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Hopes? Fears?
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stop remaking old games or making clones of old games and pretending they're new games
not happening anytime soon
Market is obsessed with safe bets, and remakes are seen as such
Honestly they don't really need to change anything in terms of balance, because I can't really remember anything inherently too broken... Maybe Loki's hero rush, and Gaia?
I'm kinda worried about them changing the story though, because I already see tree lady (Gaia?) before the expansion.
I want Atlantis nerfed or at least the other nations' gatherer units buffed. Since they're making most god powers as cooldown abilities, hopefully it'll mitigate Atlantis power spam faggotry.
>Since they're making most god powers as cooldown abilities
Why? Are they trying to make each game longer?
I'm guessing they're trying to make them more relevant in plays
Because God Powers and Myth Units are the main selling point of the game, and shit like Plague of Serpents is useless if you can only use it once.
It's gonna be shit just like Age of Empires 4.
As far as I concerned, they didnĀ“t put a 2 in the title.
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>its real
oh god
Wut. Where does that belong on the furry scale? The eyelashes are what sells this.
It could be just sillyposting like some of the other stuff on their Twitter. It looks AI generated in the first place.
wat the balance was terrible
100% AI generated.
There's 0 hope for this game.
details are too similar, its over
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It was alright I remember, at least per race (not too sure about Chinese as I never played that). Each culture had at least one tier-1 major god if I remember correctly (Norse - Loki, Egyptians - Set, Greek-Hades, and Atlanteans Gaia). Granted AoM was more prone to rushing then any of the others in the series, so like Titans and Wonders were usually useless additions.
>AI slop
Just implement Atlantean multi-use powers on things that are under-powered then. Putting everything on cooldown seems like changing things for the sake of changing things, especially when there already exists systems to make things work better.
Zero respect for using AI art on this.
FUCK them.
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Sure if their team of assets are called Stable and Diffusion.
>hope they add a bunch of weird gods and nations
>Fears they add YWYH as the only God that matters.
The worst is that this is believable.
The absolute state of the woke west.
At most they had some intern adjust the number of fingers out of the AI piece.
No thinking human would've made that shit.
Is using AI woke now?
Why? If you can provide more of something that works why would you not do it? New is just new, it isn't necessarily good. Meanwhile there are a lot of old good ideas left to rot.
Breathing is woke if you are paid to complain about the west.
No it's just a shit practice regardless of your politic opinions.
AoM with ranked servers is better than the shit game they would have otherwise made
I think there will be a few extra scenarios but they probably won't interfere with the main story
add some sigma male music and this belongs straight into a pajeet's "ai draw countries as mythological creatures" youtube compilation
sopa de ai
I don't think atlantean eco is that busted, citizens take longer to train
No it just looks like ass
Mods will fix it bros.
Gimme the sauce bitch
The AoM official twitter.
I hope it will improve on the original in a meaningful way, though this is very unlikely

None, if it's shit the original game is still there and I will ignore the remake just like I did with aoe 2, homeworld, and countless others.
>making clones of old games
Unironically the 90s pc scene and most 90s console scene trying to copy arcade
shut the fuck up
It's a shame Age of Mythology never had an expansion and no new civs came out for it. Still, I'm pretty happy with AoM as it is. It has the best singleplayer campaign of all RTS.
>if it's shit the original game is still there and I will ignore the remake just like I did with aoe 2
why is it that everyone says atlanteans are overpowered, even though most of the top pros play greek
Because they only superficially played the game 20 years ago and called it a day.
Titans? Atlanteans weren't in the base game

why would you do this when the originals were so good literally every Web 2.0 site about mythology/deities used them?
That's what people claimed about Extended Edition, mods never fixed it.
Any oldfags here? Hella nostalgic about rts-sanc and eso times rn. I'm about to play some Aom the titans vs bots.
Mulit-use god powers, citizens are their own drop off point, and free favor.
It's more "look how lazily this faction was designed" than "nerf the Atlantians, I'm sick of losing to them".
It's strange that they seem to be designed as a civ for beginners, yet they're in the expansion that you'd only ever get if you've already played the game a lot. Automatons are still cool though.

