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Which "post-Westwood" game do you think was the best? (Or the least worst, if you're one of those people)
The answer is obviously generals. Even if it's the odd one out it's generally accepted to be a good game in it's own right.
C&C3 has it's fans but I don't think it's that popular. RA3 is actually still okay, but some of the design is pretty questionable.
I like C&C3+Kane's Wrath the most.
I love C&C3, but I also love Zero Hour. It's hard to choose. I think I have more hours in ZH though.
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RA3 is fucking great and I'm tired of pretending it's not
Generals is the best. The only one that is actually fresh and different, unlike the dogshit sequels banking on previous titles and coming up short.

It has good graphics, the game itself is lacklustre.

C&C3 is my favourite of all those.
I enjoyed playing RA3 but I have an incredibly petty complaint that I have a hard time getting over. That all units look like plastic wind-up toys. The bright flat colours, bulbous features and rattling and shaking animations.
Generals and zero hour by far are the best if those, I can even remember the unit quotes now unlike the rest
>Dragunov downgrades to AKS-74U
RA3 is fairly good mechanically but the bloom is nigh impossible to ditch even with mods, from what I remember. Also
>time travel
except pretty much recursive by now, it's like AIDS grew its own AIDS.
Otherwise yeah, TW/KW are pretty good although not quite the real successors.
Funnily enough, they are all actually really good. I've never really thought about them, together and used to talk about how Westwood is the greatest. But these guys did a good job with the series for the most part. I think probably generals was my favourite of the bunch. Played a lot of RA3 as well though. I wasn't a huge fan of how it felt like C&C3 went backwards in technology from what I remembered in 2.
Generals is the only one i truly enjoyed playing
3 base game, I don't like the expansion. Also Generals sucks.
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what am I looking at
that was from Petroglyph stream 3 hours ago https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2123186761
i wonder if they are implying something..
Generals has kino units and factions, but the campaigns are alright at best. It’s good, but not perfect.

CnC3 is probably the best rounded out of the bunch, no major complaints (Scrin are bit boring, but that’s it) and it’s a kino continuation for Tiberium storyline. Insanely good campaigns.

RA3 is very solid mechanically, but I dock some points for the atrocious artstyle and the way how they took all grittiness out of the story and made the acting cross the hamminess horizon in a bad way. Very solid RTS game, but I wish it was more like RA2 eg. silly but at the same time kind of horrifying instead of looking like a toybox.
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from the same stream
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Aren't you forgetting someone...?
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You just HAD to bring it up?
I wouldn't trust that. I'd also tease and gaslight people in their situation. Still though, if that's true, those are like the 2 things I want from them.
Hachimitsu love
>C&C3 has it's fans
Because it was one of the tiny number of RTS games that got released on PS3. The people that liked it probably never played a CnC game or even an RTS before it.
I liked RA3 and Generals. I still play Generals now. The rest I didn't even bother playing. The Tiberium timeline is so fucking cringe, even for CnC.
Generals, though I enjoyed all of those.
Kane's Wrath was the peak of the whole franchise, Generals is great too but the campaign was awful.
>least worst
Uh, Generals, I guess? They're all the same flavor of shit.
I started the series with RA2 and C&C3 is my favourite
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>the game itself is lacklustre.
I don't care about graphics but I have to agree with you there. The game is great but clearly only half finished and the trainwreck that was Uprising showed how fucked of a state the development has been.

I want EA to properly finish RA3's development so bad, address the bugs and glitches, address the stale faction balance it is not that much. But yeah not likely gonna happen.
Wich game is this one, Red Alert 2 or something else?
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Yuri commands that every anon entering this thread should post a C&C mod image, gif or webm.
Ignorant primate
I don't need matches!
Universe at War
No other game gave the gloomy comfy post-apocalyptic vibes Tiberian Sun did when I was a kid. The feelink of bunkering in your base, not straying far from the lights, and sending scout parties to the bizarre non-earthly world outside

I miss those times. Also, the future was hopeful
CnC 3, it changed enough to be different but also didn't completely erase what CnC did best. RA3 is mildly undercooked but can be fun, generals is also decent but it's clear they only used the CnC name to boost sales. It has no MCVs, no unified build queues, it's just a standard early 3d rts. It shares nothing with any other CnC game apart from a few unit archetypes.
Thing I hate about RA3 is how every unit feels like a whacky kids toy with gimmicky abilities. Especially the allies.

>No normal attack helicopter, but whacky freezy/shrinky helicopter
>a destroyer isn't cool enough by itself, so it has to be amphibious and have bubble shield tech
>remember aegis cruisers? now we have dolphin speedboat thing with pacification ray

Japans naval units were all awesome though. The Japanese battleship was goat.
This is why I was never interested in RA3.
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There was no grit to RA3 because EA is somehow so stupid that they didn't understand that the entire setting of RA is a tribute to 50s sci fi and instead interpreted everything as just XD random quirkiness. How else would you get flying anime girls, gundam mechs and this shit?https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xrQLmeknYo0
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>muh grittnes
God punished RTS players for in their decadence they defecated on RA3, AoE3 and DoW2
Now they experience their Dark Ages until they learn humility again
>why is the wacky rts game wacky? THIS IS A FUCKING OUTRAGE
Nah, it was WC3 and the dota queers that killed the RTS.
I'm not a fan of RA3 at all, but I'd say they were following the trend set by Yuri's Revenge. As much fun as I had with YR, the story went full retard, and the RA universe was doomed the second they brought back time travel in that opening mission. Although I do enjoy the allusions to it in Mental Omega
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>discharging munitions
Zero Hour is GOAT.
I want pictures. pictures of the mental omega
CnC3 was the most faithful
RA3 may be the most diverse RTS. I believe it's the best of the series for that and the upstanding expansion pack.
Generals was a nice first attempt of a 3D game

CnC4 could've been workable since MOBAs were actually a thing after development despite critics of the time saying otherwise, but EA doesn't understand long term planning despite putting the developers on the spot.

I tried playing it again, it was just as bad as I remembered.
OST is still solid.

I like the Allies being goofy. It compliments the more traditional Soviets.
>I wasn't a huge fan of how it felt like C&C3 went backwards in technology from what I remembered in 2.
They explain it with Nod actually losing this time and GDI rolling out too many pork barrels. Plausible but still lame.
Forgetting what? Did you forget to attach a picture? Ironic.
I started with the original C&C when it was new (and it wasn't my first strategy game either). I recognize that TW is not a proper sequel to TibSun. It's still pretty good.
>because EA is somehow so stupid that they didn't understand that the entire setting of RA is a tribute to 50s sci fi and instead interpreted everything as just XD random quirkiness
They probably looked at how RA to RA2 went and came to the only logical conclusion. 3 is the same to 2 as 2 is to 1. I only ever liked 2 mechanically.
>unironically putting "lol bear cannons fellow ledditors!" shit on the same tier as DoW2
>calling anyone else a fag
C&C is for single player babys.
the pvp is always pretty lame and dull.
tank blob meta.
Yeah, even when I was a kid, I felt that RA2 had spirit close to something like Mars Attacks (which is a 90’s movie, sure, but leans heavily on older scifi cliches). Utterly dumb premise with scenes that are so dumb that even a kid realizes that it’s comedy, but still, it has some actually nasty moments that make it feel more unique than your regular dumbass comedy.
Ah yes, Red Alert 2 was so serious and grim with those giant brains in a jar that mind control people, grey skinned hulks being created by stealing Microsoft's 5G technology,an entire plot revolving around replacing the world leaders with loyal Yuri clones, a moon mission and a battle in Transylvania where you have to destroy Yuri's doom castle.

Such a grim, genre-redefining, trope-subverting, atmospheric, bone chilling, slow burn realistic story.
Most of what you're referring to is from YR, but in general you're right. Giant squids, "crazy ivans" or "chrono legionnaires" are almost as bad.
>grim, genre-redefining, trope-subverting, atmospheric, bone chilling, slow burn realistic story.
It was none of those things of course, but it also wasn't stupid. Red Alert 2 was full of elements inspired by the things from the past that were made with serious intent, but are just silly now in retrospect. That's camp.

