Anons can add like 3 hexes to the map or anything else reallyAs a quick rundown, the setting is inspired by old pulp science fantasyPrevious thread:
here you go buddy
>>1749417Here anon, an actual serious contribution. Is there anything that's actually established other than the map? Who's responsible for actually making the mod?
>>1749773I forgot to attach the map
>>1749773>Is there anything that's actually established other than the map?I don't think anything has actually been established other than the setting, but the previous thread had a lot of interesting ideas>Who's responsible for actually making the mod?That's a very good question
>>1749773I think the setting's Byzantine equivalent is going to be some Chinese guys?
>>1749773It ought to be a github repo that people can contribute to. Personally I can do map, culture and province stuff.
>>1749417Might aswell contribute to the map and loreThe Welded city>The city was once the biggest citiy on the planet housing literal bilions of individuals in its walls. Now it is a ghost town by comparison. While some arcologies still house more people than entire duchies and in certain cases more than some lesser kingdoms it is hard to notice for the city is as empty as it is massive. The streets outside of the arcologies are home to looters, bandits, gangsters and the occasional army belonging to one of the several lords who call this city their home. Due to this the people living in the arcologies have built extensions and walkways so they wouldn't ever have to enter the lower parts of the city. Due to their ramshackle nature these structures can and will fall down if not properly maintained.>The city served double duty as the main planetary fortress giving it massive city walls.House Rico>House Rico is one of the original noble houses that colonised the planet in ages long gone by. Their house words are "We pay our tithe in lead and steel". They are a military house and have been one of the main houses ruling the Welded city. They mostly rule over the northern district where their barracks and manufacturies were located during the empire era.
>>1752317I can do culture, religion and history (characters, titles etc.)I still haven't gotten a complete understanding of event modding though
>>1749773>>1752317>>1754736I can do pretty much anything, I'm more CK3 focused then CK2Might take a look soon and see if I can make a basic map first, try to get a functional mod working then pop it up somewhere
>>1754768I've had a go at seeing how map creation works in CK3Pretty happy with the results, though obviously very janky right now, it does work though!Couple of notes:- probably need to scale things up a bit? I scaled the hex map to 5120 x 4096 but the Island in the centre is still quite small- Would be good to start collating lore, I've looked through the past threads but aside from a couple of set pieces a lot of stuff is missing (I think?)- Once the map terrain is done, it will be good to think about the titles/provinces (baronies/counties/duchies etc) as wellIf you want to try the mod as it currently is, or contribute, The Github repo is at
>>1755331>close shut… the jaws of Oblivion
Some more progressMade the heightmap/flatmap of the current existing tiles
This includes basic terrain materials, though everything is still very pixelated, also, what do the letters mean? We may never know
>>1756107pretty cool work anon
A look at a more refined hex mapI've changed the resolution to match the game res, added the colour map to the bottom right hand corner and worked on removing hex lines for completed hexesIf anyone wants, they can continue adding new hexes with terrain, I'll start doing this myself soonRight now I'm going to work on making some more provinces in the southern region, as its mostly complete
> island looks like banana> call it banana> CK3 generates a default character to lead itlol
More progress,I think I overcompensated on how small the island provinces were and made this duchy to big, hmmmAlso, it kinda looks like a fish, XDMight need to split it up more, but for now its fine.My two current goals are to clean up the hex-map and finish adding provinces to the bottom continent, once that is done I'll have a look at building out some basic custom cultures and flesh out the titles a bit better
>>1757018A further cleaned up mapstill needs to be completed though
>>1760443I was gonna say if people are drawing adjacent tiles there's no reason to keep the hex border
Current progressAdded the other islands and some sea provinces,Going to start work on first empire on the south continent
>>1763047Nice work anon.
Some more progress, but damn it takes time to map out provinces then paint them in, I'm thinking of how I can write scripts to make this faster somehowI've removed achivements using replace_path="common/achievements", so now it wont pop random achievments when you load it in.In terms of culture, I want to develop these as the first four:The Bastion (Islands) are sorta "Brotherhood of steel" style faction, they had a shelter on their island where they held outVery interested in Tech and very military focused.The Marani (Plains Region) are a mix of spainish, italian, and greek ethnic groupsThey are a peaceful, idyllic people, who graze the plains and are very content with lifeThe Yibin (Desert Region) are a mixture of asian cultures, emphasis on Chinese, Japanese and KoreanThey live mainly in a desert region, and give off "kenshi" vibesThe Tini ("Tiny") (Mountain Region) are dwarvish humans that have become accustomed to living in the southern mountainsUse Scandinavian/Nordic ethnic groups as baseVery hardy and good with smithing, plus dwarf trait.General background story right now isHumans colonised planet far away from earthHumanity as a whole falls apart due to alien invasionOn this specific planet, gates/space travel is cut off, and the invading aliens and humans both blow each other or use some sorta stellaris level techBoth humanity and invaders regress to medieval ageEventually there will be an alien invasion crisis, either by off map aliens coming in Mongol style or a crashland alien ship etc.
>>1767388I feel like the scale of the counties is a bit too small compared to the actual size of the map you are going for. Maybe map out the kingdoms first and then focus on filling them out.
>>1770615Yep, I've been breaking down the map into kingdoms/duchies/counties now, eg a bit like thisIts a lot of work but It does feel like I have very natural looking titles at the end.
Not been to VST in months, so haven't seen this yet, but it's a really cool idea. Just spent the last half an hour doing my three tile contribution. It's a half-glacier half taiga island in the north which has a very active volcano in the centre spewing forth biblical quantities of magma which is creating new (for now barren) land into the ocean. The useable areas are split into three very defensible locations. It'd be a perfect place to put a mad necromancer or frost dragons or whatever. Best of luck.
