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Will this be good.
Same answer as the last time you made this thread.

Good/fun but with some big fucking issues, like all of Blackbirds games.
yes. got a problem?
I didnt make this thread before any time before 1 hour ago. I just am curious i didn't play the beta and wanted to know if it's gonna be good.
>wasted resources on '''roguelike mode```
>brought to you by the team that ruined shipbreaker by shoving communist manifestos in your face with every update
no, it's not even doa, it's an abortion
>ruined shipbreaker by shoving communist manifestos in your face with every update
Nurse! He's skipping his meds!
>workers rights bad
you are retarded
I wanted it to be, but probably not.
bad when it’s coming from a lesbian shenigger
But Deserts of Kharak was okay. BBi made a good little RTS, last time.
>wasted resources on '''roguelike mode```
This isn't a bad thing. Not because le epic roguelike, but because it's a replayable coop mode and coop modes for strategy games are something we need more of. It's hard to get friends into RTS when they have to play head to head and they'll just get crushed with any real skill gap. Having the ability to play a mode like this is the perfect introduction, and if they aren't retarded it should be better than just running a normal compstomp lobby.
It was bad because they took a game with very little content and only ever focused on fleshing out the story. That game, which is about systemic ship destruction, only has FOUR ship hulls to take apart to this day.
This probably bodes badly for Homeworld 3 but to be fair the Homeworld games always got a lot out of relatively little objective content.
Not a fan of Denuvo or the moba/apm tax gameplay additions.
>wasted resources on '''roguelike mode```
I dont understand this - everyone is constantly bitching that RTS is ruined bc of gookclick APM demons and a dev finally introduces a mode that's not ultra competitive head to head and everyone is mad about it? Isn't this good for the genre? Don't most people end up playing vs AI in rts games anyway?
what don't you understand? you saw some people complaining about gookclick and now you're seeing people complaining about another thing
If your job involves sitting at a keyboard I don't want to hear your opinion of the struggles of steel foundry floor workers or coal miners. Stay in your lane.
good point anon - I appreciate the refreshing perspective and the laugh your post gave me.
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>he said the truth but they refused his message
If they incorporate the beast or at least acknowledge Cataclysm in the story then it would be at least worth playing.
Well they re-cannoned it with the mobile-slop so there's a chance.

Given how the beast originates from hyperspace and how HW3 is based around Karen opening the hyperspace gate network it's wouldn't be unusual for the Beast to make an appearance. If they really wanted to make a kicker of the plot, we know Karan has disappeared and "The Anomaly" has started to wipe out the galaxy. If "The Anomaly" turns out to be the the Beast and it has subverted Karan we'd have a nice bookend where you have to defeat her in combat in the form of your old mothership.

But in true mary-sue fashion they'd probably pull some bullshit where Karan willingly sacrificed herself to the Beast so she could subvert it from within and allow your forces to take it out.
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>Will this be good.
Pic related is the only answer you need to know
so yes
why is the mothership banana flying sideway?
i am looking forward to it, as long as it *feels* like homeworld i'll be happy

you can put a beastslayer version of the kiith somtaaw emblem on your ships
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It's okay.
the demo crashed whenever I tried to start a game so my expectations are low lmao
it was pretty bad yo
will find out in a minute, downloading now
>skybox with a galaxy in the background
oh for fucks sake
damn this shit is good. a proper rts, loving it so far.
I think you can flip it, no? Im fairly sure I saw somewhere
You know it's a gearbox published game when you have to buy the ultra deluxe suck my dick edition to be able to change the colour of your fucking engine trails
Are you people just blind, deaf and retarded? They have stated since its very first showcasing that you can rotate it - and guess what, you can!
thats worse.
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HW2 and its consequences have been a disaster for the homeworld series
I highly doubt


>play Homeworld remastered
>have to excruciatingly test 21 combinations of formations and stances with all fighter options because the game refuses to let me know exactly how ship stats change
Well, at least now I know that interceptors aren't worth it compared to scouts and what are the best combinations for different situations.
it wasn't worth the 21 year wait
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"What would Karen S'jet be if Kharak didn't burn" shut the fuck up. The great threat is that a fleet commander got mad and found some progenitor tech?

