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What were your thoughts on the ending?
What does the future hold in store for Valhalla?
And most importantly, which waifus will make an appearance in Banished Children?
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>What were your thoughts on the ending?
Felt good, though I wish Lily Lover made an appearance
>What does the future hold in store for Valhalla?
Black Tiger will keep Wind Wall safe. Red Sand is still fucked, might be the target of the third game if they don't go full on World War or set it in the East Alliance or somewhere.
>And most importantly, which waifus will make an appearance in Banished Children?
Luna and Anne are confirmed from a korean post
I was going to leave this general to die or be eternally bumped, but I've been playing with a pretty funny Giselle build recently that I want to share.
>Hunter Giselle designed around beastless gameplay, but works with beasts too
>based around Camouflage + Overwatch + Battue because of a funny interaction: Enemies shot by Overwatch as they're running are considered by Battue to be in cover if they end their movement next to cover, which they almost always do, then it triggers Surprised on them
>Headshot and damage masteries increase chance of one-shots from Overwatch which triggers an AOE Surprise from Battue, often forcing enemies to skip their turn
>I Know It All Already + You're Already Dead for 50 AT refund on kill
>Planned Trap + Wanderer of the Battlefield + Skilled Military Strategist allow for extremely fast turns if you dash into high cover (13 AT turns after reductions)
The only things I'm not completely sold on are Nocturnal and Lightning Reflexes.
>Hunter of Moonlight is currently bugged as fuck in a good way. It provides its buff when you start and end your turn in camouflage even during the day, and seems to give its action point recovery if you kill something from out of sight instead of just if they're out of combat. If it functioned as written I'd only be using Nocturnal for its +1 night sight since Giselle doesn't need its other stats, and that's grounds for removal in favour of Owl Eye
>Lightning Reflexes was because I was originally running Darkness Hunter on this build
cont because character limit
Lightning Reflexes was because of Darkness Hunter, but I could remove it for the same reason I removed that: Perma camo Giselle never takes responsive fire anyway.
The problem with switching out Lightning Reflexes is that Hunter has fuck all for useful Defence masteries for this build and I've already moved all the slots I could out of it. You'd think Hideout would be kickass with a build that wants to be in high cover all the time, but it only activates if there's an enemy in sight, and you often have other characters spotting for Giselle while she sets up Overwatch with a broken sight line.
I guess I could put Second Heart or something there, but whatever.
Luna and Anne are not confirmed for Banished Children, they're confirmed for a potential game or expansion set after Banished Children, based on what was posted. If we go by the ending of the first game, most of the characters have a chance of showing up, Leton and Heixing are going to chase after Carter, Giselle is heading after Ben and investing the Iron Forest in general, Alisa got assigned to the mission to take out Carter, and Bianca will likely go with her. Misty is now connected to the game due to her fellow Troubleshooter being one of the main cast, and the same with Kylie and Ryo being a main character.

The only characters that are unlikely to return are the original four, as they are likely going to stay rooted in Valhalla, and Ray, who the writers really don't seem to know what to do with so they are writing her out of the story. I really did enjoy almost all of the character writing in Abandoned Children but I do have to say they dropped the ball hard on Ray.
>Luna and Anne
I really want to see them together.
I want to see Anne grown up and capable.
>Red Sand is still fucked,
Their leading members all got taken out in a purple mission, so it's not necessarily canonical.
As far as we're aware, they got away with everything. We never even saw their boss.
I'm not a fan of their cancerous sniper builds, but it'd be nice to not see them fall into total obscurity.
Oh I meant the district itself, not the mercenary company. The mercs are still doing great.
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i raep
t. Sion
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Reposting info about the new cast we know so far
>Her name is "Aurora" and everyone around her calls her "Ari," her nickname. She is a 19-year-old girl as of A.E. 804 and the main character of "Banished Children". So the story of "Banished Children" will be a her travelogue goes through in the Kalter Mountains for a year!
>Class: Hunter/Bard
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>Her name is "Hannah". She is a 19-year-old girl as of A.E. 804 and another main character of "Banished Children". She's a brave, sociable, fair and stubborn.
>Class: Higlander/Guardian
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>He's "Yuri Leblanc", a 42-year-old man as of A.E. 804 and another main character of "Banished Children".
>He's usually gregarious, generous, but he's actually calm and cynical. He's traveling for meeting Spoonists that have disappeared into the Calter Mt.
>Class: Black Mage/Red Mage
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>She's "Tyra Goldsand", a 26-year-old, a troubleshooter of Vermilion. She took a vacation for visiting her grandmother, the sheriff of "Sandrock" tribe in the Kalter Mt.

