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Honestly it's looking pretty good with lots of anti-gookclicking features.
Looks like us RTS fans are finally getting a real sophisticated RTS.
why do they keep making Hiigarans emotional
>Honestly it's looking pretty good with lots of anti-gookclicking features.
>Looks like us RTS fans are finally getting a real sophisticated RTS.
Nice Shill, does it come in.... wait... never mind, if I want different colors you're going to charge me for it in the form of DLC.
There seem to be two camps...

>People dislike it because the demo is clunky and bad and generally lacking

>People like it because they say the demo is an old build and it'll all ne fixed on release and the demo isn't that bad

I guess we'll find out on release. Just like DoW 3 and CoH 3 im sure as shit not pre ordering and will wait to see what level of disaster this ends up being.
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>anti-gookclicking features.
How are short cooldown APM-intensive active abilities on ships an "anti-gookclicking feature"?
There's already a thread, retard. Why don't you faggots ever check the catalog? >>1749246
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No it's not you blatant shill https://youtu.be/JxNY9feH3rw
>NYAAHHHHHHH there should only be onneee thread for one topic NYAHHHH

Thats you. That's what you sound like. Tell me, what is it like living life as a little bitch?
god damn stfu you gookclicking retard bitch
Is there multiplayer bros?
Why would I buy HW with a dog shit story?
You wouldn't
> anti-gookclicking

either the worst bait i've ever seen or you're actually just a nigger
the game is full of nothing but apmslop and will attract nothing but chinks who have no fucking braincells and live purely to smash their keyboards instead of their women
Why are you so scared of APM though? It's not that hard
abilities =/= gookclicking
Gook clicking in a psy op developed by DEI funded trannies to justify making their games lower IQ. Change my mind.
I feel the cutscenes are somehow too animated, everything feels overacted
>muh gookclick
The shitter cope is tiresome.
Hi Everyone, I'm the warden at the sanitarium and I can confirm this poster has managed to skip his meds and also gain access to a computer.

We're taking steps to ensure this wont happen again.
Gookclick is a real issue in RTS, but it can be cured way easier than whatever convoluted idea this thread's initiator had in mind.
Can someone give me context to this? Why is this negro just floating away?
>it'll all ne fixed on release
totally my dude, didn't every studio fix everything on release?
this is why everyone is releasing unfinished games all the time, because retards will justify it and lap it up
don't tell me that's real, it's like someone saw all the recent slab jaw'd women in games and took it as a challenge to one up all of them

oh it's real
>Gookclick is a real issue
No it's not. At the highest level of play all RTS games are "gookclick". ALL of them. ALL RTS games reward players with mechanical skill. This has been talked though to fucking death.
Guess what matchmaking systems in multiplayer games are for?
Is there any reason to play the original Homeworld over Cataclysm?
>perfect franchise to navigate around the scuffed "realistic" 3d models and shovel jaws
>change the dna of the series to crowbar in brick faced 3d models
I can't wait until this industry comes to a crashing demise
Holy shit what the fuck is this hahaha
a true masterpiece way ahead of its time.
yeah homeworld ended with hw 2.
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>let's put the cannon in between walls so it can't even shoot sideways
yeah either someone makes awesome mods out of this game or this franchise is toast
yes, reason being that they're 2 different games
buy an ad
Imogen could've literally dug up the Khar-Toba with that chin they've given her.
uh it can elevate?
character driven sci-fi made by/for women, no high concepts just rey skywalker's feefees
>yeah either someone makes awesome mods out of this game or this franchise is toast
They've tried to lock out modding, same thing they did with DoK.
It's gone! Scrapped for parts to make the Khar-Sajuuk

Final Mission Karen jumps in on the Khar-Sajuuk and fires it's main cannon, if you look closely it's a smaller version of the Sajuuk's Main Cannon. She uses it to destroy a cruiser and then when you take control of the ship to finish the mission it's no longer working because the ship "doesn't have enough crew".
Because modern writers can't understand the concept of making a emotional story without a showing a single face. And also world building as it was back then is basically gone now.
>that pic
game may be trash and breaks series's streak of having no shit entries, but at least we're getting some hilarious content out of this shitpile
>Hire the Borderlands 3 writer
They did not... Did they...?
I wish they were more creative with ship designs. I like the mothership design, but everything else should've been more out there. You have more polygons to play with, go crazy with it.
I just wish they had more larger ship classes.
I think they kept it simple for readability but they could have added more depth to the unit while keeping its silhouette.
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>Honestly it's looking pretty good
no GOG = no buy, learned this the hard way but i'll be damned if i buy a game with Denuvo or any other type of hard DRM ever again
where is the star wars mod what is taking so long
I'm interested. But I'll wait for a Denuvo-free release, whether on GOG or when Gearbox removes it from the Steam version.
The writers for this game should be dissembled and reconstructed into biocircuitry.
Reporting in having played it, it feels better than the demo. It has improved.
It's not homeworld and both the story and gameplay are at fault.
>Woman in bodysuit growing giant
>Not hot at all
Why the fuck are there multiple minute long cutscenes out of gameplay focusing on individuals? Having the characters talk as the game continues against the ambience of space and your big ships slowly taking position or firing long ranged attacks is like the entire point. Why spend all that effort animating something that ultimately takes away from the game?
Because the focus of the story is on the women, not the Hiigarans as a people.
is modding actually locked out, or is that just what they tried to do but failed?
Makaan was right
same as hardspace: shipbreaker good atmosphere ruined for no reason with terrible dialogue
Nice meme.
It has mod.io support. It's built into the game like Deep Rock Galactic. There's a giant mods button on the top of the screen, anon is delusional.
I hate how washed out it looks, its literally like color has ironically been sucked out of modern video games. The plastic model look isn't helping either or the Netflix tier cinematics.

I liked in the old Homeworlds where you mostly just heard people talk over radio comms or every now and then you'd see a cinematic of ships soaring through space while some person narrated major events. It helped created this mysterious and isolated sense of being in the depths of space.
this shit however looks awful and is the exact opposite of that. Its why gaming and media in generally has gone to shit, no one knows how to create nice things anymore.
this is what happened to starcraft2 as well. the original starcraft story was full of mystery and awe. then you come to starcraft 2 and suddenly protoss are basically beefy humans who want muh freedom and kerrigan is a poor misunderstood soul who just wants to be with jim. sc2 is probably still a much better game than hw3, but we don't get good sci fi stories anymore in this genre. i think there's an opportunity here for sure.
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what the fuck is it with these facial expressions, this looks like it came straight from the puss in boots
isn't this supposed to be a serious villain, this shit is comical
Yeah they shat all over the overmind as well. Making it a good guy -_-
any game gooks dont play is a big clue to it not being gookclick
its ironic to me because Homeworld is literally star craft. Its war craft in the stars.
>serious villain
Even without the facial expressions I could not take her seriously because her entire raison d'etre is flawed.
Like maybe she's threatening to someone for whom hw3 is their first game.

If the writers see Temu Michelle Obama as scary or something they are perhaps portraying their own racism somewhat.
She said 'short cooldown APM-intensive active abilities'
Not 'abilities'.
they took the money if the crow funding, spent 2 dollars on dev and pocket the rest. gg
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Finally a game for giant women lovers
the moment I first saw this is when I checked out. boring blocks. and taking the iconic mothership and making it a pancake.
its all flat and boring.
ok there's meme potential
I do, but not like that: their size isn't 'big person energy' but because they're insecure.
>Ha! My size intimidates you!
>N-no it doesn't, but I can also grow big!
>generic chubby face, wide nose awful skin of triple A game 3d models
yaaaay another one of my favorite franchises is heckin triple A now! such yummy slop!
they're big girls
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What in the living fuck. This isn't real, this is made up, not even the worse woke studio of blue-haired women could make something this comically retarded. Funny joke guys hahahahahAHAHAHAHAHAHAH

For you
played a bit, idk just not as engaging as karak oddly enough. I've never rly been a big homeworld guy so grain of salt but currently the unit micro feels automatic currently. I found that lots of units rly just microed themselves, targeted their select beat target and the rest was just moving units around.

not sure where the fun comes in given the limited amount of upgrades, unit types, lack of hard points, and lack of larger or more complex ships.

I didn't touch the campaign yet tbf but played a few rounds of the rogue lite mode.
>not sure where the fun comes in given the limited amount of upgrades, unit types, lack of hard points, and lack of larger or more complex ships.
>I didn't touch the campaign yet tbf but played a few rounds of the rogue lite mode.

It's abysmally shallow
They did basically a Battle Simulator and not a proper game. You don't really do anything. It's almost an auto battler, where you click build and then Attack Move and that's it. There aren't any clever attacks, pincer attacks or anything like that. The maps are so closed that you're fighting Mothership vs Mothership in like 3 mins.
These lads seem to think so to.
Is it good or wut
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It's worse
It's mediocre
And filled with microtransactions and data collection

It's just meh, a spamfest
>releases to an immediate flop
lol, lmao
at least someone got to self insert their giantess fetish without being found out
Game itself is meh, the cinematics are hilariously bad. Meme potential in fact in how bad they are>>1753631
Remember that people crowdfunded this monstrosity
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Their cunning plan was to restrict gameplay to their preorder / backer players for the first three days. Which of course are the most invested and discerning fanboys who will bite you when you fuck up. The instant it goes up for real sale, all their brutal reviews appear at once, putting off the normalfags. Nice work.
blackbird and gearbox should be investigated for fraud.
le villain was actually trying to stop a greater villain in a blizzard story???

that's still not gookclicking
I played it, its not gookclick. At last we have a GOOD rts. All the gookclicker shills will deny it
this trend of taking characters obviously meant to be and that only would be male in real life and turning them into beige average women is getting very tiring.
>meant to be male
tourist. mothership has always been female.
she's never had a face, nor been an emotional w*man tho
I'm more referring to the villain character. No woman alive has ever acted like that.

