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the War Effort Patches continues....
>Bulgaria and Hungary join the allies
>Germany invades them
>it somehow triggers a peace conference with only Bulgaria and Hungary (the rest of the allies are still alive
>Peace conference ends with Germany annexing Italy, who is its own ally
we need a containment board for visual novels.
vanilla hoi4 isn't a vn
>play meme focuses on
>get memed on
Historical focuses get boring after a while because shit's always the same. Fighting the Germans over Europe is the best part of the game but right now things are so ally-skewed that it's hardly a fight. Playing as axis is either trivial because the UK is so easy to cheese, or mind-numbing because invading north america is cancer and the continent sucks to fight in.
How do I get AI faction members to fuck off from my airports? They're keep constantly shuffling planes around, overstuffing whatever airports I'm operating at. It's especially frustrating in Asia, where shitty airport placement and shitty airzones mean you don't have many to choose from. When Romania decides to stuff 3000 1936 fighters into the only airport in Vietnam you're just fucked out of controlling the airzone.
Fuck Paradox for thinking KX-tier meme content qualifies for enjoyable history-themed games. If they aren't going to take themselves seriously they don't deserve to be taken seriously by anyone. Fuck your Argentina world conquest as Hitler, fuck your Byzantine Empire vs Mongol Empire fanfiction, you niggers can ride my dick.
die tranny
found the guy who plays Puerto Rico in Kaiserreich.
>this gameplay so lit brah
>I just read 10,000 words by an unemployed Discord addicted communist with gender identity issues
>I love strategy games!
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I suck dick at this game even after 150 hours. How do I get better?
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>If they aren't going to take themselves seriously they don't deserve to be taken seriously by anyone
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every DLC is one step forward and two backwards and at this point jannies should just pin torrent links on the top of the page because nobody should buy this pile of shit
Well what specifically do you suck at? If you suck at macro, you can watch any of a million youtube videos to get an idea of how to macro more efficiently so your industry doesn't suck and you have enough material. If you suck at combat, it could be because your macro sucks, or because your division templates suck, or because you're not paying enough attention to supply/terrain, etc. Generally speaking the easiest way to succeed at combat is to just macro well, build up a large air force with good fighter and CAS designs, and let airpower win your battles for you.
Not enough hoi4 on the front page. Let's change that
>t. parajew shills

>i love when liberia can shit out 300 divisions and conquer germany!!!! it's so heckin realistic and heckin valid, it reflects my gender identity!!!!
You can actually win the game as Germany, without ever going into war, just by building a lot of planes. You can also help Japan win over the allies, with coups and volunteers. It's more fun than to micromanage an other eastern front campaign all over again.
are the airports in your controlled province or did you just build them in ally controlled territory? If you control the province your planes should have priority on the airport.
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A world war two strategy game should focus on world war two, how it was fought, and the underlying strategy rather than restoring Byzantium; that's arcadey shit for autistic children.
I control the provinces. Faction nembers keep overstacking active airports, often by as much as 1k excess planes. Since there's no notification, i don't realize my mission efficiency plummeted until I check and see I've got yellow air and lost 100 fighters.
Is it still possible to do a "peaceful Hitler" run
Oh wow, more Allies wank.
China can't puppet Japan no more while being a subject
Answer the question tranny
Never was because Churchill is a warmonger.
Honestly the Stellaris approach of custodian team is better way of developing a game than this mess
The only DLCs I use at this point are the ones Expert AI requires to function.
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In something as close to a guerrilla campaign as you can get, I capitulated Chiang and bullied the Japanese AI at the peace conference to get most of China, except I had nowhere near enough divisions to cover a border that huge. So I ended up only posting troops directly on the border on the northeast frontier and the Qingdao exclave, while the rest of my army was posted in the interior, where they could hold a line as many tiles long as I had divisions to spare. As I pumped out more divisions, not training them at all because it's China who cares about losses, I could move the frontline forward, and the Japanese are so stretched at that point they never properly advanced on me. I ended up risking making a gap in my line to group up some divisions to crush the Japanese in Shandong, then swing them south to stop the troops advancing through the gap in the line. At that point I had enough troops that I just starting running circles around them and my massive troops buildup was unnecessary. My third army was just a coastal defence force and my fourth was a reserve force I never ended up using.
The fact I have to use the toolpack to make the game functional means it's a shit game. It makes it work, and it's fun that way, but I should need what is essentially a cheat mod to stop stupid bullshit from happening that shouldn't be happening, like Bulgaria turning communist 6 months after invading the USSR, yet remaining in the Axis, or Spain joining Japan the minute the Axis capitulate.
>try out the monarchist britain path
>do the focus that lets me trigger rebellions in the dominions to retake them
>the rebels snap-join the axis hour 1 of rebelling
>the civil wars are now fused into WW2
>despite fighting all the battles, occupying all the territory and capitulating the dominions to win all the civil wars, unrelated countries vacuum up all the war participation by attritioning in mountains on the other side of the globe
>the focus gives me claims on dominion territory to make it easier to take them in peace conferences
>but the game automatically merging the civil wars into WW2 bugs these claims and clears them
>can't even afford to give the dominions their core territory back
>end up with stupid shit like "Soviet Australia," "Mexican South Africa" and "French Canada"
Hate this fucking game, bros.
>The British when Austria democratically decide to join the Reich
>oh yes I love it when I'm an irrelevant minor and I watch the war from the sidelines!
>it's just like when I goon to my anime waifu getting BLACKED by Tyrone!
>I don't even need to do anything or even play the game, I just click on the pretty foocuses and goon!
Perfidious Albion
Haven't even started to learn III...
I tried playing this game for the first time in years and there are way too many things to micromanage. Industrial concern alerts always popping up to give me shitty little bonuses I don't care about, now instead of unlocking specific tanks, ships, and planes you have to unlock hulls and then customize them. What was wrong with unlocking historical models and putting them into production right away like you did when the game launched? Naval and Air upgrades taking up entire pages in the research tab etc. Fuck all of that
They gonna bring back the templates, some mods already do.
I think this was partially an oversight on their end, the armor/navy hud probably broke their shit.
This is also made even more clear when you check some old focuses which gave you templates, they are hella buggy now
>i love playing minors!!!! it's so heckin immersive!!!!!1!!! it reminds me that Black Lives Matter and that i need to check my privilege my fellow troonx xzisters! fuck those eurocentric bigots who don't want to hear black intersectional african-american stories!1!!
kys shill
In practice the designers just ensure the AI is always using terrible equipment that handicaps them so your planes can have a 10 to 1 kill ratio. They never bothered to balance the designers so you just minmax abd enjoy a free advantage over the AI.
If you don't want to engage with it, there are historical "presets" you can use instead that suck ss badly as ai designs.
wow almost like parajew is a shit company making shit games for meme value now
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>Peru attacks Chile in 1939 for some fucking reason
>pop the US faction focus
>Ecuador and Brazil join and invade Peru
>I sink their entire navy in one battle, losing absolutely nothing
>send a thousand-plane air force to bomb them into oblivion
>send Patton to land in Lima
>literally right before my troops actually land Peru peaces out, ceding territory to Ecuador
>my only losses are 14 obsolete biplanes
>I'm now boosting democracy to eventually coup them
I love being a super power
>No! You need to play as the Soviet Union every time, and do exactly what based Stalin did to defeat the transphobic Nazi chudcels!
>no you can't reform Austria-Hungary or ethnically cleanse the Balkans as Bulgaria, that's le heckin problematic!
>You have to play the game the exact same way every time just like how I learned to be a woman by imitating the underage female characters in my favorite anime!
Retarded nigger, the argument was that countries like Liberia or Luxembourg should not be able to do world conquests and shit out millions of divisions that would in any realistic scenario completely crash their economy, not that no one should play minor countries that had a military potential and ACTUALLY PARTICIPATED IN WORLD WAR II, but in a manner which produces realistic outcomes not creates Bulgarian Australia or some gay bullshit like that. Kill yourself, tranny
Why is belgian steel in the flemish region instead of walloon? Umm paradox?
Bourbon France needs a massive rework, this is the third time i'm trying and carlist spain never happen
France generally needs a rework honestly. For what a strong player they could be, they have a bunch of fucking useless 70 day focuses that give them like "+2 building slots" or "+5% communism". NA paths suck except Napoleon since Orleanist is just discount-democratic and Bourbon just has 2 focuses for Spain and literally nothing else. Fascist is gay because it either sucks up to German or requires the fucking stars to align so you can get Italy, Spain, and Portugal all fascist in your alliance. France has some good stuff but holy fuck a rework would be outstanding.
i bought the game, i should do whatever i wanted
>no actual retort to "this game is poorly designed", resorts to "umm ackshyually i paid for the game so it should be whatever the fuck i want"
i accept your surrender
Guess Patton was wrong when he said no bastard ever won a war by dying for his country.
French Canada is best Canada.
Is there a take over faction leader console command?
Are there any good vanilla plus/realism mods? I've been playing World Ablaze which is okay. Darkest Hour looked promising but their update keeps getting delayed.
Best is to change a few focuses on the world map instead of letting them all random
Why were you at war with axis anyway
I wasn't. The war became an absolute cluster fuck when the rebel imperialists joined the axis, so when I won the civil war and the commonwealth faction surrendered, it considered the French Alliance and Comintern, who had never fought any of the Commonwealth countries, to have contributed 90% of the war score against the commonwealth civil war by fighting the Axis in the balkans and attritioning in the Urals, even though the Axis still existed and wasn't part of the conference.
>He did the descisions banking on the AI being sensible instead of just using war goals to annex them and form the Imperial Federation

What were you thinking lmao
Hearts of Oak
>form the USA's faction to intervene in Peru
>can't join the Allies now
So, what, am I gonna have to launch my own parallel offensive to go after Hitler, like by invading Spain or something? It's kind of ridiculous I can form a separate, ideologically identical faction and can't merge it.
Why was the other fresh Hoi4 vanilla thread from yesterday deleted? Tranny jannies can't handle the game being shat on in the first few most visible posts? There are threads still around that have not been bumped for 4 days, yet that fresh thread from yesterday is no longer around. I did remember some tranny tier abhorrent post being posted there, with an abhorrent post as in flexing on AI Peru because they are "fascists", that was probably a tranny janny, and when he was most likely shat on too, he deleted the thread? Or did tranny finance and esg bullshit pays to have threads removed, when it's specified how they make a game worse? That thread is not even in the short archive here, must have included something hard hitting.
Suggest a fun playthrough in vanilla HoI as one of the majors
Join the allies as fascist Japan
Playing as a major nation in "Hearts of Iron IV" offers a wealth of strategic options and exciting alternate history scenarios. Here's a fun and challenging playthrough idea using Germany, focusing on a twist to the usual World War II outcome:

Scenario: "Democratic Germany and the European Defense Union"
Objective: Transform Germany into a democratic nation and form a defensive alliance encompassing all of Europe to counter any external threats, avoiding aggressive expansion.

