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Warno? or Waryes?

Also general warno, wargame, broken arrow thread.
great game - if you are on the fence ces-i mean its worth buying
I bought it yesterday and it's been fun. There was a decent amount of negativity on here around it that put me off, people said broken arrow was gonna be the new thing. Also Eugene hasn't made a decent game since WRD so was bit of a gamble buying warno.

I can't tell if it's fun because there's just more new blood and less sweaty players or if it's mechanics/quality of life changes but yeah 10v10s are a blast. The switch from destruction to conquest being the dominant mode is welcome. Fucking T80UDs are beasts!
Warno is really fucking bad don’t buy it. That company, “eugen”, also is lying about producing much new content for it. they do this with every one of their games. Then they abandon it while it still has very few features, never mention the promised features again or even lie about promising them, and try to hype their next game. Steel division 2 was promised so much yet got so little. AG is incomplete and buggy. It’s like somebody tried to create a total war game and then stopped halfway through the coding. It’s so bad. Just pirate it.

If you want Warno, pirate it. Broken arrow looks much much better. Fuck jewgen.
Whats "AG"? SD2 was gay I'll give you that.
Army General, the single player campaigns.
I think the game is okay. Like with all Eugen games, the best thing going for them is that they have very direct competition in their space, you either have gookclick RTS games, or proper grognard shit from Slytherin which costs $80, looks worse, and requires you to buy the patches.
*very little
Ah right. I've not enjoyed any of their single player stuff since Wargame:EE desu. I prefer that type of campaign to the moving stuff around the board one.
I've grown to actually enjoy Warno. They fixed some stuff, never fixed other stuff (I can't believe the battle UI is still so shit after all this time) but the core gameplay finally resembles something "fun".
Shame about the divisions though. I probably spent as much time making decks in Wargame as I did actually playing it
Recently I even decided to do a test and create at least two distinct decks for each divisions and with some (especially high tier armored decks) it's pretty much impossible. Freedom deck building mods don't really cut it either because there's just a lot of units for both sides that just weren't in the divisions they decided to represent.
On the other hand EE was pretty limited too and I guess if Warno gets as many shitty DLC as SD2 did we'll have a lot of variety down the road.
i'm glad they finally released the map editor, but i think Eugen has taken too long to release significant content/patches to allow the game to grow.
i'll never understand the frenchmen who had great games/series and manage to drop the ball on capturing a larger playerbase time and time again.
Yeah this was my beef with everything that came after red dragon. Complete freedom with the deck system vs these little constrained decks that seem geared towards monetisation or something in the future.

That said it does mean someone can't just take the best shit every time and sometimes they have nothing to deal with a situation. If im playing 119th and I just need a fucking cheap tank, not a 300pt+ T80 then im fucked. Because all I have are the expensive tanks. But I suppose the red dragon specializations did that too.

For me jurys out on the decks system vs the division system. I'll keep playing and we'll see.
I understand they're focusing on 1v1 poopsockers and going heavy handed on balance but then again it's so bad that some divisions might as well just be presets because they have so few cards to pick from you can't even reach the point cap without picking almost all of them.
Instead of being Wargame 4 (The thing every fan of the company has been begging for) it is Steel Division 2:Cold War DLC, like idk why but they refuse to not add a bunch of incredibly boring and unfun features SD had
>they refuse to not add a bunch of incredibly boring and unfun features SD had

Like what?
Lol really?? That's crazy considering most play 10v10 and just wanna have fun.
What's the sweatier game between WRD and WARNO?
yeah, Ive had Warno for a while now and its recently passed a point where its clearly becoming the new Eugene game. I believe playercounts recently surpassed WGRD which I never thought would happen. It's very fun though, effects look great, deck building is cool, and the game feels insane at 10v10. SP is good too. I tried the broken arrow demo and it was pretty good, but I get the feeling those games wont really steal from each others playerbase.
I played a WARNO 10v10 today and it took me a while to realise it was destruction mode. When I realised I was absolutely disgusted beyond words. I didn't think this mode still existed.

Thank fuck conquest is the dominant mode. Leave the point pinching sweaty fucks back in red dragon.
They need to make the game easier to cheat engine with. Some people just want to have fun in single player.
Pretty much the scenario you described is exactly why I like the division system. If you're really lacking at something, you can start maining a new division to develop new skills in it. If you don't really manage artillery, AA, and logistics much, you can pick KDA to familiarize yourself with it. If your strategy relies too much on mass and you don't preserve forces well, you can pick the 119th and get good at using smaller strike forces and preserving your assets (because the expense of T-80U's will force you to conserve your units or lose). Playstyles can be radically different in a way you didn't see in WGRD multiplayer because there were few tradeoffs, you could just get the optimum way to play.
red dragon is much sweatier and that's not even considering that the only ones still playing RD will have hundreds of hours on the game if not thousands
Doesn't it have atrocious AI, making single player just a slog?
How about broken arrow? How does it compare to WARNO? Is it sweaty? Are there 10v10s in broken arrow?
What does it do that Wargame did not?
Make conquest the dominant 10v10 mode and push that destruction shit to the side.
yeah, I cant believe I used to play destruction, its a completely dogshit mode
Broken arrow was cool, I dont think its out yet. Im probably going to get some you's for this but they really do feel alot like different games in a good way. I think both will stand on their own merits
BA only had one open beta so far with a really limited pool of available content. It was 5v5 and had a few performance issues at that, so 10v10 is unlikely.
While it and Warno are superficially similar the actual way they play feels totally different. It was also really really cool once they worked out the server issues, so I think both games are going to easily coexist once they come out.

