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What happened with the latest Protectors update? Is it so bad that the thread had to die here as well?
>over four days
>still zero replies
Grim. I remember how these threads used to get over 500 posts.
But this reminds me that I should go back to WB1 campaign. I only finished the two first missions before I had other things on my mind. For hero I went with human ranger. Dunno if that's a good choice.
The only good choice is undead necromancer.
There was an update in the meantime i think and i should get back to it, thank you for reminding me anon!
Since the launch of 0.9 that is
I really hate a lot of the things they did with that update.
I'm thinking about doing a Dwarf campaign in WBC2, what's the best dwarf hero in that game, merchant?
Dwarf Heroes are weirdly difficult to pick. A fast hero will outspeed the entire army, a spellcaster gets no bonuses, Rune Magic is prolly one of the worst spheres.. So yeah, fighter or merchant.
>I remember how these threads used to get over 500 posts
I think the board got a bit faster as well but yeah 4 days without posts is plenty regardless, me personally I didn't come to this board for a bit but i got the itch to play WBC again, gonna do a alchemist run and play gacha with item crafting.
You can play someone that isn't a wizard?
What do you mean anon? Of course you can, classes that dont cast spells are very viable, fighters, assassins and support classes like merchants all strong
Um, no.
Source : my level 6 paladin human heroine got killed in a single lucky strike by the fucking merchant enemy hero.
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>level 6 paladin human heroine got killed in a single lucky strike by the fucking merchant
See there's your problem, a heroine gets directly countered by a rich ugly bastard, think anon
...funny you say that, he was a Dwarf hero, so literally ugly fat bastard.
But yeah, convinced me that sending heroes in melee was a horrible idea.
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The Empire
Elven women and girls
Yep, it's gaming time!
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HUMAN knight lords and mages
Yep its GAMING tiem!
>sending heroes in melee was a horrible idea.
Full on warrior classes can wipe out armies by themselves and assassins can one shot pretty much anything, melee is viable, was it an empire or a knight paladin? Knights make better paladins.
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Pyromancer best class
>decent physical stats for a spellcaster
>high damage spells
>has a mass heal
>has a spell that gives units ranged fire attack with fire-breath helping with leveling buildings with cheap troops
And literaly all downsides can be avoided by microing your hero well, how can other mages even compete.
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This made me realise how WBC is a pretty good template for MTG RTS shenanigans, you could translate a bunch of post mending, and especially post desparking, planeswalkers into heroes. Im now going to make Grist (a swarm defiler).
Build that harem, Empire chad
so which campaign should I play as a newbie to this game in protectors
The last update was years ago
Most people had their fill and moved on.
I picked Runemaster, because it's a Dwarf only class.
Dwarfs in 2 had only 3 classes anyway.
Last update was like 3-4 months ago, anon.
Pick a race and faction you like and then just chose something you find fitting, that's what I'd do, leveling system isnt as complicated as wbc1 and 2 so you cant brick your hero as easily.
Oh wait fuck, campaign, I thought you were asking hero classes for some reason, they have the WBC 1 campaign in there so might as well go for that one.
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>crits your hero
Heh, nothing personnel
How do i cope with the fact that 99%of my hero deaths are my own fault
Don't talk me until I
Burn the forest
Strip the land
Go to the mines
Build more
they should be on 24/7 babysitting duty until they're strong enough to tank comfortably and get away from danger
>in the name of progress
wtf dark dwarfs are lgbptq+
I would say the best heroes are
>Human Pyromancer in WBC1
>Demon Pyromancer in WBC2
>Minotaur Healer in WBC3
You combine powerful combat stats with super mana effecient healing spells.
Way better than the actual Paladin classes.
These buckos always scared me when I was younger. Lost a few heroes to them on no build missions and then got jumpscared by the screaming dude that pops when you lose
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whoa, I thought I was the only person that knew about Lord Bane.

when was there a warlords renaissance?
Lord Bane was also in the puzzle game.
You can play without heroes and not care about those fat bastards
their assassination ability in the turn based games was just as bullshit, ignoring all stats and hp
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We're back. I for one, welcome our Zoomer overlords, that will give this game at least some extended lifetime.
sseth just released Warlords Battlecry III review, you fags made a thread few days earlier, coincidence? i think not
It's over...
Lord Bane was the protagonist and antagonist in warlords 3 dlr
Oh shit it happened, hope more people pick up the game cause it's just fun desu
We've had plenty of threads desu, i wonder if he actually is here
Heh, I wanted to come here and post it myself, but I forgot. It amazes me how he manages to make the game sound so exciting, I never tried any of the builds he describes but I'm 99% sure that none of them are worth doing compared to just standard vanilla army, time-wise.
I played the game over a decade ago and I still remember the evil/brute voice, and the exact intonation of "Move out!".
Daemonic Male voice >>> all
>taking back drak-dum from gnolls
dwarf campaign was brutal

also, in army setup on skirmish type maps
>Assassins unit
>1 strength, 1 hits, 5 turns to make, 18 movement
>5 Assassin skill
>Gnoll cavalry units
>5 strength, 2 hits, 3 turns to make, 24 movement
>4 Assassin skill

