot of micromanagment
I hope they will give players an option to automate appointing governors as well as select court positions
I didn't go through dev blogs in detail, but can you go from landholding noble back to landless one? Like losing all your territory, and having to migrate to someone elses court with your family, and try getting the land there? Because then I would actually bother with ironman.
Choose a new destiny is the only thing to be excited for, hopefully it won't turn out to be shit just like everything else those retarded Swedes touched with their fat fingers.
This dude is right >>1744786
On my first Legends playthrough I was playing as some Byzantine guy in Balkans, did a hunt, managed to kill a bear myself. Got a legend which eventually mutated and instead of bear, it turned into a dragonslayer story, with a Dragonslayer nickname to go with it. Was cool, until I realized how common this shit was.
When you realize that diplomacy is OP
tell me 3 reasons why you play ck3 when ck2 with all dlcs and mods are literally perfect.
. Sex mods
. Culture
. 3D characters
ok so nothing of added extra value to the gameplay
How is ck3 doing? I haven't played in a while.
3D anime models mod when?
Modders doing developers’ job
Why not both?
The steppes can wait, Ihave a cup bigger than myself to drink, and no brother or courtier will stop me.
Fuck other people
I don't mind if you can just coast through without interacting with mechanics like in Hoi4, I know that I will do the stupid and risky shit that the game allows me to, regardless of if it's optimal or meta, while retards will just stay at peace not poking the foundations, until they inevitably become HREmperopr or something in that vein.
I think youc ould realistically stop someone from being elected the pope this way, but once they're alresdy pope it's tough shit
It's that way, so they can continue working on the good things, while the "paid" features are locked in the basement to never be touched again.
>Governovsky, Here's the patch of the Ice sheet, you're assigned to rule over.
>I'll make it into a heaven on earth, my Lord
Honestly, it doesn't seem as far from the 'Kormlenie' (feedings) of Ttzars, where they send officials/nobles to absolutely ransack various less important provinces as a reward for their services.
The capital city and church were technically three different places(actual cities, and nor mansions/manors) the holding type is just what the city is built around.
So what >>1801144 said

Also you could build a fort that had no castle town around it, and Hospital that serves all the towns inside a province at once
I think you could use them as leaders of armies, can you not? It could be ck2 I'm thinking of.

They're supposed to get inherited, and for you to set up in real time, not with pause micromanagement. I wish we could set up court position succession.queue
What are your predictions for the next dev diary?
I predict that there will be words in it
I predict they will waffle and try and make their system sound more dynamic than it really is.
they will show pictures of the relevant UIs and answer questions in the thread for a few hours
where is that pig going
heartbreaking stuff
To the pork factory
To my gut
A lot of folks shit on CK3 but I'm really enjoying it. I've played CK2 to death and find CK3 very immersive and a change of pace. Only weird thing I find is how you have to spend time travelling for certain events, but you can simultaneously be on the council of your liege as well as immediately teleport to armies as a general.
mods fix the teleporting generals. Dont know about the being a Councillor though
It did take quite a bit for CK2 to get to the level I want.
Remember playing pagans on CK2 before the DLC by editing the save files...
Still, I don't see the point of making CK3 if they didn't take most of the DLC content of CK2 as a base game thing. That just makes CK3 a sidegrade at most, at least for now.
a cool idea for the DLC would be if after winning a civil war the former byz emperor would automatically be mutilated by blinding and lose claims, maybe forced to become a monk, also these traits should bar a person from becoming emperor in the code
also I hope they give constantinople more of a special status, IRL byzantium worked a bit like a citystate. ex. I don't think you should be able to change the location of the capital as a byz ruler, after a disease outbreak the game gave me a popup-option offering to relocate the capital to naxos
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The mutiliating by blinding would come if you'd imprison the current emperor, and instead of peacing him out, torture him like the greeks do.
Too bad you'd either be force-peaced out(warring invalids is invalid), have to let the bastard go, or in the happy ending, have to fight the late emperor's successor.
yea but mutilation + banishment to a monastery was something of an official mechanism to deal with depsoed byz emperors and unsuccesful claimants. it was a way to show everyone that he was unfit for emperor and that god has made his judgement. I hope the DLC makes this automatic in the peacedeal
right now as they get deposed they just become another vassal

In my recent games byzantium had a sort of death loop, a ruler died and his heir took over. powerful vassals would back a claimant, win after a civil war, then use hooks to lower their feudal obligations
this would make the new ruler less powerful, creating another claimant faction, now needing less troops for the treshold, same result.
in the title history, an average monarch reigned for 4-5 years, one empress in particular were ousted and came back 4 times. feudal obligations were extremely low and the country basically ungovernable
Those succession crisises don't fucking work not just for Byzantium, but overall.
>fight a coalition
>everyone gets imprisoned
>have to revoke their titles manually
>ACKSHUALLY your feudal contract does not let you revoke this title
>ACKSHUALLY revoking another duchy outside of his main kingdom is an act of tyranny, you can't do that
>ACKSHUALLY if the lad escaped from your prison he just continues to be your vassal and you're big bros now
Like what the actual fuck.
De jure system doesn't make any sense.
>I have conquered 75% Scandinavia
>that makes me emperor allowing the same bureaucracy capabilities as Byzantines

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