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Why don't we have SC2 generals? People still play this game. We're not dead, right?
this game died everywhere outside gookrea. only a minority of gookclicking scum still discuss it
didnt everyone pretty much shit all over the story once legacy of the void came out?
>Why don't we have SC2 generals?
Look at the catalogue again.
>People still play this game
Yes, but community mostly lives in discord chat rooms and twitch channels.
/vst/ is mostly populated by those who just watch bw and sc2 competitive events, due to that - talking about the actual game wont net any discussions besides some low effort balance whine.
>/vst/ is mostly populated by those who just watch bw and sc2 competitive events, due to that - talking about the actual game wont net any discussions besides some low effort balance whine.
Yeah pretty much this. To add Blizzard isn't the best company that produces /vst/ or any other games for that matter (although Warcraft does have more nostalgia love than Star Craft in this place).
There are some nit bits of interesting reference in the other generals though. One thing I found interesting was how SC2's pathfinding is so good that it kinda makes many metas in to balls by indirect design compared to SC1.
Too competitive for your average sp-cel, they'll just cry about muh gookclick or the story not being good enough.
Probably because this is not /vg/.
i play with my wife coop missions and arcade custom games. we like tower defense shit and survivals i guess this game is good for that
normies/normalfag only play competetive.
e-sport, do not see it as a "game", they see it as sports. They play it like a sport, they do not play it for fun.

community = custome games
sc2 custome game community died, thats why

they play there sport on the weekend and then go back to work.
People keep repeating this meme even though if you actually play the game you'll realize how bullshit it is.
SC2 is one of the most forgiving traditional RTS when it comes to micro. Pathfinding and targeting AI is good enough that you can have efficient fights just issuing occasional attack-move commands. You can focus entirely on producing more than your opponent and building the right units for the situation, and you might even climb to diamond (top ~20%).
Even in the most sweaty environment, 1v1 ladder, strategy is far more important than micro. If you're in a lower rank and you think you lost a game because of micro, most of the time it's a macro issue because better resource management and production could've won you that game.
Here's a short, non-exhaustive list of things that can do to improve your gameplay way before learning MLG Marine splits:
>Properly build up economy
>Get appropriate tech and upgrades in a timely manner
>Scout and react to the enemy (build counters, prepare for cheese or timing attack, punish greed)
>Learn different types of strategies (early rush, mid-game push, full macro) and when to apply them
>Do any sort of economy pressure (ground harass, drops)
>Get vision across map, react to enemy movements
>Split your army into more than just 1 huge blob, do multi-pronged attacks, bait, etc.
And mind you, you can still just do none of that shit and do whatever the fuck you want, because the matchmaking system exists to place you with other people like you where you can play at your own pace. You can chill in Silver and build pretty bases with evenly spaced turrets, and win 50% of the games because your opponent is doing something equally silly.
These comparisons with high skill play is stupid. Top level gameplay is like that in ANY game. Look up competitive gameplay of AoE2, WC3, any C&C. Do you think those games are "gookclick" as well?
WoL was kino but the stuff they added in the two expansions was retarded and ruined the game for me
Thoughts on getting 100% achievements on everything except the Lost Viking minigame?
It's acceptable. If it was a quick minigame it'd be one thing, but you need to play well for almost an hour, while also having to constantly spam spacebar.
Pretty much everybody knows what's up if you have WoL on 99% lol
I played StarCraft back in the day and I have never once played StarCraft 2.
Dawn of war 1 was peak RTS and it’s all been downhill since
Starcraft 2 is genuinely good. You are missing out.
It may well be a good game, I just grew up and am not interested in RTS anymore. Plus, after Diablo 3 I said fuck Blizzard.
>fuck Blizzard
It's F2P, you are not giving them any money playing Sc2.
>And mind you, you can still just do none of that shit and do whatever the fuck you want, because the matchmaking system exists to place you with other people like you where you can play at your own pace. You can chill in Silver and build pretty bases with evenly spaced turrets, and win 50% of the games because your opponent is doing something equally silly.
/v/ermins react violently when a multiplayer game reality check their ego and prove to them that they're shitters though
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Mossa really is Korean isn't he
>They play it like a sport, they do not play it for fun.
Sports can't be fun?
>You can focus entirely on producing more than your opponent
That's cool, and how do you do that?
Oh right, by constantly clicking to make sure your buildings are not delayed,
that you don't get supply block,
that upgrades are started as soon as a building is done,
that you inject/mule/chronoboost off cooldown,
that units and workers are always queued up,
but only one per que otherwise you won't get enough money for other things in time.
Macro is the biggest APM check in the game.
If you could schedule all of it in advance with resources spent over time, and the deciding skill factor was changing your plan depending on the enemy, you would have a point.
But two players can go for the exact same build plan, and one will end up ahead simply because he has better APM, so his build is less delayed.
Counters won't do shit when you're 30 supply behind because of low APM.
He's right though. Macro in SC is extremely click heavy and timing dependant. Not only do you need to hit your worker build timing you also have chrono, mule and injection. None of these things take skill or thought. You might as well get penalised for not clapping your hands every 30s.
not really, Koreans basically made a "game" out of fighting SCs ancient ai, QoL and pathfinding limitations
sc2 just isnt fun to play. It was tailored to esport fags requests. Most of the game has had the fun ironed out of it with countless nerfs.
Virtually none of the fun stuff in the sp campaign exists in the mp because esport fags cry about it.
Theres no fourth race too because esport fags wanted sc1.
Yet the game plays nothing like sc1 and is a complete abomination
just say you are to stupid/pussy to play rts games anon. no one will judge you lol
retarded gook incel. Just admit you are too low iq and shit to play real rts.
Which part of what I said is wrong?
Just to be clear, I'm not the one saying there's no strategy or that the game is all unit micro.
But saying that SC2 doesn't need APM because macro is important is just as braindead in the opposite direction.
Macro = Strategy is a false equivalence. There is a strategy part to macro, but there is also a huge execution aspect to it.
Do you even understand what you're saying with this:
>have efficient fights just issuing occasional attack-move commands. You can focus entirely on producing more than your opponent
This advice in the context of SC2 literally is about APM. It's more efficient to spend APM on getting a numbers advantage than min-maxing a outnumbered army.
Do you really think your average player has less workers or soldiers because he doesn't think he needs them? No, it's because he was slower in executing the busywork APMcheck part of macro.
Is the campaign any good?
>post talks about Sc2
>brings up BW
Speaking of shitty A.I. and path-finding - it's the norm. Back then and now.
Frankly, can't get into any new RTS because controls feel like complete garbage after playing Sc2.
Do you understand why that is and what would happen if that changed?
Actions are the primary resource in RTS. Your units, buildings, etc. are tools to convert actions into in-game advantages. Some tools are more efficient than others, and APM is finite, so the best way to get an advantage is to maximize the effectiveness of your actions (also known as strategy).
If you simplify the way production works and make it require less attention, the leftover APM won't just disappear, it will simply get channeled into the next best option. And because of the way core RTS mechanics work, that option is unit micro.
The game would actually become the ridiculous "it's just fast reflex click units" strawman that gets thrown around constantly. Thankfully it's not, because the designers have a brain and actually thought this through, unlike you.
first one is good, second is ok. Third is meh.
what's a """real""" rts?
i think they were complete shit. it basically does what zelda did to dungeons in botw and totk. it takes a fewer, larger, more densely packed missions and spreads them across more, shorter missions. then split the fire temple, water temple, and forest temple across different fucking titles at that. the advances in terms of scenarios, triggers, events, and such is an improvement though.
this might as well be the thread
we are truly the most oppressed posters in 4chan history v___v
i've been enjoying GSL, a couple of the casters they have for it (i should really learn their names) are great
but it isn't at all making me want to play the video game.
I still play ladder for a season every once in a while. Definitely not dead because I can still get games through matchmaking very quickly.
Yes they're all fun, people bitch about the story but the gameplay is fun in all 3 campaigns and the Nova mission packs.
The shitting started with Wings of Liberty. Whatever the Protoss campaign was called clamped the cheeks tight. Until the Diarrhea spewed forth with Legacy of the Void.
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Co-op is very fun and probably the single most active multiplayer mode of the entire genre. Custom campaigns can be fun. The base campaigns are generally fun and well made, even the worst one HotS. Just ignore the story, which is mediocre at best, and don't even bother with the epilogue. I wish I could forget it.