But even with the mothership, it's obvious they are trying to depict her in the most unfeminine unmotherlike way.
that's fine and proper for a literal vessel/glorified narrator, it's another issue when it's an ultramasculine dyke conqueror KWEEN, writers think it's so fucking clever to write a toxic, womanizing, masculine character then give him a pussy
this is so fucking funny holy shit
the "mom says it's my turn on the xbox" fucking pose
the direct size increase
the ugly man face
the killer body actually, that would be a good thing usually but it feels odd for homeworld + in this scene just makes me think it's giantess fetish fuel
the even uglier face of the villain
the annoying facial animations
this is the perfect shitstorm of a terrible cutscene
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wtf lmao
The devs also admitted that the game was already fully funded before the fig campaign.
open na noor
Also the usability is garbage. There's no attack move, you have to actually click on enemy units (which is very difficult considering how tiny they can be on the screen). They've removed a ton of keybindings for some reason (no binding for stop, abilities, dock etc.).

Formations are also dogshit, the 'V' formation looks cool until you realize it makes half the units out of range at any point.

Having individual fighters/vettes is a stupid decision, as they die like flies and managing/building them is a hassle.

Considering how derivative this is of HW2, I'm surprised they managed to fuck things up this much.
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>Futa vs bodysuit
This is someone's fetish game
there is attack move and there are key bindings for each one of those things you listed. Individual firefighters is imo agreed, a bad decision.
that's a no from me... fucking hell lol

Weirdly I found all this shit in the options menu but they dont work in game (shortcuts dont show and dont work either).
genuinely thought I was watching the pre-amble to CGI porn at several points, and seeing those cloth physics made me say "oh shit is this a prank? is this just futa porn?"
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Fucking hell. I could've done better cutscenes than this.

These people need to be fired. All of them. What a bunch of hacks.
>be woman in space
>reproducing is done in artificial wombs
>only thing you are good for is catching semen flying out of mens cocks in zero gravity
>brightly coloured hair
>horn-rimmed glasses
this person probably had a tumblr.
it's fucked
homeworld has always been about style and story before everything else and the game has neither of these
just look at this garbage it cannot possibly be defended
the original homeworld queen was stoic and determined in the face of unbelievable tragedy because she had to be to make the kind of cold dispassionate decisions necessary to save her people and yet even still there was a bed of emotion there you actually felt and cares about
this is just deviantart trash
i agree it really is like the colour has been stripped from everything
the other homeworlds are gorgeous to look at between the backdrop of some space nebula or clouds or whatever and the cool looking ships leaving their trails
this had inherited a bit of that but it's done its damnedest to shake it it's like everyone lost the ability to paint their ships and somehow giant space ruins are made boring and pastiche but i guess that's inevitable when they're spammed for want of creativity
how the fuck do these people have these careers
seriously why are they consistently hired into these positions over far more talented and appropriate writers who would kill to get to have their stories put to an epic game
it's so insulting and unfair to them
It's over
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Why does vst not like the giantesses
and the big woman was defeated by the tiny woman becoming bigger which in turn made the big woman tiny

imagine the person writing [Imogen grows to giant size] in this script
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>futuristic space combat game
>it's full of women talking
you just ignore women talking
I'm not opposed to futanari giantesses but my brain simply does not register any of this as homeworld.
>Why are interstates and infrastructure so poorly funded and understaffed but billions upon billions of dollars are given to corrupt individuals with political connections
Good people don't get to make the callings in this world anon. We're currently living through a mass satanic humiliation ritual and no one wants to do anything because that would mean Netflix and Air conditioning would disappear as a consequence.
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>someone in the team liked the finale of Season 2 of The Legend of Korra enough to rip it off

Abandon hope
oh god why
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Because its never been a thing in Homeworld, which is a game about space ships flying around shooting each other.

If you want to make a game about giantesses in space then go make your own original game, don't just slap the name of a popular strategy series on it.

These scenes look like something out of a Netflix tv show or Marvel super hero movie, probably because the creators consume nothing else and have no other influences or cinematic techniques to draw on.
Go watch the original cinematics in Homeworld 1 and then watch the new scenes. Its like they couldn't be more opposite each other in tone and style.

The famous 'Kharak is Burning' scene is able to tell so much without literally needing to show it. If they did that scene now, it would have to show Karen Shitjet standing amongst the ruins of a burning city while Edgy Manface Woman flies away with a smug evil face. That's how bad it is.
I have been playing homeworld since I was 13 years old. I knew this game was cooked when gearbox bought it. But I trusted blackbird during their interviews and the mini documentary. This story is just flat out garbage and all the beautiful art from the cutscenes are gone.

Homeworld has never been about people. And they forced it to be about people.
And then Karen let's out an angry strong woman xbox scream!
Its more the presentation, Homeworld was about people but it was on a grander scale with Karen being more than just a regular human since she was essentially the Mothership itself. This just reduces it to a generic tv show, its just bad storytelling and ruins the magic of the original series.

Doesn't help the gameplay is pretty shit too, its like they just took the Homeworld gameplay and replicated it without really understanding how it works.
bought hw3 commander edition bc of giantess
big titty giantess
Homeworld made me tear up, Homeworld 3 can not.
tears of impotent rage are still tears
I didn't cry, I just felt like shit slogging through it. Disappointment and disgust. Also, I don't see the ballistics we were promised!
you can see the story degenerate as it becomes about a dynasty of strong s’jets, i guess they reproduce asexually since you can’t have a man around cramping their strength and independence, when is matriarchy ever not lame and gay, it’s ruined so many stories, surprise the male authority figures are dead, here’s your new female king even though this succession makes no sense at all
>when is matriarchy ever not lame and gay, it’s ruined so many stories, surprise the male authority figures are dead, here’s your new female king even though this succession makes no sense at all
There's is nothing wrong with a matriarchy, the problem is these hacks can't write one. They don't understand basic psychology and that certain personality traits are common to those in leadership roles. They'd rather write a leader who is idealistic even though it doesn't make sense logically. Being able to take a cold calculating approach to situations is one of them.

HW1: Karan was a cold calculating individual before the game even began, she was splicing man and machine to make supercomputers. In the game she continues to be so because she had a problem and the only way to solve that problem was to throw bodies at it till it went away or she ran out of bodies. Ultimately, although she cared for, there was an emotional disconnected from her people.

HW2: She continues with this personality, she's seen as an authority and when she hears the call to war she tells everyone to prepare and the people rally behind her. There's another problem, and once again she's going to have to throw bodies at it. The plot may have been screwed but the character was intact. During the death of the Bentusi, there is emotion, but her words are cold and on-mission.

HW3: "Oh look, another navigator, I must take this immense risk to save her.", sorry, S'jet, you've been throwing bodies at the problem for the last 200 cycles, the idea that you're going to emotionally connect with and attempt to save a complete stranger is completely out of character (yes it was a trap but the point still stands), where was your unreasonable risk taking when the Bentusi went nuclear? Not to mention that literal hand-holding bullshit at the end where she takes the queens hand and says they're won't be alone.
as we all know in desperate times strong female scientists rise to the top of leadership /s miss me with that dogshit feminist schlicking
>in desperate times strong female scientists rise to the top of leadership
Nothing wrong with this. The problem is when you write them like an emotionally caring when the reality is it's the cold ones who make it. You want a real life example, look at Ranavalona of Madagascar:

Emotionally caring leaders have only ever been successful during times of relative peace and prosperity.
So that's why the entire mothership rose up to clap at the end.
>So that's why the entire mothership rose up to clap at the end.
That bit what so cringy, I mean what the hell were they thinking.
well there's your problem
Big Bad Evil Bitch was trolling the Protag in VR and the vid was just her leaving.
Maybe DoK's plot wasn't interesting either but at least it knew when to fade away and not raise a ruckus on my screen.
Someone actually thought this would be a good cut scene.
Someone actually put storyboards together for it.
Someone actually got this idea passed the art directors.
Someone actually signed off on it.
Someone actually got the CG artists to make it.

>but then the big black woman (SHE'S BIG!!) points at the lady and say sGRR i am big and mean! And then the other lady is Like NO ME 2!! then she begame biig too and teh QUEEN BAD says "U R CLEVUR" and then she flied away!!
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HW 3 is a proof that the Taiidans were the good guys. They just wanted to prevent this atrocious plot from happening. Long live emperor Riesstiu!
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>Most People Rejected His Message.They hated Khar Sajuuk because he told them the truth
>Taiidans were the good guys
The Taiidans WERE the good guys.
Homeworld pre-history has the Hiigarans waging a bloody war in an attempt to conquer the galaxy. They launched attacks on, and tried to destroy, both the Taiidan homeworld and Bentus (the closest thing the Bentusi have to a homeworld). These attacks were repelled and the Taiidan Empire waged war on them back in kind, pushing to Hiigara, at which point the Hiigarans decide to play the victim card and go begging to the galactic council for mercy. The Taiidan, even though they have no obligation to, show mercy, forbid the Hiigarans from developing hyperspace technology and exile them. But even then, the Hiigarans were deceitful and smuggled their hyperspace core with them knowing full well it was in breach of their terms of surrender.