Not the beast, but still technically correct
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>What would Karen S'jet be if Kharak didn't burn
Is this bitch for real?
It won't be able to recreate the Garden of Kadesh moment
>"I'm the will of the universe incarnate!"
>Imogen hits her with a rly nigga stare
The incarnate queen is so pathetic holy crap why did they fuck up so bad.
Watching some of the early-access footage, I'm really not a fan of the story so far. Unnecessary focus on individual characters, diversity checklist characters everywhere because fuck you, and of course the whole retcon bullshit.
>why did they fuck up so bad.
New writers.
That's all really.
Shit writing aside, how's the gameplay?
Looks like it might be better the demo from the footage I have seen.
dont be a nigger do it yourself
2 was fine. If anything the story for 3 shows there was a perfectly viable off ramp to the s'jet prophecy shit of 2 and the incarnate could have been spun as some theocratic hyperspace dwellers bent on bringing it back after karan nopes out of it post makaan. Instead we get some random queen who had a melty her people didn't treat her as a chosen one.
Why is the game so blurry bros
Welp, they shoved it full of niggers and women.
unreal engine and TAA
Turning off TAA doesn't fix it. Is it really using Unreal Engine and not the homeworld engine?
anon, the homeworld engine died with cataclysm 24 years ago, it was too advanced for modern zoomer devs
As someone who played the demo extensively I will say the controls + general gameplay is much better from then so props to BBI for listening to the feedback.

The game however? I like it a lot, but it has some serious flaws too - primarily when it comes to the story and also the absolutely pathetic lack of 'variety' in enemy looks, voices etc.
>Buried ships discovered on Kharak that carved out rectangular cavities when they hyperspaced under the surface
>Centuries later, pirate carrier hyperspaces into asteroid and carves a rectangular cavity
Imogen: "DATS IMBOSSIBULZ!!!!11"
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Rotating the image unironically makes for better box art:
Vertical carrier will always be the best
>But in true mary-sue fashion they'd probably pull some bullshit where Karan willingly sacrificed herself to the Beast so she could subvert it from within and allow your forces to take it out.
Wasn't it already leaked that Karen comes back to save the day at the end of the game and all you do is support her and follow her orders while she does all the fun stuff.
>Gather those resources for me
>Take out those scouts for me
>Protect me from that fleet
>Now watch me use my mary-sue-canoon on supa-sajewk to destroy the anemone once and for all
>No you can't have this ship, not even for the final mission because you're not woke enough, and if you were woke enough you wouldn't want it because 'female empowerment'
It's crazy how basic the unit designs look, they look like a bunch of polytopes. Even the first game wasn't this blocky looking and back then the artists had hundreds of polygons to work with. And if the demo's anything to go by the performance is going to be atrocious - the game does look pretty but the graphics look like the game came out 3-4 years after HW2 not 20 fucking years later.
Wtf the reviews say there's no subsystems?
Came into this thread just now because fleet command gave early access.
So from what I'm getting so far is this a repeat of 2? Ok gameplay mixed with a less then subpar story?
Do I buy right now or wait a year for it to go on sale?
yeah, good gameplay w/ a subpar story is about right. I'd add that the graphics are pretty good and the terrain adds alot to the game IMO, but I'd hold off on buying it if you're interested in multiplayer skirmish or super invested in the story
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>solidarity bad
No wonder union membership rates are going down the drain.
I'd say 2's story was far better. Despite the retconning I cared about the story and enjoyed the cool beats it provided. I just don't care about 3 because the coolest thing that happens is right at the start. Everything just feels like a letdown after. 2 at least started low and ramped up all the way to bring sajuuk to bear.
You can see this in real life. Something that happened long ago gets forgotten for the orthodoxy of the modern then everyone is surprised when someone successfully duplicates it.
If I had more faith in blackbird's writers I'd even say it was a jab at how the cult of s'jet took over and everyone forgot history pre hiigara.
Only in the campaign, which are progressively unlocked.
finally the end of gookclicking
bluecollar people are scumbags, no one wants to hear your dishonest praise of wagie slave labour lying leftist.
>Will this be good.
I doubt it, BBI have publicly complained about the lack of pre-orders following the release of the demo on multiple occasions.

