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Is Workers & Resources a city builder or an autismo logistics simulator?
I usually describe it as Tropico but far more autistic. You do plan and build detailed cities, but to do so you need a solid logistical chain for most all of the main construction materials, which in turn need their own detailed construction and production chains.

Cool game overall, even if I don't feel like I'd ever truly left the early-mid game, doubly so in the new updates with lots of stuff now locked behind research
A mixture of both?
It has more in depth logistics than transport tycoon that requires depots and distribution. The production chains are relatively simple with cars and other vehicles being the most complex, I've never gotten to cars but can attest that its as deep as you want it to be.

Its ironically the most complex city builder while also providing a good quality logistical sim that can feel rewarding once you overcome the UI and slightly ugly visuals (especially AA looks bad).
Is it related to Tropico in any way? The UI looks like it is straight out of Tropico.
This is the only hooded horse game that actually is anything close to a game, mostly because it was pretty far along its release journey by the time that shovelware publisher got anywhere near it
They both use commie aesthetic
One is american tropical islands
One is slavic frozen hellholes in eastern Europe
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>Is Workers & Resources a city builder or an autismo logistics simulator?
It's both. It's a city builder where autismo attention to logistics will allow you to have a good time.
Pic related is a rail yard I decided to make. I didn't need to go as autismo on the design or layout but if you're playing the mode where you have to construct things yourself you want to try to take everything you can in to account
Properly scaling things is hard to do the first time. That looks absolutely (appropriately) massive.
I've been doing the tutorial campaign. I was surprised to see the game advising me to attribute a farm to 10 small fields. I always figured Medium fields/large fields were more efficient. Has anyone figured out the economies of scale on this?
Yeah, the scale of the game is really different. Compared to other city builder games that tend to make things smaller and more abstracted here your, say, steel mill and all the supporting infrastructure is going to be absolutely massive.
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Thank you, it's quite a beast and I'm looking forward to it getting significant traffic as I expand to the rest of the map. Hopefully my capital will extend to cover the entire screen in pic rel
Exactly. The amount of trains I need to feed a fully operating steel mill is crazy. On top of the massive amount of coal and iron, I need to bring all the people around
Both. You control everything from buying individual garbage trucks and setting up their routes, to recycling, to buying fucking boring machines in order to make your own subway systems.
whats your day job like?
i suppose thats why soviets built an entire city around steel processing like magnitogorsk
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Are 15 oil wells and ten 1500t oil tanks overkill for 1 Large Chemical Plant, 2 plastic factories, and an oil refinery?
Do the math anon. You don't need us for that.
It goes hard on the autismo but you can ease yourself into it until you learn the systems by setting it up so it’s almost impossible to lose and you have essentially infinite resources to recover when you inevitably fuck up somewhere.
A day is 60 seconds, movement speeds are realtime for their distances so for example it takes something traveling 60 km/h 1 minute aka 1 day to travel 1 km
The production numbers given for buildings assume they've got 100% productivity 100% of the time which is only possible with highly loyal and educated populations with near perfect passenger access, so they can effectively be treated as unreachable bounds.
You should be able to figure it out based on this.
>A day is 60 seconds
That's what I needed to know, the different rates of time for different mechanics in this game has me second guessing the math on occasion.
>He thinks that citizens are based off time
And time mentioned when you have a selected citizen is a lie and doesn't relate to anything as far as I can tell. For example, if a citizen can travel for four hours to his job how far can he go?
I have no idea, because it isn't four seconds of travel, it isn't a set distance, and it isn't even a set, separate amount of time. How quickly those four hours pass depends on the method of travel and I know that how long they work depends on how long they travel so it doesn't relate directly to work hours either. Since worker hours differ as well there is no way to calculate worker input requirements.
I love this game, but whichever slovak fuck designed the time systems needs to be shot.
Lots of small farms means more trips back and forth but the individual fields get sown quicker so they get harvested sooner and there's less risk of losing crops to winter. The ultimate autism efficiency involves using small/medium fields to start the season and then organizing them correctly so that tractors will go directly to an adjacent bigger field after.
Why won't my autism let me turn any settings off?
I play with realism mode on except money on medium instead of hard and fires on normal instead of frequent. Oh, also 1960.
Makes starting a new city very slow and difficult.
Realism mode makes you engage with mechanics that you could otherwise skip. It'd be like playing factorio with your starter production lines already set up
Is moving tourists by air profitable? They pay for transit I've seen, but aircraft take comical amounts of fuel.
It's the most reliable way to get masses of tourists exactly where you want them, and more importantly it's the only reason to build an airport.
With full loads, airplanes are more fuel efficient than buses and even some trains/ships. It is the helicopters that have terrible fuel economy. I am not sure if moving tourists is profitable on any mode of transit, but if it is, then airplanes should be the best at it thanks to their speed.

>it's the only reason to build an airport
They have a few other uses, like getting access to the western border early on without a dirt road or dumping into a remote area for construction. Airplanes are invaluable on the bigger maps.
>or dumping
a lot of stuff/workers
>into a remote area for construction
Is there a way to "buffer" workers? e.g. you have a bunch of industry attached to a bus stop, and you have large buses. Is there a way, when all the industry is full, to unload the workers anyways and have them walk to work when a job opens?
Yes. The simplest way to do this is to build a station nearby and have the bus make two stops at it where the first stop just unloads and the second forces everyone off. Workers will immediately walk to any empty jobs while the rest will wait an hour at the station and then check for any open jobs before teleporting home.

You can also build a pair of stations, link them to each other and the nearby workplaces, and set the stations' preference to 0%. Workers will endlessly circulate between the stations until a job opens up. This works really well for storing foreign workers without much issues, but citizen workers will get a happiness debuff if they stay there too long and they tend to have amplified needs when they finally get a job.

There are other methods too, but they are pretty complicated, and I don't feel like explaining them right now.
Wait, so bus stations work differently than bus stops?
No they're the same. Anon probably didn't realize he used different terms.
Any passenger station will work, you can send a bus to unload at a train station or passenger cableway without issue (if it has a road connection of course).
Thanks, it seems to have helped a little.
I forget where I heard it but apparently it's better to not stock hotels with anything and let tourists buy from restaurants and cafes, does anyone know the math as to why? It seems to check out experimentally, when I started stocking hotels my income dropped by something like 40%.
I assume it's the prices you set.
My strategy is to minimize all the attraction prices (so my citizens can get the most benefit from them, dual-use) and then set the hotel prices as high as will keep the hotels full.
That's a terrible strategy.
Attractions generally have very bad worker ratios and citizens don't pay anything and thus don't benefit from low prices. What you're thus doing is ensuring inefficient buildings are used as much as possible.
You should segregate tourist services from citizen services and only build attractions that don't make a lot of money if you need more tourists.
>citizens don't pay anything and thus don't benefit from low prices
They can use them more often. This raising their happiness when they roll alcohol or prayer needs.
Chew you havisfaction a singlicious satisfact to snack that up
Funnily enough, they're pretty closely related in that they have very little 'gamey' elements like trying to increase citizen ranks, attract richer citizens, balance your Feng Shui or other things you see in Anno or SimCity style city builders. I started city building with Tropico 5 and moved onto W&R and I'd say it's the same core principles of balancing citizen needs, logistics and making money just way more autistic and advanced.
No, almost nothing in the game is documented. Do you have any evidence that high-priced attractions net more money than high priced hotels?
No, other than completely unreliable experimental observations. Thus me asking that, and never stating it as fact. What a weird comeback
Pretty confident with that "terrible strategy" statement.
Oh yes, I am. This doesn't hinge on my hotel speculation/vague memory at all. Let me repost my strategy;
>Attractions generally have very bad worker ratios and citizens don't pay anything and thus don't benefit from low prices. What you're thus doing is ensuring inefficient buildings are used as much as possible.
Facets mentioned; attractions, worker ratios, tourist/citizen fulfillment separation
>You should segregate tourist services from citizen services and only build attractions that don't make a lot of money if you need more tourists.
Facets mentioned; tourist/citizen amenities, implicitly tourist ratings
You will note none of these are mentioned; Hotels, pricing, comparison of income between hotels and cafes/restaurants.
Does this clear up your confusion?
>Build one police station
>Completely overwhelemed with crime
>Build another on the other side of the residential block
>solves them faster than they come in
>can't transfer crime
I don't think you understand that attractions ARE citizen services. I want my citizens to use them as much as possible so the services that I don't provide (alcohol and prayer) get filled by attractions instead of causing unhappiness due to an unfulfilled need.
I have addressed them being citizen services multiple times. It takes less workers to provide the services with regular buildings, you mention alcohol so the pub is 1:12 workers to services, cafes are 1:7-1:10. Culture builds are MUCH more skewed, and no vanilla buildables provide faith needs, only static churches.
Your strategy (letting citizens use cafes and similar) is better than unhappy citizens of course, but that doesn't mean it isn't a terrible strategy.
>no vanilla buildables provide faith needs
You clearly don't understand how attractions work for citizens so I'm going to stop arguing about it. You win, providing attractions to citizens is a terrible strategy.
it's Tropico for Factorio fans
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>so I'm going to stop arguing about it.
Don't worry anon, I will take up the mantle, but you may want to stay a while and listen too.

>and no vanilla buildables provide faith needs, only static churches.
Attractions that list an attraction type like museums, carousels, etc. can be used by citizens to satisfy sports, culture, drinking, or prayer, but not all attractions have them (look in the building selection menu popup. Picrel). The attractions without a listed attraction type function just like normal service buildings do for citizens, but tourists will get a zero star rating for that portion of their trip and you cannot change the price they pay at them, which is why attractions without an attraction type exist.

Citizens also have a cool down for each attraction type that is set by the building they used it at, where they cannot use the attraction type again anywhere until the cool down ends. Citizens can still use attractions like normal service buildings to satisfy a specific need served there, except for a rare few buildings that forbid citizens from using the building at all if their attraction type cool down is still ongoing, like the art gallery.

>They can use them more often. This raising their happiness when they roll alcohol or prayer needs.
The price doesn't affect the length of the cool down and is only for manipulating tourist fees and ratings. You can find the time each building sets for the cool down in the attraction's config file as the number after the tag that defines the attraction type used, like $ATTRACTIVE_TYPE_SWIM 4 for the indoor pool.
cont'd from >>1751303
>I forget where I heard it but apparently it's better to not stock hotels with anything and let tourists buy from restaurants and cafes, does anyone know the math as to why?
This depends on the ratings you can get for hotels and cafes/bars, and the idea is to maximize the average ratings of tourist vacations so you can get more of them with higher fees. Tourists give a rating for each need they fulfill, including staying at the hotel, but this rating is given by the building they satisfy the need at. If a tourist eats food and drinks alcohol at their hotel, then they will add the hotel's rating onto their trip score three times, or four if they also get meat. You could set up really nice hotels and have tourists eat and drink there to get the high rating multiple times, or you can have them stay in a crappy hotel and have them and others go to a restaurant for high food/meat ratings and to bars (or to an attraction type) for high alcohol ratings.

The really nice hotels require a good setup to get their highest ratings and they use a lot more workers per tourist than the lower rated hotels, which you can stick pretty much anywhere that isn't polluted and save the one nice spot in your republic for the highly rated attractions, restaurants, and bars. Either way, you'll have higher average vacation ratings, which will let you drive prices up more before you don't get enough tourists to fill your hotels.