>She's diligent, honest, but she's often cynical. So she's misunderstood as a cold person.
>Class: Bodyguard/Desperado
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>He's “Ryo Ryuzaki”, another main character of "Banished Children". He once served Kylie, the leader of the White Dragon Gang, and now he headed to Kalter Mountains alone to fulfill the mission to be recognized as the Carp who represents the White Dragon.
>Class: Swordmaster/White Knight
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>Another Main Character: “Claudia Ende” is a 28 years old, an apprentice witch of Covens in Kalter Mt.
>15 years ago, she began her journey to be recognized as a witch at the age of 13, according to Covens' rules, but gave up her journey after a year and started to live with "Ari".
>Class: Not yet revealed
Dandy implied she starts as a Shaman when someone complained about no healer. Wind Shamans are legal in Abandoned Children's class rules.
I want to see Anne grown up and naked.
Thank you and any other anons who post info from Dandylion.
What makes you think she's wind sp? Another wind witch would be redundant. Maybe she's lightning, if that rock on her staff is a psi-stone, and I'm correctly remembering that flash psi-stones are purple.
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>picrel under the reveal tweet
>Ari is 19
>Claudia is 28
>Claudia met Ari when Ari was 5
What did Dandylion mean by this
ll is the purest form of love
I wonder if his pets factor into his moveset at all or if they're just for flavor.

I doubt Black Mage/Red Mage would have any beast tamer abilities.
Girls belong to each other.
But they are koreans so i don't expect any kind of romance development before the 5th game.
Oh yeah, you're right. It never occurred to me that her staff had a psi stone on it. She probably is Lightning then.
I assumed she was Wind because it seems to be associated with black hair / black outfits on Humans, like Bianca, Albus and Shandian.
With that pose and animal affinity I'm pretty sure he's got Earth ESP.
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Most kino relationship type.

In the first game, Witch was exclusive to Earth, Water and Wind SP. I wonder if a Lightning Witch would be played up as something out of the ordinary, or they'll just ignore something that never actually had any effect.
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She might not be a Witch even though she looks the part. Lightning White Mages are legal, so she might be White Mage / Red Mage or something.
I was going to say the tweet implies she's a Witch right now, but I checked the Korean version first.

>"Claudia Ende"
>Fifteen years ago, as an apprentice witch in a coven, she set out on a journey to become a full-fledged witch, but after less than a year, she abandoned her journey and went to live with "Ari," whom she met on her journey.
>For the next 15 years, she was Ari's friend, sister, and sometimes mother, and she decided to join her on this trip.

Which is more vague about if she gave up on becoming a Witch.
They might have just changed it so she could be a Witch. Ryo is a White Knight even though he uses one-handed swords which should disqualify him.
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>Carter's overcharge skill does nothing except give him a Hatred buff
>Pascal's personal mastery gives him Hatred for free when he takes damage and reduces his AT if he already has Hatred
>it still isn't enough to make him dangerous
Power creep in this game is pretty crazy
To be fair, Carter's personal mastery is broken as well. Especially if you could give him a personalized build.
>Spends 1 year with the witches
>Goes emo forever
Obviously mage, earth probably? She has the moon staff and we know stars are also associated with earth SP
I just want more Irene pleeeease! That adorable stuipid-autsitic-idiot-gremiln-womanlet.
Pascal was a fucking lame antagonist for the final enemy.
>implying I didn't skip the story entirely
I never had the stamina to finish this game. I will buy the sequel and probably not finish that either.
I'd agree that he shouldn't have been the final boss of the campaign, but he was a great antagonist regardless.
He was perfect. He highlighted the entire theme of the first game, being abandoned by the world and your ultimate response to that, which was juxtaposed with the rest of the main casts response to the same. My favorite interaction he had was with Heixing, where he admits that Heixing is better than him because he was able to accept death, and if Pascal could have done the same, he wouldn't have ended up betraying everything he ever stood for and becoming a monster.
I liked how they used him to show how fucked up Vendetta as an organisation really is. Before Crimson Crow they were just haha chainsaw loli and hitman who kills criminals while Chris and Belladonna gave off vaguely threatening vibes. Now we know they're an international organisation that ruins lives, tortures children and kills their own employees as soon as they're no longer useful.
>I like how we got more and more different weapons with each character
Wonder if any of them will use it as a spear though

