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>GTFOs Kaiser fags
>Kills TNO trannies
>Murders Bronies

Literally the only good HOI4 mod
what is the best OWB submod(s)
Enclave one is a given. Darkness Falls is also good pretty fun. I haven't played any others but generally, they're good for nations with generic or out dated focus trees
What does GTFOs mean to you?
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Ave, true to Caesar.
underage esl post
rangeban south america and east europe
These mods you listed not only share a few devs but also collab with each other, but it's funny watching you pretend they are at odds with each other
>mod focusing on the US
hard pass
at this point they could replace you with a bot and nobody would notice
EAW is better.
>get the fuck outs
unsure why someone with a double digit IQ from a third world shithole thinks they can reply to a person from a real country
>”get the fuck outs kaiser fags”
Why are all you South American/Balkanoid niggers such mentally disabled faggots?
Yes, anon. Everyone who replies to you is le sudaca (why do you know brazilian slang in the first place?) or le balkanoid. You couldn't possibly be getting mad at a scenario you yourself invented in your head.
Sudaca is how spanish speaking people refer to south americans. Brazilians would be one of the few that wouldn't use "sudaca" since they are already south americans and speak portuguese.
Faithful and the Salted is a really good expansion for Nevada imo.
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Bone Cohort is good if you like more Legion stuff, a shame they used that pedo Dravis' art though.
>stop noticing us- i mean them infesting your hobbies and destroying them from the inside out! r-rent free! obsessed! schizo! chud! /pol/!
I like that it's set in the Fallout world but it takes so many creative liberties to the point where the mod is just a mishmash of "OC do not steal" countries on top of the cannon stuff from the fallout games. Saying that it's the best or the only good HOI4 mod is a fucking joke.
Honestly, some liberties are fine, and they DO base their thingies in the fallout bible/Van Burren expanded content, they just change a thing there and there.
Dakota/Canada is the land which has more stuff that deviates from it, but I dig the mish mash of commies, pre war ghouls, native americans which survived after migrating north, ZAXs A.Is made occupation which went cuckoo (Canon btw) and a few less interesting fellas here and there.

There is some ups and downs, but people don't give EAW flak for not limiting itself only to canon, then why OWB should? Only the Legion and the NCR have formal governments in the canon after all. Everyone else is harvesting small plots of land or raiding said small plots of land
>Only the Legion and the NCR have formal governments in the canon after all.
This is because Bethesda is fucking retarded and keeps making everything into a rehash of the Capital Wasteland where everyone is mentally stunted and can't into governance or filtering water.
They even did it to California, because there's no way the Fallout showrunners didn't run their ideas about nuking Shady Sands and somehow making the very concept of the NCR disappear in less than 10 years past Bethesda.
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OWB has no countries from Shithesda's games, you moron.
Thank fuck for that. I've never understood why so many peope (or at least a very vocal minority) want East Coast, aka. Bethesda's Fallout faction.
I'll wait for the inevitable Fallout Equestria version.
I think they already did that for an april fools joke years ago.
why would you play that over the original for darkest hour?
I showed this to the creator and he asked me what art, because he has no clue
So when is this mod going to be updated with the actual Fallout canon?
what do I need to know going into this compared to regular HOI4?
>shady sands is actually in the boneyard and there are four surface level accessible vaults the master missed and also some random vault tec exec gets angry about being cucked by a dyke so he nukes shady sands and then the ncr as a concept completely disappears save for a cult and a tiny group of remnants who are glorified raiders
Most 4chan posts are bots.
this is true
I am a bot
Didn't they get shoah'd by the OWB devs for daring to have the Legion have slavery and rape.
It's got a mod. Balefire Blues.
tranny people need tranny mods
FODDchads report in
>I'll wait for the inevitable Fallout Equestria version
Those other three killed themselves. And so did OWB.
There isn't a single good alternate reality mod for HoI4 and there never will be.
is there a Courier 6 path or mod for New Vegas?
well IIRC courier six does exist in the base mod as an agent for New Vegas
Better than Obsidian's neoliberal fanfic.
sister you DID purchase the LGBTQ2ITMZ+= flags for your Fallout 76 C.A.M.P only on the Atomic Shop, right?
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Speaking of trannies
>no ur tha tranniez
Hbomberguy has done irreparable damage to the Fallout community with his legion of trannies, same thing happened to Jerma's fanbase.
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do we REALLY need to do this?
>tranny triangle pride flag in a post-nuclear wasteland
>where culture before the war was stuck in 1950s mode, which wasn't a very favourable time for sodomites and trannies basically didn't exist
>Bone Cohort is good if you like more Legion stuff, a shame they used that pedo Dravis' art though.
I couldn't get into Bone Cohort because almost every single sentence has grammar/spelling errors. Same with the Faithful and the Salted.
It comes with ESLdevs anon.
It's not that bad desu, would take a few mistakes than shitty writing overall
The focus tree artwork for the Sisterhood of Steel was created by a brony.
I've tried doing Maxson Expedition so many times but everything always goes to shit when Lanius declares. No amount of robots or bunkers and outposts will stop him.
New major update for East Coast Rebirth
>best girl two paths
>on one she kills herself
>on another she get killed with 100% guarantee
What did devs mean by this?
>You anti-bethesda types are mentally ill lmao
Did Bethesda not preemptively declare a show where the NCR doesn't collapse due to the Legion war or its own internal issues but because a seething Vault-Tec popsicle executive somehow got his hands on a nuke and blew up Shady Sands to be canon?
No wonder it is so high quality.
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>finally looks like it has enough content to try
>download it
>start up a game as the lyons chapter
>gamebreaking bug in the first two months that prevents me from advancing the focus tree
FODD > any other Fallout mod
>best HoI4 mod
Hardly a high bar to walk over
>gamebreaking bug in the first two months that prevents me from advancing the focus tree
Yeah, it seems the devs also aware of it and they might put up a hotfix to solve it in couple days.
You have to be very aggressive at the start. Take extra equipment in the first decisions. Rush the focus against the scorpions and then Robot City. Use encirclements to win with few casualties.

Then justify against handdogs. If the timing is right, you would attack them when their civil war starts. Take as many provinces as you can then justify on the civil war nation. Or get the CB through focus.

All the while you should be training PA divisions when you can and robot division otherwise. (don't make robots on your own at this point, use robot citiy's) Prioritise the decisions for pacifying Robot city over new divisions. Don't bother with pacifying scorpions as they'll leave on their own and they'll only destroy infrastructure on the way. If you have time also attack Iron Alliance.

For the war with Lanius I found that my divisions performed better when they were on the attack. Don't bother defending, use PA to get encirclements fast.
East Coast is a fucking joke of a submod.

It was barely playtested, the nations aren't that interesting and the focus trees suck ass.

Multiple bugs everywhere and random ass countries with shitty ass trees.

Even the Enclave and Lyons who are supposed to be the main guys didn't have LOC finished or even were tested before releasing it.
is it the latest version?
They released an update previously today.

But for a 'live' release it felt they didn't add jack. I have played the lastest version but why would you ever do that?

You only play as PA nations that can stomp any foe without thinking, the supermutant nation is fine, but the shitly scripted things remain.
It's not quite on par with EaW but it's in the same league, for sure.
something must have happened during all those 80+ years
I think any kind of LGBT movement in Fallout, pre or post War would be virtually unrecognisable compared to our modern pride shit. Putting those flags in was retarded.
Could have made some original design to fit the setting but then I presume the Alphabet People would seethe for some reason.
Is there any relationship between Edward J Rusk of the Texan Brotherhood in this mod and Duke Mack Rusk of the Longhorn Realm in the After the End mod for CK2?
Eat shit Paladins
How fun are the DC settlements if anyone have tried them?
Whenever I play this shit, I just steamroll the map with no difficulty whatsoever.
Kaiserreich at least puts up a good challenge.
play TV Town if you want a challenge then, fag
The OC nations are mostly their because HOI4 doesn’t have doesn’t have colonization in it, so you can only expand by conquering.
>makes up actual lies
>calls other people mentally ill
Straight out of the Bethesda fanboy playbook.
I like a lot of the OC doughnut steel nations, although theres a fair few bad eggs, like heckin wholesome girlboss sisterhood of steel and weeb uguu ^_^ rogue AI nations
group. group. just play the game faggot
that's my main problem with it. I honestly wouldn't mind if they transplanted post-apocalypse factions from other games rather than coming up with their own. It worked out well with the desert rangers, which is just copied wholesale from Wasteland.
It's hard to ignore the fact you've got places like /v/ being psyopped into hating New Vegas and unironically shilling for 3 because of that hbomberguy video essay
I saw an animated clip and now I want to fuck yes-man.
It finally got me to play fallout new vegas.
He's so cute, he's so hot.
Has anyone tried out the Post-war General Oliver mod yet? Curious if its actually got enough content to be worth the struggle
>Caesar bumrushed the 2nd war for the Dam before I could reunite the NCr
>Have a ceasefire with the rest of California, he gets to build up while I'm stuck fighting Caesar
>Caesar won on every other front, tons of vassals
>Just got stabbed in the back by Vegas, barely held it together with large losses

Only options left are to fight eternally or pop a focus to abandon the Mojave to Caesar and try again later after I deal with the rest of California, wut do
try to deal with NCR or reroll and pray the NCR can keep it together a bit longer
If you want to fight I would retreat into the mojave so that you can defend the chokepoints easier. From there you can lure them into encirclements and chip away at their manpower.
Is Pioneer Company any fun? Fucking commies are a pain to deal with.
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actually just got done a Pioneer Company run
yeah Strathcommune is a major bitch pray that they descend into anarchy or enable that they do in the menu
otherwise take everything and spearhead to redmond as soon as the war kicks off
I thought I would tackle the robots first as to have a united front against the commune which turned out to be a big mistake

I did the Pioneer into Enclave run which turn into kind of a letdown if you wanted to be a powerful Canadian Enclave and cooperate with MacArthur
spoilers (if vst even has them):

your options as Enclave is to either fight and absorb MacArthur or actively kneecap yourself and become their bitch, willfully submitting to being puppetted in the process while also making you feel grimy in the process via the story
there is another seperate branch for if MacArthur gets wiped out, most likely by Montana Brotherhood which 9 times out of 10 for me go the "grrrrrl power oh see donut steel" path in which case good luck dealing with them after they get that big, in which case I assume you become the new MacArthur

also even after the swap to Remnants into official Enclave you still don't get Enclave culture so your units and general portraits maintain their previous scrappy wastelander look so you don't really feel very Enclave like until Adanced Power armor which you don't get via focus until very late which by then you should have most of Canada under your belt anyway
is nu-OWB going to handle the chicago enclave well?
>neoliberal fanfic
What does this even mean? Do you even know what these words mean?
I imagine there will be one standard Enclave hardliner path that will kneecap you and tell you that you are a very naughty boy for choosing that path like the Pioneer Company does and one path that features a powerful and brave woman that will dismantle the Enclave to spread liberty and equality to all (while being given 5x the buffs of the Enclave path)
In favour of international megacorporations.
I did a pretty gud job I think. I just turned all units into the 20 width template and took away the anti armor and pretty much put all factories on infantry weapons
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woops forgot to post picture
now you can either aim to go down the left path with Johnson or the right path with the Enclave and get some bad feels unless MacArthur capitulates in which case you are going to be MacArthur 2.0