Keep an eye out, they'll probably run another open beta for launch and you can try it for yourself.
Yeah, agree with this, best way I would describe it is kind of obvious when you consider the setting: WARNO is trying to simulate the Cold War, where big masses of mechanized forces, overwhelming firepower, and sweeping maneuvers carry the day, you get the big set-piece clashes between tank lines. Broken Arrow is trying to kind of sim the Ukraine war, and in doing so it places a huge emphasis on reconaissance & infiltration teams, drone surveillance, and precision fire support. Big clashes or pushes that happen are usually just the culmination of a lengthy recon and target ID game in which one side is mopping up its defeated opponent once they're deprived of key assets. Both imo are very fun and play completely differently, so they scratch completely different itches.
WARNO sucks, Red Dragon is Meh
Yes but I want to be able to cheat engine unlimited units, rate of fire, supply etc. Sometimes you just want to setup a spectacle.
Hmm I think I prefer WARNO in that case. I'll likely give Broken Arrow a shot though, ya never know I might enjoy it! Even though in WARNO im just blobbing about with muh T80UD and the Burrito.

EE campaign was fun. Multiplayer was a good initiation to the series.

Best multiplayer for me was Airland Battle though, 10v10 before they nerfed the pre 1975 decks. You and maybe 1 other player could take a metric shitload of T55s and cheap AA and just swarm one side entirely, do what the PACT was meant to do! Even if they blunted that initial assault the other fronts often collapsed because it took all of the NATO team to stop the T55 swarm :D fun times!
WARNO music is absolutely banging as well! Real upgrade from previous entries.
Easily one of the emptiest games ive ever played. Thank god I torrented it and didnt pay. Game has very little in it beyond flashy graphics. Feels like a mobile phone game.
hm - i just picked it up and I really like it
I like this games a lot but I originally got drawn by the idea of looking at epic battles from all angles, and in the end, I can only see shit from afar because there's so much to pay attention too, I really cannot stop to watch a fight somewhere without being rekt elsewhere
btw Im trans
Try watching your replays, you can speed up, slow down, pause, and hide the HUD on fights. I do it a lot and save a ton of screenshots.
I really really enjoyed the broken arrow playtest and put a hell of a lot of hours into it but I really think it's going to be essentially DOA, I don't think i'm going to buy it either.
You could already tell the game is going to just be a teamstacked hell and I saw no indication that the devs would do anything but support it.
And there's no 10v10 in broken arrow :(
There was literally a survey circulated during the beta asking about the lobby system and team stacking specifically.
did you respond to the wrong person?
And what did people say? Since i'm assuming only discord troons would have seen it.
They called it a skill issue.
>Spam air
>Spam ground
The only person I know who wants to play Army General against me is good at the game while I am bad at the game :(
What's the best tank in WARNO and why is it the M1A1HAHAHA?
They need to replace SP with SP combined with integrated drop-in MP.
Someone who's playing SP mode would play against AI but people can randomly drop-in and take over portions of the AI.
The only way to increase the MP playerbase is to force SP-tards to compete.
I got into Warno because of the Broken Arrow hype. Warno is vastly superior.
French post.
So it's not going to change.
Eugen started as an attempt to make domestic milsim software for the French Army. They switched to videogames to take advantage of EU grants and tax credits except EE turned out to be a successful game.
Their management doesn't understand why EE Was successful.
I can't hack the turn based faff in SP. Bores me to tears.
I like watching the tournament games. Game 2 of the most recent grand final was insane
European Escalation was not nearly as mainstream as you remember it being. The reason Eugen drops the ball on capturing a larger player base is that there's a relatively small audience for it.
forgot pic
>there's a relatively small audience for it.
This just plain isn't true. The Broken Arrow test demonstrated than handily, DDoSing its own servers with the volume of players trying to connect at once.
Eugen games are good, the formula is a winner and they could be sitting at the peak of the modern RTS niche if they just handled things a little better. Frenchmen are just allergic to PR
All time peak for the BA playtest was 9400 players. While that's more than eugen, they declined rapidly immediately, by the end of the playtest it was getting a little over 3500 players per day. The highest peak of the BA playtest is significantly lower than Arma III had playing a few hours ago, and that's a reasonably obscure game.
>they declined rapidly
Lmao because nobody could fucking play while the servers were overloaded.
Arma 3 is the fucking pubg game, your comparison is retarded.
Its peak wasn't even half of Thrones of Britannia from Total War, a game that famously few people played.
Server issues were mostly resolved after the first few days.
>Arma 3 is the fucking pubg game
No it isn't. Lmao.
>Arma 3
>56k all time peak
>Reasonably obscure