Early Game (1936-1938):
Focus on Internal Politics: Begin by selecting the "Oppose Hitler" focus to stage a civil war and replace the Nazi regime with a democratic government.
Build Alliances: Start improving relations with neighboring countries, particularly France and the UK, to assure them of your new democratic intentions. Avoid remilitarizing the Rhineland until you have sufficient support from these nations to avoid penalties.
Mid Game (1939-1941):
Strengthen Your Economy and Military: While keeping a defensive stance, focus on building up your industry and military capacity. Prioritize infantry and air defense to protect your borders.
Form the European Defense Union: Use the improved diplomatic relations to form a new faction with European countries, emphasizing mutual defense and cooperation. Include smaller nations to strengthen their security and stability.
Late Game (1942-1945):
Diplomatic Maneuvering: Continue to expand your alliance, aiming to include all of Europe. Offer guarantees and military support to threatened nations to deter aggression from any direction.
Research and Innovation: Invest heavily in technology, especially in air and naval technologies, to ensure superiority in defense capabilities.
Peacekeeping Role: Intervene only when one of your allies is attacked, positioning Germany as a peacekeeper and protector rather than an aggressor.
Why does the AI write like autistic person
Play as the soviet union with ironman mode off, Germany, Soviet Union, Japan and Italy all set to the maximum handicap
Go down the fascist path, win the civil war, join the axis.
Now tag to the UK and play out the rest of the game as historical britain against a pan-eurasian superaxis blob.
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go play hoi3 then
haven't played since the air rework. can the AI use tanks properly or build planes that aren't shot down 10 to 1 against a player yet?
Poland with the meme royal route that lets you core all of slavland and have infinite manpower
As far as I know that's been essentially unchanged. You can't even tag to the AI and make good designs for it because it wiped them and switches back to the old ones immediately.
I would argue Greece become Rome was less unlikely future than Israel being a country in 1936
NTA, but I unironically would if I didn't have to rearrange officers and HQs for an hour every time. Pure autism.
I used to put as much as I love oob autism in theory it's a bit of a chore.
Are there any holocaust or gulag mods for HOI4?
HOI3 is far too autistic for me
How do you do a 1:1 historical playthrough of Germany? I attacked Poland and all allies declared war on me. I was trying to follow this nation focus guide

But I didn't have enough man power for demand sudentland or one of those and had to do 3-4 economy nation focuses and attacked Poland in 1940 instead.

What do I do with the Yugoslavia events? Don't pressure?
>turning communist 6 months after invading the USSR, yet remaining in the Axis
If they're already at war with you, and cooperating closely with the Axis, not only would they have the same strategic reasons that Hungary and Romania hax, to stay in the Axis, there's also very likely to stay at war with you until terms can be negotiated at least (compare Russian Republic during WW1), the only case when they would immedietaly leave Axis and stop war with you is if there was a coup/civil war, which is how it is in the game.
trained on reddit
Civil wars don't allow a country to leave a faction or end their involvement in a war except for a few exceptionally rare and buggy cases where pdx scripted a white peace
Did my first game in a while. MIOs are extremely annoying to deal with, even with queued traits, and have the usual modern paradox rpg tree design where it's only interesting until you figure out the "right" path and then it's just tedious. They should have just given each MIO type a bunch of set traits that become more powerful as they level up and apply those bonuses to anything researched with the MIO.
Also is there any reason not to use an MIO to research/produce/design? The two click UI to pick equipment and then confirm you want it MIO'd only seems "useful" for letting the player miss out on MIO bonuses by accident.
I checked my Steam and apparently I have 11 hours in this game. During that time I don't think I learned how to play it at all.
so make a hoi3 thread so we can laugh at the schizo who thinks early sealion is impossible and has a mental breakdown everytime.
>see several mentions of hoi3 and I weep.
Bros, why couldn't they have simply made hoi4 as a better version of hoi3 with improved mechanics, more filled out, and a better AI? Why did they have to make hoi4 into a childish looking, dumbed down, cluster fuck of shit fuckery fit only for Downies?
>Excuse me! Some people even have trouble understanding how to play hoi4
The world is doomed.
bait or are you actually that subhuman hoi4tard who is still seething at that anon who posted actual proof?
hoi4 is basically built on top of hoi3. a lot of features like production efficiency (practicals), the designers and more freeform factions are based on hoi3 mechanics. the problem with hoi4 is that it was very strongly designed according to a vision of what went wrong with hoi3 and the vision is just bad.
>too much OOB
so let's get rid of everything but army level command
>too much micro
so let's heavily incentivize using automated command, but also massively increase province numbers for some reason
>event/decision driven loop makes historical mode brittle and inflexible for meming
so let's get replace events and decisions with NFs, but also make most NFs research bonus padding
>division design is theoretically too complex and practically too simple
so let's make designers and equipment production central to the gameplay loop

the problem is that all the changes have worked out horribly. battleplanner means more micro because of unit shuffle and units ignoring the provinces marked in attack orders (and more provinces makes the AI worse), designers are pointless when (1) there is always a meta and (2) shallow systems encourage using the same designs every game for every major, assigning factories to equipment production is an exercise in timewasting because you either have enough or you don't (and the AI can't handle it), NFs are a minmaxing chore compared to events which just happened to way in a predictable way and the occasional decision.

hoi4 is a game with little depth but a lot of complexity and lots of systems that are ultimately just timewasters. fixing it would involve removing or radically reworking the things which distinguish it from the other game in the series and can't happen not just for commercial reasons, but because the actual devs don't assess the game rationally and see e.g. the production system as an enormous increase in depth over past games rather than a clickfest the AI can't handle.
that said, some of the model based design and production like tanks, ships and planes can be done well. infantry/support equipment production is pointless and also the thing that the AI fails at the most because of it's fixation on WW1 style broad front offensives. artillery production is kind of an AI sabotage system as well unless paradox introduce an actual artillery combat system, not just requiring support artillery for meta reasons.
>I tried playing this game for the first time in years and there are way too many things to micromanage. X alerts always popping up to give me shitty little bonuses I don't care about
That's the EUIV experience. The AI isn't even meant to be able to use the DLC-added disjointed UI boxes and buttons properly either.
What's the point of the AI building capital ships if it's just going to dripfeed its navy to you in screen-only taskforces?
The ai barely builds capital ships if at all. It typically has a bunch of small destroyer fleets on convoy/raid and then 1 or 2 main fleets with all their big ships. But since they don't have spotter ships patrolling, their big fleet will only tend to fight if it joins an existing battle where you're killing its screens or convoys.
The point is that making the AI work with all the systems delays DLC development. The secret is that the average player wants to win anyway, and is liable to quit early if they run into any serious trouble. If the AI were competent, these games would not be as popular, and the DLC's would be costlier to make. There's no incentive for Paradox to look at the state of the AI too hard every time they change something (which is often).
you're 100 percent right but oob autists will not believe you
Anon, there is no fucking chance in hell, even if the Bulgarians didn't make the first move, that Adolf fucking Hitler would tolerate Bulgaria being communist, he'd attack them immediately.
I love this game and hate how fucking right you are.
The old doomstack behavior was unironically better. It wasn't even a slow death, they just sent their entire navy into one battle and you would have to do the same to win. If they won, you'd have to resort to subs and NAVs, if you won, they were finished as a naval threat. It was absurd, but at least it mattered, and the stakes were high. Now they just slowly commit suicide because they have no idea how to allocate ships.
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>not darkest hour: a hearts of iron game
>Real ww2
>Major powers kept most of their big fleets alive for the whole war
>Able to wipe out the Italian/German/British/Japanese fleets with naval bombers by 1941
Yeah it's always been fucking retarded.
Paradox are systems-guys, not writing-guys. When they try to add hand-written content to their games it's always got those "14 year with a Deviant Art account" vibes to it.
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>not wanting to play shitty ESL-written meme paths that are either pointlessly difficult or unbalanced and overpowered means you play visual novel mods written by trannies
Sorry retard, come back when you have an actual argument for why Paraslop content isn't garbage
>But since they don't have spotter ships patrolling, their big fleet will only tend to fight if it joins an existing battle where you're killing its screens or convoys.
It's not too hard to bait out an AI strike force by letting your spotting task force engage. It's dumb though and after a certain point you just get tired of sinking hundreds of ships for no losses. I don't even know what the meta is now but I still dominated the AI as wingbardy with some overbuilt battleships and default DDs and CLs.
Issue is that doomstacking is still meta, so both the player an AI do it.
Last I remember the meta is spamming CA's and roach DD's.
Yes. CAs are broken because a change to hit chance mechanics a while back made it so that CA heavy guns obliterate org way too fast, so technically stronger ships lose all their accuracy and can't hit back.

It's not actually good at sinking ships because their raw damage is low, but they literally can't lose
As an argentinian I love that Argentina has a spirit themed on conquistador heritage that gives 20% attack
You know Argentina so famous for it's conquistadors and totally not the ass end of the American continent that was sparsely colonised by cattle ranchers and hosted no native empire to be conquered
And its under the Italian path too what the fuck did they mean by that
And it makes your army the best in the world on the offensive because something that happened (it didn't) 500 years prior when the country didn't exist?
I'm going to create a mod where you can take a focus tree with Sweden called "Avenge Ulfric Stormcloak" which changes your tag to Vinland, your religion to pagan Hellenism and you gain the spirit "blood of the Valkyries" that gives you 100% breakthrough with armored cars so those quirky first world retard swedes understand how cringe and dumb their focus trees are
How are you supposed to do peace deals? I can't see the resources without being super zoomed in.
Playing with no DLCs btw
The worst thing about Paradox is while the focus trees have been getting bigger, the only thing being added is bloat and meme alt-history bullshit. Instead of alt-history being plausible and grounded in reality like "France joins Axis" all Paradox seems to be concerned with is adding unimpressive and unfunny meme paths to the game that no one wants to play. I know some retards sѻyface when they see Kaiserredux adding Tibetan SS Hyperborea world conquest trees, but I don't and most of us could do without seeing some faggy teenager's hilarious and original and totally ironically bad i swear OC added to the game.
I will say it again, Brazil joining the war in 41 by declaring war on Japan for no reason ruined the game, we didn't need 2 americas making the allies even more annoying to fight
Irl they declared on Germany and Italy in 42, not fucking Japan in 41, I would actually be fine with that, I would even be fine with them sucking the cock of the USA like Mexico is doing
>They gonna bring back the templates
did they ever officially announce this?
Anon templates were never taken away. There's a button innthe designer to load up a template list. The AI uses these exclusively for their ship/plane/tanks and you can too.
I would happily laugh heartily at a mod that does this to as many countries as possible
This, and its only gotten worse
You answered your own question. You failed to get enough manpower to do those focuses in time. It is really easy to build troops as Germany as you start with 28 factories and fully equipped divisions. Add a recon company and 1 more infantry battalion and you'll onlly need 4x24 armies to start ww2 which can be achieved by 1938.
The Yugoslavia events do absolutely nothing as far as I remember and if you want to be a historical purist then the Yugo campaign will never start. You have to do the demand Slovenia focus, which is a-historical or wait for Yugo to try to join the Axis which it won't do on time for some reason. And then there's a chance Yugo has gotten rid of its anti german military spirit which means the Croatians won't rise up. Personally i've had Croatia rise up a handful of times and even less when i'm really trying to be historical.

