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Will you finally buy it?

I'll wait for release to see if it's worth getting
Worlds WORST trailer good lord why did they not just use their announcement trailer? It looks fun but I agree its worth waiting IMO8xky
don't care about the game. How's the story? Any new development from the last game?
Tried really hard to like the first game but never did, no point playing the 2nd
I still can't get over the mobile game graphics. I might pirate it, but that's the best I can offer.
I'll pirate it first, but probably
On hold for now, late sequels and remakes makes me nervous these days and the original was good enough so. It also better have mod support so we can have a renaissance of total conversions.
I'll get it when it's done. Buying an RTS or 4x in early access is retarded.

I think it's just the colour on the TEC ships. They are all brightly painted. In the trailer the Vasari ships look fine because they are just sleek and metallic like in the first one.
Star trek armada 4 when?
Reminder this game has gone full woke with feminist space psychics.
Are you just trying to bait people into bumping the thread?
Are you denying that the newest faction they're adding are a bunch of all female SJW's?
So we're on the same page here. Are you talking about the Advent? I only saw the Vasari in the trailer.
Yeah, 'Advent', they're adding them this summer.
very funny, comedy gold right here, i hope you're screenshotting this hilarious satire for your discord server
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Oh right sorry, when you said "has gone" I thought you meant recently. Glad you've stayed mad about it for 16 years.
They had those in the first game thoughever.
We're not talking about some other game, we're talking about this one.
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Why does the UI look like shit?
If I see enough proof it's not essentially the same game as the first one, I might get it. Sins 1 isn't outdated enough for me to want a remaster but I do want a sequel. If 2 turns out to be more or less a remaster, I wouldn't be able to get over the sense of disappointment. Never played Knights of Honor 2 either for the same reason.
ok, so this game has the same women the other game had, how is this news?
>how is this news
The news is that he was born after 2008.
>AI slop artwork
Hard fucking pass.
ai slop is good
Reminder to ignore bad bait.

I don't have it yet but I think there's an option to reduce the main color on ships so the TEC don't have to be so garish. They make them as bright as they are by default for easy team confirmation (I think that's what they said).

>No campaign
>Literally Sins 1 but with more grafix
Yeah it makes sense. Easy fix to initial complaints, but also if you want the visibility it's there. I'll wait and see how it looks in action when I get it after it releases before I judge it.
Because Sins 1 was so hard to distinguish.

What the fuck excuse are they smoking, it's just happy colourful and garish to attract the zoomer crowd who know nothing but Fortnite and Twitch.
You're being cynical for the sake of being cynical. Whether you like it or not, this is the way readability is treated in modern strategy games. If it looks bad or is implemented poorly, that is more likely because of incompetence by the devs, not some secret malice to market towards an audience that would never play the game in the first place. Instead of being a retarded skitzo, if it looks bad, just say it looks bad.
but that's not related to the ai slop
that's human slop
Colourful games are payback for an era of brown and bloom followed by another era of black and grey.
Sins with multicore and updated graphics is good enough provided it has all the content of every expansion of the last game and modding support + map editor. AS it is now, it's unfinished so not worth getting.

What I wonder and haven't been following, is did they make the Z axis easier to use, work with, and defend against? does 2 even have a Z axis like 1? The Z axis was appreciated but they didn't build the game around it at all.
I thought they said it would stay as Epic exclusive indefinitely.
Indefinitely ends.
I'm more interested in whether there'll be any big changes that might shake up the gameplay, like the planets moving thing. I've just heard about it, haven't actually seen what it does yet.
lmao get the fuck out of here Stardock. Go use AI to generate the dollars out of my wallet you're never getting.
ai slop is good
Are you a fucking child? What, should every game be colourful now even if it makes no sense for the type of game and setting?
you're a child because that innocuous remark which was possibly a joke made you piss and shit yourself and rage at a stranger
Timmy Chang already paid for it, no need to pay for it again. I forgot it existed, so I assume it's trash since I forgot it existed and I still play the original here and there.
>They make them as bright as they are by default for easy team confirmation
That's fucking stupid since normally you are looking at the icons anyway. The only time you don't see those, just the ship colors is in the cinematic camera mode when you are not actively making tactical decisions anyway.
I had no idea this even came out
Devs always say this, the translation to that is "will be on epic store until the epic bribe money dries up."
Is there anything even new in this? So far it looks like one of those 'sequels' thats basically a remaster. The first game but with better graphics.
It didn't come out.
>Devs always say this
I imagine it's part of the deal to give people FOMO and installing epic.
It's actually out on EGS since October 2022
100% thats what it is, Epic signs them to be exclusive for a short amount of time in return for fat stacks. Creating a sense of urgency for the customer to install the epic store because its the only way you could possibly play the game. I knew this game would go to Steam eventually, it would just be a waiting game.
Those were in the first game too retard
Doesn't seem like it actually works, most people aren't stupid or desperate enough to fall for this fom. Certainly not for this game at least
speak for yourself, i'm that stupid
You get what you deserve then I guess
thank you
This strategy may have worked for Epic at some time in the past, but in the modern day more and more video games are fighting for your cash. It just makes these games get buried from the public eye. I feel like SINS 2 announcement wouldve been a fairly big deal in the strategy space, but the Epic announcement straight up has people in the thread not even aware it was announced. Sad!
a real fucking comedian
The White Male is still taking centerstage on the promo art so thats still a W
The epig vs apple lawsuit showed that fewer than 7% of people who installed EGS actually spent money.
Man that's fucking pathetic lmao
Our capital ships shields are down!
Times of war are upon us.
It's about time
you saw hardspace: shipbreakers right
I liked some of the Advent ships of the 1st game though.
Like the one that looks like a ball and emits a shield, Icarus or something
Also a major reason I liked the game was the replays. You can just follow a ship or even a strikecraft throughout the replay. Very kino. Can't do that in stellaris which is a huge shame.
I tried so hard to like this game, but I kept sleeping after some 10 minutes, I don't know why its so boring and takes so long for it to start
i log in, claim my free game, log out. I don't even install them. I don't know why i do this
The original?
Yeah, I don't understand why, tried to play some 10 different matches over a week but I kept finding it boring, weird cause I like stellaris and EaW
I get it. It's probably a mix of expectations. It feels like an RTS so your brain is probably in RTS mode, but in reality it's as slow as a 4x. Could also just be it's too simple of a 4x for you and there's not enough going on.
Probably the latter
why the TEC ships for sins rebellion look more detailed than sins 2 though.
Also, they lose their red laser blasters too?
Doesn't make sense.
I think you might be misremembering or not understand what detailed means. Rebellion does look very good for its age though.
How long ago have you played Rebellion
I played it a week ago.
The Ankylon from Rebellion does not look this detailed.
If you're posting that to try and show that the model in Rebellion is more detailed, then I was right in thinking you don't know what detailed means. Now you could definitely make an argument for ships in Rebellion being more aesthetically designed. I'd go with that.
sins 2 just has a better shader and lighting. Higher res textures too.
Honestly, I've been playing more of the eve online mod recently and I can't wait for the complete sins 2 upgrade.
those little visible window lights from the first game are doing a lot of heavy lifting here, they instantly add a sense of scale
but ultimately sins 2 isn't that much worse so it's whatever
Yeah, Sins 2 models look better armored but they also look like they aren't actually crewed by anyone.
Yeah, the main problem is that none of us actually own the game so we can't check to see if they are following feedback and adjusting them. The windows for scale thing has been something mentioned ever since they announced it. I'd be curious to see what it looks like now, but not touching it until full release.
Man this looks like shit
I read on the dev's discord channel that there wont be industrial ships for vasari and advent. How unfortunate, I liked to look at the trade ships of each faction go about their business going to trade port to trade port. Isn't trade and industry the backbone of a civilization? How are vasari going to haul their stuff around? They are just animals now.
>How are Vasari going to haul their stuff around?
Aren't they built around destroying worlds and moving on now?
How would trade pacts work if they don't have trade ships?
Why does the armpit have hair?
I think that's actually a good thing. The TEC are the ones who should be industrial and trade focused. The Vasari economy should be focused on slavery and looting, the Advent are a bunch of psychic commies so maybe their economy could be based more on using their psychic powers to do shit. Asymmetry is good, so long as it is actually done.
Each one of these factions extracts resources and refines them into metals to build their ships. So how do they have an industry, without having an industry? It doesn't make sense and I think the change for sins 2 is stupid. I will not be convinced otherwise. I sure as fuck hope sins 2 doesn't have any diplomacy, because it would sure feel pretty stupid seeing a notification saying that one of my allies who are not TEC, want to have a trade agreement.
Let me put it this way:
>TEC: traditional industry, it's their territory
>Vasari: slave-based industry, it's not their territory
>Advent: crazy witchcraft, it's not their territory
Each of these can be separate mechanics.
What am I supposed to do when they request/offer a trade pact? Use my imagination and imagine they have trade ports and ships while I don't have to imagine that stuff for the TEC? HAHAHA