You know you're in /vst/ right? The other guys right, you're a fucking idiot with no concept of obscure.
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I don't have the brain for RTS and large numbers of units so I just let the AI go at it and drive around with some bradleys and abrams
I really wanted SDII to be good, but it's feels like total shit. Every engagement feels tedious and a complete chore. I don't even like RD that much but it's way more playable and actually balanced.
i didnt pick of Eugen games until normandy 44. i enjoyed normandy 44 and didnt like sd2 as much. not as polished, didnt like the front as much, and the scale wasnt as fun as sdn44.
You'd like 10v10s. They're quite fun and low pressure.
I tried SDII, saw it has like 100 different divisions but when I actually started playing around with it it became clear to me all of those are just the same shit with slightly swapped numbers and light sprinkling of unicorns and meme units.
Things look grim as fuck for Warno if it's gonna be like that in future.
Gameplay wise it's fine, I just wish there were no magically disappearing transports and you could do field fortifications like trenches more freely.
WW2 is boring in comparison to Warno's cold war options. Warno will be fine as long as Eugen keep supporting it.
SD2 suffers greatly from the GAAS model where they needed to just churn out an endless stream of content without a real budget behind it. The result is an artist reskinning a Stug in 50 ways and calling it a new division each time.
Yeah, /vst/, one of the slowest boards because of how dead the board's topic is as a genre. 56K peak is nothing. Strategy games are just so far outside of the mainstream market that most of you guys don't even have a concept anymore of that a large audience is or what is obscurity. Arma III's peak is only slightly higher than the concurrent players of Euro Truck Simulator (51K). Fucking Farm Simulator 2019 had more peak players than Arma III. Broken Arrow has a real chance of opening up appeal to the genre, its player peak is up there with real titans of industry like "Extremely Powerful Capybaras: Training Grounds." There are F2P one-trick indie games and DayZ clones with higher peak player counts.

Broken Arrow dev Q&A with top ranking beta members.
What are we thinking, BAboys? Are we back or was it over before it began?
Or you can just read this.

Cool, piss off and go play something mass market then :)
Spastic retard, the point isn't that rts as a genre sucks, it's that Eugen isn't "dropping the ball" in not achieve a mass market, and if all the strategy studios are competing for the same few thousand people then they'll have to do a DLC/service model, because they can't afford the investment of just making a new game every couple of years.
>It's unity so anybody with the right knowledge should be able to mod it
So custom nations? Custom specializations? Infinitely more than Eugene ever gave us.
Gameplay is utter shite, partly because of how terrible the division system is (some are worthless, some are strong) and the rest is the botched ass balance. No one even plays Soviets because of how fucked the balancing is and most of the western allies are worthless. Basically every German div gets more and better quality infantry and tanks than the Soviets. Every infantry engagement is flamethrower/pioneer/engineer spam and watching 10 guys get obliterated by one TNT/flame blast. It's baffling how they digressed from the combat in RD.
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We're definitely back.
Broken Arrow feels like a proper successor to Wargame.
How the FUCK do you win Red Dragon SP campaigns?
It's absolutely silly looking through all the Commonwealth divisions (there's like 50 of them and they keep adding more) and seeing how they all have identical infantry tabs that are bad on purpose, identical AT tabs, identical tank tabs that crutch on the godlike Firefly, identical support tabs, and then air tabs that are only differentiated by which pool of the same aircraft they get shuffled around basically at random--which in turn essentially defines the playstyle of the division.