Also that guide is pretty bad gameplay wise. You don't need to build the westwall. Anti comintern pact is useless before 1941. Coal Liquidization is useless at the stage you will take that focus. Army innovations 2 will likely be wasted since you are still off the back of treaty with the USSR. The meta order is
>Rhineland, Five year plan, Autarky, KDF Wagon, HG Werke, Research slot, Army innovations, treaty, the 2 naval ones and then start your diplomacy tree
So the whole Señor Hilter thing wasn't the lowest they could go?
I wish they added content beyond 1945 so that you have something to do, but seeing the quality of their writing...
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How do I deal with these supplies while fighting the USA? Do I just keep upgrading my railways? Am I placing supply hubs wrong or something?
Naval invade New England, fighting from Canada is always annoying
>OMG xisters the new Irelandâ„¢ Foocus Treeâ„¢ Tooserâ„¢ from Kaiserreichâ„¢ just dropped!
>I can't wait to play through all these exciting, new, routes filled with engaging gameplay, such as:
>maybe... the pink path, where I kill the chuds who misgender me!
>or maybe... the RED path, where I kill the chuds who misgender me!
>or maybe even... the reddish pink path, where I kill the chuds who misgender me!
>it's just like that oldfag game which came out when I was a kid even doe I am an oldfag who came here in 2006 but anyway it's an oldschool game that I never played called Mass Effect 3 where I get to see all the pretty colors while nothing actually changes or even happens but all the manbaby chuds got upset so it's based lol kek lmao!
>wow such exciting gameplay, nothing happens, just like my life. It's just like how I took the cool IRL national focus called "Take Estradiol" which also had k00l cyberpunk colors but nothing also happened but I felt so validated!
>I love strategy games so much xisters!
I've never been able to get naval supremacy. I'm retarded.
>focus on micro on a small section of the map
>constant supply lines issues
>AI encircles you elsewhere or naval invades behind you
How does anyone say this game is easy?
build more ports along the coastline
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I managed to somehow invade some more but the supply lines are still fucked.
How do I properly position units along the boarder to balance supply line issues? I can't just take away units in low supply areas then place them elsewhere utilizing frontline.
>word salad
You wrote more in this shit-tier post of yours than any of those so-called "visual novel" mods have in their entirety. Now go back, iPhone tranny, no one likes you here
Reminder to hide freak posters migrating from /vg/.
It's been a while since my last vanilla game. Is La vittoria è nostra still the best overhaul mod for Italy? What about Germany?
>what is the Balfour Declaration
Retarded byzfag
I want a parody Abo Australia path with spirits being named as 1-3 word tagentally related stuff like "Boomerang", "Criminal Heritage" "Sydney Opera House" that buff random shit sky high, cores on all islands (except New Zealand) and random province in the middle of China, flag being current Australia flag but with a crown in the middle and generals/ministers being famous ausssies that weren't even alive back then all led by a kangaroo. Just parody all the recent shit like Poland or SA paths
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Yugoslav swallowing Hungary and Bulgaria at the same time no longer works. World tension now rises too quickly for them to do it before the Brits could guarantee. Fucking niggetry.
Playing as generic Iran is surprisingly fun
Make me mad we got fucking Brazil before the middle east
Does the game still have the bug where if you don't have MtG the AI builds no ships except for 1922 Battlecruisers?
Now they spam capitals in general, but the no-screen problem persists.
Considering they made Ethiopian spear chuckers some of the most OP and low cost units once you finish the military tree this isn't even unrealistic. The end of the tree should be 'Reclaim our Home!' and give you an annex war goal (but no cores) on Japan with a text box that suggests the abbo reich is tired of being 'exiled' to Australia for 60,000 years and is ready to reclaim where they came from
You don't appear to have any supply issues. Once you've got a beachehad that large its basically gg for america. Just don't bother fighting in Canada and watch out for that weird border around Michigan and you'll be fine
>play as Germany
>fight no war
>produce only planes
>win by score
From that point of view why? Every tree that replaces the generic is worse.
You can win in this game?
Yeah. After 1948, there is a scoreboard, of which mostly air score dominates, and whoever have the most total score wins. If a war with major nations still ongoing, that screens only pops up after the peace conference.
I once fought a war until the 50s. The war participation score overflowed so much that the peace conference bugged down
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>cluster fuck of shit fuckery
Is it normal to basically "get" Vic2 relatively quickly but have no idea where to even fucking start with HoI4
hoi4 is the easiest paradox game to learn
I think it comes down to me not knowing at all how to manage the industry in the game to get materials and not knowing how to make good divisions.
How is it that I'm not getting it despite being pretty good at Vic2
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Damn Black ICE is hard.
Been playing a tight game, min/maxing and microing everything carefully. Took out the UK and launched Barbarossa ahead of schedule.
Wiped out 2.8 million for 250k casualties (not counting the 50+ encircled divisions still holding out in the swamp).
It's December and the Soviets are starting to push me back along the entire front. Panzer corps all diverted to hold supply hubs. Destroyed 7.6k planes and the sky is still contested.

I'm going to be out of manpower by spring unless I go to the really painful conscription laws. Been doing everything to minmax manpower too. Invested in conscription centers, all the techs and doctrines, use field hospitals, only attack with infantry to support armored spearheads, use the Hungarian/Romanian armies to grind down pockets do high attrition jobs, etc.

This is brutal.
>month without any dev updates from Paradox
What the fuck is wrong with HoI team anyways?

Other teams constantly communicate what they’re doing and what they intend to do, meanwhile HoI team only communicates immediately before and after releases. They really stick out as the bad outlier regarding communications.
>kill one, ten pop up
Ah, "I'm fighting the Soviets" experience.
>Hitler and Stalin both lose civil wars long before '39
>there are still references to Nazis and the Soviets
Start the game by building infrastructure to t5 in 2-3 states with the most valuable resources, usually tungsten, oil, rubber or aluminium. Then build civilian factories until until around 2 years before you plan to go to war. At that point, switch to mils and build mils continuously while waiting 2 years before joining a major war. In the last few months before you plan to war, build up airfields, radar and rail connections, then switch back to mils. Shift to partial mobilization and war economy as soon as the game will allow. Budget your PP to ensure you have enough to click those buttons the instant the conditions are fulfilled.

If you don't understand the division customization then just stick with 9/1 infantry/artillery. It's efficient and literally all you need to be effective on the ground. For support companies, start with artillery and AA. Optionally add engineering or recon if your economy can afford the support equipment cost--don't let support equipment be the limiting factor that prevents you from fielding all your manpower.
You should aim to field all the manpower available to Limited conscription before the war starts, then switch to Extensive Conscription and use that manpower pool as your reserve (to let divisions automatically replace casualties, or raise new divisions when necessary).

Infantry equipment is incredibly cheap, which makes infantry divisions very cheap on your industry to field. Artillery and AA are slightly more expensive (hence you don't want too many in a division, despite their great stats) but still cheap enough to match the 9/1 ratio without much difficulty. The limiting factor to how many infantry divisions you field should be population and conscription laws, not industry.

The majority of your economy should be producing air. Produce mostly fighters with a few CAS planes, and gradually shift production to CAS as the war progresses. CAS matters more to the outcome of a battle than division stats.
Forgot to add:
As you advance and take ground, you should shift your civ production away from mils and focus on repairing/upgrading railways, building supply hubs/ports (if necessary) and building up airfields in newly taken ground. When you're actually fighting, keeping proper supply and air coverage in the advancing front is more important than producing mils that won't pay themselves off for a year. You will end up capturing more mils than you need as long as you're taking ground, and you'll take ground as long as you have air superiority, good CAS in the battle and enough population to grind.

Tanks are optional. They're strong but compete with planes for industry, and planes matter more than tanks. Shit divisions with good air will win wars, but strong tanks with no air will lose to shit divisions. If you can afford both, make tank divisions that are 30-35 width and evenly split between tanks and mechanized infantry. Use motorized infantry if you can't afford mechanized, or before you have the tech. The most important function of tanks is to have a tonne of breakthrough, so that they can attack into infantry without taking much return damage.

Be sure to invest enough industry into fighter production to win the air war first, then invest enough production in CAS to maintain strong coverage wherever you're fighting. Then tanks are your 3rd priority behind all of that. Once again, you shouldn't require much industry to arm your population in simple, cheap infantry divisions and you shouldn't add too much extra shit to those infantry divisions or else the cost to replace equipment losses will eat into your plane production.
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>play as Argentina, 1936
>want wars

>plan to join the Axis
>civil war in Germany, Hitler dies

>plan to join the Commies
>civil war in the Soviet Union, the White Russians win

>plan to join the Allies
>there are no communist or fascist governments in South America for me to puppet
HoI pls.
So... what nations will the next DLC focus on?
Seems the plan is to do another Germany rework, given they've now integrated Waking the Tiger into the base game.
Southeast Asia
Main team DLC? SEA.
Why even have tanks if a decent infantry division with AT, which are far easier to spam and have a far lower logistics footprint, can overrun them?
Middle east
SEA, British Commonwealth and Central Europe reworks are all on the horizon, judging by the integration of their respective DLCs.
My assumption would be the next major releases will be reworks focusing on majors and key minors (ie Commonwealth, China). Most of the key players in WW2 and related conflicts got their content very early in the game's life and are now comically outdated compared to what irrelevant minors have been getting for the past 2 years or so, and the AI majors being incapable of effectively fielding or sustaining tank divisions, or designing credible plane, ship or tank designs because they were never updated for the designers has been a long-standing issue. Every time a new DLC comes out the fanbase cries foul that the focus trees of Germany, the UK, Japan etc. are certifiably archaic and barely better than the generic tree while, I don't know, fucking Guatemala or something clicks a 35 day focus and becomes Grand Pubah of the Mediterranean (+50% breakthrough).

The fact that the old rework DLCs are now free telegraphs some major overhauls for the key players.
Are there any more British colonies that could be released and made into puppets in 1936? I still remember when Paradox created British Malaysia.
Britain can't release puppets at all anymore except via the decolonization focus. The devs explained at one point that it was to prevent the UK from just releasing its whole empire as a puppet blob and letting the dozen AIs just win the game for them.
Yeah, I get that. I was just thinking if Paradox themselves wanted to create any more minor nations. Egypt came to mind.
Oh, I get what you mean. The African and Middle Eastern holdings would be the main ones. Technically all of the former-Ottoman states (like Egypt) were Mandates, meaning they were functionally independent and under provisional british rule just to oversee the transition to stable self-rule.

The politics of involving those Mandates in WW2 was actually a big deal to the british campaign in North Africa (and the aftermath, see the suez crisis) so it would be cool to have that reflected in gameplay somehow.
Hearts of Iron IV nation tier list:
1. USA
2. Soviet Union
3. Germany
4. United Kingdom
5. Japan
>play Germany
>to get a war goal with this faction, you have to befriend this other faction
>no focus lets me attack the US
I don't like this, no sir. Are the 1939 trees better than the 1936 ones?
People as dumb as you shouldn't be allowed to consume media
Reworks are B-team's job, no?

Main would work on mechanical reworks, mostly. SEA is the most populated region without Focus Trees now.
Any tips for Allied Canada? I struggle to have a decent army for 1939.
In multiplayer Canada is the main allied Tank country until US joins. Because you're under the UK you don't need planes and because you're part of the allies you don't really need your own infantry so just rush tank and mechanized research (with corresponding focus boosts) and try to have 2-4 extremely high quality divs ready for North Africa.
In singleplayer you'll also need some kind of amphibious unit afterwards for naval invasions because the ai won't D-Day on its own. Start with Italy after winning Africa, push up to the Gothic Line and then bail and open a D-Day front. Rush for airfields so the UK will actually use its planes, AI UK always wins the air war vs ai Germany.