the middle path is gay and IIRC you don't get OP Enclave tech but I didn't check if any of the buffs or cores/claims make up for that
Its ok. Wish there were more events and story. Feels rather vanilla hoi4 but with Fallout paintjob
lel pretty much. Say what you will about EAW but at least the evil paths feel satisfying and don't try to constantly shit on you for being a bad goy.
Mostly. You can tell someone really wanted to be TNO with Changelings post path to the point where its one of the most despised paths ingame. Everyone loves when your leader immediately becomes incompetent and you have to basically fuckoff your own territory to deal with it.
But then you've got things like slavers who can happily conquer entire lands without moralizing.
OWB usually does a good job with the main central faction of a region especially when said faction has some canon lore. Chicago Enclave will probably be good.
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that's the thing, though
there's over a dozen fun "pure crazy genocide" paths in EaW, there's numerous "rapid conquest brings big issues" paths, there's a gorillion "larp as a powerful nationalistic empire that does everything successfully" paths, there's an equal amount of goody-two-shoes paths of all shapes and sizes, there's cartoon villain commies, there's 1984 commies, there's wholesome 100 chungus commies, there's troubled "this doesn't really work but we're trying our best" commies, many kinds of fascists, illuminati, monarchists, there's ancient evil, there's return to monke (several), there's ascend from monke, there's stay monke and fight for independence, necromancers, magic technowizards, horros from the deep, horrors from the sands, zombie apocalypse, evil magocracies, welsh spartans, yadda yadda yadda
EaW is just massively varied, you can play just about anything you ever wanted and several dozen things you never knew you wanted, both narratively and gameplay-wise
they manage to fit together this huge amount experiences due to being based in magical fairyland and being unburdened by historic precedent, real-world political and humanitarian bias, realism, plausibility, anything that forces mods like kaiserreich and tno and whatever the fuck to turn into opinionated circlejerks where everything is bogged down by pointless arguments like "france is too strong, compared to germany in this path we must tone it down" to the detriment of actually making fun ideas and experiences possible
EaW is THE peak HoI4 mod because it's free to experiment, to throw anything at the wall and leave it there regardless whether it stuck or not, to put effort into passion projects without moderation grinding you down, all the things that more down-to-earth mods will never afford themselves to have
well said, anon
Virgin OWB devs: "nooo we can't depict the enclave as good that would make us look like fascists!"
Chad EAW devsL "Lol lets add enlightened absolute monarchies that actually benefit the people and Polar Bear Hyperboria that develops space flight and portals to other dimensions. "
EaW is THE peak HoI4 mod because those autistic wizards managed to make the game including a mod of that scope run better than even what Paradox themselves could've done
I give the Pioneer Corps a hard time for their Enclave path but to give OWB a fair shake they got two other Enclave paths in MacArthur and Eureka's Granite Company and both are very servicable
there is also the Enclave Reborn submod which is one of the best factions and paths I've ever played in all of HoI4

there is variety as far as factions go but it's just not, as a whole, as fleshed out as EaW yet (or will ever be depending on how fast the modders work)
Needs more content. I tried the Lyons Chapter first and it was a snoozefest for like 4 years until I just started painting the map with my overpowered PA divisions.

Enclave was surprisingly hard though. I was only able to churn out 20 divisions before I ended up in a war with the BoS and the Wasteland Settlements who had 80+ divisions.
I dig the new menu music
>trannies basically didn't exist
the good ending
is Broken Coast as hard as the game warns you it is?
I need a nation/path that is pure action and has a very high difficulty, what should I play?
don't know about pure action but if you want difficult the nations that go early to the big dogs are about as difficult as it gets
the Divide having to fend off the NCR and Cowboy Country against Two Sun & The Legion
The Cause is kinda difficult with having to deal with the Washington BoS early
Maxson Expediton will give you things to do as well all game but you're on a timer until Lanius' Cohort comes knocking
I second the Maxson Expedition, you have to be at an almost constant state of war in order to conquer scorpions, robot city, hangdogs and Iron Alliance if possible before Lanius attacks. If you survive, you are able to get all advanced tech except air and naval.
Not really. Build up Inf and take conquest foci early. Later on you can tech into PA. Biggest challenges are New Victoria which you don't have to naval invade anymore, a potential Koover/Syilx/Passkeeper alliance, and Washington.
Reclamation Army Depot in Nebraska. Generic robot nation with two events one to declare war on the Flawed Parish and the other on everyone else in the Quarantine Zone. Deadline is similiar if you don't want robots.
New content for purist enclave is already at testing phase, release will happen probably at the end of the month or the next
Good. They felt really lackluster in hindsight after I played the reformers.
I'd like to see an Enclave submod that's based on subterfuge and helping all the individual Enclave nations win their respective regions before uniting into a giga-Enclave
Honestly, Purists on ERBX is shaping up to be like that, you either get dragged down by Chicago/D.C Enclave or you try to make th3 pockets of minor enclave (Mc-Arthur/TexasClave/Ruby Enclave/Colonel Autumm enclave/Eureka loyalists) to thrive so you can make a giga western enclave and blast Chicago
is enabling that unclaimed wasteland shit worth it or should I not bother?
I'll have to finally give it a try when it gets updated then. I've done the le wholesome reformers path a few times but never purists.
Troll Warren
Very strong, lots of invasion focuses on weak neighbours

New Vegas if you're not afraid of being close to the action and having someone inevitably descend upon you eventually
Super Mutants in non-Bethesda Fallouts are generally as intelligent as human beings, save for a specific generation of them (can't remember which).
Good luck.
I think there's focuses directly highlighting what to do with the retarded muties too somewhere in there if memory serves me right so it's all explained too.
my first owb game was new canaan and i didn't realize you were supposed to lose to the white legs
unless you played before they got an update you don't have to lose at all
only if you want the J dawg running things
I think there's a mix of not-so-intelligent mutants and ones who retained their faculties. You can see this with the Master's Lieutenant who is extremely eloquent and intelligent, and Harry who is literally retarded.
That's what I mean by "generations". There are specific generations of mutie that are dumber than others, I just can't remember what specific generations those are.
Tabitha explains it pretty well on Black Mountain Radio in NV.
This mod is a great example of why Fallout is only good as an RPG. Most of the countries are legit deviantart tier custom nations
when i did it they were stupidly powerful, i had my entire army on a two tile chokepoint rotating in and out just to keep them from beating me. after years of this i eventually built up enough industry to afford a few full width special forces units with demolitions and anti tank gear and that (slowly) did them in
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yeah they are supposed to be OP
even moreso if they take Crazy Horns
if you go in with a split up 80s they will also take Noemen to open up even more front to push you from
but I like my boy JG so I let them win
all you have to do is let a White Leg unit walk into New Canaan and there's a scripted loss
if you want to speed things up even more just select the Canaan tile and ~setcontroller WHT
That... yeah. Thats probably whats going to happen sadly.
You can be an hardliner american first asshole with Pionner company AND get strong, just don't be an enclave bitch and you will have your turbo anti commie, anti people america
First Gen muties are stronger and smarter, while second ones aren't
This happens because first gens were made out of vault dwellers and others "uncorrupted humans". The more mutations a human have, more retarded and defective he will be once he get dropped on the FEV vaults.

Here, the leaked beta, (presu don't share outside)
It's a good way to deal with some occupation shenanigans and you can abuse it to blob early without being dragged down by manpower and equipament needs. Dismantle Industry + Lawless Wasteland could work well to ramp up before you take the NCR
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>New Vegas
with an ancient and almost unfinishable focus tree and mediocre tech?
it's fun but it's far from the perfect intro experience
they did my boy house dirty, and focused on OC garbage instead, the scum
man is going conventional warfare ever worth it? I feel like asymmetrical mogs it, at least the leftmost path does.
Conventional is only worthy for the few nations who have tank/motorized buffs and even then, regular Assymetrical infantry can be quite busted.

Also, Conventional is more defense-speed based
man I really gotta try an Ironmongers playthrough one day. I dislike how fucking expensive tanks are compared to power armor but I'll give it a shot
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This was a fun one
Are the other Shi paths worth checking out?
there's a Brotherhood of Steel path
left conventional is intended if you are going heavy into motorized/mechanized
right conventional is for infantry with an emphasis on defense

I know left path asymmetrical is superior in many ways but from a RP perpective it feels weird taking the very clearly Legion based doctrine as a non-Legion nation
even if it was good you are sitting there doing nothing until the late game
that at least if you want to sort of stick to lore and not try to immediately roll over everything which will be difficult until the NCR and Legion go at it which is again, late game
IMO the starting year is too early
Shi have a unique content?
so what? some nations have to cater to tallfags and first timers
sticking to the lore is kinda hard considering the geographic and chronological scope of the mod and that 9/10 factions are fanfiction
IMO the starting year is too late, another thing FODD does better
Do we truly have an entire /vst/ thread just for a mod?
The problem isn't even the fact that you have to play tall (Mojave do that and it's 200% better) it's more because Vegas it's fucking boring and playing tall has no payoff at all.
And yeah, I agree, earlier dates could make it better, but dunno, there isn't much going on back then, besides NCR consolidation, the brotherhood war and perhaps Caesar initial conquests

Hoover Dam 2 IS the biggest military conflict of the setting, now matter how much you undercut it
Son did you somehow miss the TNO and the Kaiserreich threads?
/pdx/ board.
Honestly my biggest problem with the mod is how dogshit vegas is, its crazy that we got 2 new regions of oc donut steels and we still don't have a vegas rework on the horizon.
OWB has the same problem as HOI4
>give the first couple of nations unique content
>don't really know what you're doing so the focuses and content are decent at best, at least compared to the generic tree
>finally get the hang of making good focus trees and game content but there is so much shit to add and do that you never go back to update the older content
I'm very happy without nu-OWB going back and "updating" the older stuff.
>it's more because Vegas it's fucking boring
but what if, hear me out, they make it LESS boring?
I mean, that's what updates and submods are for, Vegas need more spice for sure, but we are just pointing out to anons starting now, that Vegas is boring as heck
I like it for saving manpower and equipment and making nicer borders.
paradropping is so much fun in this mod, especially power armor units
Which nation has the largest economy? Is there a USA equivalent that just has a ton of civilian factories from day 1?
NCR but it's piss easy to snowball as most nations with unique content
>OWB has no countries from Shithesda's games, you moron.
Yet. They'll get there eventually and they'll unfuck it too while they're at it.
I know nothing about Fallout but wanna try this. What are some fun countries?
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I tried it. There's some odd focuses but it's not a bad mod. Worth it if you've never played as the mojave territories.
Lanius Cohort, Texas Brotherhood, White Legs if you want to play tribal or New Canaan if you want to lose. Macarthur if you don't mind strong women narratives.
>Strong Woman Narratives
Also, while you are supposed to lose as New Canaan, it's quite hard if you play well
I just remember one of the main branch focuses having text along the lines of "hey wait a minute, why don't we just give power to the strong women who built our nation?"
I was watching some guy play Troll Warren and every so often he was doing something where he pulled up some guns and bought a shit load of pipe weapons. It's meant to be a tutorial but he did a fuckton of things before the start of the video that I would have liked to see (setting his divisions up, drawing an advance and some lines)
Can I just buy equipment from trading companies or do I need factories? I'm thinking of playing some extreme corner country like Robot City or Reclamation Depot and do the ole "turtle for 75% of the game" thing.

I am literally retarded when it comes to HOI4 I need to see every click.
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I really enjoyed playing Twin Mothers. It's such a slow-burn nation that goes from basically nothing to a tech and military powerhouse over the course of a decade, but you feel like you're doing something good for the Wasteland.
Stores are a niche thing, you need factories. You might have better luck playing a Germany game or two in the unmodded game so that you have some idea of what you're doing.

The war with Lanius is so fun too. I think I spent years whittling away at his manpower with entrenched robots while I spammed factories.
Honestly, even with this line, cheesy as it may be, Santiago is quite the beast and not as pozzed as her soft hearted daughter. Her version of enclave ends up being basically Pre War murica with public supression to give and take.

And again, she still get mogged by a roided dude in power armor if she don't keep things running as they should, Santiago is far, far away from being a Mary Sue
Honestly, Italy works a bit better as a tutorial nation, less nations to be bothered with, AI germany is quite competent (Most of the time) and Italy doesn't suffer from dated game design philosofies, plus earlier wars and a fuckton of easy buffs
You still need factories but the caps market can give you a neat boost for your early-mid game, since some nations (like Troll Warren) begin with a very poor industry and lack good industry tech. It can also give you quite some goodies if you manage to unlock Vancover merchant, but that's a very specific scenario anyway.