It's a downgrade. Period.
Maybe they handle trade differently. Faction asymmetry is good. I never liked how trade, industry, and culture mechanics were mostly the same in Sins 1.
If you really want faction asymmetry, then all 3 factions shouldn't fly space ships.

The advent should be on broomsticks
The vasari should be floating on flying roman-style boats with slaves rowing.
>The vasari should be floating on flying roman-style boats with slaves rowing.
Kino. The advent should just have space suits or power suits and be able to fly under their own mental power. Their larger ships should just be bits of dirt, water, and grass surrounded in a psychic bubble. Maybe with a whole building or two for command centers.

Vasari have stargates, they can just warp shit around.
>Vasari have stargates, they can just warp shit around.
Oh yea, that thing that let their trade ships travel through space without using space lanes in the last game. Yea I guess that makes sense(sarcasm)

It's so fucking funny watch a bunch of dumb and retarded justifications why advent and vasari shouldn't have trade ports.
Don't you think you people are taking the TEC title too literally. Trader Emergency Coalition isn't supposed to mean they are the only civilization that traded goods. All it meant is that they had peace for a long time but suddenly realized they needed battleships to defend themselves after the Vasari invaded.
Not buying Timmy 's sloppy seconds... Ugh I know... It's just that I'm not going to buy it HAHAHAHAHAHA
this whole series is so strange
>game comes out from literal who developers back in like 2007 or whatever, no one has ever heard of them or knows a single person who worked on it before or since
>becomes kind of a cult hit somehow, sells a pretty solid amount of copies
>the developers NEVER release another game
>what the fuck is "star dock"
>a few small expansion packs, released over the course of like 8 years, while they worked on apparently nothing else
>then like 15 years later they make a sequel for some reason?
>is anyone who made the original still around?
>are they still working at the same company?
>why? the company doesnt even make any products
>they just materialized one middling but soulful rts game into existence in the early days of windows vista and then disappeared into the ether
>why is it on epic games only?
like what the fuck? none of this makes any sense
>2007 was the tail end of the golden age of RTS, Sins is effectively Warcraft 3 but in spess, nobody cared because nobody at the time had much respect for RTS games anymore
>Stardock is the parent company, Ironclad Games is the company that actually made it
>for a while Stardock was trying to pull a CD Projekt Red with their own online store that never panned out
>it's on ESG because Stardock exhausted itself financially trying to fight for the rights to Star Control, which it didn't fully get
>Sins 2 is likely to be another sleeper head, if anyone cares about it at all, ESG is where hype goes to die
I remember back I think in 2014 they had plans to create another Sins but underwater and jokingly called it "Sins of a Sonar Empire" as basically their idea of what it would be. Looking back, I don't even know anymore, no mentions of it online except for unrelated games by other devs that never released.
I guess they like to do their own thing. Avoid turning into EVE or Star Citizen and all that.
Oh, I forgot
>mid-2010, Ironclad Games tried to get into the MOBA genre with some garbage game, it failed
There was a video on youtube that interviewed the developers, as usual they were all straight white male nerds trying to make a game that simulated space battles because they liked stuff from other fictional scifi, like Star Wars and Battlestar Galactica. I saw the video around the time Rebellion came out, but I've already discovered sins of a solar empire around 2009-2010, so I was already a fand of their game.

I can't find that video anywhere now. I remember that it was either on Ironclad's or stardock's youtube channel. If it's not in either of those, it's gone forever.
You forgot the part where they said that RTS are dead and tried to make a fantasy Sins MOBA instead of a sequel to Sins and it never got released.
don't be stupid
RTS was dead at the time they said that. Starting around 2020, there was a major revival with RTS and city builders - which is what we're in the middle of right now.
wasn't that demigod and it did get released? to general apathy, but still
It was called Sins of a Dark Age. The Wikipedia article isn't even all the way filled in.
>becomes kind of a cult hit somehow, sells a pretty solid amount of copies
I remember my RTS buddies from middle school at the time all got together to play it, it was the first time I was at a LAN party. I remember marveling at how pretty the game looked, so I guess that's what stood out about it to me.