>>1775569I've just seen that the setting basically excludes necromancers and frost dragons. In that case it'd be great for mad scientists or an mad prison for those evil bastards you just can't risk escaping.
>>1775569niceSome more progress, almost to the point of finishing the first southern empireThen I'm going to look at creating some basic cultures + history files so that we have a nice blank slate, so I can replace the vanilla game cultures/history/character files
>>1775569Oh snap, the part you've added isn't pixelated, it has aliasingaka some water pixels/land pixels are blended together, creating "blended" pixelsAt some point I'll have to manually fix it (turn it into single colour pixels only), can't use it right now as it is
>>1777346Yeah I noticed that but I didn't really know how to fix it as I just did it in Paint and I was confused as to how everyone else had managed to pixelate theirs. I am not a clever man. Sorry.If you tell me how to do it properly I'll do it again, properly.
>>1777360You should technically be able to use the pencil tool in paint to colour in pixels, then save as PNG.But I would download a free proper photo editing tool like GIMPThen you can use the pencil tool to colour in pixels, you can set the size of the pencil to however you want to colour in bigger parts of the picture at a time.Then save it out (export as png) and post here
>>1777527Okay, I will do that at some point either tonight or tomorrow. I might move my island, though. I am not sure if where I put it is actually north, having looked at the map.
>>1777728cool, no rushalso, don't worry about the three tile "rule"If you want an extra tile to finish your island, feel freeAt this point I welcome all contributions to get the map done, so that I can start polishing terrain/heightmap etc etc
>>1777740>At this point I welcome all contributions to get the map done, so that I can start polishing terrain/heightmap etc etcMight as well just finish filling out the map yourself so work can get started on the terrain and height map in earnest. I wouldn't even might doing some work on the both in gaea or world machine myself.
Maybe more drylands should be added to the between the desert and plains areas.
>>1779581The BBC anomaly...
>>1752384Well I might as well expand the lore of the city a bit.House Sylt - Housewords "Blood and Gold flow as one">Once a crime family now ascended to the rank of nobility. Their rise happened during a time of great civil upheval in the city when the city was overrun by all sorts of criminals. While other crime organisations were busy looting and burning down the city, house Sylt became a force of order. During the great gang wars, when gangs controled entire districts, the districts under the control of house Sylt were the only ones where everything wasn't on fire 24/7. House Sylt struck a deal with law enforcement for amnesty in return for their help. This uneasy alliance was capable of clearing most of the city of criminals by both legal and legally questionable means. After a some time most gangs were destroyed or went underground. House Sylt in turn became the de facto rulers of large parts of the city, as the police was unable to enforce the law on their own. Their ascent to nobility is shrouded in unknowns as the official story of it being a reward is hard to belive on the best of days.
>>1779633>a large bottomless pit in the far reaches of the world, the Big Black Cavern is teeming with cultists mystified by it's features and daring scavengers in searching the ruins that spot it's edges. It it believed to be an impression left on the face of the land by a giant in ancient times at least according to local folklore.
>>1779635House Yn - House words formely "Our words cut through blades"House words now "Our stakes burn bright"House Ysraf - branch of house Yn - House words: "Our words are holy">House Yn is an offworld house originally from old Terra. They were sent to the welded city by imperial decree to help with the administration of it. They were fairly unremarkable for a noble house and relatively inoffensive to the local noble families. They were competent at their jobs making sure the city is orderly.>Things started to change when the youngest daughter of the at the time head of the dynasty, Irina, demanded to be made the heir, based on a revelation she had experienced. Due to obvious reasons she was refused. She instead went preaching among the commoners about an impending doom that would affect the empire and its worlds. While most just considered her to be just another doomsday preacher she had something others didn't, power and influence.>It all came to the conclusion when the collapse happened. Power hungry vassals trying to gain something during the collapse, alligned with her starting a civil war in the family that continues to this day.>House Ysraf was founded by Irina and has a matrilinear inheritance structure. The head of the family is also the head of the faith founded by Irina. The faith mostlu dominates the countryside around the city, with relatively few hotspots inside of it.>The rest of the house of Yn didn't take lightly to being betrayed and also shifted towards religion. Previously a relatively agnostic house, now it became extremely zealous with the goal of burning Irina and her descendants on stakes. The religion they embraced was the Last Aencyclic, a rump faith of Catholicism, based on the last papal broadcast from Terra.>Ever since these houses were at war with eachother, in a war of anihillation.
>>1779581I don't like how abruptly it cuts of the terrain so I made some adjustments
FYI all, I'm using this map currentlythe addition is funny, but not what I'm looking forI'm going to add some hexes to it in a bit
>>1779773Doesn't that new southern bit also have aliasing? It looks very smooth. If you think it's fine I'll use this map this to remake my lava island in Gimp.
>>1779795I thought it did as well but on zooming in its still pixelatedthe only differences is that instead of a 5 pixel width box, they were made using 1 pixel width boxes, which works fineThe main issue is when a pixel isn't a solid colour, every pixel has to be a single terrain colour or everything breaks
Also, some progress, decided to try making some cultures because I was bored of literal map paintingLooking over the map again, might have to go through another redo, as some counties are far to large, some provinces are basically the size of a county in the base game.It was good practice actually building out the map though, because it let me see the size and scale of what I was doing.
It might be worth smoothing the edges of the other areas to not be so pixelated.