>A character with spear...? Seriously... You must have gotten our plans from somewhere...? We can't hide them any longer, so we're revealing the spear-wielding character today.
Turns out I guessed they would have a spear wielder lol
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>Another MC: “Azul Fisher" is a 18 years old from Starsong tribe in Kalter Mt.

>Despite his young age, he's the bravest warriors and a skilled fisherman in tribe. So the youngers consider him to be a candidate for the next leader despite his impatient and wrathful personality.
>Uses spear
Jesus, Dandylion does not know what shitheap they just stepped in. God help them if he throws it.
>named Azul
>blue background
99% chance that's our water ESP user
I hope he's got an interesting story and is nice to play because he's by far the blandest design we've got in the series.
I feel all of the designs are worse than the Abandoned Children designs. I get that they're meant to evoke a more tribal, less modern society, but there's nothing shown so far that really pops. Even Ryu traded his flashy jacket for some hipster hobo look.

I hope they have some good alt costumes planned.
Wow this is an absolutely shit design and I hate everything about it. They even gave him that same retarded haircut that EVERY black character must have by mandate. They should've just had Jason (The Man Who Never Gives Up) as a protagonist instead of this dude.
The only design I felt was really cool so far is Hannahs, Claudia looks good too, otherwise yeah, not really feeling most of the other designs. I also don't know why Ryo is suddenly blonde when he had brown hair in the first game. I fucking HATE Tyras design, too.
>I also don't know why Ryo is suddenly blonde when he had brown hair in the first game
I could see an experienced assassin like him dying his hair so he's harder to identify at a glance. Everyone outside of White Dragon either wants to arrest him or kill him.
Ryo is already known as a man you don't fuck with lightly, so I wonder if we'll get him late, if they'll make up some reason for him to be weaker, or if they'll just handwave it.
He watched the Barbie movie, realized he was Kenough.
She is so cute. Better than any tojo loli.
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I bet she wants to bury her face on misty's bosoms.
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Who wouldn't?
I sincerely hope that she'll still have a presence in the story, despite being a dlc exclusive character.
Who's got the biggest tatas?
Giselle would be my guess, though we'd really need official numbers from Dandy.
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It varies on a CG by CG basis. Giselle has been drawn with the biggest ones in absolute terms, but in the ending CG Alisa's are bigger than hers.
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Giselle has the biggest tits, the best body, she's the best unit and also the best waifu. Womanlets can't compete.
Bibi is fucking stacked in this pic.
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She's a big girl
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I found someone in town to compare models. Alisa is bigger than Giselle.
/ourgirls/ are so beautiful.
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Here's the other angle
Where are the lewd mods???
Those are gigantic milkers. Damn good.
Even if imho, giselle is still the winner.
And they're all lesbians
Reminds me of the Freaky Fish Guy in Yugioh (abridged)
Where there any mods at all?
This is a Korean work, so no.

