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>Choose to have a longer pace cause I don't know how the fuck one single war can last from the ancient to renaissance era
>Think that this will only affects things like Science and maybe culture
>Turns out production also gets slowed down so eras still take the same amount of time proportional to everything else
>Instead of feeling longer you just press next turn a bunch more times
Why are the developpers so fucking stupid?
massive skill issue
military promotions don't slow down
You still get more out of resources on longer settings.
You can install a mod to get what you want.
"Pace" just means "Length of game"
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could have been better, Askia got first pantheon god of the open sky
>>Turns out production also gets slowed down so eras still take the same amount of time proportional to everything else
Yeah but walking and XP gain don't scale. So you do still get a longer pace.

Realistically this ends up being a huge buff to military-focused civs; their unique units are relevant longer, they have more time to gain xp, and wars are proportionally-quicker.
Why do people trash piety so much? It's THE starting social policy tree for diplomatic, even on deity, better than trad. Play 3/4 city piety, do typical trad shit (timing oxford for radio, etc). Yeah, you'll have a slower start, but food/growth isn't that important for diplomatic. Just save all your great scientists and bulb them 8 turns after you get research labs in all your cities, beelining to globalism. You'll also have excellent culture with planted prophets, which lets you finish rationalism quickly so you can buy great scientists. Anyway, +55% influence with gold gifts (charitable missions + philanthropy) is RIDICULOUS.
You get 40/85/170 influence WITHOUT the CS quest.

Granted, you want to play a civ that's actually compatible with piety (Ethiopia, the Celts, the Maya, Arabia, Morocco, etc.), just like you wouldn't go honor if not playing the Huns, Mongolia, etc. I think piety diplomatic is as easy as trad science on deity.

OTOH, I think piety kinda sucks for cultural because it lacks food/growth: 1) you need fast teching, and 2) you need high pop, otherwise great engineers are shit (300 + (30 * city pop)), which makes to the glory of good not as useful as you'd think.
religion is not reliable on single player, and Liberty is better at religion than Piety on multiplayer
That's why I said you want to play Ethiopia, the Celts, etc. when going piety. I didn't recommend it for all civs.
Piety is good, but not for the first tree, since it doesn't give any benefits to early game food, happiness, or production.
As a second tree, it can be great. Especially for culture victories. Religion is one of the few ways to increase happiness in civ 5, and so it's basically necessary to have a wider empire.
The bonuses to gold and culture are also pretty good, and the 'reformation' policy can be fucking amazing. For whatever reason, the AI basically never picks the "Buy all great people with faith starting in industrial era" reformation bonus, and that single bonus is enough to transform the game.

Though Piety isn't great for playing on Deity since the AI there will almost always get the good pantheon's, religious wonders, and tenets before the player. And the AI starts spamming the absolute fuck out of missionaries and great prophets, so keeping your religion is similarly difficult.

Personally I like playing on Emperor, so that's not an issue for me.
Piety is great for a first tree, just not with all civs. I only play immortal and deity. Last week, did an easy Egypt piety diplomatic victory. Picked Egypt for the 0 maintenance temple replacement. If you're not Ethiopia, Celts, Maya, etc. I wouldn't bother with piety. Also, piety ain't great for cultural. Tradition is practically mandatory for cultural, and no point in delaying rationalism for piety. But, for diplomatic, piety is king (with the right civ).
The problem is that Civ 5 doesn't have a native Religious victory. It's one of those buffers that decent for all arounders, but rarely game-changing.

Spain is also very good at religion though if you can get a wonder or two and the +4 faith from natural wonders (doubles up to +8) for rapid early game growth. Get a couple Faith sites out and you'll have +50 faith per turn by 0 AD.
i just had an AI win me the game
>be Theodora
>control 5 out 6 capitals
>influential over 3 civs one is eliminated
>last civ that has their capital is Mongolia
>last civ that i am not influential over is the Huns
>have a peace treaty with the Huns
>Mongolian capital is far away from my bombers
>decide to wipe out the Huns
>waiting for the peace treaty to expire
>Mongolia takes the last city from the Huns
>win Cultural victory
I was talking strictly about diplomatic victory. Piety is excellent for diplo.
>you want to play Ethiopia, the Celts, etc. when going piety
So you get a religion on immortal or deity.
Is it normal to prefer civ V for VI?
>Play Civ V
>Can easily beat the AI on Prince, but if I turn the difficulty up all it does is give the AI buffs
What's the point?
the AI sucks at everything, except cucking you religion wise.
playing marathon vanilla is easy mode
What is your preferred resource setting? I feel like abundant gives way to many strategic resources and duplicate luxuries, while strategic balance gives too much oil/iron/horses if you conquer other's capitals, but regular resource distribution isn't consistent enough to feel fair.
Sparse resources feels absolutely terrible to play on, however. Only having 1 horse resource (not tile) is a joke.
I play regular, even though it really has the potential to fuck you over. Sparse is a meme, and makes the game feel like a lottery.
>Slop Slopuli
I've been using the EUI mod, but I don't know what these little flags are on the bottom right of the portraits. Why do some have them and others don't? What are the colours? What's with Korea?
its vanilla with EUI
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I'm not sure, I don't think I've ever seen them in my game. I'm playing vox populi (which is the correct way to play this babby mode game made by firaxis btw) with eui and it just shows the civ flags
There's a mod someone made years ago that scales tech and culture and religion points and building/wonder hammers, but not unit hammers, which made the game have a much more militaristic pace. Can't find it now, though.
Gave piety a try with Egypt on deity. It's surprisingly good. The 50% discounted temple with Egypt is amazing. 0 maintenance, +2 happiness, +3 faith, +25% gold for a measly 50 hammers. Did god-king (meh start), tithe, pagoda, feed the world, religious texts, and charitable missions. I prioritized engineering before civil service for aqueducts. Thankfully, only 1 CS was conquered by the AI. Got my religion and ideology enacted, easily. I had about 6-7 great scientists lying around by the time I got my research labs, and bought about 4-5 more with the rationalism finisher. By the time I bulbed Globalism, I still had 3-4 great scientists remaining. Anyway, I ended up allying all city-states way before I hit the information age, and I immediately bulbed Globalism as soon as I did, so I had nothing to do but wait 20 turns for the world leader vote. Oh, and I didn't know Egypt's bonus applies to national wonders and guilds.
Has anybody else noticed the multiplayer AI is not the same as the singleplayer AI? I play with a buddy and we always have some AI's on, and they do almost nothing. They build a couple cities, maybe a wonder, but nothing else. They don't offer any deals or start any wars of their own. They barely exist desu.
dunno, I don't have any friends to play vox populi multiplayer with
Welcome to strategy games.
Multiplayer is the only time you need to use your brain.
iirc multiplayer AI is always of the lowest level. Try comparing it with a singleplayer map with settler1 or whatever it's called AI.
It’s been a very long time since I played MP, but yeah, I can remember them doing barely anything. If I remember correctly, AI Montezuma even got dabbed on by city states (which are stronger than the neutered AI), which was hilarious, but I don’t remember how the game resolved the issue of a city state capping an AI city.
When a city state takes an AI city, they just annex it like any other empire

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