>>1779715>It it believed to be an impression left on the face of the land by a giant in ancient times at least according to local folkloresorry, I tripped
>>1779932Another Kingdom joins the map!I used a single pixel width pencil to mark out provinces here, which felt a lot nicerI want to fix the book mark issue, then look at adding some "History" in the form of characters/dynasty's etcThis is so that the game just doesn't start with everyone at county level
>>1779773are these islands fine, op?
>first thread dies>I leave vst and don't come back until now>my color guide is still being usedNeato
I think it's worth defining rough map regions so we don't end up with super heavy culturegore. I've circled the various oceans/seas to start helping with that.8 is isolated from the rest, so I think that should be where the most alien offshoots of humanity are. Maybe that's the homeland of the brainworms that got mentioned last thread.1 seems to be our main center of civilization, with 2 and 7 being prominent as well.3, 6, and 5 are a heavily divided up region. 4 is the melting pot of the 2, (1,7) and (3,6,5) regionsIn general, I think that everything north of Ocean 2 should be the "untamed north" with the southern coasts of the map being the most stable, large regions (China/Byzantines)
I have been wondering about a possible country for some area that'd basically work as a loose confederation with laws dictating war declaration, land grants and succession. Basically on every diplomatic issue the member states would vote on the issue and it would only pass if most or all of them agreed. The member states themselves would have immediacy so the current "ruler" wouldn't be able to revoke their titles or grant them as a vassal. Granting independence and vassalizing somebody as the "ruler" would also be an issue the member states would vote on.
>>1782815Perhaps influence from administrative government could be added too alongside the state religion. The ruler could even be a mostly landless temporary post that circles around every few years and have some weights that discourage entrentching a single family on the throne for several terms in a row.
>>1782728looks great!
Fixed the start map screenNot as good as vanilla but a nice start
I assume the way we'll handle organization is>no discord>public github>all discussion happens publically on 4chan or githubI've made github projects before but I don't have a ton of experience with it. Can we bundle multiple seperate mods into one repository?
>>1782775Should we have some major culture groups from which other cultures developed first?Something like having Terran, Imperial, Spacer, Advanced Native, Primitive Native ect. And then divide them up further down into more specific cultures. And the way they would refer to their titles. Like for example Terrans and Imperials would use the title of Governor instead of King while Spacers and Native would use a different naming system.Also the important lore question, of how important was this world during the Imperial period?
>>1782815That seems like a pain to code but it might not be.>>1783143The start screen isn't a massive priority, we can clean it up later. To save on time you could just use it like a splash screen instead of a map.>>1783480Cultures in CK3 are grouped into heritages. They also have languages, which can be shared across heritage groups.Faiths are grouped into religions, which are grouped into religion familiesAnd then there's the title tiers: empire, kingdom, duchy, county, barony. CK3 (mostly) follows a rule that each tier is made up of 3 to 4 of the lower tier on average. Empires are the exception at ~6, but I think we should change that and average 4 kingdoms per empire.
These threads keep dying prematurely
>>1777346I manualy removed the aliasing on behalf on that anonAlso what's the final verdict on the cock and sperm?Should they be removed or nah?
>>1786307>Also what's the final verdict on the cock and sperm?Delete it, it's stupid
>>1786307If you keep the nigger cock and balls then I'm going to add racial slurs written as islands next
>>1786426>>1786485Alright thenIt was all a dream
>>1786559Thanks, I'll add it inA bit more work today, clearing out the current characters/history so we have a better blank state for making new stuffAlso, a peak at new culture traditions, just wanted to try and make one as an exampleI'm going to go back to map painting now, need to get these first three empires complete before anything else imo
>>1786777I made a python program to generate cultures from a spreadsheet, I'll try to update it and upload it some time this week
Hmmm, what is the best way to design characters inside a dynasty?I'm thinking of custom designing some characters (eg John Pinkerton), but I want him to have parents/aunts/uncles/brothers/sisters etcI'm thinking that the easiest way to do this is to use John and just play CK3, marry and have kids, speed up time and rinse and repeat. I can then take the characters that were created and backfill the Dynasty to generate a believable family line.Anyone have any experience doing this?
>>1787133Well sure but you could also do it manually as you would have to do so anyways to implement them in. But it can be good for modeling I guess.
>>1786559The great grasslands to the west is home to a long-fallen pastoral empire. Most regions should be sovereign petty kingdoms.In the empire's original founding myth the first great Imperator received a vision from the Gods that he was the chosen one. There should be a random event with a monthly chance of activation to grant a prophetic dream to follower of the empire's religion that grants them the title Khan Imperator, claim to all of the surrounding territories (incliding the coastlines and islands to the east) and a chance to immediately declare sovereignty. Multiple khans can be active any given time.Theme and culture is late Roman empire decadence mixed with Mongol martial doctrine and religion.Also default inheritance type is sharing of assets between all living family members, not just children.The intersection between the two large rivers in the plain is the site of the old capital, now just a village among ruins, holding the province grants the title of Proconsul (equivalent of pope). This does not necessarily remo e the old Proconsul.Capital name is Thunderdome and it's accessible from any side of the rivers.
how do you get the 5px resolution without hating yourself. only did a single tile becaue i had to manually fix the edges
>>1790714The 5px thing is because the map was scaled up.In fact I believe the coastlines will be smoothed out eventually.
>>1796163>>1796164why tf are you asking us?