The people of Kharak did not not deserve to burn, but the blame lies with their own people.
Now I want to play the Taiidan campaign even more. I would even play as any other faction, just not the Hiigarans and their kiiths. Are there any interesting custom scenarios/campaigns or mods that provide new missions? The only mods I played so far were Taiidan Republic mod and FX Galaxy.
not the first time for gearbox - Aliens: Colonial Marines ring any bells
As long as the publishers start putting this fuckwit's name on the front cover, so I know what games to mark as 'do not buy, ever'
It gets worse:
In the original pre-retconned timeline, before the 3 hyperspace cores BS, the Hiigarans attempted to use planet killers on the Taiidan and it was the Bentusi who begged the Taiidan to spare the Hiigarans. The Taiidan Emperor managed to secure the planet killers the Hiigarans were going to use and kept them around because he didn't believe the Hiigarans would keep to their word and wanted their fate to be one of their own making, literally.

Kharak was burned by Hiigaran weapons!
>Copy paste the Remaster code and player patch
>slap a few new models and unit voices in
>Make DoK cutscenes about having to fly a fleet to a place to blow up a thing
What this really so damn hard?
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>Hiigarans spring an ambush on a harbor ship
>harbor ship proceeds to annihilate the entire Hiigaran Navy and cripple the Sajuk with no effort
>the Bentusi curb stomp was so complete that the Bentusi refuse to militarily intervene in any galactic conflict again
>instead of suing for peace after this they double down and try to fight the Taiidan without a navy
>tfw no Turanic Raider campaign
Kind of a false equivalence because the government cannot fail. I can't imagine Gearbox wanted their game to be poorly received and why? To make one individual woman have a nice job? She probably hates Homeworld anyway. I intend to buy the game, leave a bad review, and just refund it because I don't need to play more than I've seen.
I kinda want a Vaygr campaign too because they have the coolest looking ships in the series.
Most of the Hiigarans were kind of depicted as assholes since you don't really see the other Kith's commit too many forces against the Beast, your main allies in the game aside from other Somtaaw ships are the Taiidan republic.
>The Hiigarans tried to wipe out the Taiidan BEFORE they attacked the Bentusi.
>When their attack failed they tried to attack the Bentusi for their core.
What happened was the Hiigarans had an 'oh shit'' moment and realized they were losing, they were probably hoping that by stealing the Bentusi's core they could turn the fight back around. Unfortunately the Bentusi had other ideas.

When you're losing a war, starting a second war on a second front is rarely a good idea.
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This turanic corvette slaps your mothership's ass at the bar, what're you gonna do chump? https://youtu.be/dTKakINXjl8?t=46
>homeworld 2
>the bentusi get fragged by some Mongolian raider stand-in
oh fuck they self destructed, I forgot
slap his ass with my gibs me dat ships. I'm the captain now.
Nigga, it's not even the Mongolian raider stand-in that made them go KYS, it's those pesky Pajeetnitor space automatons.
Are the bentusi actually gone? I loved them in HW1.
They sacrifice themselves in hw2. It's one of the more kino moments in a game filled with kino.
Post butt spiderfag :3
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HW 1 and 2 are shit. I regret listening to you and playing those shitty games.
Still not buying HW3 sorry
Dumb questions: How much was HW1 and 2 back then, and the adjusted prices for today?
What turning NLIPS on looks like
I got HW2 for 39.99 AUD back in the day.
>Get to the mission in hw3 where tou have to blow up power regulators in the citadel
>Its just wave after wave of bullshit going on once you start
One of my many gripes with the game is the lack of any downtime. Its just go go go!
That's the mission I'm on too but it's boring.
I dont find it enjoyable either. But I will power through it nonetheless.
I'll slog through it eventually.
I feel you.
Closest thing to down time in that mission was, after blowing up the power regulators and the ship berths linked to them, I would have to take over couple of command points, and while just faffing around, the game would spawn every now and then a new destroyer as a "hurry the fuck up" mechanic.
However, I turned that mechanic around against the game, by just keeping on capturing those destroyers.
Thanks to that level, I had like 15 destroyers in the end game.
Down side to this tactic was that I never got to see Hiigaran battlecruisers, due to going so hard over the capitol ship cap.
Can you even retire ships? I went hard on ion frigets and now i can only field two missile ones...
I don't know, I never retired a single ship in my game.
And don't worry. The enemy will field plenty enough missile frigates for you to capture.
Endless missiles perhaps?

>captcha RTSYA
Girlboss protagonist being dismissive of the "ancient tech" that helped her people in the first place is surely telling something.
Retire, Scuttle, Kamikaze/Ramming. All somehow hidden in the context menu. Brilliant game. /s
At least pretend like you played the game.
I couldn't find the scuttle option for HW3 but I know the previous games had options. I have the same problem and have too many ships but the game is too easy and they won't blow up my ships.
not him and i haven't played it either but i watched the intro on youtube and she said something like her designing the synthetic cores "freed" her people from relying on ancient tech they don't understand
maybe that's what he's talking about, though i would not call that being dismissive. or maybe there's something else later on in the campaign idk
The cores continue to prove dangerous because of their power. Making your own, even if they are weaker is the safer option since you know them in and out and everyone in the universe wont be gunning for em.
There's a pair of turrets under the ship that covers its left and right. But yeah I concur, that design looks shit.
alt right click to bring up the context menu and scuttle/retire from there
>Making your own, even if they are weaker is the safer option since you know them in and out and everyone in the universe wont be gunning for em.

>guys we can make those extremely powerful weapons, but smaller
>oh, so you technically could also make them bigger?
>everyone ends up gunning for you since you're now as big a threat as the weapon itself
the writers are retards, simple as
They cant make them AS powerful. That's the whole point. If they could just pump out progenitor tier cores on a whim, nothing would be able to stop them.
>They cant make them AS powerful.