Red Alert 3 was just stupid.
I always felt like RA2 was an over the top hollywood blockbuster production, and RA3 was a made for tv SyFy movie.
>hes actually defending the grey hulk clones and giant brain tank as """"serious""""
Holy cope
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>Completely ignoring RA2 to focus on YR
Grim doesn’t mean realistic, especially not in this case. RA2 was a mixture of dumb, hilarious and violent, meanwhile 3 feels like saturday morning cartoon.
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>full of elements inspired by the things from the past
So is RA3. You grew up with RA2, it's understandable that you're a fanboy now. But the game's setting is still retarded.
RA3 is the fast food of C&C. It's flashy and fun. For about 4-5 hours, then you're just sick of it.
Technically Tiberian sun. I think they were owned by EA at that stage although I suppose it was largely still developed as a Westwood game.

Apart from that Generals was the best.
>Fun multiplayer
>Fun campaign
>Did nothing to shit on existing C&Cs

I never liked that it was so different at the time but I gave it a shot and enjoyed it!

Everything after generals dosent merit mentioning because it was fucking crap.
TibSun was developed either mostly or completely before they were bought. RA2 was after. It shows.
>Everything after generals dosent merit mentioning because it was fucking crap.
Joke of a game
Pathetic follow up to Tiberian Sun
Barely worth mentioning
>Pathetic follow up to Tiberian Sun
It's basically fanfic. It's good as a game and bad as a sequel. It has both of
>>Fun multiplayer
>>Fun campaign
that you love "C&C" Generals for.
I have a big soft spot for Generals. It was dumb as shit, but it was really funny. Got lots of good memories of the Shockwave mod too.

I wish we'd gotten a sequel, but considering what it ended up looking like, maybe it's for the best that it died a quiet death.
I always liked the continuing setting, where the world just kept getting worse due to the tiberium infection. Fantastic resource but devastating to all life.
Didn't like the alien reveal, tho.
I fucking hated the Scrin. Ruined C&C3 for me.
Mental omega is the best post-westwood ra2 expansion we never had
I liked the Scrin aesthetically and conceptually, but I hate playing as them and I hate playing against them. They're underpowered unless you spam air, but if you do spam air they're insanely overpowered.
Yeah it's not that they're awful as a concept, just didn't like the way they were implemented. Felt that the campaign really got worse after they showed up. Liked the GDI vs NOD matchups way more.
That game was profoundly terrible
You couldn't create a more franchise-butchering title if you tried
Generals 2 in its botched free to play model mode could've been worse. Canceled though so we'll never know. Also never say that the bottom has been reached with the likes of EA.
I despised the way 3 just did away with all of the tiberium flora and most of the fauna. What a fucking waste.
RA2 was B-movie cheese played sincerely, RA3 was Sharknado-tier redditslop
turning the Eiffel Tower into a giant tesla coil made perfect sense at the time
Like the breathing trees and those strange little blobs? It did include more mutants, though, which was good.
This will not gonna age poorly in the future.
>no glowing tiberium infused plants
>no veinholes
>no fiends
>no floaters even
EA scaled down Tiberium infestation in their game. In addition to many other sins.

Because you expected more than just "hostile alien bugs"?

Have you tried force-firing 2 corruptors at each tripod before sending tripods on an A-move? Granted they'd need AA support but gun walkers are always good to have.
He forgot no ion storms, no widespread mutants, Divination completely abandoned with a fig leaf of "h-hey, at least you get a few infantry upgrades as Nod!" Also blue Tiberium is no longer a potential minefield.
There's not even any tiberium algae on the ocean anymore.
Why couldn't they make the Tiberium mutants act more like a "guard faction" that attacks units when they get too close?

Put them near an important tech structure that you can capture and give you an advantage in combat but you have to take out the mutated creatures around that area who have turned it into their nest.
It's a shitty solution. TW tried that and while better than nothing it isn't good. Something like a subfaction in Emperor might have worked.
I actually like the RA3 campaign quite a bit. The mission count is technically low but they are basically 2-3 missions rolled into one with changing objectives and map. Also a nice variety with missions that require you to move out in time and use different strats, etc. (Well, at least if you opt not to abuse air spam).
Not saying it's a masterpiece, but I think it's not as bad as people claim. However I have to say that the presentation is a big disappointment. In RA2 destroying a base feels great. The tank shots have oomph, the machine guns sound powerful, the buildings bend and break apart. In RA3 most weapon impacts feel like shit (the only one I like are soviet rockets) and the building damage animations feel lazy. I don't mind the naval play or AI co-op, but I do mind that they managed to make a tank push look lame somehow.
Yeah 100% this!

Where's all the shit from TS?! It's just boring green crystal everywhere. The some firestorm missions "genesis pit" and especially "dogma day afternoon" with the crazy cult guy show what the world was turning into. It looked fucking great! And none of that showed up in c&c3.
C&C3 was such utter garbage.
On the plus side UI is much less of a mess, unit pathfinding is much less retarded, there are outposts so you no longer need to place long ass chains of silos to build a refinery near a regrowable Tiberium field, upgrades can give some additional utility to units, and air units don't bellyflop if you don't babysit them hard enough. Mechanically it's a good game. And with trains being sort of there in a few maps, as well as water and ships existing on release, I think the development team wanted to include most or even all features of TS and it was just not meant to be for some reason. Likely funding/EA decision.
Right, it's just all that is fluff in the face of it's flaws.

EA wanted something for esports to make StarCraft money. That's why it ended up a soulless husk of a game compared to it's predecessor.
Soup /vst/, visiting from afar
Haven't played C&C in fuckin decades but suddenly got the desire to play RA2+YR (more accurately, Mental Omega, which I am pleasantly surprised is still the gold standard all these years later).
Now, my understanding is that the Steam Ultimate Collection's version of RA2/YR doesn't work with MO, fantastic, so what's the tl;dr version to getting MO running, assuming I don't have the CDs? I think I have a copy of First Decade on CD somewhere, but desu my newest PC build doesn't even have a CD drive and I'm not that desperate unless there's no other choice. So... is the "Ultimate Collection" on EA's proprietary store afflicted with the same .exe fuckup Steam's version does? I saw something about "just copy over this list of files and any RA2 install will work" but then saw someone on the steam forums report that it didn't work - so how the fuck do I acquire it
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Samefag, haven't played in a decade+*
Also, it wasn't even steam forums, it was leddit. But yeah, I know it's just ten bucks but I don't wanna commit to getting the EA version if I absolutely don't have to (please for the love of christ don't make me have to) but I'm unclear if the Steam version can be made to work as of right now.
>Right, it's just all that is fluff in the face of it's flaws.
I have listed fairly specific points. I could elaborate on UI more but everything else is detailed enough. I'm replaying TibSun right now and those are some of the things I keep thinking about because they would improve QoL by a lot.
Same samefag
No surprise, ledditors are retarded. Shoulda known better. Was able to buy and install the steam version and get it running with the MO team's directions
you can make MO work with the steam version, but you need to use a test fix from their discord
>post a C&C mod image
Was browsing some old mods for RA3, real liked the aesthetic of these units. >>1493104 for Paradox Mod's "Confederate Revolutionaries" and that one with Advance Wars Frontline, yeah.
>no veinholes
Would be cool to see it expanded more than just mere fuel for Nod's exclusive "Chemical Missile." Think in Tiberium essence, they cannot hurt harvesters and just has the x3 economic output compared to the regular green tiberium, also despawns if they are killed.
Harvesters have ImmuneToVeins=yes in TibSun to begin with.
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While I was browsing for crossover mods, was able to find this image with the iconic rebel army (from Metal Slug) as a GLA faction. Honestly, gotta love the classics like the Melty Honey, the Girida-O, and the Iron Iso (think it would function like a post-Palace arty) neat stuff, would also love to have a Metal Slug crossover mod featuring those wacky factions, like the Plotemaics, the ayys, and even the Regulars.
That's a start, would love to know if there can be additional elements to be added to resource fields like those Veinhole monsters. >>1743162 has quite the idea with a neutral guard faction, may be inspired by those jungle creeps but guarding their unit production/reinforcement structure. Real liked these concepts in writing, yeah.
>>No normal attack helicopter, but whacky freezy/shrinky helicopter
>The most overpowered unit of the game that can make literally undefendable rushes even for the top pro players if executed well and practically renders all land units useless.
FUCK OFF! You do not know shit of this game!
Exactly. Honestly this is the best definition I've heard.
Same. I was 10 y/o at release and no game ever hit so hard even when in retrospective mechanically is TibSun pretty average.
Why are you listing stuff from YR?
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I could not give less of a shit about RA3 being "sillier" than its predecessor. The fact is that the tonal gap between it and RA2 is far, far smaller than the one between RA2 and RA1. If some fans don't like it, then they have nobody but themselves to blame.
Be honest all of you.