Unfortunately not much to show for the last two weeks, had to redo a bunch of map stuff because my initial county/duchy design was a bit mehMy current goal is a duchy a day at least, kingdom if I can really stretch for it
>>1797208You've still got more to show for it than the rest of us
>>1801744thanksFinished the Great ports kingdom, hopefully should finish the first empire soon, then work on other stuff, getting a bit burnt out on provinces
>>1782759how does it work?
where is the equator and poles?
added some lakes in the western plains
>>1802050eastern I mean lol
>>1802050I honestly don't like all the clutter this map has, it's trying to fill in every space and there's no balance or sentiment that distinguishes the regions.I would replace the red-circled locations with water.And for the bottom right mountain range (marked with a purple arrow) i get the idea, but i think the secluded oasis should be smaller and drier.
>>1802031It was a way to help standardize the colors people use for the map to represent the terrain types in CK3The columns are the overall weather (warm, hot & wet, hot & dry, cold) while the rows are the more specific features (swampland, hills, etc). The Xs are for anything where the game has no terrain type for that combination (no barren tropics, no arid woodland, etc)There's only 1 impassable terrain type in CK3 but I split it into different types to improve readabilityAnd then then there's a guide for which color is which terrain type at the bottom.
>>1802035I remember from the first thread there was the idea that the equator went diagonally across the map through the jungle and desert area. So the top right is near one pole and the second pole would be some ways down in the bottom left.
>>1802253might be a good idea to put that on the map somewhere (like a compass so people see north, south etc)otherwise the climate is going to be random and nonsensical
>>1802126I'd rather there be playable land than no land at all.
>>1802126Isn't Mediterranean weather limited to the western side of a coast?
>>1802258Do these videos acount for planets with irregular orbits and such?
>>1802037I'm thinking if there could be some unique biomes here, like for example a concrete jungle one for megacities
>>1812703no, but there is info/speculation about stuff like that toohe has a pretty interesting series about building a earth like world, though some of the videos are quite tedious (the series is a mix of showing the worldbuilding but also teaching the techniques and how to use certain tools and the tool heavy videos can get a bit boring) building pasta has articles about weird worlds that aren't only earth like, I haven't really read much of them though but one interesting was, was about tidally locked planetsdepending on the circumstances (mainly rotation speed but there are other factors), you can have worlds which are similar to earth anyway or ones that are very different
>>1749417I can't believe this project is still going
>>1816253 to link itpic related is an example of a slow rotator that is tidally locked, most of the planet is under ice, but its just not ice and desert with a thin strip of livable land like is often depicted, the atmosphere and ocean currents make it more complicated
Decided to port over the Stellaris Emblems and put them in the CK3 Coat of Arms designer.These are the results.Feel free to make lore for the noble houses using them.
>>1818867Part 2Some of them had more or less Stellaris assets used but I think some of them turned out decent and some others need some to a lot of work
>>1818867>>1818870I thought about how hard it'd be to get assets for a sci-fi mod. I didn't consider just lifting them from StellarisLooks nice
>>1818882Thanks. I also added the Stellaris backgrounds in the case of pic.related. I just made them for the most part as a source of inspiration for other things. Also I need to use less black in those CoAs.Animations could also be reused if there is ever a need for gun or vechicle units.
>>1818867>>1818870>>1818900Very niceCould you upload them to the github?
>>1819624They should be up. Had to fork it because I don't know how to operate Github. Either way they should be up.
Are we doing actual realms and stuff yet or just getting the map in place? Cause I've been trying to get into modding ck3 to make a personal total conversion but I don't have photoshop and I can't find tutorials for how to do it with gimp(Probably because gimp fucking blows) and would like to get one group of people in the map to satisfy this itch I can no longer scratch.
bump to keep this project alive. OP what kind of help do you need work on, I want to join
>>1819893>>1820820>>1820857Thanks for helping outRight now the most important task is to fill out the map, like >>1820914 (thanks btw)I merged the icons from Stellaris, they look really cool and I bet theres loads of COA designs I could make with themIn terms of helping, the map is the main thing right now, but if you want to jot down ideas for realms/cultures/dynasties/history thats great as well.Once I have the southern continent fleshed out with some basic provinces/titles, I will look at fleshing the map out a bit and cleaning up the terrain.
>>1822101Can you make a steam workshop page or something? Even if it's just a placeholder? Just somewhere to keep tabs and up to date
>>1820914>>1816277When I think about it we could have the map be just a fragment of a tidally locked world. With the cold regions in the north and warm regions in the south. Maybe this fragment we have is just the only part of the planet that exists in the terminator zone making it relatively habitable while the rest of the terminator is just endless ocean. The planet being tidally locked also means getting stuff into space with the old fashioned method isn't going to be as easy as with a spinning planet.
>>1818867I feel kind of bad for leaving this project for dead a while ago.I'll try to provide fluff as best as I can. I'll also try to signal the shields by co-ordinates. First number means the position and the second the row. For example: 4, 1.>House Scave of Socom, Dukes of the Primetre. Legends tell that before the coming of house Scave into the Primetre, the region was ruled by an ancient line of warriors directly related to remnants of the planetary security forces. While the surrounding lands collapsed into barbarity through the age of blood and darkness the Primetre's denizens labored peaceably to satisfy the quotas of the supreme commander. But this plaid stagnation could not last forever, and at the tailend of the chaos, a scavenger horde lead by the first of the Scaves rammed itself into the jewel of the land. After a fierce war that shattered the aged concrete bastions of Socom and killed three fifths of the horde. The last Commander agreed to marry his daughter to the first Scave and relinquish his lands to him. Thus, it is said, was born the venerable house of Scave long ago.I know it's not much. But I'm trying to see how a tone like this fits the setting.
