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We will get a new game one day, right?
>no one bought Reboot (including me, I pirated it)
Gonna say no
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why did it fail?
After that awful remake? It's dead, Jim. Forever
Almost no marketing on top of AW being a really niche franchise to begin with.
>delayed twice
>horrible art style
>barebones multiplayer (can only play online with friends, no MM or public lobbies of any kind)
>Little to no new content
Just that's enough to make it bomb, but it also has other issues like very slow animations and the AI being a lot shittier than the original
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>horrible art style
Only for the units, the commanders look great
autism + underage b&
>game dev makes game people want
>fuck it up
>"Guess players dont want games like x"
>Proceed to make middling crap that people play and forget at best
this is pretty bad imho
It's alright on some COs, but some are too calarts for my taste
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Which ones do you like?
Terrible art style, honestly on par with the outsourced GTA remakes in terms of how faithful it is to the original but it's Nintendo and Advance Wars so no one cares.
At least we have AWBW to cope
DoR was kino....
lol nope
At least AWBW and TWC aren't going anywhere.
I've recently been watching a lot of Gundam shows. There's a bunch of stuff in After War: Gundam X that's really similar to Days of Ruin, though there's a better chance I'm just noticing shared Joseph Campbell building blocks than any actual homage.
>absolutely zero shading on the face
yea it's a bad artstyle
Nell is my waifu
Lash sex
>ynr the kindle lash cat allusions
this was 100% scripted by a thirsty coomer
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>why did it fail?
the companies it gets outsourced to don't know what shading is maybe or not
don't ask me I'm not an artist
all they had to do was use sprites, not the 3d shit we got
If you still care about this game's SP, then *shrug*. Personally outgrow the SP for this game forever ago.

