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Anons can add like 3 hexes to the map or anything else really
As a quick rundown, the setting is inspired by old pulp science fantasy

Previous thread:
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here you go buddy
Here anon, an actual serious contribution. Is there anything that's actually established other than the map? Who's responsible for actually making the mod?
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I forgot to attach the map
>Is there anything that's actually established other than the map?
I don't think anything has actually been established other than the setting, but the previous thread had a lot of interesting ideas
>Who's responsible for actually making the mod?
That's a very good question
I think the setting's Byzantine equivalent is going to be some Chinese guys?
It ought to be a github repo that people can contribute to. Personally I can do map, culture and province stuff.
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Might aswell contribute to the map and lore
The Welded city
>The city was once the biggest citiy on the planet housing literal bilions of individuals in its walls. Now it is a ghost town by comparison. While some arcologies still house more people than entire duchies and in certain cases more than some lesser kingdoms it is hard to notice for the city is as empty as it is massive. The streets outside of the arcologies are home to looters, bandits, gangsters and the occasional army belonging to one of the several lords who call this city their home. Due to this the people living in the arcologies have built extensions and walkways so they wouldn't ever have to enter the lower parts of the city. Due to their ramshackle nature these structures can and will fall down if not properly maintained.
>The city served double duty as the main planetary fortress giving it massive city walls.

House Rico
>House Rico is one of the original noble houses that colonised the planet in ages long gone by. Their house words are "We pay our tithe in lead and steel". They are a military house and have been one of the main houses ruling the Welded city. They mostly rule over the northern district where their barracks and manufacturies were located during the empire era.
I can do culture, religion and history (characters, titles etc.)
I still haven't gotten a complete understanding of event modding though
I can do pretty much anything, I'm more CK3 focused then CK2
Might take a look soon and see if I can make a basic map first, try to get a functional mod working then pop it up somewhere
I've had a go at seeing how map creation works in CK3
Pretty happy with the results, though obviously very janky right now, it does work though!

Couple of notes:
- probably need to scale things up a bit? I scaled the hex map to 5120 x 4096 but the Island in the centre is still quite small
- Would be good to start collating lore, I've looked through the past threads but aside from a couple of set pieces a lot of stuff is missing (I think?)
- Once the map terrain is done, it will be good to think about the titles/provinces (baronies/counties/duchies etc) as well

If you want to try the mod as it currently is, or contribute, The Github repo is at
>close shut… the jaws of Oblivion
Some more progress
Made the heightmap/flatmap of the current existing tiles
This includes basic terrain materials, though everything is still very pixelated, also, what do the letters mean?
We may never know
pretty cool work anon
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A look at a more refined hex map
I've changed the resolution to match the game res, added the colour map to the bottom right hand corner and worked on removing hex lines for completed hexes

If anyone wants, they can continue adding new hexes with terrain, I'll start doing this myself soon

Right now I'm going to work on making some more provinces in the southern region, as its mostly complete
> island looks like banana
> call it banana
> CK3 generates a default character to lead it
More progress,
I think I overcompensated on how small the island provinces were and made this duchy to big, hmmm
Also, it kinda looks like a fish, XD
Might need to split it up more, but for now its fine.

My two current goals are to clean up the hex-map and finish adding provinces to the bottom continent, once that is done I'll have a look at building out some basic custom cultures and flesh out the titles a bit better
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A further cleaned up map
still needs to be completed though
I was gonna say if people are drawing adjacent tiles there's no reason to keep the hex border
Current progress
Added the other islands and some sea provinces,
Going to start work on first empire on the south continent
Nice work anon.
Some more progress, but damn it takes time to map out provinces then paint them in, I'm thinking of how I can write scripts to make this faster somehow
I've removed achivements using replace_path="common/achievements", so now it wont pop random achievments when you load it in.

In terms of culture, I want to develop these as the first four:

The Bastion (Islands) are sorta "Brotherhood of steel" style faction, they had a shelter on their island where they held out
Very interested in Tech and very military focused.

The Marani (Plains Region) are a mix of spainish, italian, and greek ethnic groups
They are a peaceful, idyllic people, who graze the plains and are very content with life

The Yibin (Desert Region) are a mixture of asian cultures, emphasis on Chinese, Japanese and Korean
They live mainly in a desert region, and give off "kenshi" vibes

The Tini ("Tiny") (Mountain Region) are dwarvish humans that have become accustomed to living in the southern mountains
Use Scandinavian/Nordic ethnic groups as base
Very hardy and good with smithing, plus dwarf trait.