I meant stations as places that citizens can get wait at and stops as entries in a vehicle's line/schedule.
>The attractions without a listed attraction type function just like normal service buildings do for citizens, but tourists will get a zero star rating for that portion of their trip and you cannot change the price they pay at them,
Sorry anons, I meant to say that tourists will not give a rating for normal service buildings and you cannot change the price they pay at them, which is why attractions without an attraction type exist.
It's really not as crazy as people make it seem. Getting your initial construction industry set up isn't that complex even in cosmonaut mode. It's a fun payoff, but I tend to peter out once I get past the initial city.
>and you cannot change the price they pay at them, which is why attractions without an attraction type exist.
different anon and i haven't gone into attractions yet, but is that a good thing that you aren't able to change the price they pay?
I am not sure if you saw >>1751319
or >>1751315
but I will assume you did.

>is that a good thing that you aren't able to change the price they pay?
No. This means you cannot lower prices to raise the average trip score and get more tourists in, and you cannot raise prices to get more money if you have too many tourists wanting to enter. For citizens it doesn't matter because they do not pay money for any services (at least it is not simulated like that).
it looks like shit, why did I buy this game..I'd rather pixel graphics
Trains moving things to and from factories
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That's lowered graphics, here's a shot of the area with everything turned up and depth of field off
I'm just realizing now that the screenshots from Slovakia the show during the loading screens aren't even in-game photoshots..f
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Good. I've managed to get to a point where I have a city and am making money in 1964 on hard money. You just need to know how to optimize traffic, vehicle utilization and construction materials logistics. Also built as close to the customs house as possible and space everything just as much apart, as pollution lets you. Instantly pivot to a gravel into concrete/prefabs/asphalt industry for domestic use as soon as you're making profit on your starting industry
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I wish the big chemical plant was available when I started this game, would have saved me a lot of logistic problems
I wish they had balanced it so that it wasn't a straight upgrade from the small chemical plants.
muh niche
Why does the small prison have better worker ratios than the normal one?
The balance is fucking weird.
>Small prison: 45 prisoners / 15 workers = 3
>Large prison: 210 prisoners / 70 workers = 3
What did he mean by this?

>t. conveyor main
Maybe he's unknowingly using a mod small prison from back when there wasn't a vanilla small prison.
Or maybe I can't count, ever consider that?
I understand, division is hard.
Only divisions with a majority of hard units will be considered hard, division of mostly infantry or light vehicles is soft.
You better be playing 3 or DH and not uninstall 4
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why three lines?
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The third line to the left on the bottom of the picture is a bypass lane to avoid blocking up the other 2. The third line to the left on the top of the picture is a passenger train line separate from the regular mainline
I only play 3. In 3 (TFH) the way it works is that the average softness is the "displayed" softness but in reality each brigade is attacking each other brigade individually so it doesn't matter what the division softness is. In earlier versions it was relevant for a combined arms bonus.
Recommendations on how not to be a brainlet with train lines? Diesel locomotives seemed busted some years ago, has that been fixed?
>Recommendations on how not to be a brainlet with train lines?
In general, you just need to ensure that you have enough sidings or big enough yards for trains to wait in to keep the main line track clear, keep passenger and freight separate, and try to minimize the number of complex intersections you have. Long trains are better for traffic but they need a lot of room to work well.
>Diesel locomotives seemed busted some years ago, has that been fixed?
Refueling is pretty easy if you include an end station in their line, as diesel trains will now always top off in them. If you know the detour logic of trains, then allowing them to refuel on their own is doable.
I love this game.
> Dear Comrades,

The day of triumph is upon us. We are proud to announce that Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic will ascend to its grand version 1.0 on June 20, 2024! Prepare your factories, rally your workers, and stand ready to build the most glorious republic the world has ever seen.
Maybe I'll actually try it out now. I've been burnt hard by early access slop before, so now I wait until something is properly out to at least reduce the risk of wasting my time on something nonfunctional.
WRSR was never non-functional, though it does have a little bit of the slav-jank going on just by the nature of it being a developed by a small slovak team.
They didn't actually announce any changes? big red flag that they're either trying to run away or move on to cash-cowing with DLCs
Honestly, gameplay-wise this is infinitely superior to tropico, after hundreds of hours i wish we had the tropico silliness added to it. It would be a perfect game
Also are there space program mods? Having a rocket launching at endgame would be peak satisfaction, like factorio
Why would they make big changes at the end of development? It is a good sign that they are just polishing the game instead of adding more stuff and that all the stuff on their road map has been added.

run away from what? one of the best city builders on the market with a mod scene to match. i think, after 3.2k hours of playing, i've achieved value for money and am happy to pick up expansions which add depth to existing mechanics - i'd like some breadth and depth to the farming, manufacturing and, as well as things like maybe some diplomacy and the ability to mod all things like the goods you can manufacture (although i can see some autists creating krastorio type mods of intense complexity).
I know. God forbid a developer actually does early access properly and gradually improves their game to the point that it requires minimal revision when it hits actual release.
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On June 24th it will be one year since I began this realistic mode map
Realistic mode is such a pain.
I build all my infrastructure (powerlines, pipes, etc.) & starting facilities with money, but stuff like hospitals using resources and stuff.
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That kind of defeats the purpose of realistic mode but I understand that the beginning can be more boring than most are prepared to endure. To me that would open the door to all sorts of situations where I could justify building with money. Easier for me to remove all temptation and simply play it as it is
You know what I hate about realistic mode? When you set up distribution centers, trucks delivering shit can get stuck indefinitely.
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What do you mean? I've seen trucks get stuck with bits of leftover cargo which can be annoying but I think there are ways around it
Early game realistic is pain. Once you have full stocks of construction materials and something like 10 large construction offices, you can build industrial districs or entire cities within months (assuming you have a road grid already laid out)
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>connect half the republic to a single shit pipe
>it reaches capacity
uh oh
You don't have your sewage localized to specific municipalities?
It's more like a 1/3rd of my republic, but that's between one major population center and the outlying one that I decided to link up to it because it is so far away from a water source.
Looking at the flow I should be able to fix it easily by routing that 134m3 flow to it's own pipe but construction will take a bit and my last save was a year ago
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How many updates after release until I can tell a line to import containers containing goods?
As much as I LOVE this game, there are so many mechanics that are just unpolished.
>Moddability, while seeming extensive at first, is more limited than you think, mainly stuff like having more than 32 parking slots breaking the game or not being to add new resources or needs.
>Cars are ridiculously underpowered. Car pooling does not exist and you can't even tell car owners where to drive for work. Not to mention that workers become less efficient because the drive itself is considered part of the work hour.
>Almost nothing in this game is animated. Carousels, ferris wheels, etc. are just static forever.
>The roster of maps is laughably low and the random map generator creates very ugly & artificial looking maps. Almost all mod maps are too amateurish for me to consider them as valid substitutes.
>Turbo speed fucks with many aspects of the game, namely stopping research, hindering auto-purchase of goods in stores (leading to mass starvation) and vehicles driving in circles because for some reason they can't unload their stuff.
>General lack of achievements or objectives in sandbox mode. In games like SimCity you'd routinely get rewarded with custom buildings like a "player's house", or if you fuck up, the game gives you a choice to come back by installing a military facility or storing nuclear waste. Neat little stuff like that doesn't exist. Something like a quest system where you can improve your standing with the Soviet Union by accepting quests like "Produce 20 tanks in 6 months" would be awesome.
I have so many more qualms, but most of them are fixable through mods. The above, isn't.
>Cars are ridiculously underpowered.
They are good if you have radio/TV and want a specific group of people (like radio station workers) to have above average loyalty. The real power of personal cars is preserving free time to consume more radio/TV programming, and to skip the random spread delay time after work. The negatives can be dealt with too:
- There is a workaround to get rid of job reservations, which allows workplaces to be at 100% staffing with only cars.
- The limited range of cars and the number of parking lots allow you to determine where car owners work.
- The driving range to services can be extended using chain visits.
- Parents can actually drive their children to school (and maybe university?) if some conditions are met.
>Turbo speed fucks with many aspects of the game
It wasn't meant to be used for anything but testing and debugging.
You can use cheat engine to speed up the game if you want faster speeds without bugs.
>General lack of achievements
These are on the way, possibly for the 1.0 release.

This is probably the feature I want the most right now. Ships and island maps would be so much better with this.
>The limited range of cars and the number of parking lots allow you to determine where car owners work.
It doesn't make sense how you can specify buildings on where its inhabitants can work, but you can't specify where car owners can work.
The fact that you have to hack together an indirect route is not satisfying.
>It wasn't meant to be used for anything but testing and debugging.
Then they should implement a better speed-up option, properly, because the one other speed option we have is excrutiatingly slow.
>These are on the way, possibly for the 1.0 release.
Huh? Like what?
I am not talking about Steam achievements, in case you just skimmed over my post.
The dude just needs to adjust how container unpacking facilities choose which container to unpack, and provide storage area limits on buildings that can hold containers, and then we could have container-enabled DOs. Containers for intra-republic transport would finally be viable.
>It doesn't make sense how you can specify buildings on where its inhabitants can work, but you can't specify where car owners can work. The fact that you have to hack together an indirect route is not satisfying.
The thing is that you really shouldn't need to. Personal cars and their infrastructure are much more expensive to implement compared to every other option and the only real reasons to use them are for bragging rights or to maximize loyalty for specific citizens working specific jobs, so why would you want to prioritize them?
>Then they should implement a better speed-up option, properly, because the one other speed option we have is excrutiatingly slow.
I think it is fine as is. You can build quickly if you know how, and there is always cheat engine if you want to go even faster.
>I am not talking about Steam achievements, in case you just skimmed over my post.
The game could use more driving factors for the player. The campaigns were a nice effort, but kind of limited and still somewhat buggy. I am hoping that we will get some DLC for this, like the rumored military or space program DLCs that may be on the table.
>The developer just needs to rewrite an entire mechanic to make it work this way.
Intra-republic container usage is already possible thanks to the new vehicle/container selection and you can determine which goods unpacking facilities unpack by limiting their internal storage to what you want or just delivering only the goods you want unpacked to them. Crops and ships benefit a lot from them already, and we don't need DOs for everything either.
Nope, you have to either only deliver one thing (why bother), or you have to perfectly tune the ratios of what you bring to the consumption ratios (will fail anyway due to the unpacking facility always unpacking the topmost available resource in the list until eventually your storage area only contains resources at the bottom end of the list), or you could deliver at a rate which is below consumption so the storage area stays empty (pointless), or you could set up a relief valve so excess resources get packed back up and shipped back to the source for re-delivery (yeah...).
I'll stick with bulk cargo and DOs thanks. As is any resource which is needed in such high capacity to benefit from the packing efficiency of a container will just be bottlenecked by the unpacking facility anyway.
There aren't any factories in the game that both use more than one product and use more than a container facility can unpack a day, and container facilities will only unload goods if they have warehouse space for them, so you just need to ensure there is enough supply capacity and a space for vehicles to wait at until they finish unloading the containers. Disparities in the good ratios can be handled by a couple extra trucks if required or the excess can be hauled back for free to be sold or redistributed.
>But I can do all this with DOs, if not with containers.
All a DO does at the throughputs you're talking about is add a different parking spot for the vehicle, which it may never use, at the cost of the DO building and the loss of the features from using a line instead. Containers in this game only make sense if used in mass, which doesn't mesh with a DO's capabilities.
I very much disagree that Workers and Resources can be compared to Tropico. They are similar in very basic gameplay, but Tropico is firmly a satire and that colors any and all complex gameplay (insofar as Tropico has it). If anything W&R needs a few Tropico elements, namely political conflict. I gave it a try and was really bored, even if I could understand how someone might be interested. I wanted to build a Soviet military force just to threaten neighbors with, but instead I felt like it was a regular city builder with communist paint.
>Containers in this game only make sense if used in mass, which doesn't mesh with a DO's capabilities.
Containers WOULD be usable for small intra-republic shipments if a few features were added. That's the point. It would be fun to supply a city's food/clothes/etc with containerized goods, but you effectively can't do it now because your setup will either be incredibly massive due to needing an unpacking facility for each resource, or unreliable which doesn't work for citizen supply. If unloading facilities would unload the lowest % resource first, and if there were area limits for each resource, you could reliably supply a city with containers.
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>Containers WOULD be usable for small intra-republic shipments if a few features were added.
No they wouldn't. If all you need is a small amount transferred, then containers are just an extra step that adds extra expenses for no real benefit. Building and staffing container facilities is only worth it if you really want to reduce the stress on your logistics, because containers load and unload much faster and are stored much more densely, meaning you need fewer vehicles and stations to move larger amounts around and cheaper storages to store huge amounts of goods (crops especially). Moving small amounts can be done without containers pretty easily and cheap as no labor for packing or unpacking is required.
>It would be fun to supply a city's food/clothes/etc with containerized goods
You can already do this. There is just isn't any advantage to do so with each shopping center. A distribution center outside of a city or large town makes sense for stuff to be brought in containers, broken down into bulk, and then distributed to various shops and facilities, and this can be done right now.
>your setup will either be incredibly massive due to needing an unpacking facility for each resource, or unreliable
Just reserve a portion of the unpacking facility's warehouse for each resource you want it to handle and it will only unload the matching goods to refill what was taken. If the facility keeps unpacking the same good, then you need more facilities to keep up with demand; otherwise, it will fill up and the facility will unpack other goods.