Don't use automatic battleplans if you aren't fighting an enemy at huge numerical advantage, move your guys manually, ambush, cut their retreat and kill them, that gonna help you lots
I wanna post ponies so bad, but I'm a coward.
I noticed the mod makers don't really grasp the concept of army ranks
such a small nitpick but I can't help noticing whenever they have things like unit leaders going by "colonel" but the field marshall leading them could be a "sergeant"
the commander of the entire NCR Navarro Territory is a lieutenant, for example
>Don't use automatic battleplans if you aren't fighting an enemy at huge numerical advantage, move your guys manually, ambush, cut their retreat and kill them, that gonna help you lots
You still want to set up battleplans for the planning bonus.
Oh, that's mostly an issue with everyone not having enough army leaders. More often than not, the generics would spawn with colonel/general names, while the "canon" dudes would be low-mid officers only
>look up average length of a hoi4 game
>mine will be longer because I'm new
>just play 2 of these bro
Thanks for the answers but I'm tapping out. ww2 really doesn't interest me
What's the strategy for doing Eureka Enclave? Ignore doing merc shit unless absolute needed for money and just rush for San Francisco?
you're gonna need to do the merc shit unless you're willing to reroll until the NCR has both a civil war and gets smacked by the Legion because you aren't gonna have a fun time against them without the money and xp you get from doing merc shit because you don't have an economy until you take Arroyo which is far enough down your tree you'll have an early war with the NCR anyway because you don't have the money to bring their suspiction meter down and you can't train troops normally unless you go down your tree which you need money to do anyway

also getting that focus removes your special scavenging system which is the best way to build up your war supplies until you have California
also if your run will be anything like mine is currently Shi is going to declare on you by demanding land and then Arroyo is a year or two later
keep an eye on MacArthur and Vault City because they are going to be the only friends you have if MacArthur doubles down on Enclave and Vault City doesn't befriend the NCR
bonus if the Pioneers go MacArthur puppet
Is there even any tranny shit in this? I've been casually fucking around with this mod for what feels like a decade and never once saw anything like that. Then again I don't read any of the flavor text because I'm a luddite.
No there isn't, no mentions of trains at all.

Although, there is a weird pseudo self insert fanfic level event chain with Todd Howitzer (Yes, that's his name) on Texas Arms Association, but it's more like platonic (The self insert gushing over him) and probably played as a joke.
Yeah, it's an ironic love letter to Todd Howard.
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Playing as the Washington BOS since they seem to be the only ones at war so I can learn the game. Is it safe to ignore air research altogether just to make it I have one less thing to worry about?
air and cas are op
you could because of how few nations focus on air or even even have an industry for air but once you run into a big player like the NCR you're not going to have a good time because they will have an air force and you will find out that close air support is absolutely devastating
check their focus tree and see if you get any bonuses for air research or better yet, vertibirds
if you get a focus to get vertibirds then just research the very top path of the tree until you reach engine improvements in intermediate so you could actually research the vertibirds themselves because they will be all you need
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Yeah they have a full focus/mission path that seems dedicated to Air and it makes sense to me that Air Superiority/Support should be a game changer. I just wanted to know if it was safe to bumrush Power Armour bonuses and leave the air side of things until later.
This is just a learning experience for me. It's a robot focused tag that interests me most so once I know how the systems go together I'll do a real playthrough. Some of the stuff I've been reading when clicking on tags is 10/10.
Something the other two haven't mentioned is that powerarmor units can also be used as paratroopers, and they're really fucking good at it too, it's a great way to quickly cap small nations without wasting too much manpower.
for most games you don't need to worry about air beyond fighters, for air superiority, and attack planes, for CAS
strat bombers are very niche and in most cases you are better off putting mil factories on things other than strat bombers and you don't even need to worry about researching CAS if you can see your focus gives you vertibird schematics
focus on fighters first and foremost because they can do a bit of CAS themselves and CAS itself won't be effective without air superiority
also try and rush straight to monoplanes since if you get them in a timely manner everyone else will still be using gliders which your air force can soundly stomp BUT ONLY if you have the research slots to spare, first and formost, like vanilla HOI4, you want to focus on research for electronics, industry, and infantry
most nations don't have air tech beyond intermediate

if you are interested in robotics you can do robot nation or new vegas although the latter is a much slower game
You shouldn't read most of the leader bios.

More than half of the OC leaders are fucking gay.
Play Highland Watch? The female leader, lesbian.
Montana BOS everyone is gay, from Patrolocus to the sisters.
Khans Esen? Blind bitch who stared too much to the sun? Lesbian.
The Rummiators leader? Most likely a lesbian, but she has that Saul dude who looks like a woman. So it's 50/50 there.

I bet your ass they would have added tranny leaders to the mod, but they can't make it work in Fallout so they don't.

Look at all the new or future nations more than 50% of their leaders are women and women.
well hey, radiation can give acute brain damage so it seems reasonable enough that fags and people that think putting a woman in charge is a good idea exist in a post nuclear-apocalypse world
Hold up, you're saying the Enclave was right about m*ties?
montana brotherhood makes up for it by letting you go hayman and kill all the fags
But that would make the Chosen One and the Lone Wanderer evil...
>notice the S'lanter exist
>"fucking furries? seriously, devs?"
>google it
>find out that it is actually based around cut content and Fallout 1 was going to include FEV mutated raccoons that formed a civilization
well shit
turns out a fair bit of nations I thought were all fanfiction, at least on the West Coast, are indeed based on various cut content from the Fallout games
That actually sounds amazing.

>like vanilla HOI4
Never played it haha. I have about 5k hours in EU4 so a lot of stuff in OWB makes sense. Drawing up battle plans is fiddly as fuck though and I don't know how to click on a province to see what terrain it has if a unit is on that province. Even on the terrain mapmode I expect to hover over the province and get a tooltip but it doesn't happen. Since the Washington BoS are where they are I'm just going to assume everything is deep forest and a nightmare to attack into.
I've quit playing for today but I'm going to follow your advice and see what I can make of having some monoplanes.

>if you are interested in robotics you can do robot nation or new vegas although the latter is a much slower game
I'm a sucker for Securitrons but I don't like the NV starting position for obvious reasons. Reclamation Army Depot looks interesting and from the leader text it seems they should be able to become Enclave?
>Drawing up battle plans is fiddly as fuck though
>I don't know how to click on a province to see what terrain it has if a unit is on that province
this is a OWB exclusive problem
you simply have to zoom out far enough until you are able to click on the province
>I'm just going to assume everything is deep forest and a nightmare to attack into
it's actually mostly hills are what you'll be dealing with after killing Olympus and going up against Yakima and the Cause
>Reclamation Army Depot looks interesting and from the leader text it seems they should be able to become Enclave?
unfortunately right now the Plaguelands are pretty unfinished, Reclamation especially so they have a generic focus tree right now
the best nations for robots from what I've seen is
>Robot City (easier to play)
>Brotherhood Chapters gets some robot bonuses to make up for lack of manpower, Texas Brotherhood being one of the go-to nations for beginners
>start as the Hangdogs and go down the WARDEN path
>New Vegas (a slow game in which you'll be spending most of the early game waiting and building up your army/industry; despite your intimidating starting position usually nobody will pick a fight with you until the winner of the Mojave is settled; if you want something to do you can go into the game setup menu and split up New Vegas so you can kill some time early game getting your territory back)
>Big Grass (have to survive a 4-way war but get advanced tech and quad walkers)
>Rio Grande gets big robot bonuses if you down the Rosado path
>Ejercito Mexicano
>TV Town (absolute bitch of a start but you get access to crazy shit like android terminators and will really start to snowball after surviving the early game)

also there is a Fallout music submod I recommend, the mod title is self explanatory
also once you have a few playthroughs under your belt there is the Enclave Reborn Redux, which is one of the best nations I've ever played in all of HOI4 and its mods
twin mothers is also a really good robot nation
Never understood why so many players jerk off the Enclave

Their power armor looks goofy, in both Fallout 2 and 3 they're massive hypocrites, and they're back to back losers
The only thing that could make them worth of some "support" other than the armor is that they're the last official remnant of the actual US government, but in fallout 2 they're pretty much shown to be terrors with vertibirds, which makes the NCR the only one worth rooting for because of its democracy.
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Shame the NCR canonically loses while the Enclave continues to exist. :)
God bless America, God bless the Enclave and God bless nobody else.
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God bless America.
Tf are you talking about? Did you even play her path? She's a fucking autistic who likes to kills people, fancy herself as genghis and it's simple minded as fuck. There is literally no hint for affection coming from her to anyone at all, besides the pacifist fella who runs the Khans at start, and he's more like a father figure.
There is almost nothing akin to that in all tags, stuff like Sisters is very very small compared to all zanny raider guilds and copypasted robot nations, stop projecting your headcanon into the game
wait they kill off the NCR in the series? you're kidding right, they can't be this braindead.
not only did they kill off the NCR it was almost entirely offscreen and the screentime they do get they have been reduced to a scuabbling band of raiders
New Vegas is next judging from the couple seconds of teaser at the emd of the season
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The crater Vault Bitch and her pet Brotha Hood of Steal member are standing in front of is what's left of Shady Sands.
I am not joking. Somehow Shady Sands was next to a destroyed city. Somehow.
Shady Sands got nuked and the NCR basically completely disappears save for a single remnant group that are geared up like raiders. Also, a cult.
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Robot City and Twin Mothers seems quite interesting. One thing that is pissing me off is that everything seems to cost Army Experience which seems pretty hard to get. Even if I want to build up some templates that costs mana.
Something else I am googling like fuck but drawing a blank on is how do you assign garrison forces? After taking out Olympus and Kamaha or w/e they sabotaged all their factories. The kicker is though that those factories just repaired so I don't even know if it's worth making an enforcer template and even if I did, i can't see how you assign it to occupied territories.

>and they're back to back losers
kek that's a bit of a crap argument. Think on it this way, if you died once while playing Fallout 2 or 3, the Enclave won. The Enclave are given lots of power and danger so that defeating them is more rewarding. In a written story, their only purpose is to be defeated.
If you want to go into canon then sure, it's canon that they are defeated at Navarro, in DC but going by the canon of the TV show where they are still active and with enough resources to have a very productive RnD division, can you say they've been defeated?
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The thing is, I'm not even opposed to the NCR getting destroyed, it was just done so fucking badly.
>no bands of NCR soldiers in Marked Men-esque hastily repaired armor
>no vault dweller getting dragged into a petty faction war between two pathetic NCR remnant groups
>NCR didn't collapse under its own weight/due to an embarrassing defeat in the Legion war/Brahmin baron fuckery/literally anything else but UHM UH WAR NEVER CHANGES NOOKS
So a parliamentary democracy, the one government type that's notoriously stable, just disappears and is turned into a religious cluster of maniacs due to one (1) city getting nuked. yeah nah I don't think I'll bother watching this show
To be fair, the NCR wasn't exactly stable.
But having the capital be nuked and then having the entire NCR, and evidence of settlements made by the NCR completely vanish was retarded.
>everything seems to cost Army Experience which seems pretty hard to get
get regular xp via advisor abilities, assigning army traditions in the officer tab, and drilling troops, you can shift click to drill units until they hit regular in which case they won't get anymore individual xp however you still get army xp but note that drilling caps their Org at IIRC 35% and gives them attrition while they drill so don't drill if you think you're about to go to war
>how do you assign garrison forces?
garrison forces are automatically assigned to occupied territory
if you click your top right flag icon and go to the occupied territory you can assign what division template you use and what method you use to pacify territory
but most would recommend you make a designated garrison template
since garrisoning happens offscreen and isn't a unit you have to actually raise and train yourself you don't have to focus on combat stats and instead suppression
for that militia is good is you're starting off and don't have an industry base
enforcers are an improved militia but at the cost of needing armor, bonus is they have good combat stats as well you can slowly start replacing infantry with enforcers as you get more mils
also a dog support company is even more recommended for their suppression bonus as well
basically start out with 4 militia and add dog support when you get the mils then swap the militia to enforcers, then slowly add more and more enforcers as you get the industry and manpower to support it
BUT keep in mind that even though you aren't seeing garrison units being trained they are still pulling from your manpower and supply pool so keep in mind if you make a big garrison template too soon you'll find yourself in a mapower and weapon deficit
same with occupation policy
wasteland pacification is ideal but costs a great deal more of your manpower
>I don't even know if it's worth making an enforcer template
the better you can suppress the quicker the resistance goes down and compliave goes up in occuplied territory which means the faster you can core them
and as a EU4 player I know you can understand the benefits of cored vs uncored territory because it works almost the same way in HOI4
oh also you get daily xp by sending attaches in countries at war
unfortunately it is more difficult to in OWB because diplomatic reluctance is very high and you can't use increase relations in this mod

and you can also lower resistance with your spies
The whole garrison thing is pretty confusing. I have to create a template but the units do not exist on paper/screen? I'll have a look at it later and see if I can apply what you are saying to what is going on on the screen. I creamAPId all the dlcs when I saw that spies could suppress.
Also yeah, I saw that dogs add a good level of breakthrough. I would not mind mixing them up in among the raider units.
>I have to create a template but the units do not exist on paper/screen?
the template that garrisons can be any template you want, even your bog standard infantry you have on your frontlines you can set as the designated garrison however I simply suggested a designated garrison template is both more cost effective and suppression effective
the template that you set as the garrison the game simply takes its stats and applies it to occupied territory to suppress while removing manpower and equipment to simulate those forces suppressing the population

all you have to do is make a template, set that template to be your garrson template, and the game takes care of rest with you going in to update the template with more companies as your logistics allow
the game usually even has the best garrison template selected automatically but it doesn't hurt to check
>I would not mind mixing dogs up in among the raider units
dogs are decent but anti-tank/fire support/demolitions are more effective overall UNLESS you get stat boosts on dogs
maybe you could get away with using them in your offensive divisions but I'd wait until you get high tech levels in the dog tree