Yeah fuck this, if this is the '''art''' they're going with then I'm staying far away from the remake
Better spend than one of the gachas that claim to be focused on "otaku culture".
what do you have in mind?
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See I wouldn't mid AI, if there was like some level of human hand fixing shit or like adding their taste/style to it. The problem with this is 90~100% just machine, so it just feels a lazy cash grab (or desperate devs without funding).
To note, even if this was actually a human artist (I doubt it), it's still so soulless that it feels like a machine which defeats the purpose.
LIke they didn't even fix the poor Bast's misaligned headband... and everything else...Fuck...
You guys have it way easy nowadays, back then before voobly fan-patches/EE was a thing, everyone played on 1.03 version and Ouranos was the most broken god because of shockwave.
Its quite hard to make custom scenarios in aom right?
T. Single player fag
kinda, I mean , it's not a modern RTS editor, but it gets the job done
>Manor Lords
>Shadow of the Erdtree
>KCD 2
>AoM Retold (hopefully it's not shit)
It's going to be a good year, bros.
>It never is "a good year"
If they aren't lying then they are idiots, because they didn't need the hacks that made their art. Would be funny if the artists they hired were just using AI art but didn't tell the team for an easy paycheck
i stand corrected, the ai slop looks better
AI peddlers need to be stopped before they kill civilization.
Fistbro. Eso, expert chat, looking for replays on mrfixit rather than lazily watching twitch where watchers can (and will) give their noob opinion.
I played until 2004 or so, and during Covid I checked out the scene again. Man, the game changed a lot since then.
Yeah, talking about noob opinions.
>Loki hero rush and Gaia broken
>Plague of Serpents useless
Random Land player detected
>Tier 1 Loki, Set, Hades, Gaia
Whoa, luckily you squeezed Set in there, otherwise 4 out of 4 would be wrong.
>AoM more prone to rushing
When the meta is literally 2tc boom. Or maybe you say "was" because back in 2004 we were playing fucking 20 min classical wars with singers and spearmen and shit, but that's not how the game is supposed to be played.
There are some rushes that work, but it's not the norm.
>Atty eco not busted
Either you never played Atty, or you main Oranos and have room temperature IQ.
OK, somebody who knows. My god, finally.
Would be funny if he gets outed by gamer autism
>mass replying esports autist
Who asked?
I used to be in favour of AI slop, but this is embarassing. It looks like some incel shooped a cat meme onto a woman's body
>esports autist
One thing is that probably Microsoft is catering to those crowds? I feel that a lot of AoE4's design was "optimized" to capture that market with the franchise name-brand push... Although still losing to AoE2 in terms of fanaticism and prize pool expense. So far original AoM is less than a speck in the e-sports scene, so maybe they're hoping/gambling for it to be the next big thing.
Let's be real, this game isn't going to be very appealing in terms of competitive esports. It's way too gimmicky and is mostly catering to casual millennials who played the campaign 20 years ago; they will buy Retold and stream their easy diff campaign games while holding a coffee mug and going "ah, the nostalgia".
Maybe there will be one medium-sized tournament and that's it. Let's remember that AoM at launch was a decent success but had official support only for one tournament, and probably expecting a lot more would be too optimistic.
Not that it is a bad thing, mind you. In many aspects this game relies more on the fun factor of casting destructive godpowers and commanding powerful myth units rather than on balance, and if that gets stripped out in an attempt of appealing to the competitive environment then I'm afraid not many people will be playing it after a few months.
>who asked
You did, by posting your random ass takes on balance. It's always like this: the less you understand a game, the more vocal you are about what's "op". Maybe you should learn to listen first. But God forbid you don't post your noob opinions anyway.
>So far original AoM is less than a speck in the e-sports scene, so maybe they're hoping/gambling for it to be the next big thing.
Decent change they're going to change too much and turn away both audiences
>Decent chance they're going to change too much and turn away both audiences
They already tried to cater the chinks into it with the very late expansion, and kinda failed at that so... I mean if you're going to market to China I expect 10K+ at least, but it only went low 5k for players at launch Tale of the Dragon. Even the DE's base game only went for 11k at launch (compared to like AoE2:EE's 20k+, or even AoE3:DE's 18k), so I even wonder if this has the nostalgia base it can farm and sustain.
13 year-old me had a lot of good memories with it with my buds in the LAN basement, but I don't think it was ever the popular RTS overall.
It better be fucking good after the shitpile that was Tale of the Dragon.
I have no idea if shit shit is AI slop or not, but I'ld like to remind you all that shitty artists exist and they get hired all the time.
The classic "give trash jobs for stupid people, who probably they,re gonna get shit karma for their poor lifechoices"
AoM had a lot of success early 2000s. You have absolutely no idea how well documented it is in both English and French forums. The game was very much alive til early 2010s until ESO servers got shutdown and made the community split to Voobly and Gameranger. The base game also was hard to install on newer hardware so it didn't help with attracting newer people.
When EE came out, it had crashing problems and was poorly optimized but the main problem is that the dev team balanced the game on their own fashion with no regard to the RTS-sanctuary community who had a monopoly over AoM balance and events for years. It ended up making the OGs not want to move, they stayed on Voobly but the player base kept shrinking over time.
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No regard to the rts-s community? Did you read the names on the balance team? Magic, Mista, Brick, Nemesis, Lorenzo, I think Kyomaku was in there too. The game was a mess, but mistakes were made also on the balance side by voobly players.
I'm not saying that RTS-sanc community are victims. I'm telling you that after ESO shutdown, there was always something that made the community split when everyone should have moved to EE.
Kinda makes me realize how fanatical the AoE2 fanbase is overall. I mean it's still not as big as Starcraft per say, but at the same time Microsoft doesn't give damn shit compared to Bobby & Blizzard in everything.
What are you talking about? AoE2s playerbase has long since eclipsed SC
Microsoft has been very cautious trying not to anger the fanbase too bad but it's not working.
Citizens gather less than villagers per population used.
Full mod support/adding in new civs/gods instead of replacing base game ones.
The reality of the situation.
Do you have the numbers backing that up? Iā€™m tired of cocky, k-pop-obsessed SCfaggots talking shit about AoE
AoE2:DE has like 76k-ish players on ladder for "Random Map Team;" the most popular game mode. SC2 reported 85K-ish of it's active players back February of this year 2024, as a Q1 report for investors. AoE4 seems to have 107k-ish on their ladder "quickmatch 4v4". It's not the most accurate in total active player numbers, as ladder numbers could have multiple accounts, on/off players, etc. Interestingly SC2's 1v1 ladder has 124k in number of metric sites, which is 50% more than the report, and AoE2:DE has more players in Steam Rankings of active players than AoE4. However in either way, AoE2 and AoE4 seems to have a large player base that dwarfs most current RTS, and could be matching or even overtaken SC2 currently.
In terms money flowing SC2 still is the king, and $100k+ is common enough prize pool for their tournament ($400~500k is also frequent). AoE2's prize pool also frequents $100k+, but $50k+ is more common. Funnily enough, even though it's the most in ladder numbers, AoE4 has the shittiest prize pool, and rarely goes to $10K+ (those are for S-tier) and under $1k is the most common. So if AoE2 players says AoE4 is more casual they're completely right in terms of the pro-player infrastructure and network.
Why does he look like fucking Aquaman?
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putting the original art back will be one of the first mods to happen.
they quality difference is laughable
>Just some guys on a boat doing boat stuff
>He just comes up and kills them
Oh yeah that's right, he was a fucking prick in the campaign.
the real mythology is still worse though, more petulant than Zeus.
Looks like when you use that face app to make someone smile.
Spirit wolves don't belong in AoM. This isn't Warcraft 3.
Subhuman artists are the worst nigger loving anti-white faggots and AI disenfranchising them is a good thing.
Dude that was fucking hand painted, how dare they replace it with AI shit
this unlocked so many memories, it was true, people used the AoM depictions of the ancient greek gods everywhere
Main thing I'm hoping for is QoL features, that and some improvement to pathing/unit behaviours.
Have they confirmed whether or not chinks will be in this?
>Have they confirmed whether or not chinks will be in this?
No Chinese Myths included in the release. Although there was a podcast that states that they are also working on Tales of Dragon? Could be him making a mistake though...