>guys, we totally can't make them as powerful, that'd be silly
>oh, can't you? okay, that's completely believable, given previous higaaran conduct on the galactice scene. carry on
anon i don't want to repeat myself.
Juat gonna ignore the rest of my post, huh?
Oh, it only very rarely likes coming up while paused. God damnit I fucking hate this game. Thank you anon.
Okay, Flopworld 3 is a given. But what about the remasters and DoK? Did they get even at least a tiny bit of playerbase bump because of this fiasco?
Most people buy these games for singleplayer, right? So I doubt it!
How does something this terrible even get greenlit? There are so many levels of failure here.
Focus groups.
man this ship design is so boring and uninspired
we're in space building ships unconstrained by aerodynamics, gravity, and all the things which essentially mandate aircraft silhouettes be as they are
i want to see crazy designs which give each race more character and distinction like one race built around huge broadsides with a bunch of ion weapons on one face because they can freely rotate to bare this at the enemy, one race with lots of wide angle turrets, one reliant on swarms of smaller ships, or just anything to really separate them
this is something sots does so well i really don't think any game have ever matched the diversity of that
The worst part is they didn't make her ugly on purpose as some woke statement since her sculpted ass in a tight bodysuit shows they clearly want the horny audience. This bogged monstrosity really was the best they could do
People only hired because of their race, sex, or political standings.
i dont think thats why anon
Capture it and melt it down for RU's.
its exactly why
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this happens all the time a woman gets involved lol
Noticed this since 2015
>trailer images
what are these trailer images? were there images of imogen with danger hair?
>why were her eyes closed.
Probably because she's visualizing everything in her mind. It's obvious things happened with the story but focusing on her eyes being closed as evidence is schizo especially when the same was the case in the trailer.
this is hysterical, fucking hell
>check around the internet to see what others think
>everyone shits on HW3 almost as hard as 4chan does
>HW fandom practically disowns it
>except for reviewers, who keep giving it good/great rating
ayy lmao
no, i dont think so. sorry :(
im getting the vibe from the HW fandom that many people like the gameplay but almost no one likes the story
Thats basically the consensus.
Gross, who likes the gameplay? It's in all ways a downgrade from the previous games.
It's weird, I've seen alot of (presumably) homeworld 1 vets say they love the return to single unit production and salvaging. I guess the game plays alot closer to HW1. I also have seen alot of people say they really love the new PvE mode. I personally got into hw with Hw2 so I miss subsystems and squadrons but theres alot of people that disagree apparently
i'll add that generally across the board everyone hates the story. the most positive take I've seen on it is that some of the levels are interesting and that's it, so I think these people aren't shills but also aren't completely disowning it. I get the sense that its alot of 40+ gamers who saw a new HW coming and bought it and are finding the good and bad as they play through it somewhat uncritically
does it at least use ballistics/pseudoballistics instead of pure hit chance like some people were suspecting
The gameplay is passable, but it's still the worst out of the Homeworld games.
Maybe some people will like the faster pace, but there's generally less tactics to the gameplay.
>no subsystems
>no ballistics
mfw we will never get a proper expanse mod
why dont the giant ladies just swat the enemy space ship fleets with their giant hands
it uses ballistics, I will say that the story sucks and skirmish mode feels awful, but the visuals and sound are incredible. it's a shame the rest doesn't live up to it but it's probably a standard case of wait one year and the game is good like every RTS released nowadays. There's even talk of a directors cut of the campaign lol
totally agree - they need to slow everything down. I understand the lack of squadrons but I completely disagree with it - managing different squads of interceptors or bombers is basically impossible now
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lol, lmao even.
>game releases
>immediately talk about a director's cut of the campaign
its so stupid that it goes from being unbelievable back to being believable
>There's even talk of a directors cut of the campaign lol
Are they gonna resurrect Makaan and make him the big bad white guy, who was secretly the one who drove space queen mad?
I don't think this game will survive this month desu
haha no - i'd assume it would just mean the same story with no cgi visuals
I actually feel like Deserts of Kharak was basically a miracle to have existed in this current age considering >>1755848
Homeworld 1: Hand-drawn cutscenes.
Homeworld 2: Hand-drawn cutscenes.
Deserts of Kharak: Hand-drawn cutscenes.
Homeworld 3: CG animated by fat chicks in california
glad i'm not the only one who sees this. producing individual strikecraft is blatant pandering to HW1 grognards. HW2 made some bad changes but strikecraft squadrons was not one of them.
totally, in fact I've never understood the hw2 hate, squadrons are a natural, smart evolution of gameplay mechanics, I have no clue why so many hw1 fans were glad to see them thrown out with Hw3
>I have no clue why so many hw1 fans were glad to see them thrown out with Hw3
bullshit, you know why. new thing bad, old thing good. it's grognards, pure and simple.
>build as many frigates as you can to win
>don't build strikecraft because they die
many such cases in the RTS community
Really glad this curator exists
>I am Bolo Santosi of Hiigara!
Same as it ever was!
>many people like the gameplay
> almost no one likes the story
pretty much everywhere the general consensus is the gameplay is good, the visual and audio is amazing, and the story is fucking awful but since homeworld has always been about the story, the game suffers greatly from it. I know people here will tell you otherwise.
yes, people like the return to HW1 style gameplay even though that was a stupid fucking decision
>the visual and audio is amazing,
Not quite, the ships (and mega-structures) look bland and uninspired, the special effects are good. What is amazing is the lack of lens flares obscuring the screen.
>ponder that
>doesn't elaborate
>flies away backwards
disagree, i love the megastructures, maybe the only positive in this game
gookclickers, always gookclickers.
Imagine needing to be told by a curator to not buy hw3.
Some are ok, like in HW2, having everything being a megastructure is fucking shit.
yeah mega structures are cool HW3 is a game of mega structures and mega women
Part of the appeal of Homeworld 1, mechanically, (especially if you want to compare it to 2) is the greater complexity of everything going on. You've reduced a force that had 40 individual strikecraft to 8 health bars and those 8 have less going on with them when considering all the other changes of 2. I can see why some people prefer an easier way to handle a bunch of strikecraft, but I prefer the fiddly way.
so I headcanon that there's no or very limited aliens in the homeworld galaxy. it's just humans/posthumans/subhumans/demihumans gajillions of years in the future, maybe after a super slow and not united pre-ftl colonisation crawl. the beast could be an example of an actual alien, but maybe it's just an ancient human creation as well.
also only 1 and cataclysm are fully canon, only the broad strokes of DoK and 2 canon, and 3 doesn't exist.
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I mean, at least the black woman is the antagonist, just like real life.
Who did the voice of this trailer? The original Karen of the nu EmoJet?
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>I am forgotten
but she's got regular hair here no?
I think it makes sense. HW1 and Cataclysm are the better duology, but HW2 also does many things right, and I'd rather not have it erased completely. I haven't replayed it since the remaster came out, and I already forgot most of the questionable mystic stuff, but the sound of trinity cannon firing is still firmly embedded in my brain from all the multiplayer and skirmish games, and I think that's the best way to interact with HW2. HW3, on the other hand, is irredeemable.
People are just in the bargaining stage now. They're trying to see conspiracy way back when there was none in order to temper their grief, to rationalize it as the game was always shit. But when that trailer released HW3 was a completely different game. They'll eventually accept that there was no grand conspiracy. That there was a good version of hw3 but due to normal corporate bullshit the team carrying it were let go and the game repurposed into something not recognizable as homeworld.
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It's possible that most of the races in Homeworld are just humans with different cultures, but it's not even clear that humans technically exist in Homeworld's setting. Hiigarans might just look human but originate from Hiigara, and I don't think we actually see any Taiidani clearly in any of the games' cutscenes;
Pic related is concept art from Homeworld 2. Vaygr are a frog-like species that scavange all their tech, and from Cataclysm's cutscenes, I don't think Bentusi are human either.
The beast is definitely not human in origin, since you find out in-game that the Naggarok became infected while inside hyperspace.
I do agree that HW1 and HW:C are great, and HW2 was kind of disappointing, but I wouldn't discard its lore. I never played DoK.
Not only did they make the black woman the antagonist, but they made it so she had to be saved by a white woman named Karen.
HW3 is strictly anti-woke white saviour propaganda.
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>Honestly it's looking pretty good with lots of anti-gookclicking features.
honestly looks like the most disingenuous shill post I've seen in a good while
There's no way it uses ballistics you can see hitscan strikecraft weapons curve towards ships
you can't even move and shoot, ships have to turn around and face their target. So in the homeworld 3 universe, that is the one that somehow regressed technologically despite ruling giant swaths of the galaxy, these retarded turrets make sense.
that makes perfect sense not all guns are turrets and it being covered means it wont get shot off as easy
Someone told me it's still better than HW3.
Yeah this shit pisses me off. My favorite part of homeworld was watching ships fire while retreating like ion cannon frigates do.
opinion of mentally ill troon, your suicide cant come soon enough
begone gookclicker
You Will Never Be A Korean
I think that by the time Homeworld 2 takes place most Hiigarans are ethnically Taiidani or mixed since its unlikely that most of them are solely descended from the 600.000 or so Kushan from the mothership.
be silent gookclicker
did jannitor delete my post while leaving mentally ill spammer? Honestly not even surprised faggot janny is a dilating gsg schizoid, explains a lot about quality of this board.
a white girl and her pet nigger go on adventures, it's just like netflix
I feel like all this racism is detracting away from the story being shit.
People; if all the characters in Homeworld 3 had been white and male it would still be a shitty story.
Yes. That was what some of the moderation team of their discord was saying, that criticism is sexism.
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and yet the story is shitty and filled with niggers precisely because the writer is a faggot troon so your gay deflection is moot
the original games never needed to focus visually on what few individual characters it had because the scale of the story (mostly) surpassed that
Wouldn't be written this way if it were white men.
It could have been just as bad no matter who wrote it. I wish it didn't end up the shitty way it did.
can't get away with that in the current year, have to put ugly brown people front and center
i think main problem is unqualified people getting important jobs purely based on gender/racial quotas. I dont think anyone would be complaining its written by a woman if game was good.
agreed i guess, while I do love the megastructures, having some maps without them would be cool
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I think the ship designs are better at least.
The two on the right both bottom and top look like they're inspired by HW1, based.
Any word on modding yet? megaliths turned out to be mostly dogshit concept involving occupying the mapspace with conceptually dogshit megalith ideas. if megaliths are a problem for the game design itself then we just need cool megaliths that are out of the way and i really just wanted that hw2 style.
>pretty much everywhere the general consensus is the gameplay is good
You gotta stop hanging around your own farts
Maybe you're just hotboxing your own shitty opinions

As far as people are actually discussing the game, is not only a consensus but the objective truth that it's a shallow DoW3 piece of shit and there's nothing to be done but to sit and spam a build button with whatever is available
>the original games never needed to focus visually on what few individual characters
Looks didn't matter, people are normally shocked when they discover the Turanic are aquatic-squid-people.
Yup, gameplay sucks.
The artist made a couple of ships for the Taiidan Republic mod
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I'm still sad that they abandoned the mod, especially since it was so close to being finished too. Shame we'll never get to see their take on the battlecruiser, the prototype looked neat.
>ai trailer voice
>looks like shit
no thanks
how many homoworld clones are there
you cant trust rts discussion especially on here because its infested with gookclickers that hate bomb anything thats not starcraft.