I'd gladly talk about good template builds if you so desire
not him but what are fireteams good for I never use them
What about


Where x = infantry and y = combined arms platoon. I wouldn't mind seeing what some good template builds are so I know what not to research.
their power armor being ugly is the main reason I dislike them desu.
fireteam is primarily a defensive company so good for defense like infantry although you should pick anti-tank over them as far as support companies go

believe it or not that is the ideal all-round infantry build and you toss in chems and anti-tank as support and you're golden
max combat width in OWB is 60 so 10, 20, and 30 width divisions are most effective, 30 being reserved for offensive units but 20 gets the job done just fine
combat arms is good because you're getting the benefits of AT, FT, & DEM with half the cost
>30 Org is the golden rule for all units, however, but more is always better
high soft attack is good but it won't do any damage without first getting through enemy defense, which is where breakthrough comes in, especially important due to OWB being very infantry heavy
you can slowly swap infantry with enforcers for the defense but again do so as you can afford military factory amd manpower wise, some nations can't afford it

ideally you have infantry as a defense to hold the line and mobile inf/special forces/tanks to be the offensinve pushers but 9 Inf/1 combined arms can also push in most cases
mobile infantry is a similar build but you can eventualy replace half with mobile enforcers and one mobile demolition and one mobile fireteam
for special forces and power armor just do 20/30 width
you can experiment but keep an eye on the parachute icon in the design screen, if it has an x it means you added a company that isn't capadle of paradrops
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must be subjective because I think it's badass
They were cut early in development for a reason
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enclave PA is cool though?
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Retard with no drip detected
leave this board
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>ideally you have infantry as a defense to hold the line and mobile inf/special forces/tanks to be the offensinve pushers
This was my plan. To let the raider infantry be the line holders and to micro manage the power armour units. For these small wars up in the NW that seems managable but I could see it being tough if up against the NCR or fighting on multiple fronts, for example.
>for special forces and power armor just do 20/30 width
Nice, thanks. I was wondering if it was really that simple or if I had to add in mechanics or w/e.
Even though I've done some research I don't think I have access to dedicated medic or anti-tank units yet.

I've just (rage)quit for now. I spent 20 months justifying a war only to get trolled by a river between me and the Sylix Nation.

Thanks for the advice man, I've been scrolling back reading as I get more into the game and it helps out a lot.
I usually have a 3x3 infantry with 1 fireteam, support companies as chems, AT and fireteam. These guys just hold the line while I micro with my pushing template.
Then I'll have a 3x3 SF/PA/tanks/whatever pushing unit with 1 demolitions, support companies as chems, AT and demolitions, plus whatever gimmick support companies I feel like.
You could have a mechanized fast infantry template too if you want but virtually every country can be successful with these two template genres.
>only to get trolled by a river between me and the Sylix Nation.
river crossings are hard to see sometimes
many rivers in this game are treated as ocean tiles for the sake of naval gameplay
if you click on the set frontline button you can see the spots where you share a border with a country, those spots beings the places you invade from
of course there is also paradropping but I doubt you are far along enough in air tech for transport planes
I am pretty sure you can reach them via naval invasion though
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>river crossings are hard to see sometimes
They sure are. This part here was my only border with the Sylix but there is no river crossing at all. Instead of doing a naval invasion I'm going to take Koover and then go east from there.
The issue for me is always getting to that point when I have fuckall for factories at the start and can't actually produce all the equipment I need. I could just turtle, sure, but then I lose the snowball game
Early game you shouldn't be worried about optimizing your templates, you won't have the factories or the AE for it to be useful. My focus early game is usually on gradually building enough infantry to fill out a front line.
>I'm going to take Koover and then go east from there
ah the ol' "invade a nation just because you need to circumvent defensive positions of another nation you are at war with", a German favorite
well I do know that Sylix amd Kamlo go at it in just about every game I've played so just be aware that if Kamlo didn't go to war with Sylix yet they may declare on you instead if they get claims on Sylix land and you take it
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>well I do know that Sylix amd Kamlo go at it in just about every game I've played so just be aware that if Kamlo didn't go to war with Sylix yet they may declare on you instead if they get claims on Sylix land and you take it
Yeah the Kamlo and Sylix are in a war so I declared on Kamlo and went for it. This is a learning experience because I want to see if I can take land that was originally Sylix but which Kamlo have occupied. I'm fully expecting some paradox fuckery where I end up with nothing or at best get a massive border gore but I need to keep expanding or another member of my faction will take over the faction.
Also I'm used to cassus belli for a fabricated claim lasting 25 years in EU4. In OWB it lasts 2.5 months lmao.
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Alright, idk how that even happened because I wasn't in war with the Sylix Nation. I need to work out what to click to get air forces working now that I have some fighters and some ground support monoplanes because MacArthur is growing rapidly in the east and I'm doing some missions that I think will get me a justification for war on the Troll Warren.
>I want to see if I can take land that was originally Sylix but which Kamlo have occupied
so if two nations are at war with a different nation then even though the enemy of your enemy is your friend you will be competeing against them if you look at the war participation
more participation mean more stuff you get in the peace deal so even if Kamlo occupies most of Sylix, if you somehow have the majority of war participation or have more claims then you can get the lions share of all that land however unlike EU4 the AI is actually active in peace deals and takes land on their own instead of telling you what to give them
>another member of my faction will take over the faction
lul so even though you're getting that notification actually in this mod they can't unless you go into game setup prior to starting the game
>In OWB it lasts 2.5 months lmao
yeah they are very short don't justify if you aren't ready to go to war almost immediately however most casus bellis you get via focuses, events, and decisions last forever
>I need to work out what to click to get air forces working now that I have some fighters and some ground support monoplanes
alright so first things first hit F3 for air view, then click on an air base (the thing shaped like an airplane) in your or allies land then click the glowing plus sign to add an air squadron to that base
if an air squadron(s) is selected and fully deployed you can right click on a different air base to move the air squadron over there
when air squadron(s) are selected you can choose their flying habits (they are on no retreat by default but most of the time I set it to normal operation and day/night flight)
then with a squadron(s) selected you can select their role and right click on a region within their operational range to assign them to operate in that region, I have fighters on air superiority and some occasionally on on CAS if I have a lot of them and CAS I have set to CAS and occasionally Logi bombing if I have a lot of them and Strat bombers are niche use with me I rarely use them but if I have a big air force with some Strat bombers them I have them logi bombing on my frontline region and Strat bombing the enemy capital region

if you have your armies up on the bottom of your screen there you can then press F3, select whatever air squadrons you would like to and press the plus icon above a general's head to attach that squadron to that army which will then follow and operate in the regions that army moves into when you go to war
makes microing your air much much easier

also I'm playing the Washington BoS along you because you put me in the mood to play them as I actually haven't yet but I noticed none of their focuses actually give access to vertibirds which is turbo gay I think all Enclave and Brotherhood nations should get guaranteed eventual access to vertiburds so I decided that, only when I'm completely finished the air branch of the focus tree, I will cheat in vertibird schematics but only the schematics
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Why is ERB redux the best sub mod?
I wish the S'Lanter were canon in the actual series.
Bethesda will make the wacky racoons canon in the second season of the Fallout tv show.
If they do that and bring back sentient Deathclaws I may be able to forgive them for some of their transgressions
based furfag
i support this only because it makes avellone seethe
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Because it's an enclave mod.
Bethesda hated Fallout New Vegas that much, yes.
Thanks for the guide.
>also I'm playing the Washington BoS along you because you put me in the mood to play them as I actually haven't yet
I'm not a BoS fag but the Washington Brotherhood feels like it could be part of the lore. I just wish there was more dynamic and scripted events to do with the research facility they found in the ruins of Seattle.

Also, thanks for the effort post. I guarantee you that It will be put to good use tomorrow when I fire the game back up.
Washington BoS is one of the first majors the modders made and like Paradox their first nations they give uniqie content to are not fleshed out as later nations with unique content and they'd rather continue going forward than go back to revamp old focus trees
it's the same thing thar happens in vanilla HOI4

also yeah I think Seattle and the way they set up the lore of the area would make for the perfect location for the next Fallout
they did the desert, the did big cities, they did swamps, they did appalachia
what they DIDN'T do is temperate rainforests with heavy downpours and nuclear winter
you got Seattle, a city of thunder and lightning occupied by a corrupted Brotherhood of Steel, the Wardens that got kicked out by the Brotherhood, various raider gangs the Brotherhood is trying to consolodate as fodder, the remnants of The Master's army to the south, pirates off the coast, and Vancouver to the north to explore and flesh out what happened with the US's annexation of Canada
If you have sophisticated tech for both, why would you ever go for spec ops when you could go pa?
Harder to pump out enough PA to fill the special forces cap if you don't have a lot of military factories.
Chicago Enclave is gonna be fire
I'm pretty sure spec ops actually gets you more stats per combat width. The only thing you lose is armor and hardness.
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So if it's set up like this will the aircraft automatically support that army or is there some button I have to press to get them active?
Fucking raiders declared war on me while my boys were doing some drilling.
yep the planrs should be supporting you automatically
if you click on those bubbles that put up when your units are attacking or defending it pulls up a window showing you battle stats where you should be able to see a plane icon under your general showing that you are recieving CAS
you can click on the region itself when on air mapmode to see air mission stats in a region
if the region they are operating in turns green that means you have air superiority and are operating at full efficiency
yellow means contested and red means you don't have air superiority and need to have more fighters up in the region on air superiority
right now that fist icon means they are on no retreat which, RP wise, suits the Washington Brotherhood just fine but means you are flying more missions but with more risk
not a big deal if the enemy doesn't have AA or an air force but if they do you will see increased attrition amongnst your air wings
with an air wing selected you can click on the fist icon on the top bar next to the green circle to change it
I don't know why no retreat is always the default when you create a new air wing but it is and I usually change it to normal operations unless I know I have enough mil factories industry to replace my losses, am losing and absolutely need all the help I can get, or feel like it just fits when playing a ruthless nations you feel like doesn't allow retreating

also I noticed you have your airwing on both CAS and Logi bomb
with two missions selected at the same tine it will do the first unless it can't then it will do the second
so if there is a battle going it will do CAS and if there isn't it will bomb logistics but if you want it specifically to bomb logistics and there are constant battles it will never get around to bombing logistics unless only set to Logi bomb
this is fine if you have few aircraft to spare, as I get more air wings I have them on individual assignments but I prioritize air superiority and CAS above all
this never usually happems but if it's mid to lategame and/or you're going up against a major and you have a feeling you are going to be on the backfoot in the air war being outgunned by the enemy then start building AA, most effective to protect your own industry and logistics, and put AA support companies in your army templates which also give a soft attack bonus
>legion starts with no slavery
Why are the devs such Edward 'Caesar' Sallow apologists?
The stated reason is that the slavery system they had was mechanically bad (IIRC you got minor penalties in exchange for construction speed or something like that) and they haven't found a good replacement yet.
>he Master's army to the south, pirates off the coast, and Vancouver to the north to explore and flesh out what happened with the US's annexation of Canada
Exactly. A pacific NW Fallout would be amazing.
Not only that, but it's buggy and janky as hell, even if you enable it through console commands, it ends being some bugged mana pool that gives you very low buffs for a perma Stability decrease, so the devs gutted that one.
They seem to be keen on reworking it though, since slavery is a key focus for the badlands region

Also, Bone Cohort (a submod) has a quite interesting take on a slavery system, wish base Legion used that as an inspiration
EaW would be on par if the fantasy elements weren't shallow as fuck. It never feels like I am playing a nation of fantastical creatures but rather I am just playing as humans that happen to have hooves. The custom race technologies are literally just modifiers. I firmly believe that EaW would be the best mod on the workshop if it wasn't trying to force every nation into copying some real world equivalent.
I don't like Fallout but OWB has EaW beat both in setting and mechanics.
>OWB Slavery le Bad
>make an overcomplicated system that is bugged.
>they will never remake slavery.