Then you just need a vehicle that waits until unloaded to bring all the container held goods in a ratio that somewhat matches the demand, with the odd trip by a DO to supply the small difference between the ratio that is brought and the actual demand. You also don't need a lot of space to reserve a spot for each container held good. Picrel shows the space needed for four separated resources.
I hope he reads this bro.
I find that the game doesn't really incentivize you to make your own building resources, because they are dirt cheap.
A way to alleviate that is to either give them other purposes or to make them more expensive.
For example, you could use wooden boards to make more expensive stuff like furniture.
Making your own building materials is a good way to reduce traffic at the customs house, it can be faster to make stuff locally than to ship it over a long distance, and you don't need as much transportation to get stuff built in a reasonable time. Concrete and asphalt in particular are much faster to deliver when the source is closer because these materials cannot be stockpiled in advance.
I don't even care I just want to see that glorious travel production tick up. I love gravel, comrade.
If I alt-tab and walk away from the computer, everything is normal.
If I leave the game up as the active window, running or paused, everything will be normal until my monitor switches to "sleep mode" due to inactivity and then my graphics card will start spooling up like a jet engine.
Why does this happen?
Someone is making futuristic vehicles/etc
I imagine once they can make new items this is his next project
Pyanodon's would be more appropriate
I hate to use busses fo construction, so what I usually do in realistic mode is to build my first town as usual, then give every motherfucker a car, and then build the next town or industry by building free (modded) parking spots.
based free (modded) parking spots for construction enjoyer
That 2.5 km limit though.
I could see some funky alien life
Animations might be lacking though
Limit your FPS.
Your GPU is rendering few thousand frames per second of nothing so while overall it isn't making it hot it probably has a hotspot on the processing unit responsible for dealing with those frames.
You're right. The game still profoundly lacks content and polish. My main qualms are
>no ability to mod in new resources and needs
>no diplomacy and politics system like revolts, wars or the Soviets stepping in to kill your rebels, but demanding you to deliver them 50k tons of coal or some bullshit like that in return
>nuclear power plants are pointless
>workers don't have set work places, fucking up worker ratios and transport mechanics through "Oh boy, my bus to the heating plant came two minutes late, time to fuck off lmao" *everyone freezes to death*
>cars being utterly useless for anything but sucking off some of your workers or supplying far off, low personell need industries (this killed my car only run, anything but cheesing oil is impossible, as well as big modded parking lots just causing infinite traffic congestion no matter how well thought out your road system is, simply because drivers take a billion years to pull into a parking lot)
>the game not sending you alerts about why your people are dieing in droves, but annoying you to death about how your police station in the steel mill district has no heating
>some workers just always missing public transport, even if it runs reliably, making large city sprawl a pain in the ass
Show me a picture of your "well thought out" road system for an all car run
This post reeks of new player.
>nuclear power plants are pointless
They are the most power dense option in the game and have almost no logistical footprint. Play a map with little building space and you'll change your tune.
>workers don't have set work places, fucking up worker ratios and transport mechanics through "Oh boy, my bus to the heating plant came two minutes late, time to fuck off lmao" *everyone freezes to death*
I.e. "I am forced to build a reliable and frequent transportation system." Besides, heating plants don't even need constant staffing if you don't overload them.
>cars being utterly useless for anything but sucking off some of your workers or supplying far off, low personell need industries
They are great for enhancing the loyalty of workers limited to certain workplaces, like the radio/TV stations, and for staffing places without having to set up transportation just for uni-educated jobs, like clinics, ATC towers, etc.
>some workers just always missing public transport, even if it runs reliably, making large city sprawl a pain in the ass
Figure out how end stations and station linking work.

The only viable complaint is about the notifications system, but that is being redone.
I didn't realize you could make a Saddam Hussein Simulator with this biome dlc
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>This is the fifth summer since the game's early access release—a significant journey filled with milestones. Now, we're approaching a particularly memorable milestone: the final public release of our game, scheduled for June 20th, 2024. It's been a marathon, not a sprint, and we couldn't have reached this point without your support, feedback, and cooperation. A heartfelt thank you to everyone involved.

>New Stadium
>New amphitheater for small-footprint culture
>color coded notifications
>stadium added
finally it felt like my larger urban centers were missing something
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New patch is out! Stadium is BIG
Only 29 t of steel?
I need it to be bigger. The republic needs more colossal vanity projects
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I hope their next game is going to rival the new Industry Giant game coming out.
Would love to see this company take on a more capitalistic perspective.
I mean, they seem sorta different? I've not looked into Industry Giant betond a quick glance, but it doesn't look like you're building the city and everything, maybe just roads and rail and your specific company buildings. It kinda looks like the city generation from transport fever 2. Would be neat if they have AI rivals though, always like that, best thing about RT3
You can't build the houses, but everything else, from cultural buildings, to factories, to farms, to roads, to stores, can be built.

Industry Giant 2's appeal were the long production chains (many intermediate products), variety in goods (from leather handbags to step ladders to teddy bears) and seasonal changes.
For example, people only buy warm clothes during fall season and winter season, but like, there are 3 times more sales in the winter season, too.
Another example, joke toys are bought all around the year, but there is a spike in spring, symbolizing april fools.

Workers and Resource could implement a "capitalism mode" where you have to pay your workers per work hour, but citizens pay money to buy your stuff, too.
It would require a lot more resource diversity and goods diversity, too, and also different "buy rates" for balance purposes and according to season.
>They are the most power dense option in the game and have almost no logistical footprint. Play a map with little building space and you'll change your tune.
Power generation in general has a very low logistical footprint. A few pipelines and gas power plants are enough to supply an entire map
>I.e. "I am forced to build a reliable and frequent transportation system." Besides, heating plants don't even need constant staffing if you don't overload them.
Still a bad system, no need to sugar coat it
>They are great for enhancing the loyalty of workers limited to certain workplaces, like the radio/TV stations, and for staffing places without having to set up transportation just for uni-educated jobs, like clinics, ATC towers, etc.
That's what I said, but framed positively
>Figure out how end stations and station linking work.
I will, thanks.
I'm playing the very first stage of the campaign. There are a lot of parameters set to disabled/easy. Are workers supposed to magically teleport back to their homes after their shift is over or is this some easy setting's fault?
>Are workers supposed to magically teleport back to their homes after their shift is over or is this some easy setting's fault?
It's a fault of the game. Workers teleport home when their shift ends so you only need to worry about dropping them off
That's a little weird but ok, thanks.
I'm enjoying the game but jesus christ the terrain looks like utter shit. I know it's supposed to reflect the gritty atmosphere of 1950s USSR but would it have killed them to add some color? Maybe I'm just spoiled by games like Tropico and Anno.
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why do soviets enjoy hanging out at bus stops all day?
Its the only place in town that has benches, and because its the early 60s squatting wasn't yet invented and Adidas tracksuits aren't available.
am I allowed to play this on anything lower than realistic? having to construct everything through your offices feels like a pain and is completely filtering me specially if you mess something up but magically spawning buildings and shop resources with cash feels like baby mode
>am I allowed to play this on anything lower than realistic?
>but magically spawning buildings and shop resources with cash feels like baby mode
This game has ruined the entire city building genre for me
>but magically spawning buildings and shop resources with cash feels like baby mode
You can mix and match the two.
Non-Realistic mode still allows you to do everything in realistic mode.

For example, I never "magically" buy shop resources and I build most of my stuff with construction offices.
Stuff that I DO build with money,
>my starting construction offices
>last minute changes that I forgot for my town e.g. I forgot to put down a clinic or an electricity cable
>landscaping when I get too lazy

Furthermore, I try to make all of my villages and small towns as self-reliant as possible so that they have no expense footprint.
I also forbid myself from baby-tier money sources, e.g. exporting oil and fuel.

I'd play with research on, too, but the fucking research system gatekeeps distribution centers, which are essential for (semi-)realistic mode if you don't want to get yourself a headache.
>am I allowed to play this on anything lower than realistic?
no, I've wired your house to explode if you ever build something without a CO
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The developer doesn't want you to play on anything lower than Realistic. It's the intended difficulty and I am officially filtered. Goodbye and thank you for all your advice.
Just use the free DOs until you research it
how the fuck are you supposed to supposed to start constructing railways in realistic mode?
so far I figured out you can buy a flatbed and a dissasembled track builder directly at customs, then load it in and unload it onto space for vehicle containers but I have no idea how are you supposed to get it to construction office. I feel like such a brainlet (I am one but that is besides the point)
>then load it in and unload it onto space for vehicle containers
huh? can't you just deliver it to the railway construction office?
magically building stuff kills the vibe
if you want a simpler experience then it's best just to shut off some of the requirements (like garbage, sewage, etc) and to start with more money rather than to play with everything on and to use autobuild.
This game proves communism could have worked if they had given power to inbred autistic shut-ins instead of the charismatic party member
You have to set up a line and tell it to unload there
how are against the storm, empires of the undergrowth, old world and terra invicta not games?
>Power generation in general has a very low logistical footprint. A few pipelines and gas power plants are enough to supply an entire map
Unless you are playing on an easy map with huge deposits, most oil fields will not be able to sustain the number of power plants equal to a nuclear power plant, so you will need to move oil over a distance with trains or really expensive pipelines, all of which need space while nuclear fuel just needs a truck or two if not right next to the fuel factory. Nuclear power also makes a lot less pollution per MW, so more land can be left for residences, tourism, and water wells.
>Still a bad system, no need to sugar coat it
There is nothing fundamentally wrong with it except perhaps the presentation. You just need to ditch the expectations learned from other games that did not care about the same things this game does.
>That's what I said, but framed positively
You said they are useless. They are not.
>I will, thanks
I hope so, it would solve a lot of your complaints.
Because you didn't build them enough attractions to hang out at.
Captcha: NTA Y
Most interesting description I saw for it was "Dark Souls of city builders".
> interesting
That's a weird way of spelling cliche
....and if you turn in infinite money.
4.0? When the hell was 3?
They skipped 3. Their reasoning is retarded, it was something like
>Due to the number of technological innovations since Industry Giant 2, we have decided to jump straight to 4.0
Can someone recommend me a city builder that isn't full on autism but has more depth than Tropico? The lack of building variety upsets me greatly and I find it hard to make a city look aesthetically pleasing and functions good. Anno 1800 is cool but doesn't run well on my PC and I don't have the hard drive space
There's always modded buildings
Is that 5? I thought it was complete dogshit. The only one I really like is 3.
Just print it bro
thank you, time to build my very own spaghetti network
That's Workers and Resources
theres a workshop bro
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fake game and money laundering scheme
>Sorry, party members only comrade.
>current save not eligible for achievements
>don't care enough to start a new map
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Nanjing literally looks like it was built by a W&R player that didn't give a shit about aesthetics
I like playing with fuel turned off.
Fuel doesn't cost much and it's an OP source of money. It's not a real challenge, in my opinion.
>logistics game
>removes the logistics surrounding making every single vehicle in his game move
It doesn't matter how cheap it is or how much money you think it will fetch you at export, if you don't have a fuel distribution system in your Republic it's not real
That's nice of you to have an opinion, but as it happens to be, my opinion differs.
Nobody cares about the opinions of people who don't play on realistic mode
what a retard
Mee too, i played the first game like you. I don't know if i really want to replay with a higher difficult because i don't want to waste all my time in a game, or be too autistic
Since tractors are slow on the road, do you know how load them in a truck and transport from farms to crops?
>release full game
>vehicles still queue up at customs house one move one at a time
Developer decision to replicate traffic at border points
>it's a feature!
yeah sure lol
It is, do you think with developers as autistic as this that wouldn't be something they do?
Workers and Resources 2 - Antebellum South. make it happen dev nerds
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>That rail yard
>Says he is logistics