>>1824908Sure, I'll try and get this out by next weekend
>>1827418>>1820914I really apologise for not doing much in this but I am on linux and have dont have access to paint dot net which is what I used to use back on winodws. I tried making 3 regions all the way on the right wetlands and I tried to add rivers but the painting app I use always has this horrible blending crap if you use anything other than the fill tool. If an anon here or the OP can spruce this up with plenty of winding rivers and lakes it would make it a nice wet area like the one next to it.
I went through this thread and the last one, here's a map roughly summarizing everyone's ideas + some of my own.
>>1829023Trail some mountains/foothills NW/SE east of the Welded City to connect the swamp hills with the big range.
>>1829023Interesting map anon, thanks for condensing all of the guys ideas here onto the map for easy viewing
Just came into this thread>aliensMost retarded shit ever for a fantasy game. Burn it with fire and start again.
Kids these days. Is it really a 4chan map without a nice cock & balls?
>>1828179>If an anon here or the OP can spruce this up with plenty of winding rivers and lakes it would make it a nice wet area like the one next to it.I'm an anon here. How's this look?
>>1829023For the Japanese raiders,Ethos: BellicoseTraditions:Practiced PiratesDextrous FishermenIsolationistFamily Business
>>1829023You think there's enough space for balkaners between the mediterraneans and scandinavian dwarves?
>>1830572Perfect man thank you, looks like what I wanted to do. really appreciated
>>1829023>East Asia>Some Kenshi InspirationsDoes that mean it will have Shek and Hivers?I've expanded the desert to the south for some Scorchlander tribes to inhabit.
Here's how I'd place the cultures in this area.Obviously their names would be different, and there may be some smaller cultures in them but they'd have similar aesthetics and namelists. I'd make the Bastion be Maltese and Rhodian since they both were med islands with knight presence. I'm not sure if they'd be a hybrid or two seperate cultures though. Maybe they'd have some Sardinian in the mix.There are some balkan cultures acting as a buffer between the Mediterraneans and Scandinavian dwarves.I may have placed the dwarves too south but I'm not sure.If I were to change something about the map it would be placing some small islands in the coastline between the Greeks and Italians to make the area feel more "Mediterranean"I know I did a shoddy job, especially in the placement of the Scandi territories and of some other cultures so feel free to make suggestions and criticisms.
>>1831003>Does that mean it will have Shek and Hivers?Personally I'm picturing the aesthetic of kenshi/desertpunk, but with more chinese/mongolian inspirationShek, hiver, and scorchlander-esque races are a neat idea but the feasibility of implementing other species isn't something anyone here's messed around with yet.
>>1831226I seeI forgot about the Skeletons tooI think they'd fit the settingBut yeah actually making models for them will require lots of effort.
>>1831320starting to fill up nicely
mine looks a bit shitty compared to the rest of the map
Thanks for map additions guysI've updated the main terrain map, plus added some of my own hexes (finally)I've also added some new colours to the map for "man-made" terrain,"Structure" can refer to any man made large structure, eg the colony ship would be red and the wall around the megacity is red.>>1831506Sadly this is aliased which means I can't add it to map (without painful removing the half coloured pixels)I did colour index the terrain map but even so the alias basically made all the edge pixels that were aliased random terrain coloursAlso in other news:I plan on adding a new Activity to the mod (once first continent is done)It will be called "Expedition" or maybe "Archelogy"The activity will revolve around diving into a ruined site, and scavenging for artefacts or other effects.It will work a bit like a pilgrimage where you can travel to eg the Megacity/Bastion holdout shelter (the lower floors) or other cool locations we add to the map.
>>1831506>>1831791Sorry I meant anti-aliasedWe want the map to be aliased so that each pixel has a specific terrain associated with itWe don't want pixels to have a colour between eg sea and land because CK3 will have no idea what it is.
>>1831791Welded city anon here. Could you move the welded city to the east two tiles so it is closer to the center? Mostly so it isn't as removed from the wider world.
>>1831791>>1831792all the antialiased pixels should be cleaned up now
>>1831791>>1831800>>1831799Changelog:Touched up my ( >>1820914 ) addition, now that there's new terrain types. Also changed a bunch of farmland to floodplains, added some steppes, etc. The circular desert is now littered with structures and a couple of radioactive wastes. Something, in the distant past, must have broken up in the sky above it and rained down over that area. Perhaps the whole thing is a crater from some huge impact.Moved the Welded City, as requested ( >>1831799 ) by the original anon.Tried to make this ( >>1831506 ) work by making it aliased and trying to maintain the spirit of it while making it match the vibe of the rest of the map a bit better. If you like it, we can keep it, or we can use the cleaned up version ( >>1831800) someone else made. Or someone else can try to touch it up if you don't like either of those options.
>>1831809that looks much better than mine lol
>>1831809there seems to be scale differences between the areas somewhat, some are quite broad strokes and some are detailedthere is also a lot of plains everywhere, maybe it would make sense to have drylands and steppe in some places instead of plains (I guess steppe would be treeless plains here and dryland dry plains)
added some sea and a small island
>>1832163a consequence of multiple different anons with multiple different approaches to mapping
Updated map and added some more to the bottom cornersBig abandoned city in the south east desert, now surrounded by desert and toxic wasteland, though a little bit of life still survives due to water from a nearby mountain springI've also moved the colour map to the Steppe area
What is "Waste Tip" supposed to represent?
Yep, bloat parade and empty-phobia syndrome.
We already have a mod Middle Mars
>>1833202That's CK2 only right?
>>1833222ck3 is shit
>>1833353So why are you here?