>what the fuck is "star dock"
It gets weirder if you were familiar with Stardock before they released SOASE, they were mainly known for making software that customized Windows such as RocketDock or Fences, basically programs you'd know about if you were really into ricing Windows. Then lo and behold, they release an RTS?
huh, i've completely missed that. i remember the statement about rts being dead but this is the first time i'm hearing about this game.
>I still can't get over the mobile game graphics.
Speaking of, this was SUPPOSEDLY supposed to be temporary, as the game was "still being worked on."

Imagine my shock.
You didn't hear anything because it was utter trash. Trying to compete against Dota 2.
Money laundering
OG Sins has perfect UI
why do they fuck with it?
that game released on epic in pre alpha stage, not full races, missing units and UI, probably will take like 2 dlcs to make it worth playing.
>AI-generated UI
what the actual fuck lol
Nah, Demigod came from Gas Powered Games, aka the guys who made Supreme Commander. Surprisingly soulful for a failed moba.
Stardock made the Galciv series. It is not at all weird for them to publish another space 4x
Didn't Stardock make the GalCiv games? It wasn't THAT suprising, unless you lived in an real-time only bubble at the time.
Consider that at the time DRM was a big issue between EA activation limit fiacos and steam being more shit than they are currently. Their big push was a very proto GoG "yeah drm doesn't prevent piracy, pirate the game if you want, we don't care." That gave them a lot of good free publicity.
Ironic how stardock made impulse as said proto GoG platform and subsequently sold it to gamestop.
They also made a MOBA somewhere in the middle of that which flopped and died extremely quickly.
There is still a gap between that and sins 2 though. They are a bit of an enigma. I guess they spend a lot of time working on their engines.
There is no gap, they've worked hard on expansions and updating Sins 1. The audience continually asked for a multicore version so they eventually gave in and made Sins 2.
ogrovs can target ships now?
It's the opposite. Ships can cuck orgovs.
in the trailer it looked like the ogrovs were shooting the titan
No, the Orgovs were shooting the Starbase and the Titan bodyblocked it.
The Vasari titan you pedant
Why is the Advent for closed beta testing? Suspicious behavior.
The entire game has been closed/paid beta testing.
What you say is journalist tier dishonesty.
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Except no one will see Advent until full release unless you are "invited".
the fuck is with all this cloak and daggers shit
if its not ready make it an optional beta build and say "this will crash ur game"
discord? invite codes?? fuck off
Everything in this thread is throwing up big red flags this is going to be bad
really bad
If it's just Sins for modern hardware, I think it will be good. Most of the complaints I've seen are "mobile graphics" or "epic game". I don't care about either of these. I will definitely hold all judgment until I get my hands on the full release.
well yeah why else would you interact with such a crappy store other than to grab the free shit
They made galciv, ashes of the singularity, and offworld trading company. You are retarded.
Stardock didn't make Ashes or OTC. But then they didn't make Sins either, Ironclad did, so I don't know why people are getting hung up on that.
Sooo has anyone played this gaem?
It's not out until Q3 2024...
My brother in Christ.....
yea, everyone who bought it on epic games store is playing right now, why haven't you?
>The blue and yellow coloring reflects the ability of the player to choose his primary and secondary hull colors before beginning the match. Players who prefer less color paint on their ships can select the 'minimal color' option when they choose their logo and portrait. This is closer to the Sins: Rebellion style.
These niggas really did put all the vasari in full face helmets.
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What's in there? Why does it glow so much? I'd hate to be in there without sunglasses.
If it's anything like current cruise ships, boomers and e coli.
>No comparison shot of the 2 styles
They had one job. I just wanna see.
That's fucked, we should see shit that's beneath the dome. Trees, shopping mall, something. I don't care if it is a flat texture, just having a bright white glow misses the point of what those structures are.
>what those structures are.
A fake sky with a fake sun so the natural rhythms of the things inside don't get fucked up?
It's a cruise ship, those domes are for the view.
It *was* a cruise ship. Now it's a warship and who even knows what's in there. Probably a bunch of reinforced hulls so there isn't a huge weakspot in the middle of the ship
I'm sure mods will fix it but yeah... I get where you're coming from
Sounds like they've fixed it themselves if it just ends up being a colour palette issue. >>1749807

The Vasari stuff in that new trailer just looks like higher rise Vasari stuff from rebellion, so I have hope that's all it is.
If I can make all the tec ships a blacked out like dodge chargers in space, It would be nice.
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Are there really people like this?
Nigger never heard of fucking turning the volume down or headphones?
>Mr Scorsese can you not have people die in your movies? When i blast the volume as loud as I can it annoys people.
I think that might just be actual autism. The devs know to ignore that shit. Vasari voices are mad.
My throat always hurts when listening to this. There's no way they were able to voice anything again after these.
Advent voices from 1 were fucking amazing..
This nigger is retarded
Nobody show this guy what the Argonians from TES sound like, he might actually have a nervous breakdown
He didn't say the Advent were bad.
They made the galciv series, I only knew about SoaSE because I had to use their launcher with gal civ 2
Is the art for sins 2 made by poos?
Don't insult AI like that.
>didn't know who stardock was

Zoomer, Galactic Civilizations I and 2 were pretty well known to anyone interested in strategy games. They also were involved in software stuff back then.
Really wish I could see some credits screen and see the artists/ art director last names.
Stardock can't really make good games though so no
Good thing they aren't making it then.
I hope this retard gets caught in a combine harvester
I think everyone who decided to not give Vasari and Advent the ability to construct trade ports should all line up to get slapped in the face while I'm driving a scooter.
Muh asymmetric gameplay

>All races now have a unique Empire System. The TEC's Empire System is 'Trade' which leans heavily into their lore and is quite different than Sins: Rebellion. The other two races cannot use this and have their own exclusive Empire Systems.
I'm fine with it as long as the other factions mechanics are interesting. I love asymmetrical gameplay in 4x games.
>Sins 1
>TEC have good trade but Advent and Vasari have shit trade, can't compete in raw credits
>Sins 2
>TEC, Advent, and Vasari have separate mechanics
Tell me which is better, faggot
I'm not ok with it because I just can't get over how stupid it is. I mean, It would make much better sense for me if they all had trade, on top of their own unique mechanics. Like if Vasari entered a trade pact with another vasari player/AI, their slave trade would grant bonuses to their ship build speeds for example. I've said this before, if how would and Advent and Vasari having a "trade pact" at some point in the game even make sense.