Alright cunt, Yardmaster,Tran master, or engineer? CP engineer here. Been railroading for 10 years, about to intentionally get fired to collect my out of work insurance then move my family across canada
The south didn't have the resources or workers though; that is why they lost.
It is more that customs houses were made with old code that didn't allow more than one vehicle to move within a building at a time, and the developers didn't want to update them with the new code, because so many more trucks could enter and leave that there isn't much pressure to develop a rail or shipping network.
>So why not make new code?
Because it would be a lot of work that they didn't feel was worth it.
There is no way to get a truck to transport them between the farm building and fields.
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Can i get a redpill on this game? Looks cool but im unsure. Got 1k hour in cities skylines and it is the only city builder i have ever played.
If you just like making pretty/model cities, then you have already found cities skylines.
If you've always hated how shallow the infrastructure is, that your cities can't really fail, and how money is never really an issue, then workers and resources may be the game for you.
>Verification not required.
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>Alright cunt, Yardmaster,Tran master, or engineer? CP engineer here
Not in the rail industry unfortunately. Can't stay off the weed long enough to pass a follicle test
Yeah i live pretty cities but some of the ones ive seen people post in workers and resources seem pretty cozy. Im trying to decide between this and railway empire. Have you played that one?
>Can't stay off the weed long enough to pass a follicle test
Pathetic. Be real man and destroy your body with alcohol.
The absolute state of beerguts I see on those track people I drive by
Railway empire is more of a train tycoon game and not really a city builder, but if you like making model railways then it is fine. Workers and resources is pretty different from either and a lot more in depth and esoteric.
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>He isnt a Canadian railroader
>He doesn't just live within his means and not get a huge amount of debt
>He doesn't just smokes tonnes of pot while working the frieght pool
>He wont just get fired and have an arbitrator grant his job back with full back pay because weed is legal in canada

Its fucking legal stealing lads. Pot is 100% legal and if you dont have a huge mortgage and can afford the year off work its a cheat code for free money. I got fired for pissing hot in 2021, was fired for three months then went to arbitration. Got three months paid to me and my job back. I smoke every night and i don't give a fuck who knows about so long as i can pass the swab. Its fucking hilarious how invincible you are when you dont have a retarded expensive mortgage. Trainmaster fucking hate me lmao
I think they mostly want you to not use trucks for importing goods from the border, setting up a couple of warehouses with a rail connection to the border and having the trucks pick the cargo from there is more sensible and also takers less time and fuel
>Can't stay off the weed long enough to pass a follicle test
I know that feel, just force yourself to not buy more of it when you run out, it's gonna fucking suck for a couple of weeks but after you'll be golden
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so what's the deal with the biomes DLC? It's got mixed reviews and everyone is saying that it only comes with 3 premade maps
can modders create custom maps with the new assets? 10 euros for 3 maps seems like a pretty bad deal..
Obviously it comes with only three pre-made maps, there's only what, two in the base game? Everything is available in the editor
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yeah I can see some people have already made custom maps with the new assets
I'll probably buy it when some more custom maps come out for it
i keep the fuel but i refuse to mine for resources, i.e. i ignore resurces on the map. i use a lot of mods which simulate things like biofuel from grain, creating charcoal and biowaste from wood, to feed into a biogas plant etc,

it does force you to import things you can't readily get from other renewable sources, such as a lot of metal scrap for the giant arc furnaces i got from the workshop
Im scratching my head thinking of other mechanics that could be added outside of diplomatic stuff.
I do tend to find farming pretty simple but also annoying to setup, I don't think they'd adjust it seeing as how it's the first industry you setup.

maybe military stuff or a meta map? that seems out of character for the game but rly what else can they add besides more of the same? I remember the main dev was talking about reworking stuff with the way roads worked, I wonder if maybe that's it?
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They want you to build a rail network and don't want you relying on trucks to the exclusion of anything else.

If you're also of the opinion that C:S kinda shallow and you want some real autism give it a try

Post more of this town, I've been liking what you've been doing

I don't have a beer gut, I only drink clear liquor.
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>Post more of this town, I've been liking what you've been doing
So far these have been the same republic
pic rel is how it all started
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Starter town on right and how distant the first expansion town was
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Comrade, why do you have so much empty space between your fields?

>paved road leading into crop field
You are a kulak and must be reeducated.
Thanks, I like looking at other people's towns as to have a guide in making the layout for mine more interesting.

You have to pave or at least gravel over your roads to the fields, otherwise the larger trucks won't move at max speed to pick up the crops.
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>Thanks, I like looking at other people's towns as to have a guide in making the layout for mine more interesting.
Same. Sometimes I get the itch to restart after seeing other people's extremely fancy and well detailed areas. Makes me feel like a midwit
Eventually I'll cover all the green areas on the right as this will be the capital of this republic
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I am assuming I have encountered a bug?

The building has water in the beaker and as an import, yet it reports "Building is without drinking water".
This is the case for all buildings in my town, except for the residential houses, for whatever reason.
I've tried building more substations, I've tried building bigger pipes, I've tried building pumps, I've tried getting more electricity, I've tried restarting my game.
None of it worked.

I guess I have to play with water turned off from now on.
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From the looks of it the shopping center doesn't seem to have any water pressure or any water flowing into it. Can you post a bigger picture of your water network, I've never had it bug out on me.
So what's the /vrdict? The reviews are overwhelming, but the gameplay vids look meh.
What's this game like? SimCity4?
Imagine if simcity and transport tycoon had a baby and it was solely set in the Soviet Union.

I've noticed that too, but the water network should be fine.
The strange thing is how NONE of my non-residential buildings are getting water, while all of my residential buildings do get water.
I've tried removing 90% of the residential buildings to see if the shop would start accepting water then, to no avail.
Playing without water is a bit disappointing, but it's not too bad.
The game is best described as a mix of Tropico, Factorio, and a bit of Open TTD. The developers realized that most city building/god games are basically command economies from the outset, so it would make sense to have one where you ran an Eastern Bloc country. It's unlike SC4 or C:S because you build towns by placing individual buildings instead of zoning, and the economy involves building an intricate industrial base and logistics chain instead of growing an abstract tax base.

Again, can you post another screencap? The first one doesn't have much to go off of in appraising the problem.
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No I mean of the underground water network.
Huh? Whatever, I am not discussing the bug, anymore.
Anyone recommend a good tutorial? The game has one, but it seems like its just going over how to plop buildings and shit, not "why" and "what" you need for a working city.
I also tried to watch this bbajlillo guy on youtube but he also doesnt really explain why hes doing things and it was like you could get a working city if you followed him exactly but i didnt learn what anything did.
Which of his videos did you watch? His 1.0 video kind of just gets into it but he has an older one where he explains why he's doing what he's doing.
Are there mods to make the vanilla buildings not look abandoned?
you can turn off maintenance so buildings don't get run down over time
if your complaint is about theactual building textures, you can use custom workshop buildings instead of the vanilla ones
I mean even the government builds look absolutely run down as soon as you build them. It's not a lack of ingame maintenance.
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they looked like that in real life too
Game is a slideshow as soon as I start a game. Played a year ago and it was absolutely fine. I've got a 3080.
check if you are running it on the integrated graphics card instead of the GPU
So how does everyone prefer to organize their RDOs?
Do you have different ones dedicated to transporting a specific good or type of good or do you have offices that handle all types of goods but either exclusively for domestic transport or exclusveily for export?
I use mine as storages for wagons and have locomotives load and unload wagons as pseudo marshaling yards.
Ah, it was the new 1.0, ill dig through the archive.
you could also check this guys plathroughs, helped me out quite a bit when I was starting out
I try to avoid mixing up resource types that use the same train car. I had every boxcar in my RDO get filled with chemicals back when I was trying to save myself from a death spiral
>Because it would be a lot of work that they didn't feel was worth it.
It's not, he added it for loads of buildings and there's a mod for customs houses with multiple vehicle movement enabled. He just doesn't want to.
Same reason Americans use only cars to move around.
Lack of other options.
Does 1.0 allow for signals in train tunnels and bridges?
Read my comment again and reflect on your reading comprehension.
Americans have other options, they just suck compared to cars.
Except for metro tunnels, you can put signals and signs on the purple nodes between bridges tunnel segments.
>weed isn't addictive
That's why it's going to suck for a few weeks, it really has scrambled your brains.
It's not. I can quit cold turkey if needed and suffer nothing more than lack of appetite. That doesn't fix me being bored to death with life once I get off work
Man this looks like a straight up rip off from City Skylines/Transport Fever
is it any good?

sad that it takes forever to get anywhere, so I don't have the time for a continuous game

last time I got on that first stock map, so it was pretty broken even though I liked what I built,
when are the new custom maps coming along?

also hoping that would make realiable mode that slows down the timescale
what you talking about, that looks extremely aesthetic
I like the looks of this, hopefully it has the crunch to back it up.
that sounds pretty cool
I wish this game was at least set in not!Yugoslavia or Albania.
Holy shit I can't get over how dreary everything is.
That actually does look a lot better. Thanks.
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there's also this one which makes the game a lot more vibrant
>I hope so, it would solve a lot of your complaints.
It really has, yeah. Finally I can have line spacing with above 30 kmph per bus
Good argument. I tend to just import crude oil or power
>You said they are useless. They are not.
I have to concede, that they aren't useless, but not anything more than a nice gimmick, either. The traffic simulation is just not equipped to handle thousands of cars skipping about on your roads, neither path finding wise, nor performance wise. You'll also need a ridiculously huge road network to handle traffic as compared to irl, owed to the fact, that days last mere seconds, while cars still take just as much time and space as with a 24 hour day. Car centic infrastructure just doesn't work when 1/3 of your population is on the road at all times, when maybe 2-5% of the population irl is in active transit throughout the day. I don't like it, but I don't see a way to fix it either. Honestly, I'd be happy if they somehow managed to extend the car range to 10km and made asphalt roads allow >110 kmph German autobahn style. They might as well add road maintenance for extra management autism, while they're at it
*>Unless you are playing on an easy map with huge deposits, most oil fields will not be able to sustain the number of power plants equal to a nuclear power plant, so you will need to move oil over a distance with trains or really expensive pipelines, all of which need space while nuclear fuel just needs a truck or two if not right next to the fuel factory. Nuclear power also makes a lot less pollution per MW, so more land can be left for residences, tourism, and water wells.
Good argument. I tend to just import crude oil or power
Don't dox my save file like that
Now in case you have that from the steel production pack, there is a modded building that makes metal scrap from iron. I believe it is called a "direct reduction plant" or something like that. The Mao Zedong pig iron furnaces also make metal scrap lmao
off the top of my head:

* trade agreements with countries to gain access to their products / blueprints;
* more mining and agri products and product chains
* using administrative offices/jobs to place orders with factories (i.e. you have an administrative office which unlocks an ability to automatically place orders for vehicles to populate lines, distribution offices etc, and these can be placed with foreign companies or your own factories - if placed with your own factory the necessary vehicle will be added to the queue automatically and will then make its way to its assigned DO/Line, etc) - this could be an office called something like 'economic ministry'
* a similar building can be used to link and manage all DO's, you can set it to supply all shops/pubs/prisons/orphanages, nominate warehouses to be used as storages/buffers, and production plants/customs houses to be used as sources for the goods to be supplied
* pharmaceuticals, books/newspapers (and paper industry), furniture, computer compoenents (which takes gold, silicon, and other new mineables in addition to electrical components)
* space industry which can be commercialised (with diplomatic agreements and/or sattelite data) which needs tracking stations and/or rocket fab and launch pad

essentially a lot of shit that sponges up the money you end up making in the 70's and 80's and means you easily scale up in terms of complexity
What's wrong with this?
Tried to dismantle and rebuild but nothing.
What's not working about it? There's a train at the border crossing
>The traffic simulation is just not equipped to handle thousands of cars skipping about on your roads
And I don't recommend mass distribution of cars for that reason. Just give select workers personal cars so they can be extra loyal while doing specific jobs like working at the radio station. Roads can support about 100 car owners without too much issue, and you can spread them out onto multiple roads.
It uses chain signals but other than that it seems fine.
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In this population center there are
>Staralenia - 4,277 pop; 250 Car owners
Svitkhove - 12,498 pop, 372 Car owners
They do add a lot of traffic, but I think it's an appropriate level of management. It has urged me to come up with new techniques when road building and showed me the value of traffic lights
What's wrong with chain signals?
The trains can't get out of the customs once it's in
there may be an issue somewhere else along the track
They've been pointless for ~2 years.
Change to rail pathfinding in 2022 or so. I think he left them in either to prevent compatibility issues or as a crutch for people too dumb to make blue blocks longer than their longest train.
Can I see your rail system

I tend to use a one way chain signal pointing to the station just before the crossing/gridiron and then a two way signal just after the crossing/gridiron and before the station proper. The idea is that the train can then choose an empty platform since the two way signal will be green when the platform is empty, and the two way signals turn red for any trains exiting the station if the block consisting of the crossing/gridiron is occupied
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Anything in particular you'd like to see or was this just a "i hope he doesn't actually play so i can claim that his argument doesn't matter" hail mary?
I don't really care if you don't believe me and the devlog, but I'll keep making fun of people like you for using chain signals regardless.
If your blue blocks are longer than your longest train, you don't need to use chain signals. Any chain signal that you do "need" should just be removed because it is extraneous.
>Any chain signal that you do "need" should just be removed because it is extraneous.
More likely the signal in front of the chain signal, the one that it checks for red/green, should be removed instead.
I would challenge anyone to show me a chain signal that they think is required. I'll be happy to explain why it's not, and then you can eliminate it in accordance with my instructions and see that your rail system carries on just the same.
If you want chain signals to be useful to satisfy your autism you need to go into the cheat menu and deselect "train route signal" every time you load a game.
I'm just going to use the chain signals
I'll just keep making fun of you for not understanding how the game works.
oh no
Game knowledge is a western capitalist excess. The true way to play the game is to just throw workers at it until it works and if it doesn't then it's unknowable technology.
My longest train is over 400m
Games I played:
SimCity 4, Tropico games, City Skylines, Banished.
How is this game different?
Are NPCs simulated here or just a visual representation?
Is this a good game?
Anyone else want an option for workers to need transportation from their job to home after their work day is over?
With the amount of autism already in game, I don't see why this isn't a thing.
It isn't in the game because the return trip would require plotting a way back to each citizen's specific home, and this would murder the FPS. There is also nothing autistic to solve about it as citizens would just ride back on the ride they took.
Each citizen is simulated with their own needs, stats, and home, and they all have to get through your transportation setups to satisfy needs or get jobs.

Yes it is a good game, but it is not for everyone and it is not your typical city builder.
Can I ... arrest someone? And then shot him?
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Chain signals are still needed to keep X crossings clear because yellow signals only keep junctions with crossovers clear.
No. Per the developers, this is meant to be a socialist utopia where none of that sort of stuff happens (they also say this will never happen). In this game you will have to actually take care of your citizens or they will slack off or leave.
Actually it would be more accurate to say that yellow signals only keep junctions with switches clear.
Wait a sec, is the developer some kind of commy chink-o-gook?
No, they just wanted to make a game set in the socialist times they grew up in. They straight up say communism will never work:
It's just an excuse of convenience.
The game has been in development for over 5 years and he has focused entirely on the citizen and resource simulation aspect. It's doubtful he wanted to spend the time developing a full political loyalty and espionage system with comissars and the like in a game that's more about workers and resources.
Is the only way to set a bus route to directly click on a bus and make it ? Or is there a building for it im playing realistic btw
There is the Line manager, which can be found on the left menu bar. You can create lines without a vehicle in it, but it may not allow you to assign the vehicles you had in mind to it due to confusing the vehicle types.
Which of the default maps is good ? I can't download any cause i pirated the game.
>arrest someone
>shot him
no and it's "shoot"
>no and it's "shoot"
Thanks, I always confuse spelling of this word.
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Good to know, I guess I've never encountered this because I don't build like that.
You mean tools exist in a game for people who don't play exactly the same way as you do?
>Change to rail pathfinding in 2022 or so
These are supposed to work together with chain signals
assuming you're the same poster I replied above
this is exactly where you *should* use chain signals
implying that you don't want a train to stop inside the crossing unless the next segment is also available
its way more important when you use two-way tracks though

that pathing update just makes so if a train has a clear path it can go through the crossing still ( which is why you would to keep the crossing free with chain signals)
>assuming you're the same poster I replied above
>this is exactly where you *should* use chain signals
There's no need for chain signals in >>1792242 because the trains recognize the junction and won't stop in it. Don't you see the train stopped at the yellow signal, refusing to enter the junction because the subsequent blue block is occupied?
this one >>1792149 , a "crossover" rather than a proper "junction", doesn't generate yellow signals so you need chain signals to prevent the blockage which it shows.
Well I mean they were necessary for the first several years of the game. When they changed the pathfinding I thought the game was looking at blocks (blue vs not blue) in general, rather than the joining of rails, to determine whether or not it was safe to park a train there. And I never proved myself wrong because I never build the one counterexample.
So how do you guys design your starter towns on realism? I'm new to this game and I'm thinking about setting up a 1k pop town at the border before building up my gravel quarry/industrial sector 1km away to generate the materials needed for my main city.
>because the trains recognize the junction and won't stop in it
Now I really didn't know they did this as well, literally handholding those who don't know how to place chain signals I guess
I thought they were supposed to just figure how to go ahead if there is a clear path for example in parallel tracks with junctions
>literally handholding those who don't know how to place chain signals I guess
Just automating a braindead-simple process that had to be done manually: telling trains to not enter junctions unless their outlet is clear.
That's basically it but you'll probably want more than 1k, you won't have many spare workers even if you crank all the needs structures down to the bare minimum manning.
How can I avoid the unrealistic train 180 flipping in stations. Really hate most games have his flipping mechanic instead routing you back around onto the mainline.
Either give in to the 180 flipping or design every station possible with a way for it to continue straight through
1k pop it just a too small for a starter town, though you can build a larger starter town in stages where you only have a few hundred people at first while you continue to build the rest of the apartments and the services that only really become necessary with a larger population
>How can I avoid the unrealistic train 180 flipping in stations.
Design your stations to be one-way per rail so the train has no choice but to continue forward.
or use trainsets (at least for passenger lines
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Im too retarded for this shit, how do i make it work ?
for context i want the loop to be always counterclockwise and have trains pick up and deliver stuff to the customs office
The problem with this setup is that both lanes of the customs house are in the same signal block. You need to put a mixed signal between the junction and the customs office, otherwise one train in there will prevent the 2nd train from coming in.
As for moving clockwise, it looks like trains will be forced to do that automatically because of the way the rails are constructed, so as long as there is somewhere for the trains to go outside of that loop they should traverse it no problem
I would also put a chain signal on that line to the upper left, preferably before the road to prevent traffic jams
What doesn't work? Looks like there's a problem further away that's keeping the train from departing.
go back to factorio, i'm gonna vomit
Anon, what the fuck are you doing
It's this new thing redditors do where they ascribe so much value to (you)s that they deliberately do not reply to the post.
>new thing
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Try this one
for the love of god just make T-junction
I've only seen it happen commonly in the last few months, especially in the war thunder general. Maybe it's europeans in particular? Dunno.
this has been a thing on /vg/ and /v/ for years you absolute newfag, denying someone a (You) is not a new nor an eurocentric behavior
besides, the post was made at around 3am in Yurop timezones
I just don't like how the way workers get jobs discourages you from making a realistic transport system.
Thought this was some sort of dick and ass shitpost before noticing the signals lol
Learn to read you fucking ESL


Yeah every so often you get an absolute dingus, but it happens in multiple threads from multiple people now. Stop posting about shit you have zero understanding of.
You're just retarded, we've been doing it since (You) became a thing. Loving those line returns btw.
You just don't know the public transportation mechanics well enough.
Pray tell, where is this guide that will show me how to make a realistic system that works?
I didn't mention anything about a guide. Just learn how end stations work, how to do transfers, and how citizens decide how to board vehicles and you can make pretty much any system you want, just be mindful of their waiting/ride/travel time limits.
Thanks anon, figured it was some /vg/worst board bullshit.
More on topic, do you guys make you own maps? I like making maps but don't put them on steam, what's a good distribution of resources?
Alright so RDOs don't allow through traffic, but what other stations don't allow it?
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But they do
So what building(s) am I thinking about then?
Train depots and end stations do not allow through traffic unless you explicitly tell trains to stop there. All other train stations and buildings should allow trains to path through them.
>what's a good distribution of resources?
This depends a lot on how challenging you want the map to be.
- Dispersed deposits with no more than 20% quality encourage building transportation to collect enough from all over the map. Large deposits influence players to clump up related industries nearby.
- Putting deposits on mountain plateaus or islands makes constructing the mines and facilities, getting workers to mines, and shipping out the material generally harder to do. The waste mines make also needs to be dealt with.
- Players really do not need a lot of uranium. A single mine with 20% quality is enough to supply a twin reactor nuclear power plant and nuclear fuel is quite profitable, so consider making it somewhat rare.
- Bauxite is great for making money and it isn't really needed by a republic, so consider making it rare or at least hard to extract.
- Coal and oil are needed for a lot of stuff, so a challenge could be to provide very little of either. This would push the player to use renewable/waste/nuclear power and to use the waste heating plants to reduce coal/oil imports.
- Having stone in an area makes expansion a lot easier, as a simple quarry and processor can be built instead of shipping thousands of tons of gravel over.
- Trees enable local board production, which can be a way to make boards for wooden bridges or wooden tied track in remote areas without needing to haul over a bunch of other materials.
Which industries are actually good ? I tried making alcohol from scratch and making boards and both were really bad. So far the only thing making me a lot of money is exporting coal via rail.
Industries are good at different things:
- Clothes/fabric, explosives, and food/alcohol are good starting industries because they don't need any research, don't need much transportation to run, and don't cost a lot to build. They aren't hugely profitable, but they will pay for themselves relatively quickly. Chemicals, bauxite, and tourism are also good for starting, but they need a little research to be done before building.
- The refinery, vehicle production, electronics, electronic components, and the nuclear industries are all great for making money, but most of them have pretty high costs to build, need a decent amount of transportation, workers, or valuable materials, and require a decent amount of research to build.
- Construction material industries are not that profitable and tend to need a lot of transportation to make any decent amount of money, but they are great for reducing traffic at your customs houses and harbors, which allows you to export more profitable stuff instead.