>>1832853It was supposed to represent landfill sites, large sites of refuse and wastage, filled with scrap and junk and whatever else.Could also represent heavily destroyed infrastructure?Happy to rethink it desu, though I did like the idea of "junkers" who built their homes out of the scrap of civilisations gone past.They would also be terrain that you could go to an expedition on, a pretty easy one where the stakes are low and its not as dangerous (but also not as rewarding) as other types of expeditions.
curious what's going to happen with the upper corner, ton of free space up there
>>1833409What's the best way to represent huge chunks of broken up machinery, then? Rather than a landfill full of junk, one huge piece of it. Structure terrain?
>>1833617Yeah, I think structure terrain would be betterI'm currently thinking that structure should be treated as impassable terrain.Which means at some point I'll have to recolour the walled city to have an entrance, probs with "ruined megacity" terrain
>>1833630Should there be a non-ruined megacity terrain? It could be used for the parts of the Welded City that aren’t in disrepair.
>>1833409>>1833617>>1833630>>1833639I'd recommend against trying to code in special terrain, since it's more work than you'd expect. Not to say it should be deleted entirely from the plans, but it's very much a scope creep feature.
>>1833651This is a good point. Terrain touches lots of stuff. Buildings, men at arms, activities and travel, etc. We should probably keep whatever terrain types we add as clear in scope as possible.>Ruined Megacity>Ruined City>Ruined Industry>Waste Tip>Toxic Wasteland>StructureWhat exactly is the difference between Ruined Megacity and Ruined City? What about Ruined Industry? Could those three be rolled into one type? What about Waste Tip?We might go with an Urban terrain type that encompasses Ruined Megacity, Ruined City, and Ruined Industry and then handle the level of ruination via holding types and province modifiers instead. That provides an obvious gameplay loop of trying to rebuild ruined cities.
>>1833651>>1833656Good points, Lets shorten the list,Lets add three terrains, which I think are the most important:Urban - This represents hundreds of years old "modern" city infrastructure, which is now mostly ruinedThe parts still used by the current humans might be clean and maintained as best they can, but they can't really rebuild skyscrapers or properly rebuild roads.Still, this is generally the best terrain for humans, and very sought after.It will have:- High development bonus- High defending advantage- Lower construction costs for new buildingsWe'll also have some buildings for Urban terrain, will have to think on thatWasteland - This terrain represents very unliveable terrain, either due to radiation poisoning or toxicity.This should be very bad for humans to live in or travel through.There will be a culture that has learned to live in Wasteland terrain, so a couple of cultural tenets/traits related to this terrain.It will have pretty much all bad modifiers, eg development, supply, army attrition and movement.Structure - This is just a basic impassable terrain typeRepresents Large man-made walls, the colony ship, or just massive pieces of debris that do the landscape.Eg like a ship that was destroyed in orbit and fell onto the planet (eg like the main menu of Rimworld!)
>>1833734>WastelandI do sort of like the idea of having a distinct "radioactive wastes" terrain and a distinct "this is a massive fucking landfill" terrain.
>>1833656They could be tells depending on how ruined they are
>>1833736There's going to be a modifier that hurts embarked troops bordering a certain province so I think we can even make radioactive water. There are ways to add attrition with supply loss modifiers in winter affected provinces, so you can basically do a global winter level that doesn't do any attrition at base but allows these modifiers to work.
>>1833736I was thinking about that, but I think "Urban" should cover the concept of "rubbish & junk from ages past" enough that I'm ok with not having a landfill terrain.Whereas wasteland covers fallout style wasteland which I think is important enough as a concept to warrant a full terrain type.Also, to be clear, you can have them together and I think that makes sense, for example in the map in the bottom right you have an urban "city" that is surrounded by wasteland.The Urban parts are the parts that weren't as badly damaged during the war and are now safe to live in, while the wasteland parts are now to toxic to live in (for the most part).On the map I would defiantly blend the urban and wasteland textures together to make it look pretty seamless.>>1833741I think its to much detail, I agree with above where we should try and limit the new terrain scope, before we feature creep to much
supply_loss_winter is the modifier you want to tack on if you want to add "radiation" essentially. And you can also add events where people have a chance of getting sick unless they take some precautions while traveling through these areas. If or when we get to this I am more than happy to program them in a functioning state because I think it could be a rather unique feature that's not really present in other mods.
some empty areas
>>1833756With new colour map
>>1833795In the west, among the steppes, there lies a ruined city. Built in the style of the Welded City, and from similar materials. Its undoing is a subject of myth and legend, with stories ranging from the wrath of a sorcerer king to lights of impossible brightness coming down from the sky to smite it. Regardless, the steppes have reclaimed parts of it over the centuries, and a lake has formed in its center. The southern end of the city is said to be cursed, for men take ill and die if they tarry too long in its wretched landscape. The locals of the steppes have squatted among those ruins and squabbled over them, often declaring themselves king of the whole world after seizing it from the last man to do so. It is cursed and precious, brilliant in its glory and wretched in its demise.In the east, nestled amongst the reeds, the only dry land for miles is dominated by a massive structure. Much like the Welded City but in miniature, and of decidedly different construction, it stands as a testament to the power of the ancients and their ways. No one knows who built it, for its inhabitants found it empty. Somehow, it was erected in the middle of a forsaken swamp and the land itself was drained away. Such a massive project would be impossible for any mortal hands, but it has undoubtedly provided the people of those wetlands with fertile soil for growing and firm land for building.And in the north, plains and steppes alike give way to dryland, stretching into the distance.
>>1833747On the topic of how to treat urban terrain I have the idea of treating it like a monument of sorts. As of now I have two ideas for how to handle it.>1. Make urban provinces use different holdings to non-urban.>2. Give each urban province a special building that represents how ruined the province is. So it would go from completely ruined to completely rebuilt with a different building chain depending on how urbanised the area was. Just so you don't end up rebuilding the megacity in the same amount of time as it takes to rebuild a regular city.