You all paid chills for the actual Japanese goverment, that is afraid that Japan "repeats some ideologies from the early 20 century".
>The fact is that the tonal gap between it and RA2 is far, far smaller than the one between RA2 and RA1.
No, it might be a little smaller but it is still large. RA2 pretends that it is pretending to be retarded, while RA3 gleefully goes full retard.
>red alert player complaining about graphics
Generals seemed like things were going to be all right...
Yeah, sometimes all you need is more lead.
I'd even let it pass if only the Soviets got this "simplicity is key" design and the other 2 stayed convoluted.
i suppose the feces without corn slightly outranks the logs with corn, so Generals it is
>be stupid and confused
>download multiple Zero Hour mods
>if they don't already have a folder, I don't make one
>vanilla doesn't run anymore, and some mods don't
Can someone post an image of the Zero Hour file folder, specifically the one from The First Decade? I'm planning on manually removing the mod files instead of reinstalling.
CNC3 and Kane's Wrath especially are fun gritkino. Loved TibSun, CNC3 and KW hit that same spot but with improvements from RA2 gameplay wise.

RA3 is a tad too silly but they had some nice cheesecake with the models from the good ol' days when everything didn't have to be so serious.

RA2 plus Yuri's Revenge was peak Red Aler tho'

Played a shitton of Generals with my best friend back in the day. It's balance is absolute dogshit, music wss generic, early 3d looked bad even then but we had some fun regardless.
I was turbohyped for TibSun after seeing a preview bullshot of it in a gaming magazine. The image had a winter map and way more vibrant colors and this really cold and hot contrast, the lighting from buildings was better and you could construct watch towers with those moving spotlights. And they had the Red Alert style mammoth tanks. The retail game was fun but it was definitely changed pretty intensely.
There are winter maps in the release. There aren't constructable spotlight towers but they are gimmicks anyway.
Yes I know there are winter maps in the release. They also that ice dynamic which was pretty cool. Units being able to walk on ice but the ice cracks and they might sink if they take explosive fire while on ice.

>they are gimmicks anyway
Yeah but I love building beautiful bases. Oh well!
>Yeah but I love building beautiful bases.
You still can. You're going to go broke with how much conrete you're going to spend on, especially if playing against Nod.
Oh I love building fences, gates and pavements in TibSun. Sadly by the time you can focus on that sort of thing the enemy has been neutered. I could only imagine a TibSun like game where the map goes on for longer and longer so all those bases you build actually have relevance and / or establish logistics networks with the next based you make.
That was always my biggest problem in Tib, I treated it more like a city builder than an rts.
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Best C&C honeys?
I could never decide if she was sexy or not. She doesn't look bad and I liked receiving briefings from her, but she doesn't really drive me crazy.
Yeah, problem with TibSun for that is that like most RTS games once you have a good base going the enemy will just periodically dripfeed that set of 5 tanks etc and that beautiful base is there just for your own enjoyment. That said walls / pavement are a must against engineer rushes.

Yea Tanya and Lt Zofia are more overtly hot. But RA2 had a great cast of characters in general. Every cutscene with General Carville was great, especially those where he interacts with Tanya.
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I always preferred when CABAL was speaking to the player. Or Slavik and CABAL speaking.
I absolutely love building up defensive positions/perimeters in RTSs, unfortunately like you said vs AI it's kinda moot cuz they never really challenge you enough to justify it, and vs players they'll just either blow it up or use some method to bypass it
The most fun I had turtling was playing Supreme Commander Forged Alliance with my best friend and comp stomping hard A.Is. Playing as the EDF was fun because they have nice conventional feeling point defenses and artillery etc.

But something hitting in the middle ground of RTS and base building sim would be real nice.

Also, the different lighting conditions could really make the TibSun bases look gorgeous. Combined with the music, the green / blue glow from Tiberium etc.
Kinda same. The idea of a third major faction in CnC is exciting.. but I preferred the mystery related to the Scrin when you see their ship in TibSun.
The mystery is kinda sorta still there because what TW had was merely a security detail for a mining operation, essentially. Still, they did botch a lot in terms of the setting.
Does anyone remember the Eagle Red mod for RA2? I played it extensively as a teenager, I'm pretty sure this was before Mental Omega was a thing, or at least MO was in a really early alpha state at the time
Can't remember shit about it, and looking up the mod page now nothing seems familiar to me. That and Reloaded, the mod that put TibSun stuff in RA2.
Man, RA2 mods were a fuckin ride back in the day bros, I honestly can say that was the first game I extensively modded to any extent.
Anyone having issues with Yuri's Revenge? When a cutscene happens the game keeps alt tabbing and acting weird.
I got more hours out of Generals with my friends, but 3/KW have superb campaigns in addition to everything else. RA3 campaign is good too, but the problem is that campaign is the only remotely playable part of RA3. They basically admitted to it with Uprising.
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>underwater tanks
I've never seen this.
I need to see this, but I can't find the video, Youtube search is garbage.
It's on Twitch.
TA invented that.
>Because it was one of the tiny number of RTS games that got released on PS3.
I know it's a month later and nobody cares but when I posted this, I confused CnC3 with RA3.
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For me, it's C&C3 with either the Tiberium Essence or Firestorm mod.

Irl tanks have snorkels with which they can cross bodies of water underwater if they're too heavy to swim. That said even the thought of crossing a river with a snorkel is giving me anxiety.
>Tiberium Essence
Is it still stuck in v2a?
>or Firestorm mod.
Don't remember this one. Is it close to being complete?
Yeah, I meant in video games.
Officially TE is still in 2.0 alpha, but in my experience the 'alpha' is pretty much in a finished state already.
As for Firestorm, it's at the very least playable, and you can find it here: https://www.moddb.com/mods/tiberium-wars-firestorm
>First of all, this mod is a port of my previous KW mod: Tiberium Insanity
>also a backport
Not my thing but as long as he and people who like it are having fun it's good.
>the RA universe was doomed the second they brought back time travel in that opening mission
This so much. The invention and mass adoptation of time travel have locked the western and communist powers in an eternal struggle stretching across several timelines. Any decisive defeat can be reversed at the last minute by just going back and trying again.
>Any decisive defeat can be reversed at the last minute by just going back and trying again.
Basically the same deal as Terminator.
KW sucks compared to Tib Wars imo because of how buggy and unbalanced it is, so I consider it a good move for the guy to backport his mod to the more stable and reliable version of the game.
Anyone looking forward to Tempest Rising? Or DORF?

And fuck me for overlooking RA3 back in the day, they put a lot of effort in the cheesecake. And I think they had the pre-fatness Gina Carano for a role as well. Well at least it's on the Steam collection.
>GDI expansion pack for TW never happened
God, I fucking hate EA.
People like Nod more than GDI
Oh was there supposed to be a GDI expansion for Tiberium Wars? That sounds pretty dank.

>God I hate EA
Hating EA got a bit wanky honestly. Like let's be real not everything is the publisher's fault.
In the beta, it wasn't meant to be a gimmick. There was a whole thing of lighting being important to the accuracy of your weapon systems, and the spotlight was the concentrated version to light up a target to increase accuracy.
Tibsun was ridiculously ambitious.
Buddy the developer of C&C 3 is EA LA, a reformed studio made from some Westwood assets, and whatever was left of DreamWorks Interactive.
Hating EA is fine here because EA was quite literally the developer AND publisher. There is no one else to hate.
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>dolphin speedboat thing
Oh, you mean this?
In that case they actually did a pretty good job with TW and KW honestly. The generic musica suck tho, should've gotten Klepacki do the music.
>Red Alert style mammoth tanks
Those that are still in the game look like ones from the first C&C.