If you wanna play MP, play AWBW instead...
>muh GRAPHIX!!!
3DS and Switch somehow turned Nintendo in a late 3d bloomer.
No more 2d A-AAA games. Feels bad man
Yes, actually.
If they're going to charge $60 for a port of a 20 year old game, it shouldn't be -worse- than the original in every metric.
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>when your gf superior leaves you for a guy that has twice your range
No, but thats ok.
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lmao, u just pissed because eagle is shagging your gurl
/dbs/pics are unhinged
>542 attempts
Andybros, not like this. . .
How do I stop sucking? >inb4 git gud
Footsies. Don't blunder first strikes. Build infantry from every base you're not building a vehicle from, and use them to shield your more valuable units.
That's your average Advance campaign Rivals! experience
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Romhack list
>convert pixel art to cal art
Why did they do this?
Because we can't have nice things, at least the music is good.
Why did they omit much of the CO Super Power animations and music in the remake? Just felt like I was playing 1 with the maps and characters from 2.
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>sami with flaks' face
oh the horror
all this pic needs is a "featuring flak from the advance wars series"
Which CO has the best theme?
Penny, Waylon, Jugger. In that order.
IS needed Koei and other studios to pick up the slack in their last few games.
Don't think it's going to happen anytime soon
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Flak of course
Is there a more recent version?
I'm quite partial to Sturm's theme, but can never get over that stanky guitar.
Jess or Sensei
No, that's the most recent one
how do I suck less at days of ruin multiplayer
Got any replay ID's?
AW2's Jess was a banger. unfortunately it got botched worse in the remake than a troone dick during a sex reassignment surgery.
The Duel Strike soundtrack is still the higher level of atrocity.
Hopefully there will be another AWBW World Championship soon, and even more I hope they get some high quality players for it. I want to see the likes of VoA or Lord Clefairy instead of the usual suspects.
I'm thinking of joining, how badly will I get crushed?
What do I need to know to be competitive?
it's all about timing. also competitive AW is similar to chess: it's not about building up your own play, it's about sabotaging your opponent's
How do I improve? I keep getting crapped on. I have the early capture game and build order more or less down since its pretty easy. But the enemy always has much better movement and their units are where they need to be.
Also I keep trying to make APCs work, should I give up on them.
Do I need to watch these lame youtubers explain matches?
Not the same anon but I have some advice. There's far too much to cover in one post but if you're having trouble with movement/positioning you need to identify key areas of interest. Each map is different but try to identify contested properties and positions that will give you a tactical advantage. In some maps if you get a bunch of your units in the centre of the map you can put pressure on multiple places and front shift very easily while also blocking the enemy from doing so. I'd recomend watching some higher level Youtubers. People like Elagatua have some good tips on how to play at higher levels. If you're trying to use transports I'd say go with T-Copters if you can. Building an APC leaves you with 1 less ground unit. Even if it's only an infantry it can make quite a difference, especially early on. Transports should be built on larger maps and maps with lots of rivers/mountains that split the map up. I don't use transports a whole lot in standard because the enemy can see I'm building them, they can go all in with tank rushes and then I'm down on money because I built a transport. In fog they're fine and in high funds they are great as you want as many properties as fast as possible.
Thanks. Ill keep trying, it seems everyone I face is quite good at the game, I guess its expected with a niche game like this.
Go vote nerds
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What am I looking at?
Catholic monkeys?
I thought the infantry was cute girls with ponytails, no?
Feels like they just did a 1 to 1 copy of the sprites without adding anything else to them, not even any texture or extra detail to them.
Oddly enough the black hole units look ok, though probably only because they are sci-fi and the black coloring of their army hides the lack of detail.
Navy Shell or Noir Eclipse will win
Is this game high IQ
it really ls
Clearly meant to be girl soldiers (discount Sisters of Battle judging from the HQ sprite) but the uniform colors really does make them look a little like monkeys.
gameboy wars 3 is the best nintendo wars game. don't fucking @ me
It probably has the best campaign. The war room is a total slog, though. And although I've never played it with another person I'm pretty confident it has little to no competitive depth.
It can be
6-angles-attack makes it very hard to wall and may contribute to a more dynamic competitive pvp experience
you just spam mech until you get the big tank
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What do you think of the AWBW contest winner?
There were worse options but there were also much better ones. This one feels undercooked. Would have preferred Navy Shell.
>ask millennials what their favorite color is
>black gets first AND second
why do they even have a city in the palette
no one faction they have yet actually changes how the city looks
>whenever I look up anything advance wars I get the shitty nu-art
yes the graphics were bad
soulless shitty poor 3d where beautiful art used to be
it probably just needs to be way better
idk what they were thinking
it's a gba game
only now I realised this is supposed to be 1920s Chicago mafia-
well, I guess you won't be able to see it when it gets integrated. so not a big issue
After hearing about it for so long I decided to finally play Advance Wars.

I'm at the tutorial and Nell is kinda cute.
>No New Shit
>Worse Graphics
>Online is a shitpile
>Delayed because Putin, quietly released years later
It was borderline sabatauge
More a reference how the color would look on captured properties. I feel like Black Hole vs. These guys is gonna be a problem for readability.
Sir you appear to be blind
Would it be more successful though if it provider more fan service?
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I'm too lazy to finish it. It'll never look as good as the original. But I feel like the models should have looked more like this.
Possibly mildly. But the other issues are too fundamental to be offset by simple boob physics
Metal Slug?
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Best I can do is more Wargroove
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okay, but why are people apparently willing to play War Groove but not Advance Wars?
They aren't. Wargroove 1 succeeded mildly because people wanted more advanced wars, then the advance wars reboot came out, and people either played that instead or found out about AWBW during the peak of people being upset about the online. Thus, Wargroove 2 flopped.
WayForward is an amazing studio but that little to no experience doing a remake let alone a strategy one.

Nintendo wanted everything to be cute and cuddly again to get a whole new generation into Advance Wars but failed to realise it would never stick with gen alpha.