By lategame you can start diversifying your production because you'll eventually have as many factories as a major, but for 1939 you have to specialize hard. Fortunately the ai spams infantry divisions and pours them into any front you open so you don't really ever have to worry about having enough to cover the line when you're playing historical.

An alternate option would be to go heavy air with some basic infantry, since the commonwealth air focuses are good but then you end up burning a lot of civs importing rubber and your production will collapse if Japan manages to cut off Borneo and Malaya.
Yeah, don't play C*nada
>do nothing
>wait for Germany to lose to the Soviets
What's the point of playing an Allied minor?
Well, what nations do you guys like to play?
New Zealand. For an added challenge, I wait for Sauron to find the One Ring.
Japan and Italy
France is objectively the most fun major in the game
>Good focus tree that isn't patently overtuned
>Strong starting eco
>Best positioned to fight Germany at its strongest
>Strong enough to be a factor, but weak enough that you can't just roll all other majors
>Has enough rubber to build air without begging the UK for scraps
>Has a strategic liability (oil) to proactively solve
>Can fight in Europe or Asia
>Can focus air, infantry, tanks or navy with a different build and different dynamics for each
>Can join any side without seriously imbalancing the war
It's the platonic ideal of a hoi4 major
Issue with France is that you've already won the game the moment you don't immediately die when Germany attacks you.
Germany loses without interference so you've already won when you play allies. But since Germany gets progressively weaker as the game progresses, its peak strength is in 1939 rather than Barbarossa or D-Day, so France gets the best fight.
Plus you can always just join the axis and carry Germany to victory, or lose to Germany on purpose and play on as Free/Vichy.
No one plays vanilla Paradox games in 2024
Japan and France
The issue with South American focus trees is that the way they are structured they are only fun to play on historical.
>The issue with South American focus trees
is that they weren’t in the war and so shouldn’t exist
They were, but really late and only against Germany
Brazil declaring on Japan RUINED this game, I fucking hate those goddamn monkeys for forcing the USA into the european war no matter what
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>Heavy tank build
>20 Width shitters with engineers
>GBP doctrine
>Level 5+ forts
>Mountaineers in the south
Yep, its time to rape the AI as 'historical' France again.
Anyone decoded the Morse code at the end of this yet?
>Forgot to paste the link
I'm retarded
How do you assassinate Hitler as the Czech again? Is it just a random event?
IIRC, you don't kill him, dissidents in Germany do, and it only happens if both the Brits and French protect Czechoslovakia and Germany doesn't back down.
So never
try to close the swamp pocket and improve your supply situation while keeping Soviet air contested, their IC will keep pumping out shit like mad, they will grind you down if you don't form spearheads into their shit and gain local superiority
Maybe moving back the front to a more defensible postion would be better?
Also go into the first shitty manpower law, and try to go no further
Had to play defensive, constantly micro along the entire front and using my tanks just to hold the line. There was no point in falling back cause it was already a well supplied and defendable line.
Wasn't till 1944 that the balance of power shifted enough to resume the offensive. Took the south and the Soviet army was finally broken after 16 million casualties and 18k planes shot down.
Surprisingly challenging Germany experience, really had to work for it.
>finally getting the wunderwaffe rework
They've been putting it off so long I've completely stopped caring. I can't really image what they could do to make nukes and rockets interesting without just making them the thing you rush to end the game.
I can't go back to playing vanilla after playing Black Ice.
Never really liked the alternate history mods (such KR, TNO etc.) but always felt like the base game needs more content and historical accuracy. That's why I play Black Ice.
Well, I'm not against the USSR having unique focus icons or more content overall
>strong tanks with no air will lose to shit divisions
Shit medium howitzer tanks with great SPAT and SPAAs with full supply shit on everything in singleplayer, air or no air.
Pushing with no air against CAS is a futile endeavor. You just lose so much org and strength to CAS damage that even if you're cutting through the forces on the ground, you're not really going to make solid progress and the attrition will be unsustainable.
The only time when AA is "enough" on its own is if you're taking the sloppy seconds of a faction that's already burned all its air fighting something else. Otherwise the AI will just dump 1k cas on the airzone the moment you start fighting.
I just came back from a hiatus and played a quick campaign as the Soviet Union.
I lost.
>You don't need to build the westwall.
You don't but the Germans did because they expected actual push back from the French and wanted to use as small of a defence force as possible to cap Poland as quickly as possible.

Considering how easy it is to cap UK in 1940 as Germany without even calling in Italy, yes the game is easy.
>constant supply lines issues
>AI encircles you elsewhere or naval invades behind you
All things you should be prepared for.
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>historical accuracy
>Black Ice
Not the person you're talking to, but you're wrong. You can easily win the game without ever making a single plane. With just one support AA, you already take out so many CAS that it makes the exchange cost-effective in your favour. If you add an AA battalion on top of that, you absolutely shred CAS to the point where they lose more planes than the amount of strength damage that said planes deal to you.
Tips for france?
Use your focus trees to fix your country's big negative modifiers ASAP
You start with one of the biggest civilian economies in the game, so just focus on catching up in mils as soon as you are able to enter partial mobilization
Your military focus tree has 4 mutually exclusive paths. One gives big bonuses to air production and is generally the strongest option. You also get lots of bonuses to air research so you can have 1940 fighters before the war starts
You start with air-to-air cannons researched, so you can actually begin air production right away and those early planes will still be credible at the outset of the war. You also have enough rubber production from Vietnam to produce a tonne of air, which makes it easily possible to stalemate the german airforce at the beginning of the war and then slowly choke them out with a positive k/d ratio.
Ignore tanks largely during the prewar buildup, they're too expensive for your industry.

You have a lot of options to weaken germany. One of the easy ones is to just back Czechoslovakia or form the Little Entente. The fortified czech mountains are an enormous speedbump for AI germany and the early war fucks over their buildup so they will never throw the kind of mass on your border that you'd otherwise face following the historical path.
Going historical, the 1939 invasion is basically the only point in the game where an AI will field credible tank divisions, so make sure all of your infantry north of the maginot has AT. The AI doesn't keep up tank production so they will quickly cease to be a threat from unreplaced losses as long as you can hold them off for a few months.
Be sure to train up some mountaineers to protect the border with italy, because they'll create a second front on you eventually.

Typically germany will have overwhelming numbers against you so the war will start out as a slow grind until you've attritioned them enough that you can actually start pushing back.
thank you king.
scraping the barrel i see...
What did the morse code say? Something interesting or "the URSS focus tree will have new art"
>"What we observe is not nature itself, but nature exposed to our method of questioning."
A Werner Heisenberg quote, hinting there may be a nuke rework incoming as well.
>I'm going to create a mod where you can take a focus tree with Sweden called "Avenge Ulfric Stormcloak" which changes your tag to Vinland, your religion to pagan Hellenism and you gain the spirit "blood of the Valkyries" that gives you 100% breakthrough with armored cars so those quirky first world retard swedes understand how cringe and dumb their focus trees are
>new icons
>official stream
>everyone just crash constantly
hoi4 multiplayer is such a meme
>t. no actual argument to defend adding quantity over quality slop to the game so resorts to making a strawman and having a sperg-out like an autistic manchild
back to rёddit with you
TNO is the only visual novel related to HOI4
BlackIce is good if you're autistic
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I think it's stupid how countries continue to hate you after civil wars
At least cut it by half, like I did to the guy who did it (not me)
Is this game beginer friendly? I've only ever played total war and Civ 6. It's not really my kind of game, but I want to get into it and discover new things.
>can't save scum anymore by moving the savefiles around
why would you fix that?
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We finally did the meme now you can stop playing this game forever

Also Luxembourg calling in Chile. I don't understand why does the AI do this.
There’s a lot of stuff in it after 8 years of development, but you don’t have to learn it all at once, and the AI doesn’t exactly demand perfect gameplay from the player either. I’d say that it’s not too bad if you start with some beginner-friendly nation, like a playthrough as something like Canada or Mexico and join Allies as a minor nation with a supporting role. Or as an Axis minor like Hungary, that works too.
ok cool thanks buddy
World Tension has been a fucked up mechanic for as long as HOI4 existed. Like when I'm playing China or Manchuria and the UK decides to randomly guarantee a Chinese warlord clique lmfao
how did they fix that? make it only save to cloud?
You can upgrade the final strategic bomber to have enough range to nuke Washington DC from France.
Also, when you play majors, do you try to produce a diverse airforce or just keep it simple with fighters?
Might want to play your first game without all the DLC enabled so you're not bogged having to learn all the new systems on top of figuring out the basics.

I'd suggest checking out a youtube guide (Bittersteel is good) just so you have an idea of what to do and things you need to click on before you even unpause the game. That was the biggest hurdle for me first time I played, there's quite a bit to take in all at once.
Who knows, I had to abuse it a lot for RNG bullshit achievements, shame
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POV ur playing an Allied minor power on D-Day
spam maxxed agility and HMG fighters to gain air superiority
put up radar in zones you expect to fight in they can be built pretty quickly
AI is often dumb and will commit their entire airforce into a losing battle in one air zone
they will also only ever run default shit planes

once air green spam cheap CAS to push the enemy back
CAS is like arguably one of the most powerful things in the game and why air superiority is important

Strat bombing often just feels like a waste of resources that could be spent making cheaper useful planes.

tac bombers are jack of all trades but kinda bad

Heavy fighters are bad don't use em.
>boot up italy campaign
>Italy first
>take yugo without a fight
>Bulgaria joins my
>curbstomp romania and greece

What now? Restart and optimize the openings/try to get austria? Go to war with GB?
Typical I just do fighters, cas, and navs with drop tanks.