This game is far too niche for mods, which is a good thing, since most "mods" for games like this just end up being cheats to make the game easier.
There are some balance mods on the >dicksword and one that adds basically any unit in the game to Giselle's summon list. I haven't seen any model edits yet. Hell, as far as I know, I'm the only person who ever managed to get the models into Blender, let alone alter and repackage them.
>as far as I know, I'm the only person who ever managed to get the models into Blender, let alone alter and repackage them
Post your porn, or else
It's not even that long ago and I even replied, it's so over...
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Ran into this Alisa build recently which prompted me to start dicking around with my own ideas for a Berserker White Knight. I did manage to get a 63/63 point White Knight build in my attempts, though.
The guy didn't actually have Berserker in his masteries or any other form of rage effect. I think he just forgot to switch equipment boards.
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Here's my attempt. It's really fucking slow: 50 Speed for 90 AT turns, but it's quite durable and once it gets into attack range it refunds AT like crazy. I'm running a Red Flower on it and deliberately no Final Resistance so enemies can give her Rage/Hatred. It's not that good but it's kind of fun to watch.
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Oh fuck, it's one of these guys.
>Asia server
>every item is +9
>5-star items galore
>literally everyone has 3000+ HP
>Bianca, Heixing, Misty and Giselle have Draki's Perfect Scales, everyone else has Black Manes
>Second Heart on everyone
>Mutant on almost everyone
>Keen Sense on the Black Mane users
>everyone's got fuckloads of armour
>Safety First so they'll get tankier as they lose HP
Look at this shit
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fuuuuck they even have personalised food buffs
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This game is the only game where I hate clowns.
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I did it. I had to cheese the shit out of it with camouflage and used 3 summoned beasts to do it, but I did it
Honk Honk
Very cute panties.
So I'm gonna be honest with you guys.
I don't really like this game, even though I want to love it.
how far in are you? if it hasn't clicked for you after around the time you unlock anne or heixing it might not be for you
it's definitely not a game that clicks with everyone
I'm getting fucked by the Clowns pretty viciously.
oh, no clue in that case, that DLC is my favorite content in the game and i remember it kicking my ass at first too
i'd suggest revisiting your mastery boards for some of your characters, having sion and irene be as tanky as possible with battlemage in order to create something to put in front of your squishies helped me a lot
The DLCs are where the enemy design starts to deliberately counter basic player builds, so there's a noticeable jump in difficulty. It feels unfair at first but it's really more a matter of teaching you to pay more attention to what your builds are doing vs what the enemies are capable of.
Is asia server still alive?
LMAO holy based. Would be peak if his drones had individualized food buffs as well.
>Is asia server still alive?
Yeah but it's mostly Koreans. English names are uncommon. Most Koreans can speak a little bit of English though.
The thing that helps the most against the clowns is to try to stay out of their blue movement range as much as possible. Skeleton Masks and White Clowns' double hits aren't dashing attacks so it forces them to use their much weaker attacks to initiate. Black Clowns' jump attack is a dashing attack though so they're the clowns' pseudo long range unit. They also have Prior Planning and a bunch of other accuracy masteries so they're annoyingly accurate against your dodgy units.
If you're really having difficulty with getting swarmed, flash grenades are godlike when the clowns are all clumped up. Dodge reduction masteries do fuck all when you rape their base accuracy.

clowns can't hit you if they can't move
entangling roots, freeze, wind chain...
fond memories of getting my arse handed to me at the night markets clown mission trying to unga bunga
The bigger problem is that like fifty of the fuckers show up, and rush into melee .
Clowns can't kill you if you can't die.
Based Immortality abuser
The first time I saw that Immortal Spoon guy and he said, "it breaks my heart to see you here," I thought he was Albus's dad or brother or something
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It'll be disappointing if John's not in the sequel. His power level is Carter-tier and he's a massive oldfag who's served more than one Sharky. We know from Leton that Valhalla occasionally enlists powerful people in exchange for wiping their criminal record, so him just being arrested isn't necessarily a sign that he's gone for good.
Seeing as he's literally too heart broken to die, it'd be kind of sad to not at least see him as like a shop owner or something.
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>tfw you're a memorable character and you get demoted to shopkeeper
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Does anyone have any ideas why people run Can't Wait Anymore on Kylie? I've seen a few people do it, so it's not just one guy with a jank build. I thought it was to do with the heavy cast delay on Reinforced Attack Protocol but it doesn't get her AT high enough to trigger it
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>It'll be disappointing if John's not in the sequel
Same. When Mungo King's mission first came out, there was a theory that the Ice user heart he received from Pascal was that of John. I really hope that won't turn out to be the canonical explanation.
That's literally what happened to Don kek.
No idea. Kylie's always been one of my quickest members. Hell, aside from that one mission at the graveyard, I don't think that I've ever surpassed 200AT with any of my human characters.
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I have over 500 hours in this game, why am I still learning new mechanics by replaying the tutorial mission?
It's just for the 10 speed.
How the fuck do you go 500 hours without knowing about flanking?
Don't fix what ain't broken.
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>I don't think that I've ever surpassed 200AT with any of my human characters.
It's pretty easy to do with Great Swordsman counter/bladestorm spamming. I have a sniper Giselle build that often gets 200+ AT as well.

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