I loathe that Warno is going down the same path because basically everything else about the game is building from a better foundation. It doesn't NEED to be SD2-2: Cold Warfare but the devs seem to be trying so hard to take it there.
>four anime girl discord pfp in the qa
refunded my preorder
by gidding gud
You can mod the campaigns if you're stuck.
>top ranking beta members
literally just gigantic faggot who teamstacked harder than anyone else.
Fuck these devs. Their discord is full of cliquey losers too.
Basing your entire game on few months during 1944 is boring. It could have been much more interesting if it was all of the war with a Wargame system of decks where you can get bonuses to your points if you take older decks. Could also throw in random assorted countries like Sweden or just bring Japanese in, who cares. Throw in map editor and the thing is five bajillion times more interesting than pseud historywank please buy our newest DLC with two copy-paste divisions!
Warno will be exactly the fucking same because it's one month of 1989. The padding of devlogs with the retarded French general bios is because they have nothing to actually fucking say and they're used to posting meaningless drivel about 90203th Guards Infantry Division which liberated Shityansk and Lower Intenstynevka from 1488th Separate SS Volkssturm Brigade under Colonel Himtler, because they can just go "historical accuracy!" and deflect any and all criticism.
Divisions system was a mistake and is at the core of every issue with modern Eugen games and even the Freedom Deck Building mods cannot fix something that is fundamentally broken.
>it was all of the war
They made this, it was called RUSE and was genuinely a great game but it now rests in the pits of Ubisoft game shutdowns.
what is giving you trouble exactly?
If there were divisions from the entire duration of the war across multiple years then the game would be wildly unbalanced, granted some divisions are already on the backfoot but imagine that turned up to 11, divisions from 1939 would be all but helpless against divisions from 1945.
Tank rushes and determining how many countermeasures to deploy for tanks vs helis vs infantry, and also how to deal with IFVs and ATGMS
The French are too stubborn to admit they're wrong and revert back to deck system.
Tanks should be able to shoot down helicopters and also should be able to survive more ATGMs like that Abraham's in Baghdad which took 100+ hits from ATGMs and was fine. Game lacks realism.
The fact ATGMs cannot target stationary helicopters is retarded.
Tanks can shoot down helicopters with top-mounted machine guns.
The different divisions in WARNO encourage far more diverse play than was the case in Red Dragon where every player had access to the same thing and the only trade offs were shit like prototypes and a few activation points. Unless you were doing meme strats, everyone in WGRD basically played the same deck, because why would you ever bring second or even third-rate units to a fight when bringing first-rate units was an option. Divisions force you to make more severe sacrifices if you really want to be able to do a specific thing.
Lmao this fucker doesnt even play the game
Literally 60% or more of everyone playing right now is playing french or usa airborne because the community discovered that airborne is insanely OP because they take over half the map for free and cant be dislodged because artillery does no damage and infantry are still huge damage sponges because guns doing damage might actually be fun so eugen nerfed that.
So considering you outed yourself as LITERALLY not knowing what you’re talking about and lying about being knowledgeable about wargame or warno we can go back to legitimate discussion

They should have had it simply be freeform deck building but with no unspec or coalitions. So each nation would get sub-choices of moto, mech, armored, airborne. Maybe marines too for USA and USSR only or something, and if you want to have a dumbass fun one throw ‘reservist’ in there for german shitspam. Its a nice middle ground, much more choice than the division system but some more guardrails than freeform.
This was a funny post, the most poignant and correct point is that the pursuit of and excuse of ‘realism’ / ‘historical accuracy’ is THE single number one factor that has ruined eugen’s game design philosophy. This fake-ass half-assed commitment to it has fucked over every other choice they’ve made in the game. You’d think warno would be different it has a fucking synthwave soundtrack but no. They have to waste all our time with dumb fuck territorialkommmandkumfucksud divisions. How about make the core nations fun to play
For me, SD2 always felt kind of ruined by its scale, it feels slightly too ”zoomed out” in the sense that it blurs the differences between similar yet subtly different units and the game probably would feel better with somewhat less units in the play at the same time, smaller maps with more terrain details etc.
It annoys me that they went with the quantity over quality bullshit, if they can’t write short and concise descriptions on what makes a division unique (as in SD1), it means that the division is redundant. And you are a newcomer, how are you even gonna remember what division is what when there are insane amounts of almost-but-not-quite the same divisions?

I mean, the latter part would be fine if divisions actually had enough uniqueness, but now it’s just bloat that gives the game inflated sense of content available and makes stuff harder to remember without adding any true value.
Cant wait for US 1st armored in warno which will also be m1a1 abrams and bradleys or - wait for it - another ussr division with t-80’s and bmp-2’s. BUT theyll have either one additional fuck-you unit which makes it objectively better, OR theyll take away something at random to make it objectively worse.

At least for now the divisions are semi-kinda-differentiated because like each country only has 2-3 divisions. Its gonna be such bullshit in a year from now when theres a bunch of trash copy paste divisions with 4 small differences clogging up the list.

Then no new players will stick around because if there’s anything that turns off people more than too much choice in deckbuilding its not even knowing which deck to build because there’s 70 choices and 60 of them are bad LOL

Fucking geniuses
AKSHULLY, 1st AD had Abrams and 113's, not brads.
I literally tried to get into Steel Division 2 MP and looked at the giant list of divisions and just said fuck this, what’s even the point. I don’t have enough patience to want to figure out which division of literally hundred+ is the good one nor do I have the flavor of Bad Autism that makes me recognize the 420th judenkiller brigade and want to play that.
As someone who DOES have the autism to recognize the 1488th ChuddenWaffen and want to play as them, SD2 STILL sucks. Because it has dozens of these completely random divisions that historically did fuck all.
So the soviets DO fucking suck dick in SD2? It seems like these german divisions can shit out massive amounts of SS infantry units that have fanatic and can just shit out so many machinegun bullets to the point where it's impossible to get close without using tanks. I once tried to take a forest from a shitload of SS spam by using flamers and smg assault squads and somehow they all died and the flamers surrendered and I couldn't just bring in tanks because it was a forest and another time I had 2 Maxsim HMGs emplaced inside a forest and the same infantry type just bumrushed them and won.