If you enjoy an rts, seek out others who enjoy it and ignore the people that can only criticise.
there was no need to be rude to me, im just reporting what I've been reading on the HW forums, subreddit, and discord. You have to remember there is a significant amount of players that are like 45+ w/ kids and are just enjoying the game
HW3 is a gookclicker
>Ignore the people that can only criticise.
You're an idiot if you think homeworld 3 gameplay is good compared to homeworld 1.
You are the idiot
>I feel like all this racism is detracting
No it's not.
>there is a significant amount of players that are like 45+ w/ kids and are just enjoying the game
They all deserve death. Their debased standards are ruining it for the rest of us
Homeworld 3 added gookclicker mechanics you buffoon. It's one of the many reasons why people are saying it's gameplay is inferior
gookclick is not abilities, gookclick is continuous issued move orders to micro units without acceleration/turn rate
Devs do it on purpose. By adding women and niggers to their game they can safely disregard all criticism, legitimate or not, as "sexism" and "racism".
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The original had a story so dead simple it was hard to fuck it up, and they (relic) did not. HW2 tried to be more complex but failed largely and the gameplay was frustrating The fandom had practically ages to make up cool shit before HW3 rolled around and practically torpedoed most of the cool shit.
>Their debased standards are ruining it for the rest of us
This. "I waited 20 years for this!" Yeah and I waited 20 years for games that got ruined too, it doesn't mean I'm going to defend trash.
Yup and that's what you'll get banned for if you try talking on any official channels.
anti-gookclicker civil war now
The story is so trash even that isn't enough, steam rating is at 43% positive and still slowly dropping. What's unusual for a big release is that it's not just standard
>waaah the game doesn't run on my piece of junk
that will get ironed out into a positive rating later, everyone keeps saying that this isn't Homeworld and story is trash.
I'm willing to bet the reception wouldn't be so unanimously negative if they at least kept the painted scenes, that's probably the biggest problem with presentation and discount marvel CGI shit completely kills any mood.
wait the taidan and the turanic raiders are different entities? on different sides of the galaxy, not even part of the same empire?
and the vaygr aren't related to either of them?
>and the vaygr aren't related to either of them?
Vaygr were duct-taped on top of the series so people playing HW2 as their first one don't feel confused, they don't really make much sense anyway.
>so people playing HW2 as their first one don't feel confused
That's weird
>the taidan and the turanic raiders are different entities?
>different sides of the galaxy
>the vaygr aren't related to either of them?
hw2 intro says the taiidan remnants joined the vaygr in the aftermath of kushan return and victory, united under makaan. Vaygr are nomadic space muslim tribes, sort of like travelling jihad. Taiidan were essentially the star wars empire. Turanic raiders are sunnis, Vaygr are shias
>read through reviews
>the majority of negatives a petty issues like
>I couldn't find "modern camera checkbox" and controls are shit
>big ships are actually dangerous and universal
>I didn't like the story
>be BBI marketing team
>think of a blatant lie to post in the hw3 thread
>post it
meh. Black is white my dude
yeah ultimately just pirate the game if you want to be sure if you like it or not
definitely DO NOT buy the game based on reviews, especially if your reasoning is negative "i DON'T see anything too serious in the review"
even sc2 units have acceleration and turn rates you brain dead nigger, in EVERY rts time is a factor, its literally in the name of the genre Real Time Strategy, if you are decrepit retard with no motor skills stick to turn based games and stop shitting up every rts thread. Honestly no idea why i even bother, probably should add gookclick to filter list its 100% written by obsessed tranny with severe mental illness and theres nothing to gain arguing with schizos.
>the hiigarans not only conquered but actually administer an empire that size with only 5 generations worth of population increase from the original 650,000 survivors
Why are sci-fi creators so bad at math and logistics? Even a ridiculous 10 children per couple would only result in about 2 billion people which is not enough to govern a galactic scale nation.
i'm 41 and i think HW3 is hot garbage
let's be real, maybe 1% of the planets in the homeworld universe total are habitable. "Owning" is putting a space station with hyperspace gates and a crew of 100 on it nearby
That's the only logical explanation for wiping the board clean and having almost no references to past games, sans for hiigara, banana ship and the short bentusi cameos.
That would still be about 10,000,000 terrestrial like habitable planets for the galaxy this was based on (let's not even mention other sites that would need to be managed like asteroid mining operations 'n shit).
I don't really know anything about anything, but if HW1 campaign is anything to go by, the Taiidan held a bunch of outposts with a handful of outposts and majority automated defenses and alarms to alert nearby fleets. And the Taiidan were supposed to be a very powerful entity in HW1
then in HW2 you defend Hiigara in the last mission, I'm pretty sure you start the mission at 20 billion population. So that's 20 billion on Hiigara alone.
Maybe Hiigarans just haven't put everyone in gas chambers and integrated them instead, have you thought about that? How are 650000 people supposed to gas 20 billion on one planet alone? The math doesn't add up, rabbi
handful of garrison ships* fuck I'm tired
A lore video I watched said that Kushan granted the Taiidani who couldn't emigrate off Hiigara automatic citizenship, so its likely that most of the Hiigarian empire by the time HW2 takes place is ethnically Taiidani or mixed. I think the homeworld mobile game talks about the Kithless which these people would form the bulk of, though I assume a lot of them also joined the various Kiths as well.
>20 billion population
It's 180 million actually, a much more reasonable, though still a large number when compared to the original 650k. So I'd say that if we assume that not all Taiidani were deported at the end of HW1, the number can make sense for Hiigara alone, but we don't have enough information about what the rest of Hiigaran territory is like. I don't think any other colonies, if they even exist, are mentioned by name in games. It sometimes feels like it's literally just Hiigara and some ouposts in deep space, which on it's own would absolutely make sense, but doesn't really match up with the "galactic power" descriptions. HW2 really does suffer from a lack of loredump in the manual, so many questionable things could have easily been elaborated there without overcomplicating the in-game story, instead it just ends up being confusing.
>population explosion
How much time has passed between 1 and 2? It's more likely that the Taiidan people living in Hiigara got integrated, then there's also the Galactic Council bullshit that probably reinstated the pre-exile territory boundaries back to the Hiigarans.
At 180,000,000 people and a more feasible (though still high) 5 children per couple, the hiigara would be about one third of the Capital's population, which seems reasonable enough for an elite group governing a massive pre-established empire (like the Greeks with the Achaemenid empire). Though I imagine the ethnic strife won't be pretty (and might have been a better source for a story than whatever HW3 is about).
The hiigara divide themselves by clans and discriminate against the clanless, add to that the first three generations would have direct historical contact with the mega genocide committed against Kharak (if humans in Homeworld have about the same life expectancy of real life humans) and the end result would be a pretty low integration rate.
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33 and I agree.
>This map represents the state of the galaxy following the second homeworld war (the dust wars).
>Attempts to combine the aspects of Homeworld 2 concept maps, canonical maps, and fan speculation on the part of Michael Ptak.
This is just well-presented fanfic.
My 2nd attempt at Homeworld 1(remastered + community patch) and im again getting filtered by the 3d space clunky controls, i cant get over the fact how annoying its to add newly produced units to the already existing control groups, 7th campaign mission and im considering quitting it
Are you using "group number" then "control" select units you want to add (if they are all the same type you can alternatively just "control" double click) then "control" + "group number"?
See >>1760439
There's no reasonable explanation for why the Hiigaran population grew fast enough to support an Empire of such size. The only possible explanation is the Galactic Council has re-established old territories and enforces borders on their behalf. But let I remind me you that the Hiigarans lost that territory because they started a started a series of wars, tried to wipeout two homeworlds (I'm counting Bentus), failed, and got their ass kicked to the far rim. The Galactic council would be pretty reluctant to reestablish territories, especially considering that for the last 3000 cycles they have been home to people who are distinctly NOT Hiigaran.

HW1: Had the Hiigarans reclaim their birthright and (with the aid of the Taiidan Rebellion) secure their rights and recognition as a people across the galaxy, that's all we needed.

HWC: Had the Taiidan Empire fractured between the Imperialists and the Republic (formerly Rebellion) in the wake of HW1. HWC concluded with the Hiigarans finding an ally in the Taiidan Republic.

HW2: SHOULD have used the Imperialists instead of the Vagyr, as originally pitched. With the Imperialists launching a war of retribution attacking both the Hiigarans and Republic the two are forced to form deeper ties to survive. A story that concludes with the Taiidan Republic and Hiigarans moving past their old grudges and merging in to one polity, re-establishing old territories and forming a new empire together. - Ironically you can do this while keeping most of the HW2 story intact.

THAT's how you establish an Empire!
the problem is theres often a lot of junk flying around my base like resource collectors, lab ship etc so i find it hard to single out that one interceptor which just got built, also fact you slide camera with arrow keys not WSAD is suboptimal (screen edge scrolling feels like shit), i thought about rebinding it but all WSAD keys are being used by game and i cba to figure another control scheme, btw is there option to shift queue commands like in modern RTS? i just played mission where i had to destroy asteroids for 5minutes straight and it was such a chore to target them one by one waiting for first to be destroyed.
As for HW3, you want to keep the Queen shit fine! Karan's gone! Hyperspace is down! The beast are back! While the bulk of the new empire are holding back the beast your excursion is to push inwards towards the anomaly. Upon finally reaching it you discover Karan has become the Beast-Qween and is providing a voice of darkest reason. The anomaly is originating from a hearto-unknown civilized planet that has only been partially consumed by the beast. We know little about them, only that they appear to be taking their first step among the stars, the anomaly that originates here is buried deep beneath the desert where you cannot reach it. Beast-Karan provided the voice of reason to use this fledgling civilization as a living shield knowing full well the plight of the people coming to stop her. The Beast has time, it has existed for a millenniums and the flicker lives of those who it consumes will forget about the threat in the time it takes to travel between the stars. Unresisted, the galaxy is lost.