KW was outsourced.
Just hold your breath, bro.
How well do CnC 3 and RA3 work on win 10? Do they require external fixes or run decent as-is? I heard there was a mod for TW that allows you to pull the camera higher. That sounds like an essential mod.
People like Kane, not Nod. Kane's cool, but Nod as a faction are a bunch of perennial backstabbing losers.
I play CnC3 through EA and it works well
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I like Nod because they're more fun to play as. GDI has better aesthetics though.
>GDI has better aesthetics though.
Excuse you?
Nod's black and red colour scheme always seemed kind of corny to me. GDI's units and buildings look a lot more sturdy and functional. Plus they get blue lasers and I like blue lasers.
>Nod as a faction are a bunch of perennial backstabbing losers
As opposed to a bunch of glorified mall cops who can't even stamp out said losers for good despite controlling most of the world's economy and technology?
They're all good, if I could only save one then probably C&C3 Kane's Wrath. I'd be pretty sad about C&C Generals: Zero Hour getting deleted though.

Also Red Alert 3 Uprising's commander's challenge mode is unironically great, I didn't care that much for RA3 but RA3:U is worth playing for that mode alone
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Didn't see this post until now. Here's the contents of my TFD Zero Hour folder.
I fapped tons to the RA3 box art.
Not watching your video, but the answer to those kinds of things is always "Yes", especially in C&C games where infantry are spammable and come in anti-armour varieties.
Anyone know what is happening with Yuri's Revenge? When I finish a mission the game does the cutscene and all but then it just kinda hangs in the last mission's end and I can only progress to the mission by loading the autosave that happens in the start of the next mission?
I personally liked their color scheme in TibSun especially, NOD bases get that red glow as well. Yeah they're the bad guys and I also enjoy the heavy military/industrial aedthetic of GDI but both factions are cool in their own way.
Nod have its appeal, especially splinter factions. TW has shown that they are viable as long as Kane fucks off / is otherwise indisposed.
As someone who loves Nod, I can still heartily admit that the entire faction has always dangerously tiptoed the line between edgy-cool and gaudiness.

In Tiberian Dawn and Sun units were mostly fine while some buildings were on the gaudy-silly side, but in Tiberium Wars the unit design went perhaps a bit too far on the curved plasticky side that I don’t really like. IMO the unit design peak was Tiberian Sun, there Nod units looked clearly stylized yet still kind of bricky and industrial, you couldn’t mistake them for any real vehicle, but they still didn’t look like toys.
Which buildings did you dislike in TS? I can only count the laser "turret" among those.
Nta but laser turret looks fine. The obelisk of light otoh looks like a drinking bird toy.
Never saw that. I've farily quickly realized that it's a scoprion.
I always disliked Hand of Nod.
It is a bit goofy, but given that infantry is disporoportionately scaled to begin with it's not that great of a problem for me.
Really? I love how Hand of Nod looks like especially in TibSun.
Based. RA3 had tons of cheesecake though.
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>Nod 13C
am I crazy or was this mission intentionally designed to be beaten with cheese?
Tiberian Dawn is hard af so you most often have to resort to cheese to survive. What kinda cheese did you use?
Question to any map maker for Tiberian sun/Red alert: Do you start by making a sketch in Paint or how else do you start up your project?
Just remember anon, in the remaster it's the medium difficulty that's the equivalent of the original's difficulty.
Back when I did some Red Alert maps I just started making map shapes to make some kind of a landmass that looks plesant to look at and 'natural', then start forming it in ways that make it better suited for gameplay like ensuring start areas have enough room to build, resource fields, maybe areas that can be contested, villages etc. Don't overthink things, especially with Red Alert.
capture helo, fly engineer + commando + rockets in to pierce the left wall of the top base. Capture powerplant, place down obelisk, build hand of nod, build sandbags to prevent rebuilding. AI can no longer use airstrikes, you get safe access to the best tiberium fields on the map, and you can build mammoths.
As opposed to doing it "normally" which is just pure pain because of the 3 enemy command centers rebuilding entire bases instantly, pitiful starting fields, and constant airstrikes.
I'm aware, and I find it funny that RA1 hard is still easier than Nod medium purely because of the wonky starts.
Yeah in Tiberian Dawn that sounds like your average way to actually beat a mission. If you don't play dirty then you just get ground down in most maps because a lot of maps have finite tiberium fields so if you take too long the map becomes unwinnable and the mechanics of the game are not super well suited to microing units through the 'commando' missions. Besides which NOD playstyle canonically is playing dirty like that, the subterranean APCs and how the A.I uses them alone are alone proof.
>IMO the unit design peak was Tiberian Sun
Anyone know how to unfuck Yuri's Revenge on Wangblows 10? The game just like 'hangs up' when you clear a mission and keeps showing the victory screen for the previous mission while the next mission is already playing. I got cncnet installed and RA2 worked perfect.
Does it happen after any mission? I just loaded up the game and completed the first allied mission and it worked fine for me. I just installed RA2 and YR with the old xwis installers and then copied the relevant data files from my CDs to enable single-player content.
It happens after every mission yeah. I might try uninstalling CNCnet and attempting without but oh well. Thanks for telling me the method you used though.
Because no matter who you play, you get to heal your units.
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I presume we can talk about mods here so here we go:
>Rise of the Reds starts finally getting news updates (Still no 1.9 version release, nevermind 2.0)
>Finally some new ECA artillery units announced, plus some changes
>Pic related, with Ukranian flag
>"In reading these and other render descriptions you may have noticed seeming contradictions of previous lore. Assume these to be never by error and always deliberate, as we are taking the opportunity to introduce a few retcons and modifications to the lore as we go forward."
>"We do this because much of the story was written a decade or longer ago at this point and during that time, the range of knowledge, perspectives, story-telling style and composition of our writing team naturally haven't remained static, but changed as well."

Im not a zogger and I hate russians, but even I find this thing absurd. Is that hard to accept that your alternative universe has a Ukraine that is still in the sphere of influence of Russian Federation?
At leas the new units from today feed and previous feeds are good.
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>we're rewriting the lore because of ukraine
Fuck sake, are there any mods that don't fall into this trap? It's alternate history, things are supposed to be different. That's the entire point of the genre in the first place.
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How exactly do you run C&C95 with a correct aspect ratio on a 16:9 display? I'm using the 1.06c_r3 patch and the best I've been able to get is picrel. The GDI logo always ends up looking either a bit squished like in picrel or too wide.
Never heard of this mod I need to look it up.
What the hell happened to Twisted Insurrection?
Normalfags often fall into the trap of fishing for brownie points. Conformity for the sake of conformity has always been cancer.
And yes, alternate reality games can have any number of wild changes. Like if the Reich won there, Slavs will just no longer exist. Should be similar here.

Run it with a 4:3 resolution but force aspect ratio preservation in your video driver's settings.
Small group of mod developers want to be the real "evil greedy and hypocritical corporations", please understandu.
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>the upgraded variant
Are you fucking serious?
>Run it with a 4:3 resolution but force aspect ratio preservation in your video driver's settings.
I've tried that, it just gets stretched horizontally instead of vertically. I think they may have fucked up the assets or something when they did the port. FMVs look good when running at 640x400 and stretching to 4:3 but some of the UI stuff gets squished. Running it at a 4:3 resolution makes most of the UI stuff look better, but then FMVs are squished. The DOS version is fine all around at 4:3 but then you're stuck at 300x200.
What is the problem?
>NATO and Ukraine flags
>I've tried that, it just gets stretched horizontally instead of vertically.
How? Are you sure you're changing your video card's driver settings?
>FMVs look good when running at 640x400 and stretching to 4:3
640x480 is already 4:3.
>How? Are you sure you're changing your video card's driver settings?
>640x480 is already 4:3.
I know that. I said 640x400, which is 16:10, but stretched to 4:3, which is what the guy who made the patch recommends doing. Do you have C&C95 set up with the 1.06c_r3 patch and rendering both UI art and FMVs correctly? I've tried both ways.
Fuck me, sorry for not paying attention properly.
Seethe more, cuckold.
Doesn't ECA have enough artillery units? how does this work?
The update in Modb already explains the artillery gap and the monotome meta ECA currently has, and so why they are adding new artillery units.
C&C 3. It felt like a spiritual successor to Tiberian Dawn, the campaign was great, and they reintroduced the iconic Mammoth Tank.
Kane's wrath was also good. It felt like a continuation of Tiberian Sun Firestorm, and the Risk mode was pretty good, although it would have been 10/10 if it was fleshed out.