I hoped it would look somewhat like this https://youtu.be/TZt2YBv0U3Y
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not a furfag what is wrong with this
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>damn i wish aom got a remake
>it's ai slop
not like this
I keep seeing AoM Zeus literally everywhere, even IRL.
A remake of an old good idea isn't guaranteed to be good either, and fucking up and ruining a remake is worse for your reputation than releasing a bad new game 99% of the time. If you want a safe bet, just port the old game to new systems, which AoM already had happen.
Are you his prophet or something?
We're in a new era of 'Chef Mike'.
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They're going to make Isis black, aren't they?
Vanilla AoM was the only good AoM. Titans was shit and ruined the game, EE was shit and ruined the game, Retold will be shit and ruin the game. You can tweak god powers and add shit like widescreen res support without polluting the game with half-assed shit factions and retarded gimmicks, just port the original fucking game oh wait you can't because you fired everyone who worked on the fucking thing.

It's dead, pirate the original and be thankful that's even an option.
Buy an ad.
Set took that role.
Is that AI?
We already know what Isis looks like in Retold, look at OP's image. She's basically the same. Also, the original Age of Mythology had a black woman as the Egyptian faction representative, so let's not pretend that would be anything new.
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>had a black woman as the Egyptian faction representative
Wouldn't know, decades of playing and I never played the campaign
>Also, the original Age of Mythology had a black woman as the Egyptian faction representative,
She was literally a Nubian mercenary.
Nah, she was a Nubian QUEEN
Good morning saars

I'd even play this shitty game again if there were ranked servers, I was pretty good rushing loki back in the day
The artwork looks much better than the original, and i say this as someone who believe this remake should not exist.
Found the artist.
Yeah, and she was the Egyptian faction representative.
>I like the art, fellow players
The original art looks like one of those bobbly head toys. It looks terrible and always did.
I don't to invent problems where there are none, the remake already ruined Gaia and will certainly ruin much more.
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Am I replying to a human being?
Are they training AI to raid these threads?
>Are they training AI to raid these threads?
It's been like that for a while.
there is no single conceivable metric under which the old art is worse than the new one.

It's fractally superior, on every aspect you scrutinize you find it beats the new shit in ways you didn't even consider previously
AoE4 is so good that they implement things from it to AoE2 DE.
oh no
You can't even identify an AI generated image.
If Retold takes off, Microsoft will want a modern sequel, like they did with AoE2:DE.
It's not shit
It's shit
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You can identify the ones I make
now do Aphrodite
Eyes are fucked up
Ear is fucked up
Logo on her shirt is fucked up
Hair and bone shading are fucked up
She's sitting in what seems like a metal container but it's also sort of a piece of fabric
Extreme light and contrast that every AI shit has.
2/10 got me to reply
>You can
reading comprehension anon, it saves lives
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And I still love it
I gen better than this. Use a better model.
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I don't care what you like

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