They've laid off half their development team and they're begging people to buy the game based upon a promise of fixing it after release. That's a grim sign.
>The souce code has been lost...
Honestly it's kinda disheartening on how the game industry are so lax in backing up and logging shit that losing critical data are a common practice. This is how we lose progenitor tech.
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I don't know it looks like mass effect shit.
The story is far, far worse than 2.
The crazy part about the story is it starts telegraphing one cliched direction then somehow makes that direction more interesting than what they actually did.
>karen is missing
>nameless hyperspace antagonists appear following some queen
Gee I wonder who this queen is.
>it's actually just some rando from some other civilization
>realize when you find karen's mothership this game is literally just deserts of kharak in space but lacking any interesting antagonists.
>telegraphing one cliched direction then somehow makes that direction more interesting than what they actually did
It's either unintelligent writers who thought they would be breaking from the mold by doing a red-herring, and/or the game switched direction suddenly in development. I'm leaning on the latter than the former (i.e. afraid that it would upset fans, they wanted a room for a potential sequel/dlc, etc.), but I can see both happening simultaneously in the present state of media.
It's a shame because painting karen as the bad guy in 3 would provide a foundation to break the game out of the s'jet wank.
wait, i also saw a review saying that there's no subsystem targeting. is this for real? basically means no expanse mod where you can use your rail gun to snipe enemy reactor and board with marines
It's actually Homeworld: The Gookclickening, they added short cooldown abilities to ships so now you have to micromanage them
>It's actually Homeworld: The Gookclickening, they added short cooldown abilities to ships so now you have to micromanage them
What's worse is they're not even interesting abilities, it's banal shit like "+10% damage for 5 seconds".

Where's my ability to fire an EMP pulse, Launch a Missile, Combine in to a larger vessel, etc.
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Tactical and Mothership have the worst fucking voices in 3.
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This is me cancelling the transaction.
I don't blame you. The game looks like it has grease smeared across the screen no matter what settings you use and change. The acting is terrible, the voice actors chosen lack gravitas, the cutscenes are mediocre, the mothership is horizontal, the graphics look worse than the original game and remaster, etc. I'm finding it hard to even finish the campaign because I just don't care anymore.
Is there multiplayer?
Yes. There's also some war games mode that I think is also multiplayer but I haven't tried either of them. I did see some regular skirmish mode though.
>are you people retarded? how have you failed to consoom as much marketing material as me???
well gee i'm sorry anon but i don't think there's any need to be rude
I'm going to try this now and if it isn't possible I'm going to scream.
Flipping the Mothership is possible! This button doesn't exist in the first several campaign missions which is probably going to cause screaming. I went into a skirmish vs AI to screenshot it.
>This button doesn't exist in the first several campaign missions
as part of the story? do they need to journey beyond the vlaykr frontier into the graveyard of khar groba and get the mothership rotation module from the wreck of the great perturbator?
Fucking hell. This is awful.
Yeah, I meant in the campaign. Considering there's giant asteroids and floating debris etc, maybe there's a reason you have to rotate it for a certain mission. In the tutorial you send strikecraft through an asteroids that has a slotted tunnel. Actually, that same asteroid or similar one is behind the mothership in >>1753684
Have another stepmothership
Okay, I haven't gotten to that part in the story yet but the art style of the character, background, subtitles, and everything else look right. Fuck.
>What's worse is they're not even interesting abilities, it's banal shit like "+10% damage for 5 seconds".
I'm considering skipping this just because of this point only.
It's insignificant in single player. But you know multiplayer is going to be sweaty as fuck because of this.
>muh gooclick
Shitters are fucking insufferable.
It's the player's name.
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>third or 4th cutscene
Someone on their team played too much destiny 2 get these teleporting black pyramids out of here

even if it's good, I'm not buying it
They lost me with humongous backgrounds. It ruins all scale for me.
I'm still laughing at this
What did they mean with this?
That was actually one of the main selling points since the whole fandom was wanking to the unrealized dust wars concept with megaliths and shit.
Having played and completed the campaign. It's alright, a little too short.
The story is average, I miss the painted cutscenes and don't like how this is about individuals rather than the fleet. The megastructures in every mission look stupid make your fleet feel small and pathetic.
The closed in maps and distances make it more frantic and fast. The micro can quickly end up intense but for most encounters you can select all mil units, attack order all enemies and just win.
I hate how they keep taking away your control to show a cutscene mid-mission.