Is this just a skill issue? or? People in this thread mention that the Soviets and Allies just suck and I had been wondering for a long time if I'm doing something wrong or if Germans seem to just get better shit for 0 reason. I mean the Soviets don't even get a numbers advantage at all either.
Imagine if those french retards made Wargame: WW2 instead of the fuck that is steel division, and you could have all the super fun single player scenarios like the fall of france, operation torch / north africa, moscow, Stalingrad, kursk, iowa jima, guadalcanal, the italian campaign, and so on. You know, like a fun video game. Instead those faggots were like no lets only set the game in one theater in a 3 month period at the end of the war with over 9000 copy paste divisions. What a fucking miss lol what dumbasses. Why the fuck did they do this. Realismfags ruin everything
Soviets suck. SD2 is focused on milking wehrboos. Play Axis.
Genuinely how did Eugen come up with such a banger in the Wargame series (particularly ALB and RD) and then like, forget how to make good games?
The employees went on strike.
In real life could the brits have held onto Hong Kong like they did in Pearl of the Orient?
That didnt happen
They're stronger AND drastically less micro intensive.
SD44 release was heralded by intense wehraboo screeching because germany wasnt undedable enough. So it's no surprise.
I play the game several times a week, it is not nearly that difficult to dislodge infantry, especially if you have armor supporting infantry. I main 118th and KDA for Pact and French Airborne for NATO, and consistently the best performances I get from the Pact. Sounds like a skill issue, and in 10v10's at least, Airborne divisions aren't nearly that popular, I save screenshots of my games and rarely more than two airborne players per team.
1. screenshot your rank / profile
2. play 5 ranked games and tell me what percentage are versus airborne divs
your larp ends here
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I don't play ranked, just 10v10 lobbies. I'm not a masochist. I'll do you a little better and post my replay list too so you can see dates.
Now post yours.
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I have this but I suck terribly at it
There was that one Cold War RTS set in the 70's, literally called Cold War Game.
Eugene sued the fuck out of them and litigated the company out of existence.
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>only 10v10 lobbies
>no ranked games whatsoever
>41% win rate
>only 11 multiplayer games played since the rank reset
point proven :^)
That's like 30 games in the last month. Win rate doesn't really bother me much, it's 10v10's, like half the time teams just drop the ball an another flank and you lose, it's a eugen classic to look across the map and see that your team has not even deployed on the opposite flank. As I said, I don't play ranked because I'm not a masochist, I actually like having fun. But please, post yours, because I've never been in the middle of a game and been like "Oh no, infantry, whatever shall I do"
Also win rate is just not relevant to being able to observe what most people are playing in mp lobbies. Airborne divisions are really good on sections of certain maps, but there are other maps and places on those maps where airborne will get raped because of its reliance on infantry, they are not damage sponges in the slightest.
Most people play 10v10s anon lol. Ranked autismo is a tiny minority most don't care about.
The devs behind those games left to work on Broken Arrow, unironically
No. WW2 demonstrated that Hong Kong was functionally indefensible from a determined mainland attack. Its security was predicated on the reality that premodern China lacked the means to credibly challenge European power projection. In other words, deterrent over actually defensibility.
As soon as an asian power had the ability to fight the way Europeans fight, Hong Kong became a strategic liability.
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Hell no
>Tanks should be able to shoot down helicopters
>also should be able to survive more ATGMs like that Abraham's in Baghdad which took 100+ hits from ATGMs and was fine. Game lacks realism.
kill yourself
How many of them work ironically?
Yes, they're hilariously weak compared to even mediocre German divisions. Submachine gun squads are basically the only distinctly strong Soviet infantry, but with Pioneer and Sapper spam it's just a slugfest and you'll be attritioned down. Germans can get fucking 20 Sturmpioner at B phase 1 vet, while Soviets get only 1 card of Sturmoviki and only 8, so you're basically already losing if you dedicate to infantry fighting. Avtomatchki and Desantniki can be spammed but most German decks get Ersatz and other cheap spam inf or an equivalent number of Panzergrenadiers who are more versatile and can easily back up their pioneers to tip the edge. Germans also have special snowflake infantry like sturmgrenadiers or three variants of disheartened spam infantry. And those submachine gun infantry are completely useless if there's a tank or something just a piss outside of 100m, which coincidentally happens to be flamethrower and TNT range. Then there's the comical tank imbalance, but that's to be expected anytime anywhere with WWII German tanks. I've seen Pz IV and Stugs just eat 85mm and 76mm shells. You HAVE to play extremely close and with superior numbers and the maps and gameplay flow just don't agree with that. I don't even think the Soviets get arty superiority. Germans can get like 6 or 8 nebelwerfers while Soviets get 2 or 4 katyushas iirc.