This is supposedly a 4x hybrid, and all 3 factions have the ability colonize planets and have their people living in them. Vasari is also an Empire, and you can't have an empire if you don't have any trade.

Sins 1 with added content instead of removed content.
>It would make much better sense for me if they all had trade, on top of their own unique mechanics
That would be ideal. Rather than taking away a mechanic, add more unique ones.
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>if how would and Advent and Vasari having a
Ohh fuck that is brutal, I did not proof read.
>This is supposedly a 4x hybrid, and all 3 factions have the ability colonize planets and have their people living in them. Vasari is also an Empire, and you can't have an empire if you don't have any trade.
Except none of the factions colonize these planets, they're all already colonized during the Trade Order era. The TEC 'liberates them' by forcing them to be part of the coalition, the Vasari enslave them and live in atmospheric/orbital castles like fuedal lords while the Human peons suffer below, and the Asari convert. This is a 4x game but it's not Civilization or Masters of Orion.
And the Advent spread their virgin pussy juice and call it a culture. They were so degenerate, that's why they were cast out and seek revenge. Not something Civilization or Masters of Orion had either.
I always loved that part of the lore. Literally exiled because they were so degenerate that the rest of humanity was like jesus no, you're not allowed to be considered humans any more, get out of our space. But I don't recall if they ever said what their degeneracy was.
They had huge tubes up their vaginas and they used cybernetic enhancements and nanomachines on their clits to make them spray all over the place for prolonged periods. They covered the walls and including people with pussy juice.
They've even built humongous superweapons that shot a huge payloads full of their pussy juice towards other planets to convert entire populations.
I like to see trade and refinery ships fly between planets because it makes the map feel more alive.
File deleted.
>But I don't recall if they ever said what their degeneracy was.
They liked skub.
Vasari don't use money at all is their reasoning. I don't know what they have in place of trade but I figure someone should if it's even in the game yet. It does make sense that they internally wouldn't have trade. I imagine they have like slave driven super refineries or something similar.
>Vasari is also an Empire
They are not a friendly empire, they are a dominating and slaving empire and have no reason to trade over just taking and redistributing. They'd be the always-at-war faction in a normal 4x.

Why Advent don't, I don't know but I assume their unity = communism and they probably won't use money either.

Also what I think is dumb is the idea of any sort of trade and scarcity in space games once you can take over planets. Imagine all the shit we get from just this earth. 10 earths with no one else on them would be more than enough resources for some huge space empire.
>slaver empires don't do trade
Nigga the whole point of slavery is that people can be bought and sold, is this not trade?
>unity = communism and they probably won't use money either
Yeah, no commie country has ever participated in the global market and even made parallel currencies for internal and external trade
>Nigga the whole point of slavery
Is free or reduced price labor with workers who have few rights and no ability to leave their jobs.
Vasari do not buy or sell apparently, since they don't use money. They capture and pillage.

>no commie country has ever
existed (tm)
What I mean is Advent likely literally just take shit to where it is needed and share without payment of any sort.

In any case we don't know what, if anything, they will have. The Vasari don't even use money to build their own stuff but probably use it to bribe pirates or whatever. It'll probably be something useful to the nomadic faction as well. Maybe extra hard slave driving for more resources. As for the Advent, while I don't see why they would want to trade with either faction, they should probably have trade, even though I doubt they use money either. They probably will have some culture focused thing. Like the persuadatron from Syndicate they'll probably have more cultural expansion based on the planets under their control and be able to take over ships or something.
I fucking hate you Ryan.
Space rts games fucking suck, pass out staring at an endless black void
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You'll be looking at the black void soon enough
>pass out staring at an endless black void
This implies that the only thing stopping you from passing out normally is looking at colours.
But space games have the best skyboxes? Sucks that Rebellion removed the beautiful sea blue one.
god sins shield impact animations are so limp and unimpressive
at least that's one thing that looks better in 2
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I've always thought it would be a good idea for Advent to be on mecha suits so the developers could make animations for transformations and mech movements. Transformations would look like the ships from battletech. It would look stupid for non-weeb subhuman trash, but as long as it leaves an open canvas for gundam and macross mods, I don't care.

It would be a huge asymmetric gameplay mechanic, for those who want asymmetry so badly. I imagine they could have some units that could attach to ship hulls and tear ships apart a little. There could be some finishing blow animations like in Dawn of War where the Advent mechas could kick or cut smaller ships like frigate in half.
>from battletech
meant robotech
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It also makes better sense for lore reasons too, Since the advent use a lot of robotics in their backstory.
>Advent capital ships and titans transform
Huh. That's neat.
So you want support for ships having animations, that's neat. I'd actually be really interested in seeing what modders would do with such a thing besides mecha. There's several ships in certain series that have animations moving parts of the ships around (that aren't turrets) for firing weapons etc. Mobile shipyards swapping from transit mode to deployed. A lot of modders are actually working with the devs to get a ton of features added specifically for their mods.
I decided to check but an Ironclad/Stardock dev said there's no plans for mesh animations for first release. The source? This cringe screenshot. Sorry anons, maybe later.
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Yea, that's pretty much what I meant when I said transformation animations for stuff like robotch, because robotech macross has battleships that transform themselves to become giant fucking guns or bigger robots. Like I said, it could leave an open canvas for modders.

A space rts that has this is something I have wet dreams about every night. I guess moving ship turrets is a good upgrade, because I wished for that too.
I've seen Macross so I know what you mean. I'm very glad we got moving turrets and whatever they're doing with missiles. Shifting phase lanes seems interesting as well. I'll probably post some screenshots whenever the game comes out. I think the only mod I'm interested in currently is if the Eve Online mod comes to Sins 2.
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>eve online mod
They're waiting to make that shit. It's not really a matter of 'if'. They've been modding eve skyboxes to the current version of the game already.
Abbadons are so cute when you don't have the scale reference to make them look imposing.
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This isn't cute?
Yeah they're pretty based as seen here. https://github.com/largeBIGsnooze/soase2-plugin-vscode
They're cute but also terrifying. I guess you could say the same about most Eve ships. I think one of my favorite T1 Amarr ships based purely on looks is the Omen.
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The executioner hull has become my favorite.
The way the outer shell shifts around as you warp is very subtle but also really neat.
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So why are we hating this game again? Is it just because it went to the chinkstore?
New bad, old good.
just read the thread
No one said this, dipshit




Holy spaceships, you people that hate criticism are crazy af
I haven't seen anything bad except "I don't like how the ships look" and similar shit. The only thing I've seen is the criticism for missing trade ships, but judging from the trailer each faction has a unique System, so that's actually cool and not bad.