At least it was just 1 time per combat
negated by warding and opposing assassin skill, but that's less common.
Based sseth playing the game for fun with ridiculously builds, he gets it.
He has been showing glimpses of the game in a few of his videos now, I pretty much expected it desu
Where did Protectors touch you? As I see not even Sseth can give this game some new life
If I wanted some AoE knockoff I would play the AoE. Also great work making almost every item fucking useless.
Hey people will play it for the campaign nobody expects a huge boom, desu our threads are comfy, i don't mind it this is good
Anybody here tried that swarmlord megumin build?
the MPfag autism is unfun anyway, who wants to get assassinated out the ass by some minmaxxed gay twink night elf? The point of the game is to get OP and bully the computer
I bought this game on GOG yars ago but have yet to play it.
I can't stop thinking about Battlecry III ever since sseth's review. It reminds me of how I last played it over 10 years ago.
just pick it up again, it's as good as ever. You're not obliged to put a million hours into another campaign
How many of the 10 Polish men who still play this game post here?
They're making a Heroes of might and magic tabletop game. Ubisoft is heavily targeting poland currently.
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I play it yet I'm not Polish
>I'm not Polish
My condolences...
Reminds me of when some Polish autist tried translating the whole wiki into Polish one page at a time before they reverted it back to English. kek.
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>Fey Merchant
>spam leprechauns for infinite gold
>research lore 9
>flood the map with cheap 100 xp garbage
Yep, it's gamer time.
>top of the morning to ya
sounds like a broken game
It kind of is, but in a fun way if you embrace it. If you want a "balanced" competitive RTS then AoE2 or whatever is obviously a better option than this extremely niche game.
God, what would I give to be Polish...
>be worst Slav instead
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How to quickly level up?
Why shartectors keep crashing in multiplayer so often just want to play it via lan with me senpaitachi
>He fell for the Merchant meme
Campaign missions and quests on maps
do skirmishes with tons of starting points and titans and enemies and allies and just take part in the bloodbath (and win). It will usually net you some decent xp. There are usermade maps filled with trapped enemy thralls and you can just send your hero to chow down on xp
Wait, he get more XP if he kills them directly?
download an xp farming map
yes, as is the case with every unit. You get some xp bonus for winning and surviving, but you need to do some killing if you want more xp
Kinda sucks, all my heroes are not fighters and tend to die instantly.
send your hero at least to destroy enemy buildings when you're done disposing of their armies. Babysit them with a healer unit. This is a game with lots of choices anon get creative
There is no reason to play Warlords Battlecry and Warlords Battlecry 2 except for the campaigns, right?

I played either one or both of them ages ago when they came out as cover games ("free" full games with computer magazines). I can't remember which one was it, but one had a really strange campaign, like you play as Humans and then suddenly you get to choose between the good and evil route, I don't get why you would suddenly start fighting for orcs and dark elves (maybe undead?) because someone died or something. Really weird.
Wbc2 is better than wbc3 because of the levelling system and less faction bloat.
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>Is it so bad that the thread had to die here as well?

I remember installing the update and being excited. Then I was hit by the upkeep system. I am sure it is fair and balanced for multiplayer, but I play single and find the AI got enough tricks to limit me.
While I see the point of other balance choices I feel it subtracted from the experience of WB3 and made it more counter play oriented.

When I finally got upkeep turned off and tried the campaign again I realized it was still unfinished and by that point my excitement had burned out a bit.

I still get in sometimes and play one of the old campaigns, it just feels less WB3 than 0.89
>levelling system
What went wrong?
What's the difference between a necromancer and a lichlord?
Because the hero's daughteru died because of negligence, so he get mad.
Is this the only game where the viewers did not really pick it up after a Sseth video?
No many such cases. The least fun game that I actually paid for on GOG that i picked up because of Sseth was Lords of Magic. Like Age of Wonders + Heroes of Might and Magic, except worse than both of them.
i love jesus christ! jesus is alright with me