Our only hope is Submods, the current dev team is so afraid of doing anything actually evil or complicated.

Time to add another 10 'wholesome girlboss' paths.
Btw FOE Balefire Blues submod just got a major update few weeks ago
they might
how many modders do they have working on it?
I image they may have difficulty finding a balance between going back to fix/tweak/revamp old nations and mechanics vs blazing east adding more and more nations
True, but that's beside the point.
>look at all my faggy Fallout 4 screenshots!
Kill yourself, tastelet.
New ERX is out, anybody played it?
Why the fuck do the writers giving hecking epic mature for my age fanfiction.net tragic backstories to characters that exist for three sentences?
I'm about to
If nobody else is going to post screenshots he is more than welcome to
>He added an actually tranny event
Other content heavy mods (KR, EaW) work on my toaster of a computer, but OWB doesn't. Is it really so bloated?
This mod sucks immense shit but yeah it's definitely the best hoi4 mod.
oh god.
Quick rundown?
have they started adding shit from that garbage tv show yet?
ERX has the vaults from it in the purist path but they're lampshaded to all hell
>how the hell did we miss these?
is there a good purist ending in the new erx? the one i got was about a second apocalypse and people slowly starving to death in vaults
So any teasers or map update teases for 6.0 yet?
>Event where soldiers are checking out a prewar military/science bunker
>One of the wings has a room specializing in Auto Docs that do sex change operations
>Soldier accidentally gets one but doesn't want to switch back
I just hope they don't fuck up the Bone Dancers. Ride the 84!
I don't think I've ever done a playthrough where I haven't seen them get fucked by the Troll Warren, 84s, or Marrow Drinkers
>it's only okay when daddy Avellone does it
Smelly dumb obsidrone scum
avellone never wanted to completely destroy the NCR, he just wanted to cut it down to size because he thought it was getting too big
what amazon-bethesda did was completely destroy the NCR save for a couple of retarded remnant groups
Damn truly the hard-hitting content we needed.
source? Which tag?
Honestly, I saw it coming a mile ago.

Only thing that annoys me is people claiming it's a bold new direction and not just a lazy status quo reset.
>le sudaca
You not play Equestria at War?
It's boring.
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So how's the update for ERB, are the Purists fleshed out now?
I fucking kneel anon
I thought it was kind of a letdown, but maybe I'm just sick of the submod after playing it 3-4 times. It would've been cooler if it were more like Lost Hills instead of just being reformers - but evil and you don't get manpower!!
it's too comically evil rather than practically evil, but I did like the enclave schism mechanic with the chicago enclave
HOI4 modders don't seem capable of making practical evil paths that aren't preachy.

Try playing the dev version of the Bone Cohort, it's the most practical Evil nation in the mod. Maybe it's a bit preachy, but who knows!
Damn that's a shame, well hopefully someone makes a mod that takes their own spin on the purists.
god i hope they don't fuck up the chicago enclave
amusing how Equestria at War does pragmatic evil way better than the fucking Fallout mod lmao.
To be fair the Enclave was never pragmatic.
See: them trying to poison the world with modified FEV not once but twice
>Kill all the savage natives with diseases
>recolonize the land with your own people
What exactly is non-pragmatic about that? That's how they did it the first time.
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>Mod author doesn't want to add multiple paths/endings to the Purists
Gay and lame, I get he hates writing for them and that's fine but why not just team up with someone who would like to write for them? He can handle the Reformer side of the mod while the other guy handles the Purists. I don't even hate the ending for the Purists, it's cool but it's gay how they only get one ending and path when the other side is way more fleshed out.
>why not just team up with someone who would like to write for them?
part ego part narcissism
>I hate the purists therefore everyone else does so they won't mind me putting nothing in
He's a brain-addled redditor.
Yea it sucks cause his Reformer stuff is good but the Purist side is iffy and unless he brings someone else on or someone else decides to make a fork of the mod where they do their own take on the Purists it's almost certainly gonna stay that way
BRUH peoples are starting to explore Florida before the main dev team
>Game crashes when I try to load it up with the mod enabled
It's over
It's shit tier. Zero actual content compared to TNO and even kaiser.
It's not even the best enclave submod.
and that would be?
God damn Update 6.0 sounds awfully boring.

Someone give me a faction to play as. I love BoS but I think I've played almost all of them if not all of them. What's a fun faction for aircraft?
>God damn Update 6.0 sounds awfully boring.
What, does the idea of fighting over America's cream of mushroom soup reserves not get your blood pumping?
baron's eyrie submod was fun, idk if they butchered it when they incorporated it into the main mod though
>Join a nest of Deathclaws in exile
So they're adding a nation of sentient Deathclaws? Neat.
the OWB devs seethe at the Bone Cohort chads so that's never happening lmao
>submods are better than main mod
we need an OWB Redux with all the submods and minus all the shitty OC characters in the midwest
Because it's an amazing mod for larping in one of the game that has the most larpers around. It's also got a lot of soul in it, and it's clear the author(s?) actually like Fallout. I especially loved the automation crisis mention in the factory debates after you unify.
Fallout is pretty undeveloped outside of west coast and east coast with references elsewhere.
The team are doing a great job filling between.

They've also already stated that any content they make will be competely scrapped and replaced by official canon if new games and media come out filling in the gaps.
So how is the new Patrolmen tree released a few days back?

Deciding on how to play it. Seems the black hat callahan path is a dictator and white hat is a texan puppet?

Check the map, they've already revealed the exact makeup of 6.0 which I think may be larger than planned into Canada logically, they've added the city models in with original pre war names so if you check zone,air and sea maps you can see the borders. The devs have said in sheer scale it'll be significantly smaller than 5.0 but of course it would, 5.0 added over 30 focus trees to the giant map expansion added early in 4.0 because it was simply finished ahead of time before the map maker moved on to future map expansion work. 6.0 will probably be 6-10 trees.

They've even added in Florida and the Caribbean VP's with pre war names indicating the caribbean patch locations. 8.0 will add a full naval rework iirc aswell.

I think it'll be something like this in pic related, don't forget in between major patches are smaller content patches adding trees and integrated good quality submods. I know they want to revamp a lot of the older areas aswell which are now outdated quality wise compared to the newer areas.

Imagine the tree extensions to Caesar and the NCR heading eastwards and eventually the east coast factions heading westwards. Goddamn, that'll be a lot of work with a just a handful of naturally major lore nations nevermind all the created ones as games progress

HoI IV devs stated the other day that HoI IV will be supported for at least 3 more years possibly 4 before talk of a HoI V which means 5 more years of HoI IV taking it to EU IV title length of 13 years before a successor which is currently in development right now and being teased regularly.
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Estimated map of north and central America post war population that is used as the official basis for the mod with multiplication table of specific areas where there is no canon population just so the area is actually playable.

This is a combination of canon and estimates based on their locations for nuclear strikes during the war.
Maybe its due to all the custom models?
I can't believe they're forcing another Canada update down our throats
Canada is fun tho
>umm sweety its all fanfi-
East coast worst coast, seethe
I want Chicago, couldn't care less about the rest
Oh, that's based actually, I withdraw my bait.
Really hope they manage to pull Chicagoclave off, with how much they hype it up in the mod it'll be real shame if it ends up being a dud
Ideally I'm hoping it will be like Lost Hills except actually fun
which countries have the most content? I played Manitoba but the content just kinda ended after I killed Metis and the republic
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Tried out Bone Cohort and was having a lot of fun with it (despite the spelling mistakes and generally poor grammar). For some reason, I ended up getting assassinated, despite the fact that I was at like +45 "approval" (or whatever it's called) when it happened.

Had no idea there was a civil war mechanic though, so that was pretty cool.
>ww2 really doesn't interest me
then play modded like everybody else
you have:
>fallout (threadrel)
>my little pony
>visual novel where the nazis won ww2
>mod where the nazis won ww2
>mod where germany won ww1
there is also a Fallout Equestria mod
kek i forgot about that
Don't forget pony Richard Nixon taking over pony Ethiopia and going through a restoring order subsystem that dwarfs literally every "main" content add Paradox has ever added in a 20 dollar DLC. As a hidden path you can only get by doing multiple bad endings to civil wars in a random country that does not advertise this.
>pony Richard Nixon taking over pony Ethiopia
>multiple bad endings to civil wars
bless you
The dev is still working on it and updating it almost weekly, just privately for his own guys. Here's the link to try it out.


Reminder that if you ask the OWB devs or in the discord about the Bone Cohort, they will tell you that the creator is a rapist.
What is it with HoI4 modders and discord drama?
>90% of the discord mods/admins have tranny flags

So when you make a mod about explaining the Legion, they get their panties in a twist and they cannot accept that you are making a story not fit for them.

Also it's easy for them to change the discourse to whatever they want and silence the opposition, just like reddit.
What do we think of this submod?
I really like it. The early/mid game is pretty interesting, although unfortunately the end game trails off into a generic world domination map painter with not much story after you pick one of the four paths. Feels like it was made by women, but it's still good nonetheless.
>Feels like it was made by women.

What did anon mean by this? How the hell you notice this? What is the criteria?
I read a lot of erotica, it reminds me of that style of writing (all good erotica is written by women).
MAIA > Cedric = Valerie > Valerie's brother I don't even remember his name
Chicagoclave WILL have an alt path
there WILL be a focus that turns the enclave gay
the alt path leader WILL be a woman
she WILL be black
she WILL be trans
she WILL be stunning and brave and powerful
they WILL make the enclave hardliner path as annoying and punishing as possible
you WILL play the alt path
the big boy majors, especially the ones out west
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>go in enclave mod discord to see latest toozers
>go in 'suggestions'
>it's this
what the fuck is any of this meant to mean? I just want better purist content
>the cute girls
Troons have a truly impressive level of self delusion
How the FUCK do you play Unity? I've tried it twice and both times I get stomped by the Ironmongers. First time, I had tons of troops but not enough armorbreakage. Second time, I had planes but that wasn't enough. Do you just turtle up behind outposts and let him eat Shale? Then pray to God that he's lost enough manpower and he'll let you snake his victory points?

Reforming Texas is miserable since you're so fucking reliant on the AI to not be a stupid retard.
I always focus on taking Shale down as quickly as possible in that war. I leave just enough divisions to stop Ironniggers from advancing, and use everybody else to zip around eating Shale's VPs (he goes down surprisingly easy in my experience, too many of his troops get stuck on his frontline with the Ironmongers).

After that it's just a meatgrinder as I push south, but I have the numbers and equipment advantage so I always win.
100% ignore merc shit until the three way war south of you is solved in your favour by your merc participation. This happens early. Then just leisurely merc around as much as possible, it is REALLY strong. You get cores and stuff on Navarro and stuff and you end up pretty damn solid. NCR suspicion is easy to keep down just doing the options on cooldown. You can take stuff north up to Arroyo once they start their war with the shitty tribal. First help the shitty tribals beat arroyo then justify on the tribals.

Really keep an eye out on focuses that deal with the mercs, there are some perma buffs that you really want there. Get the far right part of the focus tree early and you can farm convoy production for money which is about all your dockyards are good for anyway.

In my game sanfran joined the NCR faction so I had to fight both at once. I waited until they were fighting the Legion in earnest.
You have like two snake-like fronts. Hold the Valley and squish sanfran, you get good tree rewards for that too.
Then roll up the valley until you have a united front. Don't be tempted to snake around the mountains north of Shady Sands and snipe the capital. I did that and it made the war harder.

Your army is made to hold while your power armor execute tens of thousands of NCR troopers with irresistible encirclements. It isn't really very difficult you just need to be methodical. Victory is in encirclement wiping the entire NCR military, not taking land. Just take it steadily as you go.