Personally, I think the game looks great.
The main complaint is that the new designs compared to the old ones aren't like they remember them so they are bad.
Yea, that's right. Based on what they have presented, some TEC ships look like low effort 3d models with really gay paint schemes, like something you see in a phone game. Not very aesthetically pleasing. Vasari ships look like actual visual upgrades. These are objectively correct opinions to have. The recent Advent preview, seems like they will have an actual visual upgrade as well.
>like something you see in a phone game
phone bad. too modern.
No, phones are good.
>Plymouth, Michigan
It seems Icarus-like to me that this company would try to do anything other than make cars that burst into flames when rear ended.
It is when its a PC game, just like how consoles kept PC back over a decade ago its like Smartphones have been doing the same thing.
There's not a lot to criticise.

It seems to be the same game as 2008 with a visual upgrade and multi core support. Would have been exciting around 2012-2016ish. But it's been 16 fucking years -_-

This is what happens when you piss away your money chasing a fucking MOBA instead of focusing on what works.
If it is the same again with better capabilities, why is that bad again? Also, I see new stuff, the planetary movement seems to be rather cool, and impactful. More than, for example, in Distant Worlds, where in 1 it was a visual gimmick and in 2 it was alltogether removed.
>instead of focusing on what works.
They did focus on Sins1 all this time.
I'm excited assuming the star trek armada crew gets back together to make another mod for it.
No one is criticizing the better capabilities of the game engine.
I haven't seen any substantial criticism of the game except ship look bad.

I guess that's valid criticism as well, but hardly objective. To me it seems the game got a really bad rep just because it went to epic, without any special reason except that people dislike epic
I don't know why you waste your time. Just say your don't care how the ships look.
I'm trying to find out if the game is actually good since it's available. I do care about how the ships look, but they look fine to me
Oh so you want to find out if the game is good.
Haha, yea it's good, but I don't care what you would think about it if you don't like it after trying it out.
>If it is the same again with better capabilities, why is that bad again?
Meh fair enough.

They definitely didn't. Or it would have come out much sooner.
>They definitely didn't. Or it would have come out much sooner.
Sins 1 did come out much sooner. I said they focused on Sins 1 all this time, not Sins 2. Sins 2 probably just came about because they finished rewriting Sins 1 to be multicore and they need some money now. They've been supporting Sins 1 all this time, though it's mostly been nerfing for multiplayer.
So now Homeworld 3 is toast... Can I be optimistic about this game now?

I mean there's no story to fuck up... Not really... No campaign... They look to have copied the original game and improved on it. Something I've bitched about before but maybe im a retard and this is the right way to go. Building on what worked previously.
I've pirated the latest version and it feels fine honestly. I haven't played the original in ages, but it feels the same. I like the moving planets, and it's not only a gimmick. Can also be turned off for purists. I think the Capital ships are a bit too small, but as far as I remember I had that problem with the first game also. Honeslty, it feels good, it's just boring to play agains the AI and Advent is not in yet.
>I think the Capital ships are a bit too small, but as far as I remember I had that problem with the first game
I mean for example a Kol was as big as like what, two or three Kodiaks at best? They stood out more due to their silhouttes than size.
A battleship being two or three times the size as a heavy cruiser makes sense. If anything it's already quite exaggerated.
>I mean there's no story to fuck up... Not really... No campaign...
Yet. Retards keep asking for one and they plan to comply eventually, so prepare for cringe and some mystery-ruining OP faction added to show what was chasing the Vasari.
They better make futanari giantesses the race that fucked the vasari.
All they need to do is just keep adding story and lore to stuff. It doesn't need to be a story campaign or anything. I think they did fine with the story in the first game. Basically the themes and mechanics of the DLC inform the continuing narrative of the setting.
>Ugh why do AAA games focus on graphics so much, I'm a STRATEGY gamer, the gameplay is what matters

I mean it's something other dimension probably like Unbidden from Stellaris.

It started at Vasari experimental transportation lab so that gives a vague idea of what it could be.
>they plan to comply eventually
haha i'll believe that only when i'm literally playing it and not a nanosecond before then
>we made that ourselves in the basement of a house we rented
The fact those developers are still there is a good sign.
The mystery faction could be good as some kind of AI threat that makes you engage in diplomacy, but that's not really on-brand for RTS games. You could make it a campaign-only thing instead but they're not gonna make all those assets and not use them in the main game mode.
Limitations really are what create soul, look how worse games got when the industry was given way more money and people.
>not really on-brand for RTS games
Good thing we're talking about 4x
Calling SoaSE a 4X is like calling Rise of Nations a 4X: you're right, but that's not the point
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I don't think the strategy game part of the industry has been given more money or people since then though. You can look at C&C3, RA3 or SC2 campaigns on one hand (and those games are from the twilight of the genre), and AoE4 or HW3 campaigns on the other and compare the production values.
is the first one easy to get into? I never played it and it looks pretty daunting. the only RTS i've played before are tiberian sun and red alert.
Very easy. Get Rebellion and just get stuck in. It's one of those simple to play but hard to master games.
Yes and no. They were once young and passionate with few resources, now they have lots of resources but are old and fine with cutting corners or compromising with consultants. The unfortunate truth of life. When you are young you have no money, and when you are old and rich you have no youth.
>now they have lots of resources
I don't think that's true. They have more resources, but it's still a niche title from a dev that's done one thing and published by a relatively small publisher. The fact that they haven't gone into mobile gaming or pumped out garbage or something is possibly evidence of you being wrong. We won't know til we play it though.
I'm actually scared they are going to add m*n to the Advent voice lines and portraits.
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I welcome the Gachi take over of Advent. We'll show them what true degeneracy is.
ok, I know you're just joking, but right now I have real bad anxiety about them adding men to the Advent voice lines and portraits. I feel like I'm about to throw up too after looking at your gif. Not only is it gay porn, you unironically posted something that's not even a webm.
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I'm not joking. I want Advent to fulfill my fantasies. My Deep Dark Fantasies.
It's 2024, you can feel secure that for the sake of diversity Advent will only come in women, transwomen, and futanari. If there is a male, he will be the corruption in the unity and thus implicitly be the player playing the loyalist faction.
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I will just replace the portraits with AIslop of my own with big tity women in white robes.
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>I would be just as angry if they add men to Advent as I am about adding women to Custodes
>as I am about adding women to Custodes