There's a lot to complain about and it doesn't have the homeworld feel for me but I can't deny that I enjoyed playing through it and even enjoyed the wargames multiplayer mode. Not worth full price.
I would argue the fleet was always intended to feel small and pathetic. Megastructures up front just don't give the same feeling of insignificance as huge hulking masses in the distance because any megastructure will itself feel small and insignificant compared to the backdrops of the other games.
What's with all the HW3 posting all of a sudden?
Did it drop? You bought?
Early access for the ones who preordered.
Lets say there is going to be a lot of refunds.
ayo gibs me dat core and you be my bottom bitch
>In mission cutscenes in an RTS
What the fuck were they thinking?
pretty good summary although personally I like the megastructures but i wish there was one or two open maps.
The game came out several days ago for fig backers or people that paid for the big pack on Steam. I think the fig price was the normal game price but paid years ago.
Yep I was right its terrible
>Muh karos graveyard
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>played the firsst homeworld when it came out
>one of my top games ever, easily in top 5
>even now replay one of the games in the series every now and again
>they still have this amazing spark
>see this thread
i'm afraid to play this game. i don't want to ruin homeworld for myself
That's what happened to me.
>do they need to journey beyond the vlaykr frontier into the graveyard of khar groba and get the mothership rotation module from the wreck of the great perturbator?
i exhaled more vigorously, thanks
Honestly the game doesn't feel like homeworld. Yes the names are there and the music is there but all the themes aren't and it feels like destiny or some shit rather than some mystic space bedouin quest.
I'm glad I wasn't the only one to think it felt like Destiny. Especially the weird cutscenes.
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>rather than some mystic space bedouin quest.
But that's where it all went wrong, HW2 started hamfisting excessive mystic themes with muh prophecy, muh end times, muh sajuuk bullshit. Before that it was a story of desperate exiles and mysticism came from history being so ancient that it became a mystery. Cata took an even more grounded approach with thrifty space miners and then HW2 barges in and you have
chanting in background while Karan talks like she's doped up on sheesha.
Space witches is just a natural consequence of this direction.
>New factions as paid DLV
Oh boy
I hate it when corpos get their hands on small franchises
Someone actually thought xel'naga kerrigan was a good story worth emulating
Didn't they do this with Deserts of Kharak too?
hw2 did some things wrong, but don't you fucking dare disrespect space bedouin chanting, that shit was kino
No, Kharak was solid
I thought 'meh' to the remasters and DoK, and loved Shipbreaker when it was in alpha. Amazing how so many franchises and companies can go to shit in such a short space of time, but even more amazing is that it can be seemingly any of them, at any time, for no reason.
>pls /pol/ no 'jews', 'blackrock' or 'dei'
The publishers will still blame the coof. Anything but the publishers themselves.
The S'jets being space Moses was a thing since HW1 though
They did, the Soban and Khaaneph fleet packs were added after launch as multiplayer/skirmish DLC.
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>so yes
What say you now anon? are you enjoying your slop, is imogen hapsburg bogdanoff S'jet and fleet blobbing your idea of a good game?
>he trusted the shitbox merchants and believed in their devhell disasterpiece
A finished game would have been a better idea
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It's kind of why 3 is such a letdown
In 1 you had karen leading what was left of the kushan people through the wilderness to their new home.
In 2 this event was being mythologized complete with makaan and the bentusi pushing the s'jet into a godly messiah role. 3 should have been about the aftermath of Karen trying to reconcile the real events with an unwanted mythos that almost led to the destruction of her people after the taiidan nearly snuffed them out originally. It very well could have gone that way with her being missing at the start.
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Where the fuck are the painterly cinematics? What the fuck are these cutscenes?
They clearly have painterly cutscenes in the early trailers:
Most likely result of focus groups being confused by 2D "archaic" cinematics and asking them to be made more like modern marvel movies
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just saw this clip on /v/, is this actually in game lmao?
It's 100% a shift in management around the same time shipbreakers went to shit.
Every time I see this clip, I just laugh. The weird close-ups and giantesses that grow from their normal form. I'm not even mad.
she look cute here
why is the bad guy a giant DEI bitch
I don't want to keep thinking about Destiny when I look at these but I can't stop. Everything about the choices made in HW3 is confusing. The last game that hit like this was ME3, and that game was 90% fine, 9% bad, and 1% a black hole of shit.
If you think ME3 was fine then you deserve games like Homeworld 3.
This except he doesn't deserve it because it means everyone else is inflicted with it.
Yes, outside of kai lame, day 1 dlc, and the ending it was fine. Not good, just fine.
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>90% fine, 9% bad, and 1% a black hole of shit.
yeah, this is exactly how i feel about hw3. idk what they were thinking, they've missed an open goal
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Much like the fight in ME3 between the writer that loved kai lame and the one that hated him, HW3 feels like a game made by three different teams, one of which was let go after the trailer dropped and the other two which were at each others throats.
For a woke DEI game, there's a surprising amount of booba on display. Which is fine by itself, but not a good stylistic choice for Homeworld.
I want to play Homeworld Remastered for the first time.
Should I use the Players Patch for it?
dude she’s like snoke in the force awakens!
So if you care about campaign only and don't want stupid challenges or MP, you don't need the DLCs, correct?
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>Faction Emblem
But why? What is to stop someone from just making their own .tga file with same image?
You can still make custom emblems right.... right?
the symbolism of mothership/mothers is obvious but they let the feminin get out of control and now it’s an interracial lesbian love story, same kinda thing happened to cortana in halo and borg in star trek, starcraft terran has a similar female coded AI narrator but it didn’t get this bad, feminists can’t help themselves with characters like this