From here you have two potential endings:
1 - You're forced to destroy your old mothership and deploy a planet killer to save the rest of the galaxy - Morally questionable ending
2 - Beast-Karan uses the last of her 'reason' to deploy a planet killer, collapsing the planet and anomaly and you're forced to defeat what remains of her and your old mothership - Mary Sue ending

It's a bookened... you've defeated your savior and made a planet burn, hate yourself for acting in the greater good.
I think the biggest point of contention is that creators of the series couldn't decide if they want kushans/hiigarans as the good guys, or if they want something deeper with shades of grey as shown in the pre-exile lore. Then HW2 came along and firmly established Hiigarans as the generic space united alliance federation good guys and disregarded most of the prior lore, so the population issue is hand waved away.
I would treat HW1/HWC and HW2/HW3 as separate canons, like how GTA split on GTA IV starting a new narrative line.
press W for waypoints mode
>i cant get over the fact how annoying its to add newly produced units to the already existing control groups
you literally press shift+number, then ctrl+number
This is what I do and it works really well. These are also the same hotkeys in numerous RTS.
>I would treat HW1/HWC and HW2/HW3 as separate canons
I already do, I consider HW2 semi-canonical fannon.
It's not unfixable though, there's a big jump in time between C and 2 so they can still pull something similar to >>1760501 and establish the new Empire in a meaningful way but it does mean rectifying the lore established in HW2/3.
This deserved more than one (you).
Thanks anon! I was really sleep deprived when I made that post but I remember laughing hysterically. It's insane to me that NLIPS are on by default.
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I should probably move the image to the bottom.
i would leave it on the screen longer then fade it out
I'm fixing it. <3
Almost perfect.
Just need to align the overlays for Off/On and if I was you I'd leave it "Off" for a few moments longer and have it toggle the moment she opens her eyes. Dramatic timing and all...
Aligning this is going to suck. Maybe I should take new screenshots of the NLIPS option.
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While you were doing that I made a shitty gif version... seemed appropriate.
Tweaked the dialog at the end if you want to carry it across.
Haha thanks. I can't be bothered right now, maybe later but I find it really hard to care about HW3. Gosh this game is a fucking mess.
Don't worry, you've done an awesome job. If you make this any better you'll put the girls at BBI to shame.
kek good shit
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Stolen from /v/, you need to know the WEG meme
Hahahhahaa that's horrible, thanks.
>women in space
Ok, it's shit
What annoyed me was with Imogen they actually set up a decent idea of conflict with the whole "what happens when i link myself to a whole fleet and starship?" but then drop it basically by the next cut scene.
Why the fuck are they so shocked at that pirate carrier hyperspacing into an astroid? in DoK there was a whole ass fleet that hyperspaced into karrack below the sands that just carved little boxes for themselves
why the fuck can i not hyperspace? why do i only have like 3 types of ships? So much stuff got removed for seemingly no reason. I feel like going from Supcom FA to Supcom 2.
its not salvageable, is it?
i actually find it kinda neat that hyperspace travel works by swiping "boxes" of space between places.
wait for falling frontier
(and hope it's not dogshit [lol])
I mean
When something has been in "development" for so long and ends up like this i mean like what else could be done to it? ITs badly designed from the ground up.

And you know how these things work. If they had at least good sales maybe they could keep it up and save face just a little bit, but development cycle is over and it's half baked. The core gameplay is really basic to the roots and uninteresting to keep you engaged, at least the War Games.

Skirmish, the only mode that matters in an RTS (don't give a fuck if you play against people or AI) is the least developed. That means the game isn't even thought out and what does what and what should be the core experience. It would need another year of full throttle dev time with the director (fired) and people that made the og HWs (fired too) and really passionate people that are incentivized to keep with Gearbox bullshit and poor sales (not gonna happen)

As much as I want to be optimistic, i've seen, you've seen this so many times that you know the answer. It's the ol' pump and dump, the ol'chicken go, the ol' salvage and hyperspace the fuck out.
I don't think so, no. Jewbox is more interested in milking the wargames mode than fixing the core gameplay, and modding will probably be a pain in the ass because of Denuvo. Even if it wasn't, a lot of the missing or broken mechanics would probably be impossible to fix with just a mod, and the story, even if people managed to redraw all cutscenes in the original style, still would be garbage. The best outcome we can hope for is people porting the factions and maps into HWR, then it might actually become playable.
>The best outcome we can hope for is people porting the factions and maps into HWR, then it might actually become playable.
the best outcome we can hope for is this game gets shutdown and erased from history forever, its shitty designs and themes and campaign included. New game. Back to drawing board. And don't make your fucking homeworld game about these gay ass stupid mega sheets of metal obstructing camera in space for no goddamn reason at all except some old ass faked tech demo trailer
>unreliable narrator
what nlips even mean?
None-Linear Inverse Proportional Scaling

Translated in to common. As you move the camera away the 'speed' at which objects get smaller varies depending on the size of the object. Smaller objects shrink at a lower rate.

N***** Lips
I think ships are shown bigger than they are, right?
Or this.
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who would win?
This webm is the best thing to come out of this game
That's a gif anon!
Apparently bugs and odd gameplay can happen if you have NLIPS off in HW3. The devs are actually incompetent.
NLIPS should be purely visual how is this even possible.
Because it's not purely visual, it scales the models for quite a few other calculations. Including combat calculations.
>vayyav has two sets of missile launchers
>rgyygr has a motherfucking twin-linked trinity cannon and two hangars
In a one-on-one scenario, I think anything that ends up in the front cone of the Rgyygr will end up being vaporized almost immediately. Vayyav can only win this by outmaneuvering the Rgyygr.
I like how they almost look like Hiigaran battlecruisers now due to the symmetry and the general shape.
>Vayyav can only win this by outmaneuvering the Rgyygr
kek you wish, unfortunately Rgyygr has bigger engines.
But NLIPS is dynamic. Does this mean you can affect fights just by watching them at different distances? Hilarious if true.
Yes. It's not exactly a game-changer though.
I guess it would look silly if a round hit an NLIPS inflated ship and it missed the real sized hitbox and passed through.
You got it. Inversely, with NLIPS off, fighters are tiny and it's possible for round to pass through ships if the frame-time is off. With NLIPS on these ships are larger which provides a greater margin of error.
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>trusting the developers of COMPLEX to make a game
No thanks.
As helpfull as:
>trusting the "true fans of Homeworld" to make a game
>look it my son, this is what envy looks like
No thank, I gonna go doing sexual intercourse with the dog,like a good anti-corpo, field living cunt, with shitty internet conection like I am.
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Is this how a scholar writes?
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>Hiigarans just starting shit with everyone
why they're the protagonist faction again?
>looks like you're in the barrel today
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Imogen's dick-slip just ruined his plans for the night.
Of course, PhD stands for Professional horseshit Distributor after all.
it is how someone writes who has contempt for the intelligence of their audience

on the other hand is it just me, or are all ships besides frigates worthless?

fighters and vettes just die too fast, and the dps of bcs and destroyers is just pathetic.
In HW2, when bcs showed up, it was dick swingin time.
And also in previous Homeworlds, large ships could hyperspace, so you didn't have to die waiting for the big ships to arrive on the scene.
it's an english major (fake degree) taught that every scene needs to have a character arc, and taught that video game writing is bad
>or are all ships besides frigates worthless?
not just you. strikecraft and corvettes die constantly and require a constant production of reinforcement, while frigates pretty much don't die. the destroyers are way too tough. by the time you finish killing the first one, two more have spawned. i'm going to stop playing until they push a balance patch for wargames.
>semi-canonical fannon
What difference does this make?
This sounds like someone forced to write for a character they hate.
it's a bad writer that doesn't know how to tell a story without two characters talking at each other.
They only started that war (with the taiidani alone) after the taiidan used a bunch of political fuckery to get the galactic council to side with them in who gets to keep a bunch of disputed boarder worlds.
>China and the US are in dispute over ownership of an uninhabited island in the Pacific.
>The UN sides with the Chinese
>The US drops nukes on Beijing in response
Does that sound like a rational response to you?

And what's your excuse for them attacking the Bentusi?
they were trying to get some bentussy
>hyperspace core
god this core shit retcon is so stupid. how the fuck were they going to get anywhere without being able to hyperspace. how did literally the entire rest of the galaxy? the largest most convoluted carpool ever?
The first game still did it the best.
The hyperspace core wasn't special; the Hiigarans just weren't allowed to possess such technology so they hid it for their entire journey, along with their guidestone which presumably had a lot more information written on it.
I am guessing that with the guidestone and core they were planning to quickly rebuild their power.
But then their ship crashed on the equator of a desert planet and they had to flee to the poles were the water was, losing it all for like a thousand years.

When the Kharakians rediscover the wreckage the core is like 2000 years old. So no it doesn't work anymore. Instead they reverse engineer it and while they don't fully understand it, they manage to build a working copy.
Their planet is low habitability and getting worse and is poor in resources, so they only got enough resources for once chance.
So they build just the one core and construct a giant mothership around it. They give it the ability to process space resources so it won't need to rely on Kharak, lots of labs and engineering facilities to be able to solve problems in-situ, and finally ship building facilities to protect itself.

It was all practical, logical, sensible. And that also showed in their ship designs which were utilitarian and practical. There wasn't a need for prophecy or mysticism. You got plenty of magic just from travelling through space and seeing its wonders.
Yeah Homeworld 3 has shit tier Mary Sue level writing but really the series already dropped the ball with Homeworld 2. Except there the Mary Sue were the magical hyperspace cores; not the author's self-insert.
The only other game that managed to properly insert itself into the original Homeworld universe was Cataclysm.
Yes. Fuck China.
>giantess cutscenes
What capeshit movie are those from?