>name the civ
Lords of Magic was always a broken mess that just makes me wanna play Shadow Magic again.
I actually bought the CD version of LoM:SE way back in the day, circa 2004, from EB Games (in was on the clearance rack). Never really played much, had no idea about that unicorn bug, until Sseth mentioned it.
I can't really say for most of the games he covers, but I believe that most of the viewers did not pick up Wizardry 8, since all the steam/gog forum posts are still the same 20 Eastern Europeans data mining the game or autistically optimizing builds.
Necros get necromancy and arcane magic, while lichelords get necromancy and poison magic among other things.
That's because Wiz 8 isn't just a meme, it's a genuinely difficult, at times tedious game. And the younger zoomies watching his videos wouldn't like it.
First 2 or 3 hours are difficult and rely on procing debuffs to win against anything stronger than a crab. It gets much easier after that. I'd say it has a pretty good balance overall.
Debuffs remain surprisingly viable longterm. At least until the enemies start having ridiculously high resistances.
New to the game here. Which class should I pick for my Minotaur hero?
Fighter obviously, and then click opposite corner of map
Funny that I actually did this years before Sseth video, was brought to my attention watching a youtube solo fighter let's play
Wouldn't I need to at least baby sit him a bit with other units?
why waste your APM skills on this instead of a more respectable "old strategy game" like AoE2
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Yeah that'd be silly
You can easily fuck shit up if you overlevel early on. You'll encounter juggernauts with a sige support caster, or, if you really went all out, elementals with a geomancer support.
This is why you try to avoid battles like the plague when traveling the roads.
I dont understand
he shilled it
Do you use this for Windowed mode or is there something better?
I've tried using this and can't get the aspect ratio to actually correct itself so I just get a big window with a small game screen inside. Someone on the forums suggested using CNC-ddraw and setting it to fullscreen upscale and UI glitch fix and that's mostly corrected my display issues with alt tabbing but the aspect ratio is still smaller than I'd like. Any body have useful gameplay tips? I picked dark dwarves and tried to skip to the 3rd area after doing the first one and I keep getting jumped by the ssrathi I don't want to piss off and I keep getting fucked by multiple tyranosaurases while I've got a few measly golems and balistta's. Is there any way not to piss off the ssrathi or do I have to fight them early in the campaign?
I wish we got more avatar skins for heroes.
>expert playthrough
>plays Minotaur
>try to find something else, ironman playthrough
>also plays Minotaur (different channel)

The bulls keep winning...
I don't like how Diversity is your greatest strength in Warlords Battlecry III. Did the second game also have alliances like this?
we're so fucking back minotaur bros
So the ironman meta is
>avoid Dark Elves
>please Dark Elves whenever possible
>genuflect and prostrate thyself to the Dark Elves

Also, is there a patch that removes the "anti-cheat" detection? I don't want the game to write into my fucking registry mid game.
You should NOT be allowed to make alliances between good and evil factions. Good and evil can only ally with other good or evil respectively, and neutrals. If a neutral is allied with good, they cannot ally with evil until they break alliance with all goods.
I also like the buildings more.
No alliances, but you can use races after you've defeated/subjugated them.
Dark Elves Assassins do end a lot of runs.
>walk into gate on ironman mode
>ironman mode is over
I like Undead Warriors the most because they suck
How so?
They suck life
Oh, that's the joke.
way too autistic for the simplicity of campaign design. It's a needless hoop for the player to jump through
Can you just play multiplayer with overpowered heroes?
>become ally of Barbarians because I killed 4 of their chieftain
>mission difficulty in mission description goes from "Hard" to "Easy" when I switch from Undead to Barbarins
What did they mean by this
sure, but good luck finding someone to play with. The 10 polish men still playing this game will anally annihilate your overpowered ass anyway in more ways than one
undead are slow and expensive, barbarians are fast and cheap
wish there was some way to speed up the
>and then everyone clapped
before victory
I finally got to the part that reminds me why the Battlecry 3 campaign actually sucks.
>play as Undead or any other evil race hero
>barely any acknowledgement
>you still have to do nice things to proceed the campaign
>people willing to serve apparently even under a fucking Demon like he's just their buddy pal
Those games give extra ressorces to the AI players if you play the same faction too often in the campaign. Play another faction for a few battles and you should see the shown difficulties go down for the Undead.
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>download game
>go barbarian
>dat javelin throw range
>broken ass campaign
>lag because the game doesn't use multithreading to support all the wacky shit added in
But honestly, I got peeved by the barbarian javelin the most. I can't even be bothered to find out what else has been horribly rebalanced.
I played for non Undead for more missions than undead and they're still marked always as the Hardest.
The campaign seems designed for a neutral race, at least from a story perspective.
>people willing to serve apparently even under a fucking Demon like he's just their buddy pal
Yeah It's very funny to play as demon since we against another demon (main antagonist) too
There was no discernable increase in players from War Thunder due to everyone who tried it killing themselves
Except you are playing summoner or necromancer
But that's the best part.
I'd kill myself too if I had to grind for 60 years before getting to the fun part of the game.
So if you want to actually have an evil playthrough possible, is WBC the only option or can you be evil in II too? As we've established, III is for neutral and to a lesser extent good races only
Undead vs demons
Who wins?

