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what's the best/easiest TW game to get into?
What time period/setting are you interested in?
Most of the gameplay is the same, but having an interest in the material makes it the more interesting game.
Most people will say start with whatever time period you are most interested in.
Gameplay wise I would say, Rome 1 for oldschool TW, and Rome 2 for Nu-TW
Shogun 2 and Attila are the hardest TW games and the only ones that can give you some trouble even on normal difficulty. All the rest are pretty easy and the AI can't do anything to stop you once you start snowballing.
Haven't played any title post Attila.
napoopan or fall of the samurai are pretty easy considering how op artillery is
i cant play any pre napoleon titles. but then again napoopan is only good with mods
Fots is absolutely not beginner friendly. The campaign layer is a mess and eco is fucked.
Napoleon is fun, and kinda easy in sense if you go campaigh after campaigh, you will gradually learn it.
Napoleon and empire are literally the same game, and napoleon is way easier than empire
Ancient times, bronze age and stuff.
I guess Troy should be fine?
Whatever setting you think is the coolest. The different games definitely have their strengths and weaknesses though.

Rome: Biggest faction diversity in a historical setting.
Shogun: Very cool siege battles. Also has Fall of the Samurai which is the culmination of all their gunpowder combat games.
Empire: Massive map and excellent tech tree, really highlights the scale of the game. Also lets you play as natives if you're into that.
Napoleon: Empire's combat with fewer bugs and better AI.
Warhammer: There is certainly appeal to having magic and giant monsters fight each other.
they're all dead simple.
it is? i never noticed, since they're always fucking with the campaign formula. more importantly though, is it fucked in a way that a new player like op would notice?
do I really need all this shit?
none of those add new mechanics or depth to the game. They're just extra factions.
Then I'd say Troy if you're really into Greek warfare, but Pharaoh is supposed to be getting a Greek/Babylonian expansion later this year. I'd say try Troy when you've got the chance and see if you'd be for Pharoah when that update comes out
the 3 Kingdoms title has better balance than any prior. Attila was great except the weather shit in the vanilla game was very very poorly done.
you can get these for free if you use overhaul mods
Can I just buy the original Rome 1 somehow? I hate that it was removed from Steam and I'm forced to buy the remaster
If you buy the remaster you get the og too, no one forces you to play the new version.
And if you really don't want to even have the remaster on your account then just pirate it
Nta but naval control is essential in fots, something that a new player might not catch up until their ports are blockaded, their cities bombarded and two doomstack land near their capital.
but why would you play that janky ass rome 1 when the remaster i much more comfy
Because I have a shitty laptop that can't run remastered. Also the original was dirt cheap. I refuse to pay current price to play it

Time to sail the high seas I guess
I NEVER play more than 1-5 battles on any total war, i'm here for the macro
Shogun 2
If you're not a zoomer, then Rome 1 and Medieval 2, the classics, are the best choices. They are the reason people still talk about TW. If most of us could 'get into them' as kids and teens, you will be fine as long as you aren't brain-damaged.

If you're a zoomer and will shrivel into a peanut and crumble to dust if you're forced at gunpoint to play a game older than 12 years, just go for Rome 2. It's the most accessible of the new-engine games.

Empire is cool but the land combat is kind of ass and the world map can be overwhelming for a newcomer because they're a lot to manage. Napoleon is pretty accessible but also quite unlike the rest of the series.
Shogun 2 is weird. A good primer to how combat works, but its economy is totally broken and the campaign feels like shit to play until you realize how to game its really poorly thought out systems and then it's trivial.

So once again, Rome 1, Medieval 2, Rome 2. Those are your starting points. If you enjoy those and want more, look into Fall of the Samurai and Attila. They're a little harder to pick up and benefit from having prior knowledge of the series, but are also very good.
I started with Shogun 2 and would recommend it. Your level of interest in the setting will matter a lot of course.
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The newer map was released
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With new naval highway routes and province details
The UI is also better in the OG along with the fact that (unless they'd fixed it since I last played it) some basic commands such as switching to melee mode are non-rebindable away from the function keys
this shit almost made me get the game, but i would rather not get tricked into getting a shitty fucking game with one good update
I still play empire from time to time.
Hot fucking damn.
What about medieval
Rome 2 and Atilla: SHIT engine, battles, mechanics, UI, AI, culmination of everything wrong with CA that ended up killing the whole historical setting for total war ever since
3 chinkdoms: Not even the chinks played that
Total war: Sagas: Not a single good game in all the bunch, no wonder, they made it based on the rome 2 engine
You gotta be shitting me, the whole thing looks like it was outsourced to a mobile game studio in Malaysia.
Awesome. I've always wanted to play Assyria in a TW game
Lmao nigga actually filtered by Attila
I got a key on indiegala.com, worked just fine, already have 30 hrs in it.
compared to what, rome 1? take off your nostalgia googles, modded rome 2 is the superior way of playing Rome era TW
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I wonder how those naval highways work. Having sea battles would be better, but the AI is usually so incomptent at patrolling their shores (invading Britain on the first 5 turns in ETW is easy as fuck) that this might be somewhat of an improvement.
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>dogshit combat
>great campaign

>dogshit campaign(s)
>the bestine battles in strategy games

whats better between napoleon and empire?
Napoleon is better is Empire's gameplay refined, but Empire has a much more interesting setup.
I got filtered by Empire, not only its ugly i just did not get the new province system (only played rtw and med2 before), strategic map was unreadable mess for me
Preference. Empire's campaign map is unique and the emergent gameply is fantastic and one of a kind. It has the only good naval combat in the series.
The main downside is that its land battles suck and are janky.

Napoleon fixes empire's land battles abd they're really, really good. The ai is also a little smarter than usual and will do things like retreat if it's losing a battle. However it sacrifices Empire's unique campaign map, opting for a map that's both too small and way less interesting, it has some balance issues with eco that make it way too easy to snowball and it ruins naval combat.

Pick Empire if you want to spend more time in the campaign layer and doing naval battles, and pick Napoleon if you want to spend more time doing land battles.
Empire has a way better map and timeframe but it has a lot of problems, some gamebreaking like the dagastan union, some of which are fixed by mods.
Napoopan is polished but the scale is smaller and the timeframe is shorter so you get less interesting stuff to play with.

Rome 2 - most like all the other games, popular time period, all mechanics present. Really good, die hard old players are just mad at it.

Shogun 2 - excellent, beautiful art and graphics, smaller focused scope, most features still present

I love Napoleon but it’s nothing like the other games

No. I have been play TW for 25 years and never bought a faction. I buy campaigns though.

Rome 2 great dlc is Rise of the Republic and Caesar in Gaul

Want to hear something more infuriating? I owned the original Rome in steam and they took it away when the remaster came out.
Either the one with the time period you are interested in or just Fall of the Samurai due to how ridiculously easy the game and unit progression is.
>Buying 20 yo game
For what fucking purpose? Pirate it, you dingus.
your mother
Is shogun 2 the last good historical TW game?84dm8
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medieval 2
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Between these three, I can recommend both Rome 2 and Attila. Rome 2 is much easier than Attila and more fun IMO. I couldn't get into the fantasy aspect of units in Warhammer.
I miss Milan. all the stainless steel based mods use gay ass genoa or pisa. Who the fuck wants to be a merchant republic? The only other Italian option is fucking Norman Sicily.
Napoleon polished Empire's gameplay. The map for Empire is better in a few ways though.
If the maps were legally moddable people would probably play both without problem. It's incredibly easy to win as France in Napoleon. You won't even need to reach Russia, it'll be finished by 1807

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