There are a couple goods that are not that profitable but are cheaper to make for your republic's use instead of just importing them, such as importing livestock to make meat instead of just importing the meat yourself.
Can we see your alcohol set up? Alcohol is nice because it's another thing to do with crops, something you should set up in the beginning due to its automated nature and use in most staples of your republic
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>didn't plan my bridges properly and this ship is now too tall to get to the soviet borders
Does anybody know exactly what the new biome quirks are for tropical maps? From what I can tell, it is just like playing with seasons turned off.
Much like the builders of the Key Bridge in Baltimore, you should have just built a tunnel.
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I was looking at possible solutions to it, I try to maintain semi realistic railroad grades so getting that depth will need an entirely new run up. Quite a project.
Instead I decided to build a new drydock on the other side of the bridge for future large productions, and the ship we did make will be used to import massive amounts of oil to a port it has access to
>simulate every citizen
>with a name
>an age
>an education level
>health, loyalty, happiness
>even add criminality with fucking detectives and case loads
>in a game called **WORKERS** and resources
why did they not do this one thing which has been so often requested and which would have given the game so much more character? They added all this other shit to the game, but the passengers just teleport home at the end of it all.
So how do you guys deal with rough terrain? I really want to play the siberia map but I don't want to spend 2 hours just to get the ground flat.
>spend 2 hours just to get the ground flat
In that case you'll just have to build around it.
Load it with more cargo so it's not so tall.
>Be a senior enginner on Soviet Union
>Spend 10 years of your life planning and building the ultimate railyard connection to develop your country
>Fast forwards 2 years
>Those fuckers from the Lutfwaffe appear out of fucking nowhere and turn everything to rubble

Man it must have been shitty
I always feel like a retard when I see other people layouts, thanks anon, I will improve
That would require skill.
Tracking professions and return trips are gay and lame. All they do is enable perverts to repeatably stalk the same virtual people on their way home from work. The devs made the right choice in cutting that fetish shit out so the game's focus could be on designing the transit network.
I agree with you but the in-game day length would need to be slowed down even more for that to work.
It'd end up as an ultra-autism realistic mode that many players would see as tedious.
maybe it could be modded in

Post your railway depot and or other cool parts of your rail system. Im going to buy the game on sale and want to autism I can get with it. Trains are fun
>live in Russia
>buy DLC
>get into jail
>>buy DLC
>>get into jail
Don't go around getting people's hope up like that.
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what the hell is wrong with your brain?

>I agree with you but the in-game day length would need to be slowed down even more for that to work.
the solution there is to allow the player to set the number of days per month. If there were only 12 days per year, then you could have a reasonably-long year and a reasonably-long work day without the game taking forever. If 12 days per year is still too long, then have fewer months per year.
looks like a Operation Flashpoint map
The railway grade with the really low bridge is excellent, very realistic. If only there was a way to smooth out the transition from bridge to rail so the camera doesn't jump around when I'm riding in first person.
You'd just have people whining about the weird calendar instead.
>game keeps crashing every 15 minutes
here we go again
If you had day-night cycles, you're either going to have a weird calendar or a year that takes a very, very long time. The other way to do it would be to have two types of days: a calendar day, of which there are the requisite number per month, and a work day, which either spans multiple calendar days or just lasts for some set number of minutes and is totally desynced from the calendar.
Yep. Some people just have to accept that this is aiming to be a game, not a simulation. Return trips are fine and all, but they wouldn't add much to the gameplay, and they would increase the processing requirements.
Really tracking professions wouldn't really add as much to the game as more resources and industries would.
Hell, I still want something akin to tropico style policy decisions.
Yeah, I wish that was easier, same for road->bridge connections. You can the slight texture difference seen there if you lower the terrain slightly below "1". Helps to make the grade difference look good
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Hi dev, do you have any idea how retarded this is?
oil and water being almost the same price?
only 5 years selling oil
Most of the cost is the barrel
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>have entire capital region I still need to fill with buildings
>keep getting pulled in to upgrading my old cities
how's the FPS?
In the 20's if I have shadows on and the draw distance up. Can get more if I lower the settings. Using a 1080
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The old girl is getting fat
have you researched the OPEC tech? that's supposed to make oil prices less susceptible to fluctuation
thanks for replying, but fuck this game i've given up.
5 years... I've barely finished my first city
imagine having time for research
This game could be perfect, but like all indie shit they have to make artificially difficult.
you could just not play on realistic mode if you're getting filtered
Is this game a soviet themed Tropico?
No, this is more like the child of Factorio and Transport fever 2, but the child is very autistic.
Lol, lmao even. This is the only recent city builder that is actually challenging.
Play on anything but realistic mode you massive tremendous faggot
>get rid of the thing that makes this game unique because I'm too literally retarded to play on the settings I like
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So this is what they mean by "architecture"
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>American buildings and maps in a Brezhnevism simulator
Just got this on steam sale, why isn't there any military industry/diplomacy? The setup was all there given that you border both NATO and Soviet territory.
I wouldn't have cared or diplomacy but military industry would be nice. Maybe mods will fix it
It was mentioned that things like the arms or a space industry might make it into the game as DLC, but I don't even know if those plans are still on the table.
Also just got this on steam sale do you guys think I should avoid realistic mode for the first game or two ? Kind of the main selling feature for me was that you could use realistic mode and actually have to build from the ground up. But the game seems pretty complex I think maybe I should wait a bit before tackling realistic.
Personally, diving in head first into realistic is the only way I actually managed to get into the game because playing with autobuild/autobuy gave me decision paralysis bad. But fucking around with realism turned off is a perfectly fine way to learn the mechanics.
Yes wait a bit before realistic mode
Play the tutorials (all of them) and then play the campaigns.
Start on realistic and understand that your first few republics are going to fail. Learn and start a new one. It's great fun.
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Wouldn’t there still be choice paralysis for things like where to start your republic and which industries to focus on and in what order?
I’m still conflicted thanks for the input though
I plan to play the tutorials first I also watched some YouTube videos in realistic mode (party elite)
Sounds like a good strategy that’s how I learned how to play most strategy games and city builders, I was just worried that I would struggle with the complexity get disheartened and drop it before getting to experience the full game.
I mostly want to build a lot of trains weeeeee and actually have a reason for doing it like making sure it’s logical and all my industries have good rail access and good setups.
>choice paralysis for things like where to start your republic and which industries to focus on
Playing on realistic with research turned on limited what choices I had for industries, and with auto autobuild off it meant that my starter town had to be relatively close to one of the customs offices if I wanted it build within a few years of starting.
slowing down the day/night cycle would be fine if there were faster fast-forward options
Do you guys start with populated maps or empty? What would be best for a new player on realistic? Any other map setting you recommend? I love the idea of random map cause it’s different every time ofc
I play on unpopulated maps for the most part, and I generally dislike the random maps because the terrain generation is anemic, its not so much that the maps have hills as much as they're flat but have acne.
Can you explain more? Isn’t there settings to change the amount of hills and such. One thing that turned me off of city skylines after a few hundred hours was having the same maps with the same rivers and hills and stuff so that’s why I was looking forward to random maps
Check out workshop maps
>Isn’t there settings to change the amount of hills and such
There is, but the map generation in the custom game menu is worse than the one in the dedicated terrain editor.
that anon is right though, the most annoying thing is still figuring out how to balance workforce, and unfortunately 3/4 of your manpower is always busy riding public trans
making efficient transportation on a large scale is not only nightmarish, but border line impossible
Like most transportation games, it really isn't that hard once you figure it out. More workers cannot board a line than you allow and you only need to fine tune a line once for a given number of jobs. Workers also spend more time at work to compensate for the time spent traveling (to a point), so it isn't like you have to set up direct routes to avoid losing worker efficiency like in Tropico 5/6.
If you're min/maxing realistic mode starting on a populated map is easier because you don't have to pay for population.
>new player on realistic
>I love random map
I guess if you love playing the most generic map imaginable, over and over, because it's technically different, go ahead?
>new player on realistic is retarded
Well I did ask the thread and more said to play it realistic then not so.
>I love random map
I love the IDEA of a random map you forgot that bit there for some reason despite it showing I agree exactly with the simple point you made. Thanks for coming out though
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so h*cking brave...
I bought it to make chuddies seethe.
>spending money so you can make people you have never met and who don't care about you seethe
that's your brain on liberalism

also the money goes to help the victims of the war, not the military, so quite literally noone cares
How many years was the game in development during the US invasion and occupation of Afghanistan
>it really isn't that hard once you figure it out
I already had it figured out

>More workers cannot board a line than you allow and you only need to fine tune a line once for a given number of jobs
my point exactly, you need to have at least 3x the number of jobs in population and always keep stations populated and lines full
once you start to get more complex cities where people come from multiple places and go to multiple separate job areas it really starts to get nightmarish to handle