Make sure you have shady sands and the NCR is 100% exterminated from the map and you are now the Enclave and you have won the game and can now map paint everything.

Note that you are very airforce capable as Euraka and that spamming CAS is insanely strong in this mod because nobody can match a player built airforce. The NCR is the sole exception(unless you're legion), I did get an airforce, the NCR will destroy it and you can't stop that from happening You don't need it anyway
You cropped part of a conversation I can't read so I lack context but what you have posted begins with a person likely responding to some speculated lore detail of Fallout pre-war government doing weird stuff to its populace so they used that as a platform to post about transgender people possibly falling under such a government backed program. This is almost certainly in jest.
The second poster is following this half fallout mod speculation half trans posting by saying what is essentially "trans people are good"
The third line is likely on the original topic.
The fourth line is another person(either trans or a chaser) also saying "trans people are good"

Come on m8, reading comprehension ain't hard.
Playing ERB and I've taken out all factions, except for Mexico, which ate the Legion. How the fuck are you supposed to beat them? I put it on "Challenging" and probably made a mistake with that..
Screencap your map please
How many factories do you have and how many do they have?
I have like 1400 factories or something like that. My problem is more lack of resources (aluminum) than anything.
You can produce more than one type of a thing (ie 1936 guns and 1939 guns) at the same time and can often still mass produce what you need around not being able to afford the resource cost of the cutting edge stuff.
That said, if you can hold and can craft a scalpel the AI can't deal with then you can win, it'll just be a grind.
Screencap your clay please I'm not going to bully you I just really like to see the maps of people who have played for awhile especially when they talk about being unsure of the game state.
Can't right now, but will when I'm able to. I have a lot of vassals that I didn't annex (because I need their resources), so I've used their manpower to help plug the gap, but the Mexican robots are to push anywhere they want basically. I can push with my main army, but nowhere else.
Are you spamming infrastructure on the sources of the resource you do control? Can you adjust any laws to send less resources to market?
>good path is harder
this is good design, adversity is worth overcoming
The meme originally said "ugly girls"
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I made some aluminum factories and built some infrastructure, but the Mexicans invade before it's done.
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Whole swaths of the maps are basically unplayable due to terrain. Very frustrating. Does anyone know what finishing the timekeepers focuses actually does? This happens way too fucking often with this mod- I don't win, I don't lose, I just get bored of an eternal stalemate with no way to resolve it without spending days grinding away.
I beat the White Legs, by the way, I was just stuck in a stalemate with New Canaan after the greedy fucks demanded territory.
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>Whole swaths of the maps are basically unplayable due to terrain
My face when I have to fight in MacArthur territory with 14 different frontlines of 1-4 provinces each.
Just paratroop some niggas, I usually do that when dealing with shitty terrain
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Is Big Grass unfinished? Got this after the showdown and literally nothing else happened. The other three nations involved in the showdown all have focuses that unlock afterwards, too, but you're basically done at this point. You don't get anything to make coring provinces easier or anything, either. The big Alberta brawl is quite possibly the most fun event in the entire game, though. I hope there's more like it when the Midwest is expanded.
So, what's so bad about this submod?
Absolutely atrocious spelling and grammar. Aside from that, it's pretty good.
I heard it got blacklisted by the entire OWB community
Most fun Vault nation to play that isn't Vault City?
Slavery bad. Even though the legion had it in the actual canon.
The ability to demand territory needs to be cut from the mod. The AI is a fucking retarded cunt and will usually suicide itself against a superior power. That or piss the player off by demanding turf at an inopportune moment. Sometimes, they don't even share a border, so you're just stuck with a war that neither of your can prosecute.
I wish there were more nations like Twin Mothers. It was the first nation I ever played in OWB, and even after playing like 60 different paths of various countries, it's still my favourite.
Is it possible to beat the Washington Brotherhood as the Odious King? Oregon and Washington need a complete overhaul at this point, everything is buggy and a lot of focuses don't fire properly. The cannibalism thing is a dead weight tree of focuses that give miniscule bonuses or punish you for doing them.
Also, the Washington Brotherhood is a cancer faction. Aside from being probably the oldest unreworked major faction aside from Vegas, it's just oppressively strong and slow to act. None of its southern neighbors have any focuses or decisions to weaken or sabotage it before getting slaughtered, unlike the NCR or the Legion. Actually playing the brotherhood is kind of miserable due to the faction's age, even if you get to stomp over everyone next to you. The game also needs to look at piercing damage and find ways to allow factions to deal with endless swarms of power armored faggots.
it doesn't whitewash the legion slavery and destruction of culture like the main mod does. Literally that's it lmao.
Yeah, Big Grass GOT NO CONTENT at all in the 5.0 update, unlike Stratcommune which recieved lots of care.

Loid Ministry suffers a similar thing, Soloman path is incomplete and half of the characters involved in the plot line haven't been added to the commander/advisor pool
It's good and the slavery mechanic is kino (ERB gonna adapt some of the GUI elements of it into the Purist path).

Dunno why people complain a lot about the grammar, didn't find much issues on it, besides a few typos. It's still incomplete, but a big update is inbound
The darkness falls submod adds a lot of flavor to the WAS BoS and give the Timberline and the Troll Warren some content, so the brotherhood can't blob unchecked
a plebbit thread implied that Bone Cohort got blacklisted is not just because le slavery bad
>refuses to actually say why
classic authoritarian retards
Bone Cohort dudes just hate trannies out-loud.
based, the only thing trannies should do is participate in women's sports, every other career and life path should be forbidden to them
New expansion for Rustbelt Rising submod
erm you linked the wrong mod
what that's correct, it's a submod for a submod.
Is the Pioneer Company the most ESL official major faction in the mod? Trying to cut through the weird grammar and overly long paragraphs is almost tedious.
wtf I love Bone Chadhort even more now
God forbid you dislike the louses that infest literally every goddamn fandom these days.
what are some good submods?

Bonedev here, the funniest thing, it wasnt in their server. I had my own place where I could say whatever I wanted.

But I guess that speaking in your own server about bad decisions of the OWB devs and just being able to say whatever you want wasnt allowed.

No real hard feelings towards OWB devs. They simply couldn't handle ESL banter and I actually didnt dislike them at all.
The shadowban bothered me because it didnt let me show my mod to the normies.
I've unfortunately learned long ago that people (especially the terminally online) will use everything and anything against you just because they can. It's sadly just the reality of the world we live in today.
How do you deal with late-game manpower shortages? Playing Hayes and kind of gave up because I don't want to wait ten years to core enough provinces to get the manpower to fight the commies.
>change conscription laws
>allow chems
>keep choosing those industrial techs that gives you extra 2% recruitable population
>spend 35 army points on that thing that gives you +5% recruitable population in exchange for -10% army experience gain
>pick any advisers that give you extra recruitable pop

Apart from that, not really too much else you can do aside from changing the garrison template or lowering occupation level to civilian oversight. Maybe start switching over to robots or something, I dunno.
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>balls deep in the NCR's territory
>New Reno waddles up and slaps me with a territory demand
>last non-autosave was over a year ago
>have to lose a large slice of my core territories or lose
Whoever thought that submod should have been included should be crucified.
I don't normally have issues outside of purist ERX
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I want to go back
They're not just bad at English, they're completely retarded niggers too
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Going Sisters of Steel has this weird tonal dissonance between lore events and gameplay reminiscent of those just girly things memes with military shit in there, where there's shit about heart to heart talks, poems, stage plays and commenting on hair in the lore events, meanwhile you're doing American Annexation of Canada 2: Wasteland Pacification Boogaloo

The Montana BOS artwork is amazing though.
from what I understand it's the desire to just have a bigger map so they can go coast to coast with whatever they desire
>the enclave will make america great again
Purist bros, the mod author took criticism quite well and he will rework the purist ending, expanding into four paths that end in different flavors of elitism, but not something doom and grim akin to TNO fail states.

I am quite surprised of how forward he was to it and how well he took the lads saying that they found the OG ending lackluster and a tad stupid. Most modders would just call the audience a bunch of chuds and ignore them
I Just looked at the NCR tech level. They get their own unique alternatives to guns and special forces gear in sophisticated tech level, but they don't get sophisticated infantry tech level. Do they get there through focuses or did they just add stuff to the game that you can't use for shits and giggles?
This has been my problem playing Hayman. Thanks to having to spend ages fighting the brotherhood, I'm now stuck getting justified on and territory claimed on from more directions than I have manpower to cover.
Where do you go to throw faction ideas at modders? After spending a week speed running into losing, I ended up thinking up faction ideas and ended up with one that I really like. I figure they'll need a lot of ideas if they plan on filling the whole map.
Just go into the devcord of ERBX he's actually a pretty chill dude, despite his memes about him pandering to troons.

He just likes to give everyone a crumb of bread. Minus commies, he hate commies and will never make any Enclave-Commie faction compromise
All nations get the option to adquire sophisticated infantry tech past a certain date, I think it's 80+. A decision tab will pop up and after expending some mil experience you will get it.

Some paths get it for free, I think Hayes NCR
Is there any easy way to tell which specific mod has updated whenever I get a HoI4 update on Steam, other than looking at the individual changelogs for the 40 mods I have installed?
>Workshop>Subscribed Items>Sort by last updated
Any details on what the paths will be like? I'm not strictly opposed to a fail state ending but it has to feel like an actual catastrophe from a game perspective rather than just an event saying oh yeah eventually you start a second nuclear holocaust and everyone dies the end :(
The ERBX discord have the details there, they are only drafts and might take a while before content for them get's ever released, but from what I am getting, Andersen will be the lame, human extinction path while:

>Henry Miller, his protegee, will make a rebellion and lead the enclave into the space, basically putting the true purposes of the vaults to the test
>Curling Jr, he will ally with the Big Mountain and take charge, unleashing zanny scientific abomimations into the world
>Another dude will turn into Skynet and with an army of exterminators, achieve full A.I peace by exterminating every fleshy
>General Grimm, regular military coup, he will turn the wastelanders into second class citizens and use them to conquer the americas and eventually, prepare an army to paint the whole world with the US flag, he's the military dictactorship guy

All of those four are stated to be less unhinged and depressing than the og purist ending and unlike Andersen, they will suceed
These actually sound fun and Fallout-y
t. Chinese Commie Mutant
They better make the broken GECK turning everything into a mutant jungle when they make floreeda
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>Open to criticism
>Acted on it instead of having an autism fit and belittling the players
Holy fucking based, I actually kneel.
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Was trying out Fountain of Dreams, playing as the de Vito Family. Ran into a strange situation where I have 1 free dockyard, but I can't assign it to make anything because I have no ports (???).

Is it a bug, or am I just a retard who isn't understanding how this works?
dockyards make ships, ships go in ports
you have 1 port and 1000 dockyards, all the ships will go in that port
no ports = nowhere for ships to go = no ships
That does make sense now that I think about it.
I guess I never really thought about it before, but ships do need somewhere to go.
They're the designated cringe faction for military edgelords. Kinds of like the Imperial Guard in 40k
This is the worst take on this board this week, possibly ever
>They're the designated cringe faction for military edgelords
I mean the Brotherhood of Steel is like this too but as "good" guys. I guess it's more like the BOS is a bunch of army guys while the Enclave are CIA glowniggers
It's harder to call BoS cringe because they're totally inconsistent as a faction even in canon, it feels like the dumping ground faction for when a writer wants to add some cool power armor dudes but not explain how they got the cool power armor.
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>playing Kingdom of Manitoba
>Destiny loses to the Confederacy
>Arboga gets beaten by the Dammed somehow
>end up all alone and Langenburg somehow declines to join the war
>stuck fighting Metis, Three Rivers, the Iron Confederacy, Moosejaw, and the Old Believers by myself
Does the game buff "player rivals" or some shit? This was fucking unwinnable, fucking hell. Isn't Nathaniel's Watchmen supposed to join Manitoba's Coalition?
alright anons
give me the most based and fun enclave path nation that's not the enclave reborn mod (i played that literally 5 years ago so maybe it's worth replaying these days though?)
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they did update that Enclave submod
besides that there is Eureka forming Enclave if you go Granite Company
you got the standard MacArthur Enclave hardliner route
there is also the Pioneer Company with an Enclave route but if you do bank on MacArthur dying to the Brotherhood of Steel so you take their place because the alt Enclave route ends with either turning on the Enclave or basically game ending yourself by becoming MacArthur's bitch

also IIRC there may be a secret path for Vault City that goes Enclave as well, or at least Enclave adjacent
fanks, anony-pie, i played eureka and had good fun
it's a bit short for what it is, but certainly unique
probably gonna check the redux mod out next
>no first battle for Hoover Dam
>no docks to build ships to stop Naval Invasion bullshit
>massive debuff against Legion
>sixty day focuses everywhere
Mojave Chapter needs an overhaul, holy shit is it dated. New Vegas needs a complete overhaul, too, they feel like they were designed to handle Pre-Lanius Caesar and the NCR.