Sometimes I'll do strats late game if I think I'm going to need nukes.
You just spam one optimal fighter design until you have critical mass to achieve air superiority then switch to building CAS. Tac bombers are good for bombing out forts but since the ai doesn't build them you only ever have to deal with the ones made via focus.
I hope the so called Germany update let me do the civil war AFTER demanding the sudetenland, most trees are just too limited
nice many thanks
Do you like Naval Bombers?
HOI4's decision to represent each Chinese warlord state as a totally separate country (with totally independent foreign policies) has been a disaster for the game, because China never gets unified by the AI (much realistic!)
They're good at what they do, to the extent that there isn't really any point in building a navy to fight over any coastline within range of an airfield. Most mods neuter them for this reason in particular.
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I just got the DLCs, why the naval and air tech no longer have their original names but some generic names like Early Destroyer Hull or Basic Light Airframe. I liked how it was named from the historical WW2 classes like Bismarck-class battleship or Hawker Hurricane, now it just gives me generic names, how do you fix that?
One of the dlc features is a plane/ship designer. You research basic light aiframe, then go to the air designer and use that airframe to make a plane, which will have a historical name by default.
What if it's a plane/ship that didn't exist historically? A '44 French or Italian jet plane, for instance.
You can name them yourself.
Let us say that you are fighting Germany in the Benelux and Western Germany regions. There are lots of forests and the Germans are entrenched.
How do you go about pushing them out?
ae 980000 Infantry Equipment I
Finally beat Germany as the USSR
Nice work! Did you employ any particular tactics or strategies?
Anyone know where I can find the mod files for the Soviet art pack, I don't want to give those lazy greedy fucks at Paradox a penny and I also don't want to create an account to some shitty Russian piracy forum just to download files either
>those lazy greedy fucks
>I also don't want to create an account to some shitty Russian piracy forum just to download files either
You're a massive hypocrite and your post was very embarrassing to read.
>le not wanting to give a shitty company with an atrocious DLC policy money is literally the same as that company having the atrocious policy to begin with
kys shill
Retard. I was talking about the fact that you call them lazy when you can't even be bothered to make an account to download their stuff yourself.
There is a huge difference between me not wanting to make an account to a forum I'll never post on and a company that shits out the most low-quality, low-effort DLC which any free mod can surpass in orders of magnitude, which is chock-full of meme paths and poorly researched history once every year with maybe one or two mechanics no one wants sprinkled in (depending on how lazy those Swedish fucks are that year), and then demands $20 for it.
What kind of armies do you build as the USA?
Lots of artillery and tanks I guess.
What’s the best strategy for democratic US? I wanna be the factory of the war.
Build factories
Railway gun to counter entrenchment
Tank divisions with flametanks and engineering companies to deal with the forest penalties
A few marine divisions to break through rivers
And lots of air
You have the largest economy in the game so you just kind of spam all the expensive things. Make a tonne of really strong tank divs, make a lot of air, make some amtrac divisions for D-Day. Whatever you make, just make a lot of it.
What navies do you build as italy
>inb4 no carriers
This doesn't work.
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>every DLC introduces new memetrees to whothefuckcares nation in bumfuckistan nowhere
>never fixes the same basic problems of A.I that have been there since the beginning
>never fixes the same basic problems of A.I that have been there since the beginning
Such as?
you being a nigger loving cock sucking faggot
Not being able to make a proper offensive. Not being able to run its own economy.
>pull back tanks so they can refill supply
>takes a month to gas them up and pack some tendies for the road
>move them up, ready to attack
>they're out of supply by the time the get to the front
you'd need a programmer for that, not pinko "content designer" interns
And you don't deserve either.
Supply doesn't work the way that you'd intuit. The amount of supplies you're carrying is largely irrelevant. All that matters is the colour of that tile on the supply heatmap. If the tile doesn't have enough supply, your unit instantly gets penalties even if it's carrying enough supply to fight effectively for days.

The best part is that the game hates telling you why a given tile might not have enough supply so sometimes you'll just have random red tiles in a sea of blue where there's a nearby hub, good infrastructure, rail, plenty of trains and trucks but oops that tile is -2 degrees in May and snowing a little so TOTAL TRUCK DEATH
Any country. Soviets atm.
Stored supplies are important for pushing across low supply ground to capture the next hub, it keeps your tanks from dropping down to 1km/h and being completely useless. I just hate how it takes so long for the stored supplies to build up, shouldn't have to sit around for a month if you pull back to fully supplied area.

The worst is when naval supply chains are involved and the ground is blue but all your troops are starving because of low convoy escort efficiency. Or puppets inexplicably not letting supply flow through and hubs being disconnected for no reason.
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BlackICE Soviets is impressively hard. Vanilla, you can hold the first defensive until Germany is exhausted then battleplan to Berlin.
I just got my ass kicked non stop until 1944. Fortified the Stallin line and fought delaying actions at every defensible terrain feature, and still barely hung on to Leningrad and Moscow, couldn't even save Stalingrad.
Finally on the offensive, but there's only 1 train left in the entire Soviet Union.
>those colors
I'm 99% sure whoever made that mod is a furry.
Aren't those the default colors?
Never saw them in vanilla.
Stored supplies literally don't matter. You get supply penalties for being in a low supply zone, regardless of your stored supplies.
Similary, fuel ticks down as you move or fight and is constantly replenished at a rate that scales with supply fulfillment, and low fuel is what murders your tank stats. Fuel is separate from stored supplies.

All that stored supplies do is determine when a division starts taking attrition due to poor supply. But because the game is made in Sweden, it uses annoying and obscure backend formulas to determine attrition rather than just storage breakpoints. What that means in practice is that one division might attrition at 90% stocked supply while another doesn't until 20%. So it's useless even at showing what it's supposed to show.
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Not what the wiki says.
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Finish the battleships you have in production at the start of the game and then spam out a bunch of cheap light cruisers with a single CL battery to screen for them. If you're feeling extravagant you can refit the BBs with upgraded fire control.
>muh carriers
Doesn't matter, in fact I took all the AA off my battleships to make them faster
I have no idea how to use a navy. I just spam Submarines and Naval Bombers.
how do you get the ai to fight your navy? i built a super heavy for the larp and have yet to see anyone
Set some ships to raiding. When they attack a convoy, the enemy SG will attack your raider, and your SG can attack them.
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So regardless of what mod I'm playing or if it's base game. Sometimes my game will crash. That's fine right? What game doesn't from time to time. But then when I load it up the game runs slower than ever, despite before the crash it was running fine and fast as hell. (TNO,Red Flood, OWB, late game Vanilla It doesn't matter, they run fine till this specific problem happens and it follows me everywhere)

Now the weird thing is. Normally loading modded saves the game crashes like 99% of the time. I'm OK with that, I can wait for the game to boot back up and continue. HOWEVER when this problem arises. The game stubbornly refuses to crash on load or at all. Like it traded running fast with no crashing at all.

No matter what I do, restart the computer, verify instillation, clear user cache. Nothing fixes it. EXCEPT crashing the game and loading it up (sometimes all it takes is 1 crash to fix other times 2 or 3 times. And no for some reason closing via exit to desktop on the menu doesnt have the same effect). But as I mentioned when this problem happens the game becomes very stubborn on refusing to crash.

What is causing this and what can I do to fix this?
What does the crash log say?
Nothing. It hasn't logged anything in the past 8 days.

I should specify it only crashed if I already started a game or loaded one. (Ex. I messed up in game and want to reload the autosave) But on a fresh start up it loads fine.

My theory is it has something to do with console commands. More I use them the more they pile up and the console command history goes through umpteen playthroughs. As I mentioned with my fix. I have to flood the console with a bunch of commands to get it to crash, and fix it. But still it isn't a sure fire way as I mentioned the game is indeed stubborn when it enters this crash resistant+ultra slow "mode"
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Strongest nations in the player's hands (1936 start):
Soviet Union
United States of America

Agree or disagree?
wtf is it that easy? Why does that work.
post latest links for the creamapi please
I am entirely new to this game, how should I go about learning it? Is Hard the only proper way to play? How is the strategic layer?
Do you bother Invading the Soviet Union/Allies after you are done with Germany?
Well, of course. Why play Germany if not to counterattack the Allies?
>he’s still hurt

You’ve had multiple years to post proof it’s easy but haven’t even attempted yet lmao

It’s mathematically impossible and you haven’t tried it even though you made your comment years ago.
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Never stopped
>entire countries are made up of 4 regions

Keep that kid shit to yourself.
>entire countries are made up of 4 regions
>keep that kid shit to yourself
That's how men play, only autistic manchildren have the time and energy to micromanage hundreds of provinces.
I used to in HOI2 and Darkest Hour when the tech tree went till the 1960s and post war gameplay was actually fun.
Why vanilla HoI4 only goes up to 1948?
You're not even micromanaging in HoI4. You just use use a paintbrush to draw your front and where you wanna go and that's it.
Battle planning is a shortcut to running out of manpower and equipment. Lots of manual commands are necessary to ensure an efficient assault.
>Battle planning is a shortcut to running out of manpower and equipment.
If you don't know how to use them, yes.
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Smiling portraits is the best HoI4 mod of all time and it's not even close
Quality versus quantity in the extreme. Capital ships need screens (destroyers and light cruisers) to act as meat shields for them; without screens they get both debuffs to their performance AND chewed to bits by the entire enemy fleet shooting at them. Destroyers are cheap but do little damage and will die in droves in every engagement. Naval powers start with a lot of them because they were useful irl, and the AI will use them for most of their screening.

Light cruisers are a lot more expensive at roughly 4x the production cost for the hull alone, which sounds bad, but they're far more survivable thanks to higher base hp and armor reducing incoming damage. You'll want 4 or 5 cruisers for each of your capital ships, which is why I only armed them with a single CL battery to keep production costs to an absolute minimum. A basic CL battery deals damage equal to 4 destroyer guns, so a single battery per ship is all you need anyway. Once combat starts your budget cruisers will quickly crush the enemy's destroyers and then turn their guns on the exposed capital ships, and they'll usually survive to do it again in the next battle which makes the high initial investment worth it.
I don't really see how Japan is supposed to defeat the United States of America. What advantages do they have?
Superior Japanese willpower folded 1000 times and 4,000 miles of ocean between Hawaii and Japan
But don't capital ships have an armor value that is bound to reduce or even negate the damage done by CL batteries?
They do, but the damage reduction from armor is capped at -90% so your cruisers will still chip away at enemy capital ships' health while being too small and fast for their main guns to reliably damage. And the whole time you'll also have your own capital ships dealing real damage.
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Why does this keep happening? I'm not making those
The game groups planes by base designation + available missions, so if you created hybrids, a pure fighter like that won't be used to reinforce anything.
I mean they should be basic, not interwar
Aren't those the planes Hungary starts with?
It also happened when I was playing Germany, I switch all my production to basic but new interwar keeps being made
Selling the starting planes seem to fix it, its like they decided that's all they decided to make
Try reporting the bug on the forum? Seems like a game issue.
Italy may be giving them to me actually, but they shouldn't be allowed to do that, must be a focus? Hm nevermind.
>annex countries as a democratic nation
>0 tension
>do it as anything else
>200 tension
Okay Churchill
Is there any minor country that can do a navy playthrough and beat major starting navy?
Probably not really
Spain, Sweden, Chile, Netherlands, Turkey maybe
Portugal also I guess
The USA is so ludicrously overpowered.
Also, if you wish to compete with major navies then I strongly recommend investing in Naval Bombers. They seem to be really damn good at destroying navies and they are far cheaper to build than your own navy.
how do I won? my frontline wont move? I use airplane and it dont help at all i dont get it
There are so many factors in attack/defence that I can't give you a straight answer. Let me list a few that are important.
Soft attack in your divisions (mostly good for killing infantry)
Hard attack in your divisions (necessary to defeat tanks and mechanised divisions)
Supply status on the frontlines
Air support, both fighters and close air support as well as their quality
Your generals and marshals
The particular terrain you are attacking (the terrain map mode might be valuable if you are new to the game)

Post a screenshot or detail your scenario if you want some more specific advice.
Correct me if I am wrong... but it seems that rocket sites seem to replenish by themselves.
Dumb question, what's the point of field marshalls
Does camelry get buffs from bonuses from cavalry staff bonuses and doctrines?
yes, you are correct. It doesn't cost any IC IIRC, and the replenishment rate depends on the level of the site.
I think that they give about half of their bonuses to all generals under their command.