What does this even mean? I'm not the one putting women in custodes
To be fair, the only reason women can't be space marines is "because t-they just can't, okay?" while lorewise females are more adept psychics and dominate the higher castes of the psychic communities.
Also I think they focus too much on the psychic aspect of Advent and not enough on the drugs, degeneracy, and cybernetic enhancements/genetic modifications.
The advent degeneracy involved dogs.
What would even be the point? There's already sisters of battle.
I honestly thought making women custodes was a smart choice. They are all gene tailored individually. So you could just make a big muscle gorilla woman if you wanted. Whereas Space Marines are built off a template basically. I remember thinking to myself what a good way of getting around no female marines, but then they handled the PR of it horribly like usual.
>hello I'm the exact retard that GW is trying to cater to
Thanks for contributing to ruining yet another franchise asshole
Why is having female custodes bad when they are all custom made? I understand why it's bad from a lore point since there's prior lore stating that they are all men. So I get that argument, but if they were going to introduce big muscle women, it at least made sense in the custodes whereas it wouldn't make sense in space marines. I would still prefer they just support sisters of battle as the female faction though or add more sisters of silence stuff to the custodes.
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Thanks fag, you turned this thread into a warhammer 40k general.
Since we are on the topic. I'm fucking glad I stopped caring about it a decade ago. It was 2016, and when I saw that /pol/ and the rest of the internet was comparing Trump to the god emperor, I saw the writing on the wall. I knew it was going to grab the attention of fiction and imagination killers: political activists.
I'd still replay Dawn of War though, at least it was made at a time when political consultants barely had influence in the game industry and everyone had fun.
It's bad because they are contradicting prior lore to appease the woke crowd. That's literally it. No argument in favour of it can get over that fact and that fact is what makes it objectively bad.
See now I take a different stance. You can't keep them out. The company needs to grow, that's just how capitalism works. So distracting and redirecting them is always a better option. I hate the custodes and I don't think many people play them. So pushing women over there is a great idea to me. It pleases them because now they have something "better" than space marines.

I think your strategy only ever ends up making it worse. The stronger the wall you put up, the more they want to get in and they push harder. Rather than saying "no women allowed" you say "sure we love women, here we even have a spot for you to sit over here in this corner". I would just prefer if they weren't retarded about it and didn't say "there were always female custodes". That shit is just creepy gaslighting. Just be honest and say "we wanted to add women in, so we did, this is an evolving franchise".
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Oh shit, I see your point. Maybe we should also make the emperor a tranny since he literally has no balls.
I'm not all the way through the horus heresy yet, but he's presented as basically light that shifts to form whatever the fuck you want to see. So not hard. And in 40k he's just a skeleton so, who would know.
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>Since we are on the topic. I'm fucking glad I stopped caring about it a decade ago. It was 2016, and when I saw that /pol/ and the rest of the internet was comparing Trump to the god emperor, I saw the writing on the wall. I knew it was going to grab the attention of fiction and imagination killers: political activists.
You obviously care about it a great deal.
Watching people like you die on the ground would be more interesting to me than 40k at the moment.
You're not helping his schizo claims.
I don't care. Watching someone like him die would be so fun to watch.
All this is telling me is that you're not old enough to be here.
Please see>>1758188
Please see >>1745200
woah, you think Im a child, don't get too excited.
What could have been....
Watching hobby ruiners die can be fun for all ages to be honest.
>Having warhammer as a hobby
>Giving any money to GW
You probably didn't even realise they raised the prices again because you were too busy chimping out about women like they wanted you to when they spawned that controversy right before it. You fuckers fall for this shit every time. Company fucks you in ass while holding a picture of someone with blue hair in front of you to get mad at.
you ever notice how companies only try to distract the other guy with blue hair women but never try to distract you with anything
Companies distract me by putting sexy anime ladies in them. They can pretty much fuck me any way they like when they do that.
Ok. Anyways,