General background story right now is
Humans colonised planet far away from earth
Humanity as a whole falls apart due to alien invasion
On this specific planet, gates/space travel is cut off, and the invading aliens and humans both blow each other or use some sorta stellaris level tech
Both humanity and invaders regress to medieval age

Eventually there will be an alien invasion crisis, either by off map aliens coming in Mongol style or a crashland alien ship etc.
I feel like the scale of the counties is a bit too small compared to the actual size of the map you are going for. Maybe map out the kingdoms first and then focus on filling them out.
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Yep, I've been breaking down the map into kingdoms/duchies/counties now, eg a bit like this
Its a lot of work but It does feel like I have very natural looking titles at the end.
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Not been to VST in months, so haven't seen this yet, but it's a really cool idea. Just spent the last half an hour doing my three tile contribution. It's a half-glacier half taiga island in the north which has a very active volcano in the centre spewing forth biblical quantities of magma which is creating new (for now barren) land into the ocean. The useable areas are split into three very defensible locations. It'd be a perfect place to put a mad necromancer or frost dragons or whatever. Best of luck.
I've just seen that the setting basically excludes necromancers and frost dragons. In that case it'd be great for mad scientists or an mad prison for those evil bastards you just can't risk escaping.

Some more progress, almost to the point of finishing the first southern empire

Then I'm going to look at creating some basic cultures + history files so that we have a nice blank slate, so I can replace the vanilla game cultures/history/character files
Oh snap, the part you've added isn't pixelated, it has aliasing
aka some water pixels/land pixels are blended together, creating "blended" pixels

At some point I'll have to manually fix it (turn it into single colour pixels only), can't use it right now as it is
Yeah I noticed that but I didn't really know how to fix it as I just did it in Paint and I was confused as to how everyone else had managed to pixelate theirs.
I am not a clever man. Sorry.
If you tell me how to do it properly I'll do it again, properly.
You should technically be able to use the pencil tool in paint to colour in pixels, then save as PNG.

But I would download a free proper photo editing tool like GIMP
Then you can use the pencil tool to colour in pixels, you can set the size of the pencil to however you want to colour in bigger parts of the picture at a time.
Then save it out (export as png) and post here
Okay, I will do that at some point either tonight or tomorrow.
I might move my island, though. I am not sure if where I put it is actually north, having looked at the map.
cool, no rush
also, don't worry about the three tile "rule"
If you want an extra tile to finish your island, feel free
At this point I welcome all contributions to get the map done, so that I can start polishing terrain/heightmap etc etc
>At this point I welcome all contributions to get the map done, so that I can start polishing terrain/heightmap etc etc
Might as well just finish filling out the map yourself so work can get started on the terrain and height map in earnest. I wouldn't even might doing some work on the both in gaea or world machine myself.
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Maybe more drylands should be added to the between the desert and plains areas.
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The BBC anomaly...
Well I might as well expand the lore of the city a bit.