It's not like Soviets can't do anything, it's just that you're relying on Germans to make mistakes and not play well while the Soviets have to be extremely efficient. Which is literally the opposite of the actual war. I just stopped playing Soviets and had an infinitely easier time with Axis. Never run out of things, things always perform well. None of it makes any sense and it's no surprise there's basically only a handful of matches.
You just sound boring and uninteresting if you dont like the unqiue divs. Why do you want to play the exact same SS game every single time? Try something different, like the italian divisions. Or the bulgarian one. Never before featured in a video game.
No. It’s just that most people literally do not understand how to play the game. Their IQ is just too low. Allies are better overall once you learn how to properly use units.

However, the game does have unhistorical nerfs used to “balance” the game for all the whiners. For example germany has way too many aircraft, while the allies dont have enough. German heavy tanks are too expensive, while allied tanks are also too expensive.
You also sound uninteresting too. Why do you want any of those scenarios without the realism? So that you can pretend you’re hitler but with magic powers? Give me a break.
A preemptive strike (ala 6 day war) on PRC's naval and air assets could have crippled their ability to invade Hong Kong. It'd still be free today if they did it.
>pretend you’re hitler but with magic powers
But that's SD2's gameplay.
AI in red dragon is really bad/ borderline non existent thus playing against it is very different than against real player.
You can check what units enemy will bring to the battle before it starts and decide what units you use. If enemy brings helicopters or bombers then start with 2-3 aa units depending on quality and price. Always sprinkle a few (3-5, fewer if helos) recon units along the frontline, recon helos are the best but anything will do.
Other than that bring as many heaviest tanks you can afford since tanks are the most efficient universal anti ground unit.
Unless your forces are overwhelmingly superior take up a defensive position and try to set up killboxes since AI doesn't know how to defend and will always attack. The only use for artillery is to counter battery. As for infantry, AI doesn't know how to use infantry so it eihter unloads right at the start of the match and leg it all the way to frontline or doesn't unload at all. I wouldn't advise using infantry but if you have to, then put them in towns or in forests, but not right at the edge since you have to hide after you shoot or you will get decimated by enemy tank train.
>So that you can pretend you’re hitler but with magic powers?
Okay, but I'd actually play a game where I was Hitler with magic powers, so...
the most fun game I've had was doing an amx-30 push in the flank against an enemy that didn't know about the co-axial 20mm cannons and killing everything on land and air until they brought out a ka-50 that single-handedly killed the entire push
so how do you solve everyone picking the super-arty, super-tanks, super-planes and super-helis and making the gun unfun?
When the fuck will they unban me been sending ban appeals email forever
not that anyone cares but im done with this piece of shit game, im sick and tired of waiting for it to get good, its been 2 years and the game still is anti-fun. wargame red dragon was the last good game eugen has made or will ever make. PERIOD
Yeah and most of US forces in Europe used HMMWVs in 1989, not MUTTs with MAYBE airborne units retaining MUTTs since they could fit into air transports better.
Warno has it exactly the opposite way. There's more dumb shit like that because the perfidious Frenchman disregards reality whenever they want.
Also you're saying it like we don't already have Abrams + 113 division. I'm sure this time it'll be different because of a card od unicorn protoshit planes or something.
NTA but I got through SP campaigns by making a defensive line of literally anything I could muster and plane spamming the AI to the ground. The unique advantage of campaigns is that you can kill all the anti-air units in enemy divisions and they won't respawn, same with planes, so once you establish air superiority you can just planespam the AI to death.
Did pretty much every campaign like this, even the earliest one. I remember the Etendard squadron in 2nd Korean War had probably hundreds of kills by the end, probably the easiest since you get pretty much all the tools you need to deal with hordes of enemies. Hardest one I remeber was Narodnaya because early game VDV had to stand on their heads to hold off the hordes of Jap tanks and they also had absurd amounts of AA against Russians only really having the shitty Vtol bomb trucks.
This was few years ago so my memory is fuzzy but yeah, don't treat it as a normal game, it's glorified tower defence no matter the situation.
>>1735122 (checked)