so you go from a hiigaran scientist that merged with a ship computer to accelerate the construction, to now all motherships have a queen inside that get magic powers and immortality when they collect enough infinity cores, it’s bad fanfiction
>belkan witchcraft
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She self inserted
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thank GOD I'm not the only one that noticed this
I've had multiple people tell me that shipbreakers didn't change much from EA to 1.0 but I feel like you have to actually blind not to have noticed
I can't say I was expecting much, and yet this thing somehow manages to be disappointing anyway. It's genuinely disheartening.
>the writer's barely-disguised fetish
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Holy fucking shit. I assumed this was some lousy Netflix cartoon. How can you miss the mark this badly?
Absolutely, it fixes most of the problems with the remaster. The game is not unplayable without it, but the patch makes it way better.
Thanks, installing now.
Is it just me, or is every Hiigaran unit hilariously weak? I just watched a Battlecruiser duke it out with an enemy assault frigate and the BC barely had an advantage. In HW2, BCs would melt anything.
This is what women think being "powerful" means. Not actually doing something, but if you imagine yourself ten feet tall then you win.
post fucking screenshots cunts. and tell me about the soundtrack
I find it interesting that a lot of gameplay videos currently out seem to have been financed by gearbox. It's either just the ad hashtag in the title, or they outright mention the video being sponsored in the comments or in the description. It almost looks like a preemptive form of damage control.
Why do you have trouble with symbolism? Imogen is new and inexperienced, the queen believes she is powerful, and then imogen levels the playing field in the queen's house. It's bad purely because of how basic and amateurish it is, there's no need to attach extra incel baggage to it.
Okay tranny, no matter how much you cope here the danger hair won't lick your axe wound.
>incel baggage
No, it's the primary difference between men and women. Women value social capital, so if they intimidate someone in an interaction that means they win. The problem is this doesn't translate well in a game about spaceships.
Projection isn't a good look
Everyone values social capital. It's incel baggage because you're pretending like it's some unique thing to women, also like the cutscenes are something more than incredibly sloppy symbolism.
No, men value action and will have retarded scenes in different context.
>snaps his fingers and a thousand ships explode, thus resolving the conflict
>leans forward and frowns heavily, making the other person back down, thus resolving the conflict
It's the same bad writing, the genders have different preferences.
>snaps his fingers and a thousand ships explode, thus resolving the conflict
So you're revealing that your understanding of this is marvel capeshit level.
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>Game is already performing worse than Starfield
It's Joever. Hopefully Sins of a Solar Empire 2 does better.
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I mean even if it was as good as 1/Cata it probably wouldn't have a peak player count as high as any new Bethesda release flop or not let alone most AAA ARPGs since RTS games as a genre are just that much less popular and space RTS games are niche within a niche.
>how will this sell spaceships?
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>he ACTUALLY thinks the *finger snaps - thing explodes/happens* trope originated from thanos snapping his fingers
OH MY GOD i haven't laughed at 4chin this hard in weeks. thanks anon
No, but I wouldn't use an example that presently exists in pop culture as a specific thing if my intent is not to draw an allusion to it because it leaves you open to easy attacks like this.
It's ok though, you realize you got shown up and are coping, I understand.
i'm not him and i think you're the one coping
what is this sentence if not PURE cope
> I wouldn't use an example that presently exists in pop culture as a specific thing if my intent is not to draw an allusion to it because it leaves you open to easy attacks like this
You're doing a great job proving that men don't care about social capital by the way.
and you're NOT doing a great job at coping, thanos nigga
cya fag
>Realizes he got trapped
>Pussed out like a bitch
Okay so the question is, can the game be fixed?