>Vaygr are a frog-like species
There's an image of Makaan, the Vaygr leader. He's a human dude.
>Now that the dust has begun to settle
>We have already started work on our first new Skirmish map without large terrain — just open space.
work? doesn't this require literally no work?
That bothered me and there's some other sentences that are awful. Also, it feels like they're missing the point about the combat complaints.
shush my sweet anon
first they have to max a super complex map and then remove everything
>first they have to max a super complex map and then remove everything
>Debug map contains a copy of every megastructure
>Have to remove each megastructure one polygon at a time
This is what I expect is happening.
>Have to remove each megastructure one polygon at a time
I know this is a joke but that's trivial in a 3D modeling program. Also, the game is UE4 so they could probably edit a different map and just wipe out the megastructures pretty easily. Removing meshes shouldn't be hard, I wonder what they're doing because such a change shouldn't take long.
>I wonder what they're doing because such a change shouldn't take long.
(Re-) hiring a programmer...
This but with the Queen telling Imogen "ure a faget"
The two idioms are exactly identical if you think about it.
Having just finished HW3 I can honestly say this...
I wish the Beast had consumed the galaxy.
You poor man.
You should replay Cataclysm to feel better.
lmao. They could literally take campaign maps and remove the megalith shit and mission triggers, and be done with it. But now that they're down to skeleton crew, this too becomes titanic effort. It's absolutely disgusting how blatant the pump and dump scheme was with this game.
Yeah, it's funny because Unreal Engine is very easy to prototype things in and just learn in general. Didn't HW Remastered also pump and dump? I know a lot of stuff wasn't fixed like health of ships etc.
game is dead, now it’s just dick around until the season pass is over, doing the easy stuff they should’ve done already so the IP rests in less of an embarrassing state
>now it’s just dick around until the season pass is over
Probably, I'm sure the dev team is full of people that hate their job.
The "three magic cores" shit never made sense to me either. Like, how would it even work or allow hyperspace travel? All of your distant fleets and carrier groups can use hyperspace just because your empire happens to be the current "owner" of a core? And how would NO ONE notice that an empire in exile happened to take one of the three most important objects in the galaxy with them?
based anon
>>The US drops nukes on Beijing in response
>Does that sound like a rational response to you?
Anyone into wargaymes mode?
>I'm sure the dev team is full of people
well you're wrong
>The "three magic cores" shit never made sense to me either. Like, how would it even work or allow hyperspace travel? All of your distant fleets and carrier groups can use hyperspace just because your empire happens to be the current "owner" of a core?
The Bentusi discovered the first hyperspace core then created an alternative version that restricted the user to "short" jumps to sell to others. Thereby securing their supremacy as space traders. It left the galaxy with a choice - Buy Bentusi or wait six months (and hope the delivery guy doesn't get taken out by a 'random *Turanic Raider* attack') - THIS IS ACTUAL LORE!

The Vaygyr never reverse engineered their core because it gave them a tactical supremacy they didn't want to lose.
As for the Hiigarans, in HW1 they had to pull all their resources just to make it work so they didn't get chance. In HW2 it's just BS.

It should also be noted that the only people the Bentusi have ever gone to war with was the Hiigarans - and that was only after they revealed they had a hyperspace core that could make "long" jumps. Yes, the Hiigarans were the aggressors but the Bentusi didn't stop until they ship with the long-jump core was destroyed... coincidence...

>And how would NO ONE notice that an empire in exile happened to take one of the three most important objects in the galaxy with them?
Because the Hiigarans were led by a s'jet who said it was destroyed. Nobody challenged her because they were scared of being cancelled.
>Buy Bentusi or wait six months (and hope the delivery guy doesn't get taken out by a 'random *Turanic Raider* attack') - THIS IS ACTUAL LORE!
I thought you were trolling, then I read the wiki.
>bentusi are space amazon
The kushan were right. Death to the bentusi and their enablers.
>Homeworld 3
>Franchise status: Killed
Another job well done.
Not saying that there's no future for spin-offs or sequels, but that the main canon is fucked beyond repair.
As an extra nail into the coffin, lets remember who's the IP holder is.
Have to gave meetings to choose the color for the background nebula. So far pink and blue are in the lead.
I don't think devs these days can emotionally deal with a game level that isn't full of clutter.
>lets remember who's the IP holder is.
It's not the graveyard of what used to be Relic, right?
Gearbox. <3
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This was an interesting find by Mandalore from the game's digital manual. Now I'm going to always think of what we could've gotten without Gearbox's corporate meddling and politicking
>how the fuck do these people have these careers
>seriously why are they consistently hired into these positions over far more talented and appropriate writers who would kill to get to have their stories put to an epic game
It's almost like status and networking matter more than being good at your job, for everything in life, and even if it makes the company fail, no-one cares.
I'd say half of the fault lies with them, but the other half fully lies with publishers and/or developers.
Because some guy in a suit that doesn't know games nor writing is looking to save money.
They need a story for their new game, but he doesn't want to spend money a full writing staff, let alone actual talented writers.

So he feels around to see if someone else can do their writing for cheap, and then these two find each other.
They spin a tale to the guy on how they'll give the game all the writing it needs. They'll do it for cheap, fast, and they'll guarantee that their writing will satisfy all of the focus groups. So many focus groups.
All of the marketing people, focus groups, financial guys, test groups you name it will be satisfied and we'll do it under budget.

And then the suit who, again, doesn't know shit about game development, writing or even creativity and is only there to make all of the money happily signs them on without a second thought.

It's happening in games, movies, television, everywhere.
Also gaming has always been the bottom of the barrel when it came to talent especially writing. There are exceptions of course but on average a lot of people working in the gaming industry are people who failed to move on to greener pastures.
You'd think hiring a good, if expensive, writing team would make more money than writing shit the fans will hate.

>their writing will satisfy all of the focus groups. So many focus groups.
Fans of the original Homeworld were not represented, apparently.

What greener pastures are there? Can't be comic books or Hollywood, those industries are also plagued.
Gearbox bought the IP when a publisher was being liquidated. I think it was THQ? I'm unsure.
Storylines also have to be simplistic because suits want it to appeal to everyone.
That's right. THQ got it in 2007 from Sierra when they shut down. Gearbox has had it since 2012.
The suits just want to make money.
The people they hired are the ones that promised they could write a story that would reach the most demograpics.
A story that wouldn't offend anyone, that would represent the largest groups of potential customers, and that no game journalist would report negatively upon.
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>clever girl
>The people they hired are the ones that promised they could write a story that would reach the most demograpics.
>A story that wouldn't offend anyone, that would represent the largest groups of potential customers, and that no game journalist would report negatively u
Imagine you were a chef and you had to create a dish in this manner, and remember, you have to make it 'woke'. So, you take three slices of gluten-free bread, toast one, cut off the crusts and self-insert and serve it in a silk napkin. Welcome to the land of the toast sandwich: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Toast_sandwich

That's what the "writer" of HW3 did, they made it bland, fucked it and now nobody wants it.
To make it properly woke, however, you'd have to put a chick in it and make it lame and gay.

Wait a minute.
Good point:
The chef who made it is a female 'executive chef' and the server is non-binary.
This analogy is great because it perfectly describes "woke"
There are people that cannot process gluten and require gluten free bread but the gluten free part is used as a fashion statement either for or against by both sides directly harming the people who actually require it.
"Woke" similarly is used as a fashion statement by both sides and co-opts legitimate criticism of existing systems ensuring no change manifests by feeding tribalism.
What sucks about that is that reactionaries then start attacking gluten-free things as 'woke' instead of attacking the people who used it as a fashion statement.
Their eventual total condemnment of everyone eating gluten-free ends up hurting people who actually cannot process gluten.
And that in turn hurts the people who are actually focusing on the correct group, because now they risk getting associated with the folks who attack everyone.

It's happening in this very thread too. You can see posts trying to divert discussion away from the shitty writing and shitty corporate practices that lead to this by instead talking about the villain being black and/or a woman.
As if this garbage fire of a story would have been better if those were reversed.
>fucked it
No matter what you do OP you will never convince me that this is Homeworld 3.
It's also very funny when you consider that the story is literally a white savior tale. But nobody who cares enough to realize that is going to play the game so it just falls back to being some vague feminist girlboss pandering which everyone is aware of.
So even though the story, and game is bad for a multitude of reasons, all criticism just gets written off as misogyny.
>doesn't want to spend money
If you want cheap writers, you either put out an advert or buy an Indian. Like Starfield did with modellers, and most game studios do with their ENTIRE QA departments.
If you have a corrupt middle management, you instead headhunt the exact same few writers everyone else has been hiring in other game studios because they're all chums.

>It's happening in games, movies, television, everywhere.
I just told you. Status and networking matters more than being good at your job. You are born into a class or caste, you get jobs assigned to that caste provided you keep your network alive for it is your safety net.
Writing IS NOT required to be good to sell a product. People WILL eat shit. And the current middle classes are not snobby anymore, they're degenerate. They don't believe in quality, they're all riding on inherited wealth, they just want drugs.
Then why doesn't it appeal to anyone BUT THE FEMOID WRITER?
>Then why doesn't it appeal to anyone BUT THE FEMOID WRITER?
A lot of suits in the media business considers nerds and children to be in the same group. Slap a logo of the thing they recognize on the cover and they'll buy it. Now the next big group to milk is women. Hence why you keep seeing these projects pop up where they take an existing IP and try to make it appeal to women. Ghostbusters (2018) or the Star Wars sequels for example. Results of doing that are usually mixed. Ghostbusters was a hilarious flop while the SW sequels made less money with each new release.
Yeah but women don't like these types of games.
Well that's the problem. Sometimes publishers and devs would change the series genre or core mechanics to dumb it down so chicks and normalfaggots would buy their games.
Yup, and they still don't buy it.
But, but, we made both the hero and the villain women!
And Imogen is both related to the space president and space Jesus, and she's a genius, and she how to copy super advanced hyperspace cores all by herself, and she's a natural leader, and we made her super in touch with her emotions singing lullabies and crying when she loses a unit, and we gave her a badass moment where she literally stands up to the villain.

