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some faggot deleted the last thread edition
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the game is good and everything but i cant stand the retardation of unit positioning after movement on the operational map, i told a company to move into krasnaya polyana bc i knew the soviets were going to attack through there and wanted to set myself up for a successful defence, instead the unit got sent in the open (zone 1 picrel) bc the node i sent it to had been occupied by the attackers during movement phase, so instead of just stopping earlier in the city and fighting from there they fucking started the engament im the open and i had to rush them into the town under fire and couldnt set up defensive postions beforehand and suffered heavy losses for a fault that isnt mine.
then proceeded to attack with 2 companies against the 2 ski inf companies that held the hills and half village, took it all (up to point 2), killed almost all of them, AAR map shows all the map is blue, yet next turn my fucking units are still where they were earlier (point 1 for the retarded incident, and point 2 for the starting position of the reinforcing company) and half the village i still the enemie's, altought there no units there, so now i cant move there because im not close enough to use advance and can only use move command, so i will have to rush a uit forward just to keep some possession of the village bc the enemy will move other units in otherwise, will have "arrived" status and will be spread all around and take losses, all because the game is fucking retarded, i spent alot of resources and men to take the village and hills bc they overlook an empty flat area with little vegetation thats much easier to defend, and yet i find myself fucked over bc its as if i didnt do shit and will have to take losses for the 2nd time bc of a broken mechanic.

blue line is the frontline after the battle on the operational map according to the game, i actually took all the village and beyond (deeper than point 3, coming from the west)
This one will probably get deleted as well. Using the word "edition" in the subject line of thread outside /vg/ is a pretty easy way to get it deleted. Very simple to avoid.
why? are the mods such faggots?

why was the ladt one deleted?
Because /vg/tarded tourists can't read basic rules and create generals on a board that explicitly does not allow it.
There's also rule 2
>Flagrant fanboy threads are not allowed
which can also be used against a typical graviteam thread. Luckily, you can always count on CMfags stirring these threads towards actual discussions rather than rapturous screenshot spam.
lel combat mission is better
I'm just learning the game (Mius Front). I've learned that you need to make sure your units have line of sight in order for them to be effective, but that also leaves them vulnerable to return fire. How do I stack those engagements to my advantage - is it just a matter of having more firepower at a given point?
>which can also be used against a typical graviteam thread. Luckily, you can always count on CMfags stirring these threads towards actual discussions rather than rapturous screenshot spam.
Neck yourself faggot
Blessed threadmaker, seriously fuck whomsoever deleted it
Why did they name the game Graviteam Tactics? It's ridiculous.
i think graviteam is the devs studio name
you must study military tactics, watch Christopher Larsen videos on yt, and read some FM, that's an autist game

anyway theres plenty of situations, it's a very long answer
nigger faggot
At any rate, if the thread gets deleted again, Graviteam is always welcome at /&tg/ in /vg/. The last 6 month thread on here was great.
>watch Christopher Larsen videos on yt
Thanks, these are great
also look up TRADOC G2 OE ENTERPRISE G&V on yt
loving this game, playing the Croatian Legion DLC campaign right now. are there other DLC campaigns with minimal tanks? I get that this game is really about the armor, but I enjoy playing with infantry and heavy weapons a lot more.
So i've read that you can actually capture enemy tanks/vehicles in this, has anyone here ever done it ? I tried so many times and it never worked even if the vehicles look like they are in pristine condition ? Also if you did recommend me a campaign where its more likely to happen
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I simply do not understand how to have a battle in this shit. This webm for example. I thought I was reasonably covered in the bushes. And instantly got destroyed. While trying to cover the infantry advance to the front.
There are a few of them
German operation Longstop for Tunisia, and I think the Saur Mogily Tumulus fo\rom the first game
try checking the sight lines I suppose
Yes, but part of the process is pretty abstract and I've never fully figured it out
at the end of a battle, you will get a write up of how many vehicles you captured on the casualties board-- I'm pretty sure its the number in brackets after the number of destroyed tanks/guns/vehicles
when you reinforce your armoured units, (I think you may have to have a division HQ and a training unit on the map but I'm not entirely sure) you will occasionally get a few which are rearmed using captured enemy units--especially if you are out of your own tanks.
I remember getting to field a couple of KV2 and T34s on Stepanovka as the Germans, a Sherman as the Germans in Operation Fruhlingswind, and a Panzer III as the British on Pugulist
I've often managed to have my guys used captured field guns, and during a few operations I've seen them armed with captured small arms
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They had their guns on elevation as well and tanks are very tall when you're playing a realistic simulator. Consider the range of the weapons on your tanks and ask if they need to be as close to the front as they were. Though it would be hard to avoid those guns anyway unless you got below the housing
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once again i get penalized by the fucking retarded game, i had to retake the village and my company started in the middle of nowhere with arrived status because i had to move it there in ahurry since after capturing the village it was still located way behind and i couldnt let the enemy retake it, so i took useless losses just for fuck of it due to the game being retarded.

now i end this battle, where i had good defensive positions and inflicted 300 casualties (50%) on the enemy while sustaining around 180 (30%) myself (most of which due to the above retardation and not the actual enemy attack), and of course after repelling the attack the game decides to hand over my position to the enemy for some fucking reason so now its as if i suffered a penetration of my lines, and lost the entrenched positions on favourable elevated terrain when in reality im holding them without a problem as you can see in picrel
and if you look at the top right where the farm is youll see all my dead soldiers in the open where they had to retake a village i already held but then in the operational phase the game decided it wasnt mine anymore, and it did so again even after this battle, so my unit is still positioned in the open, just in the node adjacent to the one it was previously in, everywhere but the fucking village i already conquered 2 times, and that it was sitting in at the end of the engagement

i already lost the equivalent of an infantry company and a couple of mg/cannon platoons to this bullshit due to no fault of my own

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