And it's not just difference in taste, back then most of us had just one console with a couple few games we were gifted so we just went along with whatever.
A turn based grid tactical game is always an harder sell.

So they should have just catered to the older fanbase with a new title with new mechanics. And it's not like they couldn't still have newer and younger players in mind.

>shit art style
>shit ost
>shit sfx
>souless 3D instead of 2D sprites
>shit online play
Pretty sure Nintendo holds the IP rights, and lord knows they respond to any minor flop by chucking the entire fucking thing into the dumpster, so just give up on ever seeing Advance Wars again.
Music was alright, I like the CO Power variations.
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randomly came adross this pic on /pol/ and immediately had to think of AW again
lmao this is Age of Empires 2 to a Tee and their penis envy community

cannon towers and ships guarded by more towers and "straetigic lul path placement tech"

at least Black Hole Rising has some strategy and knowing your opponent instead of "SPANIARDS OO BETTER BUILD FIRESHIPS AND CAMELS BLEUH"
this is a Sonja vs Flak T4 match
rachel is a slut
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>>Delayed because Putin, quietly released years later
This shit still makes no sense to me.
A war is the perfect time to release a war game. Like, hello? People would have been making memes about it.
And it's not like they didn't release it later while the war is still going on.
They must just not have finished it or something.
So what do you think we'll get from the AWBW sci-fi/fantasy contest? I want a goblin faction.
Did my part (bought Reboot Camp, played on mute to avoid Egoraptor "voice acting.")

Also scored a copy of Dual Strike last week.
idk but I hope it's better than dogshit noir eclipse. I accidentally voted in reverse because I assumed 10 was the highest and 1 the lowest, not "1 is your first choice"

at least azure asteroid is based
>2008 missing
You have to pick a side, anon.
Already did by completely ignoring what shall not be named.
Probably gonna be witches because they already had the most iconic design war groove.

Personally I'd like to have a pokemon themed fraction but I don't know if it qualifies as fantasy/scifi and didn't miss its chance with creatures already. Could also be that they don't consider it for the voting because they fear copyright violation charges.
>because I assumed 10 was the highest and 1 the lowest, not "1 is your first choice"
Wait, what the fuck? I did the same thing. Who the fuck structures a poll like that?
I never actually checked did Wargroove 2 actually bother to give anyone D2Ds? That was one thing in 1 that really bothered me was just how most CO's played the same outside of planning or executing on their CO power and if said CO power happened, likewise the fact every CO had the exact same combat stats, its like they give themselves a framework to create a group of interesting and diverse characters to play as designed just the CO powers and then ran out of steam and didn't bother to finish it. Then again this is chuckle fish I wouldn't put it past them to just have done that.
What's the closest thing to a Megatank irl?
if tank which never made it through the construction phase count as well, it would definitely be the German P1000 Ratte
If we are going off of prototypes and drawings, then it would be the FCM F1 or the T-42.
Alright, Eggman, if you're reading this - and I know you are - it's time for the next episode of the grandmasters series. It's been 6 months since the last now.
And don't give me the usual fruitcakes again. I wanna see the high rollers like VoA or Lord Clefairy.
Soviet T-35
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can he fix her?
Anyone wanna play 1v1 on AWBW?
thinking of making a smurf for playing with my 4chan frens. should I?
Just do it using your main account. Most of the frens are 800s who have no reference for how rating translates with skill.
kek, I've seen this before. but there's no way this is not going to make me laugh any time in the future
what do you mean? 800s in the sense of being stuck around 800 or in the sense of never having played competitive?
The latter.
Maybe youre better than me and you know it
Statistically it's likely but maybe you're 1300 or something.
I'm not over 1300 but my MMRI is higher than some people's with over 1300 since I was once seeded higher in a tournament
Man, these AWBW maps are a pain in the ass...
post more lash

problem is that way too many of them have stupid gimiicks
My curiosity is piqued. I wish to challenge you roaming raid boss.

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