House Sylt - Housewords "Blood and Gold flow as one"
>Once a crime family now ascended to the rank of nobility. Their rise happened during a time of great civil upheval in the city when the city was overrun by all sorts of criminals. While other crime organisations were busy looting and burning down the city, house Sylt became a force of order. During the great gang wars, when gangs controled entire districts, the districts under the control of house Sylt were the only ones where everything wasn't on fire 24/7. House Sylt struck a deal with law enforcement for amnesty in return for their help. This uneasy alliance was capable of clearing most of the city of criminals by both legal and legally questionable means. After a some time most gangs were destroyed or went underground. House Sylt in turn became the de facto rulers of large parts of the city, as the police was unable to enforce the law on their own. Their ascent to nobility is shrouded in unknowns as the official story of it being a reward is hard to belive on the best of days.
>a large bottomless pit in the far reaches of the world, the Big Black Cavern is teeming with cultists mystified by it's features and daring scavengers in searching the ruins that spot it's edges. It it believed to be an impression left on the face of the land by a giant in ancient times at least according to local folklore.
House Yn - House words formely "Our words cut through blades"
House words now "Our stakes burn bright"
House Ysraf - branch of house Yn - House words: "Our words are holy"
>House Yn is an offworld house originally from old Terra. They were sent to the welded city by imperial decree to help with the administration of it. They were fairly unremarkable for a noble house and relatively inoffensive to the local noble families. They were competent at their jobs making sure the city is orderly.
>Things started to change when the youngest daughter of the at the time head of the dynasty, Irina, demanded to be made the heir, based on a revelation she had experienced. Due to obvious reasons she was refused. She instead went preaching among the commoners about an impending doom that would affect the empire and its worlds. While most just considered her to be just another doomsday preacher she had something others didn't, power and influence.
>It all came to the conclusion when the collapse happened. Power hungry vassals trying to gain something during the collapse, alligned with her starting a civil war in the family that continues to this day.
>House Ysraf was founded by Irina and has a matrilinear inheritance structure. The head of the family is also the head of the faith founded by Irina. The faith mostlu dominates the countryside around the city, with relatively few hotspots inside of it.
>The rest of the house of Yn didn't take lightly to being betrayed and also shifted towards religion. Previously a relatively agnostic house, now it became extremely zealous with the goal of burning Irina and her descendants on stakes. The religion they embraced was the Last Aencyclic, a rump faith of Catholicism, based on the last papal broadcast from Terra.
>Ever since these houses were at war with eachother, in a war of anihillation.
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I don't like how abruptly it cuts of the terrain so I made some adjustments
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FYI all, I'm using this map currently
the addition is funny, but not what I'm looking for
I'm going to add some hexes to it in a bit
Doesn't that new southern bit also have aliasing? It looks very smooth. If you think it's fine I'll use this map this to remake my lava island in Gimp.
I thought it did as well but on zooming in its still pixelated

the only differences is that instead of a 5 pixel width box, they were made using 1 pixel width boxes, which works fine

The main issue is when a pixel isn't a solid colour, every pixel has to be a single terrain colour or everything breaks
Also, some progress, decided to try making some cultures because I was bored of literal map painting

Looking over the map again, might have to go through another redo, as some counties are far to large, some provinces are basically the size of a county in the base game.
It was good practice actually building out the map though, because it let me see the size and scale of what I was doing.
It might be worth smoothing the edges of the other areas to not be so pixelated.
>It it believed to be an impression left on the face of the land by a giant in ancient times at least according to local folklore
sorry, I tripped
Another Kingdom joins the map!
I used a single pixel width pencil to mark out provinces here, which felt a lot nicer

I want to fix the book mark issue, then look at adding some "History" in the form of characters/dynasty's etc
This is so that the game just doesn't start with everyone at county level
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are these islands fine, op?
>first thread dies
>I leave vst and don't come back until now
>my color guide is still being used
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I think it's worth defining rough map regions so we don't end up with super heavy culturegore. I've circled the various oceans/seas to start helping with that.
8 is isolated from the rest, so I think that should be where the most alien offshoots of humanity are. Maybe that's the homeland of the brainworms that got mentioned last thread.
1 seems to be our main center of civilization, with 2 and 7 being prominent as well.
3, 6, and 5 are a heavily divided up region.
4 is the melting pot of the 2, (1,7) and (3,6,5) regions
In general, I think that everything north of Ocean 2 should be the "untamed north" with the southern coasts of the map being the most stable, large regions (China/Byzantines)
I have been wondering about a possible country for some area that'd basically work as a loose confederation with laws dictating war declaration, land grants and succession. Basically on every diplomatic issue the member states would vote on the issue and it would only pass if most or all of them agreed. The member states themselves would have immediacy so the current "ruler" wouldn't be able to revoke their titles or grant them as a vassal. Granting independence and vassalizing somebody as the "ruler" would also be an issue the member states would vote on.
Perhaps influence from administrative government could be added too alongside the state religion. The ruler could even be a mostly landless temporary post that circles around every few years and have some weights that discourage entrentching a single family on the throne for several terms in a row.
looks great!
Fixed the start map screen
Not as good as vanilla but a nice start
I assume the way we'll handle organization is
>no discord
>public github
>all discussion happens publically on 4chan or github
I've made github projects before but I don't have a ton of experience with it. Can we bundle multiple seperate mods into one repository?
Should we have some major culture groups from which other cultures developed first?
Something like having Terran, Imperial, Spacer, Advanced Native, Primitive Native ect. And then divide them up further down into more specific cultures. And the way they would refer to their titles. Like for example Terrans and Imperials would use the title of Governor instead of King while Spacers and Native would use a different naming system.