>>1833850would you really "rebuild" in the same sense it was before assuming these are the ruins of ancient technologically advanced civilizations and the people living there now have tech from the middle ages
you could make the welded city have ruins or remains of an old space elevator, the ancient destruction of which could be seen in the landscape at places
It's stated wrong on the wiki. Sacred murder tenet do not require Legacy of Percia dlc as per Scyte update 1.12.5. Just a heads up.
>>1834020That's why you'd go on archeological expeditions to get shit to fix shit. You most likely can do the lowest levels of restoring a city like cleaning up the debris and maybe fixing up some stuff here and there. But if you wanted to fix the rest you'd have to go and dig up some ancient construction equipment.
>>1834107people would have no idea what most of it is, they would have no idea how computers or electronics workI guess there might be some stuff that would still be useful on some ways, probably some magic-tier tech that would work without computers
im waiting for eu5 to drop (in 10 years) before getting into parashit modding againIf this goes anywhere and theres a desire i can help port it over if it ever came to that in the future, or just help with additions Cool idea though, keep it up
Ok, know I said I would pop this up onto steam workshop but I want to at the very least get the first Empire done (The Marani empire takes up the plains part of the southern continent)Building provinces takes ages though, and that's not even counting adding history files for cultures, rulers and custom title names/COAs
>>1834656how many nations/empires are there now roughly mapped out (not built for the mod but ideas and backstory, location etc)
I propose the steppes are split into roughly three groups of similar background.One group lives in the hills and is more settled.One group squats in the ruins and has ambitions of urbanization.And a third group rides horses across the steppes.
when are compass directions going to be decided? is up north? where is the equator?deciding the equator and then fudging some of the areas with the broken down terraformers would be good, maybe add some structure/toxic wasteland around the terraformer (could be one big structure or some array) to explain some biomesthe equator will decide the temperatures and precipitation somewhat which will affect what kind of climates/biomes areas should havea hot desert on the pole next to ice caps obviously doesnt make sense and would have to be explained by something fucky going on, maybe the planet is tidally locked but that introduces its own problems with no sunset or sunrise, the terraformers would be easier I guess as you can handwave more
>>1834668Heres a good summary >>1829023Still rough though, happy for changes>>1835901I'd say up is North, equator is near the bottom where the deserts are.I imagine terraformers were used extensively along the equator to create arable land from desert terrain during the initial colony settlement (before disaster)I've finished the first Empire, now have a total of 737 provinces!Bit burnt out now, I'm going to now spend some time on fleshing out this empire with history, characters mottos, COAs and cultures etc etc
>>1836383deserts are a bit away from the equator on earth
>>1836962>>1836383so the equator would probably be quite a bit below the lower edge of the map
>>1836976you also have the jungle at the same latitude as tundra and glacial areas, so there is something fucky going onjungles should basically be around the equator, very hot and humid
>>1837003Maybe there's something in the middle of that jungle that makes it warmer? We could stick some weird schizo tech structure somewhere in there that makes the whole place hotter.
>>1837032yeah I guess, though the tundra reaches pretty far down tooyou could have these malfunctioning terraforming structures in places
Perhaps the planet orbits some weird star system with several stars
>>1837032Underground nuclear plant that was built to keep people warm. The land used to be a chilly steppe before it was built. In some provinces there could be entrances to the nuclear power plant.
>>1837003We could consider it to be a temperate rainforest in a way. Like weather control devices could be used to explain why there is such a environment.>>1837032>>1837071Broken geothermal plants would be more fitting. Like water is still flowing through them generating steam that heats up the region making it warmer and more humid than the surrounding area. Maybe in the days long gone the region basically functioned like the main power source for the planet.
>>1818867>>1818870>>1818900>>1819893I've been experimenting with the CoA style for the setting by using different aesthetics. I think the top 4 could be used by terran houses while the bottom 3 for Imperial houses. The last one is just there to fill the space.I really like the moon one personally. Might use it for a house.
>>1839706Map is done btw, now to continue work on the first three empire provinces and work on cultures/religions etc etc
>>1839788By "Map is done", I think its better to focus on efforts elsewhere, this is good for a first draft as the terrainI'm going to redo the height map and terrain map now, will post some pics when done
>>1837160I see you used part of a previous suggestion mentioning Sardinian influence
>>1839788do you just want cultures for anywhere or are we focusing on somewhere specific right now
>>1839876I would like to focus on the southern continent, consisting of 3 empires and 17 kingdomsHeres a pic of the current borders, left being empires, right being kingdoms.The three empires have the general cultures that I wrote here >>1767388The goal is to make subcultures with the linked post as the "primary" or heritage cultures.For example the "Pike" kingdom thats shown in the image from my linked postI imagine they have a fishing culture thats a bit different to the plains kingdoms. I made them called the "Gibrani" which stems of "Marani"If you pick a kingdom and create a culture for that kingdom, I think thats a good way of separating them out for starters.