Also, they need to remove Naval Invasions, period, for the AI. They're the most fucking obnoxious shit in the game. Sure, you can squash them, but most nations don't really have the werewithal to build navies and there's nothing more irritating than pulling half your troops off the front line to defend a random point at the rear.
>naval invasions in a fallout mod
Rivers count as ocean in the mod. Not all of them, but enough to make playing in Mexico an absolute nightmare. River crossings are bloodbaths and you often end up needing to paradrop or naval invade just to circumvent them or end up fighting a six year war of attrition to knock out one minor nation.

HOWEVER all of that would be acceptable if Gente de Sol did not exist. Fucking bastard ALWAYS sides with Caesar and CONSTANTLY sends naval invasions into your rear. You can't even retaliate since he lives down in Mexico and nobody fighting the legion can cut their way down there before gutting the bull. The Mojave Chapter gets fucked through every orifice because they don't get a dock to build ships to protect the Colorado and Caesar just spontaneously declares war instead of having to do the Hoover Dam song and dance. It's a huge problem because Caesar is still the main obstacle of the game, even now- aside from some really rare circumstances, none of the other "evil" factions blob sufficiently to make an end game threat. Washington Brotherhood is old and dysfunctional, Troll Warren has lost all its gumption due to combat overhauls, I've never seen AI Destiny make it past the Blighted Woods, Slate never becomes Cerberus and gets stomped by Texas, Santa Anna gets eaten by the Rio Grande, Relcomm is half finished and Strathhome wins the War of the Burning Leaf nine times out of ten then sits around with their red thumb up their ass for the rest of the game...
the naval invasions are literally free kills lol. I love when the enemy naval invades me it makes it easier to kill them.
just garrison your ports, or your whole coastline if you're really paranoid
you never need to garrison your entire coastline against the AI, just the ports
let them land their army so they can attrition and you wipe their entire landing force
the AI isn't smart enough to make landing work unless you are outmanned and outgunned at which point you can't afford to guard your whole coastline anyway, just don't lose your ports
How comes I can't build roads (I guess those are equivalent to railways) in this mod? How do I deal with supply issues?
gameplay mechanic
you just have to spread your units accordingly to not stretch supply thin
Is there any point in playing Res Publica Lanius without a friend to pilot Diana? I've ended up locked in a pointless, boring war with the Legion for going on three years. Doing nothing but waiting for Caesar to die with nothing else to do while Diana picks focuses at random. I've inflicted twice as many casualties as I received, but manpower is starting to run low and I can't annex any territories due to the low stability and Lanius's 20% resistance malus.
Mod will be homosexual in my eyes until courier gets multiple Ace in the hole vegas paths
>succeed caesar
>fix ncr while serving as interim "president" like tandy
>Succeed house
>Betray house
>Succeed Elijah
Wait, this thread is still up. Why doesn't the OP include "OWB" or "blue"???

I'm trying to invade Mexico, which owns Texas, and all the rivers are INSANE. You have to micromanage around all of them, because the pathing gets btfo by the crossings. Who thought this was a good idea?
I imagine OP expected it to be a quick throw away thread and not last as long as it did
as for the rivers I imagine the devs wanted the naval gameplay to exist for more than 6 tags and the terrain and map to have some variation and not be nothing but flat openness

nevertheless the pathing is indeed fucked amd needs fixing
I've played almost all the brotherhood countries. I've played New Vegas, etc. Enclave Reborn. What's another fun country that excels at strong but few units?
Standing Rock cavalry are fucking crazy
I need someone to explain economic nodes to me, because I still don't understand them even after all this time. Why do they sometimes seem to get stuck at level 5 or 6 and just not increase anymore? I know you need to invest in them to get them above level 8, but sometimes they just stop levelling up and I don't understand why.
What's a fun robot nation? I already played Twin Mothers.
The Manifest twins in Canada
Rio Grande under Valentina Rosada
Santa Anna
Hey folks, if you're itching to try this Legion mod that flips the script on all that newfangled politically correct fluff of OWB, give Bone Cohort 2.0 a whirl! Now featuring a Discord server!

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>Change Notes
>- Too many things to explain.
Very helpful.
The ERX creator is fucking shitting all over us for le upboats. We made him and his little mod, and he thinks he can walk all over us behind our backs? What the fuck.
Yeah, this is very unprofessional, desu.
>have a lack of content with iffy quality
>"bro look at how much they're seething at my cool edgy ebilness"

>We made him and his little mod, and he thinks he can walk all over us behind our backs?
stop being faggy
Bone dev here, there were so many changes to the mod that I ripped 50% of stuff away and fixed so many things that listing every single thing was impossible.

Been working on it for a year with spurs of content and fixes here and there.

Of course, I don't remember everything.
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Hey Boneman, how do I not get assassinated as Borealis? Do you have any retard-proof advice?
Hello boner dev, good mod.
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Caesar does NOT talk like that.
Does Eureka unlock more content after you install Granite or is that it? I fucked up since I didn't know Arroyo would try to subjugate you and all my units were out working when it happened and I don't know if I want to bother again. Honestly, the problem with any Enclave or Enclave Adjacent nation in the mod is that you could just be playing the submod instead.

Not your personal army. Redditors acting like Redditors is nothing new.
Yeah I have to agree, Caesar is crass, but he's never casual in his speaking, it's always commanding and authoritative.
you get an entirely new focus tree after becoming the enclave, so do every focus you want to do as Eureka before switching over
yeah you need to kill Arroyo first before picking a fight with the NCR
personally I would reroll until you get a Shi that isn't cooperative with the NCR and a dominant Legion so you have one less front to deal with leaving you to push east of the bay
it's also nice to have a MacArthur that doesn't get rolled over and also goes hardliner but getting all of those is asking for a lot
Writer of the event, he's not talking to them like he does the Courier, to whom he talks far more casually with. He's talking to a Centurion, one who was sent away for the amount of incompetence he and other Centurions displayed, sent on a suicide mission as punishment. The point of this event is that, despite all odds, you succeeded. And to that, he is pleased, but you still have a job to do.
As the event notes, this is him post undergoing surgery, after dealing with a near fatal tumor for the past few months, perhaps years. In OWB, normally he dies by this point, unless certain focuses are taken. In Bone Cohort, he manages to get surgery, so make no mistake, he remains commanding and authoritative, but he is also speaking as best as a man recovering from having a brain tumor removed can.
Conquer stuff quickly, give slaves to the Centurions. Don't be a good guy. It's really easy to avoid the civil war.

Thank you for the kind words.


Caesar is a grumpy old man. I believe that even before, he has gotten tired of the 'God' facade. The Centurions, even more those who deal with him personally, and have spent a decade under his service, he speaks straightforwardly and direct.
Plus, it's not like he was expecting to see Borealis again...

It was a suicide mission!
True Khans (Expansionist Path) for the Khans, cavalry kino IS cavalry kino
Ironmongers for tanks. Also Loidminister (Don't go Solomon's his path is incomplete)
Kaga's Enclave larp faction is also pretty fun to play. Honestly, all of the four in the South Nevada Showdown have a pretty fun earky game and a decent late
Bro did you forget about NV? Or the whole section where he's having late stage brain tumor and talks like a pissed bong uncle?


Caesar IS ass like that, the Legion talks with eloquence, but he doesn't. Heck, even Lanius has more decorum than him
>made it to the end of Eureka's chain
>California has a civil war
>game seems to bug out
I didn't have war goals on anyone but one state and suspicion never triggered. Isn't there supposed to be a big declaration that the Enclave is back or do I need to take Shady Sands first? I can't really win anything because, even fragmented, the California Way has over 100 units and I don't have the manpower to field more than 30. Also, the Wasteland Rangers just declared on me for Redding so I'm in an unwinnable corner. Is the Enclave path a trap? Or does the California Civil War just fuck with the focuses?
To be clear, Granite seized control and the nation's name changed, but I didn't get any new focuses or decisions. Even after eating Redding and declaring war on the California Way, The Lair of the Bear was still there.

Honestly, Eureka is kind of dogshit. There's some really good, fun ideas there, but ultimately you just wait and hope things will break in your direction. It also reinforces just how old and slow Oregon and Washington are- Mirelurks and the Apostles just had an eternal cold war until they could trigger the clutch in 79, Heaven's Gate sat and did nothing until 80, and after winning the civil war the Northeast Brotherhood got eaten alive by Koover and Port Maw after spending a year doing naval focuses. On top of that, I had to babysit the Troll Warren and even then they got bodied by Cranium. I was bored to tears, waiting on four or five speed hoping that there'd be SOMETHING for me to do other than mindlessly tech and pick focuses. The cherry on top is that, after taking Arroyo and Umbra, you don't even get any free cores so your already paltry manpower is stretched to breaking point when you should be recruiting for the NCR war.
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>Conquer stuff quickly, give slaves to the Centurions. Don't be a good guy. It's really easy to avoid the civil war.
Thanks Boneman, I got there on the third try.
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I hope you enjoy the mod!

Don't forget about your mother and become an actual member of society by getting married and producing babies!

>he's a brain-addled redditor
>proves his point by being a brain-addled redditor
what did he mean by this?
you need to actually beat the NCR and take Shady Sands to become the Enclave
I did note that I needed to reroll a quite a few times to have everything go right
it's definitely not an easy path it's best to use the merc mechanic to shit out as many bodies as you can muster, focusing on power armor
I feel kinda bad at what the OWB team did with you guys, not just here, but everywhere, people love your mod. On the steamworkshop, on the ERX discord, on the ECR discord, on the Rustbelt discord and even on the Darkness Fall discord, there is praise and satisfied smiles

I tried appealing, I apologized for the stuff they found 'bad' and 'wrong'.

I was honest about it, upfront and direct. But they rejected it... in miliseconds. Not a second thought.

What happened to turn the other cheek? Accept apologies? Give people a second chance?

Maybe I am just too Christian to hate people and keep on hating when they reconogize their mistakes.

I know people love it. It's all I ever wanted. Now it's time to finish it and move on.
Never apologise. These people, aka shitlibs aka the rainbow tribe etc etc are emboldened by apologies.
Nothing you ever do will ever be enough.
>the same mod that added a furry dev's self-insert i-is... i-is.... IS BAD?
>what da fuck?!
heh... i knew from the START....
what i'm more confused about is how 10% of florida can only manage to make 2 knives a day
>furry dev's self-insert
Are there any good BoS submods? I love that faction.
Does anyone else hate how many fucking allies Caesar's Legion and the NCR have? It's one thing to be the largest, most populous nations on the map, it's another thing entirely to have almost every neighbor in their sphere of influence. Unless you monkey with the map settings, the NCR will end up absorbing Shi, allying with New Reno and Vault City, and probably getting an accord with the Brotherhood and S'lanter. Meanwhile, Caesar gets Lanius, Two Suns, Gente De Sol (I've literally never seen them not side with Caesar), the Navajo and/or the Reservation, and the White Legs. Oh, usually the Iron Alliance tags along, too. It's just oppressive seeing these massive alliances that you have to take out. You don't have options to break them apart or eat them piece by piece, either. Newer coalitions are less ludicrous- Three Rivers gets the Old Believers, maybe the Iron Confederacy, and Americanada if they swing that way. Texas probably won't side with Rio Grande and they usually got at it like hammer and tongs. The Great Stampede can possibly make friends with Americanada, but probably won't. Unless it's driven by the player, the Great Khans don't make a lovefest- in fact, unless the player is driving it, it doesn't happen with any other factions besides the NCR and Caesar.
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Not pictured: Texaco readying to ram about 500 units down my throat. This was a miserable, frustrating experience and probably the single most difficult thing I've accomplished in the mod- and for all the wrong reasons. It wasn't particularly hard, it just took me four attempts to set the board so everything broke in the right way for me to win. I started saving every year because the Washington Brotherhood AND the Cause lost to the fucking Yakimo or however you spell it. I lost an entire year of progress just to do that over again. Fuck, a successful Ironman Cerberus run only took me three tries.