Generals was a good RTS by its own right, but it was a cash grab from the post-2001 patriotic fervor, and doesn't deserve the Command & Conquer title.
The campaigns were also fun.

Red Alert should have stayed as a prequel and not a bunch of Monty Python humor spinoffs.
The only good thing about RA 3 was that it came with actual pinup posters.
You know what, I honestly very glad for the retcons on Eastern Europe, being a Lithuanian and seeing Baltics as part of Russian faction core, even factoring the fact this is a dystopian timeline setting with EU collapsing loathed after overdosing on unitarianism, was kinda ehhhh post-2014 and even more post-2022.
Any good mods for Command and Conquer 3?
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Tiberium Essence is quite nice, real liked the versatility of their air transport units like with this one, when I beelined the GDI Croatia mission by assaulting the southwestern base for Nod tech, used pic related here to smuggle the MCV back to base. It was neat. Other than that, the Forgotten faction is cool, and real hoping to see that CABAL faction (just wishful thinking at this point) just for the short power fantasy skirmishes really.
I'll keep that in mind, thank you.
Best RA3 mods?
Can also vouch for TE, both v1.6 and v2.0 are different enough to keep separately. The latter is more raw and rough around the edges but has some very fun new things. Version 1.6 is completely compatible with the campaigns except you can't complete one secondary objective in the Nod campaign. And I think he even left a workaround for that in v2.0 but not quite certain.

I also liked Tiberium Wars Advanced even though in my opinion it's more flawed than TE overall. Its changes are not as grand (or aesthetically consistent, both with others in the mod and with the base game that is left) as TE's and its compatibility with the campaigns is worse, but I still like it.

Talon deserves a mention for slower, more old school kind of gameplay that seems geared for LAN primarily. If I remember right it has a lot of custom maps with some scripting to liven up the game.

Lockdown is similar to Talon in spirit (no huge sweeping changes) but it seems abandoned so if you don't want to risk disappointment with a v0.76 it's understandable. I haven't regretted trying it.

I no longer remember much about Tiberium Apocalypse but I kept it and wrote a list of changes in a text file so it ought to be worth a try.

MidEast Crisis 2 is fun but also abandoned right on the cusp of being final release-worthy. As the name suggests it is a total conversion.
The one thing I really wish was fleshed out more and not basic as fuck is global conquest in Kane's Wrath.
It also could've really used more maps and persistent bases.
I think I messed around with Mid-East crisis a long time ago because I was fascinated with games that were covering that thematic war. Might give it a looksee along with TE if it's been developed any further.
If there's a Zero Hour in RA3, then here's a Yuri's Revenge in Zero Hour. At least this patch got the ore fields working, think earlier versions of this game, the ore fields would deplete, and the Yuri faction has access to a secondary economy via sending Yuri clones to "operate" in the Grinder. Anyways, think there's also a mod that includes the navy (maybe chinese modded) yeah
tried too hard to be mental omega
so hard it died a horrible death
Global conquest needs much greater depth. The way it is, it is too simplistic. Just have 1 hour of RT gameplay match 1 turn of global TB gameplay and it should work well enough. As long as bases and units are preserved. This will force each player to think about building up an assault force that has a decent chance of breaking through a given bases's defences instead of just going for some cheese each time.
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Ah, i see you have returned berry boy, unfortunately i didn't make TI hate screencap, so i'll just sit and wait till you try to shit up/out ROTR thread instead like you usually do

Ah, I see you have returned berry boy. Unfortunately, i didn't make the TI hate screencap, so i'll just sit and wait till you try to shit up/out ROTR thread instead, like you usually do
nice to see you too. how's life at the TI shitcord? Erastus returned yet?
Was better before Demo purged the offtopic after entire server was threatened with a ban by someone's alt, now instead of people posting memes and talking about politics or life, it's just two larpers posting pseudo-based memes in general. He never left?
How does Generals work on Win 10?
You need to install GenPatcher
>berry boy
strange esoteric insult, oh right of course you're a discordbaby.
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I swear, EA can throw money at shit like Immortals of Avenum and that DEI-infested side scroller game but there's no money for a Tiberian Sun and/or Red Alert 2 remastered collection, even though the first remastered collection made a profit (according to Jim Vessella). Then you've got BioWare, shitting the bed since Dragon Age 2 and still keep shitting out games, while EA closed Westwood for far fewer (and less expensive) failures. Like what the fuck.
Just be glad they're on Steam now and also remember that TibSun is free abandonware in essence that works I would even go so far as to say 'flawlessly' on a modern windows platform. Same for RA2 with CNCnet.
honestly Yuri's army probably wouldn't be out of place in RA3,
However I do wonder what happened to him in the current timeline.
Did Cherdenko decided to off that version him after seeing what he did in the old timeline?
Does he just not exist anymore or at least not have his mind control powers anymore?
Or is he just working in the background without anyone realizing it?
It funny to look back at how overly sexy all the female characters are, and think about how red alert 3 would not fly in the modern day.
mental omega
Is there any redeeming qualities whatsoever for CNC4?
The lore of several of the units and structures develop upon the lore of the C&C games that came before it (though it still isn't enough to get people to go out their way to play the game)
>the obelisk of light uses laser technology derived from a rediscovered cabal obelisk of darkness, thus it can fire at aircraft now
Is one that particularly sticks out to me
It's a shame they didn't explore more possibilities for the setting beyond RTS after CnC Renegade.

But boy, I am actually somewhat looking forward to playing CnC3, Kane's Wrath and Red Alert 3 again.
I'm watching the streams RotR have and the ECA went to something incredibly stupid
I believe the last forum test patch had just the pioneer, mortar track and the claymore howitzer but now we have
>lynx mortar
>pandur mortar
>mortar track
>helicopter thing
On top of that they have the howitzer position, mortar pit, grand mortar and 2 or 3 other units I'm missing
They have more artillery units than the US had units in vanilla generals
Aren't those units going to be locked to certain generals in the future?
zero hour will always have the best multiplayer and if you believe otherwise then you suck and I would smoke you in a 1v1
I can't say I've ever really given a shit about multiplayer, I've only ever enjoyed campaign and skirmish.
>t. quad cannon spammer extraordinaire
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i don't give a fuck about sandniggers
I am a rockvee spammer, tyvm.
>he doesnt know how to micro migs
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Now I'm ashamed that I scolded MO and praised RotR.
Are they kidding me? What the hell kind of story are we talking about if there are no story missions in this mod...
>the story was written a decade ago
Then what's the excuse that there are no story missions in this mod? It even sounds like a rhetorical question, and I don't care. It just seems to me that we will get Act 3 for MO sooner than we will see any update for RotR.
Its ok fag, there are still mods where russia is stronk, unlike in real life or actually good mods such as ROTR
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>ra3 is bad because of gimmicks

let me introduce you to ra2.
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>german shepherds
>v2 rockets
>this ad