The "Ganti" are a group of the Tini people. Among their kin, they are known for their height and powerful builds. They are much larger than the average Tini. Compared to a baseline human, however, they are still short and simply much broader than average. Their skin is notably lacking in color, often described as ashen in complexion. Their hair comes in yellows, browns, blacks, and reds. They wear their hair and beards long.The Ganti are no strangers to seafaring, and many of their settlements are built into cliffs along the sea. They fish the strait between their lands and the southern continent, with which they have some contact. They occasionally trade with the southerners, but mostly keep to themselves.They despise the people to the east, the people of the desert, and have frequently been the subject of raids by their neighbors. They make use of dense pike formations to protect themselves.The Ganti are a steadfast but stubborn people, which has somewhat stymied their technological and cultural development. Every now and then, the Ganti unite under the banner of Gantilann, usually as a result of outside threats pushing them together. Inevitably, however, they turn to infighting once the foreigners are gone and they struggle to maintain any major kingdom.In Ganti society, very little can be accomplished without group consensus. Bitter feuds occasionally crop up over disputes about the course an individual settlement should take, but their many clan councils remain enthusiastic about every gathering. When major issues are to be discussed, representatives from the clans are brought together to discuss the issues at hand; these events also serve as a way for Ganti to meet one another, to be seen in public, and to establish a name for oneself. Young Ganti are often presented at these gatherings, as a way to become known in their communities.
>>1839979Kingdom of Solitaire (Coat of arms: >>1837160 Last in the top row)A kingdom won through a game of cards in olden days. Now ruled over by the terran house Eclipsis (House coat of arms: >>1837160 second to last in the top row).The Solitairi are a largely peacefull people enjoying playing their games which over time became a sign of both cultural and political alliegence. Old Earth customs are still present in the region with the Last Aencyclic being the dominant faith. The peasants of the region also enjoy quite a priveleged status when compared to most other cultures with many of them becoming fully fledged nobility through their service to the crown.General traditions they could have: Collective Lands, Culinary Artists, Agrarian, Tabletop Warriors, Strong Believers, Staunch Traditionalists
Are we going to have non-human factions in this mod? I just want a bunch of elves to enslave and a bunch of orcs to genocide.
>>1840005>>1840323Good stuff, I'll defo include these asapNote, I might change things about these ideas, just to set expectations for everyone>>1840340I don't think we'll have "fantasty" races, but I am down for having genetically modified human racesDon't want to be to cliche with it though, I think Rimworld races are a cool source of human-lite races, I might do something similar.I also want alien fuana/flora though, and an alien "antagonist" race (aka mongrel horde but ayy lmao instead)
>>1840340>>1840398Yeah there were talks of playable robots and ones from other sci-fi settings such as Kenshi, but elves and orcs may be too much on the traditional fantasy side.Then again, there are dwarves who are supposed to be genetically modified humans so who knows.The setting was originally supposed to be inspired by old pulp scifi but I don't think many anons are familiar enough with the genre(I'm not either desu) so it might be better to have more modern inspirations like Rimworld and Kenshi.
>>1840398>>1840429As long as there's no retarded beast races I'm cool, I just want exotic humans to add to my harem.>Fog, Thunderstorms, Tornadoes, Auroras - Worldbuilder's Log 42
>>1840732Need cool weather effects and cities/castle on the map
>>1749417No dates or years. Just people living in the moment.
dates or years might be cultural and based on arbitrary chonomarks important to that people
holidays, festivals, etc will provide bonuses and minuses to a culture
>>1842609>>1842611>>1842612why is this post split in 3
>>1843023I'm sorry
>>1843310apologize by inventing a culture for the listed region >>1839979
>>1843430The brown faction at the left beneath the green faction has desert beaches that reach somewhat far in land, and most inhabit the savanna and chaparral inner lands as the water brushing against their coast is deep and too fast with no natural ports. The clouds that pass over their land rarely rain. The perceived valuelessness of their land is their greatest strength, and is mostly led by tribal elders and anarchic small roving clans that sometimes congregate. They are known for smoked and dried meats and highly variable seasonal salads, but most live rather simply. Their native religion is unrelated to any others on the island and emphasizes child birth and family and has two deities. One deity is Inkra, consumption, and the other Exqra, expulsion, who together make all things. Their language is largely connected to the continent but with some unknown influences, which is strange, because they never leave, and few come. There are few settlements that practice few crafts, but trade between these settlements is fast and cheap. The population often booms in good seasons and busts in bad. Furthermore there have been ages where the land has produced more people that it can sustain and in ancient times this led to temporary land grabs of its surrounding territory, but later these people were reconquered and assimilated to varying degrees.
>>1843449perhaps this will help
>>1843803Sorry, I couldn't figure out where it was on the map. I will write another based on that geography.
>>1843803The greenish-brownish culture to the left is a relatively densely packed coastal people hugging their inner forest and developing from the south to the north. With access to many resources and control of regional land and naval choke points. Their agriculture benefits immensely from its proximity to its arid neighbors, but has the double-edge of being a lucrative target of conquest, but few would be brave enough to attach their fortified and large army head on from the south, or through the mountains to the east, and those from the north and west have less interest. Their culture emphasizes tradition, in-group loyalty, and trade with outsiders. Family bonds are often unimportant and focus is placed on friendship and clubs. They have ten gods, but believe in a patheon of other gods.
wait it's jungle isn't it? Basically what I said still works except they have sparsely populated inner jungles between their mountains and their forest.
>>1843449>>1843951Thanks for the effort, but I dont really understand what you are writing or what I should implementThese examples are really good descriptions of kingdoms>>1840005>>1840323
>>1843963I just tried to provide geopolitical relevance and some flavor because I didn't know what you wanted the languages to sound like. It's whatever I had fun writing and thinking about it. Sorry to waste your time.
Basically they would just be rich, and fortified, with good relations to their northern and western neighbors, and bad relations but defensive positioning against their southern and eastern neighbors. I was thinking humans. No pressure though. I was just spit balling ideas.
This land is geographically fascinating
Sorry to spam. I think I know what you want now.