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What happened with the latest Protectors update? Is it so bad that the thread had to die here as well?
>over four days
>still zero replies
Grim. I remember how these threads used to get over 500 posts.
But this reminds me that I should go back to WB1 campaign. I only finished the two first missions before I had other things on my mind. For hero I went with human ranger. Dunno if that's a good choice.
The only good choice is undead necromancer.
There was an update in the meantime i think and i should get back to it, thank you for reminding me anon!
Since the launch of 0.9 that is
I really hate a lot of the things they did with that update.
I'm thinking about doing a Dwarf campaign in WBC2, what's the best dwarf hero in that game, merchant?
Dwarf Heroes are weirdly difficult to pick. A fast hero will outspeed the entire army, a spellcaster gets no bonuses, Rune Magic is prolly one of the worst spheres.. So yeah, fighter or merchant.
>I remember how these threads used to get over 500 posts
I think the board got a bit faster as well but yeah 4 days without posts is plenty regardless, me personally I didn't come to this board for a bit but i got the itch to play WBC again, gonna do a alchemist run and play gacha with item crafting.
You can play someone that isn't a wizard?
What do you mean anon? Of course you can, classes that dont cast spells are very viable, fighters, assassins and support classes like merchants all strong
Um, no.
Source : my level 6 paladin human heroine got killed in a single lucky strike by the fucking merchant enemy hero.
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>level 6 paladin human heroine got killed in a single lucky strike by the fucking merchant
See there's your problem, a heroine gets directly countered by a rich ugly bastard, think anon
...funny you say that, he was a Dwarf hero, so literally ugly fat bastard.
But yeah, convinced me that sending heroes in melee was a horrible idea.
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The Empire
Elven women and girls
Yep, it's gaming time!
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HUMAN knight lords and mages
Yep its GAMING tiem!
>sending heroes in melee was a horrible idea.
Full on warrior classes can wipe out armies by themselves and assassins can one shot pretty much anything, melee is viable, was it an empire or a knight paladin? Knights make better paladins.
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Pyromancer best class
>decent physical stats for a spellcaster
>high damage spells
>has a mass heal
>has a spell that gives units ranged fire attack with fire-breath helping with leveling buildings with cheap troops
And literaly all downsides can be avoided by microing your hero well, how can other mages even compete.
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This made me realise how WBC is a pretty good template for MTG RTS shenanigans, you could translate a bunch of post mending, and especially post desparking, planeswalkers into heroes. Im now going to make Grist (a swarm defiler).
Build that harem, Empire chad
so which campaign should I play as a newbie to this game in protectors
The last update was years ago
Most people had their fill and moved on.
I picked Runemaster, because it's a Dwarf only class.
Dwarfs in 2 had only 3 classes anyway.
Last update was like 3-4 months ago, anon.
Pick a race and faction you like and then just chose something you find fitting, that's what I'd do, leveling system isnt as complicated as wbc1 and 2 so you cant brick your hero as easily.
Oh wait fuck, campaign, I thought you were asking hero classes for some reason, they have the WBC 1 campaign in there so might as well go for that one.
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>crits your hero
Heh, nothing personnel
How do i cope with the fact that 99%of my hero deaths are my own fault
Don't talk me until I
Burn the forest
Strip the land
Go to the mines
Build more
they should be on 24/7 babysitting duty until they're strong enough to tank comfortably and get away from danger
>in the name of progress
wtf dark dwarfs are lgbptq+
I would say the best heroes are
>Human Pyromancer in WBC1
>Demon Pyromancer in WBC2
>Minotaur Healer in WBC3
You combine powerful combat stats with super mana effecient healing spells.
Way better than the actual Paladin classes.
These buckos always scared me when I was younger. Lost a few heroes to them on no build missions and then got jumpscared by the screaming dude that pops when you lose
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whoa, I thought I was the only person that knew about Lord Bane.

when was there a warlords renaissance?
Lord Bane was also in the puzzle game.
You can play without heroes and not care about those fat bastards
their assassination ability in the turn based games was just as bullshit, ignoring all stats and hp
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We're back. I for one, welcome our Zoomer overlords, that will give this game at least some extended lifetime.
sseth just released Warlords Battlecry III review, you fags made a thread few days earlier, coincidence? i think not
It's over...
Lord Bane was the protagonist and antagonist in warlords 3 dlr
Oh shit it happened, hope more people pick up the game cause it's just fun desu
We've had plenty of threads desu, i wonder if he actually is here
Heh, I wanted to come here and post it myself, but I forgot. It amazes me how he manages to make the game sound so exciting, I never tried any of the builds he describes but I'm 99% sure that none of them are worth doing compared to just standard vanilla army, time-wise.
I played the game over a decade ago and I still remember the evil/brute voice, and the exact intonation of "Move out!".
Daemonic Male voice >>> all
>taking back drak-dum from gnolls
dwarf campaign was brutal

also, in army setup on skirmish type maps
>Assassins unit
>1 strength, 1 hits, 5 turns to make, 18 movement
>5 Assassin skill
>Gnoll cavalry units
>5 strength, 2 hits, 3 turns to make, 24 movement
>4 Assassin skill

At least it was just 1 time per combat
negated by warding and opposing assassin skill, but that's less common.
Based sseth playing the game for fun with ridiculously builds, he gets it.
He has been showing glimpses of the game in a few of his videos now, I pretty much expected it desu
Where did Protectors touch you? As I see not even Sseth can give this game some new life
If I wanted some AoE knockoff I would play the AoE. Also great work making almost every item fucking useless.
Hey people will play it for the campaign nobody expects a huge boom, desu our threads are comfy, i don't mind it this is good
Anybody here tried that swarmlord megumin build?
the MPfag autism is unfun anyway, who wants to get assassinated out the ass by some minmaxxed gay twink night elf? The point of the game is to get OP and bully the computer
I bought this game on GOG yars ago but have yet to play it.
I can't stop thinking about Battlecry III ever since sseth's review. It reminds me of how I last played it over 10 years ago.
just pick it up again, it's as good as ever. You're not obliged to put a million hours into another campaign
How many of the 10 Polish men who still play this game post here?
They're making a Heroes of might and magic tabletop game. Ubisoft is heavily targeting poland currently.
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I play it yet I'm not Polish
>I'm not Polish
My condolences...
Reminds me of when some Polish autist tried translating the whole wiki into Polish one page at a time before they reverted it back to English. kek.
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>Fey Merchant
>spam leprechauns for infinite gold
>research lore 9
>flood the map with cheap 100 xp garbage
Yep, it's gamer time.
>top of the morning to ya
sounds like a broken game

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