Post em
you have to fight through the ambush on the way to the Ssrathi capital far as I can tell, thankfully you don't actually piss off the Ssrathi unless you actually choose a mission against Ssrathi.

in fairness, dark elf assassins have a decent chance of instantly ending your ironman run because they have upgrades to their base rate and they're deployed more often than gnolls and minotaur kings in my experience.
Why didn't they make Plague Lords just another undead faction instead of a hybrid?
Because Lord Bane is the pure undead master of the Dark Horsemen. Lord Antharg was known mostly for using his plagues to mutate creatures at will for his twisted amusement.
My favorite bug is the one where randomly sound stops working (including voices) but not the music.
>people talk so highly about the gate skill for demon summoner
>it is only 2 exp per point
Am I not seeing the big picture or was this nerfed?
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Why make duplicate items, but one costs more?
>get last key for the gate
>game crashes after cutscene
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My cheevos before I start the final mission:
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That was disappointing. Didn't even get the "now go and explore" message.
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So many people wanted to be my friends
Is this the greatest Australian strategy game of all time?
that's Warlords 3 Darklords Rising
So, is the Battlecry 2 campaign more fulfilling than the Battlecry 3 one? I literally don't remember anything from it. I just vaguely recognize the map when I google it.
it's more of a sandbox world conquest than a quest/story driven narrated campaign, but there are a bunch of special missions and scenarios popping up every turn. Shame they didnt implement any diplomacy
We all know which general unit is the best but which one is the worst?
>general unit is the best
big bulls?
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the guy my high elf archmage's wife tells him to not worry about
naga is kinda shit
Of course you can be evil in 2, just pick an evil race.
Who else?
Looks like a strong contender.
Ah once again, the call of the Warlord strikes.
But seriously, why did they make the Dryad hornier than the freaking succubus?
They had UFOs in the past?
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The Warlords strive for the rule of Planet X.
Winner gets to go teach the Egyptians how to make pyramids
What is a good way to farm set items?
Nature requires breeding
>Warlords 5 never ever
>star character
>iron-man mode because leveling is much faster
>die in the middle of the campaign
>restart in iron-man mode because elevating is much faster
skill issue
I am currently playing with a demon summoner and mostly put my points into summoning magic with a gew points demon lord.
Which magic lore would also be good to level in addition?
Pyromancy? Arcane? Both?
Arcane is probably the better pick as it will get you the most benefits for fewer points. If you don't feel like going all in on summoning for whatever reason then feel free to invest as much as you want in pyromancy as it is probably one of, if not the best, school of magic
how good is sage empire wizard army?
What is even considered low and high investment?
Is 20 points still considered low?
How do you as a non fighter win tournament missions?
>he fell for the non-fighter meme
When I tried to play an Empire Sage, I found it kinda pointless as by the time I had any mages I was already winning. So I didn't even really get to test how powerful they are. I guess it just shows how versatile and effective Empire is.
Items, campaign bonuses, spells, luck
Me on the bottom left.
>I guess it just shows how versatile and effective Empire is.
More like the Empire generals are no real win condition.
A worse case like this would be Summoners.
Not only do you need lvl 5 keep but also upgrade your overly expensive summoner tower plus they are expensive and build slow.
They are fine as returnee but nearly impossible to for useful mass production.
It is easier to spam Demons and Salamander.
I saw some multiplayer games that were decided by Summoners because the opposing sides eventually ran out of resources. But maybe the custom patch they use also makes them cheaper and faster to produce.
How the fuck do you guys play WBC3 on modern machines?
>Fartlords Asscry
GOG version + widescreen patch
KEK version + shartscreen smuch
>But maybe the custom patch they use also makes them cheaper and faster to produce.
I am not using the fan patch
>be worst Slav instead
fellow slovakbro???
Based & červenopilulkovaný
>Want to transverse the mountains
>have to make a detour over half the world because my hero can't deal with those fucking hypogriffins
Second most annoying random encounter are the trolls, because they can attack two times in a row
coolest demon unit in wbc2 but takes forever to tech into, and expensive as fuck
Was exp for units a mistake?
It is so difficult to judge the enemy units because of different exp.
it's a UI design problem, not a game design problem
That's pretty much only relevant with the Fey though.
But why?
Have you ever actually encountered any other race troops with enough exp to make them significantly stronger? For me this only ever happened when AI received mercenaries.
What unit is this? I don't remember knife ears using knives, or metal armor
Elven infantry in Warlords 3, this illustration was also used for some upgrades in WBC and mercenaries in WBC3.
>I don't remember knife ears using knives, or metal armor
What the fuck are you talking about, they use them everywhere all the time?
This picture is a CORE MEMORY from Warlords Battlecry for me. It always randomly pops into my mind when I think about strategy game elves.

>nopan barely covered pussy lust provoking image
>but also bald loser elf woman
>Generals who can't attack flyers
Imagine being this cucked

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