I did notice that they could be further upgraded and start building 2 rockets at a time. They actually seem quite powerful.
What is your favourite Hearts of Iron IV tactic?
Was the Space Marine exploit ever fixed?
They give bonuses to your army like generals do.
I just made a stack of Mechanised divisions and although they were really good they were also extremely expensive. Not sure if it is viable unless you are playing as America.
You ever notice that Italy is incredibly weak in the hands of the AI? They have so many factories and a respectable core population yet it is often possible to invade the Italian peninsula with just 12 good divisions.
Italy in the hands of the player is only slightly weaker than France.
I've heard that the devs made the Italy AI very weak on purpose so Germany doesn't win every single time.
Would it kill paranigger to put the six gorillion reasons paradrop currently refuses to work in that fucking tooltip?
8 years and paratroopers are still bugged? lmao
No, it just still
>won't list more than one region lacking air superiority
>won't list the current air superiority it's bitching about, you have to change to air map and check it yourself
>won't tell you about lack of transports at all, everything's green and the only way to know that's the issue is to hover the cursor over the airfield tile
China can get a lot of core defence bonuses. I gave them a quick try without forming any coalitions and Nationalist China can easily hold off Japan. Communist China caused a lot of problems with their insurrections but their assault burnt out rather quickly.
I kind of get the impression that Japan is the weakest major nation.
That's kind of obvious innit
France is designed to lose but at the hand of a player they can conquer the world by 39
Does anyone use spies?
1936 Sealion.
A historical one.
How the fuck do I win against expert AI
They can be useful if you're invading a big country because they can create a collaboration government, which means you need fewer VPs to force surrender. U use them as Japan vs China and India usually, might be useful against Soviets and US too.
Are Spain, China and Brazil the absolute top of the minor nations? All 3 can quite easily go should to shoulder with the lessor majors.
Collabs are nice, especially against the US and soviets
Throwing a spy behind enemy lines will also de organize them
They can also help with naval invasions by giving you extra intel/supremacy, wish I knew that sooner
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Is that thing even launching? Numbers aren't going down
Whoever made the fleet editor deserves to be shot
I don't have any of the DLCs so a good chunk of the achievements are sealed from my grasp.
Portugal and Finland. You can get virtually unlimited manpower as Portugal from their non-core manpower buffs. Finland gets so many combat buffs that every division is a space marine, they can easily 1v1 the Soviet Union then turn around and crush Germany.
You ever just want to play Czechoslovakia and curl up into a fortified Bohemian ball?
How do I not run out of fuel?
Trade for oil
Improve infrastructure upon your own oil reserves
Prospect for new oil reserves (only a few nations can do this)
Build and upgrade Synthetic Refineries

That is the general gist without knowing which nation you are playing as.
Your favourite DLC?
Just encountered a glitch where the Singapore province will suddenly flip back to British Malaya control without any naval invasions or anything. All the soldiers stationed in it teleported back to my capital.

Any ideas what is causing this?
Malaya becomes puppet of Australia in the TfV Australia focus tree
I've always had a soft spot for South Africa and Mexico.
>Not you can't join a faction while at war that's illegal
>Meanwhile the AI
Makes sense. That must have caused the occupation to flip. Typical paradox sloppiness.
bros, is HoI4 worth playing today without any DLCs? is there a mod i should look to install?
Why would you play without the DLC? It comes with every pirated install, and its easy af to pirate if you bought the game on steam.
> is there a mod i should look to install?
Black ICE if you want a more challenging and strategic historical experience. If you're after fanfic mods full of walloftext blogpost events made by literal furries and discord trannies, there's lots of those too.
99% of people here bought the base game but pirated the DLCs
Aren't some of the DLCs free now? I think it was TfV and DoD
I think:
Together for Victory
Death or Dishonour
Waking the Tiger
Finnish historical focus tree
Were all given out for free.
As minor nation, is it better to invest into light, medium or heavy planes?
>Finnish historical focus tree
almost every country that got a focus tree rework got free historical focus trees
light fighters with hmgs and best engines are good enough to swarm the dogshit ai planes
What's that?
heavy machine guns
ai may make dogshit planes but they always have 5000+ of them
Just how many factories are you using on them assholes?
Prioritize light fighters.
>Cant make good tank designs, have to be given designs via event/focus to even build tanks (see Germany, Soviets and Italy)
>Cant make good navy, is scripted to make 1 kind of ship that vaguely matches the countries needs (Britain will spam destroyers but Japan which desperately needs destroyers will only ever make subs)
>AI does not adapt to new DLC whatsoever, will do nothing with intelligence networks, never builds supply depots/upgrade railways/build railways, never takes decisions unless scripted, lend lease ai is laughably bad and easily exploited, never sends attache's, I could go on.
>Still doesn't properly utilise supply/attrition mechanics
>Naval invasions are doomed to fail
>Always keeps starting divisions, wastes xp making slight variations
>Does not use strat bombers
>As far as I can tell they don't even build tacs just use whatever shitters are in the stockpile
>Many historical events are still bugged (Croatia rising up, Hungary justifying on Romania, Soviet/UK getting into a war over the middle east)

People don't realize how much of AI behavior is scripted or at the very least given great encouragement to make up for the fact the AI is dumb as bricks. The usual cope is that it wouldn't be fun to play if the computer was actually smart, but I ask what's the point of playing if you know you're going to win every time? I want to feel as though i'm fighting against a country that also wants to win, with generals that try to outsmart me. I don't want to be playing against a country with +100% attack/defense/research/political power/whatever as a crutch
There's also a negative opinion modifier for being a human though you don't see the wiki talking about this
Disagree. Bulgaria and the Baltics controlled by a player will beat any of these nations
>>AI does not adapt to new DLC whatsoever, will do nothing with intelligence networks
That one is a lie. I've had some of my offensives rendered completely ineffective by networks that removed all my planning bonus.
I didn't claim that they didn't build networks, in fact I said they do nothing with them. You don't have to do any spy operations to remove planning bonus, its a consequence of having a network in your country
>download DLCs
>my fighters get 30 kills a day while only losing one or two despite being outnumbered 3 to 1
Paradogs moment.
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Jipang reworks doko
This is just sad to look at
>This is just sad to look at
>every tree has to be convoluted as fuck and complicated for the sake of being complicated
every tree after wtt has been a massive mistake and should be reworked to be infinitely simpler, especially bulgaria, turkey, the baltics and south america
Because in a game about WW2 there's no focus about striking Hawaii when playing as Japan.
I mostly just hate it because there is no industry branch, you have to make everything
There are some factories focuses, but you are forced to make your political choice first
Also 2 small
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>free Total Mob and 14 factories right at the top
>on a country that goes to war early
>not enough free factories :(
I just wish it was separated
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>New Naval Estimates is first
>the decision to get 4 Mils or Docks is available right from the start for 50pp
>X the Zaibatsus is often one focus away
>Nationalize War Industry/Imperial Arsenals is just a free War Economy away
>free Total Mob is right after
>extra Research slot is RIGHT THERE

That's all it fucking takes to get Japan into gear to fight.
You don't understand my issue at all, I just like to wait to make my political choice, but Japan forces you to either go fascist or whatever at the beginning
The real issue is that you have to choose between focusing on carriers or focusing on battleships, despite the fact that Japan did both in real life.
They did one, and then the other. Their Battleship production was deprioritized extremely hard after the invasion of Malaysia, because they realized just how effective carrier-borne aircraft were going to be. Prior to that japan, like the rest of the naval powers, were really only building carriers because it let them circumvent London Naval Treaty hull limitations. Most of Japan's carriers were retrofitted British Battlecruisers.
Who should I play.

>Play Germany
>win easily

>Play UK
>Win even easier

>Play USSR
>Have to play 4 hours of setup win easily

>fun but I've done it a million times already

>see USSR

>Beat Germany, then what
You have to embrace the minor nation pill. Pick someone who can expand early so you can start small and grow into a major.
China and the warlords have been my favourite nations in recent months.
If you go opposition way as soviet is it possible to after purge focuses autocomplete, go further centre focus tree? prefer cult of personality buffs but want support poum spain
Any tips on winning the Spanish civil war as the carlists?

I've tried it a few times, every run feels so inconsistent and RNG dependent. Pushing with no equipment and those retarded state level debuffs makes manuevering almost impossible. What's the secret.
>play Australia
>no option to arm the emus
They'd be a slightly faster, slightly more armored infantry group that consumes more supply in a province.
Rush the Contact the Unión Militar Española and Unite the Requetés focuses so you can get some more free land via decisions plus getting rid of the terrible Disjointed Carlist Juntas spirit debuff. Then rush to get Crusade Against Democracy before the Impending Fascist Crackdown timer ends.
Keep in mind you'll lose most of the generals you have (including those you bribe before the Civil War begins) so it's better to only use either only those generals with pro-carlist symphaties or get new ones via promotion, the latter will remain with you no matter what. If everything goes well you'll be able to crush the Falangists and regroup your forces in time to destroy the Republicans and Anarchists if they're still around.
Get the carlist legitimist heir always, he has better buffs than the illegitimate claimant branch. After that attack Portugal before doing the Unite Iberia focus, a puppet Portugal always accepts the union proposal.
>he doesn't start games already deciding what to play
Are you the kind of stupid motherfucker that holds up lines, deciding what to order only when you are in front?
>Can I get uhhhhhh
But unironically? This you?
>play outside China
>stare at the tank, aircraft and navy tabs
>become paralyzed, because you haven't researched anything that isn't guns and artillery for months
Some of the warlords don't even have trains.
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Why don't I have the option to remove the "unplanned offensive" debuffs anymore?
Probably because you are not bordering contested provinces with the debuff
I looked it up, it's a bug where Carlist Spain just doesn't have the ability to do it. I tagged to the other Spanish factions and they were able to use it. In the situation you described, you will still have a section in the events and decisions tab, and you will be able to see the icons on the map, but they are greyed out.

Paradox just forgot to give Carlist Spain the ability to remove the debuff.
How do i play hearts of iron 4?
So I'm thinking about buying HoI4 but I hate Paradox and their DLC practices. Are there any DLCs that are like a mandatory buy?
Pirate all of it, or if you absolutely must buy the base game and pirate the DLC. Really most of the recent DLC actively makes the game worse and I wouldn't even bother pirating it
Play China with EYWOR mod (choose to disable the ammunition system when you start a game). It's a vanilla+ mod.
Issue is I have a friend that wants to play it with me and he already bought the base game.
Why should I play China specifically?
Most of them are fine except for the brazil one, I guess BBA sucks too
Bosporus is whatever, just don't play those nations
But yes, pirate all of them with auto creamapi
(You) problem. Buy all of it, or get out.
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>Pirate all of it
>Buy all of it
This board is not a monolith. And only paying customer opinions matter. Do you want your opinion to matter? Or do you want to look away, while mumbling insults, when you're reminded that pirates don't matter, and never will, regardless of how much they seethe?
So you recommend purchasing every piece of Hoi4 DLC? Its all good?
Yes. As well as every game and DLC Paradox has released.
You do you.
>im a paypiggy!
>my opinion matters!!
lol retard
>he doesn't talk to the devs about the game and have the devs reply
>calls others retards
You can stop projecting any time.
You do know that you're shadowbanned on the forums, right dude?
Italy's BBA tree is a lot of fun. Plane designer is fine. Finland was OK.

Turkey and Spain still have nonfunctioning/broken paths that will never be fixed. Otherwise most the DLC is good. I'd argue the supply overhaul in NSB is mandatory.
Pale designer is what I hate about it
>I'd argue the supply overhaul in NSB is mandatory.
Its part of base game anon
How come?
I play HOI4 during my night shift.

