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Anons can add like 3 hexes to the map or anything else really
As a quick rundown, the setting is inspired by old pulp science fantasy

Previous thread:
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here you go buddy
Here anon, an actual serious contribution. Is there anything that's actually established other than the map? Who's responsible for actually making the mod?
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I forgot to attach the map
>Is there anything that's actually established other than the map?
I don't think anything has actually been established other than the setting, but the previous thread had a lot of interesting ideas
>Who's responsible for actually making the mod?
That's a very good question
I think the setting's Byzantine equivalent is going to be some Chinese guys?
It ought to be a github repo that people can contribute to. Personally I can do map, culture and province stuff.
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Might aswell contribute to the map and lore
The Welded city
>The city was once the biggest citiy on the planet housing literal bilions of individuals in its walls. Now it is a ghost town by comparison. While some arcologies still house more people than entire duchies and in certain cases more than some lesser kingdoms it is hard to notice for the city is as empty as it is massive. The streets outside of the arcologies are home to looters, bandits, gangsters and the occasional army belonging to one of the several lords who call this city their home. Due to this the people living in the arcologies have built extensions and walkways so they wouldn't ever have to enter the lower parts of the city. Due to their ramshackle nature these structures can and will fall down if not properly maintained.
>The city served double duty as the main planetary fortress giving it massive city walls.

House Rico
>House Rico is one of the original noble houses that colonised the planet in ages long gone by. Their house words are "We pay our tithe in lead and steel". They are a military house and have been one of the main houses ruling the Welded city. They mostly rule over the northern district where their barracks and manufacturies were located during the empire era.
I can do culture, religion and history (characters, titles etc.)
I still haven't gotten a complete understanding of event modding though
I can do pretty much anything, I'm more CK3 focused then CK2
Might take a look soon and see if I can make a basic map first, try to get a functional mod working then pop it up somewhere
I've had a go at seeing how map creation works in CK3
Pretty happy with the results, though obviously very janky right now, it does work though!

Couple of notes:
- probably need to scale things up a bit? I scaled the hex map to 5120 x 4096 but the Island in the centre is still quite small
- Would be good to start collating lore, I've looked through the past threads but aside from a couple of set pieces a lot of stuff is missing (I think?)
- Once the map terrain is done, it will be good to think about the titles/provinces (baronies/counties/duchies etc) as well

If you want to try the mod as it currently is, or contribute, The Github repo is at
>close shut… the jaws of Oblivion
Some more progress
Made the heightmap/flatmap of the current existing tiles
This includes basic terrain materials, though everything is still very pixelated, also, what do the letters mean?
We may never know
pretty cool work anon
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A look at a more refined hex map
I've changed the resolution to match the game res, added the colour map to the bottom right hand corner and worked on removing hex lines for completed hexes

If anyone wants, they can continue adding new hexes with terrain, I'll start doing this myself soon

Right now I'm going to work on making some more provinces in the southern region, as its mostly complete
> island looks like banana
> call it banana
> CK3 generates a default character to lead it
More progress,
I think I overcompensated on how small the island provinces were and made this duchy to big, hmmm
Also, it kinda looks like a fish, XD
Might need to split it up more, but for now its fine.

My two current goals are to clean up the hex-map and finish adding provinces to the bottom continent, once that is done I'll have a look at building out some basic custom cultures and flesh out the titles a bit better
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A further cleaned up map
still needs to be completed though
I was gonna say if people are drawing adjacent tiles there's no reason to keep the hex border

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