What more do these damn women gamers want?
>What more do these damn women gamers want?
Tits and arse.
but they still want that high paying office job and must be included
>A lot of suits in the media business considers nerds and children to be in the same group.
I'm actually really interested in the marketing technical side of this. Is this an established practice or something more on the "untold rules" side ?
That is why you adapt an existing property to appeal to women.
Tbf everyone has pretty big tits and ass in this game. Planet sized if anything.
>A lot of suits in the media business considers nerds and children to be in the same group.
I would too if I was a suit and shown twitch streamers.
Money is fake debt notes. The biggest suits know this.
It's not about the money, its about controlling everything that influences you. The goal is that when everything is full of gay niggers you won't question everything in reality being ugly, gay and brown.
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i lost a tray anons
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The only good higger is a dead higger.
Dangerously based
As I understand from friends who took the road out to the west coast to get in the industry - this is a well established practice.

The idea is that there are audiences who will not abandon your product, shift their spending habits or otherwise leave the market to spend their money elsewhere. They're not strictly "captive audiences" since you don't control them, but they're audiences with limited mobility.

Children are a timeless example. Children want toys. Little girls specifically want dolls. Little girls will not suddenly stop wanting dolls just because you made a crap doll. Little girls are a huge market that doesn't move - ironically this means there's a good amount of competition in the little girl's doll market to make a doll as cheaply as possible that will sell for as much as possible because there's always an audience that will buy it.

Gamers have been identified as a group that spend their money in the same way. This isn't even a dunk on the famous "COD Boycott group" image - if you play games, you know yourself that you're always a little curious for the next release, and wouldn't mind just picking up one or two more games this year. If you're here shitposting among the /vst/acticians, you are actually a pretty sophisticated gamer who's pretty deep in the slop. Normal gamers are going to just be checking the sales page (used to be back of the box) for promises that meet their wants, and maybe look up a reviewer's opinion.

It's why every company confidently makes their own 5v5 hero shooter arena battler. They know there are buyers for it. It is literally Hasbro and Mattel jockeying to see who's dolls for little girls will be more popular this year, except it's aimed at the males 20 to 45 demographic.

It's also why people like the Homeworld devs so desperately try to pivot to make their game appealing to women, browns and other focus group they can come up with. They want to try to outwit the market by avoiding a direct competition
Don't worry, you still have enough people to fully staff the entire navy you're about to steal.
>Normal gamers are going to just be checking the sales page (used to be back of the box) for promises that meet their wants, and maybe look up a reviewer's opinion.
Nowadays they watch the review before even looking at the store page.
>They know there are buyers for it.
are these buyers in the room with us right now?
That reminds me, is the 'original' Homeworld that comes with the remastered version the same as CD-rom version Homeworld, or are there differences?

I know that in the remaster there was a bug with the trays where the HP of the trays didn't increase with the difficulty level meaning you were guaranteed to lose some at higher difficulties.
>That reminds me, is the 'original' Homeworld that comes with the remastered version the same as CD-rom version Homeworld, or are there differences?
There are differences. They fucked with classic because they're a bunch of retards.
ostensibly women are the bigger consumer which has lead to the current situation where ALL media is trying to capture women, television is already entirely for women so there's omnipresent male nudity while females stay clothed and they're trying the same thing with video games, so every game needs some garbage feminist story, though vidya probably won't get as bad as tv
Why tank treads if located in a hole stupid ai fuck stupid i h fuck IT FLIES
Why, then, are they forcefully trying to cater a product for an audience that is not interested?
I'm going to use the dolls analogy. Let's say Mattel has a brainfart and decides to start making Matchbox catering to little girls. Little girls are not interested in toy cars. Your actual target audience is not satisfied with the girly toy cars either. You lose both. That's a LOT of $ down the drain.
Damn. And not even GoG has the original anymore.
I'll have to dig through old boxes to find the original CD-ROM and hope it still works.

Do you perchance know what the differences are?
And good. They should pirate it before buying it if it's decent too. Fuck any level of faith for any game, that was true 25 years ago, and it's even more the case today. Problem is dipshits look at reviewers that are compromised to hell.
You're applying your smart gamer brain to this problem by knowing too much about the product. Investors do not look at FPS's, strategy games and simulators and see dolls, toy cars and airplanes. They see "videogames."

There is a blanket assumption by most outsiders that video games are an interchangeable product - you can see this in how things like Adam Sandler's Pixels gets marketed as "an epic videogame themed movie," or how the Tetris docu-drama gets billed at, "an earthshattering adaptation of a classic videogame."

To the people with money, videogames is just a giant box marked dolls that only young men buy, and they have been trying for actual decades now to figure out how to get other consumer demographics interested in the dolls.

Just look Uwe Boll, a man who made millions by heartlessly and shamelessly making "videogame movies" that had nothing to do with videogames in any conceivable way. A large number of producers and executives had to first agree to give him the money to go to work, then approve of the work he was doing, then agree it was acceptable to take it to theater.

This is the reason why Nintendo's autistic desire to hyper-curate it's brand has let it actually deliver real multi-media content that is somehow sensibly tied to it's properties. Their executives understand the difference between video games and movies and comic books, because on some level they have to understand what they are making.
For me this image encapsulates all the screw-ups with the remaster.

For those who don't know:
Mission difficulty is largely dependent on how many ships you finish the previous mission with.
If you scraped all your ships for resources before jumping it makes the game a cake walk.
But THIS mission, mission THREE! If you had a max sized fleet (and a few captured turanic raiders) would break the game. The Taidan forces would spawn with enough assault frigates that they would kill the cryopods before the cut-scene ends.
>If you scraped all your ships for resources before jumping it makes the game a cake walk.
I thought the scaling difficulty also took into account how many RU's you had in the bank?
It does now, it never used to. Although it's poorly weighted so it's still the optimal way.
Recoil from firing.
In the Remaster I believe during the cryotrays mission I had 3-4 or more assault frigates fucking the trays.
Sucking zoofilic boomer cock to much?
>honestly looks like
honestly looks like 99 % of you gaymers boomers should die in a gulag or similar at this point, how bout that?
you're off your sperg meds again lil fella
Say the one who really neds meds at this point...
funny meds joke, right anons?
sure is by not means useless and boring at this point
Not to late to kys
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your meds. Now call your handler, get to your cell and get the fuck out of here.
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So no in point touching this game? I don't have a gay space giantess fetish and from what I've seen, they dumbed down the game-play. Played the original back back in 2000.
i'm playing the classic version though, plus splendor
Are you playing the classic through the remastered version or are you using an original version?
They removed LAN from HW1 Classic, to push for more HW1-2 Remastered multiplayer matches. Fucking cunts.
It's also based off of the obscure 1.6 "Turanic Raider Raid" build of the game instead of the actual release patch of 1.5, so it has errors.
>Finally a game for giant women lovers
Damn. Well I know I have the game in a box somewhere, but it might just be faster to torrent a 1.5 version instead.
I've been wondering why Remastered keeps patching the last several months...
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i'm playing classic buyght on steam with the remastered bundle, using the splendor mod
i'm a bit fuzzy on the details, but it seems pretty exact to the homeworld i played years ago.
then again i feel like i could catch turanic missile corvettes with salvagers, but now i can't, they outrun the salvage corvettes.
>then again i feel like i could catch turanic missile corvettes with salvagers, but now i can't, they outrun the salvage corvettes.
That was always the case. The missile corvette and salvage corvette have the same speed so you need other ships to run interference.
If I remember right the remaster changed how the AI reacts to salvagers.
It's now made that hostile ships will always target salvagers first and will stop anything they're doing to focus on salvagers the second you click 'salvage'.

You can test this out as early as the cryo tray mission. Send in your interceptors against those assault frigates and give them a couple of seconds. Then send in your salvagers. The second you click on those assault frigates they'll retarget to your salvagers.

There is however still a way to do this; by moving your salvagers as close as possible -without- giving the salvaging command. Distract them with other ships and get them as close as possible. They should mostly be ignored then. If you give the salvage command when they're right next to the hostile ship they should be able to capture them before getting get shot down.
>It's now made that hostile ships will always target salvagers first and will stop anything they're doing to focus on salvagers the second you click 'salvage'.
Yup, it's stupid.
It's such a meanspirited change too.
You had people who wanted to salvage and those that didn't.
What was the logic in removing something that made the game fun for some of the players?

Someone thought it was a good idea to put time and work into removing ways people were having fun in a singleplayer game.
Yup, game devs are assholes. That's how all modern games are balanced, even if it ruins the singleplayer experience. Fun and cheese aren't allowed. It's funny too because this is definitely the type of game where people say "okay this run I won't do X or Y"
>It's such a meanspirited change too.
>Someone thought it was a good idea to put time and work into removing ways people were having fun in a singleplayer game.
We at BBI are very proud of the hand-curated product we produced. It is unfortunate that you derive pleasure in a way that runs counter to the wide ranging and diverse opinions of our inclusive team and focus groups who hail from all walks of life, sadly we cannot please everyone. If you feel excluded as a user we would welcome your application for a position on our team, we are always looking for talented individuals to shape our future products and your neurodiversive opinion would be a welcome addition to our family.
I sexually identify as a Kushan salvage corvette.
top kek
you forgot "sands and sinners"
Thank you for explaining all that. It does make a lot of sense.
I hate this so much.
If they'd only said that line twice in the entire game it could have worked.
nah. lol
I don't have a fancy degree in economics or business, but shouldn't common sense dictate that you at least should know the product if you want to make money?
>stuck at 40% and will never go down to mostly negative
cruel world.
Too many retards but also I bet the Fig campaign keys which a ton of people bought aren't counted properly. Maybe they did the campaign intentionally to game the review system.
Marketers get paid better when they present phone games played to past the time as being equal to big games played on a laptop, or PCs, or consoles, or even just handhelds. Because now you got an entire pie chart of "potential buyers" and not the small slice of the pie chart.

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