>so it isn't like you have to set up direct routes
that's false and you know it, point in case, power and heating plants

also another point is that you practically can't have mixed lines with workers and other citizen seeking services
>at least 3x
Correct, 3 shifts a day. If you have a 500 employee steel mill you need at least 1500 workers for it
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Also on another note,
any news on making the game progress slower?
one of the main things is that it also takes forever to build anything up, and therefor after you just setup your initial infrastructure its already been like 40 years
I remember way earlier on development, the devs commented the sped up timescale was due to them experimenting on the game mechanics
Kek yes I play SOVIET REPUBLIC because I’m a “lib” lmfao this is your brain on right wing grifters shitting every useless opinion into to your head.
>goes to help the victims of war
Yeah that’s the part I like dumbass
>right wing grifters
Already exposed you think the entire left is “liberals” despite actual leftists being opposed to liberalism entirely. You let dipshits getting bought out by billionaires tell you everything is liberalism lmao you’ve already shown you have no idea what you’re talking about.
Use the save editor and reset the years occasionally? Pretty much what I do, wish you could just lock the year
I'm not even the anon you were talking to, I'm laughing at your 'muh right wing grifters'
Does this game have an ending and a story or campaigns? Or it's just a neverending freeroam?
Nobody but grifters throws around terms like liberalism(socialism/marxism/communism whatever else they think will scare you)so easily at things that are 100% not liberalism lmao.
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My PC died towards the end of last year, finally got round to ordering parts for a new one this week. I'm excited to get back into W&R, it was a pretty fun and unique game. I'd love to see more city builders that try a similar concept.
noone cares what flavour of normalfaggotry you are muttnigger
but then you kinda screw up historical charts and economy
there is a mod for slower time but that's basically what it does too
Nobody but leftists use the buzzword grifter as if it has any meaning. Back to your late night comedy news shows
Answer my question or delete this thread.
calm the fuck down you impatient nigger, you are on one of the slowest boards on this site
yes, there are campaigns but they serve more of a tutorial purpose, the main focus is on the sandbox part
What's the fun in creating and abandoning built cities to make a new one?
What's the fun in creating and abandoning made posts to make a new one?
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it's satisfying to make interconnected systems with a lot of moving parts on a city level, the game presents a lot of logistical challenges to the player
and it's fun to make good looking cities as well, if you don't have the 'tism then this game is most likely not for you though
>making efficient transportation on a large scale is not only nightmarish, but border line impossible
>I already had it figured out
Evidently not.
>once you start to get more complex cities where people come from multiple places and go to multiple separate job areas it really starts to get nightmarish to handle
Build accounting offices in each town and residential district, then add up the local worker populations. Then add up the jobs and ensure you have three times as many workers as jobs. Bonus points if you rename the major hub stations with the number of jobs so you don't have to add them up each time.
Or just work on an overflow system and check the industries that get labor last to see if you need more workers.
>that's false and you know it, point in case, power and heating plants
There is no difference between a line coming from a station in a residential area or from a hub to these buildings. If you are worrying about other lines hogging all the labor, then learn how to prioritize labor for critical industries using the station linking mechanic.
>also another point is that you practically can't have mixed lines with workers and other citizen seeking services
Yes you can. You can have multiple consequative stops at the same station and use the line settings to control how many of each type can get on. For example, if I had a remote beach I wanted to take workers and passengers to, I would make the first stop load only workers but only up to say 10%, then have a second stop load as many passengers as there were seats remaining. The stop near the beach can just be to unload everyone. All other mixes of citizen types can be handled in a similar way.

Tl;dr, you don't know what you're talking about, so git gud before you embarrass yourself here again.
>Build accounting offices in each town and residential district
thanks for reminding me that not being able to manually zone out regions is quite the hassle

>Or just work on an overflow system and check the industries that get labor last to see if you need more workers
thanks for proving my point once again, treating workers as a commodity is quite literally the only major flaw in the game (second being the time scale I guess)

>Yes you can. You can have multiple consequative stops at the same station and use the line settings to control how many of each type can get on
And I guess once again agreeing with me that is quite nightmarish to manage?
>I would make the first stop load only workers but only up to say 10%, then have a second stop load as many passengers
And saying also that you can't have mixed lines, or at least, mixed stations

Oh also to mention how unfeasible connecting big transit together is, either boats or trains, given that these also cannot properly space out
>git gud
I know you can get it to (sort of) work, that doesn't make it the worst part of the game for simple reason that passengers don't assigned destinations and that's just dumb
I would love to see a screenshot of this god forsaken republic your retard self managed to glue together
All I am hearing is "I am too lazy to use the tools the game gives me. Why won't the game play itself for me?" If adding a couple stops to a line or setting up a couple stations per hub is "nightmarish" to you, then picrel is probably more your speed.
>treating workers as a commodity is quite literally the only major flaw in the game
It's the basic premise of the game, if you don't like it this game might not be for you.
I think it's refreshing compared to the city builder standard of "generic populations live here, generic jobs exist here, and 'traffic' manifests in between". Workers as resources makes the logistics worthwhile.
>and so we finally build our first street lamp
digging out the new "soviet revolution" map, the high elevation rivers was a real nice touch
on the other hand feels like the other maps got left behind, for example slovak is practically unplayable due there having body of water to dump sewer in most of the map

on another note, building realistic on prepopulated maps
just how to get you get most of out of your construction industry, or you just build them anywhere you can?
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fine, call me a retard all you

>all I am hearing is
what I am hearing instead why the fuck its seem you guys are sucking the ball of the devs so much
look I get it, this is one of my favorite city builders ever too, but that doesn't make flawless
and if anything, feels like that's one of the core changes the devs want to make for the next game
>feels like that's one of the core changes the devs want to make for the next game
Thank you for sharing your feelings.
>what I am hearing instead why the fuck its seem you guys are sucking the ball of the devs so much
Dude, you're complaining that you can't do something in the game, get rebuffed with explanations on how to do it, and then pivot to saying how hard it is for you to manage despite the many tools the game gives you to do just that. We aren't dick riding the devs (they did make the best city builder in recent times though) so much as berating you for deeming this aspect to be impossible despite clearly not making use of the many tools given to you.
>ree I’m a special snowflake
Why are you proud of this.
Nope heard every conservative and there mother say this.
>why the fuck its seem you guys are sucking the ball of the devs so much
Because they are fags
>i'm not a liberal, ACK-tually leftists hate liberals
>i don't care which ideology you follow
>ree I’m a special snowflake
muttmerican literacy
Śląsk + Poznań
Fuck off to /pol/.
>despite the many tools the game gives you to do just that
rubbing sticks and stones

>you're complaining that you can't do something in the game, get rebuffed with explanations on how to do it
read again faggot, I just said it was the worst part if becomes overwhelming later on
I can just help but spent 90% of my playing time managing this crap, and just want to improve one of the games I like so much, whats fucking wrong with that?
It's not going to happen at this point, so it's simply useless complaining
>I can just help but spent 90% of my playing time managing this crap
I don't understand why. Get more workers, that is
The major flaw of the game is just how awkward construction is. Three small asphalt roads next to each other plus a power substation results in something like 20 separate construction trips. The game desperately needs something like Rimworld's "pick up and haul" or "while you're up", to make multiple small tasks less onerous.
That type of behavior is in the game. Flatbeds will now turn around mid trip if they need to pick a piece of equipment up, and they can then get dispatched to drop that equipment off somewhere it's necessary.
Don't forget to utilize mud roads to make multiple road segments reachable from the getgo. That can't massively cut back on the time it takes.
What I'd really like are mixed loads. Why can't one flatbed bring some panels, boards, bricks, and steel
So didn't these fuck old buildings used to be enough in regards to maintaining temperature through the winter?
I guess I don't even mind given its a chance to get a hard restart on happiness and loyalty on this town
Also, I can kinda get by with other things, but this is literally unplayable
any way to change how the street lights orientate?
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It's oriented how you draw it, I think they show in the green preview. For >>1801725, is temp actually a problem? It looks like they may not the big issue.

What's the best way to do tourism, crank everything up in price?
I know it show before, but I had built a gravel road first and then updated to street lamps
plus, the round part there in the end was supposed to be the other way

I knew there was a video about this but unfortunately, doesn't be a quick fix for
>is temp actually a problem? It looks like they may not the big issue.
oh with regards to this, temperature doesn't seem to be a issue for housing itself, but still all citizens seemed to have gotten extremely sad or sick, so it doesn't matter either way
You need a hospital. 10 of 11 tried to go to the hospital but couldn't find one.
>point in case
good morning saar
can't wait to get rid of my favela building office setup
also thinking of the opportunity to just scrap down the old town houses around the town center, yes or no?

btw, apparently there is a way you can sort switch lamps side with the deconstruct tool, but its too unreliable to be bothered with
Have the devs ever said if they'll add arms manufacturing? I'd love to build and export shitty T-55 knock-offs
Just download one of the many tank mods and start building.
The old world buildings heat themselves at the cost of local pollution.
You should crank up the price until you have as many tourists as your republic can handle.
>read again faggot, I just said it was the worst part if becomes overwhelming later on
>making efficient transportation on a large scale is not only nightmarish, but border line impossible
>I can just help but spent 90% of my playing time managing this crap
Literally how? Once you set and tune a line, you never have to change it again, and you just need to ensure there are enough workers for all the jobs. Unless you are tearing up an entire city, you shouldn't be changing a bunch of lines or constantly adding up workers.
Historically accurate soviet simulator.
I always like the old buildings running into the new, but only the larger ones, all the shity shacks have to go
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>spend hours designing an aesthetically pleasing city with pavement grids and lots of detail
>start building it
>realize construction in realism mode would take 50+ years because of a thousand road segments due to the pavement autism
I can't play realism mode anons, I just can't do it, my brain won't let me build ugly things but I don't want to get laughed at for playing babby mode when I post my cities online
>realize construction in realism mode would take 50+ years
Get more COs to in order to use more vehicles, particularly helicopters
Disconnect all the buildings from the main roads and build the individual connections later
>work order says to pick up bricks comrade, is not my problem if boards are going to the same place
based union drivers knowing their rights
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Before and After the First 5 Year Plan in the Zdar Metropolitan Area
are those 'murica tier highways really necessary? Most republics I see people build hardly ever have enough traffic on them that a single lane road couldn't handle
>He thinks communist projects are about practicality.
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My quest for an easily repeatable overpass process has begun
Anybody else think it would be great to have to handle filling/hauling dirt used for terraforming? I think it would be a fair trade if they added something like retaining walls but I know it will never happen
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And done. This version is wide enough to accommodate 1-way lanes for entering/exit traffic but can easily be reduced if a more compact design is needed
>I think it would be a fair trade if they added something like retaining walls but I know it will never happen
In case you didn't know:
There is also a "copy area" tool if you can live with intersections on flat ground.
I'm hoping that terraforming-as-a-contruction-project and the related retaining walls will be included in W&R2:Work Harder but that won't come out until I'm an old man so it really doesn't matter.
There's no way those two things, nor branching bridges/tunnels, will be a W&R update. Unfortunately. Nor single-lane bridges/tunnels I suspect.
I've used the 1st and 2nd mods in my republic, they're both nice
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>got bored playing tutorials
>jump straight into a custom game with realism on
>have absolutely no idea what i am doing
>plop down all the free storages and COs
>buy some trucks (no idea on which one the best so i pick mid)
>try to build a logger cause trees everywhere
>nothings happening
>click the logger, noticed i have a list of items missing
>alright, lets buy some gravel, cement, asphalt and store them
>nothings happening
>realised I need a dumper, not open hull trucks for gravel
>tried to buy the other two construction ingredients and store them the same way
>nothings happening, again
>google and learn the interesting life cycle of cement and asphalt
>due to this, both can't be stored
>spent half an hour reading on how to deliver shit to my construction site
>click everything in the game
>it works now
>apparently I need to assign my COs to the customs for it to import both asphalt and cement directly
>assign everything except gravel
>construction is finally underway
>feels good
>noticed the bus has been working very hard bringing the foreign workers in
>so i build a flat nearby to provide the workers
>logger finished after waiting quite a bit
>it doesn't work
Despite the minor setbacks, this game is pretty fun. Farming is next, after figuring out why my logger is not working.
you can't just build a single building to house your workers, you need to design a whole town with all amenities accounted for otherwise they will immediately leave
farms are one of the easier ways of making money in the early game since they only require vehicles to work and no workers so it is a good idea to set it up right at the start before any other industries
>farms are one of the easier ways of making money in the early game since they only require vehicles to work and no workers so it is a good idea to set it up right at the start before any other industries
The first goal of any realistic mode republic should be to get a small town online and then building one or two of the starting industries like clothes, explosives, or food. Farms are horrible to start with because they are expensive to set up and you won't see a profit for at least 6 months. A nearby oil deposit might be the only thing worth exploiting without workers early on.
What does the vitamins research do exactly? it says "makes citizens more resistant to pollution" but gives no percentile to how much nor does the wiki.
What's the cheapest/quickest industry to get started early? I usually build a giant farm by year 2 and take a 2 mil loan.
>What does the vitamins research do exactly?
Supposedly it reduces the health lost when citizens live in polluted areas, but nobody seems to have done any research on it so the exact effect remains unknown.
>What's the cheapest/quickest industry to get started early?
Clothes w/ or w/o fabric, oil, and explosives are pretty cheap as industries go, especially since they only need a few trucks for their logistics. Their profit isn't amazing, but it is high enough to pay off the cost of the industry in a few months and it can cover the payments for a loan to build bigger, more profitable industries.
Food and alcohol are decent starting industries, but they need a lot more trucks and a water system to run at full production.
With a little research, you can get some more industries that are cheap to build and don't need a lot of trucks, like tourism, chemicals, electronic components, uranium ore/oxide, and bauxite.
i have never and will never bother with realistic mode. it's for grognards. i play for fun not to flex on kampuchean glasses-wearer extermination forums
Nothing wrong with that. I just wish people would realize realistic mode is meant to be a challenge, not a feature.
I build most stuff manually since that's like the main appeal of the game but I keep the option of quickbuilding open for shit like tiny pieces of path or when I need to quickly put in a new water switch or something. Building redundant systems is maybe a fun challenge but not now.
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Too late for that. Nothing much I can do since everything takes time and me fooling around with the logger, which still doesn't work(no power and water probably). At least my first farm construction is underway.