Some things are going to be harder than others.
-pirate the game: that would get rid of both the EULA and the Denuvo issues
-mod out all the cutscenes that has a person in them: would fix most of the story. also
-mod out the mothership lines, possibly replace them OG mothership lines.
-mod in hotkeys, attack move, etc: I'm not a modder, I don't know how difficult this would be. I assume that putting in ballistics is actually impossible.
-map makers fixing them maps by making them larger, more vertical, spreading the objects further apart
-rebalancing the ships, changing armour and damage values to change the pace of play
-physically rescaling ships to make the small ships smaller and the large ships larger

What else needs to be added to this list?
What could we potentially see modded in in a few weeks, and what are we likely never to see fixed?
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Two rounds of layoffs and 3 DLC's year one to add what should have been in the title to begin with.

It's dead Jim.
new culture war just dropped, time to memoryhole this game's existence
The hardest ones would probably be mechanical stuff like ballistics, attack move, unfucking fighters etc.
Easiest would be stuff like scale and speeds since its just number tweaking, might even be able to do it in CE.
>sample on youtube gamwplay vids
>majority of the players never use Sensors Manager nor the Follow Camera Mode, and keeps NLIPS on
holy normies
To be fair, you don't even have to use the sensors manager in HW3 because of how easy the game is.
Wait, are you telling me this rts doesn't have hotkeys and attack move? What the hell.
There's hotkeys.
>-physically rescaling ships to make the small ships smaller and the large ships larger
Or set NLIPS off by default.
If they wanted to do a story with actual character and personal drama why didn't they just make Deserts 2?
Why homeworld 3? Where even Cataclysm, the most "personal" game, still didn't give anybody a face, it was just impassioned voices in the void.
Just baffles me man.
>If they wanted to do a story with actual character and personal drama why didn't they just make Deserts 2?
Actual character and personal drama might take of better if they did a prequel instead, particularly the time before they got exiled into the desert planet.
>Make a setting with multiple clans and space empires
>Literally the only game that doesn't revolve around S'jet vagina is Cataclysm
Fucking hell
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Also what happened to this ship? Did they finally brought it to Bear?
Why do people not like this game?
It's bad. Read this thread or >>>/v/676322760 or >>1753498
>linking to fucking /v/
Get the fuck out of here.
That thread is fine you drooling retard
>thread bitches about WOMEN and BROWN PEOPLE more than anything
>Its totally cool, bro!
The other /vst/ thread does the same thing.
Doesnt mean its acceptable.
There's hotkeys, they're just not rebindable. Sucks if you don't use a qwerty keyboard.
>attack move
There's move-and-attack orders, but no combat maneuvers.
So for example if you tell an ion frigate to attackmove it'll stop shooting, turn, move to its destination, turn back to the target and resume shooting.
In every other HW game, that ion frigate would have moved there while also continuously keeping its direction towards its target and kept firing the entire time.
unless I am mistaken I swear i got an ion frigate to have the behavior you just mentioned, moving while attacking and keeping its direction towards a target
So the enemy is just a discount beast without the body horror and with bad human CGI face?
>without the body horror
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It's not even that, it's Discount Makaan with his prophecy brainrot replaced with bargain bin narcissism.
All true
Last time was crossfire legion, lest you forget.
>He bought?
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i see
The interceptor one and bomber cloak are unforgivable.
>The story is average
What is your average? This shit is extremely below """average""" . It's even worse than grey goo which was magnitudes worse than any real RTS (C&C, SC, DoW, whatever), by far the worst homeworld story and I'm one of those people who thought 2 had a muchbworse story than 1
I bet they won't get past July.
But.... The.... The.... giantesses
>real rts
it just seems like a slightly worse DoK which was about Grey Goo tier
It wasn't even real giantess, just hyperspace paranoia
Actually, why is even the reason they can talk in dreams anyway? The Taiidan Emperor did it in 1 once iirc
I haven't heard anyone mention Grey Goo in years. Why did you make that specific example?
Whatever consulting group they hired said that they needed real faces so people could "connect" with the characters or some horseshit. The people making these decisions sure as fuck didn't play and enjoy homeworld.
The bomber cloak doesn't even work in 90% of cases as well.
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>plan to explore