Just imagine someone like Jack Thompson actually managing to get GTA banned forever, and then suddenly dies of a heart attack 3 days later on a live interview. People would freak out, but all the GTA fans would have celebrated.
There would be GIFS of his heart attack back to back and everyone going LMAO
I decided to try the free version and, while it doesn't seem bad, my god does the UI suck cock
it's so fucking ugly it actively drains my will to play it
They said they're eventually going to have faction unique UI skins like in Rebellion.
5 out of 10 from IGN, it's shit, delete thread and don't play.
Who gives a shit.
>they couldn't even afford to spend few grand for a good score
Ever since godhand IGN giving a game a low score means it's a hidden gem.
I found it first
Why are they reviewing a game before it's reached version 1.0? It should improve vastly over just a few months when it releases.
It's IGN, they are idiots. They are trained wrong as a joke.
They gave an 8 to Homeworld 3, an actually bad game. Sins getting a 5 from them is high praise.
If developers don't want their games to be reviewed, they shouldn't release them for sale
>Homeworld 3, an actually bad game
What's so bad about it?
Nothing, culture warriors are just looking for the latest grift.
the grifters want you to not buy the game
meanwhile the non-grifters want you to buy the game
Homeworld 3 is one reason why I'm glad sins doesn't have a campaign. Artwork can be easily be modded too, it's just texture replacements. So if I want to put something I like in the game, I'm glad about that too.
So, it all comes down to if you like spaceship battles and the game's gameplay. This game is going to be perfect, and I can't wait for the next round of total conversion mods.
Maybe someone will make a Homeworld mod and we can get an alternative to HW3.
Wokeness, shallow simplistic gameplay, denuvo.
Nobody cares.
Wasn't HW1/2 woke as well polturd?
>t. seething wokeshit
>Nobody cares.
Apparently people do care given the backlash. Seethe and kill yourself tranny.
>Apparently people do care given the backlash
Dude, I understand that you're /pol degenerate and trying to stick fails to your pol agenda, but it's not. Check out BG3 for example.
RTS is as much an accounting game as it is a video game currently, blackbird chronically wastes huge amounts of dev time on shit stories which end up an anti-feature that lowers sales
V 1.0 is supposed to be the standard for when a game is considered complete and polished. The only reason to review a game before then is to give people an idea of what the game is like and whether it's likely to be good by v 1.0 for the small number of early access buyers. IGN had better review it again on 1.0.
You look stupid. Quit fighting for boring committee approved garbage if you care about video games.
Nah, that's not how this works. Despite companies talking out the side of their mouth, the fact is that once you charge me money for the game I can review it. If it's shit or entirely unplayable, you shouldn't have taken my money in the first place. Calling it "early access" is just some cover your ass shit so that you can deflect criticism.
I'd rather not being a pol retardoid.
If you complain about a game feeling unfinished when they tell you it's a work in progress or "early access", you're just an idiot. Plain and simple.
I'm not :pol", I just rather not be a boring piece of shit like you.
You think wrong.
Oh look, a seething woketard.
When a game has a different plot irrelevant to previous games, the woketard doesn't care, the woketard is a retard. The woketard's basic instinct kicks in when someone notices the plot is stupid and just instigates shitposting.
Literally nobody in this comment chain so far has mentioned that "it feels unfinished". All we did was comment that it was fair game for reviews the second you charge me money for it. Stop simping for corporations faggot
This comment chain was all about that IGN review, and that review even tries to convince you it's out of early access when its clearly not. It's not even available to buy on steam yet.
OK that's awesome but still isn't relevant to what's actually being addressed by the various anons in this comment chain.
Ok that's great, but if you're going to complain about an early access game being unfinished, you shouldn't have bought it in the first place.
>reading comprehension
Stop talking anytime please and thanks
I do love stories but I love that Sins is pure skirmish fun.
>I can't wait for the next round of total conversion mods.
The modders are frothing at the mouth to work on it too. We're getting modding tools around August 2024 at the earliest.
lmao IGN thinks the game is ready for review because the game version is over 1.1 even though each game dev does version numbers different
Uh huh. What's your opinion on Star Citizen?
>Nigga the whole point of slavery is that people can be bought and sold, is this not trade?
Actually, the whole point of slavery is they take a bunch of people captive and force them to work for free. It's up to the slavers if they feed their slaves to keep them working for longer.
Vasari look decent, whoever fucked up TEC should be fired.
It's the same people. Vasari were made after TEC. You know after everyone got mad at how the ships looked. They don't just hire 1 artist for each race.
The one picture we saw of an Advent ship looks okay too.
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I almost wish developers wouldn't engage with people like this. People are generally retarded and you shouldn't listen to what they say. Sure you can get the general vibe of something through collecting a lot of voices. Like for example I think the general consensus was they looked too cartoony to begin with, so that's information you can take away and work with. But just replying to individual numbskulls like this is pointless.
>they looked too cartoony
The bright colors didn't help.
I wrote that I thought the new profiles looked AI generated and the TEC ships were too clean, then one of the devs starts sperging out that it isn't AI and how he's been here all along blah blah blah.
Way too defensive.
Yeah even if you are wrong, they shouldn't be wasting time and energy replying to you. They shouldn't even be reading that shit. You need a team to filter through player feedback and present them with solid data. Like 40 posts, 30 of them are saying the UI looks AI generated. We looked into it and it seems they think it's AI generated because of how minimalist it is or something like that. Companies are just run so shit.
Stardock devs have always been spergs. The Ashes of the Singularity devs were sperging out about "missed sales" or something along those lines in their server when the game was free on Humble Bundle. Sins devs and stardock guys read every single post on the steam forums and discord. Even if they're just artists or shader guys, it's wild.
Ashes was so fucking shit. I don't know how anyone could defend that shit.
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They don't even digest the criticism. I really just like the old artstyle, that's it. They could just alter the profiles by giving them a better background or add some grit to the TEC ships and that'd be the end of it, but instead it's just arguments from seniority.
What do the new profiles look like?
I love the old art style.
The gameplay looks good so far. Phase lanes shifting seems really interesting. I'm really excited to try out the new feature where you can queue up ships to be constructed for specific fleets.
Anyone with a brain knows criticism is pointless when it's just "I don't like thing"
There is no satisfying everyone. For every one sperg unhappy that they kept the game reasonably close to the original there are 10 others that are happy they didn't redesign everything. You could see the same phenomenon with knights of honor 2. Game was basically just a remake of the original with updated graphics and that pissed off a bunch of spergs. Had they changed more things the people just wanting a remake would have been unhappy, and the people originally unhappy would have still been unhappy because there's no pleasing them.
>What do the new profiles look like?
They're just way too fucking clean. Like, souless could be AI clean.

Plus I was a numbskull who thought the same as that guy. After Homeworld 3s disappointment maybe sticking with something similar that worked before is a good idea. This game may well be decent.
>After Homeworld 3s disappointment maybe sticking with something similar that worked before is a good idea
Yeah, some game devs don't realize that you shouldn't ruin gameplay. Sins 2 should be okay, I think they have enough modders now developers on their team that it shooould be sort of okay. Mines are being removed I think but I'm okay with that.
Make august come sooner I want to play.
For me this game was always about zooming right in and seeing tiny fighters fight among capital ships. It doesn't look like they recreated that.
I liked zooming in watching battles too. Although I don't care for strikecraft.
I agree. Though most of the original art for diplomacy tech tree is dogshit imho.
It's just extremely rare for a game to actually get the scale correct.
I want a fucking singleplayer campaign with a story
The lore is too interesting to just... do nothing with it
All the credit card companies get together and exile the degens from Dune but instead of the Terran Confederacy they become the Zerg overmind and attack alongside some rando aliens with a collapsing empire. There's not really much of a story to be interesting. The mysterious enemy won't be mysterious once it's revealed, it will just be a slave rebellion/bioweapon/warp daemons/replicators or something else that fits into a category.
What do you want? Names for characters? A canon course of events? Nah, I stopped wanting that a long time ago. If you want to see a reason why, look at Homeworld 3. We don't need mocapped actions babbling to each other about stopping the Vasari and Advent invasions only for everyone to team up when the phase space whatever that the Vasari unleashed rings the doorbell.
Why would you want that, its just gonna be an emotional narrative about women.
Any downsides to buying this now on epic?
you mean beside installing chinese spyware on your PC?
Yes, there's no Advent faction until it releases on Steam.
Still fun. It doesn't need to be groundbreaking.
Interesting that you decided to use Homeworld 3 as an example because the old Homeworld games had fantastic singleplayer storylines.
I know you're incapable of feeling any emotions other than whiny nihilism, but some people still enjoy things.
>I know you're
You don't know shit.
I literally enjoy sins the way it is now, so don't go around acting like a sassy bitch, you fucking menstrual bleeding pussy.
I will now play Advent exclusively, they have converted me to their cause
The Advent have mind controlled people in this very thread.
Boys imagine this: the Advent but they are all lolis.
About half of them sound loli already. Especially this bratty ship at 1:16 and the first ship.https://youtu.be/b9-nkbzOR9A?t=76