At what point in development did they decide they had to make it the Soviets and not the Nazis?
> At what point in development did they decide they had to make it the Soviets and not the Nazis?
Apparently they didn’t want playable nazis or something like that.
Nearly eighty years later and people are still boogeymanning Nazis, wild.
Will we ever get anything like Generals again?
But the Chinese are portrayed as heroes against terrorism. Just don't have GLA blow up landmarks again
Think this one's got a "realism" mod along with packing warcraft alliance and horde factions, and those two factions, even at the hardest possible difficulty, using either a US, or GLA, or even the PLA, their tanks and arty can wipe them easy. The farms as secondary economy is neat.
Despite that fact, think it's the CCP that doesn't want to be flashy post-Wolf Warrior 2, so it's back to using "safer" factions like Japan (sans the nukes taboo) so it seems that the next "Generals" is among the US, EU, and Russia.
I don’t know, I heard that it has a faction that is more anime then the empire of the rising sun somehow.
I recently realize it’s very likely that the Soviets were the ones that dropped the nukes on Japan in the red alert 1 and 2 timeline because the Russians would be the ones in a two front war, and would probably want to focus all forces on the Allie’s rather then the imperial Japanese but also didn’t want Japan to become a superpower behind their backs, and without the nukes that exactly what happens as all focus was on the European front.
does anyone have a download link to sagemetatool? I wanna play ra3 but the 30fps lock makes my eyes bleed and this fucking nigger paywalled his mod
>it has a faction that is more anime then the empire of the rising sun somehow
Cool lie anon.
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mental omega is better than your piece of shit mod
>mental omega is better than your piece of shit mod
>of wich is called mental omega
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>more anime
>jjust Yunru or Libra
For me, it's the celestial empire from that corona mod.
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I wish there were more Tiberium based mods for other games out there. Can't depend on EA to make anything new or good anymore.
>Can't depend on EA to make anything new or good anymore.
To coward to study for being a CEO and going to EA to convince them for doing more proper C&C games, eh anon?
Should I try RA3 ?
Real life movies look cool, but the graphics look like gartoony bullshit for kids.
>gartoony bullshit for kids
Never play any vidyagames ever again anon
>unironically believes the previous ones were le serious
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And what mod is that? Maybe i don't play mods, maybe i find them unnecessary and enjoy the games as they are
kane LIVES
>Tiberium-based mods
Like in the series? Or as a resource mechanic that slowly replenishes over time? Honestly love that like with Ore in Red Alert, it doesn't deplete like in other strategy games.
Was it that the Tiberium series that got increasingly serious for every new entry (including 4, sans Rivals or the other mobile games) while Red Alert got wackier in their newer entries? Just gotta love the casual co-commander banter in RA3, and felt quite nice experiencing that montage of the crown prince, emperor, and the other commanders saying what it feels like "ganbatte daijoubu" and "do it for our empire" inspirational, like an end to a classic anime.
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>Like in the series?
Like in any other game. Minecraft has one that seems to have had development slow to a crawl and is only possible to find on the devs personal shitcord.
Also Rimworld has one that looks really good, but is also stuck in development hell and isn't up to date with recent versions.
I wonder if their is any mods to ass yuri’s faction to red alert 3.
There used to be one but it shut down for some reason. The only footage that exists is a dead beta release.


Well, I'm glad I never played this mod now.
was great
also pretty good, no idea why oldfags bitched so hard
bitching justified, but only for story/aesthetics
mechanically speaking it was a good game that tried to take on gookclick and failed
only exists in wild imaginings of schizos, like dow3
Got this one, real liked the vehicle aesthetics of this one.
Wonder what's with the faction restriction of not being able to build the opposing faction's command center in this mod? Also saw that it had an optional Japanese one that includes a navy (think it requires that babushka's revenge patch) So that's cool
It's a good game but it does look like ass even compared to RA2, which is a monumental achievement.

>butthurt kids who grew up playing EA Generals immediately sperg out
Sad! RA3 looks the worst out of them, the eye-bleeding bloom alone is enough.
>no idea why oldfags bitched so hard
It scrapped most of the things TibSun has pioneered. Also the
>tried to take on gookclick and failed
is very much present as well. Have you missed the fact BCPT existed somehow?
We were and still are very much split with some appreciating it as a good game that is a bad sequel and others just disregarding it due to not being a proper sequel entirely.
>It scrapped most of the things TibSun has pioneered.
The biggest sin. Killed all of the fucking atmosphere. WHERE IS THE FLORA? THE FAUNA?
In your ass
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Exterminated due to GDI's utilization of weaponized harmonics and the Brotherhood for controlling and executing the mutant population. Gotta be honest, would need the mods Tiberium Essence and that Crossfire Mod to appreciate the Third Tiberium War experience.
>I need more bullets
It was funny as hell, remember this mission when US invades Iran and the whole map is oil fields
>>more anime
Well, I don’t know, it seems to me that there is still more TF content than anime.
Transformation, if you will.
It's much closer to a GDI variant than an anime Empire.
Will EA remake Red Alert 2 and Tiberium Wars? I want to play those, but they're hard to launch on modern systems or have 30 FPS limiter.
For now at least.
>rise of the reds: dead
>mental omega: dead
>shockwave: dead
>twisted insurrection: dead
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How did they get away with printing an ad like this?
but the first two are alive??
How did they think putting Hitler on their game ad was a good idea?
>mladic AND karadzic
their moddb, guy
>add bradley
>add railgun paladin
>throw in 4 variants of an early game russian scout vehicle no one's going to use because their roles are filled better by base defenses/radar buildings
ok but not dead
Let me immediately characterize my opinion about RA3 so that you don’t have to read the whole text sheet: This is not a bad game, it is not a good game. It's just a mediocre game. Like Doom3, he makes the same mistake.
I'll start with a simple thing: EA tried to make multiplayer in RA3 more competitive, but failed. Although I don’t think that this is so, since the addition to RA3 uprising does not have multiplayer at all. The same RA2 Yuri's Revenge having the Yuri faction which is more than completely broken still has multiplayer.
Let's move on to something more complex: Due to the fact that many battles moved to the sea, this greatly weakened the role of infantry on the battlefield. Does the game do anything to increase the role of infantry? not really. We do not have mobile amphibious combat bunkers, and even if we had them, they, in turn, would break the balance for themselves. But at the same time, it shows the imperfection of unit design from a strategic point of view. The same, for example, Soviet Tesla naval unit, it seems to be called a stingray. He does not have the ability in ground mode, which from a tactical point of view reduces his role on the battlefield. Absence of the passive economy that was in the Generals. And even if we take into account that if the source of resources becomes scarce, then the money will be given so little that it is simply stupid and will not replace the role of the passive economy that could be built in the Generals. Japan as a new faction is painfully bland for my taste, not because it was not written down how they reached such a level of development, but rather because of the flanderization of the entire visual composition of RA3. Albert Einstein worked with the alliance and could not give technology for atomic bombs to the Soviets in principle, even without the sensitive leadership of Yuri. But the biggest weakness of RA3 is simply that it continues RA2 completely neglecting the addition of JR.
tiberian Sun is so much fun. its probably not the best in the series, but I love the game so much
Campaigns are great, multiplayer is great
Somehow it still has a living community
dirty cheap on sales
there's no reason not to try it
Though I wish they kept the sub-factions, especially since the empire is well, an empire and thus would have other Asian and pacific nations under them.
That and I prefer ore fields over the stockpile things because at least the former can regenerate and have multiple collectors on one field.
that's RA3, C&C3 is pretty much universally loved
one of those 3 doesn't belong and it's RA3 fuck off hating games because they are ugly is a perfectly valid reason
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>Tibsun was ridiculously ambitious.
only tibsun?
westwood was crazy. they put a fucking in house recording studio, built entire graphic textures on what I believe is a homebrew 3D renderer to use as greenscreen*, put klepacki in on music with a studio of his own when very few non-arcade games had anything more than a single MIDI/tracker song on loop. And I think they even bought him the instruments.
The audiovisual quality of the shitty mid 90s cutscenes for it's time was literally groundbreaking. Not to mention the AI for that game was incredible for it's time too, state of the art programming. And the advertising campaigns were cheap at all, specially for Red Alert.

Westwood had MASSIVE investor backing and built infrastructure with the goal of becoming an AAA studio if not it's own games publishing company. Tib Sun was the logical conclusion to that... but then someone realized merely selling games did not justify the venture capital investment and sold westwood to EA.
>EA tried to make multiplayer in RA3 more competitive, but failed.
Their only failure was fucking up development to the Nth degree, hiring a guy as director who left the next month then going completely dark about it and releasing a half ready game full of bugs and glitches that they barely supported post release. Then release Uprising in the state of a friggin' skeleton as a quick cashgrab and then closing the servers.

>The same, for example, Soviet Tesla naval unit, it seems to be called a stingray. He does not have the ability in ground mode, which from a tactical point of view reduces his role on the battlefield.
Yes, It is naval unit first and formost, the fact that it can move to ground is the small bonus not the main goal. If it could use overcharge on ground it would be an unstoppable rush god. You could argue the same about Riptide that it cannot shoot torpedoes while on land or that it cannot empty its infantry passengers in the sea.

