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This technically counts as a strategy game right?
is ksp 2 good yet
No, it's pretty much abandoned.
I got the Epic freebie but still need to give it a shot. Looking at old posts there's talk about it having spyware, what's that about?
in what way
What mods do you recommend?
dear god do not read old /kspg/
Kerbal attachment systems and extraplanetary launchpads and construction for all your base building and colony needs
Is it wrong that I have a fetish for HTOL-SSTOs?

>Build SSTO
>Take off from KSC
>Deploy station components and assemble
>Return flight to KSC

Also HTOL-SSTO to the Mun and back is a fun challenge, never made a successful return after landing but a stable orbit is doable.
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For me it's landers with rovers attached or stowed in
Fuck, this image brings back so many good memories. Old KSP was gold
I've tried several times to do a huge modded career mode game with real planets and colonization mechanics but the game doesn't seem to be able to handle so many mods without completely shitting itself.
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kino cinematic
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The rocket I used to build it is a beast. 900+ tons.
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Recoverable upper stage
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Recoverable fuel probe for the ship in the OP pic
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Bonus Mun pic
If you want interstellar Kino, pick up Space Engine:
I already own space engine
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get stock waterfall effects
it makes your engines look a whole lot better
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I fucking sent it bros
How's Juno New Origins? Should I get that instead od KSP?
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No, but simulation is supposed to be part of this board too.
Juno New Origins is free on mobile so you can try it out there and see if you like it first
I would still recommend KSP 1 because of the extensive mod catalog
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I'll look into it
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Posting some of my favorite pics from when I last played the game years ago
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lol comptenency crisis strikes again. There's no more smart people. Idiocracy *ahem* appears to have been a documentary *smirks*
Can one learn on their own and eventually figure out how to travel to the most distant planets on their own? Or do I need to read lots of player guides for that?
Sometimes I get an itch to play this again. Did anyone ever manage to mod a career mode that isn't terrible? As in turning it into something like a proper strategy layer?
Science mode is /vst/
The game has a steep learning curve at first. Most people give up before landing on the Mun. I recommend looking up guides so you don't get overwhelmed. In particular, you need to understand how to get into orbit, what delta-v is, how to design good rockets/landers, and learn to rendevous in orbit.
If you can get to the mun and back, then you have the skills to go anywhere in the Kerbolar system. It's just a matter of designing the right craft for the job.
The thing that always filters me is figuring out how much fuel to bring to account for the delta v I know I'll need plus the ungodly amount that I'll waste on stupid mistakes
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Use this and give yourself some extra delta-v as a safety margin.
This Reddit post goes into more detail:
>Does this game about sending funny green space men into orbit count as a game about coming up with a high level plan to win a war?
Retard, no.
Children of a Dead Earth is a strategy game.
meant for
>Midwit post for a dead midwit game
Yep, everything checks out
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This has convinced me to build a Vertibird on Mars
Well maybe not for you buddy >>1733722
Why does Dres require so much delta-v? I noticed this and massively overbuilt a probe I sent there with ion engines.
Lets get some music up in here
Post your deep space tunes
Thread theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5o_uF1L5l6o
be aware that the atmospheric density is very low
If you could build stations in orbit without a mod, like your screenshot depicts, I might play this again.
It's really boring to go through the cycle of
design -> tip -> redesign -> tip -> redesign -> not enough fuel -> redesign -> manage it
just to do anything in the game.
Worse still when you get a probe onto Duna and it burns up, crashes, or a component breaks.
Who is even working on it? New devs? The same Brazilians?
How do you do that without
1) unbalancing the lander
2) physically get a working rover put together and attached in the hangar that doesn't have its wheels all backwards
I could never get props to work.
Do you mean you did it with less Dv than on the map?
I think so, I don't remember it taking much more than a Duna transfer when I tried it. The problem was slowing down once I got there.
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The only mod I used for that was simple construction and extraplanetary launch pads for the hab modules on the ring
The rover weighs practically nothing compared to the lander and SAS is enough to correct for it

