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Where can you recruit elephant mercs in EBII?
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>install EB2
>game crashes in battle
>apply large awareness patch
>game keeps crashing in battle
I wish Med2 wasn't so fucking outdated
India and africa.I think one of the larger Seleucid cities can recruit them as well.
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>tfw linux and game never crashes
tbf I haven't actually played a full EB2 campaign but I have played massive battles with more soldiers than I'll likely ever encounter in an actual campaign and I've gotten through a week of SS6.4 campaign without an actual crash.
Planning to do EB2 either next or after DaC
I honestly don't remember exactly everything I had to do to get M2 mods running crash free (I set them up around Nov last year) but I'm pretty sure I could figure it out again.
Either way I am once again reminding everyone Linux is completely viable. If I was more of a grifter and less of an autist I would make a Youtube channel where I play TW games on linux to 1) Shill linux and 2) grift from redditors but I am neither of those things so yeh
Taking over this thread
I just need EB2 ported to remastered. There's already a port but it's EB1. I hate M2TW's engine.
EB1 is superior though
EB1 does have a lot to improve upon but it's a complete mod for all intents and purposes on top of being ancient, so no one wants to deal with that. Ideally I would like some of EB2's strategic map mechanics, scripts, and extra factions.
Is it normal in EB1 to have seemingly all the fucking units in the game to choose from when you start a custom battle with any faction? Like I have a shitload of units to choose from and a lot of them seem totally unrelated to the faction I choose, maybe I didn't install it correctly?
I'm running it on Linux too, but I do experience crashes here and there. Wasn't doing any tinkering with it though, except telling Proton to run it with OpenGL renderer.
As I was trying EBI not long ago, I noticed this too. Maybe it's due to the regional recruitment system, but EBII doesn't seem to have this problem. Maybe it's just a bug.
It's taking regional recruitment into account. I suggest you install Extended Trivial Script Options and a mod that has an EDU that restructures rosters for custom battles
Should I start with 1 or 2?
EB1 would definitely be easier to get into unless you're really adamant on playing Med2 over Rome
1 has way better gameplay, 2 has way better historical accuracy.
I'm gonna keep it real, last time I played EB2 it was literally just stomping independents while the major factions did fuck all
Is it still like that
I played like 150 turns as Epeiros on Very Hard (both AIs). Mostly fought against factions but had a hard time a couple of times, for example when conquering Thermon. Makedonia, Rome, Carthage, Pergamon, all ended up invading me at some point. But the AI feels kinda strange, sometimes it attacks and immediately next turn feels Very generous about ceasefire.
Pritanoi have mediocre infantry. Their slingers are also mediocre but unlike most factions they have A LOT OF THEM. 1500 years and a few invasions difference, but the English are forever reliant on missile units.

Does Rome ever expand in Europe or does it just bash its head against rebels in Cisalpine Gaul for 900 turns?
>But the AI feels kinda strange, sometimes it attacks and immediately next turn feels Very generous about ceasefire.
]I have experience with that AI in Tsardoms. It's garbage. On paper it's supposed to make them less suicidal and more diplomatic but in actuality it just puts them in more stupid situations where they can be exploited by the player.
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Bros I'm 200+ tunrs in as Carthage, is there a way to reliably stop 3 province minors around the map blockading my ports and setting me at war with them for 5-10 turns until I can get a diplomat to them?
yeah build a fucking navy m8, you're carthage
I fight them off, I'm talking about just side stepping the hassle
There is a sub mod that fixes it.According to the modders the naval ai is so fucked that you can either have a really aggressive naval ai or one that barely uses it’s navy.
You can see in the unit preview program that is in the eb 2 data files where units are recruitable, and if theyre recruitable as mercs. I think for elephants you need to conquer certain regions in north africa, syria, india and build regional governments or get antiochia and get the royal elephant stables there.
>I killed a little Boii.
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What should my next campaign be then bros, already done Rome and Carthage, tried my hand with Getai, Ptolemai and Bactria already, I'm feeling either Pritanoi or a by the books Hellenic faction
Roll Bosporus or Pontus and create a black sea empire
this pic is so bad that ai would probably do better
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Eb1 >>
How much so is this the case? I'm still a relative TW newfag, but I started with Med 2 and have nearly 1000 hours in it. I own Rome but never really touched it, is it worth diving into it for EB1?
Absolutely. The whole feeling of the mod is superior
Yeah you should absolutely do EB1, I prefer it to EB2

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