Also even the lolis are degen and do drugs according to the lore.
>Also even the lolis are degen and do drugs according to the lore.
Holy boner
Are advent ascended weebs?
Now imagine this: the Vasari but they are all shotas
Would the TEC all be fat old men then?
The bounty on our heads has increased.
TEC is the aloof, oblivious Onii-chan who just wants to relax and read manga and eat rice balls or some shit, but is constantly interrupted by his unusually horny siblings' sexual advances (that he doesn't realize are sexual)
Some more details about sins2
The new shields shader is fucking great.
Still funny that you could play it right now but nobody is.
>the AI is really unsatisfying to play against.
Yup. It loves getting deadlocked and not attacking because it's too afraid. Even though it has a huge deathball fleet. I've won a lot because the AI wouldn't commit or retreated. It loooooves retreating.
Yeah pretty much the only ones playing are the ones that ONLY play Sins, play a lot of MP, or modders. I told myself I'd buy it when it came to Steam because it was basically pre-alpha when it came out on EGS.
is Sins 2 better or worse than Homeworld 3?
They're different.
Yeah, wanna hang out?
You anons should fight in Rebellion right now.
brethren or not, we could not coexist with such creatures. our ancestors knew what had to be done, there was NO question. they were lost to us... and they had to be removed.
and that they were
Go away, advent-chan, I just want to trade.
there's no one left to defend our threads
and the Sins 2 we hardly know...
who is the best faction and why is it the Vasari?
because the kultorask titan sounds like starscream

I don't play the Vasari but their voice actors in rebellion are top tier. I need to try playing them again but something about them is odd and I forgot what it was.
>The plot moves forward
>Floods node with mines
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>mfw I watch a compilation of vasari ship quotes and despite not having played sins in almost a decade I immediately had a flash of nostalgia as soon as I heard the chainsmoking scout ship captain
For me it's their general aesthetic. It's hard to think of any ship design in science fiction that is more aesthetically pleasing than the Vulkoras Devastator.
Also their theme song. God it's so good.
>stardock predicted the great californian genocide
Check out this game. I think it's an rts? Or like executive assault at least.
I care
Trans rights will finally end feminism.
And more men (and women) will have to die for it.
That's being made by the homeworld mod complex devs.
Something that I liked to do in sins 1 was raid trade ships between the enemies lanes, this was possible with some corvettes as they were difficult to catch. But the activity rendered little impact into the enemies economy, hopefully they're going to address that.
It's $39.99 on EGS. I imagine it will be the same on Steam.
They are vaguely hinting that they'll give steam keys to everyone who owns it on epic but I doubt it would matter anyway.
Yeah I heard that too but I don't want to take the chance.
I don't think buying on epic is that bad anyway?
Begone, nasty shill. Epic is a cancer upon this Earth.
epic is way less jewish than steam though
Not him but my only concern is cross platform being super awkward. I tried chiv 2 and it's got awkward friend code shit if you are on different platforms.
I don't care because the game is basically incomplete at this time including not having the Advent. I can wait.
You were told to fuck off, shill.
steam is anti-developer
Steam has a workshop, shill.
Can you anons stop being retarded, thanks.
Workshop is just for dumdumbs who don't know what .zip is
The Steam workshop is garbage.
This. Also half the time mods are corrupted from the workshop because Steam doesn't verify the download. Anons always bring up really bad anti-egs arguments. You should be talking about data breaches but instead you're fumbling.
Stop tempting me to buy epic games.
They're concealing the music score and they've become effective at it.
Works on my machine.
What do you mean?
Now on epic.
>no advent
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New Video
are those modded backgrounds or impoved develompent? They look cool
backgrounds as in skybox
I just want the game to run well and have around the same amount of stuff as the previous game. It looks like titans and starbases are in already so that makes me happy.

Artstyle/ui look a bit off but if the gameplay is good then I can excuse it. I also hope they do something like the factorio devs and build their own mod portal so we don't have to deal with automatic updates bricking mods with no option to disable it.
I don't like what they did to the games style, and while I do like the orbits idea it is not enough to get me to stop playing rebellion which has a very strong style I like. My friends are compstomp pussies, I never enjoyed communities way of playing and the meta surrounding them so watching the space ships with ui off is how I get most of my fun.
Which age of wonder and galciv are they showing at the beginning?
The other games in the video are Galciv 4 and Fallen Enchantress: Legendary Heroes rather than an Age of Wonder game.
In a rare case it seems sins 2 has everything sins 1 had and additional content.
It's not entirely sure if Paul Schuegraf will make music for the sequel.
Are the Flak Frigates broken with the recent buff? I remember one factions range goes even longer when deployed.
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Showing more stuff; Like a minor tweak to the culture system where it has to saturate any given gravity well before moving onto adjacent ones.
The next one is exterminate which might actually be exciting.
White male for the humans?
Auto buy
>have game with good gameplay and graphics
>sequel has the same gameplay was worse graphics
>how dare you complain, what a hypocrite
It's time.
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aaaaand its gone
Imagine being this /pol-washed.
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They are going all out. Good thing this is gonna be easy to mod.
You know the vasari are evil because of who they enslave.
I assume this is just for the advent update. I expect release maybe two weeks to the end of the next month.
I don't see any Advent there, so Vasari must be the good guys.
>mines are being removed
Aww man. I loved turtling with zillions of mines.
>Yeah even if you are wrong, they shouldn't be wasting time and energy replying to you. They shouldn't even be reading that shit.
As a matter of fact, they shouldn't even be making video games! Who the hell told them to do that? They should get a real job.
>Sins of a Solar Empire II on Steam
>Will you finally buy it?
>my dick is in my pants, will you finally suck it?
What do you say to a /v/tard that's screaming 'rts is dead' ?
I tell him he's right to make sure he never discovers the ones I'm still playing.
Haven't played Sins2, waiting for full release. If trade is the TEC's unique mechanic what is the Vasari's?

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