As for building it in the VAB and getting the wheels attached right, I just had to do it very, very carefully
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I already had a mun rocket built for instance, I just strapped the rover onto the side >>1733939
The delta-v required depends on the relative inclination of the target body's orbit and your starting orbit. The number on top represents the maximum amount of extra delta-V you would need to correct for this
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The KRASH mod lets you "simulate" a craft by launching it from wherever you want in the VAB. I use it to test my landers before I do a real mission.
For rovers and buggies, I usually put them underneath my landers and place the engines radially. To deploy them, I hover right above the surface, detach the rover, and then land next to it, kinda like what they do with real rovers.
Watch some videos of RP-1 career mode since the Launch Complexes and Programs update and see what you think. I can't predict whether you think it looks cool or a bunch of unrelenting tedium. Legion of One and Carnasa were the playthroughs I was watching before I got bored.
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That is equating pressure, but lift scales with density
Only played the tutorials. How do people reach the most distant planets? Is it the same maneuver as reaching the moon but on a much larger scale? Can you refuel along the way with a space station or something like that?

>captcha: DRAAG
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Yeah, it's basically a larger and more precise version of going to the Mun. I don't see the point in using a refueling station since you can easily go to planets like Duna and back in a single launch if you know what you are doing.
There's a website that lets you plan out trips and see how much delta-v it takes to get somewhere and back.
Once you have a maxed out DSN you can create maneuvers automatically
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Flyby of Jool
KSP 1 modded looks better than KSP 2 by a longshot
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>Watch some videos of RP-1 career mode since the Launch Complexes and Programs update
Is there something that's this type of progress mechanics except at stock scales?
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Probes Before Crew and Strategia are a good start.
I always got filtered by interplanetary transfers. Having to factor in the speed of the orbits and slight inclination differences was too frustrating for me to figure out fully.
decent shit, could have this playing while reading a book
This is why I built refueling stations that I towed along. Made a simple and sturdy structure out of orange tanks, filled them up and then just took it with me.
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Noticed a coma traversing the sun shortly after launching my mothership towards Duna and took some shots of it with my space telescope and from the mothership itself
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fucking autocorrect
Where am I supposed to find a flat spot to build my Mun base? I sent some rovers and this place is a shithole.
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A simple way is to use a two-step calculation:
Once to orbit and once to target.
In the "to orbit" calculation I just calculate everything at sea level, so I will end up with way too much reserve in orbit, but I will never not reach orbit. Money is usually not a problem anymore when you have reached interplanetary travel (by that I mean leaving Kerbin's SOI), so it really doesn't matter if you are being a bit wasteful. It's better than trying to minmax everything with the very lacking tools KSP provides, and I am not autistic enough to get into KoS (managed to program a simple orbiting script, but that's it).
And obviously what other people say, refuel in space.
In fact for my big Eve mission I built a fuckhuge ship that I hauled up in two parts, assembled it in space, then filled up with propellant.
I don't even remember if pic related was the final version because I distinctly remember taking a bunch of pictures of the mission, but I can't seem to find them anymore.
Was it really *that* bad?
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This was a mild controversy when they added it to KSP1 too. Essentially its the standard, collect your data so they can sell it to data brokers IIRC
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new KSP 2 dev blog
>bug fix patch coming soon
>colonies update still being worked on
>more cloud layers
>new engine exhaust vfx
>vram optimizations
4 months for that hahahaha
Maybe in a decade the game will be in a finished state
best game ever, playing it right now, Rp1/RO/RSS
What, no Principia? filthy casual
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Takin' a Ride (on Heavy Metal)
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you are an example of the dunning kruger effect
Actually, you are.
Lookin cool
KSP2 is dead

A Mexican ad company with shady practices was able to make a more competent game than a AAA funded studio. Never thought I'd see the day.
What do you expect, from the devlogs most of that 'studio' were diversity hires.
OP asked whether it technically counts.
That's the technical answer.
What this game is like? KSP with lasers?
>2 days later and not a single word from the developers
KSP2 really is dead, just like that. I was kinda expecting it to limp along for a while longer with a couple devs working for peanuts just to keep the grift going. Seems KSP2 was so shit it wasn't even worth that.
>Can you refuel along the way with a space station or something like that?
Not really. You should refuel in orbit before heading out but refueling between planets would be quite inefficient due to how orbital energy works and extremely difficult due to long orbital periods on varying planes.
moonhead https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i2HHT7txFQ0
You CAN launch a rocket on an interplanetary trajectory and then immediately launch another rocket behind it with refueling capabilities to meet it at its final destination
He wants to refuel along the way, not at the final destination.
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I made this rocket. You guys think it can go to the moon and back?
I'm wondering how you survive ascent and more importantly, reentry.
You appear to have enough dV to get there and back.
How are you turning in space?
Am I right in noticing a lack of battery power?
Underneath the big 'condom' I got, I have advanced inline stabilizers, and a service bay which features three stacked Z-200 Batteries. It's also where I got a barometer, antenna, and thermometer.