Here is where they went wrong at least with everything not related to gameplay.

Why? Why do we need to 'explore' quote unquote the people? Maybe giving glimpses in the original games is what made the setting more atmospheric and intriguing? Since its an RTS where the focus is on the ships that sounds like a good way to do it so why in the name of God above did they decide they needed to change such a fundamental part of what gave Homeworld its own unique style of storytelling?

I'm a big fan of the classic Homeworld mainly because I was a big fan of the Terran Trade Authority books whose art may have been an influence for the original Homeworld team. Those books really fired up my imagination and created a mysterious and intriguing universe focused on futuristic starships. It didn't need a marvel cinematic movie to demonstrate that.
>consulting group

ie retards who knew nothing about the source material and were being paid for stupid opinions based on what they thought would sell
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In the defence mission I just put the turrets right next to the mothership so I could actually see what going on instead having the view blocked by megastructures from every angle.
>what would Adolf Hitler be if not for the german loss in WW1
bros??? What the fuck? I thought this game is woke why is it glorifying nazism all of a sudden
>Agloss DEI
It's more like:
>Who would Martin Luther King be if not for slavery
If you think about it the Queen was inferring that the attack on Kharak was a good thing. We already know how she feels on slavery so we don't need to go there.
This, 100%. They changed the aesthetic. Even the trailer had the original hand-drawn style. This bait-and-switch CG garbage is genuinely goyslop demanded by some blimpy coastie DEI company.
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When you let radfems touch your award-winning franchise
Yes and the bear ate it, it is gone.
>all these new unintelligible polygon designations for various spacecraft when actual spacecraft variety jut got slashed and gutted
>why is even the reason they can talk in dreams anyway?
I also don't get this bullshit. HW1 and 2, during inter-missions (Hyperspace), Karan is fully awake and most of the time part of the narrative exposition for mission briefings.

>The Taiidan Emperor did it in 1 once iirc
Makes some sense given that the exiles were in relatively close proximity already.
We was kangs in space.

No thanks. I can get my bike stolen anytime, why would i voluntarily give them money?
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I have no idea why they felt the need to change the polygons of all things. Even DoK used the same shapes for the same (land)ship classes. It's a HW3 thing I guess - taking something that worked fine and making it worse for no apparent reason.
There's nothing wrong with critiquing women and brown people
I should have done that. God that mission fucking sucked.
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Nobody in charge of decisions on HW3 actually played the original games or even the remasters/DoK
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Obligatory settings
Anon that's the older, janky version. Use this one >>1760706
if they do will you apologize to me?
I feel absolutely nothing
Crashing a rts legend's legacy with no survivors.
The fuck is that?
here's the yuri nobody asked for
The bald man doesn't look like Yuri from Red Alert
Anon you didn't work on their dev team
I don't give a fuck about workers rights, I just want to play video games. Fuck off.
I thought the lesbian girl bossing gang at the end was a joke wtf.
>le workers
wage slavery is for chumps
>the story is average
Have peoples standards dropped this low?
Fucking hell.
The only good thing I can say about it is that it looks really nice but that's about it.
I'm extremely sad. Deserts of Kharak was 50x better than this.
holy shit
I hate video games. Why does everything I like turn to shit?
So is the campaign goof?
>Have peoples standards dropped this low?
Yes. People watch bad movies, get used to trash AAA game stories, and space fans in general are sometimes cucks. It doesn't help that the last couple decades the "any criticism is bad blahblah the dev is working hard where's your game etc" shit is spouted everywhere.
It's goofy but not in a good way.

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