>farms are one of the easier ways of making money in the early game since they only require vehicles to work and no workers
Doesnt sound very realistic to me.
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>logger needs water
>so i build a water pump and substation
>try to connect the pump to substation
>its not working
>drag a few times
>wait a bit
>see this
Shit me
>Doesnt sound very realistic to me.
you still have an option to put your peasants to work on the farms, but using a combine harvester and a tractor is about a billion times more efficient
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>250 workers on the big farm
>75 workers on small farm
>0 required if there are tractors
I thought you were exaggerating but its not. Why do they even bother with the workers then?
kolkhoz larp or starting from the 1900's
farms are a good place to toss your prisoners if you don't like them just sitting around in jails taking up resources
If you are starting with natives and you cannot put them all to work, then you could at least turn their labor into crops you can sell or send into your food/alcohol factory, but any serious farm should be run by machines because the work is not available year round, workers cannot apply fertilizer, and you lose a big chunk of the harvest if it is harvested by workers.
I prefer quarries, mines, and woodcutting posts for this.
trying to move on, on my little backwater shithole

realistically speaking, just how big was your building complex to be able to pull that off?

you might think its overkill, but even without cars, I end up having traffic problems where all the trucks/buses/service vehicles have to merge
>how big was your building complex to be able to pull that off?
Pretty sure they used autobuild for that.
>I end up having traffic problems where all the trucks/buses/service vehicles have to merge
That is an issue with intersection design, not road capacity.
>That is an issue with intersection design, not road capacity.
if you're using solely two way roads, I doubt you do be using anything else than simple 4-way intersections
but anyway, yeah, and its mainly a problem on busy centers, I do say its way more important to have double roads on city arteries, and if don't plan that out, I would that space is at a premium for trying intricate setups
finally got my own gravel going, this should speed things up in the least
On a scale of 1/10, how autistic do you need to be to enjoy this game? I like Factorio, CK2 and Tropico 4 but have never played City Skylines.
It's a logistics game where you also have to build houses for the worker resource. You can choose your autism level on the fly by selectively changing the game difficulty. Unless you actively dislike logistics games there's no reason you won't enjoy this one.
it's literally Tropico-but-serious + Factorio
Factorio requires far more planning than this game. The only irritating thing about W&R is
the unfortunate finickiness that necessarily accompanies a gridless game. Trying to fit roads underneath conveyors or fiddling with road attachment points can sometimes take a little bit of time to work out.
You can turn on snap to grid for when you want straight lines. Conveyors and factory connections are still going to be awkward because of how connections are placed. It's one thing I wish was maybe more planned how related buildings are going to fit together because trying to connect 3 gravel processing plants to a quarry will turn into a spaghetti mess of buildings at weird angles to get everything connected.
the gridless system allows you to be way more precise when planning things up, so its really up to how much anal you gonna be about arranging everything neatly
the real annoying thing is that you can plop stuff on existing road and shit, so if you need to move anything already built, its a huge hassle to demolish everything to built it back up
this shit right is what is so finnicky about this game
for some reason the right most lane there is not connected to one of the nodes, making it impossible for vehicles coming back
Also, weirdly enough seems like some vehicles can't make a left turn into these double intersections,
while some seem to do just that, maybe its a case where some vehicles prefer going around if possible
That's strange
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Plans for future low density neighborhoods
>still completely ignoring the capital area I made on the other side of the map
Finally moving on to increasing population and education, yet somehow had a mini death wave that took out a good portion of my population
any idea what might this be?

the only thing I can think of, because of the work on roads above, my sewer services got temporarily severed, (literally sewer destination got erased from the technical offices)
>I'm enjoying the game but jesus christ the terrain looks like utter shit. I know it's supposed to reflect the gritty atmosphere of 1950s USSR but would it have killed them to add some color? Maybe I'm just spoiled by games like Tropico and Anno.
It looks completely normal and even beautiful to me then again I'm Slavic.
Besides that, the 5 year plan is going nicely, got wood and brick online, about to set up permanent piping for water and sewer
and next's gonna be the farming + food/alcohol complex
If you brought everyone in at the same time they'd be dying at around the same time. As you play the ages even out
talking about arranging your stuff

they mostly were a pre existing population though
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>the gritty atmosphere of 1950s USSR
It's the most realistic depiction of what a generic Eastern Euro shithole would look like. Some still look exactly like that to this day.
t. slav

I don't know why, but it seems like only the Czech/Slovak games are able to pull off this look. Arma 2 was absolute kino in this regard (they somehow fucked up this feel for the 3rd) and WRSR is very similar. It's just really comfy and gives you a nice feel of perspective.
>t's the most realistic depiction of what a generic Eastern Euro shithole would look like. Some still look exactly like that to this day.
The game actually has quite a few real life buildings from Czechoslovakia too, including the radio and TV stations, the accounting office, numerous apartment buildings, and the large train station.
What was their endgame here?
>dude, pyramids... but upside down!
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Architects are gonna architect.
having a fairly though time figuring out just how much water I'm gonna need,
considering now, if I get rid of these old houses, it would be a perfect place for infra to supply the area
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They certainly do
the older vs new half of the town and the fight of lights
do I really need 3 full sized gravel plants to consume the production of a large stone quarry? That's what the math sounds like in my head but that seems insane
What's the stone quality for the quarry.
Then in that case yes.
gotcha, thanks. That's what the ratios sounded like but it seemed like an absurd amount of throughput buildings for one source
You could need up to 8 large gravel processors, but that is only if you max out its production.
If you just have the best excavators working there, then you only need 3 large gravel processors.
>do I really need 3 full sized gravel plants to consume the production of a large stone quarry?
Why would you want to?
Because that is how much gravel you need to run the cement plant at 100%.
Why do you want that? Are you one of those types that complains about having to fill the entire map with fields in order to run the slaughterhouse at 100%?
why do you need that
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>ghost suburbs for the aesthetics
Are you retarded? Three gravel processers is hardly "the whole map."
You don't, but if you build your own cement plant you can make some decent money exporting surplus cement.
>Three gravel processers is hardly "the whole map."
Are you retarded? Three gravel processors won't help you run the slaughterhouse at 100%.
>Three gravel processors won't help you run the slaughterhouse at 100%.
Profound statement comrade anon. Maybe we can apply that logic to a cement plant and an entire map of fields.
Yes. Same thing with mines, for a decent quality source if you run it 100% you'll need multiple processing plants to convert all the coal ore to coal. I don't really like this either. The buildings aren't shaped in a way they fit with each other and it always ends up spaghetti and/or very inefficient use of conveyors.
Multiple processing plants was made a lot easier to design once they included those new aggregate storages to the main game. Before that where you had the "L" shaped agg storage it was a pain in the ass
you better be using the modded tiny parking spots for these
I've been using the standard small parking lot. I'm planning on trying different types of parking on different neighborhoods
I find the 16 spot lots to be the best for apartments, but you have to sandwich lines of them between two one-way roads to handle the traffic.
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parking spots between commieblocks are kino
I want to use personal cars more but they have so many requirements to make them work well.
this looks really nice, but such a hassle to put up, and citizens wouldn't even be able to access the parking directly either

speaking of which, any of the parking lots have pass through yet?
I know its completely unnecessary
but I just love making water towers up high and using the terrain to its advantage
Also managed ended up already making the farm + silo just in time before winter, moving forward with 5 year plan

one thing that is really annoying is how you need multiple universities just to research some basics, and probably gonna take ages to move forward making the next big town
>completely unnecessary but I just love making water towers up high
comrade, that further increases the water pressure down the line
I know, but most people will just straght up put several pumps
>which, any of the parking lots have pass through yet?
No, and that is a good thing.
If you route the water supply to a water tower first and then connect everything to the water tower outlets through just water switches, then water will keep flowing from the tower without the power on.
Always nice to see the uninformed drop in. Consider the developers' words before continuing:
>We are living in a country where you can see what was created in the past by soviets and we have certain appreciation regarding the architecture and you can see that in the game partially.. But we do not like the political aspect of soviet era because it limits freedom of people and probably there would not be such a game if we would not have the freedom to decide to do something which is not in 5 year plan of the Republic and invest our own money and time we to create some profits for ourselves and offer entertainment for people.

>There are calls for implementing those terrifying political aspects of soviet era into the game because people want to repress their workers and control them instead of taking care of their needs and making them happy. The game itself is an utopia which cannot exist in real world as there are always people who want to have power, who want to control and satisfy their own selfish needs at any cost by repressing and manipulating with lives of others in name of some ideology they use to gain power. If you look back socialism is never about what people want and need but what political leaders proclaim as their ideology. Because of this, workers in the game have more freedom than many people in real life have and players are responsible to take care about their people first to be successful economically. If you do not care about your workers, then they may escape, and you lose your workforce and thus the economic power.
>We want this game to be great in offering you some reminder about soviet era. There may be options added which will offer players more repressive playstyle, but the workers’ happiness and government loyalty can be utilized as tools to make the regime’s life a bit harder as consequence of player’s choices. We are against human rights repression in real life, but it can be somewhat tolerable in game where you play with pixels and algorithms.
So building gulags in this game just punishes you more than anything.
I always use water towers for storage because I chronically forget to build pumps. I wish there was a difficulty setting that made you build a water utility but didn't simulate pressure
nice digits
> wish there was a difficulty setting that made you build a water utility but didn't simulate pressure
does disabling completely remove them from the game?
I find that the realism on the game really supplies a long term autism that I had for a reason to build things that make sense
>does disabling completely remove them from the game?
Any water/sewage buildings remain, but the simulation for it is just disabled.
Are snow plows a meme? I'm playing on the Siberia map and the plows are just too slow to be to be effective or maybe I'm just using them wrong
Snowplows are okay, but they can take a while to clear a bunch of roads. The average snowplow takes a couple days to clear a km, so you really only want them working on important roads.
something that I was thinking about yesterday, I think snowplows will clear snow regardless of being in a TO or not, so maybe you can put them on permanent lines if you want a specific road to have priority?

On another note, I'm curious to see what other's busy centers look like?
I'm thinking somewhere like two or three stations for workers to congregate, and then some type of free way to ensure a high flow out
I'm thinking something like a two one-way road plus a train or tram track? or maybe a express way in the middle?

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