Fascist Czechoslovakia is fun, since you can cuck Germany out of Austria, Sudetenland and Italy
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>No hoi3 thread
Best way to play and feel 'challenged' is to play a smaller continental nation, join the axis and try to keep Germany from losing the war by itself without cheesing a sealion

>sliders, the game
I prefer sliders the game given that it’s an actual challenge for me. Once you figure out sealion cheese hoi4 just becomes too easy
I would like to add that I have 1500+ hours in hoi4. It really is a good game to me. Despite being a tad bit easy it does a lot of things really well. In particular I really enjoy how research and production of as implemented. Too bad the AI struggles.
But hoi3 does other things with remarkable depth that actually makes sliders the game really compelling. For one, the ability to build and control an entire order of battle/chain of command from the brigade all the way up to the theatre level is incredible. No other game that I know has such an in depth system.
It’s versatile.
There's so much cheese in hoi3 also. The AI barely uses air and navy.
There is just a right and wrong way to build planes. against the AI its a cheat code to be able to obliterate them 20 to 1
You could achieve similar results before, when you upgraded them with Air XP and cheesed fighter II or III with research buffs.
>Be France
>Have 3 research slots until 45
>Too bad the AI struggles
I feel this is the biggest issue with HoI4. Also the alt history is poorly implemented, always turns into a cancerous WQ just to annex Bhutan or some shit
WC, not WQ*
>HOI5 will come out before Southeast Asia gets the spotlight it deserves
at least switzerland got the love it deserved
It's actually really frustrating that WW2 games always end up neglecting real theatres of the war that both sides actually clashed over, like the India front, the siege of Singapore, bombing and submarine attacks on australian ports, etc. in favour of shining minor spotlights on irrelevant countries like Chile that had no meaningful impact on the war.
yes but have you seen the heckin poggers chile alt history paths? only 15$
Anyone else just play like drew durnil and watch the game?
I do nigger
Are armor divisions better with more infantry like IRL or you're supposed to go ham on tanks?
Yes. A good ratio is just under half on motorised/mechanised.
really? I usually do 2:1 ratio of tanks:infantry
It's basically dictated by what the most cost-effective way to fill your combat width is. For the most part that's 1:1, because tanks have extremely low armour and hp. Padding your divisions with infantry helps keep them in the fight longer, let's them push further/faster and massively reduces the amount of casualties they take.

Mobile Warfare can afford to skew the ratio towards tanks because their doctrine gives them a tonne of org to armoured divisions, but you still need to be mindful of keeping your hp high or else you'll just waste an ungodly amount of IC on attrition.
This is one of the things that makes france interesting. You have to choose between fixing your broken economy, modernizing your army or unlocking your research slots and you never have enough time to do all 3.
If you're playing any of the democratic paths, you actually don't need to progress very far down your policy trees so you can afford to rush the research slots and still modernize your army in time for war, but the alternate paths all tend to force you to either sacrifice your research paths in favour of bigger economic boosts, or sacrifice army modernization by allowing you to sidestep the war.
This game misses hard when it comes to both strategic and tactical elements, cities being only one tile is stupid, massive fronts are easy to organize with field marshal orders, logistics are a game of spamming trucks, individual divisions have no depth to them and combat is nothing but an excel spreadsheet, theaters like North Africa, SEA, China and the Phony War are severely neglected in terms of content and the AI has no competence whatsoever
I haven't played the game in ages, is it normal now for everyone to be constantly out of supply? Invading USSR was basically torture and not because it was strong but because my tanks couldn't drive more than 3 tiles before running out of org and supply.
Back in the day I could just launch the battle plan and micro a bit with tanks for encirclements but now it was a slow crawl forward with breaks for babysitting rail lines that never gave me enough supply anyway even when fully upgraded.
Is that normal or am I fucking something up?
eh it only becomes a problem towards the end (archangelsk, stalingrad, urals, central asia). How familiar are you with the new supply system? You want to jump between supply hubs with your offensives, so you're always within the range of a supply. Also make sure you put the supply hubs on full motorized, you can make it do that automatically when in range of an army. Were the railway lines fully upgraded all the way to the capital?
>How familiar are you with the new supply system?
not at all
I just built and upgraded rail lines and built supply hubs if my divisions had to stand somewhere with shaky supply for a long time. I obviously aimed for provinces with rails lines and supply hubs when executing attacks but that wasn't enough. All the rail lines from capital to the front were lvl 5, I assume that's the max.
Though I don't know what "full motorized" means. You just build the hubs and they do their thing no?
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>You just build the hubs and they do their thing no?
sort of. If you can afford it (which major countries like Germany can) you can motorize the supply hubs, instead of using (fictional) cavalry for delivering the supplies from the hub to your divisions, which will improve both supply and range of your hubs. best and easiest way is to enable it automatically (will enable/disable motorization when the army is in/out of range of the supply hub) for each army group or army that you want motorized (usually all of them). You can do this by pressing the button in picrel under your general or marshal twice. If you press it once it will use less motorized but also less improvements to supply. You can also do it manually (can be useful for minors when you can't afford to motorize all hubs) by pressing a supply hub in supply view. A little menu will open around the hub where one of the bubbles is a horse, press it to change the hubs supply method. Only reason you wouldn't want to motorize supply is because you don't have the motorized for it or the enemy is bombing your logistics with CAS (you will lose a lot of trucks to this, make sure you have air superiority). You can see how many trucks you have vs how many you need by hovering your mouse over logistics at the top menu thing (next to army xp and stuff), it will say how many you need and how many you have in storage. Putting 1 or 2 additional military factories on trucks should be enough to produce all the trucks you will need for supply hubs.
I would have never figured that out on my own. At the start I also completely forgot that you have to make trains now since apparently you don't start with a production line for them.
It's always a feel when you realise you're playing a nation without transports
>too much micro

nah, hoi4 allows you to do micro way deeper with small encirclements being possible and total tactical control also being possible

nobody is forcing you to use the arrows, but if you cant be bothered they are there, i almost never use the arrows unless im fighting a really large front or a front far away i dont care about or if ive basically won the war with micro and just need to finish the job

i do agree with the point about no depth but a lot of complexity, but i find that the tiny provinces add depth, by allowing more space for tactical movements
>look away 1 second
>suddenly half the country is gone
cheating AI...
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>The AI barely uses air and navy.

I’ve had my runs bricked by AI Germany using air power to bleed me of manpower to the point I basically have to go back to England or quit.

With navies there’s only a few countries that have a large enough starting navy combined with an AI that prioritizes continuing to expand it. Like UK, USA, Japan… Italy sometimes(2 out of 10 games I’d say) win the Mediterranean, If they do they’ll build a big navy. France starts with a Japan tier navy, they just never get to use it unless the player intervenes to keep them alive. If you do a commie play though and help the Soviets win, start WW3 and they’ll start building a real navy. But yeah any non major has a laughable air and naval force, probably historically accurate
Why isn't coal a resource
True. To this day, I still question why Chile needed a Monarchist path when Mexico had a better claim to having one considering that the pretender to its crown was still alive by that point. At this
The best way to play hoi4 is to uncheck historical paths l then set their strategies to be their historical paths.

This prevents shit like the French AI never getting rid of its debuffs with historical AI on and makes it slightly harder to cheese the allies as the axis because they can actually get rid of their debuffs and it also makes the game more unpredictable because things like barbarossa might be earlier or later because the AI doesn't do things in an exact set order they just pick the historical path but can pick focuses out of order.

Honestly if they could just remove the alt-history paths and make it pure WW2 it would be fun again. The new soviet and italian trees for example are fucking awful because even though the previous ones were barebones these new ones are just a bunch of shitty minigames that you have to focus on or else your entire nation is shit. Don't even get me started on bumfuckistan nations getting OP as fuck focus trees with a million mechanics and buffs/debuffs. The ethiopian, switzerland, south american and nordic trees barring finland are a fucking travesty.
have they fixed turkey annexing the levant and starting ww3 on historical yet?
>modern tank exists
>modern heavy tank doesn't
>no pre-war super heavy tank
and what's even the point of super heavies
>>modern heavy tank doesn't
>>no pre-war super heavy tank
Because those never existed in real life.
>modern heavy
all three major armies continued developing and using heavy tanks during the 50s, with some of the french post-war proposals also leaning into that category, though never going anywhere
>pre-war super heavy
all sides had (extremely shit) designs drafted during the war and the french actually built them in the 20s
How do I navy? The tutorials I found say I need 4 screens (DDs, CLs) for every capital, but no real mention of how any of those should be equipped.
Usually with torpedoes to have a decent chance against cruisers and deep charges to get rid of submarines
Deep charges for the DDs, guns for the CLs then. What about the capitals?
If anything, they've made it much worse since half of SA go all-in on the war no matter what on historical.
Torpedoes for your main fleet, depth charges for anti-submarine. Usually you want them to be as fast as possible (best engine) and as cheap as possible (you could even just add a single torpedo) just to get out as many as possible that are hard to hit because they are fast.
CLs are similar but instead of antisubmarine you probably want to make them spotters by loading them up with radar and as many plane launchers as you can.
Keep them as cheap as possible because numbers are their only virtue
Standard design is just 1x torp tube and the best engine.
Use a smaller number as sub hunters with sonar and depth charges. Giving this to every DD is massive overkill so you only need a handful of them. You can put them in your main fleet to defend it against subs, or split them off to convoy escort.
And if you're behind and just desperate to fill out screening, just empty destroyers is fine.
The job of the CL is to wipe destroyers. Makes them fast, give them just enough armour to not get penetrated by other light batteries, then fill them with all the light attack you can fit. You only need a few of these and you can keep them with the fleet to melt screens or split them off with some escorts to raid convoys when the enemy navy is dead
Spotting Cruisers are how you make Strikeforce missions work. Make task forces of single spotting CLs with Radar and every catapult they can fit. Set them to never engage and put them on Patrol. They will find fleets for you ultra fast and basically never die.

Put this all together with you bog standard capital ship designs and you'll win navy easily
Tell me about BBs, CVs and CAs, please. Are BCs worth making?
It's singleplayer, do whatever you want
The only countries that are worth it for navy-focused playthroughs are only the US and Britain due to their massive starting fleets, advanced naval tech and ease of obtaining resources to supply and expand their fleet
I try to larp as much as possible and build every single kind of ship, even making "specialist" variants, eg. a destroyer with max depth charges as my convoy escorts, a SHBB with max heavy guns as the pride of the fleet and various carriers ranging from light 20 plane carriers to massive 100+ plane carriers
Japan and France also have solid starter navies, but due to their lack of resources it's difficult to expand upon them, any other country can easily just capitulate a major and steal their navy
Is superior firepower still by far the best land doctrine?
if memory serves me right grand battleplan can give better stats if you let it get full planning
Which branches are the best for each doctrine?
No, it's GBP Right.
Why do you even care?
>and what's even the point of super heavies
In theory the have the niche of being good at attacking high level forts in open terrain. In practice they're completely useless, and you're better off spending the factories on tac bombers if you absolutely need to attack into high level forts.
Exclusively build CL's with max LA. Torpedo meta is dead.
Out of curiosity, that is all
France and Japan are the best nations and I will not elaborate.
I agree

Both have great technology and potential, good starting navies and armies, but each have to face their own juggernaut.