As for surviving descent, underneath the orange fuel tank, I got a decoupler and a heatshield.

I think my recent moonshots have failed because I tried to go straight for the moon rather than slingshotting myself to it.
That would be much more difficult
The Mk1 Lander Can isn't really designed for an atmospheric landing. It might be survivable, if you have a heat shield somewhere in there, but I wouldn't advise it.
Why aren't you using a regular capsule?
>get the itch to try kOS again
>find I once managed to get into orbit, but it seems like the script was in part stolen
>tinker around with a simple hover script for two days that constantly breaks for the most retarded reasons
Yeah I think this isn't for me.
I'm back assembling stations in orbit by hand.
How do I build a rocket ship thats not asparagus design on top of asparagus design on top of asparagus design
>still asparagus'ing
nigga you been in a coma for ten years?
unironically yes, I come back to KSP once every few years to months and rarely try to learn anything new, just do what I know. Asparagus design got nerfed?
It's not necessary anymore. Just get KJR and built rockets like irl.
Whole development of ksp2 was such mess, from making teser with 3 medicore rocket parts, releasing game in pre alpha state, 200k poly navball to hiring cloud expert while game was still years behind ksp1 in every direction.
is the dlc worth it for ksp1 when they go on sale? been meaning to go back to it for a while and I never got them
If you insist on paying money, then yes.
Otherwise, pirate it, they don't deserve your money.
>start game
>load up old save
>find stuff I apparently designed and used in actual missions
>have no idea how exactly that was supposed to go and find parts that don't make any sense here.
Fucking hell
why is everyone fine with this again? We should be getting paid for our own data at the very least. The average NPC truly deserves to be milked like a retarded bovine don't they?
That's why I start a new career every time I revisit the game
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Posting some stuff from the last save I did anything serious.
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...and I actually managed to remember why exactly I did the thing I complained about in >>1750388
God, past me was way smarter than present me.
I should really drink less.
looks like an interplanetary ship you would see in a NASA pdf
Did anyone even play KSP2? What did it do differently from the first?
Seems like a Subnautica situation where there's zero reason at all to play the sequel.
They made the mistake of releasing it into early access with significantly less features than KSP1 has, 0 optimizations, and a boat load of bugs, so no one bought it
What it did differently:
Good: Pretty, good sound design, procedural wings.
Bad: Artificially "wobbly" rockets, annoying ship editor that's more like a bad cad program than ksp1 stack and glue blocks editor that allowed saving individual subassemblies and ships, annoying flight parts manager - can't just click on a fuel tank to find out how much fuel is in it - have to click 4-5 times and still won't give as much necessary information. Lack of 'career' mode which gives some player goals beyond a pure sandbox.

Also there were a lot of bugs; unreliable decouplers, docking ports, dV and TWR was always wrong, game would fail to save ship states

I was really looking forward to colonies and resource extraction on other worlds, designing freighters to do supply lines between colonies and automating/abstracting routine flights.
Don't be silly it's a totally original design haha
God I remember when it was announced and everyone's first reaction was "thank god they can finally get someone to do it properly".
When it was released in EA I facepalmed and haven't looked back since.
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Started installing some mods again for a fresh 12.5 installation. It's crazy how most of these are just the bare minimum functional/QoL things needed to properly play the game.
I stopped using most parts mods because it's just too much clutter. And shame some mods just don't get developed anymore.
For me it's
a) Turn off the repeating vanilla contracts with Contract Configurator, instead use mods like (Career Evolution/ScanSAT coverage contracts/Exploration Plus) that are all one time missions.

This means that you need to be going out and doing *new* things to keep the cash rolling in. Depending on your other settings you might want to crank up the science and fund rewards to compensate for not being able to repeat missions.

b) Kerbal Construction Time. If rockets take time to build then time becomes a currency as well. Set general goals for yourself like (Mun landing within a year) etc.

c) Kerbalism. It overhauls a ton of stuff, but the big change is life support and science being a progress over time action.

d) Strategia. You'll actually use the admin building and it makes the stuff in a) more interesting.

My preferred tech tree is Kiwi but I've heard goods about Quartix.
*crack sip* For me, it's Kethane.
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While cleaning up my drives, i found backed up, playable versions of KSP ranging from 0.15 up to 0.23. Holy shit, the nostalgia.