Also the important lore question, of how important was this world during the Imperial period?
That seems like a pain to code but it might not be.
The start screen isn't a massive priority, we can clean it up later. To save on time you could just use it like a splash screen instead of a map.
Cultures in CK3 are grouped into heritages. They also have languages, which can be shared across heritage groups.
Faiths are grouped into religions, which are grouped into religion families
And then there's the title tiers: empire, kingdom, duchy, county, barony. CK3 (mostly) follows a rule that each tier is made up of 3 to 4 of the lower tier on average. Empires are the exception at ~6, but I think we should change that and average 4 kingdoms per empire.
These threads keep dying prematurely
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I manualy removed the aliasing on behalf on that anon

Also what's the final verdict on the cock and sperm?
Should they be removed or nah?
>Also what's the final verdict on the cock and sperm?
Delete it, it's stupid
If you keep the nigger cock and balls then I'm going to add racial slurs written as islands next
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Alright then
It was all a dream
Thanks, I'll add it in

A bit more work today, clearing out the current characters/history so we have a better blank state for making new stuff

Also, a peak at new culture traditions, just wanted to try and make one as an example

I'm going to go back to map painting now, need to get these first three empires complete before anything else imo
I made a python program to generate cultures from a spreadsheet, I'll try to update it and upload it some time this week
Hmmm, what is the best way to design characters inside a dynasty?

I'm thinking of custom designing some characters (eg John Pinkerton), but I want him to have parents/aunts/uncles/brothers/sisters etc

I'm thinking that the easiest way to do this is to use John and just play CK3, marry and have kids, speed up time and rinse and repeat. I can then take the characters that were created and backfill the Dynasty to generate a believable family line.

Anyone have any experience doing this?
Well sure but you could also do it manually as you would have to do so anyways to implement them in. But it can be good for modeling I guess.
The great grasslands to the west is home to a long-fallen pastoral empire. Most regions should be sovereign petty kingdoms.
In the empire's original founding myth the first great Imperator received a vision from the Gods that he was the chosen one. There should be a random event with a monthly chance of activation to grant a prophetic dream to follower of the empire's religion that grants them the title Khan Imperator, claim to all of the surrounding territories (incliding the coastlines and islands to the east) and a chance to immediately declare sovereignty. Multiple khans can be active any given time.
Theme and culture is late Roman empire decadence mixed with Mongol martial doctrine and religion.
Also default inheritance type is sharing of assets between all living family members, not just children.
The intersection between the two large rivers in the plain is the site of the old capital, now just a village among ruins, holding the province grants the title of Proconsul (equivalent of pope). This does not necessarily remo e the old Proconsul.
Capital name is Thunderdome and it's accessible from any side of the rivers.
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how do you get the 5px resolution without hating yourself. only did a single tile becaue i had to manually fix the edges
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The 5px thing is because the map was scaled up.
In fact I believe the coastlines will be smoothed out eventually.
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why tf are you asking us?
Unfortunately not much to show for the last two weeks, had to redo a bunch of map stuff because my initial county/duchy design was a bit meh

My current goal is a duchy a day at least, kingdom if I can really stretch for it
You've still got more to show for it than the rest of us
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Finished the Great ports kingdom, hopefully should finish the first empire soon, then work on other stuff, getting a bit burnt out on provinces
how does it work?
where is the equator and poles?
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added some lakes in the western plains
eastern I mean lol
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I honestly don't like all the clutter this map has, it's trying to fill in every space and there's no balance or sentiment that distinguishes the regions.
I would replace the red-circled locations with water.
And for the bottom right mountain range (marked with a purple arrow) i get the idea, but i think the secluded oasis should be smaller and drier.
It was a way to help standardize the colors people use for the map to represent the terrain types in CK3
The columns are the overall weather (warm, hot & wet, hot & dry, cold) while the rows are the more specific features (swampland, hills, etc). The Xs are for anything where the game has no terrain type for that combination (no barren tropics, no arid woodland, etc)
There's only 1 impassable terrain type in CK3 but I split it into different types to improve readability
And then then there's a guide for which color is which terrain type at the bottom.
I remember from the first thread there was the idea that the equator went diagonally across the map through the jungle and desert area. So the top right is near one pole and the second pole would be some ways down in the bottom left.
might be a good idea to put that on the map somewhere (like a compass so people see north, south etc)
otherwise the climate is going to be random and nonsensical
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I'd rather there be playable land than no land at all.
Isn't Mediterranean weather limited to the western side of a coast?

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