France can’t match German manpower, and has to plan accordingly and play carefully

Japan can’t match USA /UK ship production and must overcome it forcing favorable engagements

I’ve only played hoi3 btw
I believe for Superior Firepower 1st right is always best, 2nd depends on if you're expecting air superiority or not. Air superiorty => left, otherwise right. Grand Battleplan right because of the night attack bonus. Others I don't know, obviously not 2nd left on Mobile Warfare (unless you really need the manpower).
Small brain: superior firepower micro
Big brain: max planning suicide charges GBP
I don't even use plans, and I'm not even sure I know how to use them. I just draw a front line and micro my ass off.
>boot up hoi4
>look through the different nations I could play
>can't bring myself to play any of them
>quit game
I have over 1000 hours in it so far. I think I've just played it up. There's nothing more for me to enjoy from it. I can only replay ww2 so many times.
Time to learn 3
For me it comes in periods, I also felt like that but then after not playing for a few months it's fun for a few hundred hours again Mods also help. I'm now at 3k hours
>Argentina gets a bonus to 20% attack because of their conquistador heritage
>In 1940
>Conquistadors never even went to Argentina
> it's on the Italian path
Uh based ?
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end my fucking life
Them biplanes are no joke. You could have F-22 Raptors and you would still lose
That was nerfed a long time ago
If adding an armored unit to an infantry division gives that armor to every dude in the division, does adding a speedy unit give that speed to every dude in the division too?
We all know Space Marines, but let's say I give my dudes a group of light tanks with super engines. Will the dudes all run at 60+km/h?
don't play this game past 1945
once I saw 40 divisions per tile in the mountains of italy with 10k fighters over it I almost had an aneurysm
Muso chan is so nice, always sending me trucks
When is the next expansion?
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how am I even supposed to fight this
Div movement speed is the minimum of all battalions.
>gives that armor to every dude in the division
Not really. Can you imagine how a division with armour in it would handle receiving soft attack better than a division without even though the inf is just as vulnerable?
>no supply
encircle, encircle, encircle. You couldn't be successful in WW2 without outmanoeuvring and encircling.
>not pictured: 20-30 divisions per tile all around
yeah bro just encircle them all lmao
remember that time in history when Germany put the equivalent of an army group into some random village in Ukraine during Barbarossa?
Besides Kharkov?
>just encircle them all lmao
Unironically yes. If you can't bleed them of divisions you'll never win.
>20-30 divisions per tile all around
Then play the supply game first, give yourself an advantage somewhere then encircle. You'll never win by just pushing that number of divisions back to Berlin.
>2 tanks
I sure hope you have more than that.
NTA but every time I try to encircle the enemy runs away from the divisions, and my dudes are either too slow or their dudes the sons of Usain Bolt because they're at least three times faster than mine.
Is MW worth it for mot/mech divisions or just for armor pumped chock full of tanks?
Light tanks or medium tanks?
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How long do you want me to wait dude it's march 44. I killed like 3 million Germans just by sitting on the river line for a year, eventually they stopped attacking and just sat there at max entrenchment regaining equipment. I spent the entire 43 pushing back and all I managed to gain was a couple tiles west of Kiev and no encirclements. That is with green air, CAS and 12 40 width medium tanks.

Notice the capped Romania and literally 0 German units in the area for some strange reason.
>almost 300 divisions
How do they still have manpower?
I have no fucking clue. Intel says they're still at service by requirement too. Their divisions don't seem to be lacking people either judging by their bars and how hard it is to do anything against them.
They lost 5.5 million manpower, 4 million to me.
I'm more concerned about my own manpower since I didn't notice Collectivist Propaganda and Positive Heroism exclude each other so I'm locked out of 15% recruitable pop.
Maybe try a marine invasion to see if they split up?
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Is this a good infantry division? Back in the day I used to do 7-2 and that gave precise 20 width but I heard people these days go for 9-1 or 9-2.
Why the motorized recon?
nuke time xd
I go for that (9-1) except I would never include recon and probably wouldn't include logistics company. So yes, it's a good infantry division for holding the line. Reason for new meta is that they changed the combat widths, if you didn't know. For an offensive infantry division (can be useful for minors) I use 7-3:s and include a motorized recon for the movement speed.
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I naval invaded with mountaineers in Rostock, the German AI went full retard afterwards so I launched the battle plan and the front got rolled up so fast I actually lost parts of Ukraine and Romania due to the AI shuffling divisions to keep up with the advance.
Collab governments are sweet, I didn't even need to capture Berlin, just the coast and west Germany.
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Also got the cheevo since the Allies took their sweet time getting bogged down in Spain, south Italy and Yugoslavia. They almost walked into the Rheinland but I got most of the state.
Every time I try to use tanks they just end up being a big resources drain
They take forever to make and can't even push that much
Motorized infantry just seem way better
>try to do Soviet Onion after beating Germany
>have to beat the allies because they guaranteed Turkey
>have to micro like 4 different fronts in Europe all at once
>somehow the Chinese have gotten mixed into the fighting on the allied side
>they took over most of Siberia while I wasn't looking
I can't do this I'm tired bro
Why are you attacking Turkey?
Do it in 36 if you want them gone, you will receive Romania as a freeby
It was just an afterthought really. I'll try again on some other playthrough.
Fix Franco-Spain already
It's the only French path I haven't done yet
Thoughts? I did a mini-modding of Mexico's focus tree to give it some meat.
Way better than the current one. I like it.
Does Raiding Navy gives unique techs lile cruiser subs?
Looks good. See if you can add a few mexican flags here and there, and some titles in Spanish.
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Yep. I also improved the ideas for Blue Water Navy by giving them reduced build cost for heavy ships and screens

I've added ToA focus icons back into Mexico's focus tree
>started a germany game for cheevos
>got True Blitzkrieg and Operation Sea lion
>invaded the US from Canada and capped it
>could have done it earlier but I slept through the war goal
>it's still 1941
damn, what the hell do I do now?
1939 start in-exile Poland is pretty fun
>permanent 10% attack and defense leader buff (unless you switch leaders, with one alternative being 15% attack and defense on core territory)
>shitloads of operatives slots
>can do all of Sanation focuses as you want, which give a lot of buffs
>including 15% attack and defense boost on special forces
>neutral party popularity will never go below 50% no matter how many other boost party popularity are active, so you can constantly do anti-party raids for infinite stability
>can steal all the Polish cores through uprising as long as they're under axis occupation, including the ones that were annexed by Soviet Union
What am I supposed to do as Shitaly? Last time I overran North Africa so fast Rommel would have killed himself out of envy, but then I got into sub-Saharan slog with germans sending half their army there. Then germans declared on USSR despite having most of their army in fucking africa. I alt-f4 out of frustration after that. Should I just ignore those german retards and do my own thing?
Assume you must at all times fight your own wars and any others your allies might get into, because they sure as hell will not carry their weight.
Ignore sub-saharan Africa. There's nothing for you there. Just make a thin line of defense wherever you want so that the allies can't get to north africa,then go fight the USSR. Don't forget to forbid the Germans to use your supplies in Africa so that they stop putting divisions there.
Guarantees should expire
Fuck the UK
>Neutral Greece can ask for Enosis with Cyprus to the UK via focus.
>Democratic Greece after achieving the Megali Idea can't, despite gaining cores on the island after becoming Hellas.
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I'm also doing a little bit of work on the Central American States and giving them a "mini-ToA" Focus Tree
>drop 3 nukes on China
Looks pretty good.
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Thanks. I can't find anything about Imperial Japan's relation with Latin America so I just did an off-the-fly option.
>improving relations with Japan results in armor developments
Are you sure? Is the Japan part really necessary for LATAM nations?
Meh, it's your show, you do you my dude, your stuff looks good.
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Never playing a minor ever again. What a fucking mess.
At least I got the cheevo.
That is the EASY one
Now land in Australia
I would suggest Japan's branch to be more navy and aerial focused.
>capitulate nazi germany
>Heinz Guderian and Erwin Rommel of the British Occupation Zone now spearhead NATO armies into the USSR
I love this game
Nah dude I'm not doing that. Sound pretty much impossible. If I have to babysit a front line for three in game years on 3 speed again then I'll go fucking insane.
You could have done it that run
Steal Germanys navy, then Japan, then attack Australia
I'll fix it on some other time. It was 1am when I was doing it and I was piss tired so I was just throwing stuff out.

I just added Japan there so you can have more variety with who you want to go with because most ToA nations either go with Italy or Germany. I'd figure that you joining Japan would make their job easier of dominating the Pacific because you've effectively given them a backdoor to the West Coast while making your own plans for your own lebensraum

Yea. I'll fix it
I don't have the dlc for navy stealing. Also if Germany isn't capitulated fast the allies would steamroll the USSR and kill me in the peace deal.
All these ongoing combats in the screen are the allies and Soviets beating the shit out of each other while inside my country.
Pirate all the dlcs my dude, why are you playing an incomplete game?
I don't want to fuck around with creamapi or some other 3rd party program on my main steam account. Maybe that's silly but it is what it is.
I'll get it eventually on some sale.
You are a pussy
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I've fixed the Japan-path for the Central America mini-mod.
What country can rush nukes the earliest possible? I kind of want to try a build where I just mass air, rush nukes and flatten the other side of the war from the air. Is it actually possible to force nukes out before like 1944?
Looking pretty good
You basically need to spam war justifications on irrelevant countries to trick the UK into wasting pp on them.
>want to play hoi4
>stuck trying to pick a country/build
There's gotta be some way to expedite this process. I spend almost more time being indecisive than actually playing
That sounds like torture.
Okay help me out bros:
My last run was as historical US with a pure mechanized build. It was fun but by the end I was pretty sick of how much supply-heavy divisions constrained logistics and how annoying it was to push through bad terrain

Before that, I did a pure-infantry build as Anarchist Spain which started fun, I had a whole campaign in South America using jungle-specialist marines. But then afterwards it quickly devolved into blobbing across the world with battleplans because I was too big to stop.

I want to play a country/build with a more balanced army this time, enough industry for a few tank divs, enough population to field more than a handful of infantry, enough research slots that I'm not spending half the game catching up, etc. Somewhere situated close enough to the action so that I can play a wildcard to WW2 but not somewhere so important that my choices wildly imbalances the war (like uk). And since I spent the last few games just rolling the map I'd like a situation where I actually have to be on the defensive for a little while--but not something like Czechoslovakia or Belgium where I exist to be a speedbump and surviving just fucks over the axis.

I was looking at maybe the USSR or rebel-path Manchuria but I was worried the former might be too easy and the latter might be so far from the action that WW2 will be other before I get a chance to do anything.
Any Balkan country probably, sounds like that's what you want
Someone here knows a good guide of the best and easiest way to how to creamapi or koalageddom the expansions of Paradox games? i paid to much already almost full ck2 and eu4, but i want to only play with everything on, how i can make this happen?
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Here's the mini Haiti Tree I've done so far
Nice job. May I suggest a shared Haiti/Dominican Republic/Cuba focus centered in uniting the Caribbean by diplomacy or force?
>Buy fighters with a focus/decisions
>They don't have guns
Cool, BBA is like 3 years old now
>a shared Haiti/Dominican Republic/Cuba focus centered in uniting the Caribbean by diplomacy or force?
I could do it. But I won't make it so that you can effectively blob ALL of the Caribbean. I'll just make paths for Hispanic/Francophone/Anglo Caribbean nations to form their own respective cultural unions like the Antillean Federation/Haiti + Guadeloupe/West Indies Federation
Paracocks refuses to fix even the most basic of AI fuckups but will dedicate millions of hours to giving fucking Chile a focus tree
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Here's Haiti's fascist path done with. I'm gonna be shelving the game for a bit. I'll upload what little I have done on a Google Drive link so everyone can download it.
Sounds way better than I had in mind, go for it.
Nice job.
I do, because
I'm still not good at them

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