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What's the verdict
It's not out yet.
I played the beta and liked it but it had some issues (mostly technical) to work out and I'm glad they delayed it.
There's still almost 3 weeks until launch but as long as they cleaned up the jank it will basically be Ostfront with better multiplayer that doesn't run like ass.

Compared to AS2 it's gonna have less content but hopefully they'll add more factions with time.
Holy shit it’s finally coming out? I really enjoyed the beta back in August, think I missed a more recent beta though so I’m not sure if anything changed.
Really liked the beta, was going to buy it back in October or whatever before the delay. I'm a little worried that the retarded fans and their feedback might have messed with the game too much but I will still buy it. Was pleasantly surprised to see it's supposed to come out soon.

One of the last patches messed with infantry speed. I forget if it made them faster or slowed but as a result the animations looked "off" somehow. I'm hoping they ironed all those details out. They were very obviously pushing their luck with the original release date.
The beta was AMAZING, there were some rough parts, but If devs fixed them MEN OF WAR 2 WILL BE AWESOME. Pre-order it NOW!
Love the game!
The main thing was them nerfing artillery repeatedly. It's less accurate against moving targets and doesn't instantly throw tank treads on a near-miss anymore. They also added more buildable field fortifications like watch towers
I am not buying your product.
Beta was great, but losing grorious Nippon from older MoW games hurts.
are germans still wildly overpowered?
The absence of the UK/Commonwealth is sorely felt. When it comes out I'm going to see if I can throw together something resembling a UK deck using lendleased soviet gear
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I THINK there was a brit battlegroup available for the americans but don't quote me on that. The germans do have this pastacar available, for example.

I'm sure the valour fag will mod all that shit in sooner than later.
There wasn't any dedicated UK deck but the soviets had a bunch of British lendlease units like Churchills available in the beta.
You're chasing shadows again.
You haven’t lived until you’ve experienced the worst AT grenades known to mankind, all sorts of MG ports pointing out at strange directions, and weird-ass oversized artillery units.
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How does it compare with Gates of Hell?
mow2 is a mix of mow, coh and w:rd.
>Wargame Red Dragon
in what aspects?
Very similar, though I found the controls smoother in mow2 and had trouble going back to ostfront after
>Holy shit it’s finally coming out
In about two weeks I think. Marketing has been kind of weird and low key but I guess that's normal for a small studio. There's no preorder, though, which is kind of weird.
I might wait and see how launch week pans out before I jump in, I've got a gut feeling there will be some tech issues.
Doesn't run as shitty, AI actually works, interesting retreat/repair and camo mechanics, building emplacements/laying down mines is infinitely better. It has actual colors so GOH retards will complain it looks cartoony.
Does it have some shitty retarded tiny unit cap you can use in battles, so you're forced to trickle in tiny amounts of men and equipment as they die or get destroyed?
Looks like the same game released decades ago with a few UI changes.

Gates of Hell has surpassed Men of War in everyway
do you guys know if they made the building interiors better? especially buildings with multiple floors
Definite pass. I hate that.
Houses work more like in CoH now where soldiers distribute themselves. I'm not sure whether or not you have to still manually check there's still a guy in each window but I don't think so.
Damn I'm sold then, those are basically the only issues I had with GOH.
Don't listen to that anon he is bullshitting, the AI is horrible, the game looks like its ten years old, the UI is garbage, and it runs like shit.

also always online
The game stole my lunch money and burned my house down
Oh fuck this thing is out next week. Is anyone hete going to be playing multiplayer on launch?
Gonna buy it as soon as these tard let me to.
It's funny how after Relic and Eugen shat the bed so hard the last man standing is Men of War.
It wasn't a deck. Part of the units you could get were British.
Why are you describing Gates of Hell in a thread talking about MoW2?
It's 64 bit now so it runs smooth as bubber.
bubber kurwa

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