Didn't that change about the time they removed SOVKOR?
I mean it's still probably tower defense, but I could see the unit reworks changing the balance on some missions.
Unless they also reworked the campaign, which I doubt.
What was the straw that broke your back?
Unit balance doesn't matter that much when all battles come down to AI fast moving to your spawn without any cohesion
The balance might be different but at the core AI does the same thing which is beeline your points and if you have none, beeline your command no matter how well hidden they are. Balance applies in theory but in practice you often don't have all the tools and neither does AI, which is probably the main draw of the campaigns really and the main thing that makes it different from just playing normal matches versus AI. Sure if you have them use super heavies and micro them but then also make sure you have supply because the AI hordes will inevitably exhaust all ammo. The main advantage of planes against campaign AI for me always was that they have practically infinite ammo and the AI uses AA and planes so badly they're really easy to kill if you pay attention.
Is it possible for proper mod support to fix this game?
i wish wrg had unit editor like broken arrow.
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NTA but it depends what you mean. Scripting is actually pretty decent, vanilla does a lot of cool stuff modders used to want (and did) like Ewar, towing, airlifting units that aren't infantry. You could also do naval pretty easily, if you really wanted to, getting rid of the weapon limit is also relatively easy but the UI utterly breaks and we don't have tools
to fix it. Off the top of my head the only thing that might be "hard" to do is parachutes and combat drops, but wether that should be a thing at all is a matter of gameplay vs. realism.
The main issue right now is custom models and map editor that actually works. I assume the latter will eventually come since they already have shown at least a proof of concept, but the former I'm not so sure about.
Eugen realizes their control over the franchise stops dead in the tracks if they allow us to put custom models in. Mods might heavily infringe on their money making DLC printer scheme - if anyone can add anything, why bother buying DLC? If people are forced to only use their models they can always block their use in mods if someone doesn't own the DLC the unit comes from (there's a whole system in place for that you can't really touch either), but if you were able to just add completely new things with custom models you could probably do anything you wanted.
Keep in mind, Eugen has done really scummy shit in the past too, people memoryholed Cold War Game but I still remember they killed one of their direct competitors because it's release was too close to Warno's Early Access.
Speaking of campaigns this might be slightly controversial but I think Red Dragon's regions worked better than Steel Division-style map like in Warno. The maps in all of those are ripped from multiplayer anyway, sure, but I miss when a specific region had a specific map assigned to it rather than just getting the same fucking map over and over again despite battles taking place in a completely different place like in SD2 and Warno. Warno isn't yet THAT bad about this because the only campaign we have is so small scale you don't really get to fight that many different battles
I might be misremembering but Red Dragon even had this cool thing that if you fought battles over the same place your old units would be deployed in the spots they were at the end of the previous battle and you certainly retained control over the zones you controlled and could deploy units in them.
Hate to be that guy but they were justified in a copyright claim on Cold War Game. It wasn't just a competitor, it was a competitor that was deliberately copying the name of their game and the gameplay was virtually identical or at least completely derivative of Wargame, down to capturing zones with command vehicles with the same tabs and shit. It was very clearly just an off-brand Wargame.
It was a fucking stretch, VERY similar to the Scrolls thing with Notch. Just because your game has a portion of another's title doesn't mean it's infraction.
Cold War Game is so fucking generic of a title it's insane someone could claim it.
But yeah, it was pretty similar at the base, which was exactly what was interesting about it, but again, at this rate you might claim everyone who had control points in their game after Dawn Of War should be sued by Relic, or whoever invented those first. Looking at you, Iron Harvest.
It's not like it was a complete copy, they had their own ideas too, like the much better divisional deck builder if you were into that.
And a Wargame competitor not under Eugen control would be positive for everyone that matters, either it's better than Warno or Eugen has to make Warno better than it to compete. Instead we are stuck without a competitor until Broken Arrow comes out or Regiments does a miracle and adds multiplayer.
>That said it does mean someone can't just take the best shit every time

They also claimed with stuff like Steel Division that they wanted to make historically accurate decks. They weren't. They weren't even close.

In ALB and RD I didn't play with the most OP shit. I played with decks themed after actual units during the time period.

Eugen removed the ability for me to actually make proper decks by implementing their own retarded interpretation of what I wanted to do.

They never wanted you to make your own decks they wanted you to play their game the way they wanted and removed your freedom.

Fucking French.
Army General doesn't scale up very well. The big ones in SD2 were a total shitshow due to the number of units you had to manage every turn.
Fair comment.

I hate when developer's force you to play the game "their way". Anti fun mother fuckers.
I loved EE, ALB and RD. I put hundreds of hours into them and still play ALB with friends and RD with randoms. I hated Steel Division - the decks that were touted as historically accurate were not even close. I tried to give Steel Division 2 a go and refunded it.

I want to love Eugens newer games but I just can't.
Sounds a lot like me. I dodged act of aggression and SD1 but played too long to refund SD2. Warno seems aite though, for a 10v10 pleb like me anyways.

Eugen has such varied quality in the stuff they output.
My favorite aspect of wargame was always deck building autism, I could spend a whole day not even playing the game but just tweaking my decks. Which of the wargame successors is for me?
Not SD 2 or Warno. As folks have said, their deckbuilding is needlessly railroaded by their "division" system that tries to split a small roster between like 50 samey copypasted decks.
Broken Arrow's deckbuilding was promising but the game was very rough in the beta so it's too early to say what the full game will be like.
SD2 obviously has a ton of different divisions, but Warno has a small number and they offer extremely different playstyles, and the divisions are reasonably well-balanced in a way that different playstyles and decks are more viable than you had in Wargame.
> people memoryholed Cold War Game but I still remember they killed one of their direct competitors because it's release was too close to Warno's Early Access.
TBqh, that actually glows in the dark. How did they get a (((judge))) to block that game from release? Normally a judge willnjust require a name change. Not a total takedown of a company like that because of a name. And, like yoh said, not to mention that the similarity was only a generic one. It would be like pepperidge farms suing chips ahoy because they also make cookies; and then Winning the suit.