Then, after I finally took out the NCR and their clay, the Enclave tree is a massive fucking letdown. It's all "too little, too late"- New Vegas is already gone and a lot of the focuses don't do a lot at this stage in the game. On top of that, they're buggy- Vault City allied with me, then broke away to ally... with the NCR that no longer exists. New Reno's new puppet was a generic leader (but still had access to Reno's tree for some reason). I got compliance coming out of my ears, but no coring bonuses to help; I beat Lanius's Legion with 50 units because the Eighties and Texas were also involved in the war. I guess making the tree unsatisfying was intentional? A jab at players who want more content? I dunno what the intention was. Maybe you're supposed to supply your armies with bots? But that's, again, too little too late. Eureka doesn't even HAVE robotics capability and you have to research from scratch after getting to the middle of the Western Enclave's tree. Maybe it'll get better with Chicago and the East Coast.
have you tried just cheating if you aren't good enough to play the game?
I think there's an overhauled tree for Lost Hills
I finished the Western Enclave tree and, as I said, it's not hard it's just frustrating. Eureka was the first drip of "official" Enclave content and it feels like it was designed just to spite people who wanted to play Enclave. It's a Reddit team, after all, with a Discord to boot.
Enclave Reborn is our only hope, but I am pretty sure the dev still doesn't care and the purist paths he'll add will all be fairly boring. He made purism a failstate path so fuck him for that.

At least you can go authoritarian with Granite and restore Fallout's version of US, with death squads and constant surveillance.
well there's MacArthur which is the official existing Enclave and there's the Pioneer Company
and while being Enclave Canada is fun if you thought Eureka needed rerolls to break things your way oh boy is Pioneer Enclave "fun"
the 4-way war is a slog normally but for the Enclave route you need to win it as soon as possible to continue down the post war focus tree in a timely manner because their tree is large amd all the fun stuff is later

the main reroll will be keeping MacArthur alive just long enough to do the focuses that requires MCA to still exist but MCA needs to die eventually but at the last possible second, you would be able to piece together what I mean if you look at their focus tree
in most of my playthroughs MacArthur gets sooner or later gets rolled by the Sisterhood or the Dakota injuns I forget their names

if you leave MacArthur alive and want to go hardliner without betraying them you're going to end up as a puppet of them ALTHOUGH now that I think about it you could just not do the last 4 or so focuses of the branch of that tree and continue as normal
if MacArthur dies your focuses jump to another alt branch, I've never played that one but I assume you basically get focuses to retake MacArthur's territory and assume the position of the new Canada + Montana Wnclave which greatly expands the lens of that campaign
I personally liked having a living Enclave being a buffer on my southern border leaving me to only need to focus on the east and west to claim Canada but again, if you want to keep MacArthur around as an ally you either will not finish that part of the focus tree or become their puppet
I assume you can actually break free of being a puppet but you get hit with some gnarly debuffs as a puppet there is no good upsides at all to that
I've done Pioneer Company- the trick is to buy arms to get enough divisions to hold the line. The hardest part is timing it so Big Grass doesn't come online and stomp everyone to death. Unfortunately, the faction writing is very "EFL" so I have a tough time playing them. Haven't really tried MacArthur, but they look like they could be fun. Problem with MacArthur- and Warden or Eureka- is that they feel unfinished. References to the Secretary of the Interior and Chicago make it seem like there are future plans to flesh them out farther.

I like playing the Reform path, so I never tried the purist path. It seemed kind of bleak and you can always become King President if you wanted to be more authoritarian. What happens if you go purist?
>What happens if you go purist?
Everyone nukes themselves, and everyone dies. It's the gayest thing to happen to a story/run since "and they woke up and realized it was all a dream." And what's worse is that the fucking mod-dev hoards screenshots of anyone complaining about it on 4chan, and then posts them on Discord/Reddit to laugh at us for having a legitimate complaint about the shitty direction he took the mod. He's a fucking cunt.
I am really tired of Falloutfags being unable to comprehend the viewpoint of the bad guys and let you play as them. If base OWB lets you lead Caesar to victory, why can't Enclave be hardliners and use their highly advanced tech to restore true humans and purge all muties? Why can I be a rapist cannibal, but under no circumstance can I represent an ideology they don't like?

It's dumb. Playing good guys is fun but you cannot legitimately tell me that you never booted up HOI4 once just to larp as a bad guy and take over the world, because it's fun and because you're the one breeding conflict (and don't have to wait years for shit to happen).
As one of the anons pointed out
>>1845133 he took the criticism well and will rework the purist path as to not be a railroaded failstate anymore. The problem lies in Andersen and Andersen alone.

But all in all, I think the idea of nuking everyone to death dumb as heck, since they clearly lack the tech to produce enough of it.
This is the mod developer himself. Don't listen to his cunty lies.
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I wanted to keep this civil, but I know very well who you are.

Go back to your shitty ERX submods, Fox outdid you for years. Zach will never notice you. Stop trying to earn good boy points with him
I will once again, shamelessly post about the Bone Cohort.

You can do so many 'wholesome' things.

But you still crucify and slave people in the end.

You can be nicer and pragmatist? Yeah.
Do you question those things, no.
>h-he took the criticism well!
>he's changing everything!
>he's not a complete douchebag at all!
go away and stop trying to spin your narrative here
>try Big Grass
>wow EVERY character has a ton of lore
>writeups everywhere
>le quirky writing up the wazoo
>neat flavor
>le communism XD
>neat strategic position
>huh, focus tree is pretty small
>it must expand once you win and become union of the machines
>spend 3 hours playing
>get to end of tree
>win the war
>become union
>no new tree
>"more content might unlock with 5.0!"
looking at the Lost Hills BoS tree I got the impression that some of the trees are made with expansions and future patches in mind
those are all shit
They kinda forgot about him, which is hella sad, they only gave him touch ups for the four way war and then left him there. Loidminister Christian patch is the same, they forgo.

Now they are moving into updating the Roach King, out of everyone

Boone Dev, love your stuff, but the Bone Roads Requirements are a bit too harsh, no? Even abusing the market and the slave foundries, getting 1k for each focus is a bit too much, specially when even when going full cheapstake at garrisons, they require too much and you basically have no passive production. I struggled more with that than the balance of power mechanic (Learned it from my early fuckups during the mod release).

Also, how can I Bribe the last guy?
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>kill 3/4 legion advisors during the balance of power
>bribe the fat shit since he seems mostly harmless
>finally, don't have to worry about this mechanic anymore
>chose the focus that will allow women more rights, thinking i'll be fine because everybody's taken care of
It happened again, Boneman.
Okay, Eureka/Granite Company was fun. But I heard there was a focus tree that opened up and didn't realize it was just the initial one after saving Free Folks, thought there was a second tree after beating NCR. Was slightly disappointed when I beat the NCR and found nothing new. Why do so few factions have long, extending focus trees?

Anyway, now onto Kaga.
but there should be an entirely new tree you get if you beat the NCR and annex Shady Sands
sounds like something messed up
was the Granite Company in control?
I had it fail to fire when the NCR got crushed by the Bandits (after I encircled like forty or fifty divisions for them) and I demanded Shady Sands. If you did something similar- or if California had a civil war or if you took them over before transitioning into Granite Company- it can make some of the focuses bug out. Eureka is kind of a bugfest overall. I've never been able to send divisions to any Mexican nation (though I don't think those focuses are worth the time) and you can't send divisions to Heaven's Gate.
Eureka is old OWB, same as Mexican tags and most Nevada ones. So the level of polish isn't on par with, NCR, Dakota Brotherhood or Pioneer Company
The Bone Road requirements are there because back in the day, alongside the 1k slaves per 60? 90 days? You needed a weapon equipment ammount per state.

People were failing with it, so I made it 'easier' if you encrircle your enemy and keep buying stuff. You can totally do it. Also downsize your army... There are many ways to do things.

Plus some focuses give out more stuff per Bone Road completed.

Keep the Marrow Drinkers leader alive and do the 'technological tribals focus' :3

This post actually made me laugh out loud.

I literally gave people several warnings about it. It literally had a tooltip with BIG RED BOLD LETTERS. Explaining what you need to do...


Also the Granite-NCR conquest thing is so buggy and used through effects that are very complicated for no reason.

Devs could give you, as Eureka a decision that is called 'VICTORY OVER THE NCR' and it would work 10/10 times. Alas.... Who knows.
Well, shit. That sucks about Granite Company.

Sons of Kaga starts off very fun with the Nevada bowl, but somewhere after defeating Reno it gets very stale. All of its focus trees turn into "and then annex this faction," without any flavor or reward.
the weakest Nevada Bowl faction desu
it doesn't feel like real Enclave either
Granite's Enclave was fun after I actually got it to fire but the problem is that it is very late game as it is and thevactual Enclave tech you get is even later once you can actually roll it out to your troops in numbers
but once you do, a division of Advanced Power Armor armed with plasma rifles and supported by vertibird gunships is absolutely unstoppable, just melts whatever you throw them at, turns it into a point and click adventure
Op here. >>1854230 is correct. This post was just meant to be bait. Didn't expect it to last so long. It's nice tho I can come back here every other week or so and read the new messages.
I just checked the OP date
it feels like this thread was made only last month I forgot it's been up since May
you should make an official thread after this hits bump limit
Is House the only good robot faction with a lengthy focus tree? I've tried Big Grass, Robot City, Gateway, and they all had middling trees that only lasted a few years at best. I looked at Warden's focus tree, and it looked similarly smallish. Haven't yet tried Rosado.
Santa Anna and Twin Mothers are robot nations and their trees are long-ish.
Is House's tree that long? I only played it once a couple of years back and I remembered it being pretty short.
Forgot about Twin Mothers. They have a great and long tree.
Nah, you're right. It's okay, though. I don't know if it's longer then Doki's. Doki just felt small.

I'll try Santa Ana's tonight.
a long tree like New Vegas doesn't mean anything when you are are sitting there doing absolutely nothing but clicking focuses until you can actually start doing anything which would be around the late midgame amd even when you do start finally playing the game it's just to steamroll the whole map because you've been able to do nothing besides build up masses of securitrons for the first half of the campaign
First time playing HOI4?
a solid handful of vanilla nations let you fuck around with volunteers shortly after starting the campaign also '39 does not at all take long to get to
New Vegas's campaign just starts getting going at the 2nd Battle of Hoover Dam which is well into the mid-game
Try Destiny. Pick the Milo focuses and enjoy the robots. You even have a final boss!
Attempted Santa Anna, but one look at all those Mexican focuses, and I just turned it off and loaded up Mojave Brotherhood for the third time. What is it about Mexico that's so fucking boring?

Also, Mojave Brotherhood is such a well made country. Arguably the most fun strategic position in the game, and you can develop a strong enough industrial base to make a dent into either NCR or the Legion. Right now, I'm deadlocked in a years-long second war with the Legion, and I'm not sure how I'm going to push to Flagstaff.
Mexico is old, old content, probably more than 5 years old by now. It was the last added content in the "legacy" version of OWB. Heck, Oregon and Nevada wasn't even fleshed out as today and Reno Enclave was still a thing. It's a piece of ancient content, that, unlike the NCR in 4.0 and Caesar y Amigos in 3.0, didn't got a proper revamp. Think of it as the Asia/Japan region of vanilla HOI4, old and outdated.

And since it's fucking Mexico of all places, it's far from being the priority now, so it will stick as it is for a few years before they do some touch ups again
Rio Grande is the only nation worth playing in Mexico.
>heh.. calling me out...? ok mysterious boogieman... well... w-well... you were never as good as my omega faggot furry dev!
>Nuclear Tide just cut off working with a bunch of other mods
Anyone know what happened?
the guy who runs the mod is bricking his mod on purpose.
0 days without petty modder drama.
modders really are the most subhuman people
Someone make a new thread, QUICK

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