>getting filtered by such an easy minigame
The first is good overall
The second is average
The third is also good overall except for the shit ending
>muh esports
Wow, what an original and insightful take on /vst/.
Surprised you didn't also cry about "soul" or something too.
its over v__v
/scv/ got banned from /vg/ for a reason.
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i guess thats it for now.. we'll meet again, maybe in another world, when something else cries
why is it daed
yes.. and if you are slower at pointing and clicking in an fps game than your opponent you also lose
stay mad, shitter
lmaoing @ ur singleplayer life
Typical westerner WTC fan don´t getting the meta-memo yet.
WTC fell in 2001 I doubt it has many fans anymore
>fell in 2001
You fuk wot mait?
It fell after the Gou/Sotsu anime fiasco dumbnut...
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are we dead for good this time
bros i dashed some trendy brunch food to this girl and she came out to accept it in this tank top and pajama pants and i fell in love....
does she play starcraft?
I liked it, but I view it as an alternative universe compared to the original games. They should release the original games with the same tone on SC2 and develop the last part of the trilogy for the original SC.
i think its ogre for good this time
email 2oot
i bet tossking hacked the site and toot and toss are currently in a hacking war behind the scenes
we're buckling up in 2 hours
thank god....
i would have made a bunch of dep drunk posts if 162 was up by now
>Until the Diarrhea
Of you shitlord complaining about stupid shit to this days,
uh yeah starcraft *looks at date last booted up* ehehehe
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in in in
speaking of tgirls i saw quite a few at the mall today
we're watching the bruins game man
Cool story bro, nobody cares.
>Death to all the traitors "players" who don´t want to play RTSs anymore.

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