No, eugen was formerly a military developer- i am willing to bet that there is (((something else))) going on at work there. I mean why dont we have a real war simulator out there yet- that lets you control the political/economic map as well as the units on the ground? And I dont mean paradox style fantasy. I mean covering for every economic aspect of every industry. It all just tells me that maybe western (((militaries))) dont want plebs to have access to real war sims.

Maybe if you had access to a real WWII sim… it would show that hitler was actually a great strategist, and that he lost the war for a (((different reason))).

I just dont buy the judge’s verdict on poor ol’ cold war game. There was kikery afoot here.
How was the game rough? It was basically complete and the biggest hiccup was server stability.
Ranges are completely fucked. I know that WARNO's ranges are not true scale either, but especially as relates to artillery it feels way more serious than launching a HIMARS and only being able to hit from 10km and having to put your extended range howitzers a stone's throw from the enemy frontline.
A lot of little things weren't quite there yet. The way that AA and planes interacted sucked, the ui was missing a lot of info, a tonne of squad weapons didn't work or used placeholders, there were several issues with terrain and pathing, performance sucked, the los tool sucked. A lot of little things here and there that needed polish.
That's not the game being rough. That's tamping down on risk free arty spamming.
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How would you guys rate War In The East 2?
Does it stand on its own two legs?
Some of the artillery pieces in the game have IRL ranges of 20, 30, or even 100km, there are ways to tamp down on artillery spamming without making it an arcade game.
You are a braindead faggot.
They got Steam to block, you can just do that if you're an established developer/publisher. Presumably delivered a proof they're pursuing court case so it was kept in place until it was over.
But in the end I think ultimately they did let the game be developed under a different title and with other changes that were never specified to the public, but then Russia did a war and the devs had the misfortune of not only living in Russia but actually registering their company in Russia which meant they couldn't release because of the sanctions - wouldn't be a problem if they registered in a different country like pretty much every other Russian gamedev, but oh well.
I also heard that some of the people working on the game were part of Russian military and were called into service in Ukraine or something, but I heard it once from a guy who actually managed to buy the game before they removed it from Steam and apparently had access to some Discord or something. Either way it's hard to argue it wasn't Eugens fault, since the thing was actually possible to purchase in a playable version for like a day.
I made alternative history decks for my head canon
I'm sorry that artillery filtered you, I guess it's expecting a bit too much of you to counter a unit that you can't just smash tanks into from minimal range in between your crayon breaks, but some of us enjoy just a side of realism with our power fantasy : ^)
Retarded attempt at posturing. You're literally mad that you have to micro your artillery instead of parking it at the back of the map.
And the idea that an obviously deliberate design decision = a lack of polish is just beyond subhuman levels of logic.
lmao parking your artillery at the back of the map doesn't make it immune to counterbattery fire, are you retarded. The whole point of artillery is that it's not on the frontline.
>Either way it's hard to argue it wasn't Eugens fault

Wait, Eugen caused the war in Ukraine?
Has no one played this???
You are not equipped to have any meaningful interaction with me.
It's so incredibly different from Warno and BA I'm not even sure why you'd bring it up. WitE2 is fucking amazing though. Once you read the manual and suck fucking ass for a while, it starts to click and then you'll appreciate how fun division-level planning can be. If you want something less complex but still has proper management of logistics, morale, and good abstractions of unit readiness, Decisive Campaigns: Ardennes Offensives is a good game too. Much smaller in scale but you can figure it out in like 20 minutes if you've played hex-based sims before.
You don't know?
its unhealthy how much mental energy i spend at random points in my day to day life wondering how the wargame series went so wrong and how it could have been saved

i heard of the wargame series at the time (e.g. the reddit vs 4chan tournament) but i got into it too late. i was shocked to see in my steam history i actually bought it in 2014 but for some reason, never played it until years later.

now, i feel bad that i missed the boat on peak wargame around the wgrd release and never got to experience /wgrd/ general shitposting threads on /vg/ back in 2014 nor really got the chance to play the game when there were people playing it who were relatively normal and it could be played casually. its basically unplayable now and it feels like stepping into a ghost town

then over the last 2 years i stupidly spent way too many hours trying to get into warno, hoping that i could recapture the magic i never experienced or that it would repeat the success of the previous entry but it never did and never will

i dont know why i feel this way, i dont know why i think about this stupid fucking series all the time, its not even fucking good now, and i never played it when it was, it just has so much potential to be good, and it scratches a particular itch, but i never can make the itch go away, it is never satisfying

i think about warno and how it could be maybe fixed way too much - unit ttk, unit ranges, squad size design, move away from division model, sound effects, vfx, etc. - and it makes me feel like a fucking maniac. why do i even care. its gone, its dead, i never even experienced it, warno fucking sucks, i dont even know.

its like a weird autistic fixation but im A. not autistic and B. dont get this way about anything else. it feels like its the one game that got away. why am i getting psychological torment over a shitty busted niche continental european flimsy rts series thats glory years were literally a decade ago?
>not autistic
lmao. do you really believe that?

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