I also found some of Remedial rants from /vg/. Anyone remembers him and Max?
Damn I remember those icons.
Didn't they also jump from 0.23 straight to the 0.90 beta straight to the 1.0 "release"?
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Yea, i think they skipped at some point, but on it around that time, because my PC couldnt handle my projects anymore. Like this fuel Depo.
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Around fucking Eve
Damn, that's a name I haven't heard in years.
Reposting from /egg/

Does anyone here use kOS? If so, to what extent?
I made a crude sequence that gets my first spaceplane to orbit because it's pretty hard to control, and I figured this would at least let me automate fuel delivery. I'm not sure if I should dive deep and try doing a lot more with kOS, or just leave it at that.
I'm >>1749799 and that's basically the entire extent.
And it's not because I suck at programming, but because I suck at programming enough to not being able to make proper sense of the documentation, plus I suck at math.
What are the best tech tree/career/contract mods for KSP?
Something that works long-term; unlocking the entire tech tree without ever leaving the Kerbin SOI is kinda lame.
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Colony is coming along nicely
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An old one from 2012, I don't remember which version it was
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Probably v0.15.
Simpler times, my first orbit
Man that ground texture and icons... Memories.
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I tried to make this one back in the days.
Everything launched with a single rocket ofc
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I wish I could continue this one but my pc was too slow
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After only 120 days, the colony is complete
The 120 Days of Duna
lol I remember Max and how he hung out in the /kspg/ thread until everyone realized he was pacifying the thread so they wouldn’t get pissed at dumb SQUAD decisions, he eventually was turned on and chased off
I give up after landing on the Mun. Did two plays, one around release and one after the devs stopped patching, stopped after Mun landing both times. I figured the rest of the game is just more of the same but far more tedious and lose interest. It would've been nice if instead of having to fly everything manually at that point we could just tell kerbals to figure it out and just design their ships.
there's an autopilot mod called mechjeb that can do a bunch of stuff for you automatically
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Is KSP1 modding going to see a resurgence now that KSP2 is officially dead?
If you build up refueling stations dont you have to refuel the refueling stations
No and it never will be because there's no reason for modders to switch to KSP2.
You build a refueling station to refuel the refueling stations
Yeah. The secret you learn after building a few refueling stations and refueling them is that it's easier in-game and easier on your CPU to just launch the refueler vessel directly to whatever needs refueling and skip the station middle-man.
If there's a cheat to refill a vessel's tanks then you'll be less bored.
I'm not sure there's any point in refuelling outside of exploring low gravity moons. It's much easier to just send another mission.

And mining is dull anyway.
>Refill tanks via console command
>Deduct arbitrary amount of credits via console command
>Roleplay subcontracting payments to some other kerbals
some of the modders that were hired for ksp2 said they will start working on ksp 1 mods again
there's a mod that does this for you
I gave it two years max to become abandonware after seeing that horrendous launch
lmao the studio behind ksp literally got laid off a couple of weeks ago
its already abandonware
It's not abandonware, EA is going to keep a strong hold on the IP and what of the game exists. It's an "abandoned" game.
I just want the source code of 1 to be released so I can get a proper RSS fork.
Anyone got a link to that paid mod with clouds on Kerbin, Eve, and Jool?
No idea what you are talking about, but EVE does have that, and SVE.
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nah he's talking about the preview version of eve that is currently behind a Patreon paywall
>behind a Patreon paywall
kek fuck them, I'll take the link too, just because
wasn't this mod's last release like a year ago as well
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Is there anything like Kerbal but focused more on traditional aircraft? I spend most of my time in-atmosphere doing canyon runs and scouting out UFO crash sites.
yeah the mod creator was hired to work on ksp 2 but now he's back to ksp 1 modding for obvious reasons
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mods for this feel?
Flyout. It was a real flash in the pan, though, no staying power like Kerbal.
Maybe the new game by the original Kerbal dev? I can't remember the name. You build model aircraft.
funny thing is that HarvesteR wanted to make a prequel to KSP focused on the early days of aviation
There is SimplePlanes.
Never got around to check it out myself though.
Found it: https://www.balsamodelsim.com/
Looks good but I fear it's going to miss the mark without the Kerbals themselves.
he changed the name
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Real Solar System
Some of those mods are super outdated. They all work on the latest version?

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