>We do not have mobile amphibious combat bunkers
>Due to the fact that many battles moved to the sea, this greatly weakened the role of infantry on the battlefield.
The majority of maps are land focused with naval plays are almost always supplementary because land always had more ore mines. On a side note infantry in RA3 is very strong even without T3 Commando units infantry can win the early game and even sees use in the late game engagements. Heck the fact that Infantry cannot go to the sea is the only thing that can keep their power in check since the majority of vehicles also cannot to the sea. I was hoping you would comment about the horribly oppressive Airforce dominance over all but since you don't you clearly don't know much about RA3.

>Absence of the passive economy that was in the Generals.
RA3 was supposed to be competitive where players should fight over the resource nodes or loose.
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isn't that literally a snowtruck turned into a technical a la toyota
nod uses a lot of tactical missions which are a pain when the grid is clunky the AI can literally walk in and kite you in the time you process what to do you.

it's less "cheese" and more "play in the intended, slow af speeds"

Worst one was the 8 variant where you must capture the GDI base with... 10 minigunners sent via a single helicopter.
>Im not a zogger and I hate russians, but even I find this thing absurd. Is that hard to accept that your alternative universe has a Ukraine that is still in the sphere of influence of Russian Federation?
gmmmmh eeee even by the year generals was released ukraine and russia were in the process of becoming enemies and the hohol memes started coming through.
>Although I don’t think that this is so, since the addition to RA3 uprising does not have multiplayer at all.

Uprising did not have multiplayer because they decided to make single player fun by making crazy over the top as fuck units. Soviets get a super fast moving tier 1 artillery, a grinder tank that can lock down anything it attacks and the desolator which has 1 billion HP. Allies get Arnold Schwarzeneggers Mr. Freeze who can lock down half a maps worth of units, a hovering Grand Cannon with 2 screen long range, and a flying proton collider. The Empire gets Unicron.

Every new unit was just so inherently broken that it would have been impossible to balance it for multiplayer. So they didn't even bother.
The team got something like 1 year to make the full game. They didn't have the time to implement everything that made TS have a unique atmosphere. So no deforming terrain, no meteor showers, no ion storms (other than as a Scrin weapon), no veinholes, gas clouds, or exploding tiberium. They didn't make mutants any significant and focused on Scrin instead.

On the up side they did make the red zones look awesome with the giant tiberium rifts and glaciers, and they tried to make a reference to everything from TS in the intel database. Some maps even have stuff like Mammoth MK II wreckages. And the graphics of the game look great even today.

I felt it was closer to C&C1 as far as atmosphere goes, and had similar unit compositions too.
Can someone help identify what these things are supposed to be?
I recognize the Kirov, Terror Drone (these are really cute), Aircraft Carrier, Mirage Tank, Gatling Tank, Mastermind, Flying Disc.

The rest seem to be just the generic tank units, but I can't tell which one is which.
top to bottom, left to right
kirov mommy
rhino tank
war miner
terror dronette

robot tank
mirage tank
good ol' grizzly

flying disc
gatling tank
I downloaded zero hour from steam unlocked, how can I play mods on it?
All tutorials I find are for origin
How to play it if I downloaded zero hour from steam unlocked?
Reminder that people generally likes RA3 because Tiberian Twilight low the bar even lower
Just finished the remasters

RA has some tight gameplay, shame there's so little to do it gets repetitive

Interesting how Mental Omega takes a chunk of level design cues from RA - specially for making the starting positions open to flanks and ambushes and the absolute abuse of waypoint attacks. Shame they couldn't also take the AI running out of money instead of the literal endless spam
Should I wait for the RA2 remaster or just play the OG?
Remaster will never ever happen. Just play the original
Why? They remastered C&C 1.
The autistic hate train continues.
you are assuming the source code is not lost.

the original remasters were more or less a chance encounter proposal on rediscovering a bunch of cabinets with the original game production assets in deep EA storage.
Please i need help
>Rhino tank, Grizzly tank
Based on what? They don't look like it at all.
The allied little girl could just as easily be the IFV since is has a lean and fast figure, and the IFV is a very fast unit. But I suppose she has a gun not a rocket launcher.

>war miner
Shit, knew I forgot something

That's not a unit in Yuri, it's a building.
But now that I look at it, it's more likely the Lasher light tank. It has the same spikes on the shoes that the Lasher has on the front, and she carries a lash (whip).

Did you forget which company owns the rights to C&C?
pic takes from the 3D render layout, see the gas exhaust.
speed typesetting, grizzly's the fastest of the MBTs (gatling isn't a real tank fuck off)
metal extrusion on top of the handle looks like the mounted machine gun in the grizzly, clearly the artist looked at the voxels and not the thumbnail and drew his interpretation

yeah my bad, lasher not grinder.
update to 1.04
download and install mod
it's not hard?
It works if I downloaded cnc from steam unlocked?
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I dunno mate, looks nothing like the Grizzly, other than being the main battle tank.

Rhino girl doesn't look like it either.
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Did the creator deliberately ignore the real world equivalents of half these units because they didn't like them?
>"play in the intended, slow af speeds"
so it seems
>Worst one was the 8 variant where you must capture the GDI base with... 10 minigunners sent via a single helicopter.
>robot tank
what.... You mean it's a prism tank
As funny as it may sound, it was the grizzly that immediately recognized the tank from behind the silhouette of the tower.
It absolutely did not work out, because it should be more "square", it seems to me. not FAT
>lasher tank
Because it has a decent concept art: it is closest to the design, even taking into account the "whip".
>Aircraft Carrier
But it's a Destroyer. A yellow "bird" and holds a cannon in his hand...
>what.... You mean it's a prism tank
no, the YR aññoed robot tank. check the antennae and triangle pattern repressenting his 3 support legs

>not FAT
funny, i always felt the rhino was chunky af

it's a fan artist senpai, not a dev. he probably took the first thing he saw and mix and matched designs.
saw the render
>that can't be a grizzly
>has to be rhino!
and acted accordingly
>nuke cannon
That must be one tiny fucking nuke!
>that technical
Kane's Wrath medium AI seems different from vanilla C&C3
>start a 1v1 as Nod vs random
>expand greedily and make some units for defence
>haven't seen any enemies yet
>grab the second tiberium field and start to maek taenk
>suddenly the AI shows me its first units of the game: four tripods all grouped up
>they annihilate my tanks
>have to quickly make an airfield and pump out some venoms or die
>capture the husks with engineers then walk them over to the enemy base to win
I don't think I've ever seen the AI rush tech to all-in me to that extent without even going for Tiberium spikes before. Was a pretty simple game but having to think on my toes like that is something the vanilla AIs don't really inspire in me anymore.
>check the antennae and triangle pattern repressenting his 3 support legs
not convinced. The armored chest plate resembles the silhouette of the forehead of a prism tank, is not “armed” with any weapon other than glasses or, more correctly, “lenses”; the round object on the hand corresponds to the cooling system of the prism tank.
This can all be seen in the concept art.
Your pic is a Rhino, not a Grizzly. One of several RA2 installer fuck ups.
it's clearly an unspecified alpha tank design that got ditched, then chunks of it's renders and concept art got spread around the game. The rhino tank thumbnail uses a version without the gas tanks and a half complete version of that design is used on one of the cinematics for the soviet invasion
two questions:

1. Where do I download TibSun?
2. It doesn't work for win10 and up, right?
nevermind I got found a working one

holy FUCK i don't remember this game looking so good
Allegedly there is a video on how to install mods on steam release generals on one of the RotR devs goybook page
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>It is naval unit...it can move to ground
This means that this unit is an amphibian, as a result of which it should have abilities both for land and water.
>If it could use overcharge on ground it would be an unstoppable rush god.
A good excuse for laziness.
This ability could be reworked for land: make it against infantry only, or make it disable weapons for a while, or simply give a speed boost.
>about Riptide that it cannot shoot torpedoes while on land
And he could fire smoke grenades to reduce the range of the equipment.
Although these are good exaggerations to simply belittle my point.
>land always had more ore mines
And without the lack of sea control, you may end up in a situation where you won't be able to occupy those ore mines.
>infantry in RA3 is very strong even without T3 Commando units
And one single dog or bear can stun your entire infantry, writing off your stupid push as nothing.
I'm not even talking about the general's abilities and the classic crush of treads.
The Kirov airship as a unit in RA3 is obsolete. And don't get me wrong, the Kirov airship has not undergone significant changes since RA2 (Well, except for one mediocre ability.), when the whole game changed. The Soviet helicopter does a better job and costs less, and I'm not even talking about speed.
I won't say anything about Cryocopter. He speaks for himself. I might even compare it to the elephant in the room.
If we compare anti-air units: Apollo is very good, and his competition is matched by Tengu's spam capabilities. Compared to them, the Mig fighter looks mediocre, but due to the lack of alternatives, it still occupies its own niche.
Another drawback of RA3: the lack of heavy anti-air ground units.
Due to the fact that the game has become more aggressive, it has lost some of its certain strategies: everything leads to defensive stagnation, when opponents are simply waiting for the enemy to make a mistake. There is no room for improvisation.
>The Kirov airship as a unit in RA3 is obsolete.
the Kirov in RA3 is the equivalent of the Flame Tank in C&C3KW, they are useless unless you can sneak them into the enemy base undetected, at which point you just obliterated most of the base.

>Compared to them, the Mig fighter looks mediocre
MIG is stronger than both the Tengu and the Apollo. The Tengu needs massive spam to be useful as anything but a harassing unit, and the Apollo sucks without advanced aircraft upgrade.

I do agree with your assessment on how the quality of the game suffered. Everything dies too easy to its counters, and economy is stupid slow. They wanted the game to be super micro heavy to counter Starcraft, not understanding that C&C is not about countering starcraft, it's about building fuckoff huge armies that span the entire screen and to build bases Sim City style. RA3 at least got the base building done right, for what it is worth, and had infinitely better music than C&C3/KW. The title screen alone was epic.
Twisted Insurrection is a YR+Ares mod, right? The game plays exactly like RA2.
It’s a standalone TS mod
Yeah but has things like nearby infantry units closing in automatically when one is getting fired on. TibSun didn't have that, RA2 did. I think it's powered by Ares based so it's likely YR with TibSun graphics.
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Rise of the Mental Omega: Shockwave
What other code injectors are tehre? ARES is the only one and it's developed from YR's variant of the tibsun engine
Is Tiberium Wars worth playing?>
Personally, yes
Yes. The campaign has some good moments. Most missions are boring, but one or two of them are genuinely challenging, even if you know the trick of how to beat them. The FMVs are not as good as the ones in other games, but at least in the GDI side you got Michael Ironside (Rasczak's Roughnecks!!!) and Billy Dee Williams (Lando Calrissian).

but the music is booooooooring, so mute the music in the sound controls and put on the tiberian sun soundtrack.
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I don't know why, but this soundtrack reminds me of Epsilon
>Flame Tank in C&C3KW
But one of the NOD factions has the ability to camouflage their tanks. Not to mention that speed is not his main weakness. He reminds me more of the dwarven tank from Warcraft 3.
>MIG is stronger
I'm a fairly mediocre player, so it's not surprising that I lost most of my fights in the air.

I could go on and on about the plot and the abilities/leveling up of the general, but it seems to me that this will again take up the limit of initials for the post... Damn, whining about RA3 turns me into Spoony. I just wish EA had given more time for development, hoping that 9 women could have 1 child in 1 month. But this weakness showed how strong the MOD community is. It's a pity, I'm stuck in Mental Omega now and can't find time for Corona mod.

I like that in this game you can not only customize the strength of the enemy AI, but also his behavior. But I don’t remember the details well, I remember that the Pusher AI constantly spammed the infantry and did not let them relax.
>But one of the NOD factions has the ability to camouflage their tanks

That's a $3000 ability, from the cost of that plus a flame tank your opponent can build 5-6 pitbulls that will sneak across the edges of the map, intercept the flame tank, then go into your base and start eating harvesters. If it's late game and they have mortars, they can also destroy buildings almost as fast as a flame tank.

>I like that in this game you can not only customize the strength of the enemy AI, but also his behavior.

you had balanced, guerilla (does fuck all), steamroller (constantly pushes units as soon as possible), and turtler (builds fuckton of base defenses, THEN steamrolls you with tier 3-4 armies)
>love TW soundtrack
What do?
get a better taste. Listen to the soundtracks for literally every original C&C game (C&C TD, RA1, TS, RA2, all their expansions, or even Renegade).
You just have a hateboner for TW's music for some reason. I can't say I love it like that anon but it's definitely good music for a game that is normally packed with action. TibSun's music is very different but that doesn't make TW's one bad.
>You just have a hateboner for TW's music for some reason.

Yeah the reason is that, coming after all the previous games, it has shit music.
I legitimately can't recall a single piece of music from TW except the droning in the main menu, KW at least had that ok act on instinct remix
in terms of OST
>2d C&C
>3d C&C
Gotta say I have some newfound appreciation for them. I recently replayed/played them all and they do hold up very well. Generals Zero Hour is the best one IMO as it gives even more character to the factions (especially GLA) and the mission design is a big step up from vanilla Generals. Generals is a second placer after ZH, really like the strong defence/superweapons these games have, micro is also rewarded. Kane's Wrath is pretty good too just for all the Kane stuff. RA3 was a surprise to me, having never played it before. This game is WAY overhated/underappreciated. It feels good to play but the toy like artstyle takes me out of it sometimes, though not all maps have that toony feel.
The problem with TW soundtrack is that it’s so generic that it hardly feels like C&C soundtrack at all. It’s not exactly shit, but hard to get excited about something that ultimately is so forgettable.
The animation of it coming out the ground was bad ass.
>when I beelined the GDI Croatia mission by assaulting the southwestern base for Nod tech
I always attack and capture the northeast base because vehicles are major threat unlike infantry who tend to blob together in single pile.
Yeah, and from that base you can build an MCV and get extra tib from the nearby field. The infantry is easily dealt with by comparison.
You can also sell the walls for a ton of money and the level is littered with money crates. Everyone keeps saying it's a super duper hard level, but when you use 12 APCs with black hand in them, you can clear the town easy and easily get the extra mission goals (get the mcv in your base unharmed).
nta but yeah, it's a difference in the production ideology. Frank Klepacki is an album/live musician who likes to rock, TW music just feels like production/library music, and it's even sold as such by EA.
>so it seems the next "Generals" is among the US, EU, and Russia
It's gonna be EndWar all over again
Playing Twisted Insurrection
>everything is squishy as hell and I need to autistically micro every unit separately to get anything done
this feels like... Mental Omega. Wait

>development abandoned 2020
>speeder worked on TI
>last update gave it multiple factions subfactions a la MO
>soon after release MO picks up the pace and finished act 2
Huh. Did the original TI dev leave and give the mod to the MO team?
Are there mods that make Generals playable on moderrn systems? Is there a plan to make a remake of Generals, lile C&C.
D8VK perhaps? The main problem on Windows seems to be that the APIs older than DX9 are getting axed so you need to find a way to convert them to something newer.
no, TI is just dead. these are separate teams.
checking the news there was a change in leadership since 0.7, and the head dev indeed leaves by 0.9 release.

I do feel there's some overlap here, but i don't know the who's who, only notice similar gameplay beats.
RA2 remaster when?
Romanov's Vengeance
and fittingly the soviet navy was the worst of the three factions
art imitates life
Well Twisted Insurrection had it's moments but it felt a lot like Mental Omega. Are there other campaign-centric TS mods to check out?
Not a frequent /vst/ poster but I managed to get Generals / ZH running on Windows 11 so I relapsed pretty hard on it. It's definitely got the most replay value of the post-Westwood games, and I played a lot of TW/KW. Having said that, ZH's balancing is absolutely fucked. I'm running some faction mirror matches and struggling to understand what reason anyone would have to play vanilla GLA / China when Demolition / Toxin / Nuke Generals all exist. At least you can excuse the US since only the vanilla faction has access to standard tanks, but that's it.

It's still pretty fun. The skirmish AI is a lot dumber than I remember it being, but campaign / general's challenge feels a lot harder than it used to be, and I'm not sure how my teenage self was smart enough to get through the hard campaigns the way I'm getting demolished. Are there conditions where the AI starts getting more aggressive once you get to specific points in your tech tree? I can't think of any other reason why I'm getting pummeled so hard at the start of missions.
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Someone remembers that gif that showed a lot of factions structures including nazis soviets and muslims? I want the name.

jezzus there's